RV Renovation Tour: Large Full Time RV Family of 9.

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hello crazy people welcome back today we are gonna do just as we promised and we're gonna give you a tour of the inside of the camper we bought this camper used is a 2013 KZ Durango the model number is AD three five eight B H K and the V H K means a bunkhouse so that it has a bunkhouse on the back it has five slots it's 39 feet long and about thirteen and a half feet tall and weighs about fourteen thousand pounds when there's nothing in it obviously it weighs a lot more than that now but we want to get inside and show you what we did with it we bought it we were the third owners and nothing had really been done to it to the inside as far as renovating and so we really wanted to get in there and make it our own and so we worked really hard on it for quite some time and we're gonna let Francis give you a tour of everything that we did [Music] [Music] hey guys okay so we're back and we are answering our top a couple of questions that we get no matter where we go no matter what we do we get the same questions so we thought we'd take just a couple of weeks and we would answer those questions for you and kind of let you know how we work through the process of getting to where we are now and where we hope to be in the future so today's question is how how do we fit eight people in an RV that is only about 350 square feet how do we live comfortably how do we manage life with a large family in a little space and so we're gonna be talking about that today so first of all I wanted to start in the kitchen because that really is the heart of the home and we came from a larger home with lots of different conveniences appliances and one of my biggest concerns was what the kitchen would look like how would we live in a space together when we all fit would we be able to get around the table and have meals together would I be able to cook for a large family three meals a day in a tiny dorm room sized kitchen and so we'll show you a little bit of what we did to make it our own to personalize it because for me I want a space that feels like home it's different if you're gonna weekend and you're going to go off just a few weekends a year or maybe once a month that's different and we probably wouldn't have done the upgrades and spend as much time remodeling the inside if we were just going to do this on weekends we would have just not worried about putting all that effort time and money into doing so many changes but because we're gonna be living full-time in this for upwards of two years or however long the Lord has this here I really wanted this to feel like our home a place where we looked around and it didn't just feel like an RV but it felt like a tiny home where we could imagine ourselves just spending lots of time in and just had the feel of grounded kind of tethered home and so we did spend some time doing a lot of different renovations and so I'm gonna take a little bit about those so the first one is in the kitchen area there's not much to it it's really small but the first thing that we did is we decided to paint we painted every single surface in this RV so you're going to see throughout this demo throughout this Renault that you are going to see that we had lots and lots of square footage to pay so we chose a very light color we wanted it to be light and airy and really beautiful and just let lots of natural light in and so we decided to paint it kind of a light light cream color and then we painted all the molding white and that really brightened up the space it really opened it up and it helped everything else just a pop because we have very dark countertops and we had dark countertops on top of dark wood and dark-colored wallpaper and it really was just like a hole and it felt like a black hole where it just sucked all the energy sucked all of the natural beautiful light and really just made it feel kind of like dismal to me so I wanted to brighten it up so we chose a light color I'm just a play off of our dark countertop so we did not change these we kept these we liked these and we liked the white and the black together the next thing that we also did besides painting is we did a backsplash and this is really just peel and stick you can get this on Amazon it's super simple we just peeled it off stuck it on the hardest part was just measuring and making sure that your lines are even that you kind of end on on a row that works and just visually that you can keep this line all the way around that was really the most challenging thing it was a little bit of a learning curve you got to know your math skills and kind of measure it how but once you get going super simple really streamlined I think it really is effective it's super easy to wash off you don't have to worry about grout that's gonna change colors or stain it's really just easy to wipe down it also doesn't add a lot of weight so we got this and maybe in the description box we'll go ahead and put the links to some of the things that we have so that you can see where we bought them very inexpensive because you don't need much so you can really make a good big impact in small areas that don't cost very much because you just don't have to buy very much of it and so that's one of the things that we did was change the backsplash and that made a really big impact on a small kitchen it really brightened it up brought some color some interest to it and we really loved the out kind of the outcome of it the other thing we did like I said was paint all these cabinets I'll tell you that was miserable absolutely miserable painting all this cabinetry all of these different moldings all the baseboards it was a chore and I will tell you it is a about 4 step process that took us months to get done because we were working on the weekends we were working at night and it really took us a lot I'm telling you there were days that we thought how could so much paint happen in such a small area but I will tell you it is worth it so if you're wondering should I do this I absolutely think that you should alright so another question we get often is about our refrigerator what did we do to change this refrigerator was it hard I do we do anything special to do it and the answer is no I would absolutely suggest if you're gonna paint everything else I would not leave the refrigerator out we love the fact that all we needed was some painters tape to go around these areas and then we just painted it as we normally would have we kind of D glossed it and then we put on some primer and then we just put on the regular paint then we did for all the other molding all the other cabinets and I love the fact that it just really fits in it doesn't stick out but something you could do if you wanted it to stick out is to do some kind of fun pop of color do something that works with your decor something fun that just really lets it stand out I think that's really fun too and I've seen people do that that really was a good choice so if you're asking yourself should I paint my refrigerator or leave it I absolutely think that you should take the chance and do something really fun or just do something that works with everything else that you've already painted so that your refrigerator isn't left out when you're doing your red you [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so in this area we had an older jackknife cows and a jackknife couches in most RVs it kind of flips down into a bed and that just was not going to work for us it was small it wouldn't have fit all of us for a movie night and it also was just not going to work as far as bedding and things like that and so we were at to Ikea and we found this great couch and this actually this couch was the centerpiece for everything that I did in the entire RV this orange couch is absolutely the focal point because I found it I loved it and then I based every other decor off of that and so when you find a piece you love then you can really springboard and do everything coordinate to that and that is what I did in the entire RV you'll see pops of orange everywhere because it's a small space a good idea to do is to make sure that in all of your areas you have something that kind of goes together that way since its small it makes sense and it flows well no matter what room you're in you see a little bit of coordination that's going on so that's started with this couch the nice thing about this couch is it's got a shades right here but what it also does is it opens up and in here is where we keep all of our blankets and we also keep Christopher's bedding because Christopher sleeps out here so this is our first kids bed he sleeps out here he is our earliest riser he is our snorer and he is the one who kind of wanted his own space he's our oldest son so he is out here he loves it and this also comes out and we're able to pull this ottoman out as well and it comes out and pops up and let me see if I can get this to come out with the rug Oh gracious all right here we go so we're able to pull this out and then what we do is this is really good for our movie nights it's also good for two people to sleep in here if our oldest daughter decides to join us for a vacation we put our two big girls out here when we changed Christopher into our room and so we have these two areas that we can fit two adults out here but it also is great for a movie night which our TV it kind of pulls out so we're able to pull this out and turn it towards us and we all have an ottoman we get our cozy blankets our popcorn and movie nights to be part of our family week and so this really worked out well for us so we love this and so then what I decided to do is I wanted to find something that was outdoorsy but it was also made sense in this space I really didn't want to darken it up with some of the cabin decor so I found this and you're not gonna believe this was a shower curtain and so very quickly I just put a dab of hot glue down it and I use just the top of it that was already sewn in as the top of the shower curtain and then I just cut it to size we put some curtain rods in here and all of a sudden we are able to have curtains and balances all through this area so sometimes look for different items this shower curtain was about $15 so we were able to do window treatments in this area for like 15 bucks and so that is a good deal get creative look and then you can do other things like sheets I've done that before shower curtains or even just a normal regular valance really can add a pop of color and excitement to a room and this is outdoorsy without it's screaming cabin or RV and I really did love that and it had the orange that we were looking for so we really love this space we this is our family area and we really do love it and it feels like home to us to another change that we made is we took all the flooring out in this RV it had carpet it had linoleum and it was something we knew immediately we wanted to take out some of the good things that were great about taking that out is we were able to see any damage and there was damage there were large holes in some of the areas where some water had leaked in and it rotted out and so it was really important and we were so thankful that we ripped everything out so we could really see what was going on underneath the floors and that's huge and that's a really good tip that if you get the opportunity to pull back the floors kind of change that out you're gonna see where there was water damage where there are problems that you need to be kind of looking for and backing up and trying to trace some things so it was really good for us to see what was up underneath the floors any problems we indeed need to fix and some of them were pretty big we decided just to use a peel and stick again that's kind of the thing peel-and-stick back to back /b let's take wallpaper and peel-and-stick flooring the nice thing about that is is that you can get really beautiful woodgrain looking floors for a fraction of the price it was so inexpensive for us to be able to do the flooring in here and it was super simple we're total newbies we have not done big renovations so I don't want you get the idea that we really knew what we were doing we were watching YouTube videos just like this one and we were just learning as we went so the peel and stick super simple very inexpensive and newbie friendly and so we were able to get a really pretty dark floor which is what we wanted but it doesn't add a lot of weight and so the peel and stick is flexible so it will move with the RV as we're going down the road and as we're walking on it but it also you just peel it off and so if there's a problem or something that scratched or you messed something up you just pull it up put a new piece down and you're good to go so this was made I would say besides the paint this was the biggest impact beyond our paint that we made in our RV makes it easy for cleanup we have dogs we have children we have Turtles so it makes it super easy for cleanup it also helps with allergens and and just the dust we're able just to mop it up and move on and get back to hiking and having fun so I would say if you can change the flooring in your RV you should do it alright so this is our kitchen table this was here when we got it we liked it because it actually like you can screw it into the flooring and it doesn't go anywhere it also has a little latch that keeps it from sliding around keeping the top from coming in and out but this particular table was a big important part of our planning because we didn't know if we wanted to dinette if we wanted different we did different options should we have a table should we not and we are so glad we did it family dinners is a huge part of our family dynamic and so we was important that we wouldn't just depend on it being outside but really being able to have breakfast lunch and dinner inside if we needed to around the table to talk to do highs and lows like we did in our first video and so the table was really a big important part and you wouldn't think that but it is and so we ended up keeping this table it has a leaf right here in the center and so this can come out so we can pull it out a little bit more we take this out we slide it right in here and then we are able to travel with it it doesn't stay out this long and we can also take it in and out as we need but without with it out completely we're able to all fit and let me show you how so right here is where Virginia it sits and then J sits here we also have two different small stools that just go easily up underneath so they're not in the way so I sit here and Christopher sits here and then when we're all together we pull out that ottoman and then we sit rosy and sky and Ruthie and Joseph and believe it or not we all can sit at this table and have a meal and that was so important to us that we could gather around the table another thing that we found was just a little bit of a little box here and that's kind of cool because we keep our devotion materials we keep our Bibles and things like that and so it's really nice to have something that you can keep other materials because I tell you it's hard with as much we don't have a lot of storage and so it's nice to have our Bible devotions so that when we gather around we can have our devotion time spend time together worshiping the Lord and really kind of keeping that dynamic that we had in our regular sticks and bricks house so this table has really been a wonderful addition and we are so glad that we kept it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys alright so we're just coming from the kitchen living room family room area into the bunk house so we knew from the very beginning we were gonna have to have a bunk house with all of these kids we fit five kids back in this bunk house so we knew we would need a bunk house but not just anyone we need one with a single over a double and so this room offers an option for us to have five kids in here and they're able to sleep in here pretty comfortably and they love it and so we have Joseph that sleeps up here and so this is his area and then down below him are the twins so in Virginia is with us we have both of the girls on this double bed and we have a memory foam divider so and one of them sleeps with our head on this side and the other one sleeps with their head on that side and that way it's easy for them to fit kind of the bigger part of their body and the tiny part of their feet over there and they fit really comfortably also they're identical twins and so they love to be together they love to sleep together and when we try to separate them out when Virginia's not here they will not have any of it and so they love to be both of them on this double bed we can't do that forever but while they're a little bit smaller we're able to do that so we have Joseph here we have Rosie and Ruthie here on the other side over here we have Skye who's on the top bunk and then we have our oldest that's with us well our oldest daughter but the oldest one that's with us Virginia she's on the bottom and because she is taller than me she gets a full bunk all to herself and then Christopher of course we said is out in that area when Ann Lee is here it's fruit basket turnover so when we have all seven kids with us it just we put kids wherever we can most of the time we put the girls out there we put Christopher at our room and we kind of just make do as we can we have fit as many as 10 people in this RV pretty comfortably so you'd be amazed at how it you can do if you're creative I also wanted to share one of our biggest tips that we've done recently is to take this door off because it offered no space force to come inside and out the door was about this big it hit this bed all the time and we had to turn sideways to get in so we just took it off and we just to put a curtain here we put just a regular curtain rod we got regular panel curtains at Walmart and then we were able to offer privacy but also be able to slide it out of the way it goes right back behind this door frame and then we can get in and out quickly all day long and we are not impeded by this bed sticking out and the door sticking out so that was a good thing that we just did recently the other thing people ask about is where our turtle lives and spiky lives here so we have our turtle that is here in this we take him outside during the day or we put him on our kitchen table to get lots of sunshine and then we are able to keep him here our dog has a dog bed in here we keep one dog in here and one dog is usually in the master bedroom with us and so in this room alone we have five kids a turtle and a dog alright so a couple of renovations we made in the bunkhouse obviously you can tell we painted all the walls we painted all the walls in the entire RV we also of course painted all of the molding as well so each room you'll see that and that just kind of goes without saying that we painted all the molding everything in here but some of the things that we did that we're a little different back in this room is that we use some peel and stick so this is the Wardrobe it has different areas on each side where there's drawers there's storage for toys and clothes and in the next video that we do about organization and how we really live in this space I'm going to let you see is that all the cabinets all the drawers so that you can see how do we fit all the stuff of life into this bunkhouse and the rest of the RV but when you came in this was just a big area and we wanted something of interest so we decided that we would just order some peel and stick wallpaper and that way we were able to make sure that we liked it we could reposition it super simple super cheap but has a huge impact of these beautiful birch trees then we wanted to add just some gray and white nothing major but just something as you walk in you see this interest and then of course we got this at Cracker Barrell thought it was so cute all the different tracks in the wilderness of all the different animals and our kids got a big kick out of that so we loved the peel and stick so I would suggest if you want to make an impact but you don't want to make a commitment get some peel and stick super cheap super light but it can really make a really impact any room no matter it's an RV or your other girl house something else that we did as well as we painted all of this this was all browning here so we just got regular acrylic paint I did not realize that you could paint on different types of fabrics with acrylic paint but you can just cheap acrylic paint that you get at Home Depot or you get a Hobby Lobby it doesn't matter it covers beautifully and it is not crusty it is soft it is malleable and it covers and hasn't peeled off a bit we didn't do any treatment at all we just painted over so this was like a faux leather and we just painted over it it matched perfectly and you would never know that it wasn't with the camper when we first got it so we love being able to do that all right through this door is the kids bathroom so right in the bunkhouse the kids have their own access to a bathroom we wanted bad that was on our top of our list was a second half bath it's not a full bath but it gives us an option for two people to be going to the bathroom at the same time or brushing their teeth or washing their hands and what we really like is that there is an access from the outside of the camper in to that bathroom meaning if kids are dirty if they need to wash their hands instead of triping dirt all the way through the camper they're able to open the door go right in and wash their hands grab a quick bathroom break and then run back out and get back to playing so we have really really liked that and at night when it's dark and the kids don't want to walk through the RV it's nice that they can just quickly run in here and go to the bathroom and come out we also extended that same birch peeling stick into the bathroom as well so that we could kind of have some continuity and we actually just had some left so we had that in there and we really like the fact that those two kind of marry each other and they kind of makes sense and flow together and then we just continued on the foxes and some of the other woodland creatures that we had in here that brought the orange pops and I talked about in the living room all the way through the camper and so we have all different types of Orange that are throughout here and the Fox is the one in here that we kind of brought in to add that pop of color and so the kids bathroom has been such a blessing and we love it [Music] all right so welcome to our itty-bitty master bedroom so this is our area for Jannah this is where we stay obviously and we didn't make a ton of differences in here got a lot of rhinos in here obviously be painted obviously did we did the molding we did our decorations we just brought in the bird theme and to here and so we were able to order the comforter some valances in here that I made from the shower curtain as well and we just ordered some fun pillows and really that is it there is not a lot of square footage in here and most of it is shelving and closet and then right so right outside of our master bedroom is the master bath it's really a master bath but everyone uses it it's just a secondary bath and it's the one bathroom that has the shower in it and we have really kind of done a few upgrades in there we did the peel and stick on the wallpaper we wanted to add a little bit of interest in that small space it looks so plain just painted to cream and with the white cabinets and so we made sure to do something fun there so we got some kind of board shiplap looking peel and stick wallpaper and put that up in there just to give it its own little space [Music] so that is the quick walk through our RV I know that most people when they see RVs going down the road and they see a big family with a big red 15 passenger van they're thinking how in the world do we all fit in there so maybe this gives you a little inside scoop of how we fit in here how we do a little bit of life in here with eight of us two dogs and a turtle and so we hope that you've enjoyed just a little peek into our life to our home and how this works for us as we find our crazy [Music] [Applause] so don't forget to like this video and subscribe so that you make sure that you don't miss anything that actually helps us out a lot when you do those two things and then also if you missed our last video just get some context on this one you can click right down there and get in as well and don't forget to follow all of our social media outlets you can go to our website which is www.seannal.com
Channel: Find Your Crazy
Views: 74,345
Rating: 4.8848028 out of 5
Keywords: renovation, rv renovation, before and after, do it yourself, rv upgrade, kitchen reno, KZ, Durango, bunkhouse, full time rving with a family, full time rving with a large family, full time rv, RV living, RV life, Find Your Crazy, Large Family, fun, travel, family friendly, faith, rv tour, rv diy, rv paint, rv flooring, farmhouse rv, rv before and after, rv renovation tour, fifth wheel renovation, fifth wheel tour, large family rv tour
Id: suNkM4qQcFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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