Renovated RV Tour. Before and After!

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[Music] it's so pretty yeah we're done fraid that's how I'm gonna feel about every trailer we renovate I'm just gonna be like no let's keep this one well it's cool so this is a you know crazy but um 7th renovation but this trailer that we bought this was the one we bought right after we decided to stop traveling this was this this one was the sole purpose of our entire business with yes less than renovate trailers and then it got put on the back burner because so many people reached out to us to renovate their trailer that they owned yeah so then so then i renovated three trailers in between this one so that was fives this is number six our fifth wheel will be seven but this one I it's so funny excited it so differently I did it I built it as if we were going to live in it and I all of my ideas and thoughts at wherever's everything I wanted yeah so last night I heard - let it go - let it go booth and also it's like this is this is an art lively tried trailer that's how I like art much for sure and I was sitting in it last night in the over at the table looking around I think when I let me do these everywhere I want to look on it to look at something cool oh that's so like well that's like the other trailers like I had thought that stuff so won't I be able this right now what I will face in yeah that's great yeah this is a this in a year no way no not in the works but technically I guess this is that for a while but um she's ready she's ready yeah so we'll do a tour all I guess I'll go through and talk about the things I've done and then you can go through and talk about the things you'd add to it or something like that I just did anything today no like yeah yeah yeah that splashes and that it's funny Legolas or my touches and you just did the work how marriages work what just says do this ah but also someone made it comment the other day about are you just doing these things for Travis's dreams and stuff and if they only knew that all of these things came from you it's like throwing it was like oh this is my cell maybe Travis it's like a lot of this is Aaron's um these are yeah this is Aaron's so alright to have a handyman and incredibly amazingly talented handyman so wait to see this at the end we're going to share with you the start of working on this all the way through and what it took to get us to this point today so we've done a lot of insta stories and a lot of pictures on the beginning to end so at the end of this video stay tuned and we will share all of that with you yeah crazy baby yeah um so this is a 2007 30-foot jayco jay feather and we bought it from a family in Bakersfield it was in such good condition which is why we purchased it and we're gonna go ahead and give you the tour I'm gonna follow Travis around and he's gonna show you everything he did from beginning to end and keep watching because we'll show clips of what it looks like before and after and then at the end we'll show you progress of how it went I picked out this trailer because I thought it would be such a great trailer for full time traveling that was the whole idea behind picking this one finding a trailer that has four bunks is so rare so when I found that it was it was a guaranteed like okay we have to get this one because this is exactly what a family would need who was planning to travel um and I got in it and looked around at things that I thought could could change and be a little better for full-time living so we'll kind of go through the things I did change there weren't any rails and there wasn't any ladders for climbing up onto these so those are things that Aaron was like you need to you need add those at the end right at the end this is one of the last things I built I said know if I had two babies up there I'd want really true I was just you know I get so focused on other pieces that she comes in in like enhances all every aspect of these things so sweet yeah so so he just added those and not only is it so functional as a parent but it also makes it look really good like the railing adds something to this to this part of it and for some reason when Jacob builds these they didn't put railings in which seemed silly because kids sleep up there uh this was just an open comment also this wasn't used for for clothing or anything it was pretty much useless I think it was just like an open shelf for another TV or something so I added I rebuilt the whole thing and added four really good-sized row pree each each kid that would be in here you know so when we live that would be as much space as we would have for our kids for that stuff and on top of this I added like a bookshelf it has railing so whatever you put in there won't come out and it also has an electrical outlet so if they're charging their iPads or anything like that that's all totally doable in there so we did that and then the other piece that was out it was the wallpaper and Aaron picked that out and my mom is I have a mom that's is annoying perfectionist as I am so whenever we need like little detail things she comes in and and takes care of that so the best part about having all of this bunk space is that if you don't have four kids say you have two kids you don't have to use it all as a bunk space so a mattress can come out you can lay down a rug you can put some bookshelves in here and they can have a book space you can use it with baskets of toys and you can have a toy space for them to play in they don't have to use it as bed so it's functional for less than for kids this right here is a door and you may wonder why it's there this bed lifts up and you can open that door and then store bicycles inside of here so if you don't have four kids you can still use this space for storage so it's so functional in so many different ways when we travel full time each of our kids have one drawer for their clothing and that may sound crazy but a full week's worth of clothing fit in that one drawer and it was honestly smaller than this drawer that's right here yeah so if you have four kids each kid can have a drawer and their clothes can fit great in there so I love this space so much all right so now we're gonna talk about the barn door and I love barn doors I love the look of them I love the functionality of them we put one in our last trailer and it just was like the centerpiece so I really wanted to to add another one and right when I walked into this trailer I knew this spot was gonna be perfect for one so I added I kept it pretty simple and and I loved it I think about this stuff and then all of a sudden like an image pops in my head and then I know it's what I want to do with this so I that's like my favorite part about is is the daydreaming and creating these things in my head and then when I get to finally build it because this was designed months before I built it it means like a lot it means a lot to me these trailers mean a lot so I had done a mountain scene in our last barn door that I really loved and I wanted to incorporate that I felt like let's have that be an art lively tribes signature there won't be another one of these in existence unless someone copies it I've never seen it you know so this stuff to me is what really makes the trailers super unique so I was stoked with how it came out three mountains and then the handle of something I'm really excited about it took me a little while to see it in envision what it was gonna be but when it finally came into my head I was so stoked you know that uh that I was able to build it and make it exactly what I wanted it to be so it's perfectly spaced and yeah that's the barn door okay now we'll move on to the living space Erin had seen a cushion that she really likes from Urban Outfitters so I built the base below to match the fitting of this so that size is determined by this um but I thought most most storage in in these trailers is like a lift up top that ply was usually really heavy and it's usually not that functional I've done it in two of them and it just wasn't that great so I decided to put really and boy did we you could fit oh my gosh it's it's huge and I built some super heavy-duty so that you can add plenty of weight into him I'm using like a hundred pound weighted brackets or sliders and I was so happy I wanted it to fit in there the way it does so so these are super super good and then Aaron got this this pad from Urban Outfitters it's really thick really comfortable it's been a perfect couch height a standard couch height so that's uh that's that area Aaron found these pretty rad lights on Amazon and we have known that you you could switch out light fixtures we've never done it and it took a little while to get it all figured out the wiring is the same so if you're looking to do this the wiring is all the same the only thing that's important is the ball but you have to actually get a light bulb it's 12 volt it able so it's able to do 120 or 12 volt and that's very specific we went through a few walls and then finally figured it out we had to add you have to add a lot of the on and off switches these were actually just off the light fixtures that came out of the trailer so we were able to actually just take them and reuse them and they work perfect look great so we're really excited about adding those to the trailer now oh the table it's kind of crazy by the first table I built for us was in our first trailer and when I was building and I realized how important tables kind of are to me I never realized it before but it's important to have a space to get with your family with every night so I did this table just like the table I built for our home I use cedar wood that I love and I love the smell of it and I love the look of cedar so that's what this table is is designed for you'll also notice it is not sealed it is it's open for you to kind of damage it and that's specific to when those accidents happen I for me I want it to bring back a memory that you'll see as you sit here if it gets pinged up Ramona your kids when you're 80 years old and you look at it it's gonna bring back that and that's kind of the idea behind this table and the fact the table can get damaged is the memories that can come with that so that's what this table is built a poem so I love it I love it I I love it and I did the bench and we have a bench similar to this in our home and that's why it looks like this a cedar top super heavy duty and I had it a full a lot of the same thing a lot of benches and trailers or lift up tops never practical so we added a really big drawer super anothers really heavy-duty drawer um for all of your big like inch kitchen blenders or insta pots all of those things that's what this is specifically designed for so this was the first item that I looked at I was like okay that could definitely be used way better it had just a flat area for like a flat TV because it's a no seven so it was completely useless it had no drawers no area for food so I changed this and added all of those things I added drawers because you see there's only one drawer in the kitchen so I felt like to have a full time living you would want way more storage um so this is the first thing that I changed rebuilt it go for it so we are in the front room of the trailer and what I loved about this specific trailer was that the front room has a door has an access point to the inside so if your kids are up front asleep and you don't want to keep going in and out of that door to wake them up you have another way and I think that's a great feature especially for full timing families even if you're just out camping you have kids napping you have another access to your room on the inside of the trailer so this is the front room and it had a bed it had a bed that came this way right it was vertical yeah so I had a vertical bed with closets the standard trailer that you typically see which is just not functional and less storage and just hard to use there's not a lot of space on either side the bed goes to the end of the wall so what we love to do is we love to turn the bed and in this one we did it just like our first where we built the bed up on a dresser and it's such a fun feature and it adds so much easy storage and if you're short like us it's really functional because you're not trying to reach over the center of the bed to get to your things so below you have a step right here as functional as storage you can use it for shoes and then once you get up on the bed Travis put this electrical outlet right here that you can use to charge all of your electronics this basket is good for storage he built these beautiful shelves that I'm gonna have him make in every trailer that we do because I'm obsessed with them and you can't even tell but they have a lip on them so if you do have items in here the likelihood of them falling out is less we traveled and kept things on shelves and rarely had things fall out they are gorgeous though I'm this is one of my favorite pieces in here so as you come this way there's another shelf over the bed so this way there's another shelf there's another outlet behind the pillows right there and so if you have a reading light or something that you want to use there's a light above and then it's built up on a dresser and so below here is tons of storage it is really deep it goes halfway under the bed because the other half is outside storage and you can access that from the outside so here you have a closed area of storage dirty clothes a hamper could go in here for laundry which you don't really find in trailers so that's a really good place for dirty clothes and then in here these all have baby locks on them and the baby locks keep them closed but this is a huge drawer for clothing this is a good I mean my wardrobe could fit in here right now so these are beautiful drawers on the other side of the room the opposite side of the pantry you have two more drawers with baby locks to keep them close when you travel good sizes and then you have a full closet space and there's a there's a clothing rod in there yeah honey I forgot it before so this is the entire master suite and I'm in love can I have it okay so this trailer this this picture that's a pretty trailer was actually a picture that was hanging in our house this picture what this pit talk about your picture so I think this picture is cigarro National Park Baro Saguaro National Park when we were when we were traveling and we like to include a picture from our travels in our trailers that we renovate so that's why this fixtures in here offers that other ones in is a really good-sized bathroom in the front in the front too which is but we usually they're by the kids beds which is terrible this one's right by the front bed which is awesome so we kind of went all out on this bed I'm this bathroom big time so we did this isn't tile though I made it really straight but it's the it's the sticker backsplash style tile and we'll add links to all of these items we got this from Amazon it's from Tic Tac tile yeah and it it turned out awesome it went on really well if you're patient you can get them straight or a perfectionist yeah why are the other um so yeah we did this we added a super fancy showerhead super fancy and and then we redid the countertop and added the super rad sink with a DD a faucet and but this bathroom is really really good bathroom for a travel trailer the size of its really big has a tub so if you have little kids um you're able to give them baths which is amazing and you may think what the heck can you cook in a kitchen in a trailer you would be surprised when we travel full-time I cooked everything that I cooked at home in this small space three burners it's amazing what you can cook so this is a very small kitchen but you can cook everything in it you have freezer the fridge below here is a drawer and then you have a large storage space down here that is big enough for kitchen appliances more kitchen appliances or food you can put baskets under there more storage here more storage here your spice shelf and an enormous Li large sink which girl and cooking this is where we keep our camera lenses but um a large sink is such such a big thing to have in a small trailer and so I love this sink we got this on Amazon I'll add a link to that as well he did fly wood for countertops which is my favorite and then we'd never done tiling in a trailer we did a lot of research on how to do it so that we could really do it well the first time and I eyed this tile at Lowe's and I said this is it this is what I want to do and he's like okay got it and I pretty much picked the hardest tile for him to do for the first time doing it and I think he did an amazing job he outlined it with the wood that just draws it all in he put a border around the base of the countertop and around the window and it just all pulls it all together I picked the green it's really popular right now but I had to do a trailer with a Korean kitchen I had to do it I love it so much I picked more of a darker green and I will put what color that was on here too and I am so in love with this trailer we picked gold knobs as well these are just drawer pulls that we used and then I wanted an open shelving unit I wanted to have open shelving in this kitchen and this was my vision and Travis did it perfectly he puts a metal bracket around the base of it so this could literally all stay in here when you're traveling and nothing would fall out and that's the idea behind you don't want to have to take everything off your shelves but having open shelving really opens up your space and so that is the kitchen he added an extra countertop here so that if you're cutting or cooking or mixing whatever you're doing it can all be done right here there's so much more counter space that way and I love I love love love this kitchen good job okay all right so that was the tour thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it [Music] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: Our Lively Tribe
Views: 371,311
Rating: 4.8993578 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, rvlife, rvrenovation, trailer, rv, travel trailer, renovation, trailer renovation, travel, our lively tribe, travis meredith, tmwoodworksandmetal, reno, flip, custom, tiny living, tour, tiny home tour, rv tour, jayco
Id: 8umP4PFXHGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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