Turning a TENT into a HOUSE in BLOXBURG

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today I'm going to be attempting to turn a tent into a house in bloxburg okay so firstly we have to name the plot um why is the house value 1500 last time I checked there is nothing on this plot okay empty plot we're going to change this to tense more like a house oh please no no okay so if we go into the decorate category in bloxburg and we type up tent as you can see there's four tents to choose from there is this simple tent a family tent a pop-up canopy tent and lastly an event tent which is pretty pretty big y'all I've lost control of this tent okay so out of these four tents we can choose which one to turn into a house this one would be cool but it is very very small there's the family tent and honestly I think this has a lot of potential pop-up canopy 10 it's not really like a tent tent and finally we have the event 10. the event 10 is actually huge and the walls actually fit perfectly on this like look boom boom boom look at that I could turn that into a proper home but again I feel like that would be really easy so I think what we're gonna stick with is the family tent so what we're going to do is pop this right in the middle and the reason I'm putting this in the middle is because I want to have a little bit of landscape if you will that could be kind of boring if there was just like a 10 in the middle of nowhere so we're gonna have a few mountains a little bit of greenery really add to that whole Camp aesthetic I actually love camping if not kind of scares me last time I was camping I literally woke up to like a spider on my face some people are like Alaska show me the way you do landscaping you you wanna know how the way I do landscaping look at this I just Place random walls everywhere 2 500 I love being poor I literally have a million dollars why am I saying I'm poor we're gonna get a few of these mansard roofs and we're gonna place them like all randomly like this as you can see it kind of looks like a little mountain so then we just kind of go around and do the same over here the thing about making mountains in bloxburg is that they are so expensive but worth it because they look scrumptious y'all call me Picasso with the way I'm Landscaping right now and voila we have our mountains and now time for the expensive part which is adding the trees oh two thousand dollars for a trade that's so fun let's buy like 15 of them my question is why on Earth are trees so expensive in bloxburg I call this game how fast can we watch Alaska Violet's money go down ready three two one wow what a fun game love that game okay and back here is where I want to have a little waterfall because we want to give the tent a little bit of a view you know and you know what we'll also make this out of pool all right and there we go we have our little waterfall and now finally to start working on this tent all right so this is what the tent looks like so far I think we're gonna go with like a modern house so maybe like vertical planks for the front and then the rest of it can be bricks like that what does this look like from the inside oh my gosh why does it look like a big oven I feel like a metal roof would look nice okay and for the inside obviously these are beds but you're not actually going to be able to see them I know illusion also I think I might change the tent this way because that way you can have a beautiful view of the waterfall so to make this a house I think the first thing we need to do is add some lighting because well we can't add Windows to a tent obviously so I think we're gonna stick to lots of these like lanterns because I think they're really cute it also make the house look nice and cozy and this is kind of like a little front porch so for like some fairy lights would look really cute imagine we can't add fairy lights uh they fit perfect when I say I like camping this is what I mean I want a cute little tent it looks nice and aesthetic let me know in the comments if you guys like camping I actually don't know how I feel about it like it's sounds fun but then like when you're actually camping at night time it's so scary like I'd never go camping by myself I would always go with friends actually my friends are a little bit of like weirdos they're literally like fart in the tent and like look all the way I don't know why am I telling you this oh the only thing is we can't place flaws because it's not like lined up properly that is so annoying what if we place the tent like this can we place the floors now ah we can I found a loophole okay so this is gonna be like a little front porch area and we can make this detailed by layering it a few times and then outside on this tent we need like a fireplace a few chairs okay so for the chairs there's these luxury Beach Sun chairs they give me like a camping Vibe what the hell is that chair doing get over here you Widow like there's these camping chairs they don't give me that oomph you know I must be on the Comfort what's in Comfort oh now we're talking oh we're gonna have a hammock out here yes please okay I think we're just gonna stick to these luxury Beach Sun chairs we'll probably be like camping with some friends so maybe two I think they need some pillows and some blankets oh we can't that is so rude you know what actually I'm gonna find a way I'm gonna place a transparent Cube on the top of this chair just so I'm able to place pillows and blankets on top it worked I'm a genius thank you thank you you also need a nice cozy blanket on top because you know when it's camping it is freezing okay there we go we've got camping chair one and then we'll just copy this basic shape and add it on the other chair y'all Loki this video is like making me want to go camping again I feel like we also need like a picnic blanket out here just in case you want to go for a little picnic it does bloxburg even have a picnic basket oh they do that is so cute am I dumb or did bloxburg always have that actually don't answer that question okay so another thing we need on this little patio is obviously a barbecue because if you're going camping you always need to bring the grill because every time I think of camping I just think of like having a nice barbecue so we can put the grill like right here it's probably not safe considering it's like right next to the tent like if this girl catches on fire so does the 10 but we can also Place some towels under here well napkins and you know what now that I think of it probably a fire extinguisher we have to be prepared for anything also another thing we need under here is like all of our utensils so like some bowls some plates oh my gosh you know what I'm missing as well a little custom-made coffee table because like where are you gonna eat your barbecue okay we're gonna make this out of wood also put like a transparent vertical cylinder on top to make it like nice and glossy and you know what on top of this we can have like a mug and our little Daily Newspaper because when you're going camping you're not going to be on your phone okay now the last thing I want to add out here is some torches to kind of light up the place oh yes fire right next to the tent because that makes such logical sense okay so I'd say this is the outside done okay so now to start decorating the inside of this tent obviously as you can see it's very limited space and the only difficult thing here is we can't actually Place furniture on top of the tent for example if I were to add a toilet you can't just place the toilet oh okay apparently you can never mind my only problem here is that you can see the beds so I'm just gonna place a cube on top of these beds to kind of cover it up because obviously I'm turning this tent into a house so it's going to have to have a toilet a bathroom a shower a kitchen a lounge room all in this very very limited space so firstly cover the beds up with a basic shape like so okay so I've got our first little section over here okay so full of toilet I guess we can just put this um Mighty flush toilet right in the corner you're kind of going to be hunched over while going to the toilet but oh well and because we don't really have anywhere to like place these toilet holders we're gonna have to use a toilet paper stand instead one thing I absolutely hate about camping is uh going to the toilet however I have no idea where I'm gonna add the sink I don't even think we can fit a sink in here oh my gosh do you know what it feels like I'm doing right now you guys remember when I used to do those like toddler houses it actually feels like I'm building a house for toddlers actually unless I put the sink first and then I place the basic shape haha she is a wizard you're a wizard Harry thank you ladies and gentlemen I am actually a certified genius you know what marble sync because I'm a material girl also don't get me wrong I love like the beach I love the water I literally live like one minute from the beach but you know what the worst feeling is when you're getting out of the water in all the sand is like stuck on your toes it's all like dried up and you're just like oh I want to go home okay Loki why is this bathroom looking so good it's like taking up 90 of the 10 but I just realized how on Earth am I gonna fit a shower and a bathtub in here actually you know what showers they're usually like outside like when you're going camping the shower is usually outside again I think the last thing we're going to fit in this bathroom is a little Clothing Rack we have room to change our clothes okay okay and there we go we've got our beautiful bathroom the last thing we need to add is the lights but we can't fit any regular lights so I think instead we're just going to use like a lantern and then finally we have to cover this up with a wall because it's privacy hello actually you know what we might make this front bit like a big wall because we can't add a door because it's not big enough so instead of a door we're going to add semi-transparent vertical cylinders and we're going to try and make it like appear like a curtain so like three like this almost there's 638 each y'all ain't no way see there we go I've got a little curtain at the front like look how cute that looks oh the only difficult thing is right I can't cover this with a wall or a basic shape because of the way the tent is structured like if I were to put a wall right here it would come out of the back of the tent and look crazy so you know what instead of a basic shape we can just put like a cute little room divider right here so that way we have some privacy and it still divides the bathroom from like the rest of the tent now that I think of it though that's actually so gross like imagine just taking a poo and then like walking not even a meter to your bed you're probably like Alaska how on Earth are you going to add the kitchen the bedroom and the living room all in this little tent that is a really great question I actually have no idea do you guys have any idea how to help me can you find where I ask okay so I added the rest of the floor in the tent I reckon the bedroom can go like in this corner and for the bed obviously like as much as I want to add a big transitional double bed as you can see we literally cannot I mean we can it would just be a very very tight fit and Loki looks so comfy though oh my gosh should we add a 10 inside of the tent right that's kind of fun I think for realistic purposes we're just going to be adding a sleeping bag the question is where on Earth do I put the sleeping bag I think we're just gonna put it here so then this middle section can kind of be the kitchen okay now I'm hoping I am praying the camping gods that we can place a pillow and some blankets on here because if we cannot I'm gonna go crazy yes we can thank you camping Gods I love you okay so we're gonna make this the most comfy bed you've literally ever seen in your life like I want people to look at this bed and just fall asleep instantly so I reckon firstly we need to add stacks of blankets on here so a little quilt cover on the top another quilt cover on the end because you have to remember like you're going camping it's going to be cold you're going to need lots of blankets oh my gosh you know what this is reminding me of school Camp I don't know if you guys have like School camp where you live it's kind of like where all your grade goes on like a massive camping trip I remember mine so vividly because someone literally had like a diarrhea and they had to get sent home oh and uh you thought I was done adding blankets darling I just begun why are these blankets one thousand two hundred dollars they better be putting gold inside of these blankets to make them that expensive like who's gonna spend that much on blankets me I am okay so I've got all our nice fluffy blankets and now we need to put a bunch of pillows I'm talking a bunch of them I'm not talking one I'm not talking two I'm not talking three four five six seven we're gonna have nine pillars because we are absolutely insane insane in the membrane I say I love puffing up these pillows like look at this ready oh they're puffed up having lots of pillows is fun except when you have to make your bed and it is so annoying I don't know about you guys but I have like six pillows on my bed okay so we're just gonna be painting all these pillows so they kind of match with like the whole modern aesthetic Vibe that's going on this elephant's kind of like staring at me weird I'm gonna get rid of it okay and there we go we've got our beautiful comfy bed now for the living room obviously we can't add like a massive living room so what we're gonna do is add a few of these simple dust organizers at the end and then on top of this we you can have a TV and at night time it's going to be like a little bit dark in here so instead of a big bulky lamp we're just gonna have a cute salt lamp in the corner okay and then at the end of our bed we need our bedside table I could a cute like lava lamp so you know what we need in here we need some flowers because it's actually going to stink in here like we need some daisies because hello the toilet is right there okay and lastly we'll put a book on the table all right so we've got our bed slash living room okay now for the kitchen I have no idea how I'm gonna add this I feel like the first thing we need is like a basic shape in the middle this is where the island bench is going to go I know we're adding an island bench in a kitchen that's like the size of your pinky but so we have a nice Marble Island bench Can we fit a small cutting board on here we can because I want to have our cute little peanut butter and jelly set up and a nice lemon Bowl because I love the smell of lemons okay so we can't add like a really big fridge so instead we're gonna add a mini fridge I reckon like by the window here and the good thing about this fridge is that it also acts as like a counter so we're actually gonna put the peanut butter and jelly so it up on top of this so I'm not going to add a sink in the kitchen because we have a singer in the toilet so I don't think we need two sinks and the last thing we need in a kitchen is an oven okay that oven is humongous another thing that I forgot to add in here is like carpet I feel like we need a carpet in the bathroom and maybe one at the end of the bed as well so your feet aren't freezing as soon as you hop out of bed and you know what we'll put some slippers at the end of our bed as well okay and then finally some more of these fairy lights with the photos and we've also got a little bit more room on the fridge so I'm thinking we have our spices our little tea kettle on the side of the fridge we can fit our utensil rack that actually comes in handy this fridge is so good so now it is time to have a look inside okay so the tent house is all finished and comes to a total of a hundred and nine thousand okay so if we make our way through the forest as you can see we are surrounded by this beautiful Greenery we have a little picnic here which I didn't even know bloxburg had we're gonna open and close it guys look at this hot chocolate it has a little smiley face on the marshmallow so yeah we've got our little picnic set up here what I love about this tent is that it's like right next to the waterfall so if you want to go for a little dip boom there you go nice little dip in the pool the thing is I couldn't fit the shower right here so if you want to have a little outdoor shower it's going to be a little cold there's not really much privacy but I mean I have a little room divider it doesn't really do much but yeah this is our little outdoor shower and then here is how the outside of the tent turned out like this is so cute it's making me want to go camping like not only do we have a full outdoor grill here we've also got a bit of seating options so we can sit here have a nice coffee read the newspaper and enjoy the sunset just ignore the clothes literally coming out of the tent you see nothing okay all right and making our way inside these are kind of meant to be curtains to make the tent like appear that it has some privacy and then if we make our way inside it's a little bit of a tight squeeze we kind of got it as like you know squeeze away in and there we go we've got our beautiful beautiful tent I think my favorite bit of this tent is obviously the bedroom because I mean hello and yes you can actually sit in the bed which is like amazing although if you do sit in the bed all the pillows in the blankets just like randomly go away I don't know why it does that but it does and what I love about this is that there's also like a TV at the end of the bed you can just sit in your bed watch Gordon Ramsay look at the beautiful waterfall outside and then the middle part is kind of the kitchen we've got like a random Island bench with like a lemon Bowl we've got our oven and fridge which also acts as the counter which is actually so smart like we've got the tea maker we've got all our utensils like I love this fridge and as you can tell by our room divider back here we have the bathroom which honestly turned out way better than I expected it's actually really spacious the only thing however is if I sit on the toilet half of my head is sticking out of the tent so yeah we've got our toilet here we've got our sink which actually just fit like surprisingly my head's barely going through the tent so I'm actually really proud of how the sink turned out and then back here we've also got like a face mask I forgot that actually changes your face I don't know how to get rid of this and then here we've got our clothes so you want to like customize your character change your outfit a lot of you guys actually like my Bobby outfit so that's what we're going to do the outro in it's given Yeehaw so yeah that was me turning the tent into a house in bloxburg I hope you guys did enjoy this video I think it was so fun finally the face mask is off my face I looked crazy so yeah if you have any ideas of what you want me to do next make sure to comment them below and I'll see you in the next video bye foreign
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 1,307,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rMp_Sq1hj-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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