r/Entitledparents "KAREN DEMANDS TO LIVE WITH ME!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today am i the jerk for kicking out karen and her baby after she tried to take advantage of me after that shady boss lies about me to my co-workers i have her fired and in debt for several years after and after that tell me to eat somewhere else okay you will regret this now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets kicked out but where will i go so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day am i the jerk for kicking out karen and her baby after she tried to take advantage of me me 22 male and mac 22 male have a mutual friend 25 female who is pregnant her parents refused to help her and she's been homeless for most of her pregnancy me and mac helped her with some cash here and there but not much she's been staying with friends and homeless shelters for women for months now mid-june she asked us to let her stay at our place she told us that the shelter she was staying at was overcrowded and she needed a week at max to find another one mac and i agreed one week turned into one month so we decided to talk to her we told her that she's gonna have to either start pitching in or she needs to leave soon she finally fessed up to everything she wasn't able to work anymore and she has no money and she was scared to be in the shelter this late in the pregnancy she told us that the father of the baby would help her only after the baby was born she told us that she would get child support and that should be enough to move she offered to do chores around the house in the meantime her due date was only 15 days away so we agreed and the following week she didn't help with anything stating her pregnancy is the reason one day she and mac got into a fight mac was asking her about the father and when she will move out and she blurted out that she is a tenant now as she's been staying here for more than a month and that we can't make her leave evictions are on hold due to everything going on turns out her plan was to stay here long enough to get recognized as a tenant and stay here infinitely edit she lied about child support too she doesn't know the father we called the landlord we have a good relationship with him after yelling at us for being stupid he offered to forget about the notice period and advised us to move by the end of the month he had another empty apartment in the same building for us we told her the same we immediately told her that we were leaving by the end of the month we can't evict her but there is nothing stopping us from moving after that we just ignored her she gave birth in the beginning of august right after we moved out landlord told her that if she has been staying here for more than a month then she is a tenant and she's on the hook for the full rent once we leave he also got her to sign the standard monthly rental agreement for the apartment while he cannot evict her if she doesn't pay rent he promised to sue her for rent when everything is over she is also having a ton of medical bills from giving birth she's probably unable to afford the utilities bill she is constantly trying to come over or call us sometimes to apologize sometimes to ask for help we have refused to even talk to her i saw a very similar story and i thought i would post mine and see what everyone thinks am i the jerk well what do you think is op the jerk or is karen please let us know did we really have to start off with such a sad story shady boss lies about me to my co-workers i have her fired and in dead for several years after this happened back in 2011 to 2012 when i was the ripe old age of 19 years old this is a long one so do strap in i got a part-time job at a fast food place specializing in subs not subway but very similar when i was 17 it was located in the town's mall and was fairly busy it's a national chain where i'm from when i started there the owner at the time was really nice and she started that branch in my town she was very strict on following all of the cleaning requirements and took real pride in her shop the way it was set up financially was that the franchise taker basically had to work from open to closing 9 am to 7 pm to even have a chance at making a decent living and preferably only have one part-timer helping for a few hours when it was at its busiest it's like the mlm of fast food why anyone would take on such a business wager is beyond me but i digress however the owner actually managed to make money off it a year so after i started the owner decided she would move to a different part of the country and sell her branch and have someone else take over that lucky individual was my co-worker who was three years older than me from now on boss lady she had worked there since it opened and was the natural choice to move up the ladder because she didn't have the money to pay for the share in the franchise about five thousand dollars and nobody else was willing to pay that and have to work their butt off for minimal revenue headquarters allowed her to take over while they bought the old owner out and headquarters kept the share now boss lady had no idea how to run a mile much less of business and small things started happening quite soon after she took over i would normally work there after school by myself but she would often hang around the mall when she had finished work boss lady always complained about how little money she made and would often come by when me or the other part-timers were working and tell us to give her twenty dollars to a hundred dollars right out of the register considering total daily sales never reached more than about twelve hundred dollars that was a lot i barely made twelve dollars an hour so my motivation was too low to care and neither did the rest of the part-timers so we complied and gave her the money my spider sense was tingling a bit telling me it was fishy to grab money right out of the register even if she was the owner but if she wanted to dig her own grave that was fine by me i was friends with boss lady and we would hang out and often hung out on the weekends and we worked saturdays together which meant we would go out on friday nights we would drink and work the next day hung over oh to be young i would only go out during the weekends and never missed a day of work no matter how hungover i was and saturdays were the only days i would be hungover besides school and work i was in a dance company and had dance classes every day mostly after 7 p.m but a few days i had them earlier and couldn't work no matter what this is important every night we would count the register leave 100 and change in small bills for the next day and deposit the rest in a safe at the mall i'm not entirely sure because it's been a long time but i do believe boss lady would tell us to take the difference out of the 100 for the register somehow believing the money would magically show up the next day after a while we started having problems with the distributors we were not allowed to order on credit and had to go to the bank to pay the bills in person etc after that things started getting really weird and boss lady refused to let us make the cash deposits at night insisting that we put the money bags in one of the cabinets inside the shop which after a month or two culminated to a lot of cash we had also had trouble a few months with getting paid on time since i worked the most out of all of the part-timers i had the biggest salary and the people who administered pay decided to pay the smaller checks first this girl had bills to pay so that did not sit well with me i was also the hardest worker out of us all boss lady included then one lovely tuesday while i was at school one of the other part-timers asked me to cover her shift to which i said i wasn't able to because not only did i have back-to-back dance classes i also had a paper to write for school later that night i got a text from the girl saying if you were hungover you could have just said so you don't have to lie and i'm like excuse me i don't drink on school nights and there's no way i would have had the time to do so last night with dance class right after work and working on my paper to which she just answered yeah sure boss lady told me you were out last night the funny part is this was a fairly small town so there's nowhere to go on weeknights so even if i wanted to break my own rules and party on a school night i couldn't this really upset me and i figured i would stop playing nice and saving boss lady cue the revenge one day out of the blue during summer boss lady declared she was going to go on a last minute two-week vacation to the states and told me to take care of the shop while she was gone i said fine but would like more notice next time i also asked her how she paid for it considering she wasn't able to take out any salary from the shop and she just said oh i had some savings i just thought hmm that's weird considering you actually don't make money but didn't say anything the first day i was in charge headquarters called and the conversation went like this headquarters hey is boss lady around me no she took a last minute vacation to the states and put me in charge didn't she tell you headquarters no she did not indulge that information but maybe you could help me do you know what happened to all the cash deposits from the past few months me yeah they're in one of the cabinets here boss lady told us not to deposit them she even yelled at me when i was about to because i felt really uncomfortable knowing we had what must have been more than fifteen thousand dollars lying around in the shop and gave me an excuse about having to look them over headquarters are you serious me sure am what should i do i know the previous owner is in town maybe you can call her and ask if she can come help you she knows what's what and please deposit all the cash today me sure no problem i'll look over all the cash bags to see how much there actually is and make sure they're all there and deposit them asap and we hung up i called the old owner and told her what was up and she sounded really surprised and was there within 10 minutes together we quickly looked over all the cash but didn't count it they were in these little pouches that had a form at the front where you filled in how many of each bill and coin was in it so we figured the right amount would be in each bag they weren't sealed because boss lady had told us not to seal them before putting them in the cabinet i then put them all in a bag and discreetly made my way over to the safe where we deposited them it was on the other side of the mall and the mall was open so my heart was racing i felt like everyone knew i was carrying a load of cash the old owner started asking me if we kept up with the cleaning requirements and i answered truthfully that boss lady never told us to do any of the time consuming stuff like the ice cube machine saying that we would have to do that after closing and she didn't have the money to pay us for the extra hours so she said she would do it on the weekends herself old owner just shrugged and told me she had to leave since i was all alone in the shop and it was fairly quiet i started looking around for things to clean this was around 4 pm i quickly realized that she had never cleaned anything like she said she had under the fridges and work bench there were layers of dirt the water tank in the ice cube machine was green with algae the cooling fans in the refrigerators were covered in mold i started cleaning but quickly realized this would require my full attention so i closed the shop early i called the old owner and she supported my decision and called the mall manager for me to let them know what was up i have never cleaned that much in my life i scrubbed everything i pulled all the refrigerators out and scrubbed thoroughly behind everything what took the longest was the ice cube machine i wasn't done until 11 pm that night being the petty jerk i am and being upset boss lady went on vacation with the shop in the state it was i took pictures of everything before i started cleaning and sent them all to the food safety agency telling them that nothing had been cleaned for over a year i also got to clock all the hours i spent cleaning getting an ok from headquarters looking back now and seeing how little i was paid i would have just not cared but at the time i was afraid people would get sick from eating the food the next day i called the old owner and all the part-timers asking them to meet at my place saying we needed a staff meeting without boss lady and now was the chance they all came and we started talking telling me what boss lady had done when they were working together and other things that they had observed her doing i took notes and later that night i wrote a seven page document listing all of the things she knew she did wrong and how we suspected she was stealing money from the shop etc and i emailed it directly to headquarters he emailed me back saying he would look into it headquarters called me a few days later thanking me for notifying him about all of the things she was doing and told me that when the cash was registered the amount listed on the form and the amount in the pouches weren't the same and asked me if i knew where it had gone a light went off and i realized the savings boss lady had used to pay for her trip was actually money she had taken from the pouches and that's why she wouldn't let us seal them i told him as much and he said he would dig a little when boss lady came back from vacation she seemed very stressed i acted like nothing had happened when she was gone but chuckled when she opened the cash cabinet and saw that all the money was gone and her face turned so white she was almost see-through but she said nothing she was in the back most of the day on her phone and came out asking me if i could cover for her the next few days as she had to go to headquarters for a last minute meeting headquarters was eight hours away i agreed and went home over the next few days i was seething with excitement to find out what had happened when she came back she tried to play it cool and said i've decided to quit i feel like doing something different so i'm just working until the end of the month and then i'm leaving and i just acted sorry and oblivious i knew the old owner was kept in the loop by headquarters and she told me what had really happened boss lady had met with headquarters who had questioned her about the missing money and lack of cleaning etc there was more but this is already longer than the bible she had denied it all at first trying to pin it on us and saying she had suspected someone was stealing the money and that's why she didn't deposit it etc but eventually broke down and admitted it all she was then given the option of quitting and paying them back all the missing money and installments or having charges pressed against her she obviously chose the former personally i would have pressed charges no matter what but they wanted to help her out because i guess they understood she was in a bit of a tough situation with not making any money at the shop and also didn't want it to blow up in the media i kept working there for a few months but quit because i found a job that paid more where it spread about what boss lady had done so she really struggled to find a new job to pay what she owed since no one trusted her she eventually did but had to pay them back for several years later we did not keep in touch guess she shouldn't have lied about me to my co-workers have you ever had a boss who you knew was doing something wrong if so what did you do about it please let us know tell me to eat somewhere else okay you will regret this so about a year ago in late june i started working for a resort restaurant that also manages one of the main pools and pool bars next door i hadn't worked in a restaurant environment beforehand which my previous boss knew so a few weeks after i was hired he started scheduling me to work by the pool bar saying it'd be an easy way for me to adjust to the job and learn new skills he ended up being right because i ended up learning how to be a server just by helping out the guests lounging by the pool and the bartenders i worked with one of the bartenders was a lady named kiki who will be important later in the story did i mention i worked outside let's just say i have crazy respect for those who work outside all day during the summer it was always hot and humid where i worked and we didn't have many methods of staying cool i also wasn't exactly adjusted to being on my feet eight hours a day five days a week so my legs and feet were in pain a lot of the time my shifts always started at 11am with lunch rush starting about half an hour afterwards right on the dot orders would fly into the bar and out to their tables for nearly two hours finally slowing to a stop at around 2pm i'd always chosen to take my lunch break which i'm allowed to do at this time inside the building because i'm irritable in many ways and need to recharge at the resort i work at there isn't really a such thing as a break room if employees want to eat their only options are either to eat at their stations slash offices eat at whatever fast food place they had time to go to or eat at the employee lunchroom at the back of the main building the bar didn't really have a place to eat where you weren't in the way or seen by customers so i'd always choose to eat at the lunchroom it offered free food for the staff a place to sit and ac all of which i desperately needed during my break so whenever i finished dealing with the lunch rush at the pool which normally ended around 2 pm i'd go to the lunch room make a plate and sit down and start eating and watch videos until my break was over well one day that suddenly changed i came to the lunchroom a little later than usual one day and the room was vacant aside from a few ladies cleaning the floors and tables one of the ladies who i'll call lunch lady noticed me appear in the doorway and before i could say or do anything she exclaimed i'm sorry ma'am but we are closed i kind of jumped a little because it came as a surprise and apologized before kindly asking if i could still maybe eat there just for a few minutes she refused repeating that the lunchroom is closed and i'm not allowed to let anyone in here until we reopen at 4. it was 2pm at the time and if i wanted to eat i could make a plate and take it to my office like everyone else does i shyly explained that i worked outside by the bar that it's difficult for me to eat outside i get nauseous in the afternoon and i don't know where else i could go i asked again even adding that i'd clean up after myself and only need a few minutes she again refused said that i should have come earlier and then said i could sit at a table in the hallway if i really needed a place to eat i politely declined to which she responded well i'm sorry but i can't let you eat here you can eat anywhere else but here if i made an exception for one person i'd have to do it for everyone and then i'd get in trouble do you understand i just quietly nodded and excused myself i'm really not a confrontational person and would rather crawl into a rock than argue with someone and at the time she did say it was a rule so what was i going to do about it i ended up talking to a few of the servers i worked with and one told a story about a confrontation she had with a lunch lady the other day she explained how she wasn't feeling well and wanted to rest in the lunchroom for a moment just to calm down and relax but was completely denied by lunch lady she explained how she didn't have anywhere else to go and it would only be for a moment but lunch lady kept insisting it was against the rules even when the server started tearing up so it was pretty clear i wasn't going to argue i didn't think to talk to my bosses about it either because in my mind they'd probably just tell me that they can't do anything about it and i should just go there earlier too so i tried my best to get there on time but due to the lunch rush i wasn't always so lucky most times i was too late but other times even when i was on time they'd kick us out right at 2pm whether we were finished or not i tried for weeks to get there at a decent time but wasn't so lucky so i thought well she said i could eat anywhere right i've seen employees eat wherever they wanted to even in storage rooms so i thought wherever i chose wouldn't matter right so i found a comfy secluded wooden bench in the female employee bathroom to be more accurate though it was the locker room the bench was in but that locker room was connected to the bathroom so everyone considered it to be the bathroom i really didn't care too much as long as not many people saw me which during 2pm was pretty common even when people did see me no one asked for the first few months i worked i didn't really talk to much of the staff outside my department so most people who saw me ignored me i did this for about a month before someone finally noticed this is when kiki appears in the story up to this point i always felt somewhat intimidated by her because she always looked frustrated and she didn't look too patient with her new hires but after this i started realizing that on the inside she's a kind of motherly woman who was only stressed out because of her job kiki was heading to the bathroom and was just passing by the bench i was sitting at before she noticed me then the plate of food on my lap she stopped in her tracks and her expression turned from tired focus to a bizarre kind of confusion what are you doing she asked in a quiet confused voice eating lunch i replied casually why are you eating here why not eat in the lunch room i explained the conversation i had with lunch lady and what she told me kiki's face got red it was red already but now it was visibly getting redder and redder like a sunburn slapped her face i noticed this along with the awkward silence and added that i'm okay with this though i've done it for a few weeks already that wasn't the best thing to say because she said no this isn't okay pick up your stuff and we're going to talk to this lady i sheepishly did as i was told and just followed her lunch lady was there as she always was cleaning up a dark lunch room on her own and we came around the corner kiki started arguing with her about why she wouldn't let one person into the lunchroom why she wouldn't even compromise how the rules are crud and then said did you even know that this girl was eating in the bathroom for a month because you told her that she couldn't eat here lunch lady's face looked like a mixture of confusion shock and pity but she kept explaining that if i made one exception i'd have to make more kiki then noticed two things the first was that the lunchroom was completely dark and almost empty aside from one lady in the corner which was the second thing she noticed no one was really lining up to get into the closed and dark lunch room the lady was on her phone but then started looking over at us as the conversation continued what's the problem with letting one person eat here for just 30 minutes we're both working outside and we deserve some time inside so why can't you make an exception here if cleaning is the issue then she referring to me can clean up after herself she's clearly old enough to know how to do it 22 at the time and you've already got one person in here already so what's the harm in one more lunch lady was about to argue again until the lady in the corner chimed in it's okay lunch lady she's free to sit in here and eat so that's what i did i said ate talked to the lady in the corner cleaned and left when i was done the lady who was there turned out to be one of the managers of the resort and she was very nice and warm to me the next day i wasn't turned away or the next day or the next week i was never told to eat anywhere else again after that lunch lady who used to patrol the room long after it closed wasn't there as much anymore after that she wasn't fired as i saw her much later but i suspect management decided to adjust the rules i didn't need to go there after summer had ended and the pool bar closed so i never found out how much had changed i still find it funny how i just followed the rules not trying to be malicious and ended up proving a point regardless i'm a bit more comfortable with confrontation than i was before now the best breath i ever took so i went to my old job today to handle some business not related to work at all because they're the closest place i could go to deal with what needed to be done i walk in and handle my business chatting with the only ex-co-worker i still talk to my old manager comes out when she hears i'm there and greets me in her seekingly sweet voice that's so fake it hurts now before i share the conversation here's some backstory the company provides handouts flyers and signage for all sales and promotions however once my manager found out how skilled i am in design she would have me create personalized promotion materials for our store not to toot my own horn too much but they were quite successful to make everyone's life easier i created multiple files that needed extremely simple edits that could be used for just about any occasion so if i was not in when they were needed anyone could make the changes i also made files for personal touches like thank yous to customers for using our services that were made for weddings birthdays funerals etc all in i had made roughly 50 files for these uses they were my personal creations that were in no way tied to the company and in truth i believe the company forbade stores from doing such things since they gave us promotional materials approved for use i was never given any credit for my work and was even told to my face during my review that netted me a lovely one percent raise company average was five percent that my work was nothing that she or someone else couldn't have done so it didn't justify a raise so here's the conversation as it transpired manager will be known as karen karen hey thunder sir 3d long time no see me hi yes it's been a while karen well i was gonna call you but i didn't want to get you in trouble at your new job i had a question for you at this point i'm rolling my eyes and finally fully turned to facer remember all those files you made for sales and search well we can't find them on the computer we wanted to use them for such and such sale what folder did you put them in cue a huge smile under my mask me well as i created those files when i left i deleted everything that wasn't mine from the machine why would you delete them since we used them all the time you made it quite clear that my work was unappreciated and nothing i did was special as you felt that way i didn't think you needed my files for use since it was apparently something that anyone could do karen this is a serious problem you deleted our work files without permission me actually i deleted my files i created every last one of them not one was created by the company nor were they approved for use by anyone higher than you there's nothing wrong with me deleting anything that was made by me for my personal use besides there was nothing that you or anyone else couldn't produce right stunned silence me however if you want those files i can give you my designer rate for each one and you can submit them as a store expense i'll be happy to recreate them for you once i have a paid invoice for the work you have my number so let me know i said see you later to my co-worker and walked out the breath of fresh air never felt more satisfying as the door closed behind me entitled sister says i'm wasting our mom's money even though it's mine my older sister the entitled person she's 28 has always had something against me 17 female she's always said that i'm the favorite child and that i'm a spoiled brat she thinks i'm the favorite because our mom and i are always doing stuff together like watching movies and tv shows and going out to big shopping centers together and saying i'm a brad because i have all these new clothes i'm a cosplayer and how that's wasting all mom's money one mom and i are always doing stuff together because we have common interests and she's made the effort to watch some anime with me because i think she might enjoy a certain show 2. i have in total maybe 20 cosplay items counting wigs and uniforms and all that and out of all of it mom only bought me 3 or 4 things even after i insisted that i pay 3. the money i get is all from saving up cans yes those ten cents all go towards my hobby that i'm very passionate about and mom totally supports me because she sees how happy it makes me and will be there if i ever need any help but when my sister was my age she would be distant from the family and treat mom with such disrespect even now she continues to boss mom around and even started stealing from me a couple months ago she stole around seven bags of cans which would have been 50 to 60 bucks which isn't much to some people but for me that was a huge dent in my allowance of getting my cosplays mom has tried talking to her about it but she keeps seeing her actions as okay she's done worst things throughout my life but this post is already long enough after all she's done i've just started distancing myself from her what should i even do about her edit first of all thank you to everyone that gave me some advice i really appreciate it i've been trying to avoid my sister and it's kind of easy since she moved out the thing is she's always like this even though she has two kids and a wedding to worry about instead of her little sister reminder my sister and her fiance both have stable jobs and don't have any money struggles meanwhile i'm still unemployed with no income at all i know that there's the chance that she might have needed a couple extra bucks but seriously stealing from her little sister how i get my cans is saving up from home and sometimes walking all around my town with big bin bags to pick up all of the stray cans bottles etc and i have tried talking to mom about it and she's still a pushover for my sister a few years back my sister was the queen bee of the house and always bossing poor mum around saying that she had to do this and can't do that mom's still kind of like that but i told her that she doesn't have to keep asking me if she can do stuff but she forgets recently my sister found my tick tock account and started yelling at me about how i'm a spoiled brat and how i have it easy even though she knows my bad past and that i hate getting stuff in general because i've grown the mentality that i don't deserve it at all because of her this caused me to have a panic attack and delete all my videos which i highly regret now but i've started cosplaying and uploading again i saw that someone said i should do something with her so we can have even ground thanks but it won't work my sister judges every little thing about me i can't like or do the smallest things without having her say something about it example when my sister was younger she was in the sailor moon but grew out of it then i found the old anime and it's my favorite and my comfort show she says that liking it and anime in general is stupid and childish even though her fiance is into anime i want to have a good relationship with my sister since i've been separated from my family for a long time and i just want to be like a normal family but even if my sister is like this i still have a pretty great relationship with my mom and older brother both of whom i'd call my best friends no my coffee is always free this happened about 7 years ago when i was working at the local convenience store we've got the crazy lady and we've got the co-worker i got in around my normal 11 pm time and settled in for a slow night of training with my co-worker who was on his last day with the company things were quiet and going pretty smoothly until around 1am steve and i were jamming to some classic rock but turned it off when karen enters a small frail looking lady in about 20 jackets comes in carrying a duffel bag she set the bag next to a shelf which set behind the register i couldn't see the bag so at first i didn't even notice it was behind me karen went straight to the self-serve coffee and pulled out a coffee mug from underneath one of her jackets she seemed out of it talking to herself and muttering under her breath but i'd be out of it too at 1am so i let karen just do her thing until her bag starts to bark i'm confused as heck since i hadn't seen her placed down the bag and certainly didn't think there would be a dog inside my co-worker lets karen know that we don't allow animals inside the store and she'll have to take him outside this is as close as i can remember to what was said karen but i don't have a dog co-worker lady we can hear it barking it wants out of the duffel bag i'll let it out but it's not my dog just my bag co-worker well regardless of who owns the dog you brought it in so you'll have to take it out fine i'll just take my coffee and go then since you don't want me here okay so it'll be 150 for the coffee refill thanks for understanding at this point i can see karen shaking with rage her eyes may have well rolled back into her head no my coffee is always free steve no it's not all refills of drip coffee are a dollar fifty but he said i could have it for free take it up with the big man not me like it mine for free co-worker who are you talking about there's just been my co-worker and i what big man i don't want to say that man upstairs he told me co-worker lady this is a one-floor building we don't have an upstairs god god told me in a dream that i could come here and always have free refills are you going to tell god no at this point my co-worker had enough and told her just to go but if she came back we would call the police on her i never saw her again well in that store anyway dog seemed fine when she took it out of the duffel bag it was a small pomeranian please come watch this video next you will love it and if you join as a channel member today we'll give you a special shout out on our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 65,352
Rating: 4.9294505 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: fchmKcJaowM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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