Costa Rica Real Estate NEED to KNOW Before Buying Property in Costa Rica

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Buying property in Costa Rica you know it can be  a very rewarding experience however you know it   can be very challenging when searching for real  estate in Costa Rica there's a lot of challenges   to finding the right place and you know while  it's nice to be able to go to google and type in   Costa Rica real estate you can find some real  estate sites and you can look at some photos and   you can take a look at the listing and  get a little bit of information about   the place but the truth is you only see what the  photographer or the realtor wants you to see, you   only know what they want you to know and so you  don't really know how far away from town is it,   how close is it to the nearest hospital and  so what you have to do is bookmark a few of   them make appointments then you got to get  on a plane spend thousands of dollars to fly   all the way to Costa Rica only to realize it's  not what you thought but wouldn't it be nice   if from the comfort of your home you can kind of  get on a virtual airplane and you could research   where is that property located at, how far away is  that property from the nearest town, how far away   is it from the neighbors and are there hills,  mountains, valleys, rivers wouldn't it be cool   to do a little bit of research from the comfort  of your home find out all of the facts and then   book that flight to Costa Rica. Well today  I'm going to show you how you can do all of   that from the comfort of your home so buckle  up put on your seat belt we're getting on my   virtual plane to Costa Rica. Today I want to show  you how to find a lot of facts about a piece   of property before spending a ton of money to  come all the way to Costa Rica only to find out   it's not at all like the realtor told you or  what it seemed like in the photos you saw on   the real estate website. In today's video we'll  learn how to research an area when you find a   potential piece of property that you think you  might be interested in buying, I'll even show you   how to use google maps to locate and see  what does the terrain in that area look like.   Will you possibly need a four wheel drive or  is this piece of paradise only accessible by   horseback or helicopter do you have neighbors with  15 barking dogs or will you get to enjoy the peace   and quiet of a paradise you've been dreaming about.  Let me show you a couple of basic computer tricks   before we start so you'll be able to do the  same thing after we're done with today's video.   So if you go to google then you can  in the address bar just simply type in once you're there let's pretend  that you're wanting to see something in Costa   Rica so we're going to go somewhere that's very  popular Dominical beach and you can see that some   of the suggestions will come up and that's  possibly because I've been there a lot but   we'll look at Dominical beach and I'll click on  that and so now I'm going to close this screen   but here I can see all kind of stuff and I can scroll and I can make it a lot smaller.   As I'm scrolling I can see this very popular  road that I've shown you before that goes from   San Isidro in the Perez Zeledon area and goes  all the way down to the minute cow you know   it's about 45 minutes an hour to travel down  this road so this is really a great place to be   however would it be kind of cool to see what does  this terrain look like right here well this is the   street or road map view and if we come down here  and click on the satellite image we now change the   satellite. Well I mean that's kind of cool but  I can't really see what the terrain looks like   and that would be kind of cool to do as well so  let me show you on your computer. Mine is already   in 3d mode and you may not know how to do that  well I'm going to click on this globe and you see   when I click on the globe I can move it but  that's all I can do I can zoom out and zoom in   but I want to be able to see the mountain range  and see what does the terrain look like so if I  come to the globe and if I click on it it will  enable 3d mode. So I click on it, I now can do 3d   mode and I can really if I hold down the control  button on your keypad or the alt button for a mac   user like me well then you can turn it around  and you can see the direction, you can tilt it   and pan up and wow take a look at that you can  really just see you know the actual terrain and   you could see this humongous bluff and so you can  see that hey this is San Isidro and you can travel   down the mountain and all the way to Dominical. You can actually look around and you can see   you know what it looks like and it's like  now this is just cool because you can even   see underwater and it's like whoa check this out  and you can really zoom in and you can see things.   So this is just a really neat feature to be able  to use okay. So I'm gonna show you how you can do   that and a couple of other nifty tricks. Right now  let's look at a piece of property that I found   interesting and so let's pretend for a moment that  you're interested in this piece of property and   you've been talking to the realtor but guess what  he's giving you some photos but you're really just   you know not real sure about it because he's not  giving you all the information hey it is 11 acres   with streams and when I'm looking for a piece  of property I always I would not buy a piece of   property unless I have water on my property and  this one 11 acres which streams is only 165 000   and while that may sound like a great deal well  if it's out in the middle of nowhere and it's only   accessible by horseback or helicopter it's not  worth that much money, Now if this is only a few   minutes from Dominical and it's not that difficult  to get to next to a blacktop road U would say yes   it is worth 165 000. So today let me show you  how you can find a piece of property on a real   estate website and then we can determine or we can  locate that on google maps so we can find out well   you know this looks interesting but where is it  located let me get more information let's do that   right now. So another nifty trick is because this  is kind of small and I want to make it bigger so I can hit control plus and if I hit control plus as  you can see I can make it bigger and if you look   in the upper right hand corner of the screen you  can see it says 150 I can hit the minus button 125   110 100 so I'm gonna make this larger so you  can see this better as well. So here we are at   this property and you can see it has just this  small place and when I look at the description   let me give you some background information  it says it's a one bedroom, one bath   but it's 11 acres so it's pretty big and this  area is only 398 square feet on this property   but that's not important because I'm going to  build what I want but this might be a perfect   place to live in while I'm building. So we can  see that this says it's located in the Lagunas   area of Dominical Costa Rica and it says that  hey this is a a great place to start it's got   a great view according to here that you can see  across the valley and the jungle covered mountains   but what's important it says it's open farmable  land and it's got a variety of mature fruit trees   bamboo and ample pasture for horses if you want  horses, I love that there is a little two-story   starter home and yeah it's basic but it gives you  a place to live while you're building your own.   There's already a carport in place so if you want  to if you have a nice car you want underneath a   carport which is important in Costa Rica. There is  a start of two rooms and an adobe fireplace okay   that's interesting what's most important about  this whole thing is it says that water flows in   abundance year round that's very important and it  says it comes from two strings that's on the land   the river blow is amazing with smooth rock it's  perfect place to take a dip and the river cuts   the property right down the middle. So this sounds  like it's a great place and it tells you that it's   located past the town of Lagunas in Punta Mira and  about 25 minutes from Dominical. Well you know this   sounds really interesting but you know I could  talk to the realtor and is the realtor going to   tell me that it's out in the middle of nowhere  probably not he's trying to get a commission.  So let me show you how we can get a lot of facts  by doing a little bit of research on google so   here's what we're gonna do let's quickly take a  look at some of these photos so we can find out   whether we are interested or not. So if I take a  look here it is just a small place but look we can   see okay it's in a jungled area but they've  cleared out a big portion of their area and we   can see it's a little house here but there's  really another house here that you're not seeing   this looks like it's actually two places, I don't  know if this is just a carport but anyway let's   let's look a little more and if we go there  we go there's the little bitty one bedroom   one bath house. There's what looks like maybe  the starter of another or maybe it's the carport   and we can see that it looks like it's up on a  hill and it comes down. So let's take another look   and there's this a little adobe fireplace which  looks like maybe a starter of something over here   a project that they never finished  and now they're trying to sell it.   So if we take a look now look right here in  case you don't know that looks like a river   or a stream flows through here so this goes  downhill and so that's a good sign right there   keep looking now it looks like this an  abandoned project you know maybe they   decided to go back to the States and so  this looks like that's that adobe fireplace   that abandoned project of maybe another home  and that road goes right through here to the house   and so if we're looking that shows you the awesome  view they have from their home okay and that looks   like there might possibly be some water right  there. So I'm taking note of things to help us find   this property on google maps. Another view there we  go okay there's the place and it doesn't look like   much but hey if I was interested in this I would  definitely live there while I'm building my place   okay and it shows you the water on the  property which that's important I like   this okay and they're saying it's year round so  this does look like it's a beautiful little spot.   Okay so this has a probably a drone view which is  great. I can see this little one bedroom house this   is other place looks like the driveway comes from  here and it goes up that hill maybe see okay great.   This is important to see all of this and  we're going to use these photos to find this   actual place so now that I got this I can  see that this is the one bedroom and this   is carport area. All right great this looks good  this looks like this is the creek I'm telling   you about right here or what they're telling  us about. All right this is looking pretty good   it gives me some more information there is this  little carport area so we can see it's not much. All right fantastic this is giving me some  information and I can see that this is a big   clearing area here big clearing area here  they're inside a wooded area but they've   cleared this small spot okay that looks  good so now that I have that information   I need to actually find this on google map and  most real estate sites actually have a little map   on their website. If we look right here we can see  this map and we can actually zoom in and out to   give us an idea where it's located so if we zoom  out we can see let me zoom in just a little more   there's Quepos okay there's San Isidro up  here well that looks like the road that goes   between San Isidro and Dominical and there's a pin  drop showing that location and sometimes they're   accurate and sometimes they're not. If I zoom  in a little more and move this map I can see, look that's the whale's tail so that gives me an  idea of where we're located this purple line here   looks like it might be a road but it's probably  not this is probably a divider of Puntarenas   and San Kose of the district areas okay and this  orange is probably the road that goes along the   coast. So we're gonna use this information to  get a better view or a better idea where we're at   so okay great this shows us where we're at like  I said look there if we zoom in we can see that   there is 243 which is the road that goes up to  San Isidro. All right so now that we have an idea   let's go to google maps to see if we can  kind of get a closer look at this area   this says it's located in Lagunas okay so which is  it's located past the town of Lagunas okay great.   So I'm going to go ahead and copy Laguna's and  I'm going to go back to my map, I'm going to open   this up and let me take this out Dominical beach  put in Lagunas look right here it says Lagunas   and let's take a closer look and look this  says that this is where Lagunas is at so   let's go back to the map view as we're  trying to locate so I'm gonna zoom out and I'm gonna try to get this map to look  very similar to the map that we've seen so   there's San Isidro, there's the road, here's  the whale's tail, Quepos is over here   and if I go back to our site we can see that  if I zoom out yep there's the whale's tail   over here, Quepos over here so we're in  the right area. Let's zoom in a little bit.   Okay so it looks like there's this right here the  division of the providences so let's go find that   on the map. So here we are and look here's the  division of the providences and if we take a   look and the providence makes this big dip right  here okay and if we go back to the actual map   we see that there's the providence and it makes  that big jump right here a curve and that house   is located in this area if we go back to our map  then according to our map that house is probably   located in this area. All right great we're getting  more information let's zoom in a little more   so our house is probably in here. Let's go back to  our website here and let's zoom in if we zoom in   and okay great it says Tierra's Mourinhos okay I'm  probably butchering that up but that's okay I just   need to know about where it's located. Okay here  we go there's this little town it's right close to   the border of the providence of San Jose great and  this on this side is the providence of puncture   rain is and this is great, this is what I'm looking  for okay. All right great let's go back to our   google map, if we go to our google map here we are  it's somewhere close and look there's a providence   of San Jose, Puntarenas. Let's zoom in let's  find that little town that we were looking for. I'm looking for some roads here  so it's not coming up just yet. Okay here's some roads here okay I went  too far, take a look there's tiers   okay and if we go back here that's what we're  seeing all right we're getting close there it is   we're getting close. All right there it is here and  you see it's not far from Lagunas like they said   so there's Lagunas it seems to be here. All right  so let's zoom in a little more okay if we zoom in   I know it's a little bit hard look there we  go okay we're zooming in and here's this road   that comes here and that road is close to the  border great, great okay if I zoom out there we go   and this road is called peak road okay  and it comes down and comes this away.  Okay this is, look the the school of Punta  De Mira, I believe that the website told us   Punta Mira we're getting closer so if we  take a look here we are here's Tierra's okay.   Tierra's Mourinho's that road goes down it  catches here comes down and if we zoom in look   it comes down and it makes a sharp this this big  s curve that shouldn't be too hard to find okay.   So follow that road here, come down big s curve  let's find that. All right follow the road down   look at this big s curve right here. All right  great we're getting hot. All right if we come here   it says according here it's located in this area  let's zoom in some more. Okay according here now   the important thing is that a lot of real estate  sites don't put the pin map real close because   they don't want you to do what I'm teaching you  right now okay. So let's see if we can locate this   now based on the images that we look looked at  let's go back there's that big s curve okay now   that we've got that big s curve we can go into  satellite mode and see if we can locate our area.  Now that we're in satellite mode here's that big  s curve and take a look. All right now if we just   zoom in okay take a look you see that water  remember we talked about this big open area   and remember we talked about, look at this trees  they're in a forested area but they've cleared   a small area well if we go back to our site  and if we go back to those photos we looked at let's go and take a look at  some photos look look at that.   A treed forested area next to a clear ring right  here there's a house, this let's go to our map   look right here doesn't that look the same. Wow  looks like we are finding what we're looking for.   Great, look at here there's a little a little house  something in the back, let's go back to our photos   little house something in the back looks  like we have found our spot wow all right   so if we take a look at some more photos that's  the stream we can kind of confirm by looking and   take a look there's a house, there's a little bitty  house kind of hiding behind those trees, I believe   okay and we can see that's the clearing  okay and take a look that's another shot.   There's that adobe fireplace okay this is  good all right let's go back to our map all   right we're looking really good okay so  now we can zoom out and it appears that   this as much as google maps will let us zoom in  in more populated areas you can zoom in even more.   However it's not going to let us because  it's just not a very populated area   but this is important for you to know. Now  that we have found this area it's like okay   how far away are we from anybody obviously we can  see that we don't have any neighbors and we don't   have to worry about 15 barking dogs and a teenager  having a party every Friday night and turning up   the music to where we're both listening to that  music doing me a favor. Anyway we can see that   we don't have to worry about neighbors however if  you're not someone that wants to be that far out   you're like where am I going to buy my groceries  well you can zoom out and you can say okay well   this area over here is there anything over here  but what's it more important before I go looking   I want to see what does the terrain look like. So  now I told you we're in 3d mode I can hit control   and I can now look at the train wow okay yes  I'm loving this because right up the hill   look I can see that it gives me an idea how  high up I am, that's the valley way down below   cable does the Quesadas so there's something in  here a little community, there's a river there if I back up wow I'm liking this kind of like we're in  a drone looking at the terrain and I can turn that   terrain around by holding that control button and  just dragging. I can turn around and I can see some   of the terrain okay great. So the house is here  and I can see where we're at okay I'm liking this   okay. Now I can see and obviously this kind of  gives us an idea by positioning it like this   and coming over then we could say probably that  water flows through and they said that there was   a creek that cuts the property in half so you  know it looks like if I zoom in a little closer   it looks like water probably follows along here,  there's probably water you see this right here   if we zoom in that looks like water might flow  that way but that's kind of flowing in the wrong   direction that might be a road that, that might  be your driveway so it looks like this is kind   of the main road here that makes the big s curve  and it looks like you might take this road and   it looks like this probably goes to the road  that then comes to your house that could be it   so the creeks are somewhere in here and I'm  thinking it probably follows along this ridge okay.   Now, now that we've seen this the idea is okay is  this accessible only by helicopter and horseback   well obviously not because we can see that, this  road takes us here and you know what it doesn't   look like I would even need a four-wheel drive  it looks like I have no problem if I zoom out   but what I am worried about is how far away from  town is this you know how far am I gonna have to   drive to get a loaf of bread. So let's find that  out real quick, I'm gonna come right over here   and if I click that okay I want to find directions  so I can click on directions right here so what   I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the house  so if I click right here you see it puts a   pin drop and I'm going to say I want directions  from that point, if I click it's now saying okay   what is your starting point well I'm gonna, I'm  saying that this is my starting point, I click and   you see it put my starting point in right there  and if you see it already tells me go up here so   I don't know if there's a road right there but  I'm thinking the road is this away to up here   but maybe there is a tiny road right here but  anyway it's showing me now where do I want to go.   So you know this is my starting point and where  do I want to go, I want to go to Dominical so   I'm going to clear this out or let me clear  this out and I'm going to put into Dominical,  Dominical beach I'll click right here and now  it zooms out and there you go wow there it   tells me and it tells me it's about 13 and a half  kilometers is the fastest route it's 30 minutes   away so I am 30 minutes away from Dominical okay.  Well that's interesting but I know there's not a   lot of places to go shopping in Dominical and  I know that there's better shopping over here   if I zoom out I know there's better shopping  in San Isidro well how far away is it from   San Isidro well let's find out. So I'm going to  take this out and I'm going to put in San Isidro. San Isidro, DL General I know I'm not  pronouncing that right I think it's   out anyway let me click on it and there we go it's  now telling me I'm one hour and four minutes away   from San Isidro and 35 kilometers. Well guess what  one hour to go into San Isidro to Walmart and get   everything I need. Well if I'm willing to do that  and I want to be out in a secluded area where I   don't have 15 barking dogs and I don't have any  neighbors but yet I can still buy everything   I need and guess what if I just want a loaf of  bread then I don't have to go all the way there   I can come over here there is, there's a  town here but it looks like if I come over here   Cascada Trace okay to Baru and let's  see where is going to be the closest place.   If we zoom out okay look it looks  like my closest place is going to be   in Plantanillo and I do know that there's places  that I can shop in Plantanillo. So let me put that   in and see how far away I am to Plantanillo. So  let's take this out and we're going to put in   Plantanillo now it's platinil not plant, Platinillo  and let's see here there's Plantanillo San Jose, Plantanillo all right let's pick that and  take a look it's giving me several routes to go   and this dark blue one is the shortest route so  obviously you can choose and you know one route   may be better paved than the other so you might  choose one over the other so I'm gonna go ahead   and choose the shortest route right here and  get details and if I take a look it says that's   the fastest route which is only 29 minutes away  and only 12 kilometers so I can take the fastest   route to get over here in Plantinillo and buy some  groceries, some vegetables at the local farmers   market and everything I need. So now that is just  really cool I really like how I can find out   information so you tell me was this cool were  you able to really find some stuff and this is   really neat because now that you're here you can  click on the map view you can see where you're at.  Look there's Dominical I'm way up here where  it's nice and cool and I really wish there was   a way for me to see the altitude but maybe I'll research and find out but anyway   what's neat is I could see there's San Isidro,  here's Dominical I really like this area   and for me going back to this I would say you  know what it's 11 acres and I can really build   whatever I want it's way out here in the middle  of anything. So now that kind of goes back to   is 11 acres with streams worth 165 000  well with the experience that I have   I can tell you that in my opinion I probably  wouldn't pay more than a hundred thousand for this   however it's up to you this place already  has running water obviously because they   have a house but what kind of electricity you  know it didn't say, is there electricity here   or not it may not have electricity however  you now have learned how you can research   everything that you need to find out is this  something you would be interested in and for me   if I didn't already have a place yep I think this  would be something I'm interested in because I'm   only going to have a piece of property that has  ample water on it and water that I have access to   24/7, 365 days out of the year and that is just  really cool that I can see that and I did this   earlier showing you how you can find that. So take  a look there it is only 30 minutes to Dominical by   following that particular road that is really cool  I love that I can actually put this in 3d mode   and we can see that we're down here on just the  other side of that mountain but I can follow this   ridge and follow this bridge all the way over  to right through Lagunas over into Baru   and then I can follow the main road that comes  to Dominical. I love to be able to see that, I   can look at all of this terrain and get an idea  of where I'm living at so if you really enjoyed   what you've learned today make sure that you  hit that like button, give me a good thumbs up,   leave some comments tell us hey what area  would you like to look at did you enjoy this   virtual tour of this property without ever having  to leave the comfort of your home. If you're   interested in the property I showed you today I think it's one of those rare good deals and you   can find a link to this property in the forum. I'll  put a link to that topic in the description below   while most of the areas in the form are free.  You can support us in a great way by becoming a   premium member for only ten dollars a month you'll  get access to awesome property deals whenever I find them along with lots of other areas which are  designed only for the folks that love us so much   they support us by becoming a premium forum member  we hope you'll consider becoming premium too.   So make sure if you haven't already done so  hit the subscribe button and that notification   bell so that you can find out more about the  videos that we have coming each and every week.   I look forward to seeing you again in  our next living in Costa Rica video.
Channel: Living in Costa Rica & Facts about Costa Rica
Views: 7,167
Rating: 4.8736844 out of 5
Keywords: costa rica real estate, buying property in costa rica, living in costa rica, moving to costa rica, property in costa rica, buying real estate in costa rica, costa rica real estate for sale, real estate costa rica, buying land in costa rica, costa rica expats, properties in costa rica, retire in costa rica, buying a home in costa rica, costa rica retirement, pros and cons of living in costa rica, property for sale in costa rica, cost of living in costa rica, costa rica
Id: lQgRzy14PcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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