Building My DREAM HOME In Bloxburg!!|ROBLOX |

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he guys welcome back to my channel and this is part one of building my dream house so I think I have the structure ready already it's quite complicated but I think it's going to be very good so this is the top floor and this is the bottom floor so yeah this is how it looks I want like a very giant like very very giant detailed house like I want it to be super I want it to be super nice also I'm sorry if you hear meowing in the background those are my cats they're meow no idea why so if I'm being honest I don't quite know where I want the entrance to be I mean I'm thinking of it being right here like that's something new so I kind of want it to be right here and I want like a really cool like pathway design so I want to try something different you know like just something very complex and weird uh no I want it to be like very detailed so this I think that I want to have like a like a like a extended garage so maybe right here I could do the garage right here like that okay it's it's connected to the house so yeah I could definitely do that now this house just looks so big like it's going to be a giant an amazing if this going to be an amazing Big House Ed brilliant incredible amazing showstopping spectacular never the same totally unique completely not ever been done before so obviously I think the entry is going to be right here so I honestly have no idea what style I want to go for I mean like I'm thinking of modern but like I'm tired of the modern style all I've been building in is just modern so I'm getting tired of it I mean I I'm going to go on Pinterest and maybe see if there's like um a house I could get inspired off of so for the exterior I have no idea what to do I'm thinking of doing like very very calm colors I wanted to give like a coastal Vibe but like not really so I want to do like this weird beige color in case you want to know what the color is here's the numbers right here so I think I'm going to do that and then maybe maybe like a maybe like some vertical planks yeah that could definitely turn out well so I'm going to just do that for these walls right here I honestly really want this to turn out good actually no we're not going to do it for the garage walls cuz it's going to be like a different part of the house also I'm going to like put a little wall here just because it looks a little awkward okay so yeah if you hear that meowing in the background that's my cats they always meow for some reason so for this wall I think I'm going to go with like a light Stone gray and maybe some bricks I don't know if that looks like a good combo though like it's not mixing up well oh my god do you hear it I have no idea what I'm doing right now maybe I could do horizontal planks maybe that would work I have no idea what I'm doing this is like a mixture of coastal and traditional I don't know like I want to keep this W color maybe I could do like maybe it up we're going to change the walls to all vertical planks because I more better if I just do all the walls as vertical planks so basically the part one is just going to be exterior and then the no wait so the first part is just going to be the exterior and then the second part is going to be the interior which I think is going to look very nice okay that's looking very good and oh my God he's so loud I don't know why he's meowing I gave them food like an hour ago I'd say so for the windows I honestly have no idea I want it to be pretty traditional so I guess I'll use these traditional windows for the more smaller walls like these ones I don't know I'm getting tired of using traditional but maybe we'll try it out oh my God why do the traditional Windows look so good when they're stretched out is it just me who thinks that wait can I stretch out these windows please tell me that I can I can oh my God okay we're going to use this for the large walls so like for these walls we're going to use these ones just give me a minute I need to um I don't know why it's not fitting on oh I see why because this oh okay we're going to have to knock that wall down you know what we can actually knock this I actually think that might be a different room instead okay so let me grab this window put it here oh my God that looks so off like it looks weird maybe if I just colored the window it would look good so I'm going to do white and like maybe seashell or something this house is turning out terrible just going to put two of these traditional windows on one wall just like that and then maybe I'll color it white and like do the color beige I want to do lots of like yellow and like I want to do lots of like calm colors you know so yeah I'm going to continue these windows up here too just because they look so good and I love them so much and these walls are literally ruining the windows oh yeah we're not doing the interior so it doesn't really matter how it looks so far on the interior and for this giant wall I really want to do like these like seating things but I don't think that will really work maybe I could do like I kind of want it to be like modern mix with like traditional so I think I'm going to get these framed windows these are like my favorite Windows ever in bloxburg they're literally just like the the best what can I say these are literally my favorite windows in bloxburg they're literally the best ones that they have so yeah I'm going to do these windows over here okay that's looking not too bad then I'm going to do it right here as well okay not too bad not too bad all I have to do is just color it the same now I think it's starting to come together like it's it's coming together slowly okay oh that looks so good and I think that I I also think I want to continue this on the back so like right here we can have just like a bunch of Windows boom boom boom wait why is that one not working oh my God these walls are legit are getting on my nerves I'm going to have to redo the entire interior you know what that's for the next video yep that's for the next video so for all those super long walls they're just going to have these windows so we're going to continue these but we're only going to do three did you see that what was that okay we're just going to do three for this wall just because I don't want it to have too many windows but then again this is supposed to be having touches of modern and traditional at the same time so I guess we're going to have to have a lot of Windows which is an invasion of privacy but you know what it's okay want more of these traditional windows so I'm going to put one right here and right here I don't know what to put right here maybe we'll do just like two or something I guess I don't want too many windows in this house but it's going to have to happen Windows just make the house look 10 times better okay it's really coming together so now I have to do the door and I think I'm just going to do a traditional door maybe that door no that door looks terrible I could that door I don't know I really don't know okay you know what we'll do this door and then we're going to color it practically the same a wood grain for that and then we go we're going to do like a beige and white of course my cat is meowing so loud I never heard him meow this loud before I think that's what I'm going to do for the door which I really like I love like like very like calm colors because they make the house seem more better and for the roof I I think I'm going to do a gable roof for this one I have no idea why I did the roof so weirdly on this one last time you saw me I had no progress but off camera I decorated the outside and oh my God look at this God this actually looks amazing now the difficult thing is figuring out the entire pathway so I think I'm going to have like a pretty straight pathway over here so I think I'm I'm just going to do something like that and I think over here would just be more gardening I guess really think having a garden would just make this look so much more prettier and since there's like such a big area over here I can definitely make like an infinity pool which is going to cost so so much money so yeah I I think I'm not going to do that I think this is just going to be like a normal typical front yard I would say it's going to be pretty normal okay so I think over here I definitely want some grass so I'm want to get this m grass line and then color it like a pretty bright color maybe I could lower it a little bit that looks so good okay I want to do it for this side [Music] too and then boom we did that and I think for the floor we're obviously going to do some concrete because literally every floor is concrete oh this is looking so amazing okay so for the fence just so that it looks more better and more like you know better I'm a little sick right now because I am sick my Thro hurt's really bad and I've been trying to like and I like hire my voice for videos usually so it's very hard to hire my voice cuz I don't feel well so I think I want like some small Hedges but like I honestly have no idea where to put them I mean I could just do the do that for the walls but like that's not going to be much privacy you know what we're still going to do it anyway and I I think I definitely want like a very nice fence so let me figure out which one to do okay I'm going to do this tall wooden fence I think this really suits the way the house looks so let's just do that okay this is turning out so well I actually love this okay there we go so the outside is literally almost done all I have to do is just do some decorating so let me just go ahead and do that my dream house I def want like a fountain right here cuz that just makes it look so unique and different and I think that's even it's like supposed to be like a diamond so yeah this is looking so good I added like some Vines for like some detail a little swing set cuz this is going to be a family house and I honestly just forgot to finish this area so let me just hurry up and finish it so I definitely want like some roof beams on the roof so yeah I'm definitely going to be doing that let's get like these standard Square beams okay so I'm going to like place it like I want it to be pretty even I'd say so like I want to do like that I really suck at doing roof Beams I honestly have no idea why I mean they should be really simple but I'm just terrible at them okay that that did not turn out that bad that did not turn out too bad all I have to do is just just color it and hopefully it'll look better oh that looks good looks good looks good okay okay okay this house is literally going to be so amazing how to put like a beam right here because the room was glitching so now I'm just going to do this again you can tell that I suck at using Square beams like I'm just terrible at it maybe I could do like a cross I don't know I mean I could try I clearly messed up this right here so let me redo that okay I had to get a large Square beam because the small one just wasn't working and now you can barely see the roof problem honestly this house is literally turning out amazing so now what I want to do is I want to trace everything every single roof so I'm just going to grab these Square beams and just Trace out all of the roofs I think this is going to be pretty challenging because I struggle with making things straight and even and stuff so yeah just watch me do that [Music] [Music] down [Music] okay so I just got done tracing all of the roofs and now what I need to do is make this little porch area which I'm so excited to make because this is going to look so adorable so I'm just going to start by placing a floor and to be honest I have no idea what I want to do for the floor maybe I could do like some vertical planks and then like our typical color that we always use maybe that will be the color for the floor I'm assuming because looking at it it actually does not look too bad so I think I want to do like a little seating area right here so let's get so what I remember saying earlier in the video I wanted this to be a modern mixed with traditional so for the couch I'm going to do a contemporary couch just for like a little seating area on the porch you know you just want to relax for a little bit okay there we go we're just going to color this oyster and then like a white and then we'll do like a linen I guess this is looking so adorable and I think over here will be like the doorbell area so like this is where you um yeah I think over here is where we could have the doorbell I'm going to use this rectangular one cuz it's very modern door bow here and I think for realism we're going to have a little mailbox so I got to go to build and where are mil boxes where oh they're right here okay okay so I'm going to use this brick one and we're going to put it like in the corner right here and then I'm going to color these walls maybe like a light Stone gray just like that just to make it look a little more like better I guess and it's honestly missing wal trims so yeah I'm going to put some W trims in here and maybe that'll make the room look more better hopefully y okay honestly the wallums helped and honestly above here I want like a little painting I just want this to be very welcoming and stuff like as soon as you enter you're just Creed with two paintings there you go and then over here I'm going to color this mailbox to like some pretty simple colors so I think right here I want like a little like umbrella stand or something I honestly love the umbrella stand so we're going to do a little umbrella stand and I and honestly I think that this is like just a normal entryway like there's no need to add an entryway in here so let's just color these things just some normal colors honestly think I want like a little carpet in the front just to say welcome yeah this is something a mom would definitely buy I mean I don't see a normal person buying that and I don't know it's like missing something maybe I should like outline this just that you know that you're entering into the house and I honestly think it's missing lighting like I think that's definitely what it needs I'm just going to do these traditional pendants and I'm going to do like three there we go that honestly lights it up way more and I absolutely love it I want to do like a little design with these that one a bit lower this is turning out so cute I definitely think we need like a little patio table just for like coffee or something if you just want to relax on your porch to make this more cozy I think I'm going to design the couch I want to do like some really cute like traditional looking pillows so we're going to do these ones they look very like traditional I would say and I want to have lots of color in this house so we're going to color the the pillows blue I was about to say blanket and speaking of blanket we're going to add like a little blanket on top just to make it look so much more Cozier and more relaxing I honestly think I want to change this couch to White and then the blanket can just be pretty simple should we do a zebra blanket it's kind of tacky but I love it and I honestly think some more pillows could definitely work let's do this Crown pillow because we're a queen bastic gymnastic gastic fantastic Sid ey that was the most cringiest thing I think I've ever said in my life I want to color the pillow like green and then white I love adding like colors and stuff to a house just to make it look more better and I'm honestly glad that bloxburg lets us use the transform tool on the blankets even though I don't have transform tool okay and over here is missing something so I think I'm going to get a potted plant my God this is looking so homey I love it it's so adorable I think honestly this is the cutest thing I've ever made this is so adorable so yeah all I need to do is just add some lighting around the house and then I think we would practically be done with the exterior with that our exterior of my Dreamhouse is officially done and I'm honestly so hyped for the interior it's just going to be super amazing and this is a total of 67,000 just for the exterior can you imagine how much the interior is going to be I think it's going to be very expensive but you know what it's worth it this house is just going to turn out super great and I'm honestly so excited I have very good plans for this YouTube channel and um I was saying that if I reach 10 subscribers I would do something special and over like one day I gained so many more subscribers and the thing is I did not I did not plan what I was going to do for 10 subscribers cuz I didn't think I would actually get that many so if you have any ideas what I should do for for having like 20 subscribers or whatever it says then just let me know down below not something too crazy like donating 100,000 to my subscribers no not something like that like something like um I don't know but yeah I'm going to be doing like something special so just let me know what you think I should do for something special and yeah if you enjoyed this make sure you like And subscribe
Channel: pwincessmelanie
Views: 3,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N-coBLeBV7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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