The Martian by Andy Weir Full Audiobook W/Visual Imagery and Full Cast.
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Channel: Matthew Sedgwick
Views: 305,252
Rating: 4.7961679 out of 5
Keywords: andy, andy weir, weir, the martian, martian, mara, mars, ares, matt, damon, matt damon, actor, audiobook, book, audio, audiobooks, books, space, astronaut, spacex, action, adventure, discovery, science, star, teaching, explore, botany, engineering, mechanical, trending, viral, movie, movies, full, film, films, free, motion, visuals, visual imagery, photos, photo, slideshow, documentary, rocket, matthew sedgwick, rover, hab, habitat, rtg, mav, mdv, nasa, jpl, chapter, pathfinder, sojourner, probe, lewis, beck, vogel, johanssen, martinez, survival
Id: XiO1E_breD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 586min 8sec (35168 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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