Rendering Beeswax: How to Clean Beeswax Part 1 | The Bush Bee Man

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- Well, it's the most miserable cold bloody day here in the river land so it's a good day to be in the shed melting wax, which is what we're gonna be doing. Over here, we've got all our frames that we're gonna clean up. We're gonna put some water in here to actually separate some of the shit underneath the water and some of the stuff will float on top of the water and hopefully, there will be a ... Whatever layer that's called. I was gonna call it an inversion layer but I think that's in the atmosphere. So that'll be our stage one of cleaning the wax off these bloody (chuckles) brood frames, and hopefully our new base actually makes it all happen. If the base doesn't make any sense to you, just go back an episode 'cause that happened last time. (bees buzzing) Here we go, we'll stick some water in. This is stage one. We'll fire up the burner. I might go and put that under the tap 'cause it takes a while to fill up. (flame whooshes) (water sloshing) Wonder if I need another one? I reckon I'm gonna have to put one more above there. (sighs) It's cold out there in that wind. I think I'm gonna put one more in there and then we'll have more than we want but ... How does that go? More than we want but not as much as we need. No, it's the other way around, isn't it? (laughs) (water sloshing) Here we go. Anyway, this should do it, I reckon. (water sloshes) Drop that on my head. There we go, now for the fun part. we gotta start cutting the wax out but before we do that, I think I'm gonna go and get a beanie on, it's friggin' freezing. Hold on there and I'll be back in a minute. Check this shit out, eh? It's nice to have a mother-in-law that loves you. She sat there and she knitted me a Bush Beeman beanie, how cool is that? (chuckles) (sighs) Can't get a broad brimmed hat with a Bush Beeman on it, but I got a beanie with it on there. I don't know if she's taking orders but hell, you never know, stranger things have happened. If there's enough interest, we might be able to get her to knit a few more Bush Beeman hats. So if you wanna check out some cool bloody gluten free recipes, nip over to Free to Cook and check out Naughty Natalie's cooking show. She'll show you how to make some awesome shit. Well, the soup's nearly ready so it's starting to get going. Got a bit of heat coming off of there so it's time to start busting off our wax. I bought myself a frame cleaning tool, which is, I don't know, sort of okay. I've got a crappy old paint scraper. Gotta give it to the lad. If you wondered what happened there, that was another mishap. Had a little fire out here cooking some food, cooking the dog's food. But this is probably my favorite item so far. It's an old blooming ... I think it's a putty knife, I think it is. Seems to be the best thing to use for this whole project. Anyway, you use whatever you wish to. There's a bit of muck. (grunts) Now, hang on. I might go and get myself a tool I have. There's a bit extra on the roof. We might as well have that too. (moans) Maintenance 101. All right you guys, I are thinking ... I am thinking. (chuckles) Is that English, I am thinking? Yeah, anyway. As we go through this process, I'm gonna try and update some of these boxes. Being that it's been such a shit year and we haven't had such a rapid expansion, I figure, probably a good opportunity to bite the bullet, throw out some of that old second-hand crap that's got holes and leaking and rough-ass bits like that. Get rid of that and actually start off with come cool-ass boxes 'cause I got some bees from a dude down at Wakery not so long ago, had these wooden in there, they were all nice and sealed and so the girls didn't run out an attack me like normal so I think I'm sold on the idea. Get your shit sorted. Oh, there's our bloody friendly moths that have been gassed so we'll get rid of them. Little blighters. Now, there's a lot of different ideas on how to get this wax out of here and I'm sure if you're watching this, you've got your own, but I just found just to cut it off a bit, go through the wires. Of course, when or if you've got a plastic sheet, you gotta do that a bit different, but if we find one of them in here, we'll do that as well. (sighs) The things I do so as a hell-angry wife can make some bloody lip balm. I tell you what. Now I found, if you get yourself ... I did used to have this ... Well, the lad's gonna do it in the plastic pot over there that I used to use, but I found that if I hold it on the edge, then it was a bit hard to catch all the bits. So I found this old bloomin' wooden ... I don't know what it was from actually. I think it was out of an old bitch that had wooden drawers on it or something rather. Anyway, it's just ideal for this. Catches all the shrapnel and all the bits and pieces, rather than trying to work inside the box. Don't forget to clean your ends 'cause that's always a pain in the ass when you put 'em all back in. You wanna scrape all this crap off of here while we're going. I'm gonna have a go at dippin' these in some hot water to finish cleaning them up. You wanna get 'em to a point where you actually be sensible. Once upon a time, I tried throwing the whole blooming frame in the hot water. That was not terribly successful. I've had a few goes at a few different ideas. Anyway, here we are. Oh. (wires buzzing harmoniously) Wonder if that's how guitars got invented. ♪ Un-da-bine on da beach ♪ ♪ I can't thank of a song that isn't copyrighted. (laughs) ♪ (knife scrapes) That's a better one, that one. Obviously, we've gotta get the wax in the pot. Normally I grab a bit up, chuck a bit up like this. Pretty high-tech. Rattle it all to one end and then we just tip it in. And then I've got my patented stirring stick here somewhere. No expense spared. Just dump it in the water. Pop it in there like that and get it all a bit warm. By now, we've turned the heat down a bit because we've got it up to a speed. You don't want it boiling its ass off 'cause that's a bit crazy. Doesn't need to be ridiculously hot, it just needs to be above 50 degrees Celsius, whatever that is in Fahrenheit. Don't get too excited and go ahead and get a thermometer, I mean that's just ... Anyway, I suppose you can if you really want to, but it doesn't matter, you just don't want it boiling its tits off. You just want it simmering. That's a bit of chef technology for you, which just means the water is just tipping over. Anyway, on we go! Being that this is a bit of a laborious task, we might put on the music so you don't have to be completely bored. So (hums) or whatever that song is and we'll do it up a bit quicker. (upbeat acoustic folk music) (thick bubbles splattering) Smells pretty good. Smells a bit like wax soup. Anyway, let's turn off our heat. Righty ho. Now, you actually wanna let it settle out a little a little while so it's just got time to relax and sort of find a bit of equilibrium. (motorcycle engine revs) I think the neighbors are having some fun with their toys but anyway ... Oh, the joys of youth. (chuckles) First of all, the first part that's gonna come out of here is just gonna be mucky water, so you just gotta keep a bit of an eye on it. Interestingly enough, of course, the wax and the water is all sort of absorbed by ... Well, not the wax, the other muck is absorbed and you'll end up with a little bit of wax on the top. About, hell, I don't know. You can't get everything. (water sloshes) It's lovely soup. It's even in the soup pot now. (woman giggles) Oh my god, look at that. It says stock pot. (chuckles) About to go with wax stock. This is just the muck. This is just the water that we put in. Remember we put the water in? And so now, this is just all the sludge in the water. So hopefully, there's gonna be a wax layer between this muck on the top and the water on the bottom. That's the plan anyway. So that's just water at the minute. We'll go and chuck that out. (groans) Hell, that's heavy. Try not to get that down your foot. It's like that radiator, isn't it? A little bit safer than the radiator. (chuckles) Now, if you don't know what a bloke's rattling on about, you should go back to episode 150 and check out the radiator madness. Anyway, I shouldn't encourage you. Onward to more sensible stuff. Hopefully, if there's some wax in here somewhere, the consistency should change a bit. Or maybe not. Perhaps we've just spend the whole afternoon fucking around. That's starting to come there. You see it's just starting to settle on the top. The thing is, it doesn't really matter if you've got water and wax in the same saucepan at this point because it'll settle out and the wax will go hard on the top and the other stuff will stay on the bottom, which is what will happen if you do it in a more complicated methods but this is just ... I don't know, I just found this a hell of a lot easier. So it doesn't matter. Right now, at the minute, we've got wax and water mixed together and if you put your finger in the pot, if you don't get burnt, you've already got wax starting to go on the top. (gasps) That's like being a science class, isn't? Bloody hot wax on your finger. That's the smartest thing I've ever done this week. (grunts) Get back in there. (water sloshes) Ah, look at that, that's pure wax now. Stop. They've got that in here and we're gonna get ... (plastic bucket knocks) That was the last excitement. Now hopefully, this pot will have a bit better wax in it if it doesn't disintegrate. (hot wax sloshing) Hooly hell, Harry. What's the line out of that Harry Potter movie? I can't even think. We haven't managed to keep all the crap out. I guess if you got really motivated at this stage, you could have a strainer on this bit but we've gotta do it all again anyway and now it's gone and blocked up, which is what I was trying to avoid with our special screen. Ah shit! (wax sputtering) Bugger me dead. Did we bring the stick? (chuckles) Oh, God! That's not really a stick but it's something. Anyway, we'll get that outta the way 'cause it'll come out with a bit of a rush and overshoot that. Oh well, maybe the whole mesh making thing was pointless. (wax trickling) It's not as blocked up as it was without it. I'd say we might need another pot. (wax sloshing) Still yellow? Yup. (chuckles) It's a lot better option than trying to scoop the shit off the top layer is we used to do. Anyway, I think this is quite an effective little method. I've got my patented little stick so I can tip it up a bit more. Shit, don't drop it off the stand. That would really suck. It's still going in the bucket. Anyway, we're nearly there. Just a word of warning, don't leave this in here to get too bloody cold 'cause I did that one other time before my mesh idea and left this crap in here until the morning and that was a hell of a circus trying to get it out. I had to get a bloomin' ... I ended up with a shovel and a pick trying to dig it out. So yeah, get rid of it when it cools down a bit, but don't go picking it up right now 'cause it's too bloody hot. Where are we gonna put the rest of it? (chuckles) Goodness gracious. Put some more in that pot for a start. Get that over here, outta the way. Shall we put that down there? Don't put your foot in that 'cause that could be awkward. (wax sloshes) That's all pretty much wax. That's not a very good tray, John-John. (chuckling) I need another bucket. (plastic knocking) Diva do. (laughs) Awesome. Well, I reckon that's pretty good. Round one over and done with. (whoops) I tell you what ... Anyway, I reckon that's a hell of a lot easier than other options I've tried. Give it a crack and see what you reckon. (bees buzzing)
Channel: The Bush Bee Man
Views: 28,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to clean beeswax for use, how to clean beeswax, How to Separate Beeswax, beewax, bees wax, natural beeswax, how to separate honey from beeswax at home, how to separate beeswax from honeycomb, how to separate beeswax from honey, beeswax for candles, how to pure beeswax, bees, honey, beekeeping, the bush bee man, honey bees, how to keep bees, pure beeswax, filtering beeswax, rendering wax, how to separate beeswax from propolis
Id: lwMNdnbrIKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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