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in today's video I'm going to be renovating one of my subscribers house in bloxburg so this is Domino she has all the game passes except for the transform tool and the color wheel has a budget of fifty thousand dollars and the style she wants me to do is a cozy cottage Cottage core home which is personally my favorite so if you guys want me to renovate your bloxburg house all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel or you can join my Discord stuff literally all you have to do is press one little button so subscribe and boom okay so let's have a look at what we're working with shall we so this is what the outside of her house looks like as you can see it's definitely like a cottage Core theme so far this outside is actually so cute I love it I love the little bag okay so coming inside oh okay it's a little bit empty over here so we can definitely change this up a little bit so I've got the entry area oh I love these decals what's back here kitchen oh I love this kitchen and these decals are amazing oh we're definitely keeping them okay so far this kitchen's actually pretty cute I love how like the backyard connects with the kitchen that is so creative I got them off of Pinterest hey she got them off my Pinterest oh you kind of you kind of be smelly I okay let me shut this door for her okay this little bit is empty I don't know what this is meant to be but we'll definitely add something there bathroom okay we've got the beautiful bathroom and this bathroom actually connects to the bedroom over here okay I like the bedroom but it definitely needs to add more furniture then coming back out here oh what's this is this like the study this is so cool the reading Nook oh it's a reading Nook I absolutely adore this well I love how the living room is in this corner I can see Gordon Ramsay on the TV she knows what's up the green lounges were a really nice touch as well it is now finally time to renovate her house is there any questions before I start because I don't want to like do something that she doesn't want me to do nope okay free range pretty pretty risque okay so she just gave me co-owner and there she goes off to my workstation what's the bet guys what's the bet that instead of my workstation she's gonna use this death ramp okay anyway let's start renovating this house shall we first thing I want to do is change up the front yard a little bit okay now usually in these Renovations I like get rid of all your furniture but I don't want to do it this time I don't know what these plants are sticking outside of her wall but we're gonna get rid of them so for the front yard I want to keep her by I'm pretty sure this is meant to be the driveway so I might make this like a little bit more bigger I think we might get rid of this weird little wall here also these floors I don't they need to go I'm getting rid of all this grass okay now that we've got rid of all this stuff at the front it's finally time to start painting the outside now I think I might keep it the same except for the texture for the texture we're going to be using horizontal planks and we're also going to switch up the roof because right now as you can see the roof's a little bit all over the place so we're just going to switch this up a little bit and I feel like in a cottage core themed house the roof is kind of like big like a gnome also I don't know why there's like a fence on the roof but we're getting rid of that and we're also going to extend this wall out here a little bit I can tell she worked really hard on this door so I'm actually going to keep it the same and you know what the roof back here is going to be made out of grass nothing screams Cottage core like a grass roof one thing I love about Domino's house is the amount of structure she added like I can just tell she's a really good Builder also when someone said Alaska I want you to renovate my Cottage core home I was so excited because I think this is like my first Cottage core home renovation I might be wrong but I think it is also guys we do have to keep in mind that we are on a very very strict budget today so we have to make sure we don't run out anytime soon the side of her house is looking very questionable right now but that's just because I changed the roof I looked back and I was like oh my gosh I'm also going to change up her backyard a little bit I feel like it needs to be bigger oh damn she just upgraded my budget to 75 000 and she just updated it to zero well little problem we can't really afford anything now what I'm going to add to the front a cute white picket fence because I feel like every Cottage core home needs a white picket fence so I love these little footpaths she made so I'm actually going to copy them and put them at the front here which is going to take forever but it will be worth it I was actually so creative this little footpath okay so what we're going to do is make this the driveway and you know what to light up her driveway we're going to use Garden lamps because they're kind of cottage core you know and we're also going to have a slanted roof right here and also little build hack if you want to change the rotation of your roof all you have to do is press R and look you can change it any direction you want like how who is that one of you guys taught me that in the comments and I was like oh you are a genius my friend another thing I noticed is that she didn't add curtains to her build so guess what we're going to be adding ladies and gentlemen curtains okay so her front yard is done another thing we need to add is a chimney because every Cottage core home has like a fireplace in their living room and we also need a nice pretty Garden at the front let me know in the comments like what's your favorite style of home I feel like mine's definitely like industrial I also don't think anyone's asked me to do an industrial home before they probably have I have a really bad memory okay of course we need some flowers Cottage core homes have lots of plants so we need to make sure these Gardens are looking luscious good thing she has advanced placement though if she didn't have advanced placement I would be struggling we're also going to add these overgrown War vines on her walls we need some plants on the walls you know I'm pretty sure outside of her house she had a little seating area so I want to incorporate that as well so I don't want her to come back to her house and be like Oh Alaska where is my outdoor porch so there we go nice little cozy what are you looking at someone made a compilation of all the times I was beefing with my avatar would have like a 20 min minute video so another thing she needs to add is more trees so something like that oh I just realized we have to be careful with our budget because we've only got like 55 000 left and we've still got the entire inside to do all right well in that case I think the front yard is done okay as for the inside as you can see we've got a lot of work to do and we've only got 52 000 left so let's get started the first thing I'm going to do is get rid of the lighting because right now as you can see she just placed a bunch of like overhead lining up the top and I feel like that looks a little bit too insane so we're gonna get rid of all that I like the furniture in the living room so I think I'm gonna keep that I might just change the texture entry area is also cute kitchen I think we can do a little bit better with the kitchen I do like the structural beams she added up the top but as for the bedroom and the bathroom I think she can make this a little bit more bigger so I think I might just change up the floor plan a little bit this is the most confusing part of a renovation video it's changing your guys's floor plan it's like um I don't know what I'm doing but I just hope it works you know something funny that I realized none of you guys have ever got disconnected like how crazy is that I remember she had a really big space in middle so to close this up we're going to make the beds in the bathrooms a little bit bigger okay as for the texture of her walls I think we're gonna do the same concept as we've done outside so white panels with the Cobblestone wall trims and the reason I'm keeping a lot of her furniture is just because it's nice furniture all we have to do is paint it and make it look a little bit more better for example this is her entry area before and after I paint everything like all I had to do was paint a few things and move stuff around and it looks completely different all we're going to do is add a few things extra as you can see we have a little empty Gap here so what we're going to do is add a little wood stump chair with like a basket on top and we'd have like some fruit in there it'll look so cute also I feel like these floors make the room look a little bit too dark so all we're going to do is just change them to loudy Gray and yes we're still on a budget but that's not going to stop me from layering the flooring to make it look more detailed and there we go we have a much more detailed flooring okay so as for the living room which is over here one thing I might do kind of separate the living room from the entry area is just place a plain high arch on the top here and as you can see it makes like a huge difference now now I think her living room is so cute I love it however I am shocked that this girl does not have a fireplace in her Cottage core themed home girl I need to help you I'm really scared to place anything because we've only got 47 000 left I'm actually shaking my boots we're gonna make this out of cobblestone so it matches the outside now I do really like her little console table so I'm gonna keep these I'm just gonna get rid of the TV so I'm gonna copy them and then place two on like the ends of the fireplace because I feel like a lot of times when I renovate your guys's house I feel like I changed it up way too much and it looks nothing like it was before instead of like a really big TV on her fireplace darling we are going to have a painting instead oh wait no she actually needs a TV sometimes I forget that people actually do role plays in bloxburg and like they need their TV to boost their mood and I like never give you guys a TV I feel so bad okay she gets the TV I feel like Oprah is saying that you get a TV you get a TV as you can see she's got a lot of paintings in here so I feel like we can have like a little Gallery moment like you know how in some homes they have like a massive gallery and also back here is like a little bit Messier so I'm gonna move this bookshelf over here this feels like the first bloxburg renovation where I'm actually renovating the house instead of like deleting everything you know what I am deleting though this coffee table you're telling me this girl doesn't have a custom made coffee table so what we're going to do is put two convex straights like this oh my gosh wait I just realized she doesn't have the transform tool wait how are we gonna do this okay we're gonna have to do the old style okay if you don't have transform tool all you have to do is put a basic shape here like this and then you just put a carpet on top and then place the basic shape on top of the carpet and then you just delete the carpet and there you go another thing she's missing is like a carpet like uh Miss girl where is your carpet I feel like a nice white carpet would look really nice in here also these lounges she done are really cute so I think I want to keep them however I'm going to get rid of this armchair and add an extra Lounge on this end and all I'm gonna do different in here is just change the texture of the lounges because right now they are plastic we don't want to be sitting on plastic lounges do we uh no and we're also just gonna add a few extra pillows on these lounges make them nice and cozy also if she has some flowers in her inventory we need like a flower bouquet on the table as you can see it's do look really dark in here so we're gonna add a few little lamb actually should I check if she's even working let's have a look I can't see her she's not at the death ramp which means I think she might be working I am impressed oh she also has a painting stand here so we can also have like a chair here with some like paint buckets on the floor and then finally some curtains okay so good news is her living room is complete now we've got this section back here as you can see it's like a really big open section so I think this is where we're gonna have the dining room actually before we add the dining room we need to figure out where the doors are gonna go oh I'm pretty sure this actually led into the office as well so we can't have any furniture here because I have an idea of what I want to do and this includes adding a massive glass door with some more glass windows so we can see right into the office and we'll also add some curtains here just in case you want some clothes okay so I think I'm gonna knock down this wall there's also like a really big empty space right here so I think we're just gonna have like a patio table this is like a flower actually when life gives you an empty space just add a lemon Bowl you also need to add another window I feel like we're lacking Windows I'm pretty sure she actually didn't have a dining table before and to make them Cottage 4 we can make them out of wood and then all we have to do is set the table also I'm actually a one of you guys told me if I set one table up I can just copy it like do you guys know what I was doing before I was going individually and placing them before the spoon the plate and I could have just copied the entire thing I was an idiot you guys just love to watch me suffer and you know what I'm sick of seeing the chandelier we need a new chandelier I feel like this industrial chandelier would look really nice doesn't really go over the cottage Core theme but um okay there we go we've got our gorgeous coffee table I need to stop saying coffee table it's a dining table dining table is done so now we've got the kitchen now I love her kitchen however I'm just gonna change a bit of the color because I feel like it would look really nice if she had a green kitchen some people like green kitchens some people don't it just depends on the person personally I love them when I see a green kitchen I'm like scrumptious everything in her kitchen otherwise is like super organized however I am going to change the layout so I think I'm gonna put the fridge along here and then the oven can go like up against the window okay and then okay my mouth just like spazzed out and like related half of her kitchen you guys put a lot of faith in me allowing me to build your entire house oh her kitchen is so cute it's like I don't even want to change anything every single time I see one of your guys's houses I'm like I don't want to change it because you guys have worked so hard on it however this cutting board is begging me to add peanut butter and jelly there we go that is better actually now that I think of it there is a few things missing in a kitchen for example she doesn't have a microwave and she doesn't have a coffee machine so she has an espresso machine in her inventory so we'll add that also this kitchen definitely has room to add a little bit more extra counters over here and then lastly we just need her microwave is she missing anything else I'm pretty sure she didn't have a toaster either you know what there you go there's your toaster I hate how the toaster just stands out from the rest of the kitchen though if only there was a way to fix this actually isn't there counters where I can place the toaster inside see there is I'm not going crazy okay well in that case we can fit the microwave in the counter that just makes the kitchen look like so much more organized and then we'll just put the toaster over here so I don't know what's with the two lights at the top but we are getting rid of this one I would usually add an island bench but because her kitchen is so so narrow I don't think she needs one she also has a lot of counter space so you know what no Island bench today I know right Alaska Violet not adding an island bench okay so now that the kitchen's done we have the office back here I really like the office I like the whole layout however I am going to change the colors so this is what it kind of looks like before and after and literally all I done was like change the colors oh oh my gosh I only have 37 000 left I was gonna add pillows in this reading book but you know what whoever needs pillows guys I promise I'm not scared that I'm gonna run out of a budget okay now as this is office I feel like one more thing she needs in here is a desk and a chair so we're gonna have a nice transitional desk in the middle before anything we need a carpet also I went Furniture shopping the other day for my room if you guys want an updated room tour definitely let me know I went Furniture shopping and I never noticed how expensive rugs are like I looked at this rug and I'm like oh that would look really cute in my room and I looked and it was like 700 and I'm like bloxburg would never do that actually yes they would it's like 500 for a book okay now I would add a laptop on her desk but because this is like Cottage cool theme she also said it's like a rating Nook we're gonna add a little book on the table I'm gonna pretend she's an author so she needs her book her pen a stack of paper right here and as she's an author she'll need her coffee and then finally a nice comfy chair okay so we have our offers all complete however we still have the backyard the bathroom and the bedroom with only a budget of 35 000. so I think the first thing I want to work on is her bedroom that way we won't run out of a budget because I don't want to do her bedroom last and then realize we don't have any budget left to do anything because like her bedroom is like the most important part of this house so we need to make sure she likes it I'm so nervous when doing your bedrooms I don't know why it's like I really hope they like it however I don't know why Miss girl is sleeping on a single bed like no my darling you need a big double bed a big queen bed for the queen you are wow guys I should just be my own tedded talker at this point now we have to remember that Cottage core is like a very cozy aesthetic so we have to make sure the bed is very cozy by adding lots of pillows and blankets Okay so we've got a nice comfy bed I'm also going to copy these decals from the front of her house and just make make them a little bit more larger because as you can see it's kind of like a matching set I remember last time when I renovated one of your bloxburg houses I literally said guys I've never ran out of a budget now this episode I feel like we're gonna run out of a budget no we're not going to and we never will okay so we have her bed oh I mean she definitely needs a dresser for her clothes so we can place this at like the end of her bed here as you can see this wall is empty so what we're going to do is place a bunch of books like I literally want this entire wall stacked with books like she's gonna walk in and be like um Alaska this is my bedroom not a library like I'm not even kidding this is how many books I want in here I want it to look insane and to make this look like really cute we can have like one of those fake like ladders okay and there we go that wall actually turned out so much better than I expected and you know what we're also going to give her her own TV in her bedroom and in this corner we can have like a little armchair and then one more bookshelf here okay and just like that her bedroom is done so now we have the bathroom now I really like the layout she used for the bathroom All I'm gonna do is change the colors and add a bit more furniture because one thing about her bathroom is that it's only like two by three and also I feel like we going to get rid of this stuff on the wall maybe add a window back here to let in some light as you can see just by adding a window into the bathroom it looks so much better wow when Alaska Violet is a designer another thing I noticed about her bathroom is that she doesn't have a mirror so we're going to give her a little mirror right here actually these mirrors are kind of ugly so what we're going to do instead is add a painting and we're just going to change the decal to a mirror decal I'm also going to add these wood decals at the bottom oh we also need a hook rack for her towels and then finally a few shelves here for her storage here you go ma'am here's your toothbrush she's also missing toilet paper let me save you I was like can we just like appreciate how gorgeous this shelving unit looks okay just like that her bathroom is done the sun Ray's coming in is just everything now the last thing we need to add in her house the backyard and we've only got twelve thousand dollars to do this so let's get started I reckon an outdoor table and chair here beneath the tree actually speaking of trees I feel like we need to add like a few more of them in the back here and then a few lanterns around the place to just brighten it up at night time okay and with our last eight thousand dollars we shall be adding a swing set and filling this backyard up with a bunch of plants and now we only have three dollars left and the house is finished okay so as you can see the outside is all complete and Domino is I would say very excited to have a look at her new house oh my gosh I'm I'm scared I'm scared okay so this is the outside oh hey she's already inside I'm scared welcome to your humble abode oh my God is that a good oh my God or a bad oh my God this is so cute oh thank you I actually love this this entry area is very similar to hers I love the way I done the living room as well again I wanted to keep it very similar to hers I didn't want to change it up too much not her changing the channels with Gordon Ramsay I really love this dining table as well fits six people it's perfect for a nice big family so yeah I kept a few aspects from your old house so she doesn't come back to like a completely different home so it's like 10 times better so yeah back here we've got the green kitchen if you know me you know I love a green kitchen so this was beautiful and over here we have her office yes have a look have a little look around imagine she's like no disgusting bulldozer support so yeah this is where she sits and writes her books so yeah and the next room we have is obviously the bathroom this is really nice okay I'm glad she likes it yeah I'm really impressed with how the bathroom turned out also adding this decal instead of an actual mirror is just such a good idea and I'm really glad I added the window here because letting in more light to the bathroom just like opens it up way more because before she didn't have a window lighting definitely plays a big part hey where did she go oh she beat me to her bedroom yeah so this is her bedroom I have no words I'm glad she likes it I was so nervous doing her bedroom this was risky I didn't know if this is too many books but because it's like a cottage Core theme I thought I'd fill up this wall with books it was actually a good idea so yeah I've got a bed a dresser out in the corner so yeah love her room it's gorgeous and finally we have the backyard so follow me so yeah this is her little backyard we were kind of running out of a budget here so it's nothing too special why is she just holding a lemon I think her house renovation turned out really nicely so yeah that was me renovating one of my subscribers house in bloxburg I hope you guys did enjoy today's video and if you want me to renovate your bloxburg house all you have to do is be subscribed to the channel and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 1,100,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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