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today I'm going to be renovating my subscribers townhouse in bloxburg so this is cat it has a budget of 77 000 she has all the game passes and for her house she wanted a vintage modern interior style and this is her beautiful townhouse and if you guys want me to renovate your bloxburg house all you have to do is either be subscribed to the channel or you can join my Discord server with the link in my description but before the video starts I want to say a huge thank you to today's sponsor which is life makeover you guys might have remembered life makeover it's a lifestyle simulation game and the possibilities are literally endless from being able to cook exercise chill with your besties immerse yourself in stories and even customize your own character like from every single facial detail skin color body shape you name it like the amount of in-depth customization and clothing options in this game is literally insane you can even live out your fashion designer Dream by creating DIY outfits I'm talking picking the fabric but in the clothes sewn like literally designing your own clothes like how cool is that and I haven't even got started on the building aspects of the game you can literally build your very own dream home what I love about this game is how personalized you can make everything especially with building and furniture placement there's no limitations and here is my beautiful bedroom that I made and you can even interact with all the furniture yes you can sit on the toilet and FYI life makeover is a new version Guardian cutie has just came out and in this new version you can put on these beautiful animal outfits and join life makeover in protecting wildlife and even becoming good friends of nature and this new version of Life makeover is now available for a limited time from July 12th to the 1st of August so you can click the link in my description to download life makeover today and explore the game for yourself thanks life makeover so let's get started so as you can see this is cat's current house honestly I think it's really pretty so this is going to be kind of fun okay so let's see what we're working with firstly so let's head on inside shall we okay so the entry area is on the second floor and oh my gosh go you didn't even need me to renovate this this is actually stunning okay so when you walk in the first room we have is obviously the kitchen and the dining room for like a limited space I'd say it's very very cute okay I totally understand why she asked me for a vintage interior this kitchen is literally everything I think this is like the downstairs area oh okay okay so the downstairs area we have is that Gordon Ramsay are you part of the Gordon Ramsay call okay Lounge room is very very cute I love this oh and in this corner we have like a little toy section yeah she has more Gordon Ramsay over here oh my God and I think this is the final floor which is the third floor and oh okay all right so this is her bedroom very cute let me open these blinds cat it is literally 5 p.m in the afternoon why is your blind shut let me just open these for you wait guys Kat has my little AV initials okay so this is the bedroom very very lovely and then in the bedroom we have the bathroom well you know what this is just giving me like New York Vibes like tell me this doesn't look like a New York bathroom Okay and then over here we have her closet oh this is a pretty spacious closet okay so the house being toured now it is time to work my renovation magic now get out of here okay so while I work on cat's house cat will be using my workstation but by the looks of it Pat is not using my workstation she's uh testing on all my cars I think she's now testing my motorbike oh There She Goes hi Kat have fun okay so as you can see we've got exactly 77 000 so I actually wanted like a modern slash vintage house I kind of have like the perfect idea for what I want to do so starting off with the front yard I'm actually going to get rid of this like foot path and kind of make my own footpath you know now the first thing I want to do is like get rid of everything that I don't want for example this Garden is actually pretty cute I might keep the garden these rails however I don't really like these rails and as for the inside I'm Gonna Keep some of the things usually in these renovation builds I like delete absolutely everything but the thing with cat's house is that it looks like very thought out and organized so I don't want to like delete all of her progress you know what is going though this kid section like who even needs kids in bloxburg although because it's like a vintage house I don't know if I want this TV all right the second floor is the kitchen the kitchen's actually very nice and I'm just gonna tidy up the place a little bit because right now kitchen is looking kind of messy and we've just gone fixed a little bit what is this look at all these vintage decals actually you know what for her coffee table We're not gonna do delete her cookies in her food because that is so mean we're just gonna put these over here for now I'm gonna do like my own custom coffee table it's gonna look very nice and then up in her bedroom the bedroom's all right I feel like we could do better though so the bedroom's gonna go I guess the Gordon Ramsay photos can stay the chandelier has got to go now with like her bathroom and her closet I'm actually gonna knock down this entire wall here and you're probably like Alaska what are you doing oh I just deleted her floor I have a plan for what I want to do but for this to work I do actually need to get rid of a lot of things and up on here as you can see the top floor is flat so I don't want this and I don't know just it's kind of throwing me off a little bit so we're just gonna grab the wall from down here and then kind of copy this layout here okay so now we just have to go ahead and fix the roof by adding another flat roof on top actually we're gonna add two flat roofs and as you can see it just gives the roof a little bit more texture okay and we also need to copy these windows I can tell that she works really hard on these windows however I'm gonna replace the windows with traditional Windows instead because I am just obsessed with the way they look and will also give the wall some structure by adding like Square beams at the bottom here it just makes it look very realistic instead of just adding a basic flat wall I was so excited when one of you guys asked me to build a townhouse like I am ready this is my moment I haven't built a townhouse in bloxburg in so long we also have to paint the rest of this house because right now it's like two different shades y'all I just looked at the back of this plot why is it three different colors and what is that thing sticking out of the wall get out of here also another thing that I noticed that she didn't add is like Windows at the side of her house and as you can see it's like a very very dark in here I also want to give her her own backyard because I feel like a townhouse should have a backyard and for a townhouse backyard I feel like this would be made out of like large stone walls it's gonna be a very very small backyard as for the stairs I also want to change these as well because she kind of asked me for like a modern townhouse I feel like white stairs would suit and we also need to add like the foot path that goes kind of along here and for those fences we're going to use these Stone railings also cat seems like a very detailed Builder so I'm gonna make sure to add lots of decals lots of crown molding without obviously running out of a budget because we do not want that now another thing we need to add in here is obviously Windows the only problem is we cannot add Windows because there is Furniture inside so we have to remove all the furniture that's blocking the windows unfortunately all right so some windows on the side here okay so what we're going to do is start from the bottom floor and then work our way up and as the outside is all finished I guess the first room we can work on is the living room now for the living room I'm actually going to keep her TV I'm just going to add it like on this wall instead and also I don't think the kids bedroom should be down here why is there a Gordon Ramsay poster above the nursery like what get out of here now as much as I love this big TV because it's like a vintage townhouse I feel like a fancy painting above the fireplace would look so much better but we can't forget to add Windows back here because this is obviously where the backyard's gonna go and for this we're going to be using double sliding doors y'all cat your roof is two colors babes we got it we gotta fix this all right so now I have to go in every single floor and redo the flooring I'm also going to fix up all the colors on the stairs as well okay now that the floors are all fixed we can finally start decorating now the one thing thing I love about her living room is these four wall paddling so you know what I'm actually gonna add them on the entire downstairs area however some of it's a bit dark so we're going to make it like a lighter texture and I'm actually obsessed with this painting so I'm actually going to put that right here I think in this little section here can be like a study desk so what we're going to do is put this cabinet in the corner and then using a basic shape kind of butter beam butter boom lift it up a little bit and then put another basic shape underneath it this way we're kind of doing like our own little DIY study desk and then as you can see she's got like a very adorable little desk and I guess on her desk we'd have like a lamp I feel like this log table lamp is definitely vintage and if you want to be super fancy we can put like a vars in the middle like this voila oh damn okay she is beauty she is Grace now instead of putting a laptop on this desk like I feel like the person sitting here would read a book actually we're gonna make this back bit out of like custom wallpaper so something like this and there we go ladies and gentlemen we have our desk and over here I feel like this is the perfect place to add like a reading Nook so what I'm going to do is put three Simplicity stores like this we add like a flat roof where this little section is then we'll be able to like bring it up like this and then as you can see we've got like a little sitting area which you can actually sit on and to make this nice and cozy we can have like pillows and blankets I feel like we need another little step here so it's a pretty high jump oh my gosh for some reason it's kind of reminding me of Harry Potter I don't know why okay now as for the living room itself we're gonna keep her little rocking chair and I feel like these tough sofas are definitely vintage now we just need to add some pillows make it cozy oh my gosh you know what we're missing here handles like hello it's a vintage house how did we not add candles okay for her coffee table instead of a regular coffee table we're gonna put an ottoman instead and you guys believe I just didn't use a custom-made coffee table I feel like we need more decorations up on this fireplace so maybe some books up here that is like so random but I feel like a little deer here would like make for a cute bookstopper see I don't know I think I kind of like it there's a little section back here I feel like this is very very dark maybe we can just have like one spooky sofa in the corner I don't know why but we definitely need a spooky sofa I feel like this section back here would be cute if you were gonna like read a book all right and there we go I think our little Lounge room is done so now we can move on to the backyard which is here for the backyard I feel like another extra layer of fence would look really cute like I'm talking these classic hanging lights above this fence you know what I feel like a little Pond moment would look really cute I don't know how I'm gonna pull this off considering I have 85 000 left but you know what we're gonna do it and then around this we can have some Cobblestone you know when you guys have an idea in your head and you don't know if it's going to like work out well that's kind of what I'm doing right now it's either gonna like flop or like go really well so in this little Pond we can have some lily pads and then in the middle here we're gonna have this little Arch we're going to create a little stepping stone moment okay you know what that actually turned out so cute you know what we're also gonna have a fireplace out here as well okay there we go very cute and I think the backyard is complete which means we can now start working on the second floor now obviously as you can tell the second floor is the kitchen and the dining room and it's also the first room you walk in when you walk through the door so we're gonna have to make this nice and fancy had actually done a really good job picking all these colors like usually in one of my renovation builds I like delete absolutely everything as for cat I don't really want to delete much like I can tell she worked really hard on it this girl keeps updating my budget okay so the first little section we're going to do is like the dining room which was over here originally I can see her what is she doing Pat is doing burnouts in front of her house she's spying on me okay so for a vintage dining room first thing I'm going to do is add some plants at the back and build of course you guessed it a custom-made coffee table so I'm thinking we can have like two convex straights on face straights put them right in the center like this and we can make this out of wood and then we're gonna get a vertical cylinder and paste this on top luckily she has the transform tool because if she didn't this would be very difficult okay so first one like this and then we're gonna do another transparent vertical cylinder on top so it gives it like a glass effect it looks really cool I don't know how many tables and chairs she had before I think we're just gonna do four oh my God she said it's 4am no pain no gain okay table's looking cute now we just need to set at it we also need to add a lemon Bowl right in the middle like this and there we go we've got her beautiful little dining table um cat it looks like your kitchen is dirty disco stain and we're also going to change these colors to make sure like it all Blends together I'm gonna put the pans over here I feel like a vintage kitchen needs gold pens and you know what guys for some reason I'm not really fussed on the color I think I might change it to Green when I say green by the way I mean like a really nice dark green see I feel like that color is kind of nice so we'll see what that looks like throughout the kitchen imagine she doesn't like it and she's just like ah Alaska my kitchen kind of sucks I want my old kitchen back I'll be like uh sorry too late you know what I love green kitchens she's gonna love this kitchen if she doesn't then we protest I'm kidding so I'm actually gonna get rid of this little storage thing you know what we're gonna give her a little coffee machine we're gonna make her a little coffee machine okay so like a few jars here oh we could also have some cookies here that is so cute yeah these Burgers they don't go with the aesthetic I don't want to waste her Burgers but I'm gonna waste her Burgers I'm sorry tacos do you need more money no but thank cute nah 70k it's definitely enough and you know what I'm so glad I went with green because right now it's looking so pretty I feel like we need like two more windows over here and then the last thing we're going to do is add an island bench also her little entry area is so cute so I'm actually Gonna Keep that however I am going to give her a little custom-made hook rack because you know me so two hanging towels it kind of looks like two coats okay and there we go we've got our beautiful kitchen and dining room which means the last room we have is obviously the photos actually scared me the last room we have is obviously the bedroom and the bathroom okay the first thing I'm going to do up here is get rid of everything because right now we've got like 10 wallpapers going on it's kind of confusing me so the first thing I noticed in her room was like the lack of Windows like she only had windows at the front here but that is not enough we need more okay now before I do her bedroom I need to make sure like what is her favorite color because because um what is she doing what is she doing looks like she's having a jolly good time you guys don't know that I can see you I can see what you're up to and I'm actually gonna knock down this rail here so I can make this her closet so if I place a wall like this because before she had a closet over here but I thought it'd make more sense over here okay what's your favorite color violet sometimes I forget my last name is violet before anything we need to figure out where the bathroom's gonna go you know what I feel like this two by two is like the perfect place to add the bathroom and this entire section here can be a bedroom okay and for the wallpaper we're actually gonna make this out of custom wallpaper because this is the last room in this renovation and I mean we've got 63 000 left and you know what I really want to give her her own little balcony so that's what we're actually gonna do because you know what cat deserves a balcony okay so a little flat roof like this and then for the rails we just use like Stone railing and at the same windows we did downstairs and put them up here and for the Vintage wallpaper we're going to use detailed tiling okay there's like many options where I can place her bed I think we're gonna place it over here all right you know what we're gonna keep these Gordon Ramsay paintings okay and for a vintage bed a moment I feel like this fancy double bed is definitely vintage and because her favorite color is violet we're going to give her Violet bed covers it's like white and violet looks nice together so that's the color combo we're gonna go with we're only gonna put three pillows today we're not gonna be a total complete crazy person actually get pranked we're gonna put four okay so two little bedside tables right here I feel like she also needs a nice fancy chandelier in here for the nice fancy person she is okay and as you can see her bed is kind of like facing this way so if we put a TV in the corner right there oh my gosh wait I'm so I'm so stupid the TV can't go there because that's where the bathroom's gonna go I'm actually losing my mind you know what it's fine if we just put a basic shape at the end of the bed and get rid of this TV we can place it right there and there you go she has a TV at the end of her bed y'all I can't believe I nearly forgot the bathroom like stop okay and over in this little section here I feel like this would be the perfect section to add a vanity table so all we're gonna do is Place three cubes and kind of make them float like this and we also need some support legs at the bottom it's like a nice vanity table okay hopefully she wears makeup because I will be putting makeup on this table um okay why are you running okay it looks like her vanity table is all finished okay so her bedroom is done now the last thing we need to do is obviously the bathroom I was actually obsessed with the way she done her bathrooms I mean yeah did you see her bathroom that was done it instead of like a vintage bathroom I think we're just going to stick to Modern yo I just colored these soaps look how cute these little soaps look okay so on this section we're gonna have the bath and the shower and you know what considering we have 44 000 left we're gonna use a five thousand dollar antique bathtub and you know what she also has some waterfalls in her inventory so we're gonna place these like behind the bathtub and I mean I don't know about you guys but that looks pretty cool I don't know why I made this bathroom so small like she's gonna walk in she's gonna be like uh Mr girl why is everything so tiny all right you know what that is gonna do all right and I think that is good for the bathroom okay and just like that the whole renovated townhouse is finished all right cat are you ready to see your new house cat get over here I'll see if she was ready to see her house and she goes no so here's how the townhouse looks like from the outside I personally really like it y'all I'm scared she's not saying anything oh okay she's looking around I'm scared I decided to keep the things that she worked hard on because like I felt bad deleting it for example in the entry area we've got like this little beautiful section I didn't want to delete that this is jaw dropping I love it it's making me blush or whatever yeah so this is the dining room we've got our beautiful green kitchen oh where'd she go no come back okay and downstairs we have the living room which honestly I think is my favorite bit like look at this oh my God it's so cute yay I love this little reading Nook however my feet is literally going inside of the wood my favorite bit is definitely like this little reading section I think it's just adorable Gordon all hail our King Gordon Ramsay I decided to give her her own backyard because you know what every townhouse needs their own backyard I bet you wasn't expecting this huh oh crap I love this I love it too except for the fact that I nearly fell and died okay now coming up to her bedroom okay here we've got her massive bedroom I love the way she turns around like you can really you can really see her observing every single I'm scared I rushed the bedroom in the bathroom because I wanted her to get some sleep because it was literally like five o'clock in the morning she told me I'm like oh so this is her bedroom we've got a massive bed little TV and then here we've got like the bathroom I think the bathroom's actually kind of cute it's giving like Renaissance literally I tapped up Renaissance and decals and that's what came up and then finally we have a little balcony area oh my gosh I just like God so yeah that was me renovating cat's townhouse in bloxburg I loved renovating this house I think it was already beautiful before I renovated it and if you guys want me to renovate one of your future bloxburg houses all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 1,245,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xu6-8-AUN40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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