r/Entitledparents "KAREN STEALS MY BOYFRIEND!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled cousin stole my boyfriend and still expects to be invited to events after that lady calls me a dirty liar then spits my tea on me and after that am i the jerk for refusing to accept my daughter's relationship with her married older boss now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen doesn't get to steal someone's boyfriend like heck i won't so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day entitled cousin stole my boyfriend and still expects to be invited to events my cousin lily and i are the same age so our moms have always pushed us together it was fine when we were kids but as we grew up we became very different people our moms never seem to get the memo though and continued to force us together and this led to a lot of resentment and jealousy between us when we were both 20 i introduced my boyfriend to our family he was an engineering student and my entire family kept praising him for how smart he was and asked lily why she couldn't date a guy like him her boyfriend at the time was unemployed and not in school well a few months later he broke up with me because he needed to figure out who he was only to start dating lily less than a month later i was devastated but due to family pressure i pretended everything was okay my ex ended up dropping out of school and lily and he got married shortly after after finishing college i decided against moving back home and instead went very low contact with my aunt and lily we're currently 27 and i have only seen them a few times since lily and my ex now have two kids together early last year my boyfriend proposed to me i never introduced him to my extended family and as far as everyone was concerned i was happily single this whole time obviously he now had to meet the family so i decided to host a party at my parents house my sister was helping me plan everything and she mentioned that lily and my ex were having some problems and it looked like they were going to get a divorce i decided against inviting lily because my ex was not the only relationship of mine she had sabotaged we ended up having the party and it went great my fiance got along with my family and everyone seemed to like him i did ask that no one mentioned anything to lily or my aunt and it seemed like no one did fast forward to a few weeks ago and my parents were hosting a barbecue and invited me and my fiance my family have since met him a few times all without lily being there and he has become very close to my cousin who he is helping switch careers into his field well lily and my aunt came to the barbecue so i had to introduce them lily noticed this wasn't the first time the rest of my family were meeting him and asked one of our other cousins about it she mentioned the party my aunt and lily ended up chewing me and my mom out saying we were making the family pick sides over an issue that was already over that my lack of invitation was implying lily was a home wrecker that i was petty and insecure my mom was angry at me because she hadn't realized i was purposely excluding lily lily and my ex are currently separated and my mom says she now needs her family around her more than ever she wants me to invite lily out with my fiance to make up for everything a part of me does feel guilty but not enough to invite her out my sister told me to tell them to buzz off so reddit am i the jerk well what do you think should ops stay away from lily or not please let us know i like lily she reminds me of a younger version of myself lady calls me a dirty liar then spits my tea on me so some backstory i was an employee at a little yet popular cafe which we'll call cafe x and my rapidly developing town unfortunately i got laid off due to what's going on understandable though it was tiny i got along well with customers some of which i know on a first name basis the incident occurred at another cafe cafe y where two of my friends work one of them mitsu is a barista while the other siren was the manager cafe y is way more popular than my cafe so more people went there to get their coffee i had had a couple of screw-ups while i was working that day and was really beating myself up my manager who was worried about me told me to clock out early today and to relax we all have days like this just come back tomorrow with a smile honestly i was annoyed that she didn't trust me to control myself but she probably did the right thing anyways on to the story now i was tired and stressed out after being sent home so i decided to go to cafe y in order to grab something and head home however i had forgotten siren and mitsu were working that day which was a pleasant surprise it was the slow period of the day and the two were talking together the moment i walked in mitsu joked about how rats in the store are a safety violation she calls me a rat it's a long story i asked syrin for some tea which she laughed and said sure mitsu and i sat down and talked while cyrin boiled the water for my favorite blend green tea with mint a lady walks in and mitsu gets up to take her order as i'm waiting i noticed that the sugar at the sugar slash cream section was low wanting to help out my friends i take the sugar out from the cabinet below refill it walk back to my seat and start playing games on my phone my first mistake obviously the lady saw me and started ranting the conversation went a little something like this cast we've got me toyakazu we've got mitsu we've got syrin and the entitled woman entitled woman scoffs wow how unprofessional of your co-worker there taking out his phone in the middle of his shift people like him don't deserve to work mitsu looks around confused ma'am i'm the only one here can i get you anything else entitled woman gives her a look like she's completely stupid are you making fun of me i can clearly see your co-worker not working she points at me i haven't looked up but i've been paying attention to the conversation i speak up me ma'am i don't work here my second mistake karen turns to me and walks over to my table shut your mouth you filthy liar i saw you restock the sugar and you shouldn't lie to your customers like that funny thing about me when i'm tired and off the clock i don't take crap from anyone my general response is either sarcastic or condescendingly witty bad habit i know i look up at her locking eyes me lady i want you to take a look at the logo on her shirt and tell me if it matches up with the logo on my shirt she blinks for a minute looking at my shirt then she snaps at me don't you talk to me like that you delinquent you work here now i demand you get behind the counter and help make my order i put my phone in my pocket letting out a sigh me ah i don't work here i'm not allowed to go behind the counter i look at mitsu who nods in confirmation mitsu ma'am he doesn't work here she wheels around pointing directly in mitsu's face don't you cover up for him you little jerk i saw you talking just a second ago you're just trying to bail your friend out her first mistake i immediately get up and walk up to her me lady i think you need to apologize to my friend i'm very protective of my friends especially people like mitsu she can't stand confrontation like this and often would get anxiety from this kind of situation entitled woman wheels around to me now shoving her finger in my face is that a threat are you threatening a customer this is unacceptable i'll have your job at this point cyrin comes out and places my tea on the counter i don't know if he's been listening to the conversation or not he just calls my order number immediately the lady grabs the tea and takes a sip assuming it's hers before i can tell her she spits it all over me karen what is this this is not my order she pointed at me too you are incompetent i want to speak to a manager about you and your jerk of a friend then she throws it away still screeching her second mistake it's one thing to get mad over my mistake it's another to accuse me of your own before i can even get a word out cyrin stops me siren i'm the manager here what seems to be the problem karen gets a triumphant smirk on her face the rude employee here refused to take my order and when i asked politely he yelled at me and hit me then your other employee defended him while also calling me names she lifted her sleeve revealing a bruise on her upper arm obviously from a previous injury or something because i haven't touched her at all cyrant looked at me with concern t you did this i can't believe you my mouth dropped me dude you know i wouldn't but he lifted his hand stopping me siren i need you to come with me we need to discuss your status as an employee mitsu don't leave either make her order then come back too he turns to look at karen i'm sorry but after your order is made could i ask you to wait so i can compensate you for your awful visit karen has the smuggest look on her face of course i'm happy management here is at least competent siren leads me back into the manager office he closes the door then turns to me with a look of exasperation siren alright what happened immediately i realized he was on my side and he was using his legendary theater skills to calm the lady down i explained the situation and he gets super upset not only has this lady berated a customer but also his employee which just so happens to be his girlfriend he begins to walk out but i stop him me call the cops he looks at me a questioning look on his face i tell him my plan and immediately walk out of the room with his approval i walk back out and see mitsu shaking either out of anger or anxiety i don't know while the lady is berating her i walk to her and whisper something she nods and walks back to the office the karen eyes me with triumph and i glare at her i check the screen to confirm something yup i've got my evidence i sit and wait behind the counter entitled woman makes a couple remarks berating me and trying to antagonize me but i ignore her eventually the police arrive siren walks out with mitsu behind him karen's eyes widen in excitement as she realizes that her complaint is getting me in even more trouble than she originally anticipated siren walks over to the officers asks them to come with him to the back of the manager room and tells the rest of us to wait in the front mitsu and i sit on the opposite side of the store to the lady i check with mitsu she's fine just a bit angry now karen can barely contain her excitement of seeing how she got two delinquents fired and one arrested a while passes and the cops come out with siren they ask for our sides of the events entitled woman begins first painting herself as the victim while accusing me of harassing her and assault the cops come and ask our side of the story of course we tell it together because we are clearly on the same side the cops think for a minute then turn around cop one ma'am i'm placing you under arrest she stands up flabbergasted i'm sorry what she points at me he's the one who attacked me look at this bruise she rolls up her sleeve again exposing the bruise the second officer with an exasperated look on his face cop2 ma'am you do realize there are security cameras in this building right her face goes white as she realizes her mistake siren mitsu and i share a triumphant smile we all knew about the cameras of course they clearly recorded her yelling at us the lack of me attacking her and her taking my drink as well as spitting on me cyrin had shown them the footage when he called the cops back at my request when she protested that she never assaulted me i told her it's assault when you intentionally spit a drink on someone she protested saying she thought it was her coffee siren then shows the officer that the lady never finished her order as mitsu never entered the cops arrested her and asked if i wanted to press charges after the last time a lot of people have told me i should have pressed charges so i did she was charged with harassment assault theft and a couple things like disturbing the peace etc she was escorted off the property screeching at us we're awaiting the hearing but i won't be posting about it she likely won't make a scene considering she seemed to recognize it was a losing battle i texted my manager later she asked me for a description of the lady she then told me that she would make sure that she never sets foot in my workplace either as that could end up messy for the restaurant she asked me that next time to act a bit more professionally as that does reflect on the restaurant however she did agree that i did the right thing and asked if i got my tea i said yes and she asked how was it i said it was great it's my personal favorite green tea with mint and a pinch of justice speaking of tea what's your favorite kind of tea of all time please let us know spilled tea is my favorite am i the jerk for refusing to accept my daughter's relationship with her married older boss i have a daughter lucy and she's 23. lucy graduated from university last year and started working at a company it wasn't the job related to her degree but she wanted some full-time work experience before she seriously looked for a job relevant to her degree she settled in really well was making good money and seemed happy she even started paying me rent entirely her choice because she said she wanted to pay me back for the four years i supported her through university her mom died when she was young so i've been a single dad to her and her brother josh 22 most of their lives any money i got went into providing them with a house or with education and i'm lucky that i managed to pay off the house with my wife's life insurance and that i used a lot towards their education so they didn't have debt anyway on to the story my son came around for a family dinner as he lives two hours away a little while ago he asked how we were and what we were up to and lucy stunned us by revealing she was dating someone i was delighted and asked general questions but she was really vague only really saying he worked in a decent company and was slightly older i know what a new relationship is like so i didn't push my questioning further so a couple of weeks passed with no issues until one day all heck breaks loose lucy comes home from work one day saying her boss wife has been harassing her she claimed to have done nothing wrong and obviously i initially believed her since she's my kid i spent a few hours gently asking her what happened and her story kept changing so i got suspicious i asked her what the truth was and why would her boss wife randomly start targeting her and lucy revealed it's because she was caught hooking up at his place she then revealed she wasn't just dating him but they had been having an affair for months her 41 year old boss she told me she loved him and that he was leaving his wife for her someone young enough to be his daughter the time afterwards consisted of my daughter being called all names under the sun by the wife and she even introduced me to her boyfriend i was not impressed and told him she is too young for him and the fact he's her boss is creepy they both showed no signs of giving up their jobs and i even said i don't accept them dating as it's wrong creepy and that the poor wife is the innocent victim in all of this lucy tried to get josh on her side and he's keeping clear of all of it lucy is now accusing me of being a horrible dad and a jerk as i'm not quote supporting her and the man she loves she has since moved out and in with this guy as she said she doesn't want to be around my toxicity i told her that i'm uncomfortable with it because he's 18 years older than her and only a couple of years younger than me i'm 48. he is her boss and he was married she has accused me of also trying to destroy her happiness and i'm at a loss of what to do well what do you think is opie the jerk or does he have every right to be concerned about this relationship please let us know i want to know how much her boss makes that would be the determining factor for meme wounded veteran couldn't pay for his meal wanted to take a few minutes to share this story after so long of just having a really stressful time at work and even worse time at home we've got a veteran who comes in on the reg let's say his name is hank hank lost a leg and a hand in iraq people who assume the missing limbs are from war or recognize him from the neighborhood will often anonymously pick up his tab when he's in here but he never feels like it's deserved so he tries to lie low he always wears long pants that cover his prosthetic leg and doesn't usually wear anything that denotes his veteran status besides i think like one bumper sticker on his car about supporting the troops he doesn't like attention and is clear that he doesn't feel special treatment is deserved whenever someone comes over to him to try to pay for his meal he refuses and whenever they do it anonymously without his knowledge he always takes the money he had set aside for his meal and puts it towards another random table's tab so obviously we shut down due to what's going on we reopened when our state did but after just a week of indoor dining the owner decided that even if it was technically allowed it probably shouldn't be and we went back to delivery and take out only thankfully we've been doing really good business since we opened even with takeout i don't know the specifics of hank's situation but i think he lost his job sometime during the shutdown because before all of this we'd see him at least once a month but this week was the first time we had seen him since we reopened to make matters worse he would easily put away six tacos or a whole chicken plus sides and plenty of beer whenever he came in here but this time he just ordered one small burrito and a water he didn't mention the different order though just talked about how excited he'd been to come through here again and how he'd been craving our food and been looking forward to this all week we put his order in right away and i made sure to write on the ticket to go extra light on rice and heavy on meat meanwhile we go to get him paid up and his card was declined i started to tell him but he could see it himself on the screen and went crap shame and panic were washing over his face as i tried running it again tried wiping it off and he gave me a different card that didn't work either meanwhile it was height of the lunch rush and the line was getting longer so people were peering over to see what was taking so long finally i think he started to cancel the order because he was saying hey you know what did you actually make the thing yet but then the bag came out with his name unmistakably on it so he started digging around in his pockets for cash and he came up with 5.25 cents the meal was seven dollars 525 was fine i told him don't worry you'll get us next time knowing how embarrassed he got when people tried to cover him for a good reason veteran so not wanting to pile on by being forward that i was covering him for a not so great reason hard times but he wasn't entertaining the idea of taking the food without paying for it in full and finally without even making eye contact with us said no no it's okay i'm just gonna go to my place and go get some more cash but i knew that look on his face and that tone in his voice there was no more to go get it's a look and a tone i've used myself and seen from others more times than i wish i had i wanted to insist he'd take the food but i wasn't sure which was worse to force the food on him and risk damaging his dignity or to let him save face but go without the lunch he'd been looking forward to before i could decide the girl behind him who'd been texting for most of our transaction and not really paying attention to any of her surroundings had just begun to tune in i think realizing she had been standing there for a bit and trying to figure out why so she caught that last bit about him going home to get the rest and asked hey what's the difference on what he owes i motioned to the cash already on the counter two bucks she went in her purse and handed it right to me hank started to try and hand it back to her telling her it wasn't necessary but she cut him off saying no no no it's two dollars we've all been there enjoy your lunch as he finally acquiesced and went to put her money back on the counter she noticed his prosthetic hand she did a double take then said actually no you know what let me get the whole thing actually give him his money back and went in her purse and counted out the full charge even though she had to dig for coins to get the whole seven dollars he insisted you really don't have to do that i can't let you do that you still need to get your own lunch and she replied listen i hope i'm not being presumptuous here but i'm guessing you're a veteran he nodded yeah that's what i thought she said gesturing towards his hand then she took a minute i think contemplating over whether or not she wanted to say this next bit before continuing so i served two tours in afghanistan there's a guy walking around on false legs out there who's the reason i'm walking around at all so please allow me to do this and don't think twice about it i'd tell you to just get anything you want off the menu if times weren't tight for me too right now it's at this point that an older guy in a bowtie who looked kind of like louis farrakhan without the glasses came from a few paces further back in the crowd and announced i couldn't help but overhear put both of their tabs on me actually have they ordered yet i shook my head no explaining he has she hasn't so he said then get her anything she wants and then get her some more what am i saying who cares if he already ordered tell him to order something else too then he turned to face them thank you both for your service hank was getting pretty emotional at this point but even still they both started to vigorously protest to the man that he really didn't need to do anything for them because it was their job they signed up for the bow tie guy wouldn't hear it he must have had a story himself because he got red in the face and was blinking back tears but stayed silent just left his credit card with me and returned to his place in line that's when another guy closer to the front stepped up to the register and handed me a card as well yeah i'm gonna split that tab so really guys go wild you're american heroes they both emphatically told him no they are not heroes but this guy cut them off too saying oh please i get overwhelmed playing call of duty you're heroes and i'm glad to thank you for it so they started ordering and the girl knew just what she wanted hank asked how much our steak and rice platter special would cost the older bow tie dude and back called up which one just said that was it the guy don't tell him any prices he's not paying so it's not his business then came further up so he wouldn't have to shout and said son no one can put a price on your sacrifice call of duty guy splitting in with him chimed in the meat we're giving you is a lot less valuable than the meat you gave for us his friend elbowed him to shut up horrified but it got a belly laugh out of hank it's worth reiterating that throughout all this no one even noticed he had not only lost a hand but also a leg his pants obscure it and he's got too much honor to bring it up so he and the lady were both loaded with food by now the kitchen was in on what was happening so made sure to weigh them down with all kinds of other stuff they didn't order our management is very pro-military and pro first responder so there wouldn't be any issue another woman was so moved by watching this whole interaction that she anonymously paid for both old man bow tie and call of duty's meal bowtie managed to figure out who she was and tried to return the money saying he really did not need any money so didn't feel right accepting it the person who paid said she had two brothers who had fought and would want to buy a meal for anyone who would go out of their way to buy them a meal it was just a domino effect of paying it forward and it was one of the best things i've ever seen at the restaurant before especially since in the wake of everything going on right now the only thing that's otherwise come from the takeout line is lots of petty arguments about masks and chewing people away who try and sit down to eat inside the chain came around full circle our owner was so disturbed by the idea that two veterans had struggled to pay for their meals here in one day we're considered one of the more reasonably priced places in town that he instituted a military gets the special free day of the week even though we've been absolutely hemorrhaging money since everything started and he's practically been keeping the doors open on a week-to-week basis hank told all of his friends about his experience here and the new special and made sure to tell everyone in groups he goes to for veterans and wounded warriors now we have a ton of new customers because more often than not while they do come in for the free special they buy drinks and come with family or friends we've only been running it for a little while but so far it's been great for business so regardless of what else happens that'll keep me smiling for a good long time karen what's wrong that story was too awesome i can't stand it i'm waiting for the call that officially ends my banquet career since 2017 i have worked in a major casino as a banquet server it was terrifying at first it was so fancy i went from selling ice cream and coffee to setting a ballroom full of 50 10 top tables with like 8 pieces of silverware there was so much to remember and i honestly didn't know if i was going to make it we did all sorts of events car shows basketball hall of fame make a wish american cancer society baseball auctions miss america epic christmas parties it was mostly just corporate events but even the most simple ones like banquets for nurses and teachers were fun it was every type of food service you could possibly imagine and past appetizers plated meals family style meals and exquisite buffets like you've never seen breakfast lunch dinner and everything in between even the most basic meals were incredible you never knew what your job was going to be or who you were going to work with when you walked in and that was the scariest part to me one day you'd be on the soup station the next day you'd be working with a partner to serve a six table section and walking across a giant ballroom with a tray of 10 piping hot dinners while trying to remember who had the gluten allergy or you could be scooping gelato or building buffets to perfection or passing around trays with bacon-wrapped scallops or clearing while 500 people have their cocktail hour once you got used to something they'd throw you into something totally new it took me about a year and a half plus a lot of anxiety attacks and considerations of quitting but i eventually got the hang of it it was an on-call job so sometimes i'd work 40 hours and then not have any work again for two weeks that's why it took so long to learn everything and there were 75 other people in the department so sometimes it was scary to find out that you'd be working with the og server who had been there for 15 years and will chew you out if you mess anything up yet sometimes you would be the one to have to explain to someone new why all the coffee mug handles absolutely had to be facing the same way and still correcting them anyways it was hardcore teamwork there were so many ups and downs but it was a fantastic gig we were paid extremely fairly it never mattered what my job was it could have been the hardest or the most boring task i'd do it gleefully because i knew i'd be making a good paycheck regardless oh and did i mention that 75 percent of the time we got to eat the leftovers yeah they'd have giant displays of shrimp over ice sculptures and while it was disheartening how much food got wasted or sent to pig farms as they told us it was the best thing to ever happen to me now that i think about it did i really love this job or was it just the endless shrimp hard to say the physical gains were powerful lifting a 60 pound tray on one shoulder while walking across a huge ballroom doesn't sound fun but wow was i fit i would easily walk 10 miles during a shift it was painful a lot of the time but it felt so good to be active the mental gains were astronomical as well i made it up the seniority list every year i was making a little bit more money returning to events i had done in the past year was super exciting because being able to look back on where i was as a shy and sickeningly anxious newbie now to someone who was helping all the newbies feel as comfortable as i wish more people had done for me it was truly a unique and wonderful feeling it felt like where i was meant to be i originally wanted to move out of state but this job kept me close i had full intentions of staying for as long as i possibly could i didn't get enough hours and had to work other jobs the whole time but at the rate i was moving up it could have been my only job in a year or two i could have lived an extremely comfortable life only working four days a week at a job that i absolutely loved they had just built an 80 million convention center on top of the 5300 people capacity ballroom which meant there were way more work days on the horizon the last time i worked was in the beginning of march it was a summit for a large real estate company over 1200 people from all over the country and let's be honest probably a hot spot before we knew it bougie people i stood in one place with a tray of wine for hours and then immediately had to serve a seven table section with a new guy who while enthusiastic and willing to listen to me had no idea what he was doing it was the only event that i had cried at in the past two years i had done it i almost cried at this one too because it just got so so crazy but i didn't and to me that was progress but now this new issue is here to stay tightly packing 10 people to a table with 50 tables and 30 servers weaving in and out of the aisles touching plates with food grabbing glasses to fill wine or water trusting thousands of people to serve themselves on a buffet none of those things are safe anymore none of it most of the events were not local they were national so you'd have people from everywhere they kept telling us that although all of the spring and summer events were cancelled that come september we'd all have work again but we all know that was never going to happen now the casino i work for has finally come to the hardest and most heartbreaking decision it's time to lay everybody off things are never going to be the same again no more banquets no more cocktail hours no more weaving through 800 people to get dirty plates out of the room all while listening to rich people's conversations and judging their expensive outfits no more bonding with my co-workers in the back while the group is having a speaking presentation no more late nights and cranky mornings no more wine service no more uppity contacts no more pushing six buffet tables through a busy casino to get to the other side of the property no more five table buffet desserts no more shucking oysters and sliding them down an ice luge into a martini glass no more silverware rolling quotas in the thousands no more sweating while i constantly refill the buffet no more waiting for the last person to leave so we could all go home no more linen no more beos no more polishing wine glasses no more endless shrimp it's all over there are so many people out of work now cooks dishwashers evs audio and visual housemen bartenders bar backs and of course us servers and our captains and shift leaders do you know how many people it really takes to put up these events it's a lot i knew this was coming but i didn't want to think about it yet now i'm waiting for the phone call and i know that one day i'll find my place again but i just feel so lost now i wish i could say i've spent the last six months brainstorming my new career path but i've really just been sad so according to my mother if i don't want to go on a last-minute holiday i shouldn't play games in that time either ever since the summer holidays started i've tried to keep myself physically and mentally fit i'm 15 male by the way in terms of physical i did okay i lost a bit of weight and spent hours on reflexes when playing games on a sim wheel in terms of mentally though not so much my mother would make fun of me on how i was apparently fat and how i do nothing all day and just play games a slight drought when closing the door it's a slam according to her i'm quite strong physically but weak mentally i was quite frankly a lot happier in school than out even though i was not allowed to play games during the weekdays that's for another story my dad is okay he doesn't care and isn't as annoying as my so-called mother story this literally happened a few minutes ago so i was watching a film in the living room when my mother called me and my brother in to talk with us entitled mom so we weren't able to go anywhere during the holidays so i was hoping on going to some caravans for four days in a week a week from now i think would be the final week until i go back to school that means we would go from monday through thursday on caravans only leaving me and my brother friday to sunday to prepare entitled mom to brother when does your college start if it starts before this date then we're not going so do you want to go or not the next bit is stupid me um no that leaves us barely enough time to prepare for school brother and college it's my second year yes but i still need to get a lot together entitled mom targeting me well if you don't want to go then for a week you won't have any games to play now in her eyes all i think about is games yes that might be true but i'm hoping to become a professional sim racer which if you don't know has games is extremely fun and you can compete for money if you'd like we didn't take that well me and brother what you heard me if we're not going then neither of you will be playing games i walk away at that point saying you did ask if we wanted to go i said no and look who's getting mad because we said our opinion i closed the door on her yelling and didn't want to see her for the rest of the day i might be a jerk in this situation but i'm an introvert and we've already been to many places when we were supposed to be in quarantine anyways either way if we went or not i still wouldn't be able to play so in my eyes this whole thing was her idea to get us away from gaming watch this video next you will love it join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 95,685
Rating: 4.9094739 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: 35sx9uUraRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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