Renting a House in Costa Rica - Tips for Renting in Costa Rica - Do NOT Make This Mistake

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Renting a house in Costa Rica is a  dream come true for a lot of people.   However that dream can quickly become a  nightmare by making one simple mistake. Welcome to another beautiful day in Costa Rica  Absolutely it's another great day and today boy   do we have some good stuff for you. Today we  are talking about renting a house in Costa Rica   and giving you some great tips especially what you  need to do or not do to avoid the Gringo prize.   Now make sure to stay to the end so that you can  find out about all of that however we did do a   great youtube live just a few days ago. Jam packed  full of tips lots of details lots of stories that   talk all about rental in Costa Rica. However in  a live we can't insert the videos and insert the   the pictures so that you get that you know feel  like it's a real experience like we do in our   videos. It is a little bit long but check out  this amazing comment from someone who watched   that video. She said when I first saw that this  video was an hour and 28 minutes I thought omg.   Can I make time for it? Well I came back almost  a day later and it was well worth every minute.   Thanks for telling it like it is. So you're going  to get the good the bad and the ugly in that   youtube live. However you're going to find out and  learn some amazing stuff. However today like Allan   said we're just going to recap and remember it is  from our perspective, it's from our experiences   and. And we're going to just try to keep this  short and we're going to hit the highlights but if   you want to know the details and and find out all  of the facts you can do that in the youtube live   right there. When we came over here we didn't have  someone like us to share with us. We didn't do   the research but boy do I wished I did and so you  can learn a lot of stuff from our video but we've   had a lot of people ask you know I just is there  someone that can help me and you know what that's   one of the reasons that we created the forum.  Wouldn't it be nice if you could just hire someone   to find a rental for you. Wouldn't it be nice to  hire someone that can maybe hold your hand or walk   you through it because it can be overwhelming when  it comes time to move to Costa Rica you don't want   to forget this you want to do that. Well that's  why we created the forum. Inside the forum you   can connect with the right people who provide  that service for you. Find a rental help walk   you through moving everything here so you want  to be sure to join the forum and you can go to so that you can  connect with the right people. There we have   recommended businesses places to stay you know  things that's going to save you time and money   when you come to Costa Rica. Also this would be a  great time that if you haven't already Subscribed   to our channel make sure you Subscribe to our  channel. We have tons of amazing comments on   how helpful and all of the great things people are  learning from here. So subscribe to the channel , hit that notification bell so that you'll  be notified of the next video when it goes   live. So are you ready to get started?  I'm ready. Let's get started. Darn bugs! He was biting me. One of the big questions we  get is what is the best time of the year to find   a rental. Yeah well it would be during rainy  season because that is the what they call the   off season. There are not as many tourists here  during rainy season so there's a lot more houses   for available for rent whereas during the high  season the touristy season a lot of houses are   being rented to vacationers. That's right and so  a lot of people use airbnb and we've used it a   whole lot and so during the tourist season well  obviously they can make a whole lot of money by   renting them day by day but as soon as the rainy  season gets here which is normally around what?   The rainy season is from like May to November.  May to about November rainy season is finally   beginning to end here but during the rainy season  well there's not nearly as much renting going on   because there's hardly any tourists and so you  can really get some great deals during the rainy   season. When you do come to Costa Rica you know  it is a little bit of a trip and for us most of   the time when we come it never fails we end up  arriving late at night and you know when we first   came we thought well hey we're just going to drive  there don't make that mistake. We highly recommend   when you fly in just stay the night at an airbnb  once again we got recommendations on where you can   stay at inside the forum but stay there get a good  night's rest and then you can get up the next day   and get started on your search. You can drive down  to wherever it is that you're looking for a place   to rent. You know let's say that you're going  to be renting over in the Perez Zeledon area   or maybe you're over on the beach whatever you  do. Hey take time to look on airbnb. We highly   recommend that because you can see the reviews  you can see what kind of renters they are what   kind of people they are. That's right so airbnb  is very useful. Whenever you come here you get an   airbnb and that's going to be where your rental  search begins because once you rent a spot hey   you might be there two or three days maybe a  week then you can talk to them and say hey do   you know of any places for rent and that's and if  they don't know they can point you in the right   direction. And so that's where you want to get  started you're there and then hey go into town   because a lot of places are just not listed  on websites. Now we're going to share some   amazing resources things that we have found and  you can have access to simply by going to the   description below this video and you can download  the pdf so you can get all of our resources.   All of our pdfs are inside the forum as well. Now  once you get started you know you want to actually   walk around the town drive, around the  town, go into some of the local stores.  Whenever you stop to eat at a restaurant into some  of the local bars and restaurants ask them. Do you   know of places or someone that has a house  for rent and that's the easiest way to begin   finding something as you drive around you're  actually looking for a rental sign that says   "Alkyler" I think is it. I butcher it up  every single time but I'm trying okay.   Write this down because this is going to  be your best tip for finding a rental.   Almost every community has what's called a Feria  and the Feria is just a local farmer's market they   almost always happen at least once a week and find  out what the Feria is plan to get there early and   stay late. If you go there you can talk to people  and you can ask them hey do you know anybody that   has a place to rent and don't ask them any prices  okay. Ask them just where's a place to rent do you   know of any place okay just get contacts and phone  numbers. If you do that you're almost guaranteed   to find a place to rent by just hanging out at  the Feria because at the Feria you're gonna find   lots of Gringos lots of Ticos and you'll be  able to find something for sure. The next   thing that you need to do is that you know a  lot of people when you first get here like us   we were looking for a furnished rental.  You can find them they're a little bit   more difficult to find in some of the  remote areas but you can find them okay.   Obviously gonna be a little bit more expensive but  well worth it because when you get here you know   if you're like us we just came with our suitcases  we didn't have anything so it was nice to be in a   furnished place you know for a month and then we  found what we were looking for and we moved into   it and we bought some blow up mattresses, blow up  sofas that we sat on until we decided okay we like   this place and then we could buy what we needed  to buy. Right and that's why airbnb is such a is such a good resource because almost  all the houses listed there are furnished because   they're putting them on there for vacationers you  know people need to have everything available when   they're coming on vacation. That's right and you  know airbnb make sure that you download the app   onto your phone or your tablet you know but you  can go to and I looked today and when   I was looking it was over 300 places anything  from 11 bucks to 300 or 400 bucks a night so   you can find some phenomenal places and if you're  coming here just to look you can rent just a room   instead of the whole house if you're comfortable  with that because you're not going to spend time   in there you're out looking for a place to rent.  Right and if they don't mention a weekly rate   or an extended stay rate and you're wanting to  stay for a month don't hesitate to ask about it.  Ask if they will give you a rate. That's right  see you can schedule to rent for them for you   know a couple of days after you get here and you  find out okay well this is not a bad airbnb. Talk   to him say hey can I extend my stay and stay for  a week. Right that's a good point Allan because   maybe you don't want to arrange to stay  for an entire month at a particular place   until you've come and stayed in it for a  little while and then talk to them about.   That's right because I have stayed in some airbnbs  and I rented just the room well. This poor old guy   was a a bachelor a single guy and he couldn't hear  that well so he was on his computer a whole lot   and every time you turn around I heard ding ding  ding as these messages were coming in and so that   was a nightmare. I wouldn't have wanted to stay  there more than one night. Right. So it's good to   come down here stay a night find out then you can  decide if you want an extended stay. Right. Now   whenever you're looking for a place and you're  driving around. The thing that you want to keep   in mind because you know if you're like us you  probably have to have internet and so a quick   way to find out if that area does have internet  is to look at the light pose. If you look at the   electric lines you're going to see these little  boxes right here and these boxes were are a great   indicator that there's internet there. Now it  doesn't mean you will have it because it might be   full but most of the time you will have access.  Now just because they don't have the little   internet box on the poll doesn't mean you can't  get internet because there are several different   forms of internet. Download the resources which  will show you the different places that you can   get internet from and who we think is the best if  you can find it in that area. As you're walking   around or driving around and you say okay well  this looks like a promising place and you see   that for rent sign and there is a phone number.  Very very important tip write this down. Write it on your forehead so you don't forget. I  don't care how good your Spanish is whatever you   do no matter how tempting it is. Do not call that  number yourself and ask them how much is the rent.   Because they know that's a Gringo on the other  end they can tell you don't have the Tico accent   and you're going to pay too much. Right and of  course we're not talking about things that are   listed on the internet you know in airbnb or some  other resource that you you have found a rental   from. We're talking about those situations that  we've been in where we just come across a house by   talking to someone or driving past and seeing if a  for rent sign and calling the phone number. That's   right. So you want to make sure that you you know  that's why you want to rent it an airbnb or find a   Tico friend and say hey you get back to airbnb  would you call these numbers for me right here   and please tell them that you're interested in it  don't tell them your gringo friend is interested   in this because you'll get the same green  gold price ask them would you please call them   pretend you're interested in it what is the price  for the rent on this. Also while you're looking   for rentals a lot of times you're going to find  houses for sale. Now most of the houses for sale   the people are still living there. But we've seen  lots of houses for sale it's obviously it's empty.   It doesn't hurt we've called him and say hey are  you interested in renting your house and that's   how we have found some of our best rentals. That's  right one of our favorite rentals the owners were   painting on the outside getting it ready for sale  and we just asked can we can we rent it until you   find a buyer. And they were happy. That's right  and we rented a nice place at a very great price.   So don't be afraid to ask okay. Now let's say that  you have had your Tico friend to call and you like   the price and now you've set up a time to meet  well obviously you get out there to meet them.   Don't be surprised when they show up late. It's  Tico time. It's not going to change so we just   want to let you know get used to it. In Costa Rica  everything runs late everything takes longer than   you expect it's called Tico time. You arrive and  you meet the owner and you're going to check out   the house. What's the first thing you need to  do when you check out the house. Well obviously   the very first thing to do is to go inside the  house. If it looks good you think it's acceptable   look for the breaker box okay. You want to  look at the breaker box because a lot of   the houses depending on the age of it even if  it's new doesn't have a lot of breakers in it   okay. Most Ticos don't have computers  maybe a couple of monitors. A lot of Ticos   don't have a toaster oven in microwave they  don't have the curling iron and the flat iron.  They're not using all the accessories that  you're using. So those are things to keep in mind   look at the breaker box to see is there more  than two breakers in there because we have   many times we rented a house it only had a couple  of breakers didn't know that tip at the time.   Plugged in all my computers and then everything  went so you want to look at that okay.   Yes also if you're planning to if the house  doesn't have hot water and you're planning to   install what they call a suicide shower that draws  a lot of electricity so you want to make sure   about the the electrical box for that purpose.  That's right. So that it can handle the voltage   for the for the suicide shot. So that's a very  good point that she brought up because after you   look at that breaker box you want to go straight  to the bathroom to see is there hot water in the   bathroom. 99 percent of the Tico houses only  have hot water in the shower and nowhere else. So you want to be sure to see that so  that if it doesn't have a hot shower head.   Is there a wire already there if there's not a  wire will they install the wire. Right and most of   the newer houses that we've stayed in like through  airbnb they had the hot water but something that   you need to consider if you  do have to install the shower   is the water pressure. So check the water pressure  because a suicide shower will not come on if the   water pressure is not strong enough to keep it  on. And you're only going to have problems with   the water pressure is if you're staying in a house  where they get their water from one of the creeks   or something like that because a lot of the houses  you know most houses get their water from the city   but there are houses that we rented that you know,  like the one we're in now gets their water from a   creek and so you know sometimes the pressure  is not really good but most of the time it is   something to check okay. Now once you've looked  at electrical box and you check to see if it does   have hot water in the shower then the next thing  you need to do is probably look and see well   where's the washer and dryer  go. Because 99  percent of them don't have a place for a dryer okay except  in big cities obviously and it's usually going to   be outside isn't it. So you want to check that and  see a lot of places they may actually surprisingly   have a place to plug up your electric your  your dryer which is uncommon because it's 220.   Most people don't have it they always hang their  clothes out on the line but if it does they may   not have a vent for the dryer to blow out of. It's  just it's Costa Rica they're not used to having   dryers. Once you find a place that you really  really like it's like okay I love this place,   the price is right, it has hot water, it  has everything I need. While this may sound unrealistic. If at all possible you want to ask  the owners if you can spend the night. Get your   blow up air mattress spend the night because  we have rented too many places where we just   rented it on site and then we spend the  night. Our very first night and at five   o'clock in the morning the neighbor leaves  and his dog goes into this anxiety attack   and he starts barking for the next two hours  so from five until seven it's "woh-woh-woh". No more peace and tranquility for you. So it's  very important that you know not only are you   there to wake up and see what the noise factor  is going to be early in the morning. How much   traffic noise is it going to be. Hey what's the  temperature two o'clock you know what does it feel   like so it's really great. If at all possible  find out what it's going to be like because   too many times we've gone somewhere it seemed  perfect, it was quiet. As soon as we moved in   we were like "Dang". And that's a good  time you find a place go to the local   restaurants the local stores. Ask them, hey  what do you think about this neighborhood?   Because one neighborhood that we stayed in it  looked really great and peaceful and the houses   were all seemed to be nice and then we went to the  restaurant and went to a restaurant and talked to.   Made a friend and started talking to this man and  he asked where we lived we told him he was like oh   "yeah". That neighborhood has a lot of theft  "yeah". You know he said now if you'd have gone   a little bit I mean even a kilometer north of that  it's great but that particular area had a lot of   petty theft you know and that's where we was at.  Yeah we found out the hard way that it really did.   Yeah we got stolen a propane tank was stolen like  three different times and I had to start chaining   it down after my third time so anyway important  to know ask around okay. Now let's say that you   have finally decided on a rental. Yes I like  this place and you've made arrangements with the   with the owner. Almost always unless you're in a  popular tourist area you're not going to have to   worry about signing a contract. The very few that  have asked me to sign a contract. I just told him   I wasn't going to sign a contract because you  know I want to make sure that I like it here.   If I like it I'm probably going to stay a long  time but if I don't like it I'm going to have to   leave and too many times I've rented a place and  it wasn't like the owner said so I had to leave.   Now there has been one place they were  adamant I had to sign a contract so   I made sure to spend enough time before agreeing  to a contract and usually if you have to agree to   a contract then you can get a lower price and  say okay so it's going to cost me 200 Colones a month. If I sign a contract for a year can I get  it for 175 000 Colones a month. So you can always   negotiate that factor all right. Now most of  the time you're not going to have to worry about   contracts most of the time you're not gonna have  to worry about putting any deposits down okay.   That's our experience okay but we've always  rented in rural areas where there's not a lot of   tourists okay. So we're just showing you from our  perspective what happened with us. This next tip   is extremely important and could help keep you  from making a costly error that you could easily   make if you didn't know this information. When you  are negotiating the price of your rental. Always   negotiate the price in the local currency of Costa  Rican Colones. While Costa Rica does accept the us   dollar, you never want to pay for anything with  US dollars unless you are in a business that has   registers, that use software to convert the US  dollar at the correct current exchange rate.   Then when paying in US dollars you'll get the  correct change back in Costa Rican Colones. Savvy Ticos or not so honest people will insist or  try to convince you to pay in US dollars because   the US dollar has a higher value. Instead of using  the correct daily exchange rate, they will usually   use the convenient exchange rate of 500 Colones to one dollar. This makes the math easy. For   example, a hundred thousand Colones would easily  convert to two hundred dollars. However if you had   agreed to pay the normal hundred thousand Colones  at the current exchange rate that same hundred   thousand Colones would convert to only a hundred  and sixty six dollars and not two hundred dollars.   For example, the house I'm renting now is  normally rented to any Tico for a hundred   thousand Colones a month, but when the owner  saw I was a Gringo he quickly asked me to pay   two hundred dollars a month and had I agreed  I would be overpaying every single month.   To help you understand if I pay the normal  price of a hundred thousand Colones,   the owner is always getting the true  asking price and I'm not overpaying.   The Colones to US dollar exchange rate fluctuates  daily. When we first came to Costa Rica,   the hundred thousand Colones converted closely to  two hundred dollars. The Colones has dropped in   value and today that same hundred thousand Colones  is only worth a hundred and sixty six dollars.  Imagine how much money you would overpay  every month if you had made the simple mistake   of agreeing to pay in US dollars. Once you find a  place and you've negotiated price and you love it,   now that you've decided to rent the place, it's  time to ask the landlord what is the physical   address because Costa Rica doesn't have 911  address system. So it's important to find out what   is the physical address of that place. Typically  a physical address is going to be something like   50 meters north of the post office white  house on the left side of the road. And you   might not be the only white house on the  left side of the road. I think I got him. So ask the physical address so that whenever you  get a pizza delivered or whenever you go to pay   your electric bill or do your banking or you do  something where they ask your address you'll know   the correct address okay. So that's real important  that you ask the physical address then you're   going to have to pay the electric in the water in  most cases and when you do it's almost never going   to be in your name. It's going to be in the name of  whoever owned that house and they don't change it   out like it does in other countries. So you want  to ask, what is the account number to electricity,   what is the account number to the water and  whose name is electric in, whose name is the   water in because oftentimes and many times  it's been in several different names okay.   So make sure you ask that because when you  go pay that electric bill on that water bill   which you can pay at almost any little bitty  small poop area that's a convenience store   or the bank. Then they're gonna ask you're gonna  give them the account number and they're gonna say   and that's in such and such name that way you  can verify that you're paying that bill and not   somebody else's electric bill. So it's important  to get that info. It's also important to ask   hey who's taking care of the yard? Is that your  responsibility to cut the grass or is it theirs.   Is their trash pickup because some places don't  have trash pickup and that's important to know   because if there's not trash pickup that means  everybody is burning their trash in the yard and   that can be a stinky situation. We talk more about  that in that live video you probably should watch.   And if you are into recycling you might want to  ask that where is their recycle drop off. Keep   in mind no matter where you're at it's only  temporary. In most cases and sometimes we've   rented a place and only stayed 30 days. We stayed  a month only to find out hey we couldn't get   internet access or it was too noisy whatever and  it can change in a moment. So it's only temporary.  Try to stay light until you know for certain  that you like it then you can start buying your   furniture or buying pieces you know a piece at a  time and that's what we did. All right so really   I think that's pretty much everything isn't it? I  think so. You know that is a little recap. That's   right that's the majority of the stuff now we  go into detail on that youtube live so be sure   to check that out and look put some comments  down let us know was this helpful for you.   Hey is there something we forgot about. Put it in  the comment section and we'll be more than glad to   answer your question. Hey the best thing to do is  to join the forum because there there's questions   that have already been answered and you can find  those answers inside the forum so so easy. Instead   of going from video to video to video. So we look  forward to giving you some more great information.   Next week remember we try to go live or we try to  premiere a new video every Sunday at 2 pm eastern   standard time and we're either doing a live or  we got a video that premieres live and we're   always online to answer your questions while that  video is going in at least for an hour afterwards   so that we can answer your questions as quick as  you're typing them in. So until next Sunday, we   look forward to talking to you chatting with you  in the forum in the question box and we'll see you   next week with another awesome video where  we're talking about living in Costa Rica.
Channel: Off The Grid Homestead Costa Rica
Views: 14,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: renting in costa rica, renting a house in costa rica, rental tips in costa rica, rent in costa rica, costa rica homes for rent, costa rica vacation rentals, craigslist costa rica long term rentals, costa rica villa rentals, furnished apartments for rent in costa rica, costa rica long term rentals jaco, costa rica monthly rentals, apartments for rent in costa rica, costa rica beach rentals, costa rica condos for rent, homes for rent in costa rica long term, rent costa rica
Id: 4ZPCinNJ9yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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