r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom Thinks she Can REMOVE everyone from PUBLIC Park...

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[Music] this entitled mum thinks she has the right to banish everyone from the public park all because her daughter has a disability what crazy thing will she do next that will leave everyone there dumbfounded happy birthday today's your birthday on with the revamp show i can't remember how old i was but it was between seven and nine we had gone on a school trip to this camping resort we'd slept in tents then we could go to the big playground that was public and open to any guests on the site as well as a pool with the same rules and some stores me and some other classmates would hang out at the playground because they had swings climbing towers and a bouncy castle just less castle more a bouncy platform still fun though there were other kids but we didn't pay them much mind if they came over and asked to play we always said sure now one kid shows up who is our entitled kid she has a genetic disorder that is the correct term i checked called down syndrome this is important for what happens next ek would continuously harass me my classmates and those who were playing with us we were at the climbing tower and she came up demanding we'd leave because it was hers at first we said it was a public playground but she began throwing some of the outdoor toys at us we decided fine we'll go somewhere else and play until she'd get bored and leave we went to the bouncing platform and she once again came up and same thing this went on for a while apparently what she meant to say was we had to leave the playground not just what we wanted to play on even when we split up to do different things she'd just come after us one at a time she went away for a little bit and we thought she got bored and went back to wherever she was camping eventually we were called to dinner we were making burgers and after that we were allowed to do whatever until bedtime but could only visit the pool if escorted by an adult it was safe not to supervise us all the time because the place had security i and some others went back to the playground and we ran around doing the usual now guess who showed up entitled kid and i've delayed enough so here she is the entitled mother seemed to be in her mid-20s blonde curly hair dressed kind of skimpy if i remember correctly and extremely heavy makeup she had a boyfriend who died mistake for a junkie or alcoholic in present day right before the final confrontation ek ran over to us again and demanded we leave one had told the teacher who lectured him not to give into a bully's demands and she kept it up to get security he told her it was a public playground and when that didn't register he shouted at her to go away the mum's ignoring us and drinking with her boyfriend i'm assuming she believed her baby could handle us just fine e.k got mad and began screaming at us to leave her playground we said no again so she ran up and shoved me i got mad and shoved her back and that's when em finally decided we had to be dealt with how dare you bully my daughter we weren't bullying her she just asked nicely to play with you and you keep ignoring her she keeps telling us to leave the playground she's the one bullying us how dare you my little sweetie is disabled why can't you show some respect and just leave yes she went from she's just asking you to play with her too she's telling you to leave so why don't you this is a public park we're allowed to be here our teacher told him to say this if we got harassed again i think well i don't feel comfortable with you kids here with my daughter especially after she me attacked her for no reason not proud of it but i was kind of just hiding behind all of them i didn't know at the time but i was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome mild form of autism at age four and i get frightened when people yell at me she shoved her first at this point entitled mother has enough and she and her boyfriend decide to remove us by force yes that freaking happened she managed to grab two kids including the one driving the conversation before someone walked up to us and asked what the heck was going on she claimed she was just disciplining her kids i assume as did not look like a potential kidnapper didn't entirely work though because the person walking up was our teacher and he was ticked he began to berate her and her boyfriend who was still trying to grab me calling them perverts kidnappers and threatening to call the cops then finally someone from security showed up about time hadn't seen them all day and asked what was going on we tried explaining she tried to remove us because she thought her daughter owned the playground i just want them to leave the playground so my daughter could play safely and not risk being bullied she motions to ek who never stopped wailing after i shoved her is this true were you bullying her we all shook our heads no that's what they all say these kids might bully my little girl if left alone with her they don't know what it's like to be disabled and will pick on her because she's different they always do i should probably have felt bad because she made it sound like that's what happens a lot and i got bullied a lot too at the time but that kid had done nothing but harass us the entire time so at the time i didn't really have much sympathy as far as i was concerned she was the bully and it came off as her trying to get pity points security guy lectured her about not watching her kid and the teacher explained she and her boyfriend grabbed us without consent and when confronted pretended they were our parents teacher told us to go back to our tents as we left she was still going on about how she felt we shouldn't be around because we might stare at her poor disabled little girl and bully her he seemed very fast aside with us over her maybe her kid pulled this on other children too don't know i never found out what happened to her we never saw her again maybe she was arrested i'd like to think so or maybe she was banned from the campsite or at least the playground when i remembered i tried telling my mum who did not believe me i've been in some crazy situations where if you are not there you won't believe it it's tricky when you're in those situations because when there's somebody who's disabled you want to be kind and compassionate towards them but what happens when they're the bully when they're the one who's not being kind to you i think as a general principle you should be kind to everyone even if they're not kind to you but at the same time there is a limit where you need to be able to stand up for yourself to protect your own welfare or those of your friends or family around you what would you do if you're in a situation where you just pushed over a disabled person like why did you just push them over well they pushed me first even if it's true it just doesn't look good i lost my sister at the age of 12 to brain tumour about half a year of my mum caring for her and even keeping her at home because it was clear she would die so why keep her in a hospital after she died my mum got in a really bad depression and simply couldn't take care of me my parents got separated when i was 10 and had to go into rehab so i had to live with my father for half a year until she was done my mom was never really organized and i have it all together person since she like me has adhd i was in school and had my problems with remembering stuff like homework or signing exams my dad was more organized he's a total workaholic and had his stuff pretty much together my dad had a strong personality he's narcissistic greedy when it comes to money stubborn and extremely strong and arguing i always wondered why he didn't become a lawyer because he could win pretty much every argument with simple logic and good reasons i never had a good relationship with him he was always more like a boss to me than a father figure he never played outside with me did dad's stuff or anything like that when i was a kid he always sat on his pc working so now fast forward to half a year later he took care of me helped me remember stuff and generally took care of me now i had to decide whether i stay or go back to my mum for the official divorce it broke my heart to do it but i stayed with him out of pure common sense after that decision he left me pretty much on my own got me to stop taking ritalin and stop looking out for me he worked 24 7. gave me a little money every month for clothes my phone bill and other stuff which was not even close to enough i haven't bought a real set of clothes for almost two years we often got into arguments and in the three years i was with him i learned how to argue with people and pretty much win every argument this may seem like something good but believe me if you do it out of instinct and in topics like love it's a huge curse and brought me into some pretty bad stuff especially because i know a lot of stuff about mental illness and could without knowing really abused someone i never did to someone physically or mentally so they had to be fixed but i was in some situations where i really tried helping someone and kept them with me even though they just needed time and professional help anyway i'm getting off topic after two years with him i've had enough i didn't feel like living with my father i felt like i was living with some guy that was employed to look after me i told him one day that i wanted to go back to my mum as the guy he is he wanted to know the reason and i just told him that i feel closer to her and was always a mum child of course that wasn't a real reason for him he wanted to know exactly what was wrong out of pure fear and anxiety i just told him some simple stuff i even made a list with stuff that i didn't like which took a lot of energy and braveness to do he read the list and changed most of the stuff half-hearted i still wanted to go but he still was refusing to take my wish seriously about my feeling with her telling me that's no real reason do you think a judge will take that as a reason i was persisting on it and he even began telling me stories about my mum and their marriage that she cheated on him and stuff like that what kid wants to hear this i had to ask my freaking mum about her side of the story because i simply had to know her side too if he's telling me all this stupid crap so a year later i just went my mum moved to a different city and since i was about to start an apprenticeship that was closer to that city i just said screw it i'm out of here so in summer i packed most of my stuff and went back to her telling my dad that it was for a vacation before i did that my mum took care of everything legal and stuff because of the divorce i got to a judge which listened to me for an hour and noted everything i said and every reason i told him for going back to her she talked to her lawyer etc so everything was taken care of back to where i went to her my dad had a girlfriend for about two years which i really liked and trusted so i told her that i'm not coming back well she instantly betrayed me which was not really a good way to leave from there i'm back with her i'm happy and now comes the actual entitled parent part the whole divorce and law thing started and so we got two letters the first one was from the judge that summed up what i told him and listed all the reasons why it's totally understandable that i'm going back to her the list had about 20 points so everything was fine at that side the second letter was from my dad's lawyer in a nutshell the letter had about three pages of stuff written about the child support money and this whole thing a page about some legal crap and at the far end was a point where it said opie's change of custody below were about three sentences that basically said that i had no clear reason to leave him and i was just in a mood so i had a list from the judge with about a page full of reasons from me that were enough for me to leave him on the other side three sentences telling me that i'm in a mood i was 15 at this point and way more mature than anyone i knew at my age that's not even the best part of it my mum had a trial with that exact judge that listened to me my father acted like a three-year-old child that got his toy taken away and basically told the judge that he's completely outraged by this and it was a shady and devious act of me leaving like that especially because he had no idea that i wanted to go back he told him one last thing before being interrupted by the judge which was i don't want any custody of him if he wants to come he should call me and ask me if he can stay i'm not going to do anything then the judge my hero in this whole thing answered with mister whatever you're a grown man and the individual we are talking about is your son he told you a year before this child that he wants to go back to his mother which you refuse to take seriously and to add to it put him under immense pressure of criticizing you just so you took him serious you've already lost a child you sure you want to lose a second one my mom on the other side dropped her jaw i wasn't there to see it but i wanted to see his face so badly after he just got that punch in his face he contacted me a few months after this and we got back together i have a healthy relationship with him basically because he has no control over me anymore and i can tell him anything with having no real backlash except for him maybe crapping on my mum he's still convinced that she's a complete mess and isn't good for me and her just telling him to get lost in a mannered way i have a little add-on to this i'm currently 18 years old so this whole thing ended about two years ago i was on vacation this summer with him and i kind of enjoyed it even though i still don't feel like i'm his son because i can't do stupid stuff or really have fun with him except for the occasional joke or weird person we make fun of but the worst thing he did on the whole trip was tell me about that time i wanted to go back to her he told me that he thought i would leave because she influenced me and wanted the money to pay for her new apartment which she had at the time already even though she didn't know if i was coming back so she could afford it he went on to tell me that he felt betrayed and thought all this was just about money i tell him i'm the regular what happens in my life even stuff about my mum that he could easily use for his own needs or just simply blackmail or whatever i even told him about my mental health etc but stuff like this just makes my stomach turn to add on to this he regularly paid my mum's child support too late she had to run after it the month i got 18 he started paying me that and since then he never paid it late if someone has problems with money it's him and he does have problems he makes about 10k a month and somehow still has bills piled up i don't necessarily intuitively trust the justice system we have but it is good to know that there are some judges out there that'll listen to the kids side of the things and what they want out of the situation it's not an easy situation at all and it's just heartbreaking all around and there's never really a clear right or wrong choice either it's just really sad to think that the whole time the dad just thought it was just about money instead of listening to his son and what he actually wanted so you guys asked me to post more of my stories and the more i thought about the bad ones this is the one that came to the top of my list this is the story of what ultimately made me leave the daycare i was working for in the previous story my wife and i lived in an apartment for a few years due to a saving for a house we lived in a cheaper apartment so we could really suck away money to put toward a house we both liked well i was in my last semester of college and i was still working at the daycare i mentioned in my last story there was a kid that went to the daycare that stayed in my apartment complex this boy would always show up at our door so outcast me just trying to watch netflix and drink my sweet tea w my beautiful wife k the kid who can't take a hint he am the entitled mother so the kid showed up periodically to see if i would play with him and his younger siblings i literally never did because i figured i did it one time and then he would expect it daily so i started saying no and then it got to the point where my wife would answer and say i wasn't home he found out which car was mine so he stayed away until he saw me walking my new dog at the time one day he asked if he can pet it and i said yes then the unwanted visitations escalated hey mister let me see your puppy hey buddy i've had a long day i gotta go maybe some other time well that worked for a while until one saturday in particular he comes knocking at my door i go to answer it and my dog was in the bedroom with my wife and they were napping he asked if he could see the dog and i said no and that everyone but me was sleeping this boy rolled his eyes and said no i'm tired of not being able to see your dog he ran into my apartment and straight for the bedroom he wakes my wife up screaming saying where's the dog i was in shock this boy had really run up in my apartment so my wife is trying to cover herself with a blanket my dog is losing his mind and the kid is trying to pet the dog well my dog snapped at him the kid took his shoe off and then threw it at my dog so at this point i'm realizing what is happening so i walk over to the kid and pick him up like a baby in a cradle and walk him to the patio i told him this wasn't okay and that he needs to stay away from my apartment well cue his mum stomping up the stairs oh hell no is the only thing i hear before this woman comes up and gets directly in my face she lets me explain nothing just keep screaming how i will not talk to her kid like that and she's going to tell the daycare and get me fired when i finally get a chance to talk and explain what happened this woman looked me dead in the eye and said why did you just let him see the dog this is so stupid she then opens my apartment door and yells for my wife to bring out the stupid dog her son ran back in and this time my wife was ready and she picked him up and put him on the porch i told her to lock the door and i stood out on the patio getting chewed out my wife then called the police because it was getting out of hand while i was trying to get this lady off my patio and take her child with her the cops showed up he wouldn't let my kids see his dog he had to do something to see the dog so he ran in i told the officer i didn't want to press charges because it really didn't make sense to mess up a kid like that because he was being dumb he was probably 8 if i remember correctly and that was too much well the mum called the daycare right after and pitched to fit and i got called into a meeting with her and the kid the mum fabricated this whole story how i said i was going to show him my dog and that i was breaking the promise and the kid got upset when i got asked about my sign i just looked at the kid did i ever promise you that no the mom got so mad at the kid she then claimed she had emotional trauma from the situation and asked for a free month of tuition she didn't get it after that day i told my boss that i'm putting in my two weeks notice and he would need to start training my assistant manager to take over maybe it sounds dumb but i find the idea of a small child just running into your house a little bit terrifying i think i'd have the same reaction i'll just be in shock it's like well what do i do it's like i don't want to physically remove this kid but at the same time he's not just gonna leave then how do you explain to the mom like of course the mom's gonna freak out she's gonna be like what's going on the problem is she didn't let the guy explain she just believed the kid straight away it's just not the kind of situation you want to be in not only should he have resigned he should have moved far away just get the house now submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right blissey veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 13,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: Um_50R5sRGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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