Watermelon juice with turmeric and ginger Nature's Viagra made on a Whole Health Foundation juicer

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hello my friends all over the world wherever you are today I'm going to be making some watermelon juice and I'm going to shred the rind and press the flesh so I want to make juice out of both the rind and the flesh and the first step is to wash the watermelon thoroughly because the rind is going through the shredder let's take a look at that okay what I'm going to do is use a scrubber and scrub any dirt off the rind I want to make sure it's as clean as possible all around and then I'm going to rest it with water and then transfer it over to my cutting board all right the first thing I'm going to do is cut this into about 101 and a half inch slabs and we'll set these aside we're going to shred the flat the rind and press the flesh with the seeds and all now what I'm going to do next is peel off the wine and set that aside set the rind aside we're going to press the flesh without shredding it and then shred the rind and mix the two together so we'll put the rind over here in a separate Bowl and then trim off the rind because we're going to juice the flesh only by pressing it and then shred the rind now here's my last piece of rind being cut off now the next thing I'm going to do is cut the flesh into more manageable pieces so they'll fit in quads properly now the first thing I'm going to do is install my near-zero blowback cutter it's got over 80 teeth cut into the five blades and for one melon juice I'm using the number two grid with 1/8 inch holes the first thing I'm going to do is shred the rind and what I'll do is break the rind up into manageable pieces and feed it through the feed tube now because fruit is very liquid you want to keep this covered as much as you can even though it's zero pullback front-loading feature but you want to minimize any blowback by keeping it covered another thing I want to point out is with the rind I'm putting in 100 grams of ginger and 140 grams of turmeric so let's do that now here's the last of my Rhine one of the things I love about this front loading feature but I can see that not all of the rind is shred so what I'm going to do is pour a little pulp in here and force that last plug grind through and then I'm going to keep the Rhine separate and press this later after I press the flesh there we go all of the Rhine to shred so next I'm going to clean the future get all the pulp out of the future put it in one of these jars and then continue with pressing the flesh now I keep all of my clods for fruit in the freezer separated a couple for apple juice a couple for watermelon and so on so the first thing I'm going to do is unfold these clods and I'm going to line them with a bamboo liner to prevent the watermelon from sticking to the claw so the first thing we're going to do is take a slab of watermelon and I notice last time they burst at the corner so I'm going to cut off these sharp corners and put them in the middle fold the bamboo layer over the watermelon and normally I would press two at a time but these slabs are too thick I think so let's set it aside and let's see if we get two of them in there and another bamboo liner again I'm going to cut off these sharp corners I don't know if it'll help or not but we'll find out hold the bamboo over in both directions and fold your juicing cloth over the bamboo liner and the watermelon now I think that's going to be too thick that's my toe yes correct so let's press these one at a time in the center of the tray centered left to right centered front to back now you notice how you can access this from all around all the way back and I'm going to back it off because fruit is very very slippery so let's get a container turn this on while my second clock is pressing again centered left to right center out the back while the next clock is pressing I'm going to open up the bamboo and put in another slab water I'm not going to cut the quarter notice I put the new slab right on top of the old hope you do not throw away your stent Pope and at the very end I'm going to show you how I can get 10% more juice using the whole health foundation premium juicer so I'm going to continue with this rhythm until I do all of my watermelon flesh we'll continue now I'm pressing the last of my pulp here and what I'm going to do with this spent pulp is I'm going to set it aside and shred it through the shredder to see if we can get any more juice out of this spent pulp now I'm going to press the right pulp and we'll put about a cups worth cup and a half of this pulp in each cloth using a bamboo liner fold the bamboo liner over the pulp fold the cloth over the bamboo liner and I'm going to set that aside and press to clouds full of rind pulp at one time and again about a cup or a cup and a half remember you never hit from the top because you're going to force your pail to go up on the side and down and fold the bamboo over the pulp fold the cloth over the bamboo and two cloths full of pulp into the press centered left to right center drop the back making the adjustments you need to all the way back back it out a little bit notice the green color from the Rhine and once it's flowing advance it all the way open up this bamboo we're not going to throw away the pulp what we're going to do is put new pulp on top of the already pressed pulp and again about a cup or a cup and a half fold the bag the lighter over-the-rhine to pulp fold the cloth over the bamboo liner fold it as tight a packages you can make and set it aside and we'll continue in advance a little bit more what I'm going to do next is pour both of these containers into this bowl and mix bolts together inside a water homogeneous mixture the next thing I'm going to do after putting in a few ice cubes to cool down this cutter and feed tube is shred the already pressed flesh I want to satisfy my curiosity and see if we get any more juice out of that so let's start feeding in some already spent keep your hand or the pusher over this at all this booth will spit back just one of the advantages the wearing gloves your Pope is going to remain free that you're using gloves what I'm going to do with this reprocessed Spence flesh is put it on top of this already pressed pulp and let's see if my curiosity gets satisfied let's see if we get any more juice so I'll put about three scoops on top maybe four and then refold it fold the cloth over the pulp let's tie two packages I can make let's see if we get any more juice out of this already spent pulp that was shred again I think I can get two claws in there so let's do it that way let's put two clothes in there instead of one all the way back let's put it in warmth we will open that up put in another four ladles full of pulp on top of the old spent Pope I think four ladles should be enough and then fold the cloth over the bamboo liner as before will make us tighter package as we can set that aside we'll do two cloths again and that's it a little bit more not all the way yeah a little more then all the way what I'm going to do now is take both of these spent banda ladders full of pulp and warm it into as tight of packages i can make into a big bowl and i'm going to put this in the cloth again and i'm going to pull this under as many times as I can this is a pretty thick package so I don't think we get more than once and do that in both directions now I'm going to use a measuring Baker to see if we get any more juice out of this using the whole Health Foundation premium model juicer I will be back back in a little bit so far we've got two ounces as long as you have a steady flow you can leave it up well there's some six and a half ounces of juice so far that's almost 20% more juice so I'm going to pour this into the container and we'll put it into bottles after we mix it with the rest of the juice right next to my last step is to mix this spent pulp juice with the regular juice what I'm going to do now is use a four cup container to ladle this into these larger containers and then pour them into bottles I can't wait to taste this watermelon juice with ginger and with turmeric run from this watermelon I got eleven bottles of juice and enough for a taste test and I even cut one slab out of the middle for my wife who wanted to eat it instead of drink the juice so now we'll cap this off well my friends as you can see we have five ten eleven bottles of juice and enough left over for a taste test and remember more than one of these bottles was the pressing that we got from using the whole Health Foundation premium model by pressing the already spent pulp so we got about 15% more juice out of this watermelon juice and remember I cut one 1/2 inch thick slab out of the middle of the watermelon for my wife because she wanted to eat it so let's taste this juice now my friends here we have watermelon juice with a little bit of turmeric and ginger well this is delicious it tastes almost like candy like watermelon candy the turmeric and the ginger swings it up and gives it some really positive flavor well I hope you like what you've seen my friends and I have heard that watermelon juice will make men more potent I don't know if it's true or not sounds like a wives tale to me but many people on the web say that it's true I hope you like what you've seen and if you do please tell a friend if you'd like to telephone me my phone number is seven six zero seven five three zero three two one my email address has developed trust at Cox dotnet and my webpages whole health phone calm see you in the next video
Channel: William Polowniak
Views: 2,988,498
Rating: 4.5459709 out of 5
Keywords: Best juicer, WHF juicer, Nature's Viagra, Watermelon with rind juice, Whole Health Foundation juicer, Norwalk juicer
Id: eglG7UeycP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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