Remembering Bonnie & Clyde, full show.

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen I want to introduce two of my deputies RF Bob alorn and Ted H who over two months ago were assigned to catch Clyde bar and Bonnie Parker two of the South worst killers this was terminated in their apprehension day before yesterday in the state of Louisiana no one has ever really told the true story in my opinion of Bonnie and Clyde my brother and his girlfriend it's always been some kind of lie or something it's never the way I've known him I have been indicted along with Clyde and Bonnie for the murder of Malcolm Davis Fort Worth debuty Sheri there was a woman sitting on the truck and a man in overall a little bitty fell said he had the keenest black eyes he had ever seen actually me and Clyde started a b gang in prison Raymond was the third member of the original gang Bonnie was the four and there several others later you know Bonnie was small thin and uh what I call her dish water blonde I don't know just not very blonde but blonde last days of their life all they were doing was buying time cuz they knew they were going to die together that car was shot up them people was shot up lots of blood in there and everything I stood on the running board of the car and looked inside face to face with Clyde bar after he was killed on May 23rd 1934 the infamous pair of Outlaws Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker drove down this road just outside Gibbs land Louisiana they were but second away from a hail of bullets that would end their lives but their Legend lives on today in many ways brighter than when they were alive the truth told Here For the First Time by those who were there is a story of love family and [Music] violence [Music] when the Roaring 20s ended with a crash the dark clouds of the Great Depression covered both the body and soul of the United States in the Grim years that followed it reduced many of America's once solid citizens to desperate people willing to do anything they could to survive Shanty towns breadlines and riding the rails were common sites banks closed in many towns and cities farmers were willing to go almost any place to improve their lives even a little bit the Dust Bowl certainly added to their misery against this dark curtain a different kind of hero captured the imagination of many Americans Desperado such as as John Dillinger and Babyface Nelson drove through the Midwest robbing banks and gas stations they were involved in Wild shootouts with a law which captured newspaper headlines Across the Nation and a public following that rivaled movie stars and sports Heroes they became Idols of sorts to the common man because they represented the law of survival leaving several dead men in their way Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker had a career that lasted only only a little more than 2 years and yet history has judged them to be two of the most fascinating criminals of that era Clyde Barrow was born to Henry and cumi Barrow on March 24th 1909 at Enis Texas 35 Mi south of Dallas not much more than sharecroppers even in prosperous times the Elder barrows barely survive from cash crop to cash crop they decided to move to Dallas in the early 20s to be with their older children who had already moved there opening the barrel gas station on Eagle Ford Road was a much needed step up the financial ladder but money problems now intensified by the Great Depression made just getting by difficult it was while they lived here that Clyde and his big brother Marvin better known as Buck began running to together the money was tight and times were hard and they did have you know chip in to help and all the family well I guess at an early age they wanted things that you know that they couldn't have and uh so I guess that was the best way to get them just go out and take something or something another and then after that Clyde got in trouble well it seemed like that every time that he that anything happened they always tried to lay it off on Clyde yeah and they question him and come out and and you know always thought it was Clyde or book that done something I knew it wasn't right or nothing but I love both my brothers and I don't think they did a half the things that the newspaper said they did Clyde was a I think he was a tenderhearted boy I loved him very much he was very good to me he bought me my first I don't know if he bought it or where he got it but he brought me my first bicycle I ever had in my life I kept that bicycle D grown Bonnie Parker was born at Rowena Texas on October 1st 1910 and her family moved to Dallas when she was very young at age 16 she married a smalltime thief named Roy thoron but the relationship was short-lived Roy was caught during a burglary attempt and sentenced to a longterm in prison never bothering to divorce her husband Bonnie who lived close to the downtown area worked at a variety of local cafes and became acquainted with several members of the Dallas Police Department including Ted Hinton and Bob Alcorn both were later to play a major role in the last moments of her life in early 1930 when Bonnie was 20 she went to a girlfriend's house and there met the man she would spend the rest of her life with Bonnie and Clyde were like I said they were just kids and they're very much in love with each other and they would either reach over and smack each other on the cheek or something other when they was out and you know always calling each other sweet names or something but they they were very much in love with each other he loved her and she loved him most historians have never understood the reason behind the formation of the original Barrel gang Clyde who had been sentenced to 14 years on two counts of car robbery and five counts of burglary first met Ralph folz already a hardened Criminal by the age of 19 when they were both being transferred to the feared East Ham prison located just outside Huntsville Texas fols who had previously escaped from eastem described conditions which were so bad that many prisoners would mutilate themselves in an effort to avoid work in the prison labor Fields managed by a corrupt and brutal system it was common practice to beat prisoners senseless with baseball bats run over them with horses or just murder them the old prison Cemetery stands in silent testimony to those Horrors even though his prison duties kept him very busy Clyde stayed in constant contact with his family through letters such as this complaining about the conditions and by sending small gifts on special occasions Clyde be was always real close to his family he loved his mother and he loved all of us we were all real close family and when he was in prison well he made this little necklace for me and sent it to me when I was a girl of course it's about tore up now but I've had it all these years while Clyde was in prison Bonnie would visit him as often as possible we kept up with Bonnie she uh come around the house you know to see Mama and she stayed all night with us several times and she' WR Clyde and tell him your sister Marie she's talking my ears off so I guess I was a chatter box or something and she'd write and tell him about it but she stayed all night with us and visit with us quite a bit I like Bonnie she was just you know she was sweet little old girl she was real tiny and little wore three and A2 shoe and was very tiny and just real sweet she was very much in love with Clyde and he was very much in love with her in the early spring of 1931 Clyde who up to that time had always been described as being quiet and sensitive was separated from folz because Prison officials began to suspect that they were planning an escape they moved Clyde to another Camp there at East him where he met among others Henry methan who would later play an important role in the last moments of Clyde's life and at about this time an older prisoner named ed Crowder trapped Clyde and sodomized him viciously Clyde retaliated shortly thereafter by killing Crowder in the dormatory behind the colums he hit him on the head with a piece of pipe from that point on folz observed that Clyde had changed from a school boy to a rattlesnake Clyde and folz also decided that when they got out of prison they would form a gang return to eastan raid it and free as many prisoners as they could before the plan could be finalized folse was paroled and the forced labor inflicted upon Clyde intensified because of his new attitude Clyde was so upset that he cut off two of his own toes in an effort to get out of the work and unfortunately on February 2nd 1932 he was also pared which made the mutilation unnecessary and he returned home a bitter and angry young man he just seemed like he just got meaner like or something another I don't know he just I don't know he just didn't care much anymore about anything Clyde myself started the bar gang in prison we recruited xcon as the other members of the gang of course the original gang was Clyde and myself Raymond Hamilton who I got out of jail at Mckenna Texas and Bonnie Parker got in by accident shortly thereafter folz and Hamilton were captured and sent to jail then a new name was added to the barrel gang William Deacon Jones better known as WD I've known WG Jones ever since I was a little kid cuz WG Jones and his family Liv down on the campground too WG Jones was a handsome boy all the girls thought he's goodlooking he had several good-looking brothers too he didn't recruit WD WD just wanted to go along with him and he taken him off with him one time and then he brought him back like I said and so when you go home because you're not you know nobody knows who you are and you have and just stay at home but he didn't do it he hung around up and down the roads and that eagle for Road looking for Clyde to come by where he could go on to him again the killing of Fort Worth Deputy Malcolm Davis in west Dallas gave additional unneeded publicity to the barrel gang I know that uh that it was at Lily Hamilton's house when he uh stopped went up to the door well this Malcolm Davis throw a gun on him and says you know to stop you know and anyway I think that Clyde's shot but his his pistol uh jammed at the time and uh WD was shooting and bl Bonnie made him quit shooting because she's afraid he would hit Clyde but evidently Clyde pulled the bullet out with his fingers and evidently he Dido shoot the policeman now our WD did one I don't really know which one did in late 1929 Buck Barrow Clyde's older brother was sentenced to four years in prison for burglary but made a daring Escape after serving less than a year it was after the Escape that he met blanch Cadwell and it was love at first sight even though he had been married twice before theirs was a love story which matched in intensity that of Bonnie and Clydes blanch was an attractive woman with a flare for theatrics a serious camera buff she was always either taking photographs or posing for them she and Buck married after a short courtship later as a result of constant urging by blanch and his mother Buck surrendered to the authorities and returned to prison in 1931 Governor Ferguson issued a parole for him on March 20th 1933 citing the convict's poor health and general good behavior Buck then promised the Texas authorities that he would find Clyde and convince him to go straight the following month he and blanch had a family reunion of sorts with Bonnie Clyde and their traveling companion WD Jones in Joplin Missouri life for Bonnie and Clyde was about to become very serious the highway patrol had got the information first of all that uh this suspicious activity was going on here they contacted the Joplin Police Department and they along with a Newton County Constable obtained a search warrant and then came to the apartment to serve that warrant uh they were expecting only to search a residents of a bootlegger or possibly burglars but they were not expecting what they actually found Clyde Barrow and WD Jones had just come back from a scouting Expedition they had just parked their vehicle in the garage and Clyde was about to close the doors when he saw the officers coming up the street the first officer out of the car was Newton County Constable Harman he jumped out of the passenger side of the front seat and ran around to the garage door that was open here and attempted to stop them Clyde from closing the door of course he had no idea who the man was or uh what to expect but uh Clyde opened fire on him with the shotgun caught him in the neck and the shoulder and that was the first officer who went down during the general firing the officers noticed uh from the upstairs Windows a woman and young man firing at them uh This was later found out to be Bonnie Parker and their friend WD Jones this is interesting because it's the first time that they had positive proof that uh Bonnie was actually involved in shooting herself and not just Clyde and WD Jones at this point is when the Second Officer Harry mcginness was shot over on the passenger side of the car about that time the door of the apartment swung open and a woman come running out screaming hysterically she had a small dog yapping at her heels and they both went down the hill here towards Main Street the officers weren't really expecting this they didn't expect to have a woman involved with Bootleggers so they wasn't sure if it was a girlfriend or a hostage or just what she was that left one Trooper over here at the other house uh behind the corner all the Firepower was then directed towards him he had one bullet left he he was stepping backwards and stumbled and they figured that they had shot him they moved the bodies out of the way dropped the brake on the uh police car pushed it out of the way and then got in there forward and headed towards Main Street when they got down to Main Street they picked up blanch who was still screaming and running with her dog and got her in the car and then they went South down Missouri 43 Highway in an overall sense the importance of the Joplin shooting I think is the of course the death of the two officers but of equal importance I think is the personal items that they left here in The Hideout among those items were uh rolls of unprocessed film once the film was processed America for the first time was able to see what Bonnie Parker and Clyde burrow looked like before that they were just names in the newspaper in that batch of photographs was the famous picture of Bonnie Parker uh smoking a cigar uh she told many family members as well as those that she had kidnapped or that the gang had kidnapped that she did not in fact smoke cigars and that she wanted them to tell America that she was embarrassed by it but it was something that haunted her for the rest of her lives in fact if you look at the other photographs on those same roles of film uh you'll see that Clyde has that cigar in his hand on June 10th 1933 just outside Wellington Texas Clyde's famous driving skill failed him with Bonnie and WD as passengers he lost control of the car which skitted off the road rolled down an embankment and burst into flames before Bonnie could be pulled from the fire her right leg was severely burned from that day on Witnesses remembered Bonnie limping bad deadle are being carried by Clyde now on July 18th 1933 Bonnie Clyde blanch buck and WD all stopped at a small motor Court just six miles south of Plat City Missouri nearby was the Red Crown Tavern the manager of the tavern and the local sheriff took a little bit of an interest in those young people who had run of the cabins they watched for instance as WD teased blanch about her weight when they were in there buying food for their friends their original opinion was that these were school kids on a summer Lark because they were small and they were very youngl looking the next day blanch went to Plat City to buy some additional medical supplies for Bonnie's burns the local police there were convinced that these young people were in fact the barrel gang Missouri Highway Patrol and the Kansas City Police Department were then called and a request EST was made that they come to the tavern and to make sure that they were all very heavily armed in fact they even ordered an armored car around 11:00 on the evening of the 19th the police began to move into place armored car was pulled up to block the garage and the local sheriff pounded on blanch and Buck's door Clyde immediately opened fire through that garage door wounding one of the officers and disabling the armored car with a Gage of his steel jacketed bullets at the same time buck and the WD also opened fire with clip after clip from their bars and strangely enough the armored car was pulled back leaving an Escape Route wide open it was during this wild melee that buck was struck in the foret with a 45 caliber Slug and blanch was hit in her left eye with shards of broken glass during a momentary lull in that action the barrel gang all piled into one car and made their getaway driving east at speeds exceeding 80 M an hour Clyde skidded into the dexfield amusement park in campsite located just north of Dexter Iowa the park offered the Privacy needed to tend to the wounds suffered By Buck and blanch however the discarded bandages which were soaked with blood and the bullet holes in the car began to attract the attention of the local residents finally Dexter's two police officers began to add things up and didn't like what they found they then called the de moan Iowa police department for some additional help thinking that the strangers were probably nothing more than Bootleggers or possibly hobos an estimated 50 young men and women from the Dexter area decided to follow the police and watch the fun Kurt feifer who was there that morning remembers there wasn't too much excitement around in 1933 and July they went out we went out they parked their cars back half a mile back down the road everybody walked up within where we knew the site was actually we uh all these people were within 200 yards of where they were camped which is this area directly back of me now we just stood there and waited and all once we heard the command the guy yelled loud enough with one of the Law Officers to put up your hands and come out the law was there well all they got in response was a bunch of bullets the elevation uh of the campsite here which was a little lower than the elevation of the road the trajectory of the bullets came right out over the road just probably 10 ft over our heads everybody went to the ditches after the shooting had stopped and we felt that it was safe to go over there we were asked and they said they had departed going down the hill from our right here and straight North down to the river at this point it was every man for himself taking this exact route to the river buck and blanch then went to the Northwest while WD and Bonnie hid in the underbrush next to the stream looking for a way out Clyde who was wounded during the shootout crossed the river and moved into a cornfield we was out there uh uh getting the cows rounded up and getting ready to milk it was uh I guess is about 5:45 dad asked him he says what do you want he said the laws shooting the devil out of us and he says all we want's a way to get out of here Sheriff KN told uh uh young man with us uh I think we've got to look for some bodies he said we know they were hit you know with quite a few bullets from the Posies out here and uh he said we need some volunteers well to go look for some dead people didn't seem to be too bad an idea there were about six of us in the Vanguard going down the hill and when we rece reached the old riverbed uh uh which we went down a considerable Bank to uh a flat area between there and the river which was approximately 50 yard wide and this great big log was lying there which is oh it was four 4T high at least and 8 or 10 ft long and this looked like a good place to hide we had observed coming down this old Bank in in the soft dirt U heel heel mark and um so we stopped C uh used his two fingers and uh he uh whistled through his mouth and uh he take Jones come out of the cornfield and about oh I don't know three or four minutes and he was carrying Bonnie on on his back piggy pack and when he got her up there while he he kind of let her down on the ground and dad asked him he says what do you want us to do he says uh you put one arm around your uh neck and he told me he says you put the other arm around your neck and carrier and then she got up from back of the log blanch that was that bucks wife she had on a pair of uh uh boot breaches she had on a pair of nice riding boots she had on dark glasses she didn't look too clean but she says I husband is lying on the ground he can't move well we didn't really believe that so we demanded that he get up and is he armed she never answered that she came out and stood at one end of the log or a little bit beyond and we kept telling him to get up and come out and she she was no she was pretty hysterical he' been shot through the cheekbone and uh grazed and uh he been shot to the shoulder and um when you're 19 years old and you see blood running down the guy's face and been shot a couple times you kind of do as he tells you to I had hold of blanches one hand and and a man named James Young had the other side of him musclean and a man named Frank Cody uh had Buck's hand Buck would walk for a while and he would seem to pass out and they'd have to drag him for a few feet and then maybe sto and and he'd get his feet under him again and you'd walk a little way and we had we covered I suppose better than a quarter of a mile that we got to the area where I think you'll where everybody has seen the famous picture that was taken by the registered staff photographer he uh got in the car and of course he' been a steel Model A roadsters or Fords and U uh he didn't know how to shift gears in this plmouth uh and he wasn't used to a gear shift's car so finally we got it through his head that um how to shift it and everything and see he had his gun laying on the right hand side of him and I was up on the left hand anded have been of course somebody could have got shot too as far as that go but I I was reaching over him and I've often thought many a time if I had have just reached over and got a hold of the gun I he' been shot twice and I think I could probably stopped him right there but I'm glad I didn't I'll tell you that buck a very uh bad power ghastly Looking Power his head wound uh was not covered at the time uh was unbandaged whether I had lost that in the in the shootout back at the site where we're sitting now uh evidently or maybe they hadn't had time but his brain was exposed you could see this man maybe was on his last legs that he wasn't going to live too much longer which he didn't after he was taken to the king's Daughter's Hospital in Parry we got him backed out and got him started out and when he went out why he told my dad he says uh you will be well repid for this just like that and of course um with a law and everything why uh somebody uh opened up what I mean and told them about that or they censored our our mail for about three months what I mean they our mail was censored and of course I'm still waiting for that uh paycheck I never did receive it I suppose he probably send that one of these times after the dexfield shootout WD decided that life with Bonnie and Clyde had become far too dangerous so he quit the gang and returned to Texas where he was immediately captured he then attempted to put as much distance between himself and Clyde as possible I have been indicted along with Clyde and Bonnie for the murder of Malcolm Davis for worth debuty Sher I was forced along under threats of death with clad barar through many of his gun battles and saw him killed five men FL bear never seemed to care for killing anyone all he thought of was himself that's the reason I tried to escape just didn't kill me as anyone you know he told quite a few Tales after you know he got caught but we all knew that you know that he did it on purpose to keep from you know getting in too much trouble his so you can't blame him for that because Clyde you know had told him to tell anything he wanted to even though their travels took them all over the Midwest Bonnie and Clyde were always anxious to return home and visit their families which they did on a regular basis Clyde would come by the house and if there was in he would throw a Cocola bottle out or maybe he'd stop at the mailbox or something but he always made sure my mother got the note that for he would you know that where he would be that he didn't tell nobody where he would be but my mother and uh then she we would go out LC usually my youngest brother was the one that would take us out to see where he was at you know and my mother would keep cooked beans and you know cornbread or something that take to him to eat but it wasn't no big reunions it was just you know just seeing him we had met Clyde at sour the day before and he told Mother to meet him back out there the next night which was the first time that he ever had her or any of us meet him twice in the same place and uh so we met evidently somebody told them we was coming out there we don't know who it was but it was had to be somebody that was in the car you know that knew and uh so when we got out there we parked the side of the road and uh we could see Clyde you know we didn't know any everybody was over in that little Gully in the ditches out there and uh we parked there and was waiting for Clyde to come along Park beside us cuz he always parked along beside us and we could see his lights coming so we thought here he comes but when he got to the right beside of us he said he had a hunch or he might have accidentally seen something over in the Gully or something I don't know we said he had a hunch and he didn't stop by side of us he just kept going and when he passed our car they no more he no more got it just pass our car till they started shooting it was just far all across the sky you know shooting and uh of course we left right quick and my mother got down and Miss Parker got down and I was too stupid to get down I guess because I said Mama he got away because he's still going but he did get shot through both legs into Bonnie's leg and then they went on out there somewhere were in Irving and bogged up in the mud and I think he had to take a car away from somebody out there to get away he always sufficient maybe it was Billy Jean or maybe Joe Francis my husband I don't really know who it was I know that my brother LC tried to get Ted Hinton to tell him in the later years who it was but Ted Hinton would never tell him so it had to be Billy Jean or it had to be Joe Francis it had to be one of the two after this watched sour Ambush Dallas Sheriff Smoot Schmidt assigned two of his best officers Bob alorn and Ted Hinton to track down the barrel gang capture them if possible shoot the kill if necessary alorn and Hinton were welln in Dallas as hard-nosed police officers professional to the core they were among the few who could identify Bonnie and Clyde on site on January 16th 1934 Clyde would fin finally succeed in his dream of staging a raid on the dreaded eam State Prison having lost four of his Partners folz WD Jones his own brother buck and Raymond Hamilton who was serving time at eastm Clyde needed to recruit some new gang members Hamilton and Henry methan among others would replenish the ranks of the barag gang quite nicely earlier some handguns had been hidden near the prison grounds to Aid in the Escape at the appointed hour of the break a dense fog had crept in making visibility almost impossible Clyde parked his car and began firing numerous rounds from his bar in the air to provide cover for the escapees Bonnie began blowing the car horn so that the convicts who were running wildly through the fog could find them when the Escape was completed a total of five inmates had actually gotten away and one guard was killed now because of all the publicity generated by that Breakout Governor ma Ferguson appointed a special task force consisting of former Texas Ranger Frank HR and officer Manny G to operate separately from the Dallas Smoot schmetz posi in attempting to stop Clyde the prison break did achieve one of Clyde and fults original goals it brought widespread attention to the terrible conditions at the facility the beginnings of prison reform there and elsewhere in the actually had the seeds of change planted right then people have often wondered how the barrel gang escaped all these shootouts there are several reasons most importantly they had a full complement of deadly weapons and they used them with deadly Precision usually the gang had as many as 20 rifles 50 automatic pistols and 10 to 15,000 rounds of ammunition they were would either steal guns or on some occasions purchase them from a disgruntled army Sergeant Clyde preferred Browning automatic rifles vs because of their Superior Firepower steel jacketed bullets like these caused massive damage Clyde also liked automatic shotguns which held 12 rounds of these now outdated brass shells at the same time many of the local police had only handguns or maybe personal shotguns which meant the Law Officers were always outgunned Bonnie and Clyde carried all this impressive Firepower in their car wherever they went and it's safe to say the space was fairly crowded since they lived for nearly two years in their car Clyde was as particular about his choice of automobiles as he was his weapons a skilled Fearless driver he favored Ford V8s they were among the fastest cars on the road were highly reliable and they had a very sturdy steel frame which helped stop bullets during getaways in early May 1934 Clyde temporarily moved his base of operations to Gibbs land Louisiana not much more than a small logging Town even today Gibbs offered a unique attraction he was close to the home of his friend Henry methin who offered his help in finding them a hideout this trust proved to be Clyde's fatal mistake the methin lived in a a very poverty type place 10 miles uh east of casad an area there between there and uh cast and they live kind of in that swamp and like rural type people live like sharecroppers and they they did whatever they could do to gain whatever they wanted or needed the people that I know disliked them very much they were real crude and rude and felt like the best way to get what they wanted or needed was through violence well my father went up to Uncle Gus Co had a little Country Store up here where 516 intersect 154 and my father went up there just before dark in the evening and I don't remember the exact date it is some time before they were killed and there's a man old man Henry methin from down at Caster was there and asked daddy if the John cold house was vacant daddy told him yes and they were on a what we called a pole truck back in those days a lot of people was cutting telephone Po and light poles and peeling them and selling them to try to make a living and they had a long trailer on an old truck didn't have a cab on it and he said that there was a woman sitting on the truck and a man in overalls a little bitty fell said he had the keenest black eyes he had ever seen standing back up against the door with his hands and the gall from overalls and no man methin went on inside and Daddy went on with it Mr methin was sitting on the porch and uh he was the one that talked to Otis Co and the the house had belonged to his father Uncle John Co we called him and it was that the house had been abandoned for several years so they it was just it had grown up in the woods and it was just a perfect Hideout you could hardly get in in there in a car with a new Hideout and feeling safe from the searching eyes of the law Bonnie and Clyde maintain a reasonably high profile being seen regularly by many of the local residents we had we had seen them on a Sunday afternoon they came to the little store and she stayed in the car he got out and bought gasoline probably not over 2 or three gallons or 5 gallons cuz that's all you bought then it was probably at 25 cents but anyway he bought us an orange crushed drink they were a nickel and gave my cousin and I were up there and the little old store and he gave us one we were probably barefooted and uh just kind of playing [Music] around others remember seeing them at Mrs Canfield's Cafe very nice looking young fell and I saw Bonnie sitting in the car and I went back I was working work for a ladies living with her Miss mle uh Terry and uh I went back to the house there and I told I I saw that a beautiful white lady I knew she wasn't a native from here because uh usually if a person was born around she hadn't been in the Sun a lot you know we knew Bon and CDE were in the area we had discussed it before but we said probably it was Bonnie and Clyde we knew someone was hiding out over there in my uncle's house and my daddy said that he knew that must from the description that he had waited on them in the store there Little Country Store and uh they always when they stopped at the store Bonnie went in to buy groceries or the few things they bought and Clyde stayed in the car Bonnie came in the store she did have a noticeable limp my father had mentioned that to us about how she looked Bonnie was small thin and uh what I call her dishwater blonde I don't know uh just not very blonde but blonde kind of nondescript looking I I don't remember anything except the red clothes she wore that's that's the most I remember and he was tall and thin and wore a hat then straw hat and I thought his unusual they were cutting putt wood but I never thought about it at that time he wore dress shirts a lot at about this time Ivan methan Henry's father contacted the local sheriff Henderson Jordan through an intermediary and he proposed a deal Henry would set up Bonnie and Clyde to be captured or killed didn't matter if Jordan could arrange a pardon for his son in Texas for two murders that Henry had committed there Jordan contacted Frank HR immediately because HR could cut a deal like that through the Texas governor's office finally Arrangements were made and the posi was structured so that Jordan and his Deputy Apprentice Oakley would be in charge because of Louisiana jurisdiction Hinton and alorn were included because they offered additional Firepower and because they were the only members of the group group who could identify Bonnie and Clyde on site hamr and G rounded out the posi with their expertise in firearms and they brought along the governor's pardon for methin when you think about it this was the strongest of all possible groupings that could have been put together short of a military Squad was also without a doubt the deadliest Force Bonnie and Clyde would ever face early in the morning of May 23rd 3rd 1934 with the posi now concealed in the brush next to the road the Trap was set Ivan methin parked his pole truck on a flat spot in the road just outside Gibbs land ironically it was the same pole truck that Clyde had purchased for the methan family Ivan faked having a flat tire knowing full well that Clyde would stop when he came by children on the way to school that morning remember seeing him there on the morning that they were killed uh it was probably between 7:30 and 8:00 because school was in taken in at 8:00 and we were on the school bus going down that long hill and the bus driver Dan Cole stopped and asked him if he could help him maybe to take the tire in or to take him in and he said no he's just about to put it back on and little did we know that he was the that was the Trap well the day they were shot I was behind the car and we come on out so we hit when it hit that that's that's one 54 Highway when they hit the highway well they were grabing they went pretty good up there when they got up on top of the hill start over the hill well I would intend to pass him but I need to get to the top of the hill when they went to shooting it's just two shot was made I was flying in Fielder right across in front of the house and uh around 9 or 10:00 you usually get thsy you come home come to the house with drinking water just before I came to the house I heard this shot and it was immediate shot to boom boom as it got just about evil Apprentice Oakley the chief Deputy what raised up and started shooting first and then the others immediately jump he did he jumped to Signal a little bit he really didn't mean to but the pressure and nervousness were just overbearing and I I asked Prince why he did it he said really he didn't know he said it it was so intense that all of a sudden he he realized he was standing up there shooting he was shooting the rifle Apprentice op was Chief Deb and he was a real close friend of my fathers and he told my father afterwards sometime afterwards that the first shot he fired kill Clyde bear couldn't get him right in the temple Mr Bethy came to town drove into the service station where I was telling you that that the that the policeman came and told me and Mr Beth drove up and and and the town Marshal and the operator of the station uh uh lesle towns he told them what had happened they just had to shootout so when uh the town Marshall came to tell me about it he was fairly excited about it but he didn't want you to believe it not you know what he was because he was this old fell driving up in this old flatbed uh sharecropper truck dressed like a sharecropper and didn't look like anybody connected with Bonnie cly them but it was a little while till it was all Al Mr FIS Oakland those policeman then from or Katy High sherff Prince Oakland and Mr I don't know I I can't Jordan Henderson Jordan they came around that corrup so fast she said I been D what happened that and uh well the news started spreading that some desperates had been killed me what's that we come on back and uh they finally I trying to think what time they come picked up the car had a little little old t- model recer what they come out and pick it up in and it was shot all that car shot up them people were shot up lot of blood in there and everything and but we stood on the porch and while they was touring this car in it was a gr looking car and bullet holes slugs hole and uh and we got on our tiptoe well they was to it we couldn't see anybody's but this blanket what we called then I don't what they call them they Indian blanket was covered over them we went outside and noticed a lot of cars Bumper to Bumper and that was unusual in those days so we asked what was happening and they said Bonnie and Clyde had been killed and so we got out there when we went back in we talked to our teacher and the let us get under the window and watch for them and when we said here they come the whole old school came out and blocked the street they had no choice but to stop and let us see it I ran and looked at Bonnie in the her side of the car stuck my head in the car and looked she had fallen F her I could see her red hair and this Rusty red dress she had on and see her back and she looked like through her shoulders she couldn't have been over a foot wide she was Tiny and there was a magazine on the floor there her hair was kind of lying on there and then I ran around to the other side and so stuck my head in the car there and looked at CDE and someone jerked the blanket of whatever they had over his face well I just remember his mouth was open and if I remember right his eyes were too but you could tell that he was very dead it was it just gruesome the death car with its gruesome cargo was towed to the coroner's office in nearby Arcadia a crowd of curiosity Seekers immediately gathered all hoping to get a glimpse of the bullet riddle bodies or to snatch a souvenir off the dead pair after removing the bodies from the car the corer took them inside so that the necessary work could begin the grizzly details of that day are Forever Frozen in these old black and white photographs however recently discovered in a sealed container and shown here for the first time are the shirt and hat that Clyde wore in that fateful morning the bullet holes and blood stains underscore the horror of their final moments this exit wound marks were Clyde spinal cord was severed the Hat shows where yet another bullet crashed into his [Music] skull outside the crowds continued to grow by some estimates close to 6,000 people while the six officers who were in The Ambush posi posed endlessly for photographers the following day members from both families went to Arcadia to claim the bodies and return them to Dallas for burial and so the remains of Bonnie and Clyde were laid to rest not together as were their wishes but miles apart Bonnie's mother told the press that Clyde had her daughter for 2 years and that it didn't do Bonnie any good so he couldn't have her for eternity thousands of people flocked to the respective funeral homes and later to the cemetery to get a last look at the now famous pair Clyde's family attended Bonnie's burial but The Parkers declined to pay their respects to Clyde their stories have been told and retold with little regard for the truth more than half a century after their deaths they still speak volumes to us about our interest in that which can't be explained and the almost morbid curiosity we have about their lives and deaths our questions may never be satisfied they took many of their secrets with with them to the grave and the window of knowledge is quickly closing on those persons whose lives were touched by Bonnie and Clyde but even with the passage of time Bonnie and Clyde's Legend will live on if for no other reason then as a footnote in history telling the lives of two people and the era in which they lived remembering a twisted tale of love family and violence Roy Thornton Bonnie's husband who was serving time at East Ham prison was killed during an attempted breakout in 1937 Ralph folz continued his Reckless ways until World War II when he went to work at a Mississippi Shipyard he eventually married and became committed to religion he returned to Texas and earned a living as a public speaker lobbying for prison reform he died in February of 1993 at the age of 82 Raymond Hamilton who was originally sentenced to over 240 years for various crimes prior to his Escape was recaptured in April of 1934 he escaped again and was finally recaptured in April of 1935 prison officials and the local police apparently had enough of Hamilton and he was executed the following month along with Joel Palmer at East Ham prison Marie Barrow was sentenced to 1 hour in jail for harboring and helping her brother she lives today in East Dallas a light and respected citizen of the community blanch Barrow was sentenced to 10 years in Missouri State Penitentiary she was given a full pardon in 1939 and returned to Texas later she remarried and moved to Oklahoma and operated a beauty shop for many years upon the death of her second husband she returned to the Dallas area and renewed many of her old acquaintances especially with the barel family blanch became totally blind in her left eye as a result of the Plat City shootout she died of cancer in 1988 WD Jones was sentenced to 17 years in prison for the Malcolm Davis shooting and for helping Bonnie and Clyde upon his release he married and lived a normal life for several years in the Houston area after his wife's death WD returned to his old ways and was killed in a drug deal which went bad in 1974 Henry methin was granted his pardon for the two murders in Texas but was later sentenced to death for slaying an Oklahoma police officer that sentence was commuted to life imprisonment when his involvement in the setup of Bonnie and CLA was brought to light Henry was eventually pardoned then worked in a Munitions Factory during World War II outside Caster Louisiana in April of 1947 he got very drunk and either fell upon or was placed on railroad tracks and killed by a train which cut him in two I don't know really why there is such an interest about him but I guess that they they'll always go on something about Bonnie and Clyde because I guess it was just Bonnie and Clyde a girl and a boy out and they wanted to make them famous or something other and so they really done that now they won't let them rest you know dead they they dead now they should let them rest but they [Music] don't [Music] 1937 Ralph Foltz continued his Reckless ways until World War II when he went to work at a Mississippi Shipyard he eventually married and became committed to religion he returned to Texas and earned a living as a public speaker lobbying for prison reform he died in February of 1993 at the age of 82 Raymond Hamilton who was originally sentenced to over 240 years for various crimes prior to his Escape was recaptured in April of 1934 he escaped again and was finally recaptured in April of 1935 prison officials and the local police apparently had enough of Hamilton and he was executed the following month along with Joel Palmer at East Ham prison Marie Barrow was sentenced to 1 hour in jail for harboring and helping her brother she lives today in East Dallas a liked and respected citizen of the community blanch barel wasent sentenced to 10 years in Missouri State Penitentiary she was given a full pardon in 1939 and returned to Texas later she remarried and moved to Oklahoma and operated a beauty shop for many years upon the death of her second husband she returned to the Dallas area and renewed many of her old acquaintances especially with the barrel family blanch became totally blind in her left eye as a result of the Plat City shootout she died of cancer in 1988 WD Jones was sentenced to 17 years in prison for the Malcolm Davis shooting and for helping Bonnie and Clyde upon his release he married and lived a normal life for several years in the Houston area after his wife's death WD returned to his old ways and was killed in a drug deal which went bad in 1974 Henry methin was granted his pardon for the two murders in Texas but was later sentenced to death for slaying an Oklahoma police officer that sentence was commuted to life in prisonment when his involvement in the setup of Bonnie and Clyde was brought to light Henry was eventually pardoned then worked in a Munitions Factory during World War II outside Caster Louisiana in April of 1947 he got very drunk and either fell upon or was placed on railroad tracks and killed by a train which cut him in two I don't know really why they is such an interest about him but I guess that they they'll always go on something about Bonnie and Clyde because I guess it was just Bonnie and Clyde the girl and a boy out and they wanted to make them famous or something another and so they've really done that now they won't let them rest you know dead they they dead now they should let them rest but they don't [Music]
Channel: muddbosss
Views: 1,676,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bonnie and clyde
Id: 8U9MrARoGlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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