Did We Ruin The FREE Abandoned Airplane Engine ? Ep6

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welcome back to rebuild rescue all right guys so we're back here in the hangar today with the 401 i had a couple choices of what we were going to do today originally i was thinking hey this is our airplane now let's get this thing shined up let's get all the bird stuff off of it let's get the interior pulled out and get it cleaned up and then last night i just couldn't sleep and i just couldn't sleep because i kept thinking about you know what sam was saying when we're in the airplane starting it up that's great get out of here so you know after thinking about that just had to get in here and get working on this engine it's just really bugging me that that we don't have this started yet and honestly that's what i you know i set out to do i set out to have both these engines running that was my goal so let's dig in on this today and let's figure out what's wrong with it i have some ideas and we'll see if we can get this thing started all right so this might sound a little crazy to some of you but the other day um i was hearing the hangar working and this old-timer aviation mechanic came up to me and he said you know back in the day when he served in the military he worked on a ton of different military vehicles and stuff and they didn't always have like cans of penetrating oil and stuff like that and he's like just put some jet fuel in the engine that kind of confused me because you know this engine runs off of 100 low lead aviation fuel gasoline but he said no he's like you know to unstick it he's like just pour that jet fuel right down inside the engine move the prop around and let it sit for a while and he's like it'll thin everything out and if there's anything in there that's kind of coked up or uh or varnished he said it'll loosen it up so we're going to try that today i'm not sure what's going to happen but we're going to try it and see what happens [Music] make sure i don't get any of this stuff in my coffee stuff stinks so we're gonna put as much of this jet fuel down inside the crankcase down inside with the oil um as will fit i'm not sure how much it's going to fit either but we're going to find out so one of the things i've been thinking about is how slow this engine turned over in comparison to engine one on the left side of the airplane and the thought i have is you know is the oil pump just all coked up with sticky old oil the hopes are you know getting this jet fuel in that it thins out all the oil and it works as a solvent you know inside the engine and it's readily available here at the airport all right so we have a couple gallons of jet fuel actually i just i can't believe i just put jet fuel down in the crank case of an engine but anyway um we put it in there it smells terrible by the way but so so now we're going to crank the engine over just try to kind of splash it around in there get it moving i'm just going to crank it by hand and then we'll pull the oil filter off and i'm going to get some down in that line too so basically the idea is just to get that jet fuel and use it as a solvent get it all throughout the engine let it sit while we pull this mag apart and get the mag cleaned up and make sure it's timed right so i think i can turn this over faster than what the starter turned it over so hopefully once we get this thing loosened up a bit my hopes are it's going to spin over faster which is going to create more electricity as as far as the mag goes the faster it spins the more the magnetic field makes more energy the hotter the spark so could have been part of the problem is is this not spinning over fast enough it wasn't able to make the electricity it needed to make to start all right that's actually a really good workout so we'll get this oil filter off that'll give us a chance to see if there's any oil that was even up in the oil filter because if you look here the way the oil filter is is it's it's uh you know sitting up and down so it will drain back down in you know looking in the comments the other thing that i noticed is a few of you mentioned that these continentals have an issue with the oil pump losing prime the oil eventually ran out of it and unless it has oil in it it's not going to continue to pull oil out of the pan so that could also be the problem so it could be a combination of them but one way or the other we're going to make sure that this is primed we're going to make sure the whole engine's cleaned out inside and see if it makes a difference in the way this thing spins over you can tell this hasn't been off for 17 or 18 years i'm kind of curious to see how full this is if it'll show on the dipstick 12 quarts is down there so it's up to here so i'd say we got about 18 quarts of fluid in there so what's the chances this has any oil in the filter this is going to tell a little bit of a story so zero oil it's not all corroded which is good at some point here i am going to replace that filter all right so let me get a funnel we're going to get some of that jet fuel down in down in there as well all right that'll work perfect can you look down here and see if when i rotate this prop backwards if the uh the pump does suck this jet fuel down in it that'll be a good way to see if the pump is working oh yeah it sucked it down it's definitely sucking it down so that's good so that means the pump is taking that fluid and pulling it down in which is a good sign oh we're gonna make a big mess all right so i would say that's cool glad i have those absorption mats here got plenty of that in the crankcase we got some directly down in the oil pump if you could look right here you can see the fluid in the top of the i believe that's the output side as i'm spinning it over if you can just tell me if this sinks or comes out nice know what that means pressure so we just got oil pressure at least coming up into the filter area through the feed lines and i'm exhausted that prop is kind of hard to turn over i mean we're turning over some massive pistons or i'm just out of shape it might be both i'm not as young as i used to be so i'm going to put this filter back on i'm going to hook some power up to it we're going to turn it over with the starter because hey i'm too exhausted to turn over my hand anymore and b i think it'll turn over faster than what i can turn it over and i'd like just to pump this all through the engine so it still has lubrication um you know being that it's it's mixed with the oil and it actually mixes really well it's like a you know like i said it's it acts kind of like as a solvent so we'll get this back on alright so let's hook the hook the battery up and we'll just we'll turn it over so i've actually heard some folks sent me a message and they said every time that i say penetrating oil or penetrant or something like that they've made a drinking game out of it so they've watched all the all the videos we have with our friends and just for you guys i think i just said it now four or five more times so you're welcome and in light of that i'm gonna use two cans and we're really going to get these cylinders lubed up you know because i'm a little worried that they haven't had much lubricant with this penetrating oil so we're going to get plenty of it in the cylinders just to make sure that as we're turning this over it's not dragging the rings dry on the cylinder walls i'm gonna be real excited also to do a compression test on this one and compared to the one that did start and to also you know check the fuel pressure because we know what the other one got when it started and what it took to start it you know regardless of what you know is in the in the books and whatnot so it'll be interesting to do that and compare the two all right so let's go and grab the batteries and i'll hook the batteries up all right so we got some voltage let's get inside here and crank those engines over and it is gorgeously clean airplane of ours i really did want to clean this up today and i'm sure one or two of you might want to see the cleanup of this in fact you know what if you guys really want to see the cleanup of this you know post on the comments i saw a couple people commenting on it but and also let me know like you know what do you want to see the most the the outside the inside i mean i i just i have a feeling that these things are going to come out really clean believe it or not although that is completely and utterly disgusting i have put an ozonator in here um early on to kill any of the bacteria or anything like that that would be in here and it helped with the smell a lot all right so i don't need any of this stuff on here's the oil oil pressure for the red engine if you look here it looks like it may be a little broken but yeah we'll keep the mags off turn the power on if this gauge even works my hopes are that this oil pressure comes up especially that it's so thin like that it should really pump clear prop i kind of want to see if that fuel flow gauge is going to come up to while we're in here hey look we have fuel pressure oil pressure look we even have even more okay so obviously that gauge is broken however we did see the oil coming up out of the pump uh out of the filter area that would have been coming up into the oil filter so we're gonna let all of that sit in there and hopefully you know clean everything up in there just kind of slowly clean it up while we go over the uh the mags so i did get a few messages as well from folks that said these these old light speed headsets were you know really valuable back in the day these are a little a little worn out there's two of them i mean one's a 33 g and the other one is a 15 x lc hey if any of you guys want these you want to restore them or if you can restore them or if you're brave enough to restore them you know you're you're welcome to have them just you know put a post in the comments that you want them and you know and or you know just just reach out even uh in the description i have a link to get a hold of me or an email to get a hold of me shoot me an email let me know i'd love to see if someone can fix these things they're they're pretty disgusting all right so i know we have some oil pressure at this point you know coming back up through the filter um i know the oil pressure gauge is broken i could get an oil pressure tester and hook it up to one of the oil pressure lines out here i think it in a bit here i'll probably pull this loose and see if we have any oil coming through that turbo feed line actually let's let's pull this off and just see if we do have any oil coming out of there at this point we didn't have any oil coming out of there and that's you know early on what kind of made me curious oh look at that there we go guys so we have loved the turbo you know so one of the reasons i'm laughing is because the camera is going crazy today doesn't want to cooperate but the other reason i'm laughing is we got freaking oil here we haven't had oil in this engine the other one did that tells me we have oil flow i'm not going to say whether or not that's pressure on how much it is but i believe that guy's um suggestion of putting freaking jet fuel in here is working i mean because it thinned it out it mixed with it really well it stinks really bad it smells a little bit like diesel so the next thing i'm going to do let's get the spark plugs cleaned up because i did rob the spark plugs out of this one and stuck it in engine one if you remember on the video how disgusting they were i mean they were like the most terrible thing ever so i did soak them in the parts washer here but i still got to get like all the carbon out of it as well so let's get this oil line back on we'll get the plugs cleaned up we're going to pull this mag apart we're going to make sure that the timing marks line up i'm just going to pull this one apart because it's the one that is needed to start it this one is a secondary mag this is the one that has the shower of sparks the other engine started without this right mag working so i'm assuming this one will start too because it does have leads going to either cylinder this left one i believe the leads go to the top of the cylinder and on the right cylinders it goes on the bottom so let's get this hooked back up get some penetrating fluid on here so i can actually spin the nut one of the comments too is that you know this penetrating fluid company i'm not gonna say the name should sponsor the channel i think they should too just because i'm gonna go broke buying this stuff you know or hey if there's any other company out there that wants to be on our channel we use all kinds of penetrating fluids so and i've had tons of suggestions in the in the comments of who we should use if you're watching this and you work for one of those companies give me a shout you know our contact information is in the description i had this feeling that the oil pump wasn't getting prime and because the oil pump wasn't getting prime it wasn't getting lubrication cylinders it wasn't getting lubrication anywhere which in retrospect i you know i wish i would have thought of that because you know that means the bearings and and whatnot weren't getting as much lubrication as it should have it still would have had some from some splashing and from just the oil level like the cam and these continentals sit really low so the cam i'm not worried about at all but the crank bearings and stuff i am however for this thing to fly again there's a ton of work we're going to have to do it's just not getting this engine running we are going to pull the engine we are going to split it we are going to have to you know do a complete overhaul the last thing we want is this being up over you know some city and then having emergency landing or something like that that's the last thing we want to do so we are going to check it over but we do want to get it running we we want to finish the task so that's hooked up all right so if i remember correctly inside this hole we're going to see part of the timing gear so inside the hole here we have one of the gears for the rotor inside of the mag so i'm going to spin the prop over and i think there'll be it's a red or a black mark that'll be right in the middle of this window at some point ah right there that red mark that is time now it needs to be timed for number one cylinder to be at top dead center and i'm going to check top dead center the most fancy way ever this really cool tool i'm going to take a screwdriver and i'm going to stick it in here and just make sure like i can look in the cylinder here if you come over here and take a look you can see right inside there i mean these these pistons are so huge i mean you can't miss it so right there's the piston i already know it's a top dead center but real simple i mean you can use a gauge for this but if i put the screwdriver in here and i keep some pressure on there it's going to give me top dead center so right right there's top dead center so we're top dead center on cylinder number one so then if i if i come back 25 degrees right there's the timing mark so i'm going to check the other side make sure something didn't happen along the way that i don't know about maybe they're not in time but now we know that main mag is in time and if you look inside there this one is as well so they are both in fact the right timing as far as you know naked eye now obviously i put a degree wheel you know on the front prop there's also some marks to line up uh in the front of the engine but i know it's top dead center and i know these are lined up so we're good we did previously pop this cap off we looked in there the points are good we popped this cap off the points are good i didn't check the the leads the p leads to see if it was grounding the mags out like if there was a short somewhere in the wire or somewhere in the switch inside the airplane i didn't didn't check that it's something that i can check really quickly if i pop this cap off my guess is that there's going to be a little corrosion in the pickup and the rotors it's just like a car truck it's got a rotor that passes by a contact that has a charge to it and it transfers the charge as it passes by per cylinder and that's how it fires so a lot of times in an old car truck if you've seen any of the other videos that i've done in the dump truck video i checked it and it was actually pretty clean but there was a little bit of corrosion the contacts pretty simple scrape the corrosion off it's going to make contact is it going to be perfect if it's if it's corroded and scraped off no but will it start normally it will i don't know what's going to happen when i pull this apart so previously we did pull this off as well the harness and everything looked good in here that is the condenser which is replaceable which does go bad usually it's going to go bad because this wire is going to be corroded or that this is going to be corroded or it can be internally bad as well that looks like in great shape i can test it but folks have actually told me too that they've tested them and they've still been bad or they still fail pretty quick but we're just trying to get it started obviously you know at some point these need you know complete overhauls in both mags so internal timing is this mark here external timing is the mark that's inside here so as long as you have those correct and your your point gap is set correctly uh you should be good to go so if you guys get a chance give the video pause get on the comments is this ever going to run again or have i just have i ruined the whole engine or is it going to explode all right let's pop this baby out so there's our mag i want to get everything marked as far as where everything is so i don't have to try to remember that really curious to see how this looks on the inside all right i feel like i'm kind of taking a bomb apart right now like i don't want to move something the wrong way all right so here's our coil it's got a little something on it but not bad here is the brush right here on the other side of this is going to be the cap there's our i don't know what that red mark is oh that's our the timing mark we were seeing this is why it is important to service these yes it would spark but if you look at like the the bearings and stuff i mean there it's pretty much just dried out grease there's barely any in there so before something like this would be flown and that's that's why you gotta like fully overhaul these and fully rebuild them but looking down in there i mean the the magnet in here is there's no corrosion in here so i feel good about that there was really nothing on where the coil connects you know that's a little mark there but it's it's nothing bad this is a brush that goes to the gear that makes contact to the coil that's not bad these points look pretty good it's a tiny little bit of something on we'll get those cleaned up that is where the voltage jumps across the arc and this is where it it contacts just like you'd have in a car truck i mean it's no different all right that looks pretty clean so if you look in here at the rotor uh not the rotor but this would be more like the cap that would be uh again on your carter truck it definitely has a good amount of corrosion pretty happy with the way these are cleaned up so they're not 100 perfect again i would replace these normally all right this has to be here all right so i know there's a tool to time all of this internally so you don't have to try to have six hands i think i got it perfect there yep all right so we're good it's a pretty cool sound [Music] it's a tiny little bit of build up on these points i kind of feel like a dentist right now scraping a tooth so if any of you need any fillings done let me know i'm not a dentist but i think we could figure it out all right i feel pretty confident that is in a lot better shape than it was and we got our timing marks are correct internal and external so if we get it on the engine now in the same position we should be good to go and get the gasket all right so the only thing we're going to do now is as we lock this down is make sure that our our marks lined up which we already have it lined up now to get them in time correctly there's a spark box is a spark box is it a ah spark box see i have my own names for stuff a lot of times uh so it's not a spark box it is a dual magneto synchronizer so you know inductor magneto timing light i like spark box a lot better so yeah so normally you would hook this up to both p-leads and you would turn the prop you would see that these are both synchronized perfectly we're just trying to start it so and this one doesn't even work so we're going to go ahead and get this one firing and then you know in a in a future episode when we're overhauling the whole engine when we're getting everything one thousand percent correct we'll use one of these it's not going anywhere so everything's attached everything looks to be timed right one step closer to getting this engine running so many of you have shared the different ideas of things you would do if you had this airplane and you were a pilot and could fly wherever you know wherever you wanted to go one of the things i've been thinking of is what do you want to see us do with this airplane you know i think right away what can we do to help people you know there is angel flights you know they help ill people get to hospital appointments across the country there's paul's rescue which i'm going to talk about a good bit in a future video because that is how i got one of my dogs and that dog is the most amazing dog ever she was flown here from a different part of the country and i adopt her here so there's also uh some different veterans non-profits that we could get involved in when i say you know this airplane is ours i truly mean it this airplane is ours i wouldn't be doing this uh you know without you guys the support the excitement you know when you guys come in the comments and and i can feel your excitement i read so many of the comments in fact some people might say i spend too much time reading the comments just because i love that you guys are part of the community that is rebuild rescue and that's what this is this is a community it's not just a channel it's just not videos it's a community the community is you guys i'm just a little like a small part of it so we're going to have a fly-in at some point in the summer and i think this is the first time i mentioned it buckle up boys we're going to have the 401 here we're going to have stubby here we're going to have the dump truck here we're going to have the jeep here we're going to also have the next project here that you guys don't know about yet i appreciate you know when you guys uh invest in the channel with your time i also appreciate you know when you guys do buy some shirts you know go to the merch store buy some hats it supports the 401 project it supports some really really cool projects and the idea of this channel at the end of the day is to give back and it's always going to be to give back so make sure you're subscribed make sure you like the videos share the videos with friends of yours we're going to be giving back to you guys as the viewers and that is uh i just i can't express that enough that how important that is and how important i hope it is for you guys i feel like i'm threading a needle so i'm going to get these plugs back in here all right so that magneto is cleaned up it's timed correctly enough the only thing we would have to do now is see how well of a spark it creates so see how well it sparks so we did clean these up in the parts washer but man there is just a ton of carbon stuck down in these plugs it's almost like i could have soaked them for a year all right so we'll get these up against the head to ground them out because you do need a good ground although this one does also ground through the wire as well a lot of folks don't realize that that this is a ground on the outside as well but we'll get it against the head for good measure also all right so we have six spark plugs hooked on so we're gonna kill the lights we're gonna make the mag hot and probably do a little prayer that uh that these things spark really good so so we'll get all that jet fuel it's it's really weird saying we'll get all that jet fuel out of the inside of the engine but uh so we're gonna do that we're gonna we're gonna drain the jet fuel out you know and then we will how does this work it's gotta go lower i thought i was being all fancy with our tools but this isn't going to work so let me grab let me grab something else get something to prop this up so it's not going all over the place oh thought we had most of that out of there yeah i think i'm actually starting to get pretty excited about the cleanup slash detailing video of this airplane because i can't wait till i'm done working in bird poop one thing on an airplane you get used to real quick is safety wire because almost everything is safety wired obviously you don't want a drain plug coming out of a an engine at 10 000 feet it's usually a bad look not to mention people have oil on their cars would not be too happy with their houses i'm still assuming this is going to get all over me but at least it should be a little bit less so we did put a couple gallons of jet fuel in there so this is going to fill this it looks like maybe it's a two gallon waste container so it's going to get real messy here [Music] i do have a plan [Music] we are brilliant genius can't change oil yeah it's about time for a full hanger makeover this will help oops [Music] so note to self whenever you're draining oil waste oil into a waste oil container make sure nobody else previously halfway filled this waste oil container or you're going to have waste oil all over the place so and it looks like we just had a little bit more just enough to cause the huge mess so i think we'll uh clean this up a little bit later let these uh absorption mats do their job all right so we got all of that old stuff out of here got these mags or mag firing and that thing has awesome spark get this some of this breather tube hooked back down we'll get some oil in here 12 quarts of oil and we'll get the plugs in and then what are we going to do after that oh we should probably check compression after that we'll check fuel pressure and then we're going outside we're going to see if we can't finally get engine number two fired up making smoke see if the prop works and that would be awesome yeah this has just has been eating at me so much i mean i i can't explain to you how much it eats at me so i'll be really happy once this thing is once this thing's burning burning fuel and some thick oil like some of the thickest oil i've ever poured in yes didn't spill a drug we did much better putting oil in than we did taking oil out usually it's the other way around so that's 10 quarts um that's fine for what we're doing i believe according to dipstick you know it's a 12 quart dipstick but i believe these will run off of even like four quarts so i've heard not that i'm ever going to find out so i'm confident we're good there so let's do the compression test next because that's the one i'm most curious about i'm going to see what kind of compression this has maybe that's one of the reasons it wasn't firing up all right so we'll start back here cylinder two and we'll work our way around clear so she's spitting some oil out too that's interesting all right one more cylinder to check as i check these cylinders i find myself trying to go faster and faster because i'm getting more excited so i can actually get some sleep at night clear all right so we have compression on all the cylinders i know at least one or two or a few of you have put in the comments one of our shirts you know says that you need spark fuel and air to start an engine you do need compression you need timing you need ignition timing you need cam timing but you know i do agree with that and we may change the shirt and add compression and i may go through the comments and see who might have mentioned that and they might get reached out to to get a free shirt all right i got our handy dandy specialized aviation fuel pressure tester limited edition oh so we are going to have to get these engines overhauled to make this legal to fly so if any of you work at an engine overhaul shop or you know somebody who owns one or works at one send them a link to this video you know let them know we're looking for a shop to work with because we're gonna have to get these overhauled so we'd love to come to your shop and to you know to overhaul these things with you all right we got the fuel pressure tester hooked up i'm gonna go inside we're gonna pop the fuel pump on see what kind of pressure we got nothing well that's not good [Music] [Music] i am officially a dum-dum i'm such an idiot oh this is what happens when i get excited about doing something there's my schrader valve tool so in my haste there's a schrader valve in here that i forgot to take out so there's no way it can test the pressure because the pressure can't get in so now let's get inside the engine actually let's not get inside the engine and be really cramped in there let's get inside the cockpit let's turn that pressure pump on let's see how much pressure we get any pressure [Music] i wonder how much i'm gonna have to spray on here to actually get this cleaned up hey sam what's going on brother do you think you're gonna clean up the airplane with that little spray bottle well anything left in there we're at least gonna clean up the huge mess i made by trying to fit six gallons of oil jet fuel mixed out of the engine into a five-gallon container that i think had about two gallons in it that somebody put in there so so you're a mechanic but matthew really isn't no math is not and you've you you've flown with me now so you understand that already yeah but the headings yeah three two zero down yeah hey as long as you're within 10 degrees i'm good so that that's that's the way i fly so yeah no i'm glad you stopped by we're gonna get this thing fired up we got the mags all cleaned out we have fuel we have compression now it's it's the compression is not that good i mean i think they're right around 60 to 90. i think two or three or sixty might be a little lower so so this engine here it's not as good it could just be a little corrosion on the valve so we might run it and that might come up but you know the the other day when you were here and we fired we fired this up you had mentioned you know hey now you have half the plane so i thought to myself last night i brought a chainsaw i'm just going to split it right down the middle this way you know where we going i figure it's better to have it together so i better get this one running no and i i knew you'd want to want to hear this thing run i want to hear it run like i can't tell you how many hours we have into this side of the airplane versus that side you know just figuring stuff out and kind of learning along the way as well oh and everybody's correcting you this is the number two engine oh i know i was calling it the right engine was i called the number one number that was the number two engine this is the number two okay so i'm calling right i was calling this the number one because it's the number one pain in my eyes so if you have some time do you want to help us pull these these airplanes out we'll pull the 401 out and you'll get to see i think it's gonna the idea is you know i i'd like to see a fly in it again i really would i don't know how we're gonna afford to restore it pretty much you could fill this thing up with money and that might be enough yeah yeah it's i figure it's it's probably going to be in the 300 000 range that'd be to restore it to get it flying i think could probably get it safely flying for like close to 200 but it wouldn't be restored this airplane did a lot of angel flight missions it did a lot of humanitarian work after katrina this airplane went down the baton rouge they were out of amoxicillin this airplane we filled it up with amoxicillin from someplace in virginia i took it down there there wasn't a spare spot wow well and that's a earlier that's funny earlier today you know we were talking about how it'd be really cool to do some positive things with it you know some humanitarian some charity some angel flights some uh paul's rescue like i know you have a dog i know you love dogs i absolutely love animals like we both like dogs better than we do people well this is i know there's a ton of viewers that love animals i'll bet you there's a few viewers out there who have either been on an angel flight or have a friend or a family member that's been on an angel flight you know this one was perfect for ranger flights because of the stair entry yeah uh you know people were able to get in there think about crawling up on the bonanza it makes it tough that's making it tough on the name person whereas the stair entry so much easier you know and that's one of the things i've been thinking about you know there's a ton of the viewers that they're pilots you know there's a ton of viewers that are are are high time pilots that were professional pilots that maybe don't have an airplane like this that they could of their own that they could use but they would love to donate their time and that's why you know really been considering you know doing something extra special and really restoring this airplane so it can be used for that so viewers from all over the world as long as they're certified you know and trained in to fly this would take it and would fly it wherever to do those missions it's going to take a lot more than what i'm able to put into it financially i know that you know so we've been reaching out to different companies that would like to get involved with it that would like to donate either some time or some money we've even talked about doing like a gofundme or something like that you know there's so many people that watch the videos that are invested in the videos that would love to see some really cool things happen with us and go on those adventures you know with us so you know someone said to me today i was like yeah i'm not sure how to afford to restore the whole thing you know and they said well you know you have like 380 000 subscribers right now one dollar from 380 000 people would rebuild this thing 100 and someone else mentioned actually emailed me and said hey you know the amount of certified aps that i know that would come and help with this would help get closer without maybe spending as much so the whole like spirit of the and community of the channel and of youtube and everything else has been awesome so you might actually get to fly this thing again if you would want to sure i get i guess with maybe a little bit more work maybe with sure i want to be the test pilot well hey i'm sure we can find somebody i think you'd be one of the best test pilots personally because you probably how many hours do you have in this thing about 500 500 hours wow so yeah stop stepping in the purple stuff that's awesome yeah because this is really slick it is really slick so yeah let's get um let's get these airplanes out let's get this thing fired up [Applause] [Music] all right sam so the last time i fired this engine up when you weren't here so you didn't get like the you know the the first fire up so if you want let's hop in and let's get engine number two fired up oh announcement seriously seriously all right looks like we still have a mouse in the house in the birdhouse a mouse in the birdhouse all right here let me hop over here master [Music] there's some fuel flow all right we got fuel flow this thing likes the fuel too okay ready so i guess what do we need here i guess we need a little bit of a throttle right there a little bit of a clear prop huh yeah so clear prop let's run a little bit more do something here go ahead just keep it running [Music] all right max on yeah oh she's trying let me give her a little shot of goat so i'll be right back go ahead and open the throttle all the way let's try it again mags up things up [Music] clear props just let this build up it's not the strongest pump in the world i ran the other one up to like 20 the first time we fired it up you should get fuel in there all right go ahead and shut that off keep it cranking all right stop cracking hmm i'm gonna try something a little aggressive go ahead and crank it over oh maybe batteries are a little low let me go put a new battery on see if that'll help any core prop so we definitely got fuel because it is coming out of the overflow but it just seems like it seems like it could be turning over faster yet you know i don't know if we had a different starter on here maybe the starter is a little weak i guess if i wanted to i could really take the starter from that engine and i could put it over here we know that one turns over and that would tell us if it was in fact the starter or if it's something internal and that's why it's turning over so slow it wants to fire you can hear it so it looks like uh starter wise it looks like it's three bolts it should take me 15 minutes to change so i'm going to go into my tools i'm going to take the starter off the left engine see if it'll get this one to fire yeah so this starter here i noticed looks a lot newer all right so one of the things you got to worry about when you're working with twins is on some models one of the engines is counter-rotating compared to the other one the way you can tell if it is kind of rotating is to look at the prop and see which way the prop is pitched you know if they're pitched opposite that engine actually rotates the opposite way putting the wrong starter on can make some really bad things happen so but luckily these two are the same direction we'll be fine let's hope this is uh why it's not starting hey look at that first try so the nice thing about about trying this is we're going to get to see whether or not this starter was the the missing you know key to this you know is the engine going to turn over just as slow with the starter that in the other engine turned over really fast all right so that should do it the engine should turn over just as fast engine two should turn over just as fast as engine one did we get a fresh battery we have engine ones starter i get them mixed up on engine two so let's see what happens come on baby i think it liked that it did that's a flooded start it's not trying yeah so it's not the starter the only other thing i could think of is is you know is the uh exhaust system stopped up like was on the jeep that's the only thing i think of um the other thing to check is the shower of sparks circuitry um can check that and it's weird that this engine just does turn slower than the other one i thought for sure it was because the oil pump wasn't working so yeah they're dry one of the things i did want to point out where we start the 401 pretty much where we test fire anything we do here we do right in this position because there's a 300 pound fire extinguisher that is 20 feet from us so we do have you know proper fire suppressant you know just in case you know something does happen and it is important to you know to be safe just wondering if maybe there's not something wrong with the fuel distribution up top there so at this point we're back to a fuel issue because it's not a starter issue it's not a it's not an ignition issue because that's it seemed to have plenty of of spark especially after cleaning out that mag but this with as much fuel and prime that we've been given this the inside of these cylinders should be completely flooded out like it's it's coming out the overflow underneath the engine you know like it should with these continentals when you want to fire them up these big bore continentals but but the cylinders are dry so we changed that a little bit manually here so we will see so we did get some fuel in directly in the cylinders if it tries to fire now at that point i feel like we know that it has an issue from the fuel distribution block because it did have 12 psi of fuel pressure when we tested it so it should be getting down into the injectors but it's not hey sam do you want to go ahead and open the throttle up all the way go ahead and keep that open mixture is okay and go ahead and do a mixture rich do like quarter throttle go full throttle it's not i'm trying now is it it's almost like there's something dragging in here yeah like it's like the cylinders have too much friction or something what was that squeaking it's almost like the piston going up and down in here one of my thoughts is like take one accessory off and then turn it over take another accessory off like is it this or is it something that's just maybe it's like this pump is locked up or maybe this pump is locked up but i hear something you know i hear something inside there that sounds like it's dragging now it sounds like it's back at the cylinder without knowing a little more about what could be in there it's hard for me to tell you know obviously at this point to really be able to tell you would start you know the whole accessory case in the back would come off you would just check everything but you would check everything anyway because you know it is an engine that's been sitting forever but yeah you can hear it just it literally sounds like the piston moving up and down the bore [Music] it almost sounds like all of them are which is just so weird to me let's try the starter fluid and then then i gotta throw the towel in it doesn't have oil pressures i'm kind of back to that again when i put heavy weight oil what i should have done is i should have put really lightweight oil in 2050 it's as heavy as you can go but that's what you run in an airplane engine so that's what i put in maybe i should have put like zero weight just some real thin stuff just to get it started you know the only other thing can be accessories at this point but like i said it's just you hear the you hear it dragging in there and it's so much work to get these in and out like that stuff dissipates pretty darn quick until it hits compression the other engine over there like it's been so much freer and then like i said that sound like i'm really interested to take it up like a part apart take it off the airplane put it on an engine stand split it like look at all the accessories well i think we're going to give it one final try uh no no prime no anything mixture rich quarter throttle it's not getting anything yeah it's not gonna go it's not gonna go are you still working on it i'm gonna throw the other starter back in the other engine get this starter back on this side so if i take something off of something i have to put it back on it's my general rule that would be another sleepless night if i didn't so so call me simple but i want to start something up so i will see if this starts up let's see how fast this spins over with that starter swapped prop so yesterday we spent hours on that right engine and we we kind of got it to start but it just wouldn't catch it just wouldn't it just wouldn't really run so i left the hanger feeling so defeated and like so down to myself you know just really wanted to hear that run i really wanted to get that part of the project behind us so we can move on you know as i was home i started going through the comments that you guys leave and seeing all the let's let's fly seeing all the congratulations seeing all the positivity and it really lifted my spirits and i started thinking here i am upset because i failed i failed again to get that same engine to you know to to run and it started to lift my spirits in such a way that i thought about the day i thought about sam coming by unannounced you know here's sam is excited about this project you know he did angel flights i didn't even i didn't know this until yesterday he did angel flights liver transplants heart transplants you know it just dawned on me that we had this amazing chance to do some amazing things i woke up this morning excited about the future excited about our airplane and i know i've said this before but all you subscribers all you viewers you're the reason that this build has become so exciting so i'm really really happy that you guys have come along and become part of the journey that leaves us thinking about the next stage of this you know we're going to have to restore this airplane if we're going to fly it it is going to cost an enormous amount of money in the comments you know some people have pointed that out i think there's a number of people that think we're crazy which we probably are it's going to take all of us to make this happen it's going to take a ton of work we're going to need some aps here to work and i'm going to invite you guys here to work with me on this project we're going to need to raise funds we're gonna need to have a gofundme we're gonna put the link right up above here one dollar helps you know whatever you can give and help with this project anybody that donates anybody that buys merch throughout this project we're gonna get your name right up on this airplane your name is going to be on this airplane for when we do an angel flight we're going to have different shows this is going to be at oshkosh one day it's going to be a fun and sun one day it's going to be at your local airport one day i want to get this flying so i can invite you guys along so you can do the amazing things with us i guess what i'm getting at is it's up to you we need your help to make it happen i i surely can't do it myself it's going to take the whole community really excited about it and i'm excited about what all of us doing a small part how it can do things in a big way it's amazing thank you guys so much for coming along thank you guys for subscribing for ringing the bell turning on your notifications thank you guys for sharing this video get the word out you know we're doing some amazing things here at rebuild rescue thank you
Channel: Rebuild Rescue
Views: 2,060,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rebuild, Repair, Build, Vehicle, fix, mechanic, truck, renovation, Auction, copart, nomad, travel, outdoors, Airplane, Cessna, cesna, cessna 401, Abandoned, Free, Engine, Free Airplane, Abandoned Airplane, Jet fuel, Cessna 401, Plane, Airport, Airplane Hanger, 401Forever, airplane, aviation, plane, airport, free, abandoned, free airplane, abandoned airplane, 401a, rescue, free abandoned, cessna, phoenix, 401, engine, clean up, detail, detailing, hangar, tools, rebuild, runway
Id: 5-Ka8_Y0eoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 44sec (4184 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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