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[Music] hi guys welcome to my channel and welcome to today's video Botox we are going to be doing some natural homemade Botox today today I'm gonna use just three ingredient and I'm gonna create a wonderful skin tightening remedy if you have sagging skin if you're looking to just give your face that instant facelift also with a little bit of an instant glow you wanna look years younger five to ten years younger and you really want to get this done in the comfort of your home without spending much now this video is for you now guess what if you have oily skin this is also great for your skin now this simple remedy is so effective that you're going to see immediate results so if you're interested continue watching so here I have two ingredient in this ball I have an egg and I also have some lemons no eggs as this ingredient called albumin that act taught and promote wrinkle free skin so if you use a lot of eggs on your face it definitely gonna tighten the skin and not only that eggs it's gonna help to clear the pores it's gonna have to lift the skin so therefore using egg in your facial is really and truly a wonderful thing to do I'm also gonna be using lemon and lemon is wonderful and really really wonderful effective ingredient for the skin it is loaded with vitamin C and vitamin C is gonna have to lighten and brighten the skin not only now when you mix the lemon with the egg is further gonna have to tighten brighten and firm the skin so the combination is really a natural Botox in itself now along with our egg and lemons I'm gonna be using a little bit of grapeseed oil if you do not have grapeseed oil use a bit of a coconut oil or use a little bit of avocado oil if you don't have any of these oils go ahead use a little olive oil or use a little bit of a Hallman old okay now the first thing is to prepare the egg and preparing the egg is pretty easy since today I'm gonna be using the entire egg so I'm just gonna crack open my egg and I'm gonna pour it in and then I'm gonna take a fork and I'm gonna just whisk the egg just whisk it no egg yolk is also great for the skin it is loaded with protein and yolk is gonna have to build the collagen production now when you use both the egg yolk and the egg white you're gonna get a full protein a full collagen boosting pack okay so using the full egg wash your face is also water so now that our egg is blended we're gonna put this to the side and we're gonna prepare our lemon now I'm gonna be using both the lemon and the lemon zest in this recipe so I'm gonna go ahead and go wash my lemon and then I'm gonna zest now zest and the lemon is pretty easy all you need is in greater to remove the zest so once the lemon is washed you're just gonna just rub it on the grater like this and you're only taking off the yellow part okay so just rub it on the grater you don't need a lock obsessed we just need like a teaspoon of the lemon zest and lemon zest is loaded with nutrients and minerals that are great for the skin lemon zest contain the lemon oil which is gonna have to brighten the skin also the lemon zest is great for wrinkles now mixing the lemon zest with our egg is further gonna enhance the egg and you're gonna get a full facial you're gonna get a protein of vitamin facial which is gonna tighten that skin it's gonna clear the skin it's also gonna lift the skin and you're just gonna be left with glowing radiant skin okay so we're gonna put the zest aside and this is our lemon you can choose to zest the entire lemon if you want to if you do that what is gonna happen is that you can store the zest in the refrigerator for about 10 days so I'm just gonna cut my lemon into acts and remove the seeds and then I'm gonna extract the lemon juice by just squeezing I'm trying to get about two tablespoons of lemon juice so you could choose to juice 1/2 or the entire thing and this could be stored in your refrigerator also and here we have our lemon juice so here are the ingredients we have our egg we have our lemon juice we have our lemon zest and we also have our grapeseed oil so now we're gonna put our wonderful Fisher together and I'm using 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon of lemon zest 1 teaspoon of grapeseed oil and now we're gonna whisk this together now once this is done we're reaching for our egg are we using 3 tablespoons of the egg so that's 1 2 3 so basically we're using the entire egg it's a little bit over 3 tablespoon if you buy eggs and the grocery the Box one you can use that too however fresh is always best and now we're gonna just blend this together just really and truly blend well now what the lemon zest that's the dis it doesn't take away the scent of the egg now you no longer smell any form of an egg all you're smelling is lemon from the juice and the zest so now this is ready and now I'm gonna show you how to apply this to your face to apply the treatment you want to start with clean skin therefore you're gonna make sure to wash your face before the application if your face need exfoliating you're gonna exfoliate your face before so cleanse and exfoliate pat dry and now the skin is ready for the treatment so to apply I'm gonna use a brush which is much easier so you want to always make sure to give it a little mix just start it and then soak the brush in it if you're using a brush brush is better if you don't have a brush go ahead and use some cotton balls and then you're just gonna coat it on your face like I'm showing here it's very thin it's a very very thin 3 treatment it's nothing thick so you're just gonna brush it on I need to have a wonderful scent from the lemon peel so just brush it on on your skin like I'm showing here so you just brush it on you know for those of you with deep laugh lines this is really a wonderful treatment for that so what you're gonna do you're going to focus and applying the treatment to your laugh line for this video I'm gonna apply the treatment to this side of my face more than this side especially the laugh lines so I'm gonna fill this laugh line in and for this one I'm just gonna leave it like that ok I've already put of one layer but for this one I'm gonna put more on it to see if it makes a difference no what's this done you're gonna sit with this for at least 30 minutes what is gonna start happening is that you're gonna feel yours tightening the mixture is gonna start to dry on the skin you're gonna feel like it is tugging on your skin now don't worry that is just a treatment working now after 30 minutes you probably will feel your face so tight that you know you want and I could start to feel mine already on my skin so if you want to wear it a little longer than the 30 minutes go ahead and do that now you want to use this at least 2 to 3 times per week for best result you can store this in your refrigerator for up to three days remember to have eggs so we don't want to keep it too long so no more than two to three days all right so now I'm just sitting here with this for about five minutes or so and I could already feel the tightness and this is how your skin is gonna look okay so I'm gonna sit with this a little longer and then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna show you the result now this is your instant result guys you could clearly see that my laughs line and this side has decreased tremendously compared to this one that I just barely apply the treatment to pretty pretty impressive now take a look for yourself one more time and I'm totally relaxed in my face so there you have it don't be afraid to use this on your skin this is really and truly a wonderful wonderful treatment for getting rid of sagging skin for tightening the skin for lifting the skin and for getting rid of all that wrinkles and fine lines and also leaving a wonderful glow on your skin okay now what can I say there you happy thank you all for watching if you liked the video give it a thumbs up don't forget to share the video and guess what your comments are always welcome so comment comment comment and if this was the first time watching you want to see more of these quick and easy natural homemade remedy videos well look below you're gonna see the word subscribe just click on it and you will be subscribe also if you have already subscribed you look at the side make sure the notification bell is on so just click that little bell when you click it you're gonna see double parenthesis over it that way each time I upload a video you will get a notification right away thank you all for watching and I'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Khichi Beauty
Views: 2,783,875
Rating: 4.8235731 out of 5
Id: PrVRBtpU4wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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