The Case of Bonnie and Clyde | Natural Born Outlaws | True Crime Central

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our names have become Legend Bonnie and Clyde lovers and outlaws together we'd Raise Hell and Hell Is where we'd end up Pride Barrel the most ruthless killer of the Southwest has ever known stealing automobiles robbing banks killing without Mercy Clyde was just one of those bad guys and they're out there who would do who would die before going back to prison they said Frank hunt them down and take them out because these kids aren't just outlaws they're killers What attracted this strange pair to each other will never be known first day to me you want to take Cloud down I'll be right by his side they weren't these modern day Robin hoods anymore they were vilified people think they know Bonnie and Clyde but they don't know the truth Heyman thinks he knows us we'll know this we've got faster cars bigger guns once more we've got each other foreign [Music] lying down that ditch freezing my ass off all the Stephen all the Bloodshed that was all just means to an end a way to get back at Easton prison they'll pay for what they did to me there they were paid dearly Clyde Barrow wasn't really interested in money he was driven by Revenge actually that was his whole motivation they put him in one of the the most ruthless and brutal prison systems in the United States Eastern prison Forum was known for that clydeboro was committed to getting out of prison getting a gang together coming back to Easton raiding East him and as he said turning everybody loose shoot every damn one of these guards foreign guys on the inside when shooting started he got up and let him have it [Music] revenge on Easton that was sweet setting Five Guys free and best of all my gal Bonnie waited for me in the getaway car ready to hit the road [Applause] this is almost a calling it's almost a religion it's spiritual because there's so many other ways they could have gone it particularly Bonnie could have gone any other way she chose this life of crime this fast lane Life Of Crime with with Clyde Barrow five days later the Texas Department of Corrections asked me to go after Clyde and his girl Bonnie seems the local deputies weren't having much success Frank Hamer was a legend in Texas uh a state uh happened to be from that loves its Legends loves its Texas Rangers and Frank Hamer was was one of them uh Hamer was a one-man Army not because of bravado he's very quiet man but he was a literally a Tall Texan he stood six foot three a trim man the look in his face was one of he was very serious about what he did about what he knew I said how much you gonna pay me to do that they said laugh as much as you're getting right now Frank Hamer was recruited by Lee Simmons of the Texas prison Association Lee Simmons looked him up went to his home unannounced and said I need you to put Bonnie and Clyde on the spot and shoot everyone in sight that was his mission what made Frank Hamer special as he was a loan agent who could go anywhere and do anything the law began in a time where existing law enforcement almost certainly was not going to get Bonnie and Clyde anytime soon this was frankly a brilliant move hammer in his own words uh said that um Barrow was so Wily um and and so hard to catch it was like a big challenge you know [Music] the conditions in west Dallas were abhorrent was a tenement settlement basically is what it was and the barrel family fit right in with that because that's what they were their itinerant farmers who built this place what put us here and how do we get out again we're asking just asking money in the day the Depression era was was so hard to come by it was it was like a thirsty man in the desert looking for water when you found it you reveled in it it was a lifesaver well one thing about cloudy hated poverty he hated he hated being poor and he always liked to dress nice you know and look good the Great Depression sure did turn up standing men into Petty criminals But Clyde Barrow was never upstanding in the first place I got into crime probably because it was seductive to him he had an older brother buck and buck was quite involved in crime especially auto theft and burglary and it was probably fun because he could have a little bit of money when no one else had any money cloudboro eventually wound up in prison uh for burger and auto theft [Music] side of the Eastern dormitories there were men called building tenders we would call them trustees and so the life inside the dormitories was basically regulated by other prisoners and it was fairly brutal there was this bank robber out of Houston named ed Crowder Ed liked to pick on smaller convicts and he often liked to rape them [Music] I ain't much for religion but Easton made me believe in hell so Clyde was getting the treatment from Ed Crowder But Clyde was the wrong person to go after hit a piece of pipe that he had found and hid it in the bathroom and he went to the bathroom he knew Crowder was going to follow him and sure enough he does and Crowder comes up behind him and Clyde pulls out that pipe just takes off the top of his head [Music] another convict another trustee was in on it with him uh his name was Aubry Skelly and uh scally was uh serving a life sentence Clyde actually killed Ed Crowder but scally came running up with a knife and started stabbing him and shouting and making a lot of noise while Clyde just kind of slipped into the dormitory so he Clyde killed him and scally took the rap but this is where Clyde changes his old demeanor has now changed he's witnessed some horrible situations and he carries it with him for the rest of his life [Music] I got out of that hell after two years you kill a man some changes and go up fast I'm not going back to that hell hole he said they will have to kill me first [Music] [Applause] [Music] Clyde Barrow was attracted to Bonnie because she was cute and vivacious and just a lot of fun to be around her husband Roy Thornton was away in prison she was an abandoned young wife and she found in Clyde the same kind of Daring Do qualities that she had loved in her husband I think Bonnie was a drama queen who seemed to have adopted an identity out of soap opera magazines and Pulp movies she real enough to me just Dynamite I'm smart too I know I'm gonna put one past her Q's all here a little smile she get when she about to do something bad when they mad it was love at first sight you know and uh he saw a lot of gumption in her you know he saw that she was a pretty smart little cookie from that point on they were inseparable for anything gas station payroll armories auto theft you loved it right sure and pretty quick I started to love you as well foreign [Music] next I was running shotgun with clad oh my gosh it was right where I wanted to be man there was there was this fast life they were living the fast lane she she just it was an adrenaline rush for her just as much as it was for for Clyde and so I think that was that was part of the attractions just as much as the bling it was it was the the adrenaline Bonnie's a good gal but two of us ain't enough we need help especially if we're gonna get back and read Eastern prison every outline worth his salt needs to gain right first we pick up a kid I knew w d Jones was uh one of my dad's friends Clyde says uh you've got the stomach for it boy and he said yep so he gets in the car [Music] and then my brother buck and his wife Blanche we brought him along for the ride we're a pretty good team we scored the big payouts then again we didn't want to Clyde didn't actually Rob that many banks he was more of small potatoes he was filming stations he was payroll clerks he was breweries he was train stations where he robbed ticket offices wasn't just Robin it was killing down in west Dallas their old stomping grounds they shoot a deputy sheriff a guy named Davis [Music] well that attracts attention platter walked into a trap that was set up for another criminal and uh when Malcolm Davis came around he had a whip in his hand Clyde fired you know killing the guy Clyde's fate to sealed now you know he's an ex-con he's going to go you know go to prison now for murder and they're going to execute him and he knew that so Barrel's got nothing to lose he raises the stakes starts raiding National Guard armories the military Browning automatic rifle would become Clyde's heavy weapon of choice that was a scary Little Weapon it fired a 20 shot magazine in under three seconds [Music] the buck taught me how to handle a rifle but this was a whole different can of beans oh boy oh boy oh boy this ain't no pop gun well your typical County sheriff or his Deputy or a local Marshal would have a handgun probably a 38. the sheriff's in his car might carry a Shotgun by and large they would be outgunned by someone like Clyde Barrow who who took this very Series so this this was life or death with him what happened that's right in the line of fire live or die I'm going down without a fight me and Bonnie were picking up the pace gas station payroll anything to make a buck shooting that Deputy in west Dallas one pardon the plan they pick up pictures on walls calling me murder I was talking a lot low for a while [Music] Buck he liked to drink a lot Missouri was one of the early states to legalize 3.2 percent beer which was just fine for buck and they were bringing boatloads of beer in there and they were drinking and hooping it up to away late at night okay so we're a little on the rambunctious side over excited you could say well Buck had been drinking again I was reading cloud my poetry but the neighbors got all sore about the empty beer bottles and the music and all that [Music] and because of the amount of alcohol they thought they had some Bootleggers in the place so they got a search warrant a liquor search warrant is what they got the Joplin Police didn't know who they were dealing with [Applause] there's a brief but intense gun fight two of the policemen are shot within the first 45 seconds to a minute before long all the officers have run out of ammunition Clyde was able to function in these situations for some reason he's able to continue to think and act decisively in the middle of everything going wrong the ferocity of the Firepower says nothing but you are not taking us not without a fight anyway their haste to get out of Joplin the barrel brothers and Jones and Bonnie and Blanche had to leave everything behind and among the things that were left behind what cache of weapons there's some jewelry there was several stacks of photographs and several rolls of unprocessed film that the police had processed and they instantly had photographs of the perpetrators of the double murder there in Joplin no one paid us much mind until we had to split from javelin in a hurry and every Tom Dick and Harry got a knifeful of our holiday snaps Joplin did make them players on the criminal stage if you will suddenly the public saw them as something a little different a little more glamorous when you look at the Joplin photos you get the idea of young people in love pointing guns at each other laughing smoking cigars incidentally very stylishly dressed Bonnie's clothing actually projected a kind of wild west look like a bell star the skirts were much longer than the Fashions of the day so it presented an anti-hero and in In Her Image an anti-heroine which was something quite new for society the newspapers were having a field day with this other than the depressed in the dust bowl there wasn't that much to write about so they wrote about their local anti-heroes who happened to be Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie and Clyde were definitely folk Heroes especially early on they're even described in newspapers as modern day Robin hoods he gave away a vast amounts of money to friends and family folk Heroes modern day Robin Hood the hell with that they were murderers Psychopaths Clyde did not want his name in the paper he didn't want any of those photographs Clyde's feeling was the more notoriety you get the hotter you get and he didn't want any of that heat he didn't like it he did not like it thank you relax clad use one gotta make a living too who cares forget about it for me it was all about ready Nissan all I needed was enough guns and enough people so I can go back there yeah I know Raise Hell they're gonna inactive revenge and it's all Clyde Barrow's Revenge really [Music] local law didn't stand a chance they would commit a crime in Oklahoma next thing anybody knew they were somewhere in near Chicago Illinois they would be in Minnesota they would be in back to Nebraska from the time they committed a crime they would put at least 600 to a thousand miles between them and wherever it was they're going to wind up it was hard you couldn't predict I realize they're keeping close to the state lines switching jurisdictions at the drop of a hat I thought it was more of a statistician he had every move that he made he had already calculated how he was going to leave he had to leave in a hurry he always made himself where he he knew he had an exit if Clyde could get to his car and have even a couple of minutes Head Start he was gone he he drove the back roads his car was more important than his guns in February 1932 Ford motor company comes out with their new line and they're offering for the first time the option of a V8 engine and this was the famous Ford V8 so if you had this V8 you had potentially the fastest car and if you had the nerve of a Clyde Barrel to drive it right to the edge you could almost always outrun any shoot here you see the new Ford V8 cars on the track we can run but in truth around every corner we run into a bullet or something worse well every lifestyle comes with a price and Bonnie and Clyde certainly paid a price on numerous occasions and Joplin it was Flesh Wounds for the most part but old WD Got It Bad uh Deputy Jones had two holes in him and uh and was in a lot of pain Clyde did not want to stop he wanted to get the heck out of there and Jones was convinced he'd been shot twice and that there were two bullets still in him and Clyde wasn't so sure so finally Clyde just stopped the car and uh found a willow tree and cut a straight Willow Branch and wrapped gauze around it and dipped it in peroxide and just stuck it through one hole and poked it out the other hole just to show him it's a through and through shot these are some tough people [Music] today was our daily constant companion the one thing that I think we're Clyde won monish devotion was where they went off into the Red River at Wellington Texas demons way to meet buck and Blanche I guess I ain't seen the bridge up ahead was all washed out thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] was trapped inside his car the battery turned upside down and spilled some acid on her right leg at least second degree burns on a large part of her leg she never was able to walk normally after that and they couldn't go to the hospital they couldn't you know get doctors so they treated the wounds themselves I think Bonnie saw that Clyde was so distraught of her being injured and I think when Bonnie saw that devotion and Clyde that was the that was the Clincher every step brings him closer to Eastern prison but they ain't as sure-footed as they think Platte City is the first time that the police got ahead of them Bonnie was recuperating so they'd been laying low they rented out cabins in the middle of nowhere but I had to go out and get poor Bonnie some medicine someone spotted me at the drugstore and they called the local law [Music] the county sheriff was pretty sure he had some Desperados in these cabins and he gathered a posse Unfortunately they didn't reckon with Clyde's military automatic rifle but there was a large amount of shooting Buck his brother was hit in the head with the 45 slug so he has this hideous head wound in his left temple they managed to drag him in the car and get away but this this was the point at which things really started to turn bad Buck was a dead man he knew it I knew it we hold up in an old amusement park in Iowa trying to play a nurse to pour a buck people seem to know who we are and seem to like shooting notice we just couldn't shake that damn Posse Buck is in a bad way he doesn't go very far before he finally lays down behind the log and says I'm done he tells Clyde take Blanche and run for it Blanche says no way I'm not going to leave you so she stays with buck and they are captured by the Posse at this point [ __ ] asked for lunch well she was just too loyal some lucky newspaper man tagged along snapped their pictures right after looks like Blanche still had some fight in her [Music] just a little river and wind up in a farmer's house across the river where they steal a car and are able to get away again nobody can believe it [Music] they're still running always running and now they've lost Buck to a bullet and blanched to jail everyone's waiting for that one slip up that one tip off foreign we know someone close we'll be ready for the magazine full of lead with my brother dead and buried blanched Behind Bars we gotta take precautions plan out our roads [Music] because you never know who's going to Spill the Beans you messed everything up the most important thing in Bonnie Clyde's lives during that crime spree was being able to come home to their families when they could keep in mind these were still kids they were very young if the family knew they were coming in my grandmother she'd call every member of their family she says well I'm having a big pot of red beans or some fried chicken just once you come over that meant that Clyde and Bonnie were going to be there that uh was a risky thing on both sides it was not only risky for buying Cloud it was risky for the family members and they made a mistake they met at the same place two times in a row [Music] the barrel family has always believed that there was somebody in the Inner Circle that knew the details of this that tipped the police off what do you know a bunch of deputies hiding in the bushes about that kind of thing he knew something was wrong in Florida [Music] still ended picking lead out of her damn legs I think that the reason that they endured all that they endured the pain and the the desperation the fear the you know moment-to-moment anxiety because in large part because of a Clyde's experience at Easton he said I'm no I'm never going back Clyde was just one of those bad guys and they're out there who would do who would die before going back to prison something clearly had died inside him and he wasn't going to go back and have that happen again but Eastern's the one place Clyde can't keep away from [Music] there's probably one of the things that never happened before somebody read Eastern and free all these prisoners there's something first time in history if somebody had done that [Music] this is where I come in I was hired by Colonel Lee Simmons general manager of the Texas prison system to hunt down Bonnie and Clyde Frank Hamer and his contingent of lawmen adopted the very same lifestyle that Bonnie and Clyde were living on the road and so he he adopted their mindset he ate what they ate he slept when he thought they were sleeping he camped out in his car when that was necessary when no hotel rooms were around he he was pretty much on on the lamb himself so to speak I sit down with one of the convicts recaptured after the Escape after a little persuasion he spills the names of the men who joined the barrel gang including Henry methvin Henry muffin may very well have known Clyde in prison he was there when Clyde was there and he was part of the Escape methane of course was from Northwest Louisiana and had family down there so that became an area that Bonnie and Clyde would use for hideouts I think one of the smartest things Hamer did was pretty much let Bonnie and Clyde tighten their own noose he told a reporter he said well Bonnie and Clyde are not unlike wild horses you give him enough time and they're going to return to their known pasture Hamer knew what their Pastor was at that time it was Louisiana he reckoned that they had never committed a major crime in Louisiana they're always starting to get noticed by the higher ups in Washington we did get a visit from a couple of federal agents but it seems they had a lot on their plate you would have thought given the FBI's rise during this period that the FBI would have gone after Bonnie and Clyde in fact while there's a file that suggests that they followed him a little did a little digging around they never went after them seriously the only law that Federal officers can go after you for was Interstate transportation of a stolen automobile that's the only thing we know that some of the Dallas agents poked around went to bank robbery to ask questions never really took it real far the reader of the day the debts eating the stuff up again you have these dark Heroes if you will I ain't surprised people like God I like Clyde cloud is no saint but he never set out to kill anyone for the hell of it Clyde murdered a lot of people 10 or 12. I don't think he did it because he liked it I don't think he did it because he was a murderer in his heart he never planned a murder he did it because that was the way he needed to get away from situations Clyde would tell his family he did not take any joy in shooting people but it's almost like he would go on autopilot when these things would happen and they almost always came out of nowhere he Kip moving he kept thinking and he had no hesitation at all in shooting he probably he approached this a lot like a soldier but Grapevine was different Grapevine was obviously simply cold-blooded murder one guy's too quick on the trigger two Dead Cops didn't deserve to die can't find would change everything [Music] me and Bonnie we're still alive pasta's taking pot shots car wrecks and now some Texas famous on our tail like rabbits at a dog track but still alive we didn't want to take the risk but I was desperate to see my mom and that took us back to Grapevine where it all went to hell in a handbasket it was Easter Sunday they were parked at this intersection in Grapevine Texas to meet up with some Bonnie's family clydewood went to sleep in the back seat and Bonnie had a bunny rabbit that he was she was going to give to her mom for for Easter [Applause] Henry Matheson was outside the car and these two motorcycle officers just have to see the car sitting on the hill look like we might be stranded out there Henry Matheson has client he says the law he's willing to do he says let's take them in the past when Bonnie would say let's take him it meant kidnap it meant let's tie them up let's toss them in the back seat let's take them out 40 miles down the dusty road have a nice chat with them give them some water tie them to a tree with barbed wire and let's leave that's what that meant but methven not thinking clearly thought well take them we got guns so they did they shot them off their motorcycles foreign from everything we know it appears that Clyde didn't do it that methan did it and that Clyde was irked that he did it because there was no reason to Grapevine was obviously simply cold-blooded murder these were two policemen who were simply shot down in the performance of their Duty Bonnie and Clyde were bowling keeping a rendezvous with some of their henchmen their Grapevine Texas while they waited they drank whiskey made love to each other and practiced their Marksmanship by shooting at first the Press reports at the time thanks in part to a fellow who claimed to witness this claimed Bonnie Parker shot and killed one of the motorcycle Troopers as he lay wounded on the ground every peace officer in the entire Southwest became so enraged over this killing they pledged themselves to Sleepless days and nights in their search for this murdering pair I don't think they got that quite right the guy was a mile away and what's more I heard he had bad eyesight they did everything they could to make Klein Bonnie look like deadly criminals just murdering you know anybody and everybody they had to do something to make the public be against them but the Public's perception of Bonnie and Clyde completely changed they weren't these modern day Robin hoods anymore they were vilified Grapevine was the turning point for Bonnie she no longer has a has a way out this was Easter Sunday this was an Abomination and here she was accused of having participated in it freely and now she was potentially facing the death penalty so she was really in deep now not so likable now Bonnie and Clyde the pressure on these these officers they were tracking money and Clyde had been tremendous they had to know that they're tracking a very dangerous character who's not going to be taken alive uh now these two Highway patrolmen are killed and anytime law enforcement are killed other law enforcement feel a greater pressure to do something about it it wasn't just Grapevine as if to prove a point five days later they kill a 60 year old constable in Oklahoma and kidnap the police chief Bonnie and Clyde did kidnap quite a few people and some of them were actually law enforcement people okay so we took the police chief to Kansas but we let him go even gave him a clean shirt and a few bucks I asked and tell folks I don't smoke cigars since after that stupid picture everyone thinks I do said he would and he did but nine times out of ten they're kidnapped victims thought that these were really pretty nice kids those nice kids weren't fooling me I keep digging around in Louisiana until a local sheriff down there gives me an interesting piece of news glad in the Gang I've been paying visits to the methven place Hamer realized that Louisiana was a place where he needed to to set the snare remember that little shot Paul methven showed us I love that place Clyde Barrow developed this little fantasy world toward the end there in this fantasy world you can just settle down somewhere and and everything can be forgotten and he was he was serious about it more than once he said if the law would just leave me alone I'll be okay I think if if they would were to sit down and think of it logically the odds were overwhelming they would have had to admit admit that they were probably going to end up like all the rest of these Outlaws and Clyde actually would say that to people we know that they're going to get us eventually Bonnie said the same thing but I think the flip side is that in the back of their minds they were always thinking maybe we will beat the odds maybe we will be the exception to this rule you know they did find this little place in the woods where they could be themselves and and be left alone and it was this little Shack with no electricity there in Northwest Louisiana it was arranged for them by Ivy methven uh Henry's uh father this place was so remote that they thought they were safe but what they didn't realize is that Ivy methane was going to betray them there's something wrong about that day we went to see Henry's folks but we went anyways I think that the greatest fear and the greatest danger was not getting shot at a bank robbery was that somebody would turn them in for the reward this was The Depression that type of money mattered and I don't think it's a shocker that it happened to Bonnie and Clyde I think the shock is that they didn't see it coming a fella named John Joyner a friend of the methins was approached by Henry's father said Henry wants to get away from Bonnie and Clyde if they could put Bonnie and Clyde on the spot as they say the deal from Texas would be a pardon for Henry for all of his crimes in Texas I've used the one who cut the deal Henry was Henry was not the one who set him up Henry wasn't there it was his dad turns out that the deal reached the ears of sheriff Jordan he related to me they actually work up a handwritten document that Jordan kept in his desk there that state of Texas would pardon Henry muffin uh for his crimes in exchange for information about Bonnie and Clyde waving a damn piece of paper in front of Henry and Henry bought it I don't want to jinx it but this time I feel like Clyde's not going to live to see next week [Music] as for Bonnie there was some ambivalence on the pot of a few of those deputies and sheriffs because they would have to kill a woman which was something that nobody felt they wanted to do no one had ever done anything like that before I think aimer thought he might be able to avoid having to kill Bonnie I think they all did I think they all did the night they met him at the veterans family they that one of the girls said that Bonnie was pregnant well this is not true but it gave law enforcement something to worry about Mr metvin told Clyde he says at nine o'clock in the morning Henry will be at the house this is the night before so did the deal set Mr Madden early that morning come down the road and they positioned the vehicle because they know what direction the cloud is coming from this is all preset Henry messen's father was supposed to park that truck in the southbound lane of this tiny little road and then he was supposed to pull a wheel off that truck make it look like it was broken down that night they set the Ambush up so there's me my right hand Manny Galt the two deputies Alcon and Hinton Sheriff Henderson Jordan and his Deputy Prentice Oakley I think Hamer has a lot of confidence in his own ability now whether he was that confident in the rest of the men in the Posse I don't know [Music] we pick out our spot set up camp I know what I have to do I just have to make sure the rest of the posse are of the same mind supposedly there is some discussion between the Texas part of the Ambush team and the Louisiana part the county sheriff suggesting that at least the the gesture should be made something to at least give Clyde the opportunity to surrender the Texas group supposedly thought that that was really useless they had been tracking this guy for a long time he never showed any tendency to give up Hamer said when that's not going to happen this time whatever it takes he's done enough damage already witted enough wives wasn't enough children but see him I kill him this time we're ready for Bonnie and Clyde everything was set I knew that someday somewhere some will betray us and who do we see but Omen methven waiting by the truck on that Lonely Road in Louisiana and naturally I stopped to see if we could help foreign has to come around and he tells Mr master and he says look he said let me pull around the back of your truck I'll get out and let you put the wheel on but in the meantime you got a logging truck all that stuff coming from the opposite direction he says let me get out of the way this logging truck and I'll pull up behind you my whole life death was waiting around every Bend in the highway behind every tree just biting its time it's been a hell of a ride apparently Hammer was supposed to give the signal the chief Deputy from Louisiana following Prentiss Oakley simply took matters into his own hands maybe he saw something that told him Clyde was raising a weapon we don't know why but on his own he stood up [Music] and emptied his rifle into Clyde's window I believe this took everybody by surprise in first gear but it kills him his foot comes off the clutch it's a clutch the car starts traveling these officers think oh my God he's getting away so they opened fire firing just went on and on almost like they believed that they couldn't be killed so they just killed him about 18 times the inevitable end retribution here is Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker who died as they lived by the gun inside the car they found 10 handguns they found two sawed-off shotguns and three full-sized military Browning automatic rifles and about 3 000 rounds of ammunition uh throngs of people went to Gibson where their their car and bodies were taken on the back of a flatbed pickup truck I believe with the body still in the car they were reaching to the car windows trying to get any souvenir that could or they're yanking out hair ripping off pieces of clothing it was seen as the boogeyman had been killed you know there was not a lot of outpouring of oh my yeah there were a few people who said gosh did they have to kill Bonnie too but by and large Clyde Barrow was seen as a psychopathic stick-up man and there was nobody who came in and said that was a bad thing that happened to Clyde they were known for killing innocent people and I think the public was probably grateful that they were gone now thousands of them the homecoming of Clyde Barrow and this Dallas Funeral Home his body lies as an ever-ending line of men women and children from every Walk of Life filed by his casket for a fleeting glimpse of the boy who had rocked so Much Death and destruction both of their funerals were big events in Dallas Rock concert kite crowds it was Mayhem my dad said that they're just people come and go you know it just it was like a mob Hamer whatever his reputation had been before it's now Nationwide you might say he was already almost a legend in the Texas Rangers this is the culmination of his career this is the big deal I'm just glad we got the job done done well Frank Hamer went back to lead a pretty much a quiet life there were book offers it was Hollywood offers there were things of that nature thrusted upon him that he simply turned down he didn't want any part of it he wanted to go back to the quiet life and he did that [Music] I don't know how any Criminal Who violent Criminal Who takes up the gun can expect to last very long out on the open road Barney was more fatalistic she actually penned a very long very long poem and she did often she was a writer the last one she penned she gave to her mother less than 20 days before they both died in it she mentions that they would both die she didn't know when she didn't know how she simply knew that they would the poem is titled The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde the last line goes something like this few it'll be grief to the law a relief but it's death for Bonnie and Clyde [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 237,192
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Keywords: #EvilUnmasked, Episodes, Free, Full, Latest, Minds, Online, Season, Series, TV, True Crime Central, UK, crime, crime documentary, documentaries, documentary, free documentary, killer, murder, murders documentary, real crime, serial killer, true crime documentary, true crime stories, bonnie and clyde, True Crime, True Crime Stories, Crime TikTok, Bonnie and clyde car, bonnie and clyde love, clyde barrow, crime patrol, murder mystery, bonnie and clyde musical, bonnie and clyde car
Id: xmDEITdzWt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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