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I do need to feel it how do you make sure that it's real well so we're still in New York City and today I'm gonna bring something to you that's really unique I've never heard of it before I think you'll find it fascinating interesting and something you might want to do so we're going to go and visit a company called Virant is it pirates is my requirements fair I'm amazed they got that right Byron what they do is they rent exotic watches you can call them exotic watches high-end watches they rent them so it's never going to buy it you can rent them and they rotate it I know quite sure how the whole system works but we're gonna show you and by the way that's a nice t-shirt I don't I think very much yeah it's just the errand afternoon just the new much paint producer Michael oh yeah got my back how do I do that okay pointing the camera pointing the camera look at that look at that yeah it's very cool where was I where was I uh you thing about you design that by the way I did designers yeah yeah none of many talents I never seen that we hope very cool so anyway we're gonna go visit Byron and they're going to explain how anybody can actually run a luxury watch so well let's go inside let's let's see how this works all right come on knock here we yeah hi nice to meet you Michael hey nice to meet you nice to meet you Mike nice offices hi Michael Adam sup sup guys Moses Adam it's me Adam this is cool books people have said in the balcony [Laughter] nice to meet you nice to meet you are you doing Holland nice to meet you nice to meet you haven't moves me my a small country somewhere with that urine yeah right this is cool this is cool you got all sorts of stuff here a little what you've got well there's a lot of shiny stuff nice glasses yeah then you can links are on links I'm killing it with them people are loving these right now especially though the all rolls gold one with the big stones in the centres and the ones with the baguettes big big big sellers for us beautiful I don't I don't wear change tried okay was it one day you're gonna change that no watch no he's not gonna happened in your life now not gonna happen no gonna happen it was actually it was Adam that found you guys Adams a hero he's a hero yeah he's here oh I have never heard of a system like this I don't know what to call it correct me if I'm wrong but like you're basically renting watches right more or less but more more of a watch club says how do you work tell me tell me how it works I'm intrigued this is really unique we have a few cheer groups it goes come silver all the way to VIP so um sorry bronze silver gold platinum time in the VIP I'm assuming that's based on the value correct based on your value and as you can see the watches get more expensive toys of yeah does that affect their subscription price absolutely so the prices start anywhere from two hundred and seventy five dollars and go up to $1500 a month so what's the procedure how does one join this so it's very simple you download the app it's on Apple Store Google Play very simple application process we verify that you're an actual person and then boom you're in the club I'm now going to choose watches should you have pictures of all the watches yeah all the watches are online and obviously you get assigned a watch guru what we call a watch guru it's a watch specialist who helps you pick the perfect watch for yourself so basically you can pick any what you want or how long how many you get it for so it's a subscription okay you're you're subscribed for either three six or 12 months we also have short term so we have short term rent to buy options so if you like a watch and you're saying hey it looks great in the store it looks great on my wrist it looks great in a cattle but does it fit my lifestyle how's my spouse gonna react to it how my kids gonna react to it how my coworkers are employed girl reacted me wearing this enjoy it for a week love it keep it don't love it send it back switch interesting me yes that's interesting yeah that makes the decision process a lot easier it's like test driving a car exactly nothing for a whole week I'm hadn't taking the car home parking your driveway and see what your neighbors pick so let's say for example somebody doesn't want to test drive it and they they've got the aunt's wedding that they want to go to or a reunion and want to impress their friends right yeah perfect perfect for that they can rent yeah they're going as a billionaire exactly so if you have a specific memorable moment in your life okay a lot of our customers come in for weddings bridles huge for us so you have a wedding coming up you want to wear a young master suits on which is one of my favorite watches it's a 44 millimeter it's not really part of your maybe financial financial you're not ready for it to go spend $20,000 on the watch you're ready to spend $500 for the week let's just let me change it how much did it cost to join the club so it starts at two hundred and seventy five dollars and goes up to $1500 depending on the customer was there anymore exactly so for example you see this Rolex presidential right great watch so you're in the VIP two group you're wearing a custom diamond this is a factory diamond piece so you're wearing one in every single color and you could go into the sky dollars next and white one in every single color and still be in that tier group and still be in that same price point unless you'd like a $40,000 watch more or less yes about thirty eight thousand and you've got to swap them six times annually so you're wearing seven different watch let me ask you this question so let's say hypothetically you join this club and you want to have a smaller watch do you get multiple of these or you do it some kind of a trade off a price reduction right we correct the price going into the next make sure you actually change your cheers I know you're not committed to anything but say oh yes we're gonna give it a go that's pretty cool right well that's how I kind of found it because I was like what if what if you did just want to borrow a watch and use it I'm renting a car you know like when we were in Vegas and I rented the 488 yeah same thing so Jen who you were met you know dad it's a fun car right he has one in but you know you do that and then get a watch as well like so it's just actually gift together yeah there's actually pretty cool yeah pretty good so that's how I came across I wonder if there's a company that does that meet the new person in your life for ours let me ask you a question everybody has different resizes right so right so if they get this it might not fit what happens in that regard so it's really cool once once you're on our app we onboard you part of the onboarding process is we send you a PDF which actually sizes your wrist you cut out you wrap around your wrist very old yet very simple to use okay it's something we created I cut one of those I want to know what my wrist sizes I mean for real I you could do that and then what happens after that is it's now on file with us so now we create a profile for you as our customers so we know exactly what your sizes so whenever you swap into a watch we figure that part out for you there's anybody ever like run away with a watch it's happened the watches are totally insured but you know this is on your personal credit so we go after the individuals okay so yes we secure ourselves and this is a shared economy you're wearing someone else's watch so please I do it I'm sure you some people think whether we've had situations but it's really unfortunate for the individual okay so what if somebody accidentally damages one what happens it are they responsible I'm glad you asked that question why because part of our theory behind this is we wanted to give somebody a luxury experience with less worries you have to spend $30,000 still don't have it you could obtain it for a subscription fee and that's along with that you'd have to figure out about insuring it it comes already totally insured for damages and theft so we put a lot of all the kinks and all the power you can go and Julian don't worry about it don't take it to Mexico and run away there's a really interesting right so here we're looking at what a couple dozen watch is what if you have I'm just being devil's I'm okay here what if you have a hundred people that want the same watch how does that work so this is obviously there's a watch guru so will I explain too much Bureau I mean I don't know what it was I'm one of the watch gurus right there you get a watch expert we're looking for guys for a watch guru that have at least 5 to 10 years of watch experience they have to know that ends and now that these luxury watches and what do they do for you though so they help you walk you through choosing the perfect watch for you for the need you have so you communicate with your watch guru like a hey Gabrielle I have a wedding coming up on Thursday I'm wearing this blue suit match it up and it's my job to give you options perfect for that wedding perfect for that outfit okay and I get to know a little bit about you and I help you select watches that fit your lifestyle but that doesn't answer my question so my question is a 100 people call and they'll want this watch well obviously you don't have 100 of these I do not have a hundred so what happens in that so you'll you'll either be in line for your next one we'll give you a comparable model something similar to choose from so let's say you applied for the rolex presidential you might not get this specific exact dial we'll give you other watches in and that's very similar with you guys I mean yeah we obviously you give you that choice before it shipped out to you and these the same thing I mean diamond watches these are our ultra VIP these are something that we've just started it's not on our app yet so what is what does that mean what is ultra ultra v VIP is all diamond watches okay and they're gonna be on our ultra VIP service that these customers that aren't to this look of diamond watches they'll have the same the same luxuries of swapping in and out we haven't really figured out the pricing for it yet we really should be more than it's gonna be more like a premium it's gonna be a premium correct because there's some damages that we can go around there's no stones that get lost after wearing what you know stones do fall out it's all bad easy to do it sucks but it does say if I haven't had that happen fortunately I'm very careful with watches and I think most people it would I don't wanna use would rent because I guess it's not rent right but subscribe subscribe experience they were joy they would be careful these are really pretty watches this is a two-term one you don't see that too often so this is a customized it's actually an all stainless steel watch that we put two-tone pieces here and to its own on the bezel for real yeah see you I did the gold yep there's solder on gold this is an original two-tone obviously aftermarket diamond custom down by us so let's talk about this buying option as well how does that work say let's say somebody keep going to say rent I'm gonna use red because it just leases we put it in our in our name declarant so okay we're a very vibrant each right and they decide okay I've had this for a month I don't want to send it back how does that work it's very simple so they just call us and say we want to keep it right we discussed you the financing options or outright so you do that say why of course we help the customers in any way how do you come up with the value of the watch so it's all predetermined before you get the watch so it's on your contract so you know exactly what it is to keep this watch before let's go before just get it release exact right at least you pay X amount of dollars and the best part is part of your rental premium goes towards the principle of the watch so if you decide to keep it it's not like you spent all that money renting it and not getting it towards your principal let me elaborate on that segment okay I'm asking these questions I think people would have gone under the answers so let's say you subscribe for a year okay I have a thousand dollars a month my pathetical number and come month 11 you've paid $11,000 does that mean you can pick any watch and get $11,000 we don't know you get a percentage depending on the tier group okay a percentage towards the principle so on that higher end to your groups more of that premium goes towards the principle okay and that's all three to two yeah it's all predetermined so you know that whether that's you're pretty clever you're tired he's yawning the cameraman is yawning he went partying apparently well first time in New York at sea what first time out here first time yeah where'd you go Brooklyn well what's in Brooklyn that's what I said actually yeah Brooklyn's yeah definitely my vibe at a good time do you have any questions you will not ask is a potential yes Lou actually so you get seven swaps right six are six watts seven watches over a 12 if you do the year subscription can you choose to keep a watch for longest and let's say I need to keep a watch for a month and then another one just for a week can you do that six was there there your mo use them as you please I have customers and have the same watch since day one and they had it for nine months so it's totally in your discretion we want you to enjoy just like your own watch place it's not mandatory it's yourself and you wanna keep it down here the whole entire you can keep that same watch that's interesting I just want it to be like your watch drawer so another question then let's say I just blow through my seven watches in the first three months because I'm so excited about being able to use all this absolutely come on I had the additional swatch absolutely you can buy additional swaps as you how do you do that how does that work it's on the app so while you remember you could also speak to your guru and they could make you forget physically speak to them or you can do it on the app before a lot of our customers like to discuss certain options with the Guru that's what they are there for let me ask you another question is just change in mind so obviously with a watch with the bracelet it doesn't apply but if a watch has a rubber strap or an alligator strap when somebody wears and they can get a bit monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey what are you doing that case so in that case it's a really tricky we normally buy a new band we also have a disclaimer that all of our watches come in a worn condition they are not perfectly polished it's a shared economy right so you're gonna get a watch Mike just wore I just or and that's the watch we're gonna pass it on next to the next concern so there will be a slight slight bit worn once they get monkey or monkey swap them out okay okay that was my point this is sometimes they can you know and what happens if somebody was to say wet a watch that has a an alligator strap and it destroys it are they responsible for that would that be in psychosis in some cases correct yes yes and that would be stupid it would be stupid every stupid well sure it happens and the Guru will actually describe that how did the street certain watches sir sir watches have don't take this one into water the Guru will let you know and it will be in your contract this is not a watch to be swallowing so choking of things like that so let's say I take a submariner and it should marriage obviously a watch that's more moving women do whatever and it leaks something wrong with it the person that's wearing it is not responsible for absolutely no unless we can prove that the water of damage was from an open crowd and then there's somewhat of a responsibility there but they go through the insurance to make it clean okay so it's no they are covering it so they're covered regardless correct but obviously you want people to take the other one yeah we want people to take care this is great sorry this would be a great way to actually get people into watches like I have notes for enthusiasts you know what they want but also for people that don't right let's say that you you have no idea you wanna get first right nice watch but you don't know what to buy this is a perfect way to get into it to me thinking about the entry level a couple hundred bucks a month with the option to buy it later if you want to it's amazing because most people can't buy one of these yeah anybody consumer do I have one yeah it gives them the experience before they own it so they they get to love it and fall in love each watch has its own its own sense of character do they do so when you put this watch my composure how does it make you feel how do you feel when you're speaking in front of people does it give you that sense of confidence do you love this thing or is it just that you liked for a week why do you think why do you think people would want to do this what's the reason somebody would want to these would rent right right yeah why would they pay that this fee to get a watch that's not theirs so originally thinking of this concept did you come up with it yeah Rachael my brilliant actually is brilliant concept so I was filling a need for myself okay I've always enjoyed the specific watches you probably know it's the jaeger-lecoultre of reversal yeah of course yeah I like the bigger case sizes - yeah no more than the big one here so I've always liked the fact that you can flip that watch right did I believe in the model probably not I never wanted to own it and I said you know what the watch is so cool I wish I could just experience it for like a month or two months and just see how I really actually would if I would actually own it right and there was never a service that allowed you to do that hey can I take this watch home for a month and see if I want to keep it I'll give you a thousand bucks I just wanna experience it and I said you know what there's so many people out there like me that probably like are you least Nardin or a Rolex and maybe don't want to necessarily own it but just want to enjoy it for that certain moment in their life that they have that need and this has filled that void this clever way to get watches from so we work with many vendors and we have a competitive atmosphere so you have many women what does that mean so for example we also have a short-term rental so short-term rental is like I want this watch for one week I have a wedding I want to wear suits on Rolex for the wedding right okay so let's plot like 30 guys with that same watch that want your business so now that brings you by dealers a group of realizes that in inventory yeah and I'm sorry coming coming so on top of 2020 it's gonna be consumer to consumer we're allowing our consumers to upload their watches onto our platform really yeah so it's because I could put my watches into this I'm not doing it like shaking yes I get it it's it's a very very quick watches exactly exactly what it is and I wanted a real estate approach to watches basically I could if I chose to say okay here's a few watches that I don't wear or I can't wear them all at once put them into your system and then I would make money so we learned correct you would agree how many ready with me it's about for the vendor for the watch that it's out about 2.5 to 3.5 percent monthly on the cost of to watch so it's a $10,000 watch you're getting about $350 a month as well as process that's cool that's that's a lot of money yeah it adds up fairly quickly and offsets the cost is very cool that's that's the best part of it I think brilliant yeah that's absolutely brilliant yeah why didn't I think of that Airbnb of watches what could you call that the W wooden well this is similar B&B model this would be eye-opening for me I mean I opening and I think it's a great opportunity for people to get into watches without spending fortunes of money so this is how the watch comes right so here's our pirate box it was a egg box yeah it's a shuttle box so we put the watch inside and ship to you very discreet leads right into the home you can drop this box and it secures the watch it keeps it very safe easy nice yeah and it's great to grab I do say it's good chopping block we don't get them back mostly for my clients they want to keep them and you charge them no it's really yes and I want to have a couple of these when I leave please can I give you a couple for sure lovely they're they're very very cool yeah our customers love these and they love the decison really nice they're swapping in and out of watches I have guys calling me and just my customers that I'm their guru they're calling me and thanking me so much of how they they're experienced watches they never thought they would like that our gurus let me personally suggest it to them based on certain things that I got from them from having a few conversations and they love them and they're like dude I never thought I would like the Hulk for instance I love it I get so many compliments or the Batman or a two-tone sky dweller or maybe some Hublot models like the arrow bang that people never maybe never even looked at right and now it fits their lifestyle it fits their personalities and they get to enjoy it and they have no commitment to it also financial responsibility making money god forbid you're unemployed send the watch back you and your subscription you're not a pocket you're now running around looking to sell your watches to make ends meet can you cancel your subscription you could after the first six months on a year so you have to do 50% of your subscription whatever you choose yeah so 3 months 6 months or 12 months you have to do 50% of it terrible I also see you have ladies watches yeah we have plenty of ladies watches come come to summer of 2020 we're gonna do the same concept for men's and women's jewelry listen it's very interesting yeah so we're gonna focus on the female consumer as well outside right now we're like 80% male guys love watches yeah women love jewelry yes we're trying to focus on the female consumer come come next year summertime of next year basically well this is being incredibly educational and I think it's a great opportunity for people I thank you for sharing this I don't know any any more questions you have got nothing to sign up it's pretty cool it's really really cool it's not what I expected this much better than I expected actually and I wish you the best of luck but thank you with all your information in the description hey guys if you want to subscribe to watch collecting and enjoying watches all the information will be there cool I wish you the very very best of what get the theme on you guys know what to do we're in it to win it subscribe hit the bell I think you said there are water but it doesn't matter [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 462,423
Rating: 4.7351742 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, new york, watches, watch collection, watch collector, rolex, patek phillipe, patek, ap, audemars piguet, hublot, jacob & co, jewelry, style, fashion, retail, shopping, shopping spree, luxury, lifestyle, wealth, millionaire, billionaire, lifetyles of the rich and famous, 47th street, business
Id: 6wppR-7eXF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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