r/EntitledParents MY SISTER ATTACKED MY WIFE! - Reddit Stories

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today we have a crazy entitled parent story of  a mom holding financial documents hostage we'll   get into that in a bit but first my entitled  dad wanted me to be a housewife I grew up in   a household that was basically a heck hole  for both me 20-year-old female and my mother   48-year-old female my father 50-year-old male  had two children before me and two children   after me all boys he had with my mom and because  I was born right in the middle I was singled out   for a lot of stuff a few examples my dad would  often ask each of us what we wanted from the   store as a reward for doing well in school my  brothers always got what they wanted I hardly   got what I wanted on birthdays my brothers got  to see whatever movies they wanted I never got   to choose the movie I wanted to see if I asked  for something for Christmas I more than likely   wouldn't get it unless it was from another family  member whenever one of us started doing bad in   school I would always get the biggest punishments  while my brothers got off easy my dad allowed my   brothers to watch when he cooked so they could  learn I had to learn how to use things like the   the freaking Grill on my own my brothers could  wear swim trunks or a speedo I was only allowed   to wear a onepiece swimsuit which I hated  because it made going to the bathroom awkward   dad would always come and support my brothers  whenever they had an event whenever I had one   all I would get was constant criticism the worst  one by far whenever my brothers got birthday or   Christmas money they would spend it on Candy toys  clothes Etc I wasn't even allowed by my father to   touch my money and I counted from when I was 7 to  when I was 15 I had over $800 in cash that I was   denied this got way worse when I entered Middle  School my older brothers Matt and Kyle not real   names realized I was being left out and we talked  about it with our little brothers and now all of   us include each other in our celebrations but now  all of a sudden my dad was constantly telling my   brothers not to interact with me in any way and  to pretend like I wasn't there and then all of a   sudden my stuff started going missing it started  started small with my pencil sharpener and a note   card or something then it escalated into my  merchandise disappearing and then my movies   and anything I bought with my own money would  be gone the next day then when I confronted my   dad about it he didn't deny what he did and he  said he threw it all away because I'm growing   up to be a housewife that doesn't need that crap  I told him I don't want to be a housewife I want   to get a real job he then sent me to my room and  as I entered High School I found that my swimsuits   had been thrown out a few of my cool shirts had  been thrown out even my phone had been thrown   out when I found out that had been thrown out  I tried keeping it cool at school that day but   I just broke down in the middle of class and when  my parents found out what happened my dad kicked   me out my older brothers had graduated high school  already and were living together to save money so   I went to stay with them and I got therapy and I  eventually learned that my stuff wasn't thrown out   and that's when I learned the truth my Dad tried  to throw it all out to groom me into becoming a   housewife so he could marry me off to one of  his co-workers but when I broke down crying   in school he kicked me out so he didn't have to  hear me because the moment I cried he decided to   abandon the plan and cover his tracks you might  be thinking where my mom was and all of this she   did everything she could to help me but her own  husband wouldn't listen to her I was the middle   child and he was entitled to everything regarding  me because I'm his daughter and if he wants this   to be my life this is my life it's no wonder  that me being kicked out led to them getting   divorced and if you're wondering about my little  brothers they want nothing to do with my dad and   actively refus going to his house and moving in  with Matt and Kyle was easily the best decision   I made I learned that all of my stuff was saved  from the dumpster and put in a storage facility   and I got most of my stuff back and the clothes  that didn't fit me we sold by holding a yard   sale Matt and Kyle's backyard also had a pool and  hot tub and I was finally able to experience them   in a ke thanks to help from my mom and my little  brothers I was able to confess to my best friend   who is now my girlfriend when I turned 18 I came  out of my shell and got piercings in my ears my   navl and my nipples when I graduated we celebrated  it at Matt and Kyle's house the whole family was   there except for Dad where was he anyway he got  arrested for a DUI car crash after being high on   marijuana and has been in jail for a few years  now awaiting trial good free Kim I'm now moved   out of Matt and Kyle's or rather just Matt's  cuz Kyle moved out of the house as they bought   a house for me and my girlfriend which of course  had a pool and a hot tub so to my dad freak you   for being absolutely awful as a parent and freak  you for being terrible to me because I was born   in the middle well at least he had some semblance  of a soul it took the whole entire family working   against them an OP breaking down for them to  realize it though that definitely doesn't earn   them any credit though and I think most people are  going to be happy to hear that he ended up in jail   kind of where he belonged also hi I'm Steven and  if you guys enjoy these stories of crazy entitled   parents why not hit those like And subscribe  buttons down below that said our next story   is entitled mom tries to hijack my wedding gets a  reality check instead this is about my own wedding   and how an entitled mom nearly turned it into her  personal circus for some background my fiance now   husband and I planned our wedding for over a  year we wanted something small yet elegant with   close family and friends my husband's family is  pretty down to Earth except for his aunt entitled   mother known for her over-the-top behavior and  entitlement everything was going smoothly until   the week before the wedding entitled mother called  and demanded that we include her six-year-old   daughter my husband's cousin as a flower girl we  already had two flower girls my nieces who were   thrilled about it I politely declined explaining  that Arrangements were already made entitled   mother didn't take this well she started a tie  raid about how her daughter was being excluded   unfairly and how we were ruining her child's  self-esteem I tried to stay calm but she was   relentless I had thought that was the end of it  but oh was I wrong on our wedding day entitled   mother showed up with her daughter dressed in  a full-blown white frilly flower girl dress she   marched up to me demanding that her daughter be  included in the ceremony I was flabbergasted my   husband and I along with our wedding planner  tried to reason with her but she CAU cused a   huge scene saying things like how could you  be so selfish on your wedding day and you're   destroying a little girl's dream my usually quiet  mother-in-law had had enough she stepped in and   told entitled mother in no uncertain terms that  this was our day not hers or her daughter's she   said that if entitled mother couldn't respect our  wishes they would have to leave entitled mother   was shocked she tried to argue but other family  members who were equally fed up with her Antics   supported my mother-in-law Law's stance realizing  she was outnumbered entitled mother left in a huff   her daughter and toe the rest of the wedding went  off without a hitch and everyone had a great time   we heard through the grape vine that entitled  mother complained about us to anyone who would   listen but most of the family knew her history  and took it with a grain of salt I'm grateful for   my amazing in-laws who stood up for us boosting  up my confidence in our marriage's success even   more I mean at that point is it fair for like  other family members to become all of a sudden   family bodyguards and kind of escort maybe if  they need to somewhat physically them out of   the building when it's so clear that an attempted  hijacking of this wedding is trying to take place   especially combined with that entitled Behavior  our next story is entitled parent is upset a   charity organization doesn't have gifts for  him only for his kids around Christmas there   are a lot of entitled parents but I had one a  month ago at my work that really threw me off   so my work as a nonprofit that has a toy donation  with many other organizations who donate a ton of   gifts for kids of all ages we also had a thing  where parents could put things they needed too   like clothes cleaning supplies and kitchen wear  if needed and if anyone wanted to supply those   they could well we had a guy come in let's call  him Kyle and get the stuff for the children that   he put down on the sheet I am the admin so I knew  who was picking up items and once I got his name   I retrieved the items he got the bags and made his  way out to his vehicle however after 5 minutes he   came back in and came up to my desk he said so  uh where is the rest of it I say pardon he says   you know the stuff for me and my girlfriend kids  mother I was confused so I looked in the back and   sure enough that was all of it I then checked on  his application and sure enough saw that it only   had the four small children on there and no adults  on the list of what they want I said sir I'm sorry   but unfortunately you did not put the adults down  on this application thus we have nothing for you   he said what come on we need something too he was  grumbling moaning about how he needs something for   Christmas and how he thought we gave gifts for  the whole family I said sir give me one second   I'll ask my boss what we have I then went to  the back and talked to my boss who happened   to be with the Organization leader and told them  what happened the Organization leader said is he   still here I say yes they say no worries I'll  take care of him organiz ation leader R I walk   back and they go to speak with him he takes him  outside and chats with him for about 10 minutes   before he Huffs away and leaves without I thank  you I said well what happened the Organization   leader said oh boy what a real piece of work they  then told me that this grown man was upset that he   got nothing from us and that we only focused on  the children at our organization and guess what   he was wanting a freaking PS5 yes cuz a nonprofit  gets 500 $100 ps5s donated to us plus if we did   they would go to teens not adults who can make  money and get them themselves and if you thought   that was it oh you would be surprised this guy  also asked Organization leader for us to call   him and let him know if we had anything left over  after the Christmas season so he and his family   could sell it for money well guess what Kyle all  of those gifts left over go to future events and   for families who aren't as stingy as you I love  the fact that if they were asking for something   modest or they were in genuine need of just like  something basic they probably would have tried to   find a way to get them something but this guy  goes yeah no I want a PS5 oh yeah sure let me   just go grab one off the pile we have in the  back our next story is have you lost empathy   for your parents as recent as two years ago the  prospect of my mom being sad would literally drive   me into a puddle of tears but after a series  of unwarranted put downs and smear campaigns   I finally began to see her for what she truly  is a malignant covert narcissist who is devoid   of all empathy and love she is the source of  my misery and after several failed attempts to   make her realize how badly she's hurting me I  realize that she isn't even capable of giving   a crap so why should I give a crap last week my  mom fell and hit her face on the pavement while   walking home she came through the door sobbing  hysterically like a child for hours just 2 years   ago I would have been crying right there with her  but after a decade of Relentless sadistic covert   abuse I couldn't bring myself to feel anything  I still checked her for cuts and bruises there   were none but I didn't really care that she was  hurt the main reason she was crying was because   she was embarrassed anyways she screamed out I  can't believe I fell in front of three entire   people while she was sobbing I thought to myself  the pain of you falling is nothing compared to the   psychological torture you forced me to put up with  for two and a a half decades you'll Shake It Off   I may never get over how you treated me or how  you continue to treat me the pain of the woman   who depresses me to the point of having ending  things ideations has zero effect on me anymore   I may sound like a piece of crap but it's true  when she attempts to Guilt Trip me I feel nothing   when she cries about me avoiding speaking to her I  feel nothing and when she finally passes away the   only emotions I'll feel are Bliss and relief that  the person who spent a quarter century destroying   my mental health is finally gone I mean I don't  know op circumstances but is there any way they   can just go no contact with them I mean it seems  like a healthier option than trying to put up with   this person and having to face them with all of  these feelings constantly going this next story   is entitled mom on a crowded bus insists I give  up my seat for her son but a kind Stranger Comes   to my rescue I've been a fan of the subreddit  for a while and I finally have my own story   to contribute this happened last last week during  my evening commute I work in the city and usually   take the bus home as anyone who commutes knows  these buses can get packed especially during rush   hour on this particular day I managed to snag a  seat which felt like winning the lottery after a   long day at work I had my earbuds in and was half  asleep lost in my music a few stops into my ride   entitled mom and her son who looked to be about  10 years old got on the bus it was clear from   the get-go that there were no seats available but  that didn't stop entitled mother from scanning the   bus like she was on a mission she locked eyes  with me and beelined in my direction entitled   mother in a tone that was more demanding than  polite said excuse me could you let my son sit   down he's really tired from his day and needs  to sit I was surprised she singled me out since   there were other people some elderly standing  as well I was about to respond maybe even stand   up despite feeling exhausted myself when a woman  standing nearby I'll call her helpful lady spoke   up she said in a kind but firm tone ma'am it's  not right to single out someone for their seat   we're all tired after a long day perhaps your son  can manage standing for a bit entitled mother's   face turned a shade of red and she responded but  he's just a child and children need to sit it's   common courtesy the bus was unusually silent with  everyone seemingly tuned into our conversation   helpful lady undeterred replied I understand but  so do the elderly the disabled and those who had a   long day at work we can't expect others to always  give up their comfort for us it's a valuable   lesson in consideration and patience entitled  mother looked ready to argue more but seemed to   realize that the bus audience wasn't on her side  she muttered something under her breath about rude   people and moved slightly away Still Standing the  rest of the ride was uneventful but the atmosphere   felt a bit charged when my stop arrived I got up  and as I passed helpful lady she gave me a small   nod and a smile as if to say you did the right  thing I nodded back in gratitude feeling relieved   but also a bit surprised at how the situation  unfolded as a 100% straightup introvert somebody   like this standing up for me would be so amazing  just an angel in that moment not just for like an   introvert but for anybody that just doesn't have  the energy at that time to really want to put up   or even interact with this entitled mother our  next story is is my mother as bad as I think she   is let me give you some background info when I was  a child my mother and father had huge arguments   our house was a nightmare they both liked drinking  and used to drink and have fights at home my dad   even became physical at times with her they both  ended up divorcing and my mother my brother and   I moved to another house the thing is my mother  was never financially independent at the beginning   she relied on my father for money after divorce  she relied on my brother who was around 22 back   then I was 16 right when I became 18 she found  a man in her country and moved back leaving me   with my brother my father was absent at that time  creating a new family I had started working apart   from studying at that time and tried to live with  him somehow with my brother but he used to gamble   and even sell Furniture apart from not washing his  dishes and just living like a pig we argued a lot   until I told him to leave and find a new apartment  because I couldn't deal with his dirt all the time   so time passed I'm now 27 for a whole year she  underwent a really bad financial situation and   I helped her financially every single month went  to visit her several times for a short time and   I saw that her drinking habits got quite bad she  drinks at night and she also smokes habits that   started irritating me so much we had fights almost  every day once I'm back she started saying I'm   ungrateful I started fights for no reason Etc she  only calls me when she's in life never calls me to   see how I am on top of that she told me that if I  ever wanted to go and live live in her country I   should find a new place since she won't accept  me in her house it's not like I depend on her   I actually have many skills and can easily find a  job I've been taking care of myself since 18 apart   from studying now I have a degree and a master's  degree and a proper job overall I felt terribly   disappointed by her first of all she left me when  I was 18 working and studying at the same time   just because she wanted to do her own life found a  boyfriend in her home country and moved back then   she tells me this and I tell her I no longer  want her in my life that the only ungrateful   person here is her when I started telling her the  truth she hangs up and says she's tired at some   point I felt I had a mother now I don't she's been  living in her parents house since she moved back   and she never actually cared about the fact I was  only 18 and had no father by my side neither when   she left me to go and live her life I only had a  gambler as a brother and my studies and job and   I needed her at that time when I tell her this  she says you were already an adult my father has   been absent physically in my life but he paid for  all my studies at least am I being wrong now I'm   not sure about entitled parents specifically but  definitely not a good parent I mean personally   I wouldn't describe a good parent as one who  had basically abandoned their child immediately   when they reached adulthood and just left them  defend for themselves and also told their kids   specifically hey if you want to come back to your  home country where I'm living don't expect me to   give you any kind of handout thanks love you Mom  our next story is me and my mom got into a fight   about the name of my OC original character hello  there I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post   this this was the best subreddit I could find  if I should post this elsewhere please let me   know anyway a bit of context first my parents are  divorced and I'm at my dad's house right now so   this conversation was over text messages I am very  interested in Japanese culture SL Asian culture   in general so a lot of times when I'm make OC's  their names are nouns translated into Japanese   or another Asian language Chinese Korean Thai  Etc now the story so I showed my mom a drawing   I made of a girl sitting on a throne holding a  card up to her face my mom said she really liked   the drawing and asked me the character's name I  said toai which means betting game or gambling   since toi's backstory is basically she works at a  casino my mom decides to send me a voice message   of her asking Alexa what is the Japanese term  for gambling it came up as gambaru she argued   with me the real translation of toai for almost  an hour she then even asked me to change the name   because she didn't like it she said ace or queen  of hearts would be better then we went back and   forth about that for a while but she seemed to  eventually give up and leave me alone dosai is   my own character she has no right to tell me what  to name my character unless I was actually naming   her something bad then I would understand I'm  not sure if it's necessarily entitled Behavior   but they definitely just I don't think understand  I mean I'm surprised they actually went to the   effort of trying to find the real Japanese word  for gambling although depending on the language   and the meaning I mean there can be multiple  words that could be considered a translation   for a certain word in English our next story is my  entire family feel like they can tell me who I can   date I know this is going to sound like a PLL Ezra  area fanfic but please bear with me so female 26   met my now fiance male 31 when I was in my final  year of school before leaving for University I   was 17 and he was 22 and I'll stress that nothing  happened between us until years later my parents   sent me to boarding school and in my final year  one of the teachers went on maternity leave so we   had a new cover teacher arrive it was my fiance  Hunter he was fresh out of University and our   school was his first position as a fully-fledged  teacher he was teaching biology and I was taking   that subject as I'd applied to medical school for  the next year we got close more friendly than I   was with other teachers for sure but nothing other  than friendship happened I left my boarding school   when I was 18 and started at medical school so I  lost touch with Hunter for 2 years other than the   occasional text in my second year of med school  I'm taking an elective and when I walk in I see   Hunter who is the professor we pick our friendship  up from there and once the elective was over and   he was no longer my professor he asked me out  to dinner we were da up until my graduation last   year as soon after he proposed I know it wasn't  going to be the best news of the century for my   family but I didn't expect for them to act like  I disgraced the family I didn't even get a proper   congratulations from my parents or my younger  sister before they started freaking out saying   I was causing rumors and giving the family A Bad  Name by being an attention seeker Etc why couldn't   I just marry someone normally why did I have to  complicate everything why couldn't I be like my   sister why was I always so awkward my sister never  disgraced them my sister was dating a nice boy in   her class the son of one of my mother's friends  I know that my father even offered Tom money to   leave me how freaking crazy is that they were so  unhappy with me they tried to pay off my fiance to   leave me at the altar all for their image I feel  so stupid for even thinking that they'd be happy   for me not even in regards to my engagement but  my graduation too I mean I'm a freaking Doctor   I'm starting my internship and they don't even  care they're more bothered about my controversial   engagement I mean op work their butt off to become  a doctor something you have to have a lot of time   and dedication and smarts for and they're that  worried about who op's dating God forbid op falls   in love with somebody I guess next time they have  to ask for permission our next story is my dad   thinks I should help pay bills I just got my first  job today I started Monday and I told my dad this   I am 16 up until today only because I haven't  seen him today every time I go to his house he   makes jokes about sucking up his air conditioning  and eating his food so I'm going to need to help   around the house which he means like paying a bill  and it's gotten to the point where he sounds more   and more serious about it every time I mentioned  applying to places he likes to tell me that I owe   him because he spent 16 years spending money on me  and it's my turn to help I don't owe him anything   I literally did didn't even ask to be here but  now that I have a job I can choose if I want to   live with mom or dad so I'm just going to start  living full-time with my mom that way he doesn't   have to worry about paying for me I'm glad op's in  a position where they can choose and if they're in   America at least at 16 years old they very much  are still on the hook and I fully agree with the   idea that you don't owe your parents paying them  back I mean morally it's okay if you feel that   way but you're not obligated to especially not  when one's just just like ribbing you all the   time saying Hey listen I spent all of this money  to raise you you should kick some of your money   back my way uh yeah and I too was part of this  decision for things to end up here right our next   story is my sister attacked my wife and my mom is  holding our financial documents hostage because   of it high Reddit this post is half to vent but  also have to check myself and make sure I'm not   going crazy my wife and I are recently married  but have been together since December 2019 ever   since then we have had nothing but problems with  my family particularly my mom and my one sister   as well as occasionally my brother sister-in-law  and Dad my wife and I have talked multiple times   in the past few years about whether we feel like  it's gotten to the point of us needing to go no   contact but haven't pulled the trigger quite yet  this past weekend however and the aftermath are   having us seriously considerate I guess I just  needed some advice the background and leadup my   wife and I were asked to help with a home project  painting for my brother and sister-in-law's new   house the only supplies that were brought for  said project was one single paint sprayer and   one single roll of painting tape even though we  had seven to n people at various points who were   there to help more tape was later purchased  my wife my mom my sister-in-law and I started   taping up the parts that needed covered and my  brother started painting behind us there wasn't a   whole lot to tape so once we finished that there  wasn't anything to do other than sit around and   wait eventually my sister starts painting and  my wife and I decide around 700 p.m. that it   would probably be smart to try to order food for  everyone my wife is with one group on one side of   the Year talking about food orders and I'm on the  other side with my mom and sister my wife heard   them yelling and was concerned especially due to  previous history that something was happening so   she came over and asked what was going on here's  a play-by-play of the conversation sister hands   me paint sprayer and says your turn I say oh  okay I thought I was supposed to go get food   she says too bad mom says I did ask you to help  paint I said well I did help tape mom says well   I didn't ask you to help tape I asked you to help  paint didn't I I say I suppose wife says what are   you guys yelling about mom says oh we were just  giving him crap wife says oh okay it just sounded   like yelling sister says he can talk to his family  without you it's none of your freaking business my   wife said huh you have no right to be a freaking  exploitive to my Mom it's none of your business   and he can talk to his family without you around  wife replies I was just asking a question about my   husband is there a problem with that she says  you don't get to talk to my mom like that you   bench wife replies again I was asking a simple  question about my husband sister takes a couple   of steps towards wife wife walks towards sister  sister is literally centimeters from wife's face   wife places her hand on sister's chest and tells  her to back off and then sister started swinging   basically my sister started swinging on my wife  and my wife put her hands up to block her face and   accidentally hid my sister in the face after this  I pull my sister back and my wife stepped back my   sister was yelling things like she freaking hit  me call the freaking cops Etc after my sister   eventually seemed to calm down I let her go and  she lunged at my wife again and this time got a   hit in I pulled her back again and then my brother  and sister-in-law walk up and start yelling at   my wife sister-in-law says that my wife is making  them look like trash to their new neighbors and my   brother tells us to get the Freak off his property  my mom started yelling at my wife telling her she   was being a bench and that she had no right  to come at her my mom like that even though   my wife hadn't even moved from the spot where  she was standing fast forward over the past few   days and we've gotten many text messages and phone  calls the gist of those is basically continuing to   blame my wife and telling me that I am a terrible  brother mother son and Uncle two sisters kids   who were also present for this entire scenario  additionally we need some old tax forms for some   financial paperwork we need to fill out and while  my wife's parents sent those to us as soon as they   were able my parents are holding them hostage  and flat out refusing to give them to us I was   told that I would have to drive an hour to their  house to retrieve them and have a conversation   with my mom and that my wife was not welcome to  this conversation additionally that my wife is   no longer welcome in their house when we called  and asked if my mom could please just email them   to us we need them her exact response was maybe  witholding our financial documents feels like   it would be the last straw for me but it's really  hard and I want to make the right choice honestly   I think this is a situation where you just don't  even play ball with them and you just go straight   to the cops if they're trying to withhold anything  that you need to me it doesn't seem like they're   making any efforts to communicate in good faith I  mean if they want to aggro on you like the cops in   a GTA game basically if you bump into them they  just start shooting how can you try to have any   kind of reasonable conversation where you extract  something you need from them without giving them   the farm but with that being said that's all the  time we have for today now if you want to hear   another crazy entitled parent story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest video   check out that video on the right that's said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 7,582
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: zk9Dph0-sRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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