5 things you should never put on your face - by Dr Liv (DIY skincare)

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hi guys today about the most common things you never should put on your face actually five most important things you never should do or put on your face so if this is of interest you definitely should stay with me because I get asked so many times for my patients and if I go through YouTube I just get it almost a heart attack if I see this so please please please have a look and we don't put these fun things on your face [Music] so my name is dr. lauth cream everybody's calling me doctor live who doesn't know me I'm a dermatologist practicing here in Zurich and traveling all around the world for my patients and giving trucks and seminars and I love everything about skin care skin care ingredients and a skin food so if this are topics of you you are interested in you definitely should stick with me and don't forget to put the notification bow in order to get notified if I'm posting in your video and follow me on my Instagram me a friend of Instagram with me or follow me on my ancestry to try to post as much as I can and today it's about the five most common skin care things mistakes you never should do a 5 things who never should put it on your face and start about with number 1 lemons okay guys lemons are great for eating where lemons are great for drinking so if you put a lived fresh lemon in your water traveling around or putting it in a warm water drinking in the morning fantastic great but lemons have nothing to do on your face so you ask yourself why lemons everybody thinks oh it's it's nature it's great so sorry to say but nature's chemistry and physics and physics in chemistry snitcher so nature wouldn't exist without chemistry and physics so let's look closer on lemons so lemons of course a citric acid so if you look at the pH of you remember your chemistry lessons you remember the pH scale I think I put a little bit was drawing a little bit I thought I'd make it a little bit easy for you so the scale right zero is assets base is 14 so we have a huge range and it's not linear as lovely written but let's start go to mathematic entry let's make it very basics okay so neutral a seven so your skin pH is four to four point five so a little bit more acid but citric acid lemons are very very low in pH it's almost too and the problem is because you're not buffering it was Nathaniel's Genesis citric acid and putting it on and unfortunately leaving it on for a longer time and not just this your if you go outside even if the Sun is not shining Sun is always shining otherwise it's night guys it's physics okay so as soon as you go out you actually harming your skin you can get a burn you can get have two hyperpigmentation you can get so many more bad things out of putting lemons on your face rather than having something good out of it so if we dermatologists talk about acids and food acids everything it is something a controlled assets in a perfect perfect solution serum cream it is not just the pure acid so putting lemons on your face it's a big no-no know you damage your skin you get pigmentation on your skin believe me so please stop doing this eat it drink it but stop putting it on your face number two is actually vaseline vaseline so this is great for having very dry skin on your hands putting it on but vaseline is a covering agent right and you remember I love to dress our patients around who's listening to me you have to smile everybody who saw our other videos will hopefully as well and because today it's about a lot of chart I said okay let's draw a little bit before I and my skincare barrier system so the first day of the skin looks like a couple stone layer right like a cobblestone wall and it's everything well sealed and you have you beautiful bacteria so actually I always thought to my patients you never alone why because you have pictures and funguses on your skin they love you you love them so it's a kind of a bad system which is pretty good and a kind of imbalance and every time we do something with the skin without knowledge we may be shifting this kind of balance and if we shifting certain material seven fingers can also grow on top and making you suffering from skin problems so let's go back to vaseline vaseline is something very fatty right it's really a covering agent almost so occlusal we say what do we mean with this we making it kind of a glass house on top just think about you have tools up there and you're covering them right so what's happening same as in real life if there is a kind of a glasses with a lot of people more people are coming and they're making parties so the picture growing growing growing underneath and you making actually more pimples because you give them a possibility to grow underneath so if you we have dry skin not the skin would you feel flaky or kind of dries because there's dead skin so we talk about weally dry cracky excimer then even there better agents and basil and to put on but definitely not vaseline on a skin which tends to get redness which can tends to abner because with the coverage you actually heating up redness becomes more visible and you get more pimples so Vaseline a big no-no if you have acne prone skin or actually skin who tends to get red or if you know the word rosacea if you have the tendency for words Asia number three I always get a heart attack if I see baking so let's wait for skin put it on put it that it will do everything to your skin okay the only thing to does for your skin it's harming it so everybody thinks baking soda is so natural again nature is chemistry and physics and physics and chemistry is nature so baking soda Toyota is hco3 exactly so it doesn't make sense to actually sit in the chemistry lesson and listen so NFC or three it is actually a power line what does it mean so it makes its shifting the pH of your skin again let's have a look on the pH scale right and as I said in the beginning the skin's pH is more acid so if we're switching it more to a pH of 8 or 9 which actually so baking soda dissolved in water become - exactly you're shifting the pH to a more alkaline solution and which makes the skin getting imbalance because why our skin is so kind of fantastic beakers are the pH is lower so this let grow certain bacterial fragrances because it has that we have a lot of fungus and bacteria on our skin they love us and we love them and we love this kind of balance but as soon as you shifting it to another side too much without knowing why doing it exactly you imbalance your scale so actually suddenly different bacteria can actually over grow and the certain mature would not be killed and here what Alice will actually increase so what I want to say baking soda is something was supposed to be in your kitchen but please definitely not on your skin so a big big no-go for baking soda number four toothpaste toothpaste is great for exactly brushing your teeth but nothing to put on a pimple or actually on the face why we dermatitis getting heart attacks why because people are coming worth we call it dermatitis something was irritating the skin something was making more pigmentation something would gives you redness is something would really imbalance your skin so do you know really what toothpaste is especially calcium carbonate so constant Carbonite is something an abrasive so it's actually to take out the plug you don't want to take something off your skin abrasive secondly it's glutes are all inside and sodium lauryl sulfate which makes actually is very blue green and this is the main cause of irritations of your skin there's most of the time spearmint pepper mint a mental inside and this is what gives your skin a really a hard time particular if you're going outside because in combination with the Sun and believe me Sun is always shining because Dave is Sun night there's no Sun so what do I mean is exactly in combination with a high UV you made these ingredients irritate your skin even more so what happens is you get even more problems you getting in so we call it contact dermatitis and Shea leeches what I mean it's kind of inflammation around the mouth because this is most time people putting it around if they have pimples so please toothpaste is something for your teeth nothing for your skin okay please no toothpaste on your skin not on a pimple it's not the right way to dry something out forget it really don't do it number five oils oh it's a wonderful flow aging so if you have seen my video about skin food you should have a look on it so I explaining that maybe sesame oil is great because it is unsaturated fed but this is footage s tchen but putting oil on your face will actually cause more breakouts and cause more redness if you have the tendency of for example rosacea Y so just imagine as I always say and my couple stone layers my couple stone wall the upper layer with a bit too on top and if you have a tendency of certain bacterial overgrowth although the active back to your proper your knees if you put an oil on top you're making a closure so all the materials can make party underneath and another clip a closure you also heating up and the redness becomes more visible so would you do with oil so just make it coverage so this is a no no go go no go so never go to bed with all on your face why as I said you get more pimples because you're covering it up so putting oil on the hair but never go to bed with this and if you have a tendency of acne because then it actually comes around and you breaking out here round so oils never should be applied from here to the top from here on top so never on the face and particular coconut oil and no oils from the kitchen because you really really break out and and you really if you have the ten of redness and rosacea you every make you make it even so please no oils on the face I mean you can remove your makeup with the oil of course this is actually good way because fat we it gets removed my fat but then make sure that we need you clean your face not just with water but actually with a good cleanser ok so I hope it helped and I hope you listen to me at least with these five things not to put on your face and there will be a couple of you said yeah but it worked for me okay guys it is like a Swiss watch you have a cup of wheels moving before the big hand is moving so what I mean if for one of you guys have helped great this is luck but if you look long term you really want to know the wheels which don't harm your face and we're talking about long two things you should avoid because it has a scientific background so please never lemons never Veselin never soda baking soda never ever toothpaste and no oils kitchen oils on the face particular not if you have the tendency for breaking out or ever wear for acne and rosacea redness so I hope it helped because I really felt like talking about these topics because I saw so many YouTube videos and really get me a heart attack if people talking about this without scientific background and and actually a patient into my office just came and made a funny kind of a mixture of two furniture home residues and I almost get a heart attack because she still got out there and explaining it's very important understanding what you choose even women know what you're doing it's your skin right so don't just follow advices think twice and think well get your information well done before you do something always ask why you do this turn on my notification Belding to get notified for other videos I hope next time subscribe to my channel be my friend on Instagram I try to put in some stories as much as I can particularly if I'm traveling and yeah I love you all thank you so much for all your support and see you next time I'll see you then [Music] [Music]
Channel: DrLiv
Views: 653,845
Rating: 4.7129731 out of 5
Keywords: skincare, skin, acne, acne removing, dermatologist, skin and face, skincaretips, pimples, DIY, dangerous DIY skincare, beautycare, Dr Liv, dr liv, Dr Liv Kraemer, dermdoc, beautydoc, doctor, aging, antiaging, what to avoid, vaseline, coconutoil, baking soda, facial oil, lemon skincare, lemon on face
Id: MBlbyrQ5Eis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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