r/EntitledParents KAREN CRASHES MY DAUGHTERS PLAY DATE! - Reddit Stories

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today we've got a crazy entitled parent story  about a father telling their kid they don't   deserve medical treatment we'll get into that  in a bit but first entitled mother has meltdown   over her child's IQ test result I'm a high school  teacher and our school recently partnered with an   IQ testing company to offer assessments for our  students I don't agree with this at all but the   school's reasoning is that it's meant to help us  better understand the various learning needs of   our students not to limit their potential this  week after we administered the IQ test since out   the results an entitled mother stormed into my  classroom Furious over her son's average above   average IQ score7 she accused the school of  deliberately undermining her son's genius and   holding him back by manipulating the results I've  been teaching her son for the past 6 months and   he's a smart kid but he hasn't shown any signs  of being a genius his grades are good but I have   students who have much higher grades and catch on  to New Concepts much faster than he does I I tried   explaining to her that IQ scores aren't the Beall  and endall of assessing intelligence and that   they don't dictate a Student Success but she just  wouldn't stop after a while we told her to contact   the company administering the test and take it  up with them I feel bad for her son though he's   a good kid and looked like he just wanted to melt  into the ground and disappear while all of this   was happening how dare op be the one to stand in  their way of their kid curing cancer or developing   the Next Great Space traveling ship it's all op's  fault also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy   crazy stories of entitled parents why not hit  those like And subscribe buttons down below that   said our next story is my mother tried to crash  my 16th birthday hey everyone I previously posted   in the am I the jerk subreddit about a situation  between myself and my parents mostly my mother   tldr I was parentified and forced to devote 99%  of my free time to my younger brother I got fed   up and ran to my grandmother parents surrendered  legal custody of me to her there are more details   in the two posts I made about the topic things  have been going smoothly I'm doing well in   school taking some extracurriculars Robotics and  debate team and still have time to read and hang   out with friends I've started to communicate with  my dad my decision never in person just over the   phone mostly it's small talk I talk about school  and classes and he gives me updates on Matt my   little brother I've not said a word to my mother  directly since the day custody with was given to   my grandmother the last time we spoke my dad told  me that Mt had realized I was no longer around and   became more agitated they hired a nanny to help  out but both my parents were still forced to cut   back their hours that was a week and a half ago  this past Saturday I had my dream birthday party   which was themed After books my birthday cake  looked like a stack of books snacks were themed   after literary genres and everyone came dressed  as Book characters I dressed as Sherlock Holmes   we had a very cozy venue all to ourselves and  it was great it was a very chill relaxed party   my grandmother hired security for the party with  a strict list of who was allowed this was due to   a couple of bullies at school who heard about my  party and threatened to crash it the party ended   after a few hours and most of the guests left  the ones left were my grandmother myself one of   the guards and my two closest friends I excused  myself to go to the restroom and when I came out   one of my friends met me halfway down the hall she  tried to push me back into the restom room saying   my mother had shown up and was demanding to see me  I told nobody from my family about this party not   my dad not even the family members who supported  me because of this exact possibility I also didn't   post about it on social media I heard yelling  from my grandmother and decided to confront the   situation myself the security guard was holding my  mom back and my grandmother was a livid the second   my mother saw me she became irate screaming that  I was a disgrace that she was never going to let   me just cut her off and if I knew what was good  for me I'd come home I didn't feel scared or even   angry I was just tired I kind of sighed pulled out  my phone and told her I was calling the police it   was up to her if she stayed to face them but  either way I was filing a no contact order   she went pale screamed at me one last time then  ran off getting into her car and speeding away I   was glad it didn't happen during the party but it  left me shaken needless to say my grandmother and   I will be speaking to our attorney tomorrow I'm  still not sure how she found out about the party   which is what Spooks me the most do entitled SL  narcissistic parents just have some ability that   lets them repeatedly attempt to screw up their  kids' lives I'm starting to feel like I'll have   to watch out for my mom the rest of my life sadly  a lot of entitled SL narcissistic parents like to   try to ruin their kids' life whenever they can at  least until the kids are old enough to put their   foot down and keep that distance it's always sad  to have have to say getting a restraining order   against your parents is the right thing but it  does seem like the right thing our next story   is Mom feels entitled to daughter's clothes I  17-year-old female and my mother 50-year-old   female who lives in Oregon had a falling out this  December and recently she came to visit me and my   dad in Texas I was very worried about this because  of her and I having the fight but she seemed to   regret what she did and was trying to be careful  around me for the first day she visited which I   appreciated the second day she asked to borrow  some leggings or shorts for me to go play tennis   I initially said no as I buy all of my clothes  myself and I'm pretty protective over my leggings   in particular which are pretty expensive and I  don't like getting dirty or sweaty however she   begged so I gave her a pair of shorts to use  she said they were too short and she needed   leggings because of the cold outside so I found  a pair that I would maybe be okay with her using   as long as she took good care of them she tried  them on and told me they were too short as well   and that she needed leggings that go all the  way to the ankle instead of to the midcalf I   argued with her saying that I wasn't willing to  let her borrow the ones I own like that but she   started yelling at me and my dad did his well  to back her up saying that I'm selfish I need   to hand them over I told her no that I've given  her plenty of options and that she could choose   from those and that it wasn't my fault she hadn't  packed any with her she and my dad then said that   I should have let her look through my closet  and picked out whatever she wanted and that   everyone like my future roommates and friends are  going to hate me because I was too selfish I just   walked away to my room to cool off there I found a  pair of fleece lined leggings which she initially   accepted but she heard the tone of my voice which  wasn't all sunshine and rainbows due to her being   so rude to me right before she said that I was  being too rude to her and she didn't need the   leggings anyway because she could just wear the  peir she had worn on the plane the day before I   was insulted by this because if she had a pair why  ask me for one we were both pretty upset and she   calmed downish and said she wanted to talk to me  about how selfish I was being I told her it's not   the right time as I had to get to work and went  to go to which she said freak you to me her own   daughter who she was trying to make it up to my  dad refused to drive me to my work so I went to   bike over as I was leaving my mom decided to put  in one last jab and told me to take off the shirt   I was wearing which she had given to me because  it didn't suit her she grabbed a pair of scissors   and said she was going to cut it up to which I  laughed and took off the shirt my dad realized   how crazy she was acting and tried to calm her  down she asked why I was laughing and I said and   you think you've changed that's a joke anyway  I changed my shirt and was halfway out the door   when she was yelling at me more then I left for  work honestly I feel like at that point I would   probably call off of work and I would honestly  try to make sure they get get out of your place   I would be afraid leaving them alone with your  stuff I feel like if they're willing to cut your   shirt up right there the one that you're wearing  what's going to stop her from you going off to   work after saying that to her and her chopping  up your whole wardrobe our next story is my mom   used an MLM to treat my sore throat then the flu  and then I became allergic to the products this   story is pretty silly but my dad brought up how I  almost got hospitalized due to my mom's MLM idea   she joined an MLM in the 1990s is called melaluca  I was around 13 or 14 when these large white boxes   showed up she would buy the shampoo conditioner  lotion children's vitamins adult vitamins and so   on I should say it was really weird toothpaste  was gross breath spray was much to be desired I   literally was told it was better for me than  what we bought at the local grocery store my   sister and I sort of shrugged it off my mom was  that kind of weirdo so in that time I got a bad   sore throat my mom took me to the local doctor  I had a strep test and so on turned out to be   laryngitis simple right wrong my mom decided to  not use the prescription and instead decided to   use whatever cure all she thought of this led to  me missing a week of school then on top of that   I caught a nasty flu my dad who rarely tried to  involve himself in the schemes took me to another   doctor strep test and then he was told what he  didn't want to hear I had laringitis and the flu   also a sinus infection he also found out that one  of the additives to the melaluca lotion caused a   rash on my back when he heard all this he got the  medication that was prescribed and had a lovely   discussion with my mom that mlms do not cure colds  or much of anything he also mentioned that I was   allergic to her lotion to say the least my mom  became all entitled and she thought I was lying   again he showed her all of the medical evidence  she still said those must be lies nobody can be   allergic to melaluca she to this day still thinks  melaluca is an awesome product she ceased giving   me the lotion or any product laced with it it  hasn't stopped her from giving it to my husband   who is also allergic to the same additives in the  lotion so to sum up this comedy my mother gets   into an MLM gets entitled when she's told that it  doesn't cure a dang thing and causes more problems   than it solves FYI the children's and adult  vitamins don't work please just buy your kids   Flintstones or whatever your pediatrician suggests  also the melaluca kids vitamins taste like chalk   with grape flavoring I have more stories of my  mom trying to use melaluca as a cure stories   they're all pretty much silly and her entitled mom  mind let me know if you want to see them because   they're pretty out there now I have no idea if  I was pronouncing melaluca right probably not   but considering the way op described it I didn't  particularly care that much to find out once it's   revealed that this stuff is actually causing op  problems at that point if your mom kept trying to   force you or give it to you you know saying oh  it's good for you they were essentially trying   to just like feed you poison I don't know what  would have happened first melaluca dispatching   op or their body's ability to try to build up an  immunity to it God forbid any long-term symptoms   that might come from something like that our  next story is entitled mom lets your son kick   my chair at a concert for context there was no  age limit at all for this concert mainly because   the concert had a theme that was aimed for all  age ranges video game concert that's fine with   me especially because the game is not inherently  inappropriate it's like the EA rating of 10 plus   at most 10 plus still isn't that vulgar shared  spaces between adults and kids exist and I'm fine   with that until the parents cut their kids slack  simply because it's their kid like seriously has   parenting taken such a turn that parents don't  step up and acknowledge the faultiness of their   own parenting now I get to this interaction  is honestly quite mundane and I wouldn't care   this much to rant about it if the mother had not  reacted so poorly I'm very polite with a lot of   my public interactions as most people should  be so the most I say is something along the   lines of excuse me I can feel your son kicking my  seat I would prefer if he wouldn't and to put it   briefly it was quite a blunt statement because I  don't need to elaborate more than that even then   my tone of voice was calm this mother proceeds to  attack me for no reason she basically gaslights   me saying that this is life and you can't tell my  son what to do with his I'd prefer if you didn't   nitpick him she basically mimicked my statement  earlier about the preference thing and used it as   a harsh statement towards me also life is annoying  to everyone why do you have to let your kid be a   nuisance this Mother's logic was flawed I think  she saw this as an attack on her as a parent and   her kid which to be fair with how she reacted  might as well have been a personal attack on   her because she didn't take it well at all I feel  too mature as a parent and a person you take it   objectively and say okay thanks I'll keep that  in mind or whatever the freak along those lines   if that was my son I'd tell him to stop kicking  immediately and for God's Sak's reason I didn't   see and a stranger told me I'd immediately take  accountability for my own God dang child what's   worse is she knows I was in the right cuz I heard  her whisper to her kid to stop kicking afterwards   if you know what I'm saying is correct why can't  you just react like a normal person instead she   had to throw shade at me and act like a bench  seriously I think some people aren't fit to be   parents some people aren't fit to be parents  honestly this is just somebody that does not   want to take accountability and that extends  to their kids as well just flat out this next   story is my parents don't like my boyfriend for  some context I'm 23 graduated University last   year oldest daughter and family and working a 9  to-5 job I met my boyfriend about a year ago at   a party we dated for half the year before we were  official my boyfriend fell in love with me first   and has always treated me well since the beginning  after a few months when we started dating I would   visit him weekends to hang out with him I've met  his parents and they like me a lot even till this   day I've met his siblings and they like me too  since this year my parents started questioning   who I was seeing and staying over every weekend  my mother asked me what ethnicity my boyfriend   is and I answered Vietnamese my mother instantly  was shocked and angry because she's racist she   wants me to only be with a boy that's Chinese and  buys me a car and house ever since I told her this   information she would not stop lecturing me how  bad Vietnamese people are she would say all these   nasty things like Vietnamese people are poor short  and ugly this hurt me a lot and this day tonight   my mother would say nasty things my boyfriend is  actually very tall handsome and he's a provider   my boyfriend is an honest caring and kind person  and nobody else knows that except for me after my   first traumatizing relationship I was single for 3  years and dating different people because I could   not find anybody who genuinely loved me until  I met my boyfriend last year he has treated me   like a princess since day one now the reason why  I'm writing this is because I've just let out a   massive cry in my room after I just got home from  staying at my boyfriend's house this weekend my   parents say all these nasty things because they  want me to date someone who's Chinese so my mom   can communicate with my boyfriend in Chinese and  their mother also they want a better future for   me my mother is also a narcissist as growing up  she controlled me a lot I've been emotionally   abused by my mother and physically punched in  the face by my dad when I was young so leaving   the house on weekends is an escape from this toxic  household I also had a massive argument with my   parents 2 weeks ago because they didn't like me  staying out of my boyfriend's house my Dad tried   to kick me out of the house and I stayed over at  my my boyfriend's house then parents turned 180   and forced me to come home which I didn't because  it was too toxic my boyfriend loves me a lot and   will always welcome me to stay with his parents  if I get a mental breakdown at home or kicked   out living with my parents is heck when I'm with  my boyfriend I'm very happy and I don't remember   all the bad things and Trauma that happened  in my life I just hope op finds it easier and   easier over time to enforce their boundaries as  an adult making their own adult decisions and   honestly if they can move out our next story is  you offered me one but I deserve both a national   hardware store is running a month of children's  DIY craft workshops themed from a specific TV show   each store has limited supply of the craft items  and have required free bookings for each child to   attend the bookings are being sold out weeks  in advance we missed out the first two weeks   because we weren't quick enough to get a booking  today I finally got a booking and went to do some   crafting with my 2-year-old I'd actually made two  bookings but my older child decided he didn't want   to go we arrived about 10 minutes early checked in  and we're standing around waiting for the session   to start there's only 10 places per session when  entitled mother arrives and starts demanding the   sessions start immediately because it's Saturday  and she has places to be the worker asks for the   name on the booking and entitled mother starts  screeching about how her husband is a special   Warehouse member who spends thousands at the store  every year and she never got an email telling her   she needed to book and do anything the little girl  standing next to her was about my daughter's age   had wandered over and started playing with my  daughter trying to be kind to a 2-year-old I   told the worker that I had two bookings but only  one child that come with me entitled mother's kid   can have one of my spots before the worker could  even reply entitled mother turns on me and starts   shouting that she has two kids and it wouldn't  be fair if one of them missed out since since   one of my kids is already missing out her kids  should have both of my bookings because it's only   fair the worker starts trying to explain that she  can't force me to give up my booking and limited   supplies meant she couldn't allow an extra child  to participate without a booking the worker then   handed the two craft sets to me and entitled  mother stood there with her hand out looking   at me expectantly I just said this looks like fun  I think I'll have a go myself and walked over to   the table with both sets as it turns out another  family didn't turn up so entitled mother's spawn   did get to participate but I very happily smiled  the whole time I was painting that little dog   statue all the while entitled mother scowled at me  from across the table I even got a participation   certificate which is now proudly hanging on my  fridge if I were an op's position and this kind   of thing was proposed to me I'd probably jump in  and do the exact same thing honestly like screw   that suggestion well one of your kids is missing  out why not just go home and give me both of your   tickets this is what I get for trying to be nice  our next story is cruise ship Karen forgot that   other adults might parent her unsupervised kids  for her cruise ship Karens are for real so this   happened after a disappointing buffet dinner  of the same food that was also served in the   main dining we wanted some machine soft serve  ice cream we wandered to find it we found it as   we approached the machines there were three little  kids ages 8 to 11 getting ice cream no adult with   them they were laughing while dumping their ice  cream cones on the machine trays making piles of   messes of soft serve and Cones then trying to do  it again and again there were four separate piles   of them doing it the machine was still dripping  ice cream from the spouts because of their bad   behavior so I start to fill my cone with swirl  ice cream the kids come back before I'm even   done they look ready to cause more stupidity so  I turn to them and say stop mess messing around   with the ice cream I saw what you did I go to sit  down with my husband then a few seconds later some   guy and his kid walk around from behind me and  the kid slaps his hands super hard on top of the   railing separating the walkway from the table we  sat at the dad slapped his hands on a support beam   when walking like father like son when they  were a few feet further away I said how rude   like Stephanie Tanner from Full House only loud  enough for my husband to hear then a few minutes   later some 40-year-old lady in a swimsuit and  towel walked hurriedly past us looking around   probably for her lost kids she then turned to me  and loudly forcefully asked me if I was the one   who criticized her kids for getting ice cream I  said yes they were messing around acting like ice   cream cones were toys dumping their ice cream into  piles and thinking it was funny then came back to   do it again so I told them stop messing around  I saw what you did that's really bad behavior   they should be supervised if they're going to  disrespect public spaces that other people use   her rebuttal well my kids are trying to have a  fun vacation with their cousin I said you should   supervised little kids she says well someday when  you have kids You'll be annoyed and offended when   other people try to tell off your kids I said I  wasn't expecting some kids to be messing around   with ice cream like it's a toy that's your job  to supervise them and control them not other   people she says we were in the Next Room over in  the buffet waiting for the kids to come back to   us with their ice cream cones then her husband  comes over and he goes yeah well there was some   kid walking past her and slammed his hands on the  railing but then she was rude and called out how   rude they were I was rude some 10-year-old boy  was inches away from slapping me instead of a   walkway railing Karen says you shouldn't tell  other people's kids how to act or tell parents   how to raise their kids she then said don't you  ever dare talk to my kids again you bench as she   leaned over the walkway railing he grabbed her  like a mime with a that cane and told her to let   it go and walk away he probably didn't want to see  her attack someone at the bare minimum like he was   done with the argument because he was so used to  her acting this way this screams out entitlement   bad habits constantly not supervising their kids  not enforcing rules of behavior to the kids not   behaving like adults should setting bad examples  of behavior for their kids making excuses with   unnecessary details and story plots to deflect the  blame away from themselves Etc in hindsight if the   lady had been more calm in her approach I would  have said my thoughts to her among the following   just because the cruise ship curfew for miners is  10 p.m. it doesn't mean you can let your Under 12   kids walk away to do their own things especially  after dark just because maybe you let your kids   go get treats at the neighborhood market or corner  store at home unsupervised doesn't mean they can   do the same thing in an unfamiliar environment  after dark while on vacation especially on a   cruise ship kids left unsupervised will let  loose and misbehave because they know their   parents aren't watching but forget other adults  might remind them of the rules of society adding   in extra details about being on vacation with  their cousins and I and I some total stranger   ruined their vacation because I called them out on  their misbehavior and misuse of private property   supervise your kids with a tight then looser leash  stand 10 ft away to let them serve themselves and   every next time move 5T back further so they  know how to be responsible and respectful of   the environment it's okay for other people to say  sternly you're misbehaving this is for everyone   not just you so please use it right when your kids  are acting like they're at home and finally just   because I didn't have kids or babies next to me  doesn't mean that you can say when you have kids   someday you'll be offended too if someone corrects  their behavior for you lady if I had kids they   would have been in the kids club Nursery sleeping  in the room with my mother-in-law Etc not messing   around with public use shared self-serve ice cream  machines like toys and those are my thoughts about   cruise ship Karen the end can we all agree that  op definitely did not do anything inappropriate   here and that if you're in a public space or in a  relative public space like this cruise ship self-   serve ice cream stand it's totally acceptable to  say something like GOP said to those kids if you   see them acting like that this isn't insulting  anybody being rude or un just to somebody or   thinking or judging somebody's parenting it's  the same thing whether they're 11 or 110 you're   just telling them to respect something that people  share our next story is entitled dad tells his son   that he doesn't deserve medical treatment sadly  this is my own story from tonight context I'm   a high schooler who pole vaults I currently jump  about 8' 6 which isn't the best however I have the   dream to be able to vault in college and I've been  working by sprinting jumping drills all the time   both offseason and now on season in an attempt  to make the stream possible last night I took a   fall while vaulting landed feet first on the mat  my knee buckled into itself on impact this is an   8T drop and heard a pop in my knee I decided to  go to the athletic trainer since my knee and leg   was in excruciating pain the trainer said after  an assessment that I fit every possible sign for   an ACL tear and I should go to an orthopedic  doctor as soon as possible so I can get an MRI   and start the process of preparing for surgery  and Rehab SL Physical Therapy especially since I   do fall Sports as well as want to do athletics  in college this is the story of what happened   tonight entitled dad said op do you know what you  did do you understand the significance of what is   going to happen money doesn't grow on trees now  the school is going to pay attention to you you   should have kept silent I said I know I'm sorry  he said what the freak were you thinking even if   it is an ACL injury which it's not you probably  have a little sprain you're exaggerating you will   never go pro you aren't Kobe Bryant sitting on the  bench for the NBA if you have a partial or full   tear we aren't treating it you can deal with your  consequences about 10 seconds into the lecture he   grabbed my leg and then started screaming at me  to put it to the ground I physically couldn't the   pain was too much and he forcefully pushed it to  the floor while I winced in pain he then proceeded   continuing to shake my leg and pushing it past  my limits to get it straight now about 3 hours   later the athletic trainer texted my dad details  about going to a doctor on Monday morning he told   them no and he refuses to take me to the doctor  got to love sickening entitled parents although   this parent is obviously absolutely horrendous the  one thing I'm stuck on hearing a story like this   is just the Health Care system in America a kid  wrecks their knee and their abusive parent doesn't   want to take them because they don't don't want  to pay the money you just got to love the free   and the brave either way I hope op actually spoke  up about this to their athletic trainer because   what went on here definitely abuse and definitely  could have damaged the knee even further this next   story is crazy Karen knocked on my friend's door  because her daughter wasn't invited to a play date   to be fair this happened years ago but I want to  share it daughter was in my kindergarten class and   a couple more throughout my elementary year she  was an odd child obviously AU IC which I don't   blame her for at all she always threw screeching  fits through things Etc soon it became clear that   the mom was a big part of the problem entitled  mother blonde hair absolutely huge not in a rude   way and scary that's how I remember her as a first  grader she had this mindset that everyone should   want to be friends with her daughter and if they  didn't freak them she just ended up sabotaging the   poor girl I had a mutual friend with daughter this  other autistic girl oh oh she's a sweetheart still   on good terms with her today anyway me and her had  a play dat one time and throughout our hangout my   mom snapped some pics her mistake was posting  them on Facebook entitled mother goes storming   up to Mutual friend's house enraged after seeing  the pictures she knocks at their door and says is   there a play date we weren't invited to and the  rest is history another time I remember entitled   mother this grown Bud woman coming up to first  grade me and my first grade friend and demanding   we stop what we were doing and go with daughter  to the slides daughter pipes in influenced by   her mom saying ball time's over we were playing  tetherball we politely explained that we were   in the middle of a game but daughter could join  if she so pleased nope no we were being selfish   seven-year-olds and it's all we can do to go to  the slides with daughter who isn't even our friend   I think by the end of this incident she ran off  crying I hope the do daughter is doing better now   I do man that Mom is/ was a nightmare she tried  to force people to be her daughter's friend then   just scared them off I can't imagine any parent  who tries to force any of a kid's schoolmates to   be friends with their kid ever had a very good  success rate maybe the rich ones who can hand   out toys and gadgets like crazy but even then  it's kind of fake I just feel for the poor kid   too also can I just say I feel super freaking  old to hear this post where somebody said this   happened years ago they said I was in first grade  and then they said they posted these events that   were going on on Facebook I just can't equate  years ago Facebook and first grade all being   at the same time but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want to   hear another crazy entitled parent story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 8,447
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: Z5dAna1w4bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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