Game in a Nutshell - Tawantinsuyu (how to play)

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[Music] hello and welcome to nitrania youtube channel you're watching another episode of the game in a nutshell series designed for explaining the board game rules my name is branislav and today we're going to learn another tea game from david turtsi called tawan tinsuyu and i'm saying another tea game because david turcy is the author or co-author of other tea games like tolkien teotihuacan tequeno trismegistos and so on and so forth so another tea game from him and published by burdendice let's get started to set the game up first place this corey concha tile in a random orientation alternatively you can simply use the tile pre-printed on the game board then in a two-player game remove one worker of each color from the game in a three-player game remove two workers of each color from the game in a four-player game you would use all the workers then regardless of the number of players in the game place two workers of each color into the bag each player will draw two workers of a different color as their starting workers so in case you draw two workers of the same color draw another one so that you have two workers of different color so these are the starting workers for each player then add all the remaining workers to the bag and randomly place workers from the back on these village spaces based on the number of players in the game this would be the setup for a two-player game this is for a three-player game and this would be the four-player game repeat the process for this nomad space so this is how it should look like in a three-player game only in a two-player game place one random worker from the back on each space with this two player symbol do this only on the first terrace there are other spaces like this marked on this second terrace they will be filled in at the end of the first round sort these building tiles by their type these are passive buildings these are production buildings shuffle both stacks and reveal the first two tiles face up this is called the building market sort these statue tiles by their type and place them somewhere next to the game board shuffle this deck of army cards and also place them somewhere next to the game board then take these weaving tiles and set aside these four starting tiles you can see that they have a different color of their back in four player game you will use all the tiles in three player game remove the tiles with this symbol in the bottom left hand corner and in a two player game also remove the tiles with this symbol then shuffle all the tiles designed for the current player count and reveal the top tile face up then take those four starting tiles turn them face up randomly determine the starting player and then from this starting player in turn order in a clockwise direction each player will choose one starting weaving tile you can return the unchosen tiles back into the box each player chooses a color and takes all the components of that color one of the markers is placed on the space number 10 of the scoring track and one on the space number one on this temple track then each player takes two stones and now shuffle these god cards and deal 8 to each player in reverse player order each player will choose 5 cards to play for their effects and 3 cards to keep in their hand you can find all the icons in the rulebook so in this case player would take one gold here the player would get one army card and so on and so forth you may play those cards and gain their benefits in any order you want and if the card allows you to do so you may also use resources to buy buildings from the building market remember you do this in a reverse player order and you would only replenish the building market once all players have played all their cards then all cards played by all players will be shuffled back into the draw deck the game is played in turns starting with the first player and then continuing in a clockwise direction until the game ends on your turn you have to choose one of the two options you may either play one of your god cards and place a worker on the game board and then resolve the action or actions around your worker or you may perform two different secondary actions in any order you want those secondary options are moving your high priest and then resolving that action praying when you draw new god cards training when you take new army cards and recruiting which is taking one of the workers from this nomad space in addition as a free action if you have any army cards in your hand you can discard as many as you want and for each card discarded you get the resources depicted on those cards at the start of the game the first turn is special because you have to place your high priest first on any of these five spaces and then you can perform your turn normally then the next player in a player order also has to place that priest on any of those spaces even on the occupied space and then perform their turn all other players follow the same procedure if you take the last worker from the village then at the start of your next turn the festival will take place players will score victory points and get resources based on their position on this temple track and also all these regions will be scored based on the majority of the conquest tokens at the end of the game there is another final scoring phase where players will score the tapestries they will score two victory points for each building they may score additional victory points from the temple track and some additional victory points for leftover cards resources and workers the player with the most points is the winner on your turn you can only choose one of the two options and i will explain the first option now placing the worker when you choose this option you can choose one of the workers in your supply and place it in any empty space and spaces are all the spaces with these kind of symbols those symbols are important because you can only place your worker on a space with a symbol when you discard the god card with the same symbol alternatively you can pay 1 gold and in that case you can place your worker in any space on the game board then you have to pay the cost for placing that worker you have to pay the roaming costs and descending costs you have to pay this cost before you take any action the game board is divided into five sections and each section starts at the top of the pyramid and creates this kind of triangle roaming costs depend on the position of your high priest so let's say it's this gray player's turn if you place the worker in the same section as your high priest the roaming cost is zero if you place your worker in an adjacent section so this is the section of your high priest this is the adjacent section then the roaming cost is one food one food is either one potato or one corn if you place your worker in a section which is not adjacent to your high priest section then the cost is 3 foot that can be any combination of potatoes and corn then you have to pay the descending costs if you place the worker in the stop terrors the descending cost is zero if you place the worker in this middle terrace the descending cost is two foot and if you place the worker in this bottom terrace the descending cost is five foot however the descending cost can be reduced for each step marker in the same section above the worker that was just placed each step marker reduces the cost by 2 so in this example if this is the worker that was just placed two step markers would reduce the descending cost by four if you use any opponent's step marker this way that opponent will score one victory point for that your own step markers also reduce the food requirements but you don't score any victory points note that you only get a discount for a step marker which is above that worker not below then after placing the worker you have to determine the number of tasks you can perform you always get one task just from placing that worker then for each adjacent worker of the same color you gain additional task a json worker is a worker connected to the worker just placed via exactly one task icon so both of these workers are adjacent however only one of them has the same color adjacent workers obviously must be on the same terrace in addition you can gain additional tasks from special abilities of the workers now you can only perform the tasks determined by this task icon around that worker you have to spend your tasks as equally as possible so if you would only have one task available you can only choose one of those three tasks if you would have two tasks available you can choose two different tasks around that worker and if you would have three tasks you must choose each task only once if you would gain four tasks remember one from placing the worker one from special ability and two from two adjacent workers of the same color you must perform each task once and then again you can choose one of those tasks and perform it again i will describe all these tasks on the game board in a minute if you would have at least one statue large or small with the same symbol as the symbol of the god card you have played you may take all the rewards from that god card those rewards are optional you may take one or the other or both or none at all don't discard the god card yet it will be added to the offer of the god cards at the end of the turn let me now quickly explain the special abilities of each worker blue worker the architect will give you one additional task when placed on the space with the blue collar green worker the craftsman works in the exact same way you get one additional task when you place that worker on the green space when you place the red worker warrior you may draw one army card and add it to your hand and in addition you may retrieve one adjacent non-warrior worker at no cost and add it to your supply yellow worker the courier provides one foot discount on the placement cost in addition if the yellow worker is the first worker placed in a segment and a segment is one part of the section you would gain one additional task and finally when you place a priest you may spend maximum one potato to get one additional task in addition after resolving the tasks you may draw one additional god card either from the top of the deck or from the offer i will explain how this offer is created in the end of the turn chapter in the following chapter of the video i will explain all the different tasks you can take first of all you can collect resources with this task you can gain two stones with this one you gain three potato and with this one you gain two corn take all the resources you gained and place them in your supply when you perform the task with this icon you may build steps you may build them in any section on the game board but you must build the topmost steps so if you would build in this section you would have to build this steps first if you would build in this section you would have to build the steps over here to build the steps you have to pay three stones and then you immediately gain two potatoes one corn and four victory points if you build the steps in the lower section the owner of the steps in the upper section would gain two victory points that includes you as well so if you would be the great player and he would build the steps over here you would gain two potatoes scored and four victory points and in addition you would score two victory points for those steps above when you perform the tasks with this icon you can build a building you can build any building from this building market and to do that you have to pay the cost in the top right hand corner and after you do place the building in your play area you will replenish the market at the end of the turn these production buildings provide resources but those buildings have to be triggered as we will see later in the video these passive buildings provide ongoing permanent abilities before you choose the building from the building market you can return one of the god cards in your hand to the bottom of the god cards deck and then remove up to two buildings from that building market you can replenish the market immediately and then choose the building when you perform this task you can build a statue you can build any statue which is still available to build a small statue you have to pay three stones and you gain three victory points immediately to build a large statue pay three stones and two gold and you score 9 victory points immediately place your new statue somewhere in your play area when you perform this task you can purchase a weaving first take the top 3 tiles from the stack including the tile which was face up and then you can buy any number of those weavings even zero if you buy one of them it costs one corn if you buy two of them it costs three corn in total and if you want to buy all of them you would have to pay 6 corn the tiles you don't buy are offered to other players and in turn order each player can buy a tile for 3 corn all the tiles which are not bought by the active player or any other player in a turn order are placed to the bottom of the stack then reveal the top tile face up weavings are used to create these tapestries tapestry is a row of wee wings and you can have as many tapestries as you want but each tapestry must have all tiles different it may not have two tiles of the same pattern when you gain a new weaving you can add it to one or the other end of any of the existing rows supposing it's a different pattern or you can even start a new one when you add the weaving to the existing row those resource icons don't have to match but if they do you will get a benefit during the merchant action if they don't nothing happens you can still extend the tapestry with that new weaving once you place the weaving you may not move it any longer when you perform this merchant task which is by the way only located at the bottom terrace you will receive rewards from your tapestries from these matching edges wherever these edges have the same symbol you receive that reward but only one time so in this example for this edge you would draw one army card for this one you would also draw one army card for this edge you would get nothing but if the tapestry would look like this you would get three potatoes and so on and so forth with this reward you may flip one of your buildings or army cards face up they're usually flipped face down during the secondary actions and with this reward you may pay one gold and move one space on the temple track anytime you move on the temple track gain the resources on the left side of that space don't get the victory points from the right side those will be scored during the festival if you move multiple spaces during the same turn gain resources for each step as you can see any number of tokens can be in the same space when you perform this training task you may draw two new army cards and keep one of those cards in your hand and discard the other card to the discard pile if the draw deck runs out reshuffle the discard pile and create the new draw deck any time on your return as a free action you can discard an army card and get a resource depicted on that card you can repeat that immediately as many times as you want each army card depicts one or two soldiers and they are needed when performing the conquest action which is part of the secondary actions and finally when you perform this produced task you may take resources or victory points from one of your face up production buildings don't turn that building face down after performing this task keep it face up instead of the first option on your turn placing a worker on the game board you have the second option which is playing two different secondary actions you can take them in any order you want and you can either move your high priest and take the action of the high priest or recruit one of the workers from this nomad space or you can pray and take new god cards or train and take the new army cards we will start with moving the high priest when you take the high priest action move your high priest one or two spaces in a clockwise direction and then you trigger the action where you end your movement for all players however you as the active player have a choice of taking one gold instead of taking direction all other players either take direction or don't they may not take gold there are five available actions and i'll start with this one worship with the worship action you may move on this temple track to do that players have to discard statues from their play area the active player let's say the grey player can discard maximum one large statue and maximum one small statue so that active player may discard one or the other or both when you discard the small statue you move one space on the temple track and you obviously gain the benefits on the left side of the space when you discard large statue you move three spaces up and gaining benefits for each space those discarded statues are actually removed from the game all other players in a turn order may discard maximum one statue and regardless whether it's large or a small statue they may only move one space on the temple track when you move your high priest to this action space you will move on the temple track again similar to worship but instead of paying with statues here you will have to pay with corn the active player may move up to 3 spaces on the temple track paying 2 corn for each space other players may move maximum 1 space paying 3 corn when you move your high priest to this space you may conquest regions with your army cards first of all you have to apply the casualties of war select a worker from either end of the village and move it to this area which is the casualties of war area if the village would be empty select any worker from the nomad space and immediately replace that worker with a new one from the back then all players may play army cards from their hand to the play area in front of them the active player has the first card for free and then for each other card they have to pay one potato you can play as many cards as you want as long as you can pay potatoes for those cards all other players have to pay one potato for each card they play basically all players can do this simultaneously then in turn order each player may conquest exactly one empty space in any conquest region on the map each space in these conquest regions has the requirements and the rewards these numbers in the requirements area indicate how many soldiers on the army cards have to be either flipped face down or discarded as we have already seen each army card either has one soldier or two soldiers depicted so to discard two soldiers you may simply take these two cards and put them on a discard pile when you have to flip the soldiers face down simply flip the card or cards face down cards which are face down may be turned face up later in the game with a different action after fulfilling the requirements take your conquest marker place it on the space which you have just conquested and take the indicated rewards then all other players in the turn order will have a chance to place one conquest marker and again they may fulfill the requirements in any region on the game board and then once all players have taken their turn the active player may place one additional conquest markers if they still have any soldiers available when you move your high priest to this produce action all players may trigger production on any of their face up production buildings you don't have to trigger all those buildings you can trigger as many as you want however all buildings that will get triggered will be flipped face down now only the active player has the option of flipping one of those production buildings face up either before triggering the effects or after and finally when you move your high priest to this action space all players may rejuvenate any of their production buildings and army cards that means they can flip them face up the active player may flip one of the buildings or army cards for free and then each other will cost one foot that means one corn or one potato all other players must pay one corn for each building or army card they want to flip face up they may not use potatoes and they must pay for each card or building tile that they want to rejuvenate with the prey secondary action you can take two new god cards and you can either take the cards from the top of the deck or from the offer you may take one card from the top of the deck look at that card and then you can decide whether the next one will be from the offer or also from the top of the deck when you take the train secondary action you may draw two new army cards then keep one of those cards in your hand and discard the other and finally when you take the recruit secondary action you may take any worker from this nomad space and immediately replace that worker with the randomly drawn new worker from the back at the end of your turn add the god card you have played to the god card's offer the offer can contain as many cards as there are players in the game plus one so in a three player game it will be four cards if you would have to add a card and that card would exceed the limit of those cards in the offer first take all the cards from that offer and shuffle them back into the deck and then the card you have played on your turn will be the first card in the offer then you may hire new worker but this time from the village you may only hire a worker from one or the other end of the row if you hire a worker from this end you have to pay one potato if you have a worker from this and you have to pay one corn if there's only one last worker available you may choose which resource you will use to pay for that worker after hiring a worker from the village or if you skip that step it's the end of the turn and at this moment and only at this moment you have to check the number of workers in your supply you may have maximum two workers at the end of your round and if you have more you have to choose some of those workers and completely remove them from the game when you take the last worker from the village take this festival token and if it's the first festival score one victory point immediately if it's the second festival score two victory points and four victory points for third festival then at the beginning of the next turn of that player resolve the festival first of all all players perform the merchant task which means they receive rewards from their tapestries then all players gain rewards from the temple track but this time not only resources but also the victory points even if you would be in one of these spaces don't score these victory points in the middle of the track they would only be scored during the final scoring then score victory points for each conquest region on the game board the player with the most conquest markers in that particular region will score as many victory points as there are workers in these casualties of war space so in this example great player would score 4 victory points in case of a tie the victory points are rewarded to the player with the conquest marker furthest to the right then for each god card remaining in your hand you have to pay one potato for each missing potato you have to lose two victory points with that if this is the end of the third festival skip the remaining steps and proceed to final scoring otherwise refill the village with the randomly drawn workers from the drawback and in case you wouldn't have enough workers in the back simply refill as many spaces as you can then only in the two-player game and only after first festival again place one randomly chosen worker on all these spaces with the number two symbol in the middle terrace it's the same process as during the setup but this time not on the top terrace but on the middle terrace if any of those spaces would already contain a worker simply skip that space then all players will draw new god cards from the deck not from the offer only from the top of the deck in a four player game the player with the fewest victory points and the player with the second fewest victory points would draw two cards and the player with the most and second most victory points would draw one card this is how it looks like in a three player game and this is the distribution in a two player game the tie would be resolved in the reverse player order so if this is the active player this player will be the first to win the tie this will be the second third and the active player would be fourth in case of a tie then after players draw their cards now in the turn order starting with the active player and going clockwise each player may play up to three god cards from their hand to gain their benefits all the cards played this way will be shuffled back into the draw deck finally refresh the building market discard all the tiles in the market and reveal two new tiles from each stack face up at the end of the third festival proceed to final scoring if any player made it to these four top spaces of the temple track score the victory points depicted in the middle of those spaces don't score these victory points again they have been scored during the festival then score victory points for all your tapestries you will score the number of victory points based on the number of different weavings in each tapestry as you can see on the screen if the tapestry only has one tile you would score zero victory points if the tapestry would have two tiles you would score one point and so on and so forth you can find the information also on the player 8 card then score 2 victory points for all your face up buildings including the passive buildings don't score in victory points for face down buildings then score additional victory point for each god card you have still in your hand for each army card face up in front of you for each gold and each worker still left in your supply then tally up your scores and the player with the most points is the winner so that's how you play taiwan thinks you if you have any questions or comments i'll be happy to answer your questions if you like the series please subscribe you can even support the channel on the patreon page my name is branislav beretz you've been watching game in a nutshell and hope to see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Nithrania - Game in a Nutshell
Views: 5,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game in a nutshell, how to play, playthrough, walkthrough, instructional, tutorial, video, videotutorial, nithrania, let’s play, rules, board game, hra v kocke, ako hrať, ako sa hrá, návod, videonávod, manuál, pravidlá, hra, stolová hra, deskovka, desková hra, jak hrát, jak se hraje, review, recenzia, recenze, tawantinsuyu
Id: aDh-hrliKAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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