Cheap Rentals in Costa Rica & Long Term Rentals Cost of Living Rental Comparison

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When looking for a place to rent in  Costa Rica you can find anything from   a hundred dollars a month. If you're  on a budget and doing some research   to a hundred dollars a day to a thousand three  thousand and much more a month. Depending on   what lifestyle you choose to live. In this video  we're going to show you several different types of   houses so that you can get a feel what does a Tico  house look like. What is an American style Costa   Rican house looks like. This way you can get a  feel for what it looks like to rent in Costa Rica. Welcome to another gorgeous day in Costa Rica.  Absolutely and today Rebecca and I have jumped   on the motorbike and we've ridden all  around trying to find houses that you   can rent in Costa Rica. You know renting in  Costa Rica is totally different than what you   might be used to in the United States or whatever  country you're from. Right. And you know we found   some really magnificent places from very small  to very large. Right and we concentrated mostly   on the Perez Zeledon San Isidro area and we went  around looking for signs making some phone calls   and we found a variety of places like you said.  That's right in just a couple of days we found a   lot of options matter of fact our first place  was a little house in the heart of San Isidro.   A cute little old place really safe to where you  could practically walk and access everything that   you need and then get public transportation if  you wanted to go to Walmart. Right and we also   saw a huge house a little further out of town you  probably need a vehicle to to get around but it   had everything a fully furnished gorgeous place.  Great place and we saw dormitory style living to   where you can rent just the bedroom and then you  have the shared common areas. Great place if you   were just on a reconnaissance mission and you're  trying to find out is Costa Rica for me. So today   we're going to show you some really awesome  places and you can get a feel for what it's like   to rent a house in Costa Rica. So let's jump on my  computer and let's take a look at what we found.   This rental unit is located on a quiet road  with very little traffic and it has a great view   of and is walking distance to San Isidro. As with  most places in Costa Rica there is a gate to pass   through but also slides open which allows you  parking depending on the size of your vehicle or   parking for a motorcycle if that's your preferred  mode of transportation. This house has two rental   units which makes this an ideal place if having  a neighbor nearby helps you feel a bit safer.   The top unit is currently rented so we'll  take a look at the lower unit downstairs.   You'll notice a great view of the city. At the  bottom of the stairs is a small area that after   a day's worth of cleaning might be a great place  to have coffee or breakfast outside. Under the   stairs is another great area to store bicycles or  maybe even have a beautiful place for houseplants.   Imagine having coffee here and enjoying this  great view. Upon entering the house, the first   area could be either an indoor breakfast area or  for me it would be a great place for an office.   My office window would have a great view of the  mountains and the city. Imagine this view with the   city lights at night. Leaving the office we'll  take a hard right and go into the laundry room. It has a typical laundry sink with storage  below the sink but no shelves or doors   which is very typical in Costa Rica. A place next  to it for the washing machine and as we turn   back towards the window you'll notice this is  open air with no screens. Seldom do you ever see   any screens on houses in Costa Rica however this  area doesn't have a big problem with mosquitoes.   It's important to always look at the breaker  box. This one has the typical four breakers   but this one also has a 220 breaker which is  probably for the stove. This is a nice benefit   because most Ticos only cook with gas as it  is much cheaper. The laundry room does have   a huge window which helps in circulating  the air throughout the whole house. Now   we enter the kitchen. We have a typical one basin  sink storage underneath but no shelves or doors. There is the 220 plug for the stove and  you'll notice there is no backsplash   for the stove or hood which is very typical in  Costa Rica. There are also no shelves but I'm sure   with permission from the owner you can install  some shelves for storage of your pots and pans.   There is a nice little bar which could serve  as your dining area. And just on the other side   would be your living area. A great place to  relax after enjoying paradise in Costa Rica through that door is your bedroom  with a view under the stairs   which would be great if you put beautiful  houseplants in that area. Turning around this   is a typical sized room in Costa Rica. With no  closets but large enough for your basic needs. We'll leave here and after another hard  right we're in a very typical Tico bathroom.   A tiny sink surprisingly  with a couple of tiny shells. A medicine cabinet which is not typical at all  and I don't often see this. This is nice to have.   Normal toilet and what looks like a little  nicer and a little larger shower unit than   most. Sliding glass doors and a typical suicide  shower. That little knob on the bottom of the   shower head is for an external spray  nozzle but in almost every house I've seen   I guess the owner just throws out the spray nozzle. You'll notice no shelves but one of those  inexpensive over the toilet shelving racks   would give you a place for towels and toiletries.  And that gives you a tour of this really neat and   what I think is a safe house. This house is only  minutes away from the town center and a short 5 to   10 minute ride on public transportation that could  take you to Walmart or anywhere else. This house   has a great view and you might be surprised that  the owner is only asking 75 000 Colones a month   which is a normal Tico price. You do have to pay  for utilities but that is usually very inexpensive   as well. This is also a one-bedroom apartment  but appears to be a little bit on the upscale   side as it seems the owners take pride in their  apartment complex. The owners were sure to tell   me about security cameras that I can only assume  monitor the apartments. Here our camera is on the   right side of the apartments and you can see it  is not far from the entrance to the apartments.   Here are cameras on the left side of the  apartments and it appears to be about   50 yards from the entrance of the apartments  as well. From the electrical meters it seems to   be a four unit complex and street parking  is your only option. You walk through the   security gate and we're going to look at the  first unit on the right. As you walk in you   enter the small dining and living room  combination. That bar makes a great place to eat.   Just beyond is the kitchen with a typical one  basin sink. However to my surprise this unit   has storage with shelves and doors. In Costa Rica  I'm often amazed by the little things we take for   granted in the United States. A ceramic backsplash  and a 220 outlet for an electrical stove   if you desire but again no hood or shelving  in the kitchen but they do seem to have more   electrical outlets than the typical Tico house.  Across the way is the entrance to the bathroom.   A small sink with a door and shelving underneath,  another bonus. A normal toilet and a typical sized   shower with a suicide shower. This is the first  one I've seen with the external shower hose. Exit   the bathroom into the laundry room with a typical  laundry sink. A place to put your washing machine and above they've installed a place to  hang clothes. A skylight that's open to   the outside will surely draw hot air out  and cool air in through the front windows.   We exit into the kitchen make a hard  left and we're going into the bedroom. This is the usual size bedroom and   there's not much of a view from this window  but the breeze coming in does feel good. As you exit the house you're on the common  entrance area which seems to be very secure and   offers a place to hang a few  more clothes like your neighbors.   This completes the tour of this apartment and for  only a few bucks more you can get this apartment   which is nearly as close to San Isidro as the  last one in a safe place as well with security   cameras for only 90 000 Colones a month. You  are responsible for the utilities here as well.   Let's switch gears for a moment because San Isidro  has higher education schools but it's nothing like   the typical college towns you hear stories of  in the United States. So let's take a look at   some dormitory style options. This place like the  other two is not far from town has easy access   to public transportation and obviously caters to  the students but anyone can choose to live here.   The rooms are partially furnished and everyone in  the house share the common areas. The good thing   about this option is water electricity cable  and internet is included in the monthly price   which I think is very affordable to almost anyone.  This is a great temporary option if you're coming   to gather intel find long-term rental or  just find out if Costa Rica is right for you.   After passing through the living room which is  shared by the six rooms in this house, you go   down the hallway to three of the six rooms on  this side of the house. There is room number one. Room two and this could be your room. We  enter the kitchen and dining area that   is only shared by the three bedrooms  on this side of the house. It seems   to be fully equipped with everything you need  including a stove, kitchen cabinets, dining areas, a refrigerator and a microwave. The  large laundry area is shared by all six   bedrooms. And it's apparent it looks  like students live in this place.   And out the back door is a shared clothesline.   Let's take a closer look at your bedroom.   It is partially furnished with  a bed and a couple of chairs. This bedroom has a shared bathroom with the  adjoining bedroom complete with all your basic stuff. One more spin around the bedroom  and we're headed out the door. While this may not be appealing to everyone  for the single guy or girl this place is   only 58 000 Colones a month and could be  your ticket to quickly getting to Costa Rica   so you can find your slice of paradise. Okay  let's take it up a notch and look at this grand   American style house in Costa Rica. You would be  living in luxurious style with this next house.   This three bedroom, three bath house, hot tub,  outdoor grilling fire pit beautifully landscaped   grounds and more is located only about 30 minutes  outside of San Isidro. A beautiful huge front porch.   A large kitchen and beautiful living area.   Grab you something to eat and head over  to the big screen tv and comfy couch. Let's take a look at bedroom number  one and in comparison to Tico type   houses you'll notice there's plenty of closet space. Bedroom number two is  just as beautiful and spacious. Bedroom number three is like the  other two and each of the rooms   seem to have easy access to the outdoors as well. Let's take a look at the three  bathrooms, plenty of counter space   storage and hot water throughout the house. A huge shower with large bench seating. Bathroom number two is similar to the first one. And there is bathroom number three.   Which is next to this huge laundry room  equipped with a really nice washer and dryer. Heading outdoors the grounds are beautiful. Enjoy this really nice outdoor grilling area   or sit by the fire pit roasting  hot dogs and marshmallows. Take a stroll through the beautiful gardens  on your way for a game of ping pong. Enjoy   sitting outside with nature or relax in the hot  tub. This is indeed luxurious style living in   paradise and you might be surprised to learn  this fully furnished house will only set you   back two thousand dollars a month and of course  you'll have to pay for all the utilities as well.   This next place has some really nice  furnished apartments however while   most Costa Ricans are friendly, honest, good people  there are some who will take advantage of you.   I share this from personal experience because  many people only hear all the good things   and come to Costa Rica throwing caution into  the wind. No matter where you live you must do   your due diligence because dishonest people are  everywhere. While we try to focus on the positives,   I wouldn't be able to sleep well at night if I  didn't take a moment to warn you about this place   that has a history of taking advantage of  unsuspecting Gringos. I can share from personal   experience. I lost a large amount of money to  this dishonest owner who changed up the terms of   our agreement many times after I'd spent a lot of  money moving in and then I chose to move out after   a horrifying first month. Don't make the mistake  of being too trusting when looking for a rental in   Costa Rica. This video is only a small taste of  the rental houses you can find in Costa Rica.   You can increase your odds of success and have  a wonderful experience by simply learning from   our mistakes. Download the free pdf in  the description below and join our forum   so you can find trusted resources and connect  with other people who are willing to help you.   Find your slice of paradise. Make sure to Subscribe,  hit the notification bell and leave comments below.   Let us know if you enjoyed this type of video  and would like to see more rental comparisons.   Remember we try to have a video for you  every Sunday at 2 pm eastern standard time   and we can't wait to see you next week with  another epic video about living in Costa Rica.
Channel: Off The Grid Homestead Costa Rica
Views: 18,648
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Keywords: cheap rentals in costa rica, long term rentals in costa rica, renting in costa rica, renting a house in costa rica, rental tips in costa rica, costa rica long term rentals, costa rica homes for rent, costa rica vacation rentals, craigslist costa rica long term rentals, furnished apartments for rent in costa rica, costa rica monthly rentals, apartments for rent in costa rica, luxury rentals costa rica, costa rica, moving to costa rica, living in costa rica, retire in costa rica
Id: GjxpLChpjNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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