Renounce U.S. Citizenship in under 90 Seconds.

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hello my name is Glen Lee Roberts I wrote this book how to renounce your United States Citizenship in two easy steps because I've gone through the process and discovered it was a lot easier to do than what most people talking about it online have to say and there's really two significant parts to it and I'm going to describe and sort of reenact the most important part here on this video and that part will be the oath of renunciation or as they will call it at the Embassy the renunciation ceremony but first of all you'll have to go through filling out some some paperwork which really isn't very complicated and then the the US consul will read you a notice of all the reasons why you shouldn't renounce your citizenship and they have 12 points on this I include copies of all of the documents in my book including the forms that I actually filled out and signed to do my renunciation so you can see exactly how easy it is and you can see exactly the 12 reasons why you shouldn't renounce your citizenship and after you've completed that at your your first meeting at the interview you'll go back at least a week later and then you can actually participate in the ceremony and renounce their citizenship and before I get into that I'm going to read from the US State Department manual on renouncing citizenship the section that talks about where to conduct the ceremony and the entire manual is included in my book so you can see in the State Department's own words how they go about doing the process so to read this. The site of renunciation setting renunciation procedures should always be held at post they should always be done inside the embassy in a setting that reminds the release renunciant of the gravity of the consequences so even though they've told you all the reasons you shouldn't renounce and you've certainly studied it on your own they want to have an environment it's not going to be friendly with Amazonian hurt or anything it's going to be a an office with a with a official of the United States their US flag the flag should be present so you're not going to have a nice design here but the flag of the United States at this ceremony it's a formal ceremony it's a legal ceremony it's much like the ceremony for those who become citizens of the United States and then the the person renouncing stand and raise your right hand if possible renunciant should stand and raise his or her right hand while taking the oath of renunciation this formality and the symbols of the United States underscore that the renunciant is severing all ties of allegiance to the United States and in doing so loses the protections of the United the protections the United States government provides to citizens and non-citizens in other words it's a very formal very serious ceremony and the ceremony however serious and formal it is is actually very quick and very easy and I'll do a little reenactment of exactly what I went through in the ceremony and in this case rather than speaking to the US official I'll be speaking to the video camera and this oath of a renunciation oath a renunciation of renunciation of nationality of the United States this is the actual document that that I read and that I signed at the US Council it has my signature it has the the counsel signature and the seal of the United States so this here today is the actual document that I read to the United States at the moment I completed reading this document I was no longer a citizen of the United so so you can see exactly how easy simple and straightforward the process is I will pretend that I'm doing it again and why not I Glen Lee Roberts a national of the United States solemnly swear affirm that I was born at Ann Arbor Washtenaw County Michigan on May 5th 1962 that I formerly resided in the United States at 166 Plum Street Oil City Pennsylvania one six three oh one that I am a National of the United States by virtue of birth in the United States I and this is the important part I desire and hereby make a formal renunciation of my u.s. nationality as provided by section 349 a five of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 as amended and pursuant thereto I hereby absolutely and entirely renounce my United States nationality together with all rights and privileges and all duties and Allegiance and fidelity thereto thereunto pertaining I make this renunciation intentionally voluntarily of my own freewill free of any dress or undoing undue influence. I'm no longer an American citizen after finishing reading this I sign this and the other papers along with the US official he applies his seal and then I left the United States embassy with none (no citizenship) and certificate of loss of nationality of the United States listing my name and address and so forth stating that I'm no longer a citizen of the United States with the signature of the official of the United States the seal of the United States of the embassy and this was provided to me as evidence of no longer being and I did citizen of course then they also send it to Washington DC and it took Washington DC 15 months to come back and have them apply a stamp saying that it was approved but as of this date that I took the oath no more American citizen in my case because I had no other nationality that meant that that day I entered the United States embassy as an American citizen and when I left a couple of hours later I left without any nationality at all that may not be the choice you want to make but the options there the the process is simple the difficulty is making the decision
Channel: Glen Roberts
Views: 31,250
Rating: 4.5806451 out of 5
Keywords: Citizenship (Quotation Subject), Renunciation Of Citizenship, United States Nationality Law, Politics (TV Genre), United States Of America (Country), statelessness, us embassy, books, renunciation ceremony, renunciation oath, reenactment, facta, military, human rights, welfare state, expat, expats, Book, living overseas, FATCA, stateless, loss of nationality
Id: FouWwfmW3U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 30 2014
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