Karen DEMANDS we REFUND Her $5… and my BOSS Makes her MORE MAD - Reddit Podcast

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karen demands proof that we will refund her five dollars so my boss writes her an iou have you ever had the irresistible urge to argue with someone for over an hour about five dollars me either but i clearly don't speak for everyone because one customer at a clothing store i work at did exactly that i begin this tale directly in the fray but become an observer once my assistant manager takes control of the situation i am me a cashier my co-worker will be nicknamed jj and our assistant manager will be nicknamed deedee we work in a semi-pricey woman's clothing store in a semi-busy mall the crazy lady will be called cookie because her last name reminds me of one of those italian biscuits i will never forget her red glasses i am at the register conducting for cookie what i assume to be an ordinary return when i hit the button to tender i see exactly how she will be getting her money back alright you're getting back x amount of dollars on your card and five dollars back on a gift card i tell her can you put those five dollars on my credit card instead she asked me i get this question often no unfortunately we can only refund you the way you originally paid i informed her did you use a gift card when you paid for this yes but you should be able to put it all back on my credit card she keeps insisting that i somehow am able to perform a task that i cannot and eventually asked to call a customer service rep i swear can you call customer service is the new can i speak to the manager i agree to call customer service and see if they can transfer the money over to cookie's credit card and i am halfway to picking up the phone when our assistant manager dede walks by is everything okay here she asks i fill her in on the situation with cookie interrupting just to reinstate what i had said i'll take over here didi decides you clear out the fitting rooms i go and do my allotted tasks while keeping an eye on the register i can hear didi explaining to cookie what you can do and cannot do and she soon calls customer service while she is on hold with them she answers cookie's insane questions i should be noted that dd has a tendency to call everyone honey and darling it's an adorable plague among the managers at the store don't patronize me cookie spitz what did i do didi ask confused you keep calling me honey stop with the sarcasm i'm not being sarcastic that's just how i talk if you want me to stop doing that i will stop every time i circle back to the register for clothes to put back i hear some sort of insult being hurled at deedee i don't know why you had to interfere the other girl was handling it perfectly i know fully well that the only reason cookie thinks i was handling it perfectly is because i didn't stick around long enough for her to find a reason to hate me almost an hour and a half passes with cookie's verbal abuse at didi only escalating the only employee in the store is jj who is eyeing the exchange with grave concern when we are out of earshot of cookie and any rational customer all of whom are doing their utmost to ignore the woman throwing a public tantrum jj says we should call mall security we can i ask yeah she can't be doing this and she won't leave she's almost violent too i feel so bad for dede what's the mall security number i don't know check the register i walk by the register and grab a hold tag there's a list of relevant phone numbers posted on the monitor including customer service and mall security i grab a posted note and i jotted down posting the number on the bulletin in the back of the store i'm hesitant to call mall security for an incident that has not turned into physical violence though jj walks by and seems to notice the security number too but she also doesn't call sorry y'all are going to get blue bald today cookie isn't going to be dragged out of the store screaming we keep the store running while cookie forces dede to call internal customer service hang up when she's put on hold for more than 3 minutes and then call again when she decides she needs customer service again rinse and repeat didi looks mad but she keeps her cool she's clearly past her boiling point i will remind you that this is all over five dollars five dollars so they can put all your money back on your credit card it will take a few days to process dd says customer service has miraculously found a way all hell are lord and savior customer service of course cookie still isn't satisfied i want it today how can i trust that i'll get my money back i want a receipt dd chats back with the customer service person on the phone man we can only do it in a few days if you want your money back no i want a receipt it's been half an hour you can't keep me here i'm not keeping you here you can leave at any time you want i can't leave without my money but you won't give it to me i just want to go home again this was all over five dollars and i'm telling you we can give you your money back all on your credit card if you just give it a few days to go through you can't do this to me i need to go home five dollars people it's all over five dollars i keep working for another half an hour to the dreadful chore of give me my money back and i just want to go home the latter sentence sounds like a child would when they asked their parents to go home but this was a whole grown adult it's been an hour let me leave five freaking dollars ladies and gentlemen i think dee dee has spoken to three different customer service representatives by now she keeps having to hang up because of cookie's dissatisfaction then i hear that sentence aren't you going to give me compensation for my time i've been here for an hour because you've been keeping me here against my will no no no this can't be we can't give you compensation only your money back but you're not even giving me my money back i want compensation at 55 minutes into this ordeal didi writes cookie the least legally binding receipt as a confirmation that she will indeed receive her five dollars back within a few days i catch a glimpse it's akin to a child's iou but cookie seems satisfied she does not receive compensation thank golly cookie at the long last walks out the doors yelling something about how we kept her far too long and how she can finally leave you kept didi for far too long ya old hag when i get home i remember that cookie was there the night before too she had a back and forth with one of our main managers for half an hour i remember her bright red glasses on my next shift i learned from dede that cookie was also at another one of our locations where she threw her purse at the staff we're crossing our fingers that she gets banned from our stores but it's been months and while i haven't seen her show up again she is still active on her customer list the beast is still out there y'all but let me know what would you have done in this situation first off i love getting called honey or sugar especially when it's from somebody with a southern accent it sounds so awesome as for this karen who caused all this drama i would have just kept repeating that there is nothing we can do and that she can call customer service herself but then again this is the exact reason why i never took a customer service job and when i was a cashier i always made sure to get a team lead or manager to deal with customers like this it's above my paygrade the new hr lady tries to introduce a new dress code at work i find a loophole that drives her absolutely crazy this incident happened about 6 years ago the bosses at the time were usually very cool and easy to get along with however some karen got into hr and insisted on changing the work culture to suit her desire slash vision she rewrote the dress code and overnight instead of being allowed to show up dressed comfortably as long as it wasn't dirty smelly full of holes looking at you tech support center we suddenly had to dress business professional she even specified the materials the clothing could be made of she tried almost firing anyone that wouldn't follow the dress code before a manager one i still love to this day told her to calm down because not only has she not published a dress code it hadn't even been approved by management yet h.r karen gets her memories in a knot and pulls strings to get it approved in a couple of days so in those couple of days i was reading through the dress code trying to see what i could do to make her regret it the dress code word for word clothing is to be made of woolen material only unless a specified exception is made below allowable clothing is listed as business suits button-up dress shirts non-mono-colored ties leather shoes skirts and blouses if wearing a skirt or blouse silk materials are accepted okay note the silk exception was put in solely for her as she claimed that wool gave her hives anyway the air conditioning had been out for weeks and we had been getting by in the building with big fans and wearing light shorts and shirts it was a hot summer so i searched for a loophole in the new dress code i'm sure you can already see what lupo i found and exploited note despite having lost a lot of weight since then i am still a hefty very hairy man i'm 200 plus pounds lost since then with a very long beard so day one of the new dress code on the way to work i stopped in at a local goodwill i bought the most garnished skirt i could find that i could squeeze into and the most feminine blouse i could find i paid for them and got dressed at the gas station just down the street from my work location i waltzed into work with lots of stairs coming my way however i was the only man on the floor not sitting in a pool of sweat the skirts are surprisingly breezy and the blouses are like there's nothing at all less than 30 minutes in everyone in the building can hear hr karen screaming at me as she runs up to my desk and demands i go into her office for disciplinary action i tell her i cannot do that as the company policy states that disciplinary action can only be undertaken by the employee's team lead and site manager not hr she then screams at both of them to force me into her office they both give me the stink eye but i give them the thumbs up and a big grin and say please please please make me go into her air-conditioned office did i also mention that she had the only working air condition on site so the four of us trudge into her office with me grinning ear to ear myself and many co-workers laughing as this large hairy heavily bearded man in a silk skirt and blouse walks past everyone all because i and they know how ridiculously i look and how they know i only pulled stunts at work like this when i'm 100 in the right so we get into hr karen's office and i sit down she tells me i'm going to be fired for insubordination and breaking dress code i laugh in her face and tell her terminations can only be processed upon agreement by the team lead of the employee site manager and hr you are the one that insisted upon and wrote that rule unless they both agree you are lying and can shut up she was screaming at the top of her lungs at this point she said it was sexual harassment against all the women in the office for a fat hairy man to be in woman's clothing oh can you point out the dress code in where only women are allowed to wear skirts and blouses as soon as i said that my team lead suddenly lit up and started giggling as he knew where i was taking this karen got out a written copy of the dress code and started sputtering and stammering as she read it word for word as i typed above gender was not mentioned only materials and types of clothing allowed she started screaming at me again for being inappropriate the site manager looked at her and said do you really want to get fired for sexual discrimination and sexual harassment he has you caught in a ringer over a barrel of fire and it could cost potentially millions strangely enough the dress code was rescinded before the end of the day and we were allowed to go back to the way we had been dressing as an extra she is no longer with the company she has been gone for years she made blunder after blunder usually screaming at me and my bosses but i always pointed her at the policies she made and got approved as i was only following them to the letter give this man a medal i absolutely love this amount of shoving a stupid rule in someone's face personally i would have been pushing to get fired hit them with that discrimination lawsuit and most likely get a terrible higher up fired in return that's a win-win baby remember folks just because you are in a position of power doesn't mean you need to use it sometimes it's good to just be chill my boss tells me to stop pestering the grill master josh so i do exactly that and it leads to him getting demoted was reminded by another post about my time in fast food and how i maliciously complied anyways back in college i worked on the on campus food place your basic burgers fries wraps and small salads my shift started at 11 25 doing wraps until 11 55 when josh left and i manned the grill and someone else did wraps josh was your typical josh and it was his way or the highway he'd get really mad when i throw more burgers on the grill or flip something while he was trying to chat up the dishwasher i did this because he had no understanding of how much food was required to feed college students during small breaks between classes eventually he complained enough that i was told josh is on the grill until 11 55 so stop pestering him and do your station so i did i stopped touching the grill the next shift he leaves at 11 55 and i get on the grill and i immediately throw down 400 frozen raw burger patties two minutes later the cashier starts yelling where are the burgers sorry i just got on the grill and josh had only five in the warmer and three in the window i know we always have about a hundred students between 11 55 and 12 20 and they almost all get the burger meal and i was told not to touch the grill the burger is finished after a few minutes and the next batch goes on but the grill has cooled a little so it takes even longer the line of kids waiting for food is longer than the line ordering and management is mad i get chewed out for not being fast enough and just ask do you want raw burgers or do you want to talk to josh it only took one more shift of this for them to realize that my meddling was actually what kept us afloat during lunch rush i'd often cook an entire grill of burgers while he was swinging and missing with the dishwasher they eventually printed out a sheet of how many burgers slash chicken etc needed to be prepped for certain rush times and gave josh a very stern talking to about how to be a team player also josh sucked because he'd cook all the burgers well done like well done then they'd sit in the warmer for another 5 to 15 minutes he didn't even know how to rotate either so you were eating god damn hockey pucks josh ruined so much ground beef he eventually got moved to salad and stock because he couldn't be trusted with anything that was fast paced management saw how fast everything moved when he wasn't joshing everything up i love that the name josh is being used to describe how someone is at their job we already know what karen stands for but i'd like to throw a couple other names out there from personal experience that person is a tim would describe people who manipulate others into doing things for them felix would be someone who never listens and constantly messes up and people named joe are your mom my karen neighbor doesn't like where my girlfriend parks and thinks that residents should get priority parking in the streets i make her regret this later i live on a cul-de-sac where i rent the back house from my landlords there's another elderly tenant who lived inside the landlord's house i was very close with and we'll call him good sir i have these neighbors next to me who i've gotten along with for as long as i've lived here before the pandemic the husband will call him mr chill has been cool with me my neighbors have three cars between them two belong to mr chill and the wife will call her miss hypocrite and the other car belongs to their daughter we'll call her the hog when the pandemic hit mr chill's family for reasons that didn't make sense to me suddenly stopped parking their cars in the driveway and would park them all on the curb in front of their houses as well as the hog taking the spot i usually parked in more so than their parents did finally after a few months of this going on i see the hog outside and i asked her if she wouldn't mind sharing the spot i explained my situation with being overworked and exhausted from my job she gives me an annoyed look and just responds by saying i use it i realize that i'm wasting my time and tell her never mind and go inside not even five minutes later there is a knock at my door and it's good sir letting me know that the neighbors want to talk to me mrs hypocrite is standing there all upset asking me what the problem is i explained to miss hypocrite what i said to the hog and she apologizes for coming off so angry and says you know the street parking is what it is it's first come first serve and we're not parking to try and give anyone a hard time the conversation goes nowhere but it ends peacefully about a week later i'm parked in my spot for a change and my girlfriend comes over to visit with our child it's summer time and it's hot towards the evening i get a knock on the door and it's good sir he says the neighbors want to talk and i see mr chill standing right there and he just asked if my girlfriend could move her car up because she's got a bunch of curb behind her car but not enough for another car to fit before i can even say anything miss hypocrite shows up out of nowhere and goes off saying i'm sick of going back and forth about this she is double parked and there's not enough room for another car to fit i understand that she's your girlfriend and she's visiting but i believe that residents should have priority parking first it looks like you guys are trying to save the parking spot for yourselves and i'm not dealing with this anymore she needs to move her car i'm in complete shock and i have a lot i want to say but i don't i just go inside and ask my girlfriend to move she thinks they're hypocrites and just moves because she feels like that's all they have to feel proud of in their lives the only reason i gave in to them is just so my landlords did not get involved and risked it turning into them not wanting to renew my lease otherwise i would have said something funny enough even though they got mad at my gf for double parking the hog is the queen of doing that on the cul-de-sac without mrs hypocrite telling her anything last year in november good sir wasn't doing too well and went into hospice care he gave me his car as a gift and a thank you for being family to him now i had two cars two spots and an idea enter petty malicious compliance miss hypocrites said the street parking is first come first served and that residents should have priority over the parking well then so be it i only need to use one car and the other can just stay parked since i am a resident i decided to park whichever car i'm not using in the spot that i would normally park at and swap them out every two weeks in rotation my girlfriend parks where good sir used to the hog her boyfriend and miss hypocrite have not touched that spot since i started doing this since one of my two cars is always there as a little bonus too miss hypocrite put one of their cars they aren't using back in the driveway and when there's a party going on and all the parking is taken up the spot in front of their house is sometimes open and since again i am a resident and the guests have taken up all the other spots well i guess i do need a spot to park at after all right sorry miss hypocrite or the hog i guess you'll have to park around the block and take a nice walk to get to your house i'm only following what you believe the parking rules should be rest in peace good sir i miss you every day and i'll always love you as my own family but let me know am i the jerk i don't really have that much of an opinion on this story parking disputes are always the worst it's definitely something that has caused me anxiety before because if you've ever had a party and one of your guests slightly blocks a driveway the way the neighbor approaches you about it can make things hostile real quick and it's not like they just go away they live next door so yeah i hate parking disputes i worked for two years trying to get the position i wanted and when my job gave it to somebody that didn't deserve it i decided to get my revenge i worked for two years at a tile store i handled customers as well as i worked in the warehouse but for those two years i worked the earliest shift that no one wanted because you had to receive the daily truck and put the tile orders away by hand at six in the morning but i also said i would work every saturday as well now i didn't do this because i hated myself or wanted to suffer it was because i wanted the outside sales job the outside salesman that got the job entered right after i started and we hit it off quickly we will call him joe joe confided in me that he had no plans to continue this job after a year or so so from the get-go i said i wanted that job and wanted to work my butt off to get it pulling shifts no one wanted doing jobs no one would do and doing the things that were definitely not part of my job description this including doing a lot of outside sales jobs i would take over when joe would call out or just needed help he came to rely on me and gave me part of his job i saw this as type of an internship and thought it would pay off fast forward two years joe tells me that he's about to put in his two weeks and to get my resume together he puts in his two-week notice i immediately put in my application i got the backing from both joe and the branch manager to get the job and i did a pretty good job on the interview i knew i was pretty much a shoe-in i had the seniority and i had never caused a problem in the time that i was there i had a very good relationship with the contractors i sold to and i knew all of them by name the main part of the outside sales job was working with the contractors so i felt confident to say the least that i had what the company was looking for two other people applied as well an ex-convict who had anger problems this will come up later we will call him bob and a recently hired woman who had no experience in tile we will call her anne the only other job that she had done was a secretary and she was currently just helping customers with the selection both of them were older than me i was in my early 20s and both of them in their 30s a couple days later i got a call from hr telling me i didn't get the job instead they wanted to give it to anne i won't lie i thought i misheard it or that it was a prank at first the only reason hr would give me as to why they passed me up for the position was you're just too good of a worker and valuable at your position for us to lose you you do such a good job and are responsible that we would hate to lose that so because i'm good at my job you won't hire me for another one with more responsibilities but to show you how much we appreciate you we're giving you a one dollar raise do i still get my yearly one dollar raise on top of this in a couple of months no think of this as us giving it to you two months early after this i was fuming for a couple of days their excuse didn't make any sense and i had a feeling that i was being discriminated against due to my age however i was set upon making a point that they had chose the wrong person and came up with a plan because i was good at my job i didn't get the outside sales job so if i was bad at my job maybe they would promote me then let me rephrase i wasn't bad at my job but i told my manager that i no longer would be working the morning shift i would no longer be working on saturdays would no longer do the worst jobs and would no longer be doing any jobs that fell outside of my job description including the outside sales job that i've been helping with and goes out for a couple of weeks of training and personal time during which things are already starting to fall apart my manager asked me to fill in for anne just while she is away he understands why i'm doing what i am but asks the other person a favor i agree and things began to get back to where they were before ann comes back and i resume my firm stance anytime something was supposed to be done by the outside sales position that i normally did i would send it her way customers problems heavy things to lift and just any other favors i used to do for joe i refused to do for her it gave me a little relief to see her running everywhere trying to get everything done she only asked me once to help her to which i told her that it wasn't my job those first couple of weeks things were a little rough as most of the jobs were left over from when joe and i were running things so most of the problems came up from the daily grind but the weeks that followed were chaotic to say the least items came in late jobs were missing or unordered contractors didn't understand where their materials were mind you these guys get paid per job so every day their materials aren't there is another day they don't work or get paid so when their materials don't come in their workers who are paid hourly are getting paid for no reason at all my favorite one was when she accidentally sent an order across the country costing the company thousands as we lost money on that job as things were starting to turn into a dumpster fire as i knew it would hr called me in to talk about my attitude we have heard of your attitude as of late it doesn't sound like you're being a team player well i'm sorry to hear that have i said something hurtful to someone no did i hurt someone's feelings unintentionally no then i don't understand what attitude you're talking about then we have received word that you aren't being as helpful as you were to joe as you are now to end well you see i'm far too valuable at my current job i can't possibly detract away from that they immediately saw that they had made a mistake giving me that reason as to why they didn't hire me they then told me that i needed to be more of a team player and that they would pay me an additional one dollar an hour when the yearly raise came up in two months i told them that it wasn't my job to do what they were asking and if they wanted me to do that they would have to negotiate my contract they told me that they would need to discuss it and to reconsider being a team player i didn't relent and they weren't interested in renegotiating my contract well two months after ann got the job and things went to hell she stepped down again i put in my resume as did bob now remember how i said he had a slight anger issue well that came to a head just before ann put in her two weeks notice bob threatened a contractor the contractor was a real piece of work but that doesn't excuse the fact that bob threatened the guy regardless with that now happening and and putting in her two weeks i couldn't see how they could not hire me it was me or someone who threatened customers once again i go through the process but this time i play my cards close to my chest they didn't know that after anne was first chosen over me i started to look for a new job just as the interview process went on just as this interview process was going on a company called me back and offered me an outside sales job at their company it was lower paid than my current companies but they didn't need to know that they also did not need to know that i had accepted the position and told them that i needed to finish my two weeks i wasn't going to give them my two weeks though i was going to make it look like it was a competition and try to string it out for those two weeks the company offered me the outsize sales job and nearly begged me to take it they apologized for making the bad decision of picking anne over me and told me that they would love to have me in the position now let the fun begin i promptly told him that i would need to think about it as their competitor had just offered me that same job for a higher pay the look on their faces was to die for i pretended that it was back and forth for two weeks which conveniently went over anne's quitting date and my new job starting date they got anxious because now they didn't have anyone for the job and finally gave me a final offer i promptly shot them down and told them that i didn't want to work for a company that treats hard-working employees like poop they could sleep in the bed they made i then told them i was starting the next day at the other company i have never been so happy but let me know was i the jerk i wish i could say that this is uncommon in the workplace but i know for a fact that age and sometimes gender play a role in getting hired at my old job it was almost non-existent that women worked in the automotive side of the company hr would tell you that it was because women never applied for the position but the rumored secret reason on why they didn't want women on second or third shift was because they wanted to avoid any trouble that might come from men and women working together at night to be fair if the stories i heard from the old timers at that job are true that place used to be wild anyways this all changed when our only female associate on first shift wanted to move to second shift obviously management didn't want this but they legally couldn't deny her request since there was an opening anyways since i got to work with her she was awesome at her job she was in college she had a great head on her shoulders she quickly became the one person i counted on during my shift since i was the lead and when a new lead spot opened up i thought she was the best option for the job unfortunately management didn't agree because they said they wanted somebody with more experience i took this as she's too young to be in a lead position and they ended up giving it to another person that had applied that had been there for more years personally i'm not a strong believer that just because someone has been at the job longer means that they are better fit to lead a team but that's just my opinion that's it for today's video if you want to make sure you don't miss out on any content hit that subscribe button and make sure you hit that bell to turn on notifications if you want to finish listening to all the stories use the playlist at the top of the description and if you're someone who live streams and needs copyright free music check out the cream of 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Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 241,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: HXmBJXMzdz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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