Renown Grind - Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Lords of the Forest // EP21

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hey there my kingdom hopefuls Ramon here thank you for tuning in to Mount And Blade to bannerlord Lords of the forest episode 21 Renown grind so we're going to be moving real slow with all these s horses we'll try to find a place to to Hawk them quickly maybe we'll s by syndric buy some silver and actually I'm going double back to oin and and dump it back into my uh Workshop so the advantage of doing that is if you are and I'm sure most of you probably know this but if you're running a workshops um you can get input from the warehouse so that you can directly Supply your no that's not true but you can directly Supply your workshops so that they can produce Goods cheaper and faster or whatever so I'm dumping um silver into the warehouses oin it probably hadn't updated which is why it was saying that the production was halted it's actually surprisingly the no no it's not the only one halted so oan is now running and uh uh because I I had supplied it with silver cuz there's a very limited supply of silver in the on the continent um so production halts are not uncommon whereas if I was if I had something like uh like a brewery there is plenty of Wheat and or you know grap presses or whatever if if the if the supplies are plentiful but that also means the profit margins are tiny a shield magion who a shield man who is cruel nope will you take Sumpter no it's not sumters that I bought I bought saddle horses I don't think these are out of profit so [Music] no what is my trade at 106 for about halfway through 106 I'm not good at trade ooh there's a flag reward I think melee damage against M mounted troops why is it showing the bonus twice I don't [Applause] know how'd that hit oh I crushed through his defense that's cool I mean I I don't mind hitting one I don't think I should have but it was confusing I'm getting my butt kicked I'm not I don't have high pole arm skill so it's hard to swing faster than he can defend my pole armor is only level 30 compared to that dude who is like a a mounted Knight who probably had a pole arm of like 200 something I don't know what I I could know uh what I was I was fighting a Vanguard I think has a pole arm of what is a vanguard's p 130 so he had 100 point lead on [Applause] [Music] me would explain the uh why I was not very good at it [Applause] oh I almost did a two shot [Music] [Applause] there oh right to the face see those are the exciting mounted paddles you don't get them very often cuz usually they just Turtle up and sit still but it's awesome when you get like I mean those were couch lances in fact did they take couch Lancing out of Arenas cuz it used to be in the Arenas last time I the the last series I had but I hadn't seen them which couch lances are like super vicious uh I just I haven't seen them in Arena fights at all couch lances are when you like tuck the Lance and it has a couch bonus so you can do like hundreds of damage if you land ahead at high speed I know they still exist but I just don't see them in Arena fights uh so a Bo Bane flag increased melee damage against mounted troops I still think I like the decreased range damage uh from from range attacks better but I might lock this in so I don't sell it uh to check we have gained about a third of the Renown needed since the start of the stream in order to create a kingdom we went from 600 to 707 uh it's not bad so I might work my way back towards sarot if there was uh grumbles about a rebellion I think the grumbles by the Rebellion are largely fueled as a result of sarot is valan culture owned by banians so the people that live in sarot are pissed would be the explaining it simply and that's generally true of um of any Town held by a non-native culture because there's a a culture penalty to the happiness of the people that live there oh wow that is selling tools at Big profit nice and I think I bought these SLE horses for under 70 so I'll sell some of them as well trades up 107 are exclamation missions yeah the the blue marks are missions and then the gold ones are like the main quest line uh the blue missions uh generally don't help with Renown they help with like charm and and rep and stuff so bu some hardwoods for 20 under Pottery for under 70 linen for under 90 and fur for under 200 there's probably a mod that like makes it profitable trades easier I'm really bad at making them I've seen go well there I spoke about this in previous streams but there are like super big exploits to that you could use to level up your trade like instantly by manipulating supply and demand uh which I don't intend to use but just like generally speaking my the trades I make are like not great oh stewardship leveled up nice so uh as a quartermaster discarded weapons uh increase experience so or plus four party morale when number of mounts is greater than the number of foot troops in your party so um I will speak about that a little bit uh which is I plan to have not a lot of mounted troops so the second choice here would be hard to fulfill because if I have an Army full of penan fian Champions and wildlings neither of those are mounted by default so let let's say I have 200 of those troops I would need 200 horses it's kind of unrealistic to try to like ride around with 200 horses uh uh you're welcome to vote for it but fulfilling those requirements is super unlikely is all I am going to say say made profit on the Linens it's not profitable to do Furs here there is a beer shortage here um profit on the hardwoods and there's no profit for pottery here either trade leveled up again so at least I'm kind of doing it right what can I buy cheap here here oils the profit margins on these oils are not great but I'll buy some and Hogs and I I don't like trading in animals they they suck to trade okay overwhelmingly you guys are like hey do discarded weapons for experience I get that so I'll I'll click that in as soon as uh this Arena fight's over poke poke slap [Music] fight yeah I'm going to put my shield away I think I do more damage if it's away and I'd rather just kill them quicker [Music] [Applause] you know it would be a neat feature if there was like extra Renown for flare in the arena flare measured by the damage that you do so that if you do more than your fair share of damage if you're not just like eeking out victories but absolutely knocking everyone else out in the fight you get bonus um bonus uh rown would be a neat feature because in a lot of these Arena fights especially given given that I'm on free Booter difficulty like I knock out like half the opponents but somehow I'm not rewarded for it it's funny to think that the highest paid uh athlete of all time was a Char charioteer in the like the uh in arenas like this one [Applause] [Music] all right forget that spear you can see why I hate these [Applause] fights they end up being stupid most of the time yeah bonus for like kills or Downs or total damage you know some sort of calculation to be like you performed really well so you entertain the crowd so that we're going to give you bonus morale maybe not bonus money right cuz you're not you're the prize pot it doesn't make sense that you you're paid more for a win because you downed more people but like giving more morale for doing a really good job makes sense because then people would talk oh did you see Halligan in the arena last night he knocked out half of everyone like that's a lot better than oh you know he won the final round and knocked one person out in the first round or something I I think it would make sense uh yeah let's donate the spike battle X I mean I already have almost have us 100K so I get wait where's oh I haven't actually put the point in yeah maybe I need to do that first 300 experience that's not much but when we fight giant armies that adds up quick for all the rewards that we get you know another thing that we could do which would be very underhand Ed uh would be [Music] to encourage sarot to Rebel uh I'll think on that it's it's not we're we're trying to be nice in this series and it would not be a nice thing to do but it would definitely work towards our end goal quicker [Music] uh huh in order to do that uh yeah that's a lot of grain to buy in order to do it but we could so if you really want to piss off a town making sure they Starve is a pretty good way so for the Tidy sum of 100K we could buy out all of sargon's food to drive them to lower morale the thing is like it's not going to work so well because unless we are uh blockading Caravans they're going to get resupplied pretty quickly so it's it's not something they're really were use in peace time but if we were at war with them that's a pretty powerful tactic so I'm not going to do it cuz I think it's more expensive than it is beneficial uh plus it's you know batanian own right now so like I'd be a very bad batanian doing it but it's a it's a strategy that we could maybe employ in the [Applause] future oh dang I got him feel bad for that dude three man speed [Applause] up and you may have noticed I'm going full Berserker here in all these rounds I've just been straighting up straight up putting my shield away and not blocking 99 damage oh I'm sure you're feeling it and you're [Applause] gone for some boots that are not better for anyone I'll hold on to them in case we get another companion there though all right we're in sarot so there's really nothing to buy here because sarot so impoverished from all the war so I'm going to head on out look for trade opportunities and still no Rebels anywhere iron at 51 or so if you're following along we're at uh we're almost halfway uh 750 would be halfway mark CU we started to 600 out of 900 I yearn for more Rebels though I must say they're the most fun way to get Renown oh there we go Rebels in so I will head over to legeda in just a second uh not that we want legeda but we want to beat up rebels in leg oh good place to dump the pottery uh Furs aren't really going to make a profit but I'm going to dump them anyway and I'll hold on to the iron because there's no profit there the Bone [Applause] [Music] Crusher dang knocked their team out see there battles like this where like I wasn't counting but I feel like I accounted for like half of all Knockouts in that round would be like the yeah give me extra now it could also be cool if there was um uh if there was special conditions to be met for the fight to be like I'm going to ENT through this fight without armor or I'm going to enter this fight and not use Shields or something like that uh as like a bet as a further bet for additional Prize or something like that so that you could um you could make it more challenging and then profit oh ouch profit higher as a result that was cool Unison Knockouts and uh stochastic Turtle you want the Bone Crusher all right I will uh I'll reserve it for you if I remember to [Applause] I'm going to kick you I'm going to kick you you keep blocking I'm going to kick you on all right so you want the Bone Crusher locked no go this way uh go east I wonder why they thought well maybe West was faster oh it's already under siege that means that there's not necessarily going to be a lot of uh a lot to do that's close enough okay fighting the rebels there's only uh like 22 Rebels here so this is not much of a fight C so I'm just telling them all the charge forget forget tactics just go murder [Music] them I'll see if I can't take out the commander myself not you you look like a regular Horseman is the other guy no he looks like a Horseman too just me quite oh 300 damage though holy hell all right so he was one of the Infantry [Music] men I don't see him anyway he's probably in this cluster about to get smoked or maybe you know what he could have been wounded no no he just got knocked out by Highborn Warrior cuz just because you're attacking like a noble doesn't necessarily mean he's conscious for the [Applause] fight and you're free you're welcome what a easy way to level up arm though my Lord a standard of Duty decreased moral shock morale shock it's pretty uh because I'm very wealthy I can donate arms and armor I am 90% sure I locked that Bone Crusher for an extra thousand EXP experience I think leg is close enough to um uh to batanian territory that like I could hypothetically own it if the whoever is the seizure fails Von's Army uh my money is on the attackers but who knows unfortunately I also don't really see that the the legat rebels have much in the way of um armies around here they all got got there's laos's Army that is defending and then that's it so we can hang out I'm I'll go uh Ransom off my uh my prisoners and wow that is a hell of a daily gold change Caravan party income really racking it in Denny and janab making a lot of money each one of them is making as much as my workshops yeah one of the huge advantages of like not committing to going to war with a specific faction really early on is your Caravans generally don't get destroyed right cuz your trade Caravans once you are a kingdom any enemy of your kingdom is going to destroy your Caravans pretty quickly um which which makes it very challenging to have like decent trade profits cuz you're you're constantly getting uh uh your trade carand destroyed all right we'll go back to leg hang out and see if there's uh more to beat up but I don't think there are there were none in the area oh here's one oh it's the same dude that I just released yeah he's going to run for me and he's faster so he has to make some sort of movement blunder for me to catch up oh I'm catching up though it's been a while I'm faster in Forest I think hi yeah it has been a while um surrender or die I'm sorry like that it's just you over and over again that I keep smoking but I'm not that sorry cuz I keep doing it [Music] dead me thank you for the the resup and welcome all right so last time he was not mounted so let's see if I can't get him [Music] myself maybe it's you yeah I got him oh man you really got destroyed that was mostly luck I'll be honest but that was pretty cool that I rolled up to a group of like 30 and just singled him out and just gone and one [Applause] swipe that's when you know uh you got a little bit of an OP character when it's like Dynasty Warrior level combat but I mean having played on like the normal difficulty the hard I should say difficulty of of Bal lord it's way more fun for your character to be a superhero in my opinion which is why I play on free Booter obviously it poses no challenge but the challenge comes in later when you're trying to make your own kingdom and you're at a massive dis numerical disadvantage so like every fight is like a 10 10 to1 Ratio or 1 to 10 ratio I should say which is why I play in Free Brer primarily cuz the most fun parts of banner like when you're you're trying to defend your own kingdom in my opinion all right we'll let you go again now build up an army so I can beat you cuz I like your experience and also like the gear and equipment that I keep getting from defeating you and who knows maybe leg will The Defenders will win I think they're in active yeah they're they're in active oh no they're going to lose they have a backup Army zero chance that they survive this uh I am now up to 749 so we're one point away from halfway there I also leveled up in charm cool uh so I'll have you guys pick the choice 20% chance of avoiding critical failure on persuasion and 5% daily chance to improve uh relations with random negative notable when I'm in a settlement so if I'm like uh camping out in a settlement I have a chance to just like repair my relations with someone uh the other one is uh 10% chance for a double persuasion success [Music] and that's it because the governor one I don't personally benefit from so there you go and my charm level up brought to you by um oh and also GMT can level up medicine uh I'm just going to pick so it's increase hit points and and recovering more hit points after each battle or combat movement speed and healing rate I'm going to do combat movees speed and healing rate I think those the only ones that can level up yeah okay there's not much point in hanging around the rebels here cuz the rebels are just absolutely losing I don't know I have I have a bit of a hope that like another Rebel Army will like pop up actually you know what I am so the rebels are losing but I'm surprised that uh Valia is taking so many losses valia's they're going to win this fight but they got their butts kicked cuz they rode in with about a thousand and they're down 500 or so like there's uh in the west party there's 175 wounded in the right the East party there's two 246 wounded so these Defenders put up a hell of a defense yeah I think it's probably because of the catapults are aners they're using ballista to attack and the Defenders using Superior Siege to defend cuz these guys just have um Siege Towers a battering ram and like one ballista which is pretty Jank for an attack so the sarot rebels just got destroyed but maybe they'll come back and leg Yeah they it fell just as I would expect it to but uh there can be profit in it cuz they really want my iron ore uh and probably olives and grapes and meat actually I'll sell all of the olives grapes and meat and just keep grain and I'll go back to shop for it so like hanging around has the benefit of now that it fell I can get all the best trade in so I just gained two points in trade for war profit it's too bad I didn't what I really should have done is uh stockpiled uh a bunch of additional food knowing that it was going to fall because I really could have like raked it in and you guys want me to take the top option for charm 104 forgivable grievances uh I am going to attempt [Music] to make more money selling stuff to liada I'm going to quickly go up to marath and see if I can't buy a bunch of food and then bring it back to liada for profits yeah next Rebellion I really ought to top up on like food because yeah when when things are being besieged they're not getting supplied by Caravans or Villages or anything like that so uh there's a huge demand for food as soon as the the battle's over and there's profit to be made just bought out Marin basically and I'm going to try to buy out Canan and then head back yeah the Traders are going to flood in obviously that's what they do even for bra is flooding in that's fine uh let's see oh that's really cheap grain a too heavy though all right let's see if I can't make more money worst case scenario I just have a bunch of food and the increased food variety is good for um oh I should have ran it off by Prisoners the increased food variety is just good for leveling up my stewardship because feeding my troops a variety of food is good for stewardship in general yeah yeah the Caravans are absolutely ravenous here as you come to expect oh good profit Marchin beer grapes olives not good profit margins on grain but I'm going to sell some anyway oh I hit watch I didn't mean to hit watch Meant to hit joint can I leave and join no I think it's too late yeah oh well oops first time this series that I misclicked that it happens uh any other Rebels going on not that I can see so uh let's go ahead and buy silver and Supply our oian Silver Mine silver smith whatever it is huh is our warehouse not selling here I'll double check cuz I don't know why there would be um jewelry stockpiled in the [Music] warehouses so store inputs from in in the warehouse is zero 0 z0 yeah I'm not sure why there was jewelry just sort of sitting in the warehouse but I took it oo nice the reward here is another casian uh which is a noble horse so hopefully I win that would actually put my network or like liquidity in Dinars of over 100,000 which is quite a lot of money the thing is maybe the game has changed since last I played but last I played trying to convince other um other Nobles to join your Kingdom cost stupid amounts of cash and I suspect that probably is still true where it's like all right I'll join you but you got I I'll have to bribe the crap out of you and that was a feature I didn't much like um which I'm sure hasn't changed too much what's my thoughts on B right I have no idea I haven't played it the reviews look pretty dismal and the developers track record of supporting games Past release is pretty bad but that's all I [Applause] know I have uh spoken about it before when I look up a games on Steam you know Steam Reviews are a pretty good indicator of um of the game's quality oh man I'll put my shield back on I'm getting smoked here and I would say like games so there's a few things to filter out you know if like you're familiar with like fake spot right where sometimes there's just rabid super fans that there's like a a cult following of the game so one I'm not saying that like a game like Dwarf Fortress doesn't deserve high ratings but a lot of the reviews of like Dwarf fortress on Steam are people that have played dwar Fortress for a decade or two that reviewed it highly which isn't necessarily a review regarding its current state it's a review of their love of the developer so when you're looking at reviews you have to consider two things which is day one bugs and and problems of the game um to filter those out because they might not be applicable so a really good example of that would be like no man's sky no man's Sky had a dismally horrible launch um so its overall reviews are still pretty low but the state of the game now is a bajillion times better than it was at releas um so once you filter out like the rabbit super fans that voted up even if it doesn't necessarily deserve it and the hate that it deserve that it it got from like day one reviews and you look at more recent reviews then you look at the reviews and see if a lot of the reviews regard a technical problem because if it's a technical problem that you're not going to have like minimum requirements or something like that then you get a pretty good idea of like the quality of a game and I generally find that like games once you filter out all of those uh all the review types that I just mentioned generally games in their 90% if you like the genre you're going to enjoy 80% you're going to enjoy mostly and games in like the 70s and 60s I generally avoid unless they've been in unless the the reviews have been sort of manipulated from you know hate brigading or like review bombing and things like that um and I play probably three or four times more games than what ends up on my channel and a lot of the games that don't end up on the channel I just don't enjoy I don't think are all that great so like one one game that that received a ton of Love recently that I actually don't think is that good of a game would be like manal Lords it's not a bad game it's just an average game it's in my opinion no better than furthest Frontier or uh or you know similar sort of Village Builders like that like Endzone to World apart you know the the apocalyptic City Builder genres Mana Lords has no more game mechanics than th those other games but those other games are rated in the 70 70 and 80% and Mana Lord is in the near 90% And it's just because it's like people are impressed it was a single developer but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a better game it's like cool it's a single developer is it fun cuz if it's still not fun who cares right and having played uh about 20 hours of manords I must say zero replayability you play it once and you're just done you're done forever and due to the slow development nature of the game it's like okay cool it's impressive it's a single developer but it also means that not much is going to change in a reasonable amount of time for the game because of its tiny Dev team so you get to the end and you're like all right there won't be updates for another year or two you know so yeah I put a lot of thought into I have a lot of and maybe unpopular but I have a lot of strong opinions about like how to even look at at at the sort of meta of game reviews um but I do feel that barring some you know review bombing and uh rabid Fanboy bombing reviews generally speaking Steam Reviews are pretty accurate uh as to the performance of the game thank you for tuning in to Mount And Blade 2 bannerlord Lords of the forest which originally streamed live on Twitch April 30th if you have any feedback or questions for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of mine has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams if you would like to join my online gaming community on Discord has a link to it as does the description of this video thank you so very much for watching and a special thank you to my patreon patrons twich subscribers and viewers like you that support the channel and made it all the way to the credits thank you so very much I hope to catch on next episode or an upcoming stream farewell my fellow batan Ians [Music]
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 1,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Let's Play, Tutorial, Mount & Blade, Bannerlord, Battania, Campaign, Roleplay
Id: Fzz3koXFWSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 4sec (2524 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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