Manor Lords: Let's Build A 100% Efficient Mega City

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everyone doing tonight so I have been testing mechanics since yesterday and all morning I had to pull yesterday's video because there was some inconclusive data that sent me down a massive Rabbit Hole I just completed a whole new kind of what I found guide that's not so sure of itself but presents all the information so I don't think that chickens actually play eggs by family I think there's something else going on that I have to look into more I think it is one per family um essentially what I did is I did a full accounting for how food is consumed by every single type I collected food of all values here and I can kind of show you what I've done we're going to be doing the perfect City but this is important for building that perfect City okay so I have my beginning task my end task I have about 4 hours of data that I compiled and it was really great cuz I was able to do a time lapse of my food but essentially what I did was create a tested area where I have a food stall with five of every food and a granary just stocked full so what is happening in my experiment the reason people don't think apples and all those things are eaten is because they're the last thing consumed so in my testing they consume the meat first and they consume meat per family the advantage with the double plot is it does only consume one Fuel and one clothing do you get that Advantage the other double Advantage is you need less of a variety to hit 100% efficiency but what's happening is it's only pulling on one food and I ran the test twice on tier one and tier two and it consistently ate all of the meat first then the berries then the bread then the eggs then the vegetables then the honey and then the apples last so what that means in this experiment for that I had was that you don't even have to make apples or honey you could just Mass produce vegetables um the reason why we weren't consuming the eggs until winter was because meat and uh meat and berries were available until winter when you've hunted everything so we that one egg in they weren't consuming the egg and that we were counting the egg so you know um 2 - 1 is 1 1 - 0 is 1 so the the conclusion was oh it's going up so they must be consuming and also producing I watched in the winter and they laid an egg in the winter so I went down this I pulled the video because it was wrong um so I apologize for that and that video was making a whole lot of views so that was kind of hard to do but it was the right thing to do and I am going to release a new Guide tonight that's a bit more subjective I'm going to present all the information that I found in my experience basically what I'm getting at though um is the game is really screwed up right now I was telling Strat what I found and he was testing it on his side he was noticing berries were being consumed but he was importing honey at the same time and that was being consumed um and it doesn't matter like for instance if meat is first or last or any of that stuff it doesn't matter that the order at which food is in the stall it will be consumed and remember that the the food in the food stall is determined by plots how many plots you have so if you hit 100% food variety is kind of separate for the from consumption but intermingled at the same time I think I actually know how to kind of rig the system now that I figured out the order that they are consuming food in so basically the reason you have so many vegetables and apples is because they're on the bottom tier of things being consumed that is my theory I could be totally wrong but I'm just like thinking back to when we had thousands of vegetables thousands of apples you don't have any meat you don't have any berries um it's it's really interesting stuff anyway that's kind of like what I'm going to dump on you I am going to release a video after this live stream but I just kind of yeah exactly so what's happening is they're just not they're consuming one food before they consume other food and there's no way that this can last there's no way this has to be patched out um it's really weird uh anyway we're going to test this Theory but my theory is if I am correct if I am correct and it's vegetables honey apples to time all we have to do is produce vegetables and nothing else and just purchase the apples and honey to the amount of plot points now where this gets tricky is when you have let's say we have 25 plots right and 100 houses now the houses pull on the market at random times but those houses are going to pull 100 food so once you have more and more plots um they're going to hit randomly throughout the month so whether or not I consume vegetables first is going to be determined at that point by how quickly they can be stocked like I said it's going to go in order of operation whatever is available so if my markets can keep consistently stocking vegetables as they're being taken out by 100 people but it's its cap is 25 cuz I have 25 plots so that is the advantage and disadvantage let me just reiterate that I think that there is going to be a middle ground between single plots and double plots the the advantage of the double plot though is that you only need one leather per plot and one type two clothing per per plot and the same with fuel you only need one Fuel per plot um but food consumption is by family that that I that I confirmed that I'm actually comfortable confirming because it was consistent in my data that food is consumed one per family but like I said how they take that is based kind of randomly and I think it's based on when they finish constructing so once per month it's going to pull randomly so you could kind of like I say this you could kind of cheese it by doing only single plots because then you're going to have a minimum of 50 vegetables and a minimum of 50 people taking so you'll always be able to fulfill that but your clothing and fuel needs will double if you do that but you would you would technically be able to probably rig rig the system because if we can get vegetables apples and honey we can get everyone to tier three they'll be a little bit unhappy because we're not meeting that fourth food requirement and our food variety will go down pretty dramatically however um we should be able to to do everything else like clothing and fuel so there's a couple ways to play this and I'm going to take this into consideration as I go forward but it does make me question um like early it it does make me question whether big cities are practical we're still doing it don't worry but this game is design is not designed for big cities with the mechanics that I'm seeing for for instance if you did want to do eggs and you did want to do a higher up thing it wouldn't even consume those goods it like it won't even consume vegetables as long as you're you're doing berries and all this stuff so if what I am seeing is consistent and it has been consistent from me this game is deeply flawed and uh needs a serious patch because it's it's F it's it's like I'm going to be honest with you this is really like the way that the things I'm seeing this game needs to be patched immediately like nothing is working the way that it's supposed to with food consumption and so Strat gaming was doing some testing too and he had slightly different results so it's like how can any of us make a game guide when there is no consistent rule for food consumption so test it yourself and see what your observation is but I'm just bringing to your attention what I am observing is that they are prior vertising an order of food and it was based on the one re it could be Regional based it could be there could be uh other factors but it it's really weird and uh that explains why we have so many vegetables and apples in our builds they're just they're literally the last tier item to be consumed so let's get let's get to the get to the moment of uh of fun though yeah see Sean you said you had that with veggies so what I'm wondering and then and then Strat was saying for him it was honey that was consumed first and then berries so it's like I am am loading the same map so it's like I don't know I'd have the thing is is this is like I don't have a lot of spare time I spent four or 5 hours testing this I'd have to run this test all over again on a new region and then another new I just honestly don't have the time for it um if I'm going to make if I'm going to make content and uh you know wash my clothes but it it seems like it may there is a slight possibility that it could be a random set of prioritized food consumption based on region I have to explore that theory I'm not confirming it I'm just hinting that it's something that seems eventually possible all right so we're we're in it to win it we got I just started the Hitching Post we got the Work Camp I pre-rolled this so we could start off fresh we got ourselves a nice rich deposit now remember I know what the sequence of consumption is on this cuz I just did a massive amount of testing so I know exactly how we're going to build our massive City so if I'm wrong I won't be able to do it and if I'm right I will be able to do it and uh if and if I'm wrong we'll still have some fun what we have a nice rich Berry deposit we have the the Lush infertile lands of noslo and um I'm going to rename this to our beloved Jacob but it's not the old Jacob so we'll call it new Jacob and it is a it's a gorgeous Place new Jacob all right who needs cling clothes yeah exactly oh man we're going for 800 pop we're going to the Moon just buy yeah I'll just FL I'll just throw my my clothes out in the trash no um I've been playing Manor Lords I think I've played Manor Lords about 40 to 50 hours this week and um it's just the amount I've been doing so much testing and it's um it's so ridiculous how inconsistent some of the information like the data we're getting is it's like it's all over the place and and I still wonder what happens at tier three with egg production because it it's like does it change how food is consumed so I have to test that too there's just so much test um nothing is really consistent it's just the kind of a mad house right that's okay we're just going to we're just going to build some pretty pretty flowers but I do think it's important to know if vegetables are even even being consumed in the first place cuz now I'm really questioning if they are consumed and we're just going to build some pretty designs now I did perfect that whole vegetable thing but now now that I know that they're not even in ve eating vegetables I it it feels kind of insane um like I said if if what I found is true it's it's very concerning for the practicality of anything that you do it's like what's the point of eggs um so so we're going to focus on a a berry diet originally we're not going to do any of these things because berries will not for 800 pop we're going to be doing veggies we're going to be doing um honey and apples but we're not really going to be consuming honey and apples as long as we can make them consume vegetables so I'm not going to take perks and either apples or honey unless I have some free stuff and I want to do it as an export because we can just just import the amount we need to get 100% um coverage so let's straighten this up yeah food is consumed on a per family basis I will actually say I believe that is 100% true because it was it was consistently 10 food I tested it with five double plots 10 families and it was 10 food a month every month and I tested it for 2 years and then I tested it for three I literally wrote down the number of what I did is I filmed I filmed it and I walked away for several hours and then I came back and I cycled to the beginning of each month and I had it open like this so I could see my food I wrote down every number I have a video coming out it's like I'm not going to really go into my data cuz cuz it's like it's pretty self-explanatory that it goes down by 10 every month uh it it's just anyway Let's uh let's let's try to focus on not dying but oh wait no I we can't do this map sorry there's no Bandits on this map do you guys care if there's Bandits or not or do you want to build a city I have no Bandits or Lords on this cuz I was doing testing you know you know what we're not going to do Bandits or Lords on this this let's play we're just going to build a city yeah let's just build a city cuz this is a great map awesome cool cool yeah yeah yeah this is a beautiful a beautiful spot so this is going to be like slightly organic in the sense that I don't have a design for it so I'm doing it on the fly but it's going to be like tactic cat grade A organic which means it's going to have shapes um so we're we're just going to start off uh so a couple things we can do is go for the berries early like I said uh based on the order of op operations of how things are consumed we can pretty much feed our whole our whole group of people off of veggies eventually we have everything we need for for meat and leather Productions over here I don't even think I'm going to bother with eggs that's the thing is because the eggs are the third like yeah eggs are the fourth thing consumed bread is consumed before eggs so we'll get our we'll get our Storehouse up I had my bread in this in this design for like a billion years so we might actually need we might actually need more farming than I was originally anticipating I'm trying to think where do we where do we want to put our farm I have to put all like I have to put all my theories to the drawing board now that I know that we weren't even consuming vegetables to begin with so I'm like I'm kind of mad it's just like our like oh my God all right I think this is a good spot and then we can have we can have stuff around it so we'll do a granary there and then we're going to do a logging a beautiful logging Camp I think over here is a we already got one right okay cool all right we'll do our beautiful logging Camp over here yeah each new pop opens up a a new market yeah it's because it's it's increasing the base basically the base amount of goods that you need I I do wonder if controlling the amount of markets you have though is actually a very viable way to make sure that they're eating other Foods cuz if they can't put it in then they'll they'll eat what's ever in the market if it's not stocked fast enough well we're going to put our well right here this is actually kind of a cool spot come I'm going to do a little Crossroad right there and then you know what we have uh we have our Granary here so our food markets are going to come over here and then our chicken or I don't know if we're going to do chickens but right now we're just going to do a um another thing too is I was getting ghost markets if I moved them so what I started doing was a a really weird method of just doing one at a time and if if I liked it keeping it and if I didn't destroy it if you move a market it will create a ghost mark it will create ghost double markets but if you let them build naturally it doesn't do that so another jankiness that we have to account for yeah I I encountered in my testing and trying to get everything clean I encountered so many new new issues with the game I would wait for this game to get patched like I said based on my discoveries today it's got some serious issues that like need to be addressed immediately because I mean I'm a little I'm a little surprised they let it come out in this state all they need to do is just make sure that food is consumed equally like or like what they should do is do it like like they do close clo where there's tiers so instead of it being you need three types just say one type of tier one and one type of tier two and one type of tier three food and then have them you know eaten equally that way you can like make everything and have it just be a little bit more comprehensive like with clothing they do it that way and it makes a whole lot of sense the old I think that fewer markets probably will help I'm going to be going with a build one at a time and see what comes up strategy in this let's play so in my food area I'm going to build one market at a time and we're only going to have markets so we only so one market can hold um it depends on how many foods we want to have since we only want to have three foods and one can hold 50 I need I need about one per for like you know 12 and a half plots or something like or yeah like yeah 13 plots or something so we'll play it by ear but we're only only going to build it out and if it's like a a fire like what you can do is keep building them out until you get the food stall and then delete all the others so like we we can totally control our markets by building one at a time and just keeping the one we want it's going to be a little weird looking but it's going to be really effective all right so I want to get people in my Granary and so what I'm going to show you is we're going to pick this bread up and we're never going to eat this bread as long as we have other Goods so if we don't have other Goods we're going to eat that bread pretty quick um and I probably put should put my Granary closer to this like I said before um I kind of want to move it now but this is fine I'm not really too worried about the efficiency of these guys because we're not even going to be using them late game um I mean we could gather berries but the problem is is they'll be eaten or turned to dies and then yeah we'll see sum's coming soon yeah yeah lony and I were were talking just actually like for the last hour about how upset we are real with the realization that these food it's like no wonder I had so many vegetables and apples I was like man my Farms are really efficient it's like no they're just not eating vegetables man you know they're basically they're basically Americans now we don't eat vegetables we eat in this order we eat meat berries bread and eggs and then we eat the vegetables there's any room if we have if we have the Capac actually yeah we'll we'll eat it I uh it's the one thing about it's a it's really easy to to gain weight in this country man we have so much great food AIT wood cutter all right we're just building up the basics I'm kind of slow boting it here you know we are on the normal difficulty but we don't have to worry too much about uh many things so I like this triangle uh we're not even going to bother with o too steep okay now if you watched my other video I showed you guys how you can control where houses are are put with plot points so that was a pretty that was a pretty cool Discovery sometimes putting them in Corners since the work but you got to control it but what's cool is if you move this you can control diagonals that's only one I want I want more I was hoping I could fit two I think I could fit two in here it's saying it's too steep yeah all right that's okay we don't have to do anything pretty over there do you have AG's do you have berries and whatnot and meat all right we're going to put two double plots right here yeah do you have do you have veggies though and and meat you're saying they're eating the vegetables do you have eggs summer's coming soon soon they don't work to the the regional trade doesn't work right now it's like you they're like not sending Goods in any of the times I've tried it you're asking about make a video about Regional stuff it doesn't work there are so many broken mechanics in this game right now it's kind of annoying like I put I I'm starting to finally figure out things and I'm figuring out that things just aren't working this is the 800 pop City build all right I need to let someone uh someone get to it yeah right now it's broken Regional stuff isn't working there's a lot of stuff that's not working they're supposed to get us a patch in May I'm kind of holding like I'm going to kind of hold off on making guides in the sense of authorative guides I'm I'm presenting things that I'm finding and uh cuz I don't want to take down more videos by saying something works a certain way and then realizing that it's actually a lot more janky than I thought like I thought that the system was pretty fleshed out and correct and it just turns out shit's just not working and that's where things are coming up all right so we have our firewood stall over here and I don't want it but what I'm going to do is just keep building stall spaces until I get what I want which is a food stall and then instead of moving the stall like I said if you move a stall they will um it allows them to build more stalls it's really annoying we should shouldn't have actually I probably shouldn't need that at this stage but we'll just build a stall until we get the food stall then I will delete this and then I will build my firewood stall next to the storehouse all right we got a food stall going to remove this you can move stalls I am incredibly aware of that um but what I'm getting at is that if you do move a stall there is a glitch where they can put a stall even if it says available Market stalls is one they can put these things anywhere they want so it glitches things out I would hold off until it gets more polished honestly I I am a bit frustrated because it made me it's it's a I've never had to put this much time into figuring out game mechanics they don't give us enough information like and then and then the math the math is like all observational I feel like I'm like feel like I'm trying to build a submarine in the 1500s it's just like just like yeah I guess so like looks right okay so there's our firewood stall perfect all right you can see we have all of our original bread right and meat and berries so they did eat the bread cool oh they ate the bread because they didn't have enough of the go but they're eating the meat oh wait sorry they didn't eat the bread we were in the wrong view currently showing Surplus Goods removes things that are stocked in the food stall they did not eat that bread you have to click this this currently showing total good stor I did this in my my videos so that I'm going to be posting at the end of this this shows you everything including store Goods we still have that 36 bread be really careful you're not looking in Surplus Goods because you'll see minuses but they're not from what you're doing they're from it being put into other places like trade shops Etc have to be in total good stored View to know so I still have that 36 bread it is going nowhere all right and then you'll see I have 19 meat 29 berries I am collecting those things but that 36 bread will be there till the end of time it is a McDonald's hamburger in the realm of manner Lords basically it will last indefinitely it will be here when the new age of dinosaurs arises in 50 million years I will ever consume it all right let's double up this house Regional exchanges the mules yeah trading works really [Music] well there's a lot of issues Rob um I had an issue where they weren't even moving my eggs and so that was causing so like it says you know you have 100 freaking thousand eggs but they weren't pulling them out the pantry I have read that sometimes they will not remove things until the pantry gets full but then I've read other things people saying well the pantry gets full but then they can't move it that's kind of what I'm saying it's just like when you can have two different experiences how can you make a guide and like there's no consistency like one day one day you have one result the next day you have another result it's like the code is wild it's just like it isn't consistent there's there's no standard um you can get close like I'm starting to understand that there is an order of operations because I haven't tested it on every region and everywhere in the world I can't say you still see we have 36 bread where you're not producing any bread they are not eating the bread they're eating the meat and then they're eating the berries just like they were in my test so I don't see the point in making eggs now that I know that they only produce one egg and they will they'll eat before they eat the vegetables and I so it's like is there a point to chicken coops maybe we should just go all goat sheds and just like build a massive leather export Empire or um I mean I'm going with double plots because they need less Fuel and less clothing um on hard I can see on hard difficulty double plots actually making a whole lot more sense because if you over Supply certain things like clothing you can get a massive desirability bonus it's incredibly important in Normal difficulty you don't need to do it but but in hard difficulty you can get away with not having certain things uh by oversupplying the clothing so but we're just chilling today we're just going to have a good time we're going to build out this big city nope I I could not get the chickens to produce two I have to I have to rerun all that chicken stuff again the reason we thought chickens were producing two was because they were not consuming any of the eggs so it looked like like I said 2 - 1 is 1 1 - 0 is 1 it's like we're coming to the same conclusion that it was going up by three but they are they don't consume eggs until they consumed all of the meat and berries they prior they're priority in my experience I can like honestly I'm at a point now where I'm going to lose my mind not because of what you guys are doing like this is I'm not flashing out or saying it's anyone's fault it's totally internal because I am experiencing things that are not experienced by other players and sometimes other players are experiencing this it's just like everybody is having different experiences doing the same thing and one day I'll get a certain set of results and the next day I'll get another and it's it's driving me crazy but at this point in time I'm just going to stick with my theory that they do prioritize eating certain things yeah chicken CSI was was taken down pending um pending the outcome of this and dude that I was getting 1,500 views an hour on that video but I had to take it down because it was it was just I I don't don't think it's right anymore and uh I don't want to miss I don't want to mislead anybody I don't want to become a csgo player that's what happens it's like you start you start making videos that get views and are wrong and then you start playing csgo and it's like before you know it you're you're in a squad getting into you're getting into the high crimes and drugs it's not a good thing all right so we got six families we need to start building out a little bit more I'm just going to keep doing double plots for a bit like I said not really sold on the whole not really sold on the whole egg thing anymore I I just wonder what the point is if they're going to eat eggs before they eat vegetables I I rather they eat the vegetables cuz we can produce quite a bit more you'll not anywhere else it doesn't seem to follow the roster it it it kind of jumps around like I I I said for me what I found is it's meat berries bread eggs vegetables honey and then last is apples and what that means is that if you can control the if you know the order of what they're eating and you can produce those things you only have to have enough of those higher items to hit 100% because they will never eat them they'll always eat the lower tier did they eat a piece of bread nope still got 36 bread so I don't know man I just don't know anymore all right we're going to destroy this The Shack my people deserve a real home we're going to put another dude into wood we're going to take a gander around everything um once we get this house built we're going to go into firewood we are in may we still have quite a bit of time before winter so maybe we won't go into firewood for a bit but we're just going to kind of take it chill you'll not find fin a way anywhere else we're doing great it's going to be uh it's going to be a fun fun day once we get the food thing under control it doesn't matter where I put any of these houses as long as they're around like the industry area so we're going to we're going to board off this area as our Majestic and beautiful industry area pretty much we can build all around this bad boy we can build down around upside down any way we want all right we got this hunting camp doing the market and I don't like that cool so we're going to find that's the one cool thing about controlling the market though is if you only have one you don't really have to yeah you don't have to do too much followup I really like it so here here's the deal give me a hammer and here's the deal knowing the order of operation in which they're eating things and it could be completely Regional for all I know it could be like every region has its own preferred food I don't know man it's it's mental if you can control the order of operation it depends on what you're trying to achieve if I wanted to achieve a tier Three Village It could only grow so much on berries because berries would be the first thing consume because you you do need to have you know your 100% food variety you got to hit your food varieties so you need at least three foods that you can keep in stock and the bottom food the first preferred food has to be something that you can produce at quantity enough to feed everyone in your village everything after that is great that's what I'm saying it's like veggies honey and apples are last on the on the menu and those are the easiest things to do and you could Mass produce veggies all day yeah all right we're getting our Tannery up we could put the T we can put all this stuff actually next to each other the Tannery and the the firewood stalls I'm going to do that potentially for this one we're going to yeah we got our area cut off kind of want to move the Forester Camp a little bit over here now leave this area for industry and uh this will be our beautiful forestry area and then we can do trade down here on the King's Road we got our storage up here not too far away yeah exactly so that's that's the danger with double plots is you cap the amount that can be put in a stall so if you have a 100 people you know pulling they're going to be pulling at those High tiers so yeah like at that point you could you could create um you could be bringing in berries to make sure that you have enough berries and vegetables so that you're not pulling on the honey and apples that way you have to buy like as many plots worth of honey and apples you have and they'll just sit there indefinitely while they're pulling on those lower prioriti or those High I guess I should say higher prioritized food items so you just have to basically look at how much it's pulling and make sure you have that but we would never have to produce apples or honey if we could get it that work that way and we could just MK produce something like vegetables and then we can hit uh three tiers but you're probably never going to hit it having a perfect capacity in berries because it's just too hard but what's cool is there are perks so you could do the um Forest management double capacity I give you like 200 you could probably do like 20 F you could do probably a small tier three settlement for like military and have it be pretty self-sufficient they're not even eating as as far as I know I don't even think they're eating the carrots that's why you have like 2,000 carrots I don't I don't even know if what I did with carrots is producing the quantities I thought um I thought they were eating the carrots they were not eating the carrots so I don't even know how much vegetables the Farms are producing cuz I thought that they were consuming I was calculating it by cons I thought they were consuming the vegetables um and they weren't that's why the vegetable count just continued to go up 100 like 200 then 300 then 400 they didn't even eat it yeah if you look at how they harvest and do everything the 05 Morgan does still appear to be a very optimal a setup but the thing is is none of my villagers I've had bigger Villages though like 400 and they were probably you know they were probably definitely eating things but I think what I'm trying to say is that this game is crazy the the math does not it doesn't add up every time I load a game it's like it's it's like the rules are are drafted all over again on how the food Mechanics Work they like meat berries and bread yeah it's just a bug Fest that's what I'm saying we're all trying to like rationalize oh it's it works this way it's like no dude they they got to fix this it's it's buggy it's a buggy mess right now um food should be eaten there should be a much cleaner way that foods are eaten it's not it's not really in an acceptable state to be quite honest uh I mean they're charging a lot of money and they didn't even have it it's like we shouldn't be figuring out how screwed up the system is like they should have told us so that we didn't like I wait like feel like it put all this time into figuring out that it was broken it's like they could have just been like yeah this don't work like if you go to a repair shop and they know your transmission's about to fail and they don't tell you just like oh yeah probably could have spared you all that you know like thanks I don't know man I know they're trying to sell a game but I don't think that's cool I think they I think they could have told us the mechanics were not proper it's not a one Dev publisher it's not a one development team though that's act read the PC Gamer magazine it's one lead Dev they have more people working on manner Lords than they do on farthest Frontier they have third there's 13 people in the credits for manner Lords there's contracted programmers and illustrators and it's not just him making this art he contract Ed all of this out he's just a sole um owner like he he's like a he's like a house contractor he didn't build the house by himself he he contracts people he contracted people out to do certain things I'm just saying it's a there's a huge article on it it was actually a pretty massive marketing Ploy like oh a lone programmer did all this they literally have more people working on this game than farthest Frontier so that was that was um a Mark was kind of too just saying like read the art like I was kind of mad when I found that out too so like hopefully we see it doesn't matter man none of this matters just he better get a patch out that's all I can say cuz I'm not going to I'm not going to delve into these These Broken mechanics I'm going to just use what I figured out and we're going to build an awesome City and it's going to be great see we still have the 36 bread so this is what I'm talking about so even though that Brad is in here they will not consume it and we have timber in the food St it's not counted towards the pantry size but that is hilarious no guys game's working game's working fine dude these people are going to eat this Timber and it's going to be way better than anything else all right they're going to they got to learn to survive yeah chew on that wood I'm just being honest man honestly like I'm you can definitely tell I'm a little pissed off because I really wanted to make a comprehensive guide and I can't I just like I I literally can't um but but it's okay I just need to chill out chill out need to crank up crank up the tunes build the city well it's like I I'm I'm getting crazy because I want to build this perfect City and um I can't can't figure out the mechanics but I I think I have it down now um we did start with a little bit more money on this on this run cuz I I gave myself a surplus but so we can do anything we want I think I'm going to probably get us another ax we got a a good families I mean it's really easy we're playing on the normal difficulty of course but it's actually fairly straightforward once you get to a certain point uh what we need now is our our handy dandy Tannery so once this market location gets up we should be doing is getting a Tanner this I mean like I at first I was like why are all these people giving such bad advice and now like even I'm like you know what like give people the benefit of the doubt like us us as content creators we're doing our best to show you like what we're seeing and like I said I was talking to Strat I talked to Strat for like probably an hour and a half today about about my test that I'm about to show you and he's like you know be careful because he's like I'm getting different results and that's what I said it's just like how are we supposed to how are we supposed to define a standard if if nothing is consistent it's like how are we supposed to tell people how this game works if we can't like come to a conclusion on on how anything works like we're constantly finding more and more bugs like I thought we were producing eggs but it was because of this this consumption bug issue it's maybe it's not a bug it's because of this sh this design right um it's be it's because they don't consume they don't consume things the way you think see how we're eating the meat and the berries are accumulating I'm pulling in so much meat that the second tier berries are we haven't touched the bread and that's what I'm getting at there is an order that they eat things in part of me does think it could be on every new maybe it's every new game I don't know know I I know what it is for this because I did the testing on it so I feel confident we can build a really cool City on on this map um so we're at 100% cool we got ourselves the clothing stall look at that isn't that great and we need one more person to start building we have two timber for boots belts and well I think think we're waiting on attracting one more family or did I did I do something silly I think I did something silly I don't think this is a double plat that's fine these people don't need nice things they got they eat timber for breakfast yeah no it' be cool I I can't wait for the patches like I saw today he took a poll of what features want one was like polish and patch and make the mechanics currently work or Siege mechanics and everyone want and Siege mechanics well it's like I want the game to to work personally like how about you you get the uh you get things working because if people can't build people don't know why their City isn't functioning correctly it's just like and I I have a really steep terrain over here so this this will be um this could be Farmland though with The Granary this close this could be some pretty sweet farmland oh the and this is this is definitely The Granary area not enough Goods cool ah I'm a I'm a I'm a silly man sorry I didn't realize that's what it was going on on yeah food consumption is just it's just off the rails like I said I'm not going to tell people anything anymore because I I cannot get a consistent result from my my test I'm going to start every guide I'm I'm still going to make guides don't worry but I'm going to be a lot more honest that like hey this is what I saw test this yourself take it with a grain of salt still a lot of bugs going on I think it's important to bring up these things that I'm seeing so people can be aware of it and maybe identify in their own gamepl um like I said because if it's true and it looks pretty dang true look how many berries we have to meet uh it changes the whole it changes the whole concept eggs are on my list the fourth thing they eat bread is third so you could you could in in a sense if you could control if you could control meat and berries you could have enough bread and eggs that you like you could just import them because you don't need to as long as they're not consumed they don't need to be produced for you to get that 100% food variety they just sit there and this thing's all jacked because look at it see they're just eating the meat kind of funny well it cor the way it corrects itself is that you hit a point where you you have no more meat and then it will go into the berries and then once it's done with the berries it will go into the eggs but you have to have a lot of people before it gets to that point go go think I did something silly silly all right I accidentally used the wood that I was when I moved the construction Camp they took the wood and then put in the Tanner I'm making some serious Noob mistakes but it's okay all right um we are going to pull back here I definitely want to get these herbs flowing cuz we can use them as an early game trade item right now they're supposed to be used for you know helping people not die but they don't seem to be used that often so come along lad yeah I would love the Catapult some corpses into the enemy's uh towns I mean it would be cool if they had a a map system where you could go outside of your map that way you don't get lagged right like you have your your region and then you can go into another region that way you don't have to have like 40 people built because I don't think most computers could handle AI cities I think it would lag the heck out of everything all right we're just going to we're going to slap down three dudes and just get a bunch of wood and we have enough firewood to survive for years right now 39 months worth of food know good um bravery I just went over all the stuff that I was talking to you about earlier about the food stuff not uh consuming and certain that's it and then how we we definitely need them to patch this stuff ASAP so that people can you know not have to go through this I haven't had any crash issues with mules I've only crashed a handful of times and I actually do not recall why I crashed sorry all right we got the clothing stall and we won't need more than one clothing stall till the dawn until we get multiple types in over 25 plots uh firewood stall we won't need until we get over 50 plots we really only need one firewood stall upgrade that in the food stall we won't need anything for a while either and the the timber is still there they're not eating it um a little disappointed to be honest I wonder if that would help with fiber like in the diet does anyone know you eat wood if that if that helps with fiber probably um probably good for them yeah it's too steep here we'll have to do farming for sure there this is the cool Cliff though I almost want to build up on this Cliff we'll probably do the like we did before all right I I think this is probably where we're going to put our city we're going to need a pretty compact area of houses we're going to do this right and we want all double plots we want extensions all right cool just need eight so it's counting that two timber that's in that stallas Timber that I cannot that's really throwing me off oh man I would probably recommend that yeah you keep I would probably recommend I'm doing one at a time it's going to be based on how much the food's going to be a lot harder than the other ones I'll probably need a lot more food the problem is is if you move a stall it creates Phantom stalls right now so I'm just building out one at a time until I get what I want and then just deleting it you know all right so we got a double there we got a double there we got a double there that's a beautiful thing all right get these guys up yeah exactly yeah I'm sure I'm sure we will get something but yeah this changes everything it's like why go into apples if anything I should go into double Berry capacity but we're going to 800 pops so that's not going to fly honey might be good in that respect because we either have to buy it but it would be an amazing trade item and since we want to I probably actually go in the honey now with the current mechanics and uh like realistically speaking uh one of the other things that gets annoying with big cities is charcoal so we're going to have to go into charcoal but that's a late game thing so I say we go down the trade route we're going to go down trade we're going to go to charcoal and we're going to circle around and uh see what makes sense you'll not find ways yeah charcoal charcoal's King but what I what I actually was able to do was just port five charcoal and whenever I was in a situation where they they didn't have charcoal in the stall um it wasn't that big of a deal the reason that charcoal helps with fuel is because you're limited by plot like remember you're limited by plot so coal becomes another fuel that you can have so we have six plots so we could have six coal so what happens is the reason your your uh your negative goes your fuel goes to 86 is because they're not stocking it fast enough to get it back up to the full plot so if you have a couple pieces of coal of charcoal in there it can help with that but then again I don't know if they prioritize charcoal for firewood and I actually think they do prioritize charcoal or firewood it's also a great trade item so you can make the argument either way I probably will get charcoal on this run like I said because I just don't want to mess with the stuff and then we can also trade it so that's beautiful I think I'll get some goats here want to make sure that hide keeps coming in we can trade that too I'm not going to do any eggs now because but now we're going to start eating the berries because we're out of meat see the berries are going down and that McDonald's burger hamburger bun is still there 36 of them but what's great about that is it's counting as a food it's counting as our food variety we're getting we're getting awesome everybody's loving it you only need as many stalls as you need to hold a good so how many plots you have and how many good types that's it's pretty pretty basic so I'm only going with with these until I need to go more and we probably won't have to do more for a while and we're going to we're going to rank it up all right I think I think it's time to do the veggies so this is going to be my veggie plot couple ways to do this all of them wrong cool so I'm going to do something a little weird here it's playing around with some some good designs and the way the point system works it likes to have one area kind of down and then the rest of it angled and if you do it kind of like this and you put put a little smiley face at the end you can get yourself some pretty freaking cool markets that way and we have The Granary right here not Market sorry you get yourself a pretty cool house so if I push this down a little bit looks like good job there we go so we have a bunch of lines this will this will do this is about5 Morgans I'm pretty sure I I feel like I'm at a point where I've built so many of these I don't even have to measure them anymore oh man come on don't do this to me we're on the te we're on the Telly here we go oh that's one okay I I really eliminated we're going to do a one Morgan Farm plot it's and it's going to be great at tier three at at at tier that should be pretty good I'm I'm doing it live we're going to try to see if the the one Morgan will do it here's our Granary here's our beautiful beautiful area all right next thing we're going to do is get a trade post up yeah but 0 five should do it but like I said I'm I'm really questioning that because I didn't realize they weren't eating vegetables the whole time so maybe one more until I can get this going where vegetables is the first thing consumed um we're going to learn a lot through this let's play basically maybe the meaning of life will come out but definitely vegetables five works really well I think at tier one to tier 2.5 Works ex exceptionally well at tier three though this building up updates and it becomes another point and what I noticed is that the the two families will take one side and the other two families will take another so it becomes pretty interesting you don't want them too long though because it it does create an efficiency the real issue with going wide though is the plot points are really hard to connect uh The Wider you go the harder it is to to do the long ones are really easier it's it's really just that simple it's just harder to get the plot points to line up how many pieces of wood oh yeah I have um here we go we'll go to this how many pieces of wood do I freaking have so this is like I said Surplus Goods is a good view cuz it tells you what's available but I wonder how many logs I have in that freaking thing cuz I barely any logs hey you no slacking off no slacking off all right yeah we're doing it and we can put um we could put the the church really anywhere we want oh look at that we can use some of this unusable terrain this is probably a good place for more houses down here later uh let's do that and then we'll do a road around delicious logs [Music] yes oh that's interesting Sean Duffy yeah I I got to play around with some of this stuff a bit more I've basically just been doing this little uh indie car race track and it's been working out for me pretty well all right we got our trading post up we're going to start exporting planks say anything over 40 is good I'm going to buy a route just make it faster I always put a person in because they just help with stalking we'll qu two [Music] horses but yeah we can definitely start selling you know anything I'm I'm going to hold off on some stuff holy cow did they eat the bread finally or oh no it's accounting for the stuff that's in the the thing I was I was so H I was so happy still have 36 bread I wish I was wrong there we go we're going to make some money now put the Tannery guy back oh my God we got a lot of families I just realized we're going to expand all these spaces and then we're going to go to church yeah we're definitely going to need they're going to start here's the deal they're going to start consuming a lot of food they're probably going to go through the bread finally cuz we're going to go through everything else go through all the berries I see what you're saying yeah if you do this should work there we go that was so dumb sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't yeah five plot points would be a lot nicer rep placing objects I don't know if they'll do that but get a horsey all right we need to make some more fuel all right let's slow down for a bit got the saw pit we got the storehouse clothing stall firewood we don't need more than one we're really dialing down and controlling these points now to make sure they're they're Peak I'm not even going to make eggs cuz I hate them now there we go yeah if you don't care about Fuel and clothing and all that stuff then probably single plots would make sense to control the the least you know to control it so that have more room to stock vegetables but the more food types we have the weirder it's going to get so if my theory is here's the deal though I I did I did note that I was being I was being told that if you import foods they might actually eat them I think we're going to have at least 25 plots so I'm going to import apples going to import honey and those things are going to stay forever and we are going to have a big old vegetable garden actually looks pretty cool need a little bit more logs yeah tier three will'll get some massive population increases I'm just using I'm just using Regional areas so using this Storehouse for pretty much everything clothing is all here and uh The Granary is is over here so I'm just doing two regions this time trying to keep people a little bit closer together when in my last example I separated the clothing just to show that you could but to be quite honest we're just we're just going to keep it a little simple all right so I'm going to fire him fire him fire him back now all that's doorhouse controlled clothing got the firewood tier 2 is coming we need to start importing tiles rooftop tiles this is why getting the trade route perk is actually pretty good at this stage of the game so really saves you a lot of money we need 10 cool stone is all the way over here all right I think we're going to need a Forester here oh you can make them yourself I just it doesn't save you money it's just I only need a few of them so I'm just not too concerned we're going to be I mean we're we're going to be producing more money than we know what to do with here in a second I'm going to start exporting herbs we're going to be getting that up going back into foraging got a lot of families not really sure if we want to start doing barley beautiful barley spots around here look like The Barley all around here pretty decent I guess we should just make these as big as we can s Morgans I think this will be more than enough s this one will suck a little but it will be decent enough I think seven and this area can be used for other things Farmhouse should typically be close to The Granary that's okay I think I think we'll do all right kind of incorporating it in the industrial area down right here yeah put it right there the best reason SCE I don't know man pretty much you can sell pretty much anything in this game if you have like a a nice I mean one thing I do is if I do have a nice clay deposit like a big one is I I was exporting a lot of clay tiles it is pretty lucrative all right the tavern I'm probably going to put more close like right about here next to The Granary a little close to the storehouse that's good as long as our Productions are pretty close like this we're actually fine we can make it look a little bit more you organic and then we can spread our people at us wherever we want as long as our modes of production or where we want them I think we're in good shape this is going to be another race car Farm I'm just going to get it up so I don't forget about it keep your points your points good make sure this is all good we're just going to make some monster we're going to make some monster Farms we're just going to go we're going to go a little silly today here we go yeah look at that that's a good that's a good no dead weight loss that is a lot though that's a little too big let's do it US debt to equity ratio our interest is uh is more than our military budget this year that should scare you all right cool so we have we have in our possession we have in our possession the apples and honey that we purchased and they will probably sit there for a bit we still have all that bread and we have yeah some of it's still down here cool so we don't need any more of that that's pretty neat definitely want to start exporting firewood go do 120 anything over 120 all right and then as soon as we can upgrade this this bad boy we're in business all right we're yeah we're we're in bad shape over here I think it takes three years for trees to regrow it's not a bad area for them to to work in either there we go then we got our other race car Farm over here but we're not going to we're not going to build a farm until we need it we should get those vegetables up and those vegetables will be consumed before the apples and honey will be consumed the bread will be consumed before the vegetables will be consumed though save the horse they um what happened to my oh sh horse how do I save the horse horse is gone man I I don't know if I'd buy I don't know if I'd buy bonds I don't know if I I don't know if I put my faith in the US system to be Iran for another 20 years that's just me though all right so I know um I know Strat gam was saying that manual farming is the way to go basically you let them plant everything and then when it's harvest season which is autum you you rehire everybody it's not a bad I mean it's not a bad idea from several standpoints one you get you get less of a a negative or we're going to hire a bunch of people right now to get everything going but it's really easy you just pause and start it so you can you have a bunch of people working on it new guns no I don't know that's actually a great name for a new territory I mean we're getting we're getting a lot of food right now I almost want to put the point in the double the berry capacity CU that's just an amazing source of food when I double it it's like 250 a year yeah I'm I'm looking forward to what Manor Lords is going to like think about it this way right now it's frustrating though but a year from now Manor Lords is going to be clean it's going to have more content it's going to be great well there's some frustrating things as as it stands but in the long run it's going to be a pretty cool experience yeah I I don't know what the way the mechanics work right now there is any point to producing apples unless you want to sell those apples cuz I you can make a fortune selling apples even if you're only getting you know one or two you you can produce apples like no one's and look at the export price on apples at three it's pretty substantial I think eggs would have a better export price given how much they you know how difficult they are to maintain all right what do we want to do here uh let's get a trade route for herbs definitely a trade route for leather I think it's that I think I'm going to go into the leather leather business here but I want I want a good there's six of leather so instead of doing chickens and all that stuff that I used to do I think what I'm going to end up doing CU this is right next to our industry area I think I'm going to go into goats getting making sure we have tons of hide and just pumping out a ton of leather for money in my yeah I know there's glitches that you can do to to to make some money but I'm just I'm just going to let it flow you know let it do its thing we're going to pause that they haven't done anything I think they were trying to do something we'll have to harvesting plowing and sewing is Autumn so we have to wait till September yeah we screwed we have to wait so let's wait till September and then we'll do all that all right let's get some more Stone so we can upgrade I believe our church we're going to have to start looking for a new area to expand into I guess over here wouldn't be too bad kind of shapes do we like today we like uh triangles circles what do you guys think come on uh my Tannery yeah it's I mean it's right next to the storehouse but that's a good point we should probably um rebuild the Tannery right next to the storehouse let's do that got the sof pit here our Storehouse here I think we're doing pretty decent we need to get the the trees up I got two two Foresters going it'll take about 3 years for that stuff to grow keeps telling me I don't have enough stable space one out of zero horses that's an interesting interesting issue but I think we're good post there upgrade the church then we can start upgrading our houses to tier two and getting that passive money one day we'll start accumulating vegetables here probably soonish and then the fuel issu is going to come back to ha us we're definitely going to go into charcoal next even if it's just one dude making charcoal it's going to be huge oh yeah know I know about tab I only use it when I have a ton of things I don't need I mean I don't need to use it quite yet it's useful for when you're trying to figure out what houses are upgradeable or what houses are tier 2 or tier one all [Music] right all right we got the church up so that means we can go on our our leveling spree definitely want to upgrade the the farm plots as quickly as poss at least this one doubles the pantry says very cool man we were we're still e like we're still cleaning through that berri's yield we got like a bajillion years ago going to take us forever to eat through all those berries all right what month do I I need to be on the March for autumn autumn we need to start growing our booze Factory reminds me we need to get our sales of Malt House I'm going to put it on this side I'm going to put a road across here want to leave enough market space for future growth so line it up with this road what do we got going on we got we got somewhat of a organic straightness going on yeah a tier tier one and two tier a tier one and two family will not be able to do this crop but my I want to see what a tier three does on a one I already know 0.5 Morgan's the best so I want to see what this can do on a one that was one of the questions someone was asking me is like what about oh what the heck happened over there that is an interesting setup anyway uh let's see what a one let's see what a one can do if it can't keep up then we'll destroy it and build it right all right we're getting the vegetables in now nice small tal is up we got our new point oh better deals would be great it would be pretty cool yeah we got to go with it we'll do a charcoal after [Music] that yeah better deals is just so amazing [Music] yeah I buy all my weapons and armor as well it just doesn't I mean you can bring in the iron and craft it but personally it's just kind of nice not to have to deal with it there's no like it's not like a better method or anything it's just just easier from the from a like a lazy point of view from for me at least it is we have 10 plots we have 20 20 [Music] families we're eating 20 food per month start upgrading everything we can mostly it seems like we're having a a wood issue I'm probably going to make another loging Camp I'm going leave this one here for storage we can take this anywhere we want going to put the loging Camp over here I'll make sure I don't go into this area don't worry but there's a lot of good trees over [Music] here we got to watch our thing down here once it hit September we got to we got to start planting they'll they'll continue to try to build this out it's it's kind of interesting they only plow once but they'll continue to plow if they have nothing else to do this thing is probably creating an insane amount of veggies though I think it kind of got glitched out it's too big never built I've never built one that was one Morgan before I don't think and sometimes I've noticed the forger Hut gets a little weird all right so that's kind of the peak there that's a good area all right let's get some wood we're good there yep plowing and the plowing and sewing will start in autumn I am in the year three of new Jacob yeah it's a lot of tech it's a lot of tech Point well the way I see it I mean let's get you want to invest in things that are going to have indefinite value like once you have all your armor these skills become you know dead weight you want to get technical though every region has its own Tech Tree so you could build if it becomes a point where it's too expensive you could take a region and have them be your military and build all the armor there and you can recruit from that area too I mean um you can play I mean there's there's no there's no wrong way to go about any of this stuff all right and I'm going to put the shoe maker think I'm going to put the Sho maker right here to the industry I'm going to need some more industry buildings for sure so let's get some let's get some single plot Artisans right here I think three is probably good and then we'll probably get a dual plot nah just do more singles yeah cool Lea Lea I do actually kind of like having some some weirdness going on we'll do we'll do the houses over here and then I'll probably switch this guy on this side all right more points cool we're going in the charcoal I just have to do it right charcoal right here here go yeah you can definitely use veggies and apples as a food source and do really really well um like I said I anticipate a lot of the stuff will be patched and the game will work the way that we think it's supposed to work let's look at what we got going on 23 hides and 32 leather that's beautiful we're going to increase here more uh wood cutter oops we're going to increase our Tanner oh we weren't using the Tanner that's right we move them cool one charcoal dude is probably going to be more than enough and the one firewood stall should be decent I think we have 25 we're going to get to a point where it's I don't know man I think it actually I think we can get away with quite a bit we have more Stu space we all know what that means oh well if I mean you you could play it on slow speed it's a beautiful game I'm always just I'm always just building stuff and I want to see it built I need to reset the work area after I destroy things here we go oh that's right we don't have anybody in this one I'll leave one person in there right now this guy's clear cutting everything we have lots of workers all right we're in July we're getting close to the the plowing in and sewing season you see they'll they'll keep plowing the field every every year until it's full at tier one to three or sorry tier one to two they're not going to be able to take care of this but at tier three when they get four families they might be able to to do all of this we're trying out the one Morgan super Farm the the Derby racer Edition it's got like a RAC tracker in it basically yeah the houses look so much cooler when you upgrade them that's one thing one thing I've noticed oh look at that dual plots we could fit another house in but o fit another house in one single we can put another uh Artisan up there the one single isn't bad it's going to consume more fuel and more uh leather but it's going to give us one more more slot in the [Music] market yeah they haven't touched the bread apples are honey and they're consuming the berries right now we just have a lot of berries I almost want to go into the berry perk just to keep it down but they're not even consuming the vegetables we're just accumulating vegetables right now yeah well the there's there's the thing about having multiple burgage plots though too is it allows you to have more population in one space and it decreases the need for certain consumptions but food is consumed at the same rate yeah I think there's a balance to be had between dual plots and single plots but dual plots to me are still pretty awesome right yeah that's what I'm getting at if they don't consume so food food variety percentage the reason that we we're we're so off on what things produce is all right I am coming out with a guide at the end of this let's play I spent all day on it about what I've experienced I don't know how true it is across the board I just know that I was able to replicate it multiple times they consume foods and C orders if you're just tuning in they consume meat then they consume berries then they consume bread then they consume eggs then they consume vegetables then they consume honey and then they consume apples I did it two times on this region on this save I don't know if it like the thing is is like it's possible that different s like different regions have different consumption orders there's all types of stuff Strat on strats they were consuming imported honey before the berries but then he said they did start eating the berries I think it has some consistency across the board because every time I play this game they always consume the meat first and then they always consume the berries I never paid much attention to it and I I spent all day I have like 4 hours of of just staring at this with a controlled environment where there was no production and I had every single food item in the game I'm coming out with a whole research thing I did it's like literally an under 7even minute video but it took me all day to to make I'm just I'm I'm just going to get straight to the point and I'll in that video and tell you everything you need to know so at the end of this this live stream I'll I'll be going live with that I wanted to do do my stream and make sure that it was still consistent before I published it so that's that's the problem we're all saying like oh the 0.5 Morgan Farm is the best but the problem is is our people have not been eating vegetables or apples it's not they will consume apples I went through every single thing until they ate everything and I saw like you you'll see in the thing they do eat apples but they're the last thing they eat they eat the honey before they eat the apples and so like vegetables apples and sorry vegetables honey and apples are the last on the tier so the reason we were seeing egg production is because they were eating the meat and vegetables so chicken coops produce one no matter what plot type you have it's it's just that they weren't consuming the egg so it looks like they were increasing it but what's when you have fewer plots though it's a lot easier to keep your food variety but like I was saying earlier technically speaking if you did a bunch of single plots then your food variety bottom tier which would be vegetables if you're doing vegetables honey and apples you would only consume vegetables and you could have say you had 50 plots you would only need to purchase 50 apples and 50 honey and they will sit indefinitely in that Marketplace never selling never being consumed and the vegetables will be the only thing being consumed that's why I'm saying they have to patch the game because this is so this is such a janky food system that's why like I it's why it's so confusing but that's why you have 2,000 V vegetables and 4,000 that's why your vegetables and apples keep going up they're not even eating they're not eating them because they're not a priority right but but that's just yeah it's really weird [Music] but that's because it's it's it's the um the bonus it's those items aren't really like physically in the building you notice how let me put this this way you notice how it has the bonus for all five for all five of them right it has bread in it it has it has everything else it's it's not eating the bread not eating the apples it's not eating the honey my vegetables continue to go up my vegetables are not going down my vegetables just keep going up my berries are going down when you watch my video I took 4 hours of data where I highlight this food thing I'm literally going to show you exactly what happened to me like I'm not going to just tell you I'm going to show you in 2 minutes 4 hours of just this food thing going down one by one like you don't have to take my word for it because I'm going to show you the proof like I I unless I forged this somehow but I'm literally going to show you the in four hours of in-game footage in one hour of this thing going down one by one by one um for every single food type in order so I thought that was pretty a cool way that I could show show my research instead of just you know shouting numbers at people like literally show you that that that's what it does so yeah it's a really short video too it's like 7 minutes like I said keep an open mind for all of this basically what I'm trying to get at is that there's some really weird weird stuff going on see my vegetables are not going down and you need to be really careful that you're not in there Surplus good default which is how many Goods you have minus what is being moved around and in storage and then there's all Goods so the 36 bread we had from the start of the game it's still I still have 36 bread that 26 apples and 26 honey that I ordered from the trade shop I still have 26 apples and 26 honey and I am getting a benefit for the food variety on everybody what's decreasing are the berries so as long as they can keep stalking they're going to eat things in that order if all the berries are gone then they're going to go on to eggs if there's no eggs they're going to go on to vegetables right and then it looks like they looks like they no I still have 147 h I was I was excited for a second because the vegetables did something weird but I still have 147 so they moved him somewhere now I have eight things are just getting weird but you can see up here I still have 26 honey and 26 apples they're um and they're in they're in there all that stuff's in there oh it's because we're we getting full they're having to prioritize so we need a a second food stall thank God all right so we're at a point where we need the second food stall now so they were just moving into The Granary yep they moved it in The Granary to make to make room cuz I only have one food stall and it got it was getting full but this is how you know make sure it says total good store this is how you know if things are actually getting eaten or if they're being moved around around this is a strat Strat showed me this that was a lifesaver this is the toggle for it I don't want to all right so what I what I suggested you guys do is that you just keep making it until you get what you want and then you just delete everything that you didn't want in the first place all right that's a food stall cool so now I got rid of this I got my second food stall so now we can get one per plot we're going to get ourselves a second dude for that stall make sure that they're getting stocked appropriately so you can kind of see that I've been modifying my my game my my play style quite significantly right we're just going to find the people the wood cutter all right and let's make sure that none of these people G all right I'm just going to put him anywhere that I want I don't want anyone in a farm yeah you're going to work in the charcoal Factory sounds great I don't want anyone in the farm doing that stuff um cobbler no the Goatman the goatman's a perfect person so we're going to take him out of the Carpenter on fire take him out of the carpenter oh that was him okay cool all right cool now now we shouldn't have anybody who is living living in a weird place cool a little bit far away but I think we're all right for it for now it makes it easier cuz it makes it easier to control who who's in control of that market I don't have to play as big of a game of whack-a-mole if I know exactly the one person I have to take care of and you don't need them you only need enough we'll probably need a third one actually for food but I think after that we'll be okay yeah clothing we're at looks like we're at um with the tier two we're at 32 firewood we have 16 of each so we can definitely use one more of each of those maybe will probably put us in a good good spot all right we got another clothing stall ah we don't want another CL we don't want three of them get that firewood up go we'll get one right two clothing that should be able to fit quite a bit another firewood cool we're going to get rid of this guy I think that's sufficient for now we only have two types of each so that will allow This Is 50 plots worth over here we're going to have to be a little bit smarter um we're probably going to want to start building as many probably like two more we're we're going to want kind of like one per food item at at some point and I know you can move stalls but right now it causes a bug causes causes Phantom stall issues I was messing around with this during my testing so I got pretty good at I had to control everything I mean we're not have we're not having a problem with approval you're talking about population growth oh no probably should have left it up yeah we'll just have to keep building till we get where we want or we'll have to start moving it and just deal with the Phantom stall issue and then we'll have like 20 families all operating stalls I really hate there we go four food stall should be sufficient all right that will definitely give us everything we need and the two logs Perfect all right still got 29 bread 26 apples and oh they ate some honey they finally ate some honey that was what Strat gaming had happened but you see in my two test they didn't eat any of the honey it could be because I'm I moved uh I messed with the food stall though I eat two honey very good but they're still consuming the meat and berries before everything else it does look like they may have consumed a little bit of vegetables too so that's [Music] cool soon the beating it's pretty cool it looks like they're actually finally eating the honey very good in my testing though it was pretty it was pretty linear am I in the wrong freaking thing oh we're good cool yeah they're finally eating the honey but the the consumption is really low or did we just yeah there we go cool I think they'll fix this in the next patch though I'm really optimistic maybe I shouldn't be but like I said we'll just we'll just carry on I I might even go I might go into honey just because it's a great trade item like if we went honey and we went apples for trade and we just skipped bread I think we'd be okay oh knows full pantry you never want that oh God I already missed I already missed I missed the whole Harvest that's okay I got I got really ingrained I think um I think ale is probably one of the most annoying things I'm okay I think I'm okay with the trade shop owning a a stall for now it's really interesting though to to see some of this stuff at work like you guys have seen what I'm talking about how it doesn't eat the bread it's like they're finally eating the apples and honey I broken the cycle that's really cool I think it's because of the way that markets pull food if you only have one market it pulls those items first that's it but since this Market over here this Market over here is closer to these houses so these houses are pulling on this market so oh man I think that's what's going on potentially here I think I'm right about the order of operation because I did it on one market stall right so because I had one market stall all things were equal but if you spread your Market stalls out it's going to it's going to those houses are going to pull on these guys first I think what's happening is that they're P my like I said my Strat he said oh they ate some honey but the only thing that changed was that I put this food stall over here which has like let's watch this food stall we can see if these things deplete if these things deplete the Barry should deplete first but then it's going to go to uh vegetables and then it's going to go to honey and then it's going to go to Apples so because of the way that they pull on markets having multiple markets is actually having markets that are more towards one area than another could help with the food distribution thing um but no more than the amount of plots can be stored in in all food stalls so of per item so if we have 50 you know say I have 20 food stalls and we have that's that's kind of crazy so we have 10 food stalls and I have 20 plots there are um they're only going to be able to carry 20 of each item collectively between everything we got more berries so I think it's the way that it's pulling it it's finally starting to eat it the bread itself is stored in this Central Area this one has 14 bread so maybe they'll start eating the bread here soon but yeah like what I've noticed is they they eat everything else first yeah what would be nice is if they just coded the game to not have like a bajillion markets it' be nice if they coded the game to just pull on things but yeah I think what we're seeing here is is that it's pulling on each house is pulling on different markets that are closer to it so whatever is stored in that that food stall but it's still pulling in order and all of my testing it still pulls in order this one's getting full we're not depleting anymore we're depleting the bread now that was stored that was stored out in this guy over here so it's eating the bread so in this food stall it's going to pull the bread before it pulls the veget vegetables and it pulls the apples oh that's cool that's what it's doing so if you have multiple food stalls it's going to pull differently but it is but what I think is interesting is that I did find the order of operation by having the one food stall test so I'm going to need to modify my video to explain what we're seeing here but this is cool this is starting to make a whole lot of sense now you you can't determine you can't determine what resource goes into a stall that's that's the main issue that I was talking about earlier I can't I can't control what they put into these things I tried having a granary in a vegetable area way far away from town and they still brought eggs and bread and everything over to it they still came in you might be able to make make it um more viable that so look at that the bread was eaten before the vegetables and the apples now the veggies will be eaten before the apples this is cool so this is what this is why he had a variance though is because he had he had a stall with honey in it this explains I'm actually a little happy that we discovered this because I I think that what I I think I did find the order of operation but what we found is that what you potentially want are a bunch of food stalls but not bunched up I'm thinking you want a bunch of food stalls in a circle like I think what you want is something more like your food stalls in multiple Corners one or two here one or two here one or two here one one or two here so they're being fed in different directions I see what you're saying but um I I've tried I've tried to do I've tried to tell them that they could only work in a certain area and people from outside still bring stuff in I'd have to test that out a little bit more but yeah what we're what we're seeing is there's like when I did my testing it was with one food stall and what we're seeing just watching these is they're still pulling those Foods first when they're eating but when it was just the honey and it it was like just honey and apples they pulled honey but they should pull the vegetables before they pull the honey or the apples and they should pull the berries before they pull the bread you can't control what's put into a food stall they'll travel from all over to put stuff in food stalls that's the problem yeah we can't I can't control what they put in here I tried I had a granary for just vegetables and they came down all the way from the north and put eggs into it they fill they fill it up based on what's needed and what has available space but what I'm saying is you could it's going to pull from whatever whatever food stall is closest to it in in its ratio honestly if I wanted to control this I would probably put my food stalls is like we in a weird way that's pretty cool so they emptied this food stall cuz it was close and they emptied it before the other so they just took everything it had and then it's really interesting actually the the market mechanics are even more complicated than I thought I what I basically found is they they consume Foods in a certain order but they also pull foods from the stall so they are consuming those Foods in the correct order like they eat meat before berries they eat bread before eggs stuff like that um and that's why you have so many apples and vegetables so what's really cool is that if you if you could control that at some point you could you can make it a little bit better but you definitely want your stalls like to be as far apart as to be kind of like towards different areas is if you want them to pull on everything well I don't understand why they did it this way oh September and we got some good barley that's why the market mechanics so confusing though and why we're getting different results because they are eating in there's two things I'm realizing now they are eating Foods in order but they're in order of the closest market stall so that's kind of cool like I I think I did actually find a viable order of operations to explain things but that does mean that you need some minimal levels of production this is a really weird system I think they just need to do away with the whole okay here's my problem I don't think that they should be doing it like food variety the way they do food variety I think they should be doing it like clothing so you have three sets of tier one clothing you have three sets of tier 2 clothing why not do that with food variety like why not make some new foods like a cooking house or something or like give us a little bit of control over this stuff and and have it be like why not berries meat and eggs be like a tier one thing and then like or Berry Meats Berry meat and vegetables be tier one and then like bread eggs and apples be a tier two and then like tier three can be like honey and like cooked meat or something you don't have to supply too much of the the thing is is you don't have to supply too much of it but it's always going to pull it's always going to pull a little bit weird on everything yeah I'm going to redo my VI I'm going to redo my video we're actually going to I'm going to save real quick for the video um so I can reference this in my video um the video probably won't come out till tomorrow morning now because this is important um but my data is pretty much on point why do I have to carry this alone yeah my soul my soul is blue that's exactly what I'm saying is that if you only had like a few types of food like like veggies apples and honey and they're consuming the veggies first then they'll consume very little of the apple or they'll consume very they'll eat the honey before the apples so if you can produce anything so that to make sure that they consume that and the veggies first there's um they're more likely not to eat the honey and apples they will eat the honey and apples but they're going to be eating it at a reduced rate because they'll be consuming if available the vegetables and anything before that first so and that's what we're seeing and we can just watch this guy right here so they're going to eat the meat first then they're going to eat the veget but they're going to stock this thing up but they should eat the meat there goes the meat right on Q should eat the vegetables there goes some vegetables there goes the vegetables now they're going to eat the honey come on honey eat that honey eat the freaking honey prove me right I mean I got two I got two out of four so far unless they stock this thing what they're going to do now is they're going to come in Anie I don't I'm not sure how they determine so we now have a piece of meat this piece of meat is going to be eaten before anything else in here I don't know how they determin this I just ran an enormous amount of testing on one stall and the Order of Operation was the same there go the meat there goes one piece of Honey there goes the honey what's next guys last on the tier list is it going to be apples Well it can't it has to be because it's the only thing so I mean I've just Pro I've just all right let's see see if the vegetable goes this time I've just pretty much proven my equation on the order of operation and how things are consumed I just didn't realize that because they're pushing things through different stalls there goes the the veggies before apples there goes the apples okay cool I feel I think we got it now so what's going to determine how they're eating these things is literally just their proximity to the stall that has that item um so if you build your Market in the center of your base you're going to have it pulling everything the order that they eat food in that I think through all my testing is Meats berries bread eggs veggies honey apples that will be in the guide on many things yeah apples get that's why people keep saying why aren't they eating my apples why aren't they eating my apples what this means though is that you do potentially want your Market in the center your village because houses are going to pull on what is closest to them it's really up to you how you want to do this um but that was why in every testing from the beginning of the game when I just had one stall and five plots that is what like this is actually kind of cool I I may have I may have inadvertedly stumbled on something that makes a lot more sense so yeah you want a circular design and that means we're probably going to have to start we're going to have to start over with that in mind so your your Granary should be in the center of your design so that goods are being distributed evenly but what that means is that let's go over this what that means is that berries meats and eggs are really shitty foods to try to produce in order to hit your efficiencies it means that vegetables apples and honey are are like the last consumed Goods so like if you if you wanted you could get as much meat as much berries as much bread as you want but don't try to get in my opinion these are my opinions don't try to TR to get them to hit your food varieties try to get vegetables apples and honey because those are going to be depleted last and vegetables will be depleted you will still deplete apples and honey but you're going to be depleting your apples at Honey at pretty pretty crappy rates bro we're talking about markets why we you talking about baring difficulty now the the Dual the the consumption is based on family how much how much the market can store is based on plots so what you get with dual plots what you get with dual plots is that they consume they consume in higher ratios so say you have 25 plots at tier three so you have 100 families well you have throughout that month 100 people pulling on a maximum of 25 per category so as long as The Granary can keep stalking that prioritize good quickly enough they will consume that but most like so as you get in a higher tier they're going to be pulling there's going to be a higher and higher likelihood of them pulling on multiple tiers of foods because they're just eating faster than the marketplace can be stocked with that higher prioritized eating food I did the calculations on families eating they it is it is per family that they eat uh the Dual plots though only consume one Le like they only consume one clothing and they only consume One log of [Music] fuel yeah the order is meat berries bread eggs veggies honey apples that's what I that's what I'm seeing that those are the first things that are pulled out of everything here so bread will be pulled out of this first or sorry berries will be pulled out for way the berries then it will be bread then it will be veggies then it will be honey and then it will be apples so they're still putting berries in they're going in and out this as long as these barries are here the likelihood of these things being pulled are are quite low for a bit of time that could also lead lead Credence to limiting your food stalls cuz if you have perfect food stalls they're going to pull on those and say if I have this food stall out here and they put it full of bread well all that Bread's going to be eaten but if I have three food stalls and they're all equally full it's going to pull in the order of operation but dude it just emptied the whole dang thing that's and that's there we go but but this is kind of what I'm getting at is that when you get higher populations those poles are going to be harder I think that they're still going to eat in these order of operations so like when you're looking at production it's it's it's kind of looking at a lot of things it's it's looking at what gets eaten first but if you were to produce if you were to look at your food your food Variety in a different way like I said it's like say we want three foods we want three foods always at plot siid well that's going to be vegetables honey apple right but every Berry and every meat they eat is going to decrease the chance that it pulls all the vegetables and then starts pulling on the on the honey and then the apples so you can you can offset the probability of needing those higher tier Goods by producing lower tier Goods but you're never going to be able to sustain eggs and that's and this is what's kind of pissing me off is that if you were to mass produce bread they would eat the bread before they eat the vegetables here's the deal though this this system that they've developed this system they've developed for food doesn't make sense for an 800 pop City it makes perfect sense for like a 1 to 200 like because if you look at these skills right you go to double the berries um doubles the amount of meat harvested by hunters so you could you could secure meat and then you could have maybe one veggie farm and maybe some chickens and eggs and you would probably be able to hit a food variety of 100% just using those basic skills on every single region like every single re I I guarantee you I could build a 200 pop City in every single region at 100% efficiency with the current mechanics of the game so one two three four five six seven eight we we could build we could build a a whole city of cities pretty easy but this game is just not meant for high pops the the the way that this the system works is just it breaks at high numbers it becomes every every person just puts more and more Demand on the [Music] system yeah exactly you can offset the consumption of bread with berries but that's just it it's this order of operation of consumption but it's based on where the food stall is yeah well anyway um that's going to be the end of today's today's live stream so I hope you guys come back around for tomorrow when I do another live stream and I'm going to edit my video just one more time and get in some of this information cuz this is juicy stuff right here now that we know that the order of operation is correct but also that it is pulling on the food stalls um that's pretty that's pretty massive I mean maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong I'm not like I said I'm just going to present my theory I'm not going to say it's right or wrong but like it it looks right you know what I mean like look how many vegetables vegetables we have and look how long it took us to consume the bread and apples and honey um this thing is producing off the freaking off the rails over here though I mean I I have I have I have the I have the data to to back it up so I think it is a theory at this point point but got to prove me wrong prove me wrong yeah very cool all right well everybody have a great night
Channel: TactiCat
Views: 16,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castle management, kingdom management, let's play manor lords, lordship tips, manor lords, manor lords guide, manor lords lets build a city, manor lords lets play, manor lords mechanics, manor strategy, medieval city builder, real-time strategy, economy, management, manor lords perfect city, manor lords city guide
Id: Nnjl6GvEI8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 38sec (7718 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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