r/Entitledparents "KAREN DEMANDS MY HOUSE!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen needs this house after that am i the jerk for making my wife look bad after she had a girls night and after that fairly aggressive girlfriend stole from my bank account so i sent her academic career into a nosedive now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets kicked out of college your mom goes to college so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day karen needs this house over the past couple of months i've been looking at rental properties in anticipation of moving i have to be out of my current house by october due to the landlord wanting to demolish my current rental house to build apartments on the land yesterday i went to an open house to view a rental property i discussed it with my partner we both agreed we loved the house and wanted to fill in an application for the property we've got the real estate agent we've got the karen and we've got me i head up to the agent and ask her how we should go about applying for the property and ask a few general questions about the property this is what happened me so how do i apply for the property agent well you can grab one of these forms or apply online how many people over 18 will be living in the house me just two my partner and myself the agent gets her clipboard and takes two forms off of it and hands them to me agent so just fill out the forms and bring them back into the office with your id and payslips at this point karen storms up to us and snatches the forms out of my hand karen i need these i am going to apply for this house agent okay well i do have more forms available she gets another two and goes to hand them to me karen snatches them out of her hand no she isn't applying for this house i am applying for this house the agent looks confused agent ma'am more than one person can apply and then we send the forms to the owner and they can pick who they want to rent the house to karen shrieks no one can apply for this house other than me i need this house i need it no one else can apply for it agent ma'am i'm fairly certain anyone looking at this house probably needs it too if you fill out an application i'll send it on to the owner with the rest karen still yelling i've already applied for six houses and no one will rent to me because someone wrote on my rental ledger that i damaged their house i need this house more than anyone else here no one else can apply so the owner will have to rent to me agent okay ma'am fill out the application and i'll send it to the owner karen smugly says okay clearly thinking she has won and takes her forms karen you can finish the open house if you want but make it clear this house has already been leased and don't hand out any application forms for my house she leaves the real estate agent and i exchange a look and start laughing agent here are two more application forms i've heard about this lady she has applied through our agency a couple of times apparently she did over two thousand dollars worth of damage to the last two properties she rented and our agency doesn't even send her application on to the owner because she's so difficult to deal with she will be lucky to find anyone willing to rent her a house anyway send your application form through when it's completed and we will forward it to the owner me thank you i hope you don't have to deal with any more crazy people the agent laughs and i leave with my application forms as i'm going back to my car i see karen walking towards me screaming that i need to give her the application forms in my hand i jump in my car lock the doors and drive off it was a crazy experience would you rent a house to someone if you knew they were a karen or not please let us know you don't deserve to rent your house to me am i the jerk for making my wife look bad after she had a girls night my wife and i had our daughter six months ago and yesterday night was going to be our first night to ourselves since her mom offered to babysit at their house we're both new parents things have been chaotic our little angel is teething and we haven't known a good night's sleep in months we haven't had much time for ourselves as a couple so having one whole evening of baby care off our hands felt like a blessing we were both excited for thursday when it came around close to 3 p.m my wife asked me if it's alright if she goes to her friend's house for a girls night instead by now her parents have already stopped by and taken our daughter back to their place the fact that she brought this up last minute bothered me i said this was supposed to be for us and i've been looking forward to it all week she looked sympathetic and said she understands but it's been months since she spent any time with her best friend and really needs this me time and okay i get it she deserved a break but i feel like i had a right to be at least a little disappointed my wife said i should go to my brothers and do our own thing but i didn't after she left i decided to drive to her parents house to pick up my daughter i wasn't in the mood to do anything and wanted to be home so there was no point in them babysitting if i wasn't going to spend the night with my wife i'd rather be with my daughter then my father-in-law was confused i was there so early to pick her up when we agreed we'd come get her at 11 pm i explained my wife's change of plans and figured i might as well take my daughter home my wife got back around 10 and she confronted me because i guess her mom sent her a text message nothing offensive just that she didn't think it was fair she changed the plans her and i agreed on when they offered to babysit so we can spend time together her mom did say it's perfectly reasonable to want to be away from the family and go hang out with friends but not when it was supposed to be our time she said i purposely made her look bad and i made myself out to be the victim by picking our daughter up early and not having my own fun when i could have just as easily had a guy's night too then i made myself seem like the poor husband stuck at home with the baby while wife has fun i tried to back myself up but clearly our conversation went nowhere we haven't talked since last night and i'm still wondering if i did something wrong should i have not said anything to my in-laws or did what she said and went out i mean i was disappointed she chose our first night off to go be with her friends and my mood was ruined but i didn't do all this to make her look bad am i the jerk well who do you think is right op or his wife please let us know she had a girls night and didn't invite me fairly aggressive girlfriend stole from my bank account so i sent her academic career into a nosedive i'm a senior at a large state university this happened in the first semester of my freshman year i was selected for an honors type program that placed me in a co-ed dorm building with every other student in the program as a dumb freshman i rushed into a relationship with a freshman girl who lived right above me we'll call her megan it was convenient for me to date someone who lived so close but everyone else in our building hated megan because she talked a lot and almost exclusively about herself she bragged often about being a fairly aggressive person but somehow i overlooked that mile wide red flag right after thanksgiving break at the end of an evening class i got a call from my mom who noticed some unusual activity on my checking account back then i had no credit card so this account slash debit card was my only access to my savings while i lived on campus i rarely needed to buy anything during the semester so i was puzzled to find that 104.29 had left my bank account over two weeks in the form of six grubhub food orders at this point i trusted megan but i decided to ask her about the money right away she denied any involvement and suggested that i cancel my debit card after a really long phone call to the bank i did just that next i reached out to grubhub customer service on twitter hey my card was stolen and used for food orders on these dates can i have the receipts they sent me the first and last receipts but they had to redact the personal info on the account holder i say redact in quotes because they just used the snapchat draw tool and megan's name was still clearly visible on both receipts what's more the most recent receipt was only two hours old she was probably still eating when i chopped up my debit card it's worth noting that she and i both had unlimited dining plans paid for by our respective parents and we lived 500 feet from the nearest dining hall she didn't need to order food and she definitely didn't need my money to do it so i texted her again i have the receipts from grubhub are you sure you didn't make those orders her reply forget you for suspecting me fairly aggressive wouldn't you say i hatched a plan to collect security camera footage of her picking up the order from that evening however by midnight megan arrived at my door in tears and confessed to everything plus she admitted to being a serial shoplifter exhausted i sent her away and decided to deal with everything in the morning by the next day everyone in our building seemed to know what was going down probably because megan had already begun broadcasting her version of the story i sent megan a breakup text and decided that 104.29 was a loss at least i escaped unscathed right well less than two days later she entered my room when i wasn't looking i was sitting at my desk when i noticed her standing silently behind me megan give me my stuff where's my stuff me what stuff you know i did not know she tore through the room looking for something that she refused to identify just as quick as she came she was gone and i locked the door because obviously this wasn't over yet within a minute she was back she stood outside my door knocking and demanding i let her back inside the knocking quickly got more violent she started shouting i know you're in there open the door mind that we lived in this building with students in our program who all know each other and all of them could hear her pretty quickly megan was rattling the handle of my door next she began throwing herself at it shoulder first trying to break it down i lived next door to my ra but judging by the lack of any intervention he was elsewhere so i whipped out my phone and texted him to send back up meanwhile i saw my heavy wooden door bending and buckling i even heard it crack a bit my ra was on duty in another building so he sent three of his colleagues to de-escalate the situation they brought megan downstairs where she revealed that the stuff she wanted was just the t-shirt and keychain that she gave me for my birthday whatever i let her have those i still just wanted this to be over however once i shared my story with the resident life staff they filed university paperwork to place a no contact order between me and megan they also recommended i contact the campus police who then told me i should get my stolen money back in small claims court i couldn't even get there without a car or money to pay for an uber sorry judge judy at the request of the campus police i also contacted the title ix office at my school sending them the story of everything you've read so far they were interested to say the least although i didn't want any trouble i just wanted a clean breakup and a fresh start but a title ix representative informed me that they were bringing three misconduct charges against megan theft threatening slash violent behavior and inciting an intervention by university staff the representative asked me to serve as a witness in megan's disciplinary hearing the next semester i tentatively agreed right before the representative set the hearing date for february 14th valentine's day i thought it was a joke but they really did that when the day of the hearing finally arrived the no contact order was still in effect but a few of my friends had kept tabs on megan for starters she failed all of her classes in the fall someone in my math course confessed that megan had tried to hook up with him while she was dating me and he had to repeatedly tell her null even worse megan kept telling a twisted version of the whole story to try and turn my friends against me so when i found out that she had found a new boyfriend it felt good to know that the valentine's day disciplinary hearing ruined whatever evening plans they might have made i arrived alone at the disciplinary board office unsure what to expect the board consisted of grad students and the hearing was expected to run into the night unlike me megan did not come alone she brought both of her parents as character witnesses that wasn't even a thing here this wasn't a real courtroom as you'll see soon and that's not all megan's parents also paid a lawyer to defend her against the charges the board knew that was unnecessary but megan's parents believed so strongly in their daughter's innocence that they had already paid this three-piece suit maker case in the name of fairness the board members offered me pro bono legal representation a junior economics major who we'll call jimmy jimmy had already read my account of the events from the fall and thanks to my screenshots of grubhub receipts he said there was an ok shot of the charges sticking then i told him something i had kept secret for months when megan tried to break down my door and i whipped out my phone to text my ra i also filmed the whole thing jimmy couldn't get enough of the video there was megan kicking and screaming and clearly trying to break into my dorm room it was all the evidence i needed and no one saw it coming and the hearing when the time came for me to make the case against megan jimmy played the video on a big screen in front of everyone the room went insane in that instant i realized that megan really had convinced everyone i was the liar and her version of the story i gave her permission to buy food using my account she told her parents that she had asked me politely for her belongings which i had rudely hidden from her in my dorm room and megan's story i was the sociopath trying to ruin her reputation before i unveiled the video it was her word against mine i still didn't want revenge even after finding out that megan tried to cheat on me but when i saw her parents flipping out at the video why didn't you tell us you did this and her lawyer raising heck this evidence was not provided in pre-trial disclosure and a board member standing over him sir this is not a court of law please return to your seat and him shouting objection and her replying we don't have objections this isn't a court of law and jimmy my new best friend just trying not to laugh out loud that's when i realized how good revenge can feel when it's fair and deserved the board found megan responsible on all three charges my side of the bench recommended the university terminate her housing contract and force her to pay restitution her side recommended only restitution and a reprimand the board compromised her family paid back most of the money she stole most because two of the six orders had the same price and the lawyer convinced the board i had duplicated an order and megan was forced to move into a different dorm building this probably would have helped her anyway because every student in our program's building knew everything she had done and lied about they wouldn't speak to her and no one wanted to be her roommate by the time she had to move buildings she had already failed all of her courses again having paid for her tuition her unused dining plan her lawyer and her restitution megan's parents finally pulled her out of school where are they now last i heard megan returned as a part-time student but i never saw her again because the no contact order still stands i'm now facebook friends with the guy megan tried to hook up with oh and jimmy and i connected on linkedin as for me well i no longer date fairly aggressive people has anyone ever stolen anything from you if so what did you do about it please let us know i love stealing things from people am i the jerk for walking out of a job interview i 26 mail got offered an interview for a job i've had my eye on for quite some time i was scheduled to meet with three people within the actual office itself and considering this was a job that could be done remotely that raised my suspicion but i still decided to learn more about the position when i got there the first interviewer who was with hr took almost 20 minutes to call me in the receptionist was nice and all and kept trying to reach out to them to see what was taking so long but nonetheless that irked me the wrong way my interviewer eventually walked into the lobby and told me to follow him no apology for the long wait to describe him he was a tiny guy about 5'6 and spoke in that weird valley girl accent important later the actual interview went off the rails really quick my interviewer was rude to me and cut me off a lot for background i live with my parents because they have health issues and i help take care of them so moving out isn't an easy option for me or them when the interviewer asked where i lived i told him i lived with my parents in this town he laughed and asked if i was too scared to move out i was still trying to be professional but he kept making snide remarks about some of my experience the state school i went to etc i eventually got fed up and felt like i wasn't going to get the job anyways so i decided to tell him you're being really unprofessional so we're done here he got mad and said so you don't want to meet the team you're interviewing with i told him no if hr is this unprofessional then i can't imagine what everyone else here is like as i was leaving through the lobby the hr guy followed me and tried to embarrass me by saying out loud to the receptionist he is no longer welcome here if he tries to come back in call the police i told him to shove it and go make out with his boyfriend so that way no one has to hear his voice then i left i had never walked out of an interview in my life no matter how well or bad they went i did kind of feel bad for skipping on the other two interviews which would have been with some of the managers on the team i would be working with but i absolutely hate most hr departments as it is since they produce some of the most toxic people and if this hr guy was really unprofessional i questioned the company as a whole well what do you think was op out of line and how he handled this situation or not please let us know everyone sucks here bruh except for the receptionist she seems sweet entitled parent tried to steal my plane seat because she needs it this story happened a few years ago when i was about 13. so a bit of background my relatives live in a city that's about an hour and 20 minute flight from where i live my parents and i used to go there every three months or so however sometimes my parents had to work and i had to fly alone on the airline we took if you flew alone and were under the age of 14 you had to be a um unaccompanied minor which would mean a flight attendant would help you to get to your gate and you would board first but the best part of being a um is how you would usually get upgraded to first class if it's available so you can be close to the flight attendant it's important to know that on flights that are shorter than 3 hours the seats are in 2x2 formation so i get the seat my parents paid for in economy a window seat next to me was the entitled mom with a toddler in her lap and on the other aisle seat in our row set her husband with another kid after everyone boarded the plane the flight attendant comes up to me and says you're the um right me yeah you've been upgraded to first class me cool the flight attendant didn't see entitled mom's husband and thought she was a single mother ma'am there are two seats available would you like the other one it was common for flight attendants to ask the people next to someone with a priority if they wanted to get a first class seat too if one was available entitled mom sure can my husband come too flight attendant turns around and sees husband oh sorry ma'am there's not enough room for the both of you but why you said there were two seats available flight attendant yes but one of them has to be taken by the um entitled mom turns around and looks at me he's big enough he doesn't need those seats and you need them yes i do do you not know how hard it is to raise not one but two kids flight attendant ma'am i do know how hard it is i have kids of my own so then you'll know why i need those seats more than him ma'am we will be departing very soon and i need to bring this boy to the front of the plane now i need you to cooperate and let me bring him to a seat listen here you jerk my life is hard enough as it is now and i don't need your insult on top of that we deserve those seats give them to us now flight attendant all right look kid just come with me and we'll deal with her later as i'm getting up the entitled mom pushes me back down in my seat forget you you do not just ignore me like that you are going to give me those seats right now you little jerk at this point everyone on the plane is looking at her even though i wasn't saying anything i was kind of scared my mind was set on being anywhere but in a seat next to this woman so that's when i practically jumped out of my seat to the flight attendant as i got in the aisle the entitled mom starts pulling on my shirt to bring me back that's when i grabbed her and threw her off of me how damn you touch me little jerk now you have to give me your seats instead of listening to her i just went up to my seat in first class i could still hear her screaming eventually they deplaned her and her husband which delayed the flight by 10 minutes on the way out the entitled mom gave me the stink eye and said you're so selfish i just grinned at her after i told the story to my family we laughed a lot about it i don't want my laptop back i want that one happened a few years ago i own a small it company we specialize in other company support but we do hardware and software servicing for home users we are a very small company so we all do most of the work required every time the home user brings a pc or a laptop to fix it we add it to the system and issue a case number every piece of equipment has a small sticker on it with a case number every part taken off the pc or laptop has one too to avoid confusion or parts mix up about a week ago came a lady she brought a laptop to be cleaned so it was added to the system and a case number was issued we gave her a credit card sized card with case number and our contact phone number to check the status if she needs it after about two days i called her it's ready to pick up and she can come we've got me we've got karen karen hi i came to pick up my laptop me okay what is the case number i don't know i lost my card with the number me okay what is your name i can look it up in the system no need i can see my laptop on the desk over there she pointed to some gaming laptop on the service desk where we store hardware that needs to be fixed me i'm sorry but that laptop is not ready yet you called me to pick it up so i came me it must be some mistake can you tell me your last name please okay my name is karen i looked into the system and i saw her laptop was ready to pick up i checked the number and her laptop was on ready to pick up desk so i brought it back to her this is not my laptop it is that one no madam it definitely is this one but i don't want this one i want that one if you're not going to do your job just call me your manager i'm gonna get you fired me i'm sorry but that's not possible as i don't have any manager or the boss i'm the owner of this small it company i can give you only your laptop or i can call cops for trying to steal someone else's laptop her jaw dropped five seconds i stare grabbed her laptop and she disappeared another beautiful day at work did she really think we're so dumb we would let her steal someone else's laptop nice try karen i should fire myself thank you for reading am i the jerk for golfing and leaving my wife at home with our son my wife and i have a 10 month old son our first kid we also both work full time so our kid is in daycare during the week my job is monday through friday eight to five my wife's job requires her to sometimes work later in the evening or on weekends depending on what kind of project they're doing if she has to work weekends she usually takes a day off during the week to compensate for working a saturday or sunday if she takes a day off during the week she usually uses that time to catch up on stuff around the house like cleaning or laundry but sometimes she will use that day to spend time with friends or family and go do something fun because places aren't as busy during the week she also sometimes takes our son out of daycare on those days so they can go to places like the zoo or aquarium when it's less crowded so if she has to work on a saturday or sunday i'm at home with the kid and don't have the same opportunity to get out and see friends it's also more difficult to bring our sun places on weekends by myself because there are a lot more people around and due to what's going on this past weekend i had a tea time scheduled with a few friends for saturday morning but thursday night my wife tells me she has to work saturday so i can't go golfing i tell her that's fine and that i will tell the guys i have to reschedule for the following weekend she then tells me that she's taking friday off because she works saturday and that she and her mom and her aunt are going to some art festival that's in town again fine with me she said she'd be home before i get home from work and i do the drop off and pick up from daycare anyway so it doesn't change my schedule at all after my wife gets home from work on saturday evening i tell her that i would like to go golfing early sunday morning since i missed out with my friends she gets a little upset and tells me that she's exhausted from work and was really hoping to relax on sunday and recharge a bit and that she can't do that while watching our son by herself i told her that i just watched our son all day by myself and i'm tired too it's part of being a new parent she also had a free day on friday and because she worked saturday sunday is my only free day of the week i told her that i need a break just like she does and that i don't have the luxury of taking days off in the middle of the week to go to art festivals she didn't speak to me the rest of the night but the next morning i was up at 6 am getting ready to go golf and she was mad she thought that we had an understanding that i wouldn't go because she told me not to i told her i would be back around noon and i'll call on my way home to see if i should bring home something for lunch when i got home she handed me our son grabbed her lunch and went to our room to rest for the next few hours when i went to talk with her she called me a jerk for leaving her when she asked me to stay home edit since some people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that my wife is a toxic and emotionally manipulative monster i need to clarify something my wife and i actually just talked over lunch i reminded her about my tea time tomorrow and she said that she remembered and that she hopes i have fun she apologized for how she reacted last weekend and that she was tired and exhausted from work that day and let that anger get the best of her she had worked 10 hours outside in 90 degree heat that saturday and was fully drained so the idea of chasing a 10 month old around by herself while already exhausted sounded daunting neither one of us did a good job of communicating clearly in the moment she said she knows i need and deserve breaks just like she does my wife does not treat me like a jerk on a regular basis our relationship and communication is really quite healthy considering everything we have going on right now but like every other relationship we are not perfect and have moments where that communication breaks down nice lady asks for help buying a computer and we get free cds and job offers this is going back to the late 90s when circuit city was still big my friend and i were somewhere near the end of high school and were there to look for a couple of cds a bit about us and what we were like back then nerds i was a wannabe computer nerd with literary pretentions and my first goatee my hair was blonde and my beard was orange naturally i was probably wearing flip-flops khaki cargo shorts and a far side or umbro shirt my friend he was on a whole different level he was over six feet tall and skinny he always wore khaki slacks or jeans we're in arizona in the summer a polo shirt with an undershirt and birkenstocks with socks he had grown his hair long and about half a year earlier he had a perm to try out an afro he hadn't cut his hair since he was and is a computer nerd who really knew his stuff he looked like he worked at a store like circuit city we had his mom's mid-80s suburban so anyway we found our music third eye blind's first album for me and headed over to the computer area to dream he was building a gaming computer at the time and wanted to show me the video cards he wanted and was explaining the pros and cons of a couple different types an older lady probably in her 50s approaches us and asks him for help when he's done helping me i say i'm just here for music and looking at computer stuff for fun and my friend says he can try to help her to be fair i'm pretty sure he dressed the way he did because he liked this kind of thing she wants a computer for email because all of her friends have email and she feels left out the selection is overwhelming and she doesn't know where to start we head over and quickly start narrowing down this election for her my friend is way overthinking it and i convince him she needs bare bones capability for basic internet email and probably some basic word processing we get a computer with built-in modem and monitor picked out along with a mouse and a keyboard and make sure she knows how to use them to click on files that kind of thing then my friend explains how to get internet to the computer and i write down notes for her so she can remember later we even offer a few suggestions on what email to get and show her how aol instant messaging and chat rooms work if she wants to really impress her friends the whole process took quite a while but we didn't have anything to do and would have been bored otherwise so it was something to do we help her get everything together check out and help her get in the car then we head back in to get our music pay and figure out what to do we're heading to the checkout when we see the lady coming with a store manager she's going on about how helpful we were and praising my friend for being such a great employee the manager and my friend are both trying to explain that he doesn't work there finally she realizes we're just two random guys and starts apologizing and now we're embarrassed and insisting we were happy to help she insists on buying our music for us after we get checked out and say goodbye to her the manager pulls us aside and offers us both jobs we both say we'll think about it and my friend later decides to work there he gets a couple of other friends hired there we were moving so it wasn't a good time for me but i thought it was pretty cool still i know this isn't the usual format no one was irate for this sub but thought i'd share anyway hope you enjoyed come watch this video next you will love it and huge shout out to our newest official channel members david angeline thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out on our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 87,242
Rating: 4.9279518 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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