♦Drive-In Classics♦ 'THE BONNIE PARKER STORY' (1958) Dorothy Provine, Jack Hogan

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[Music] [Music] Oklahoma City 1932 want to come by tomorrow let's make it later on tonight I'm gonna head out of here alright where you're heading you got a spot picked out already no not yet got a little gal picked out I'm gonna check up on though now what you need with them I think you get a little older I'll see if I can't draw you a picture hardy got the picture guy hey you ought to see this one boy a blonde oh yeah yeah radio blood right down their toes and maybe you know her she cut some Austin Bonnie Parker Bonnie Parker Saint that Duke Jefferson's wife that's right come on let's go I gotta go pick up my stuff go in for a pass Allah trouble boy that bunny Park is a real Wildcat vodcast don't worry me none I kind of like the way to scratch so when it get excited [Music] are you doing kid I'm getting so sick of these joints money you're a pretty girl why don't you latch on to some guy let him work I already latched on Duke Jefferson I heard about him who hasn't so the only kind of job I can get us in a dive like this you gotta wait for the Duke to get out 175 years no kid 175 years it's gonna be some wait what a jerk all I ever met were Punk's come from no place go nowhere [Music] nobody you shouldn't have trouble getting any man to do what soon as they hear about Duke I think I'm a bum just like him funny he never wanted to go out at night to movie dancing couldn't figure till I found out every cop in the state was looking for him [Music] either one person in Oklahoma didn't know who he was yeah I made one rotten mistake and I'm truthfully they don't want to give you a chance to get out of something you didn't even know you were getting into [Music] well it'd be well you got this for sale what we got for sale is on the menu buster okay baby I think I'll take a little bacon a couple eggs frog one on one side and one on the other [Music] any way you look at it honey you a hot stuff you like that step ya know try this now maybe I'm just a little bit too hot for you to handle you didn't think he's gonna scare me off with a little hot grease how about a little hot lint you're pretty tough cookie would you like another demonstration now listen to me Bhama if you ever touch me again I'm gonna blow you wide open you're making a loo mistake bunny I already made a little mistake pal the next one I make is gonna be real big I'm not going for any two-bit mug you're lucky now I look like a two-bit mug now as soon as it's cleared you get out of here you listen to me Bonnie you lost your job tonight you're down your last dime ain't you honey with your connections you can't even get a job in a Dane so like you said good nose body let me in I can listen to it right here suppose I was to tell you you can have your job back do I get it the landlady doesn't go for men in the rules now what about the job it's no problem I told the boys you flared up a little bit but you were an okay kid I could handle you let's go inside and talk it over I told you buddy let's conduct business in a friendly way and what does that mean means if you want to do business we're gonna be friends you're not the kind of friend I'm going to do business with I don't think you understand perfectly now get lost you think about it honey Duke Jefferson's a well-known boy any town you hit the pumps will be right there to say hello you gotta have somebody to take care of you kid I'm offering you a nice businesslike arrangement when I make a businesslike arrangement it's going to be with someone who's operating a very big business [Music] there you see honey you team up with me and we'll just take one we won't but you know as well as I do you're just gonna wind up on a street corner and you won't be selling newspapers you and me 5050 cause honey I am going places in a very big way shut the door [Music] [Applause] Wichita Falls Texas December 15 1932 [Music] who's dancing how'd you do it pretty good day wait let's legal hey I'm closing up can't make any money with you to write you on this John I do say so myself stop ain't bad see you okay y'all come back again why will hey John well I'm here do you want a couple more barrels no I'm bloated you can stop in on the way back if you want okay you forget something yeah the money where do you keep the good stuff [Music] hey that stuck those another toe yeah skates keep the change [Music] Hey laughs this for me will you okay baby [Music] you take care of the driver guy and I'll kick you [Music] yes sir one would be mm-hmm we're gonna ride along way together baby we ain't stopping for anything hi I don't mind stopping Wow that'll be 258 shall I check the oil why not yes anything else what else you got look mister you can have anything you want we ain't greedy we'll just take your money come on get inside come on [Music] yeah baby [Music] [Music] excuse me I said kiss me guy crazy [Music] [Music] all right you oh oh we got Aang [Music] he's doing right behind us I got to thank that the floorboards [Music] he's still right behind us we're not gonna lose this boy oh yes we are [Music] go over there [Music] and just where do you two think your code wherever it is you're not invited [Music] you all set yeah I'm ready all right we got you covered on both sides come out of there with your hands up put your hands up like I said okay put a light on [Music] water for murder and Waco Alvarado Denison and Wichita Falls Texas at McAlester Oklahoma Bonnie Parker and guy Darryl countess de police would like you to call them back to four o'clock sir all right Barry why do you figure a woman at going a rampage like this probably a man sure they're in spice and everything nice this one's the real shocker like nobody can stop her hey I've been arranging for 22 years I never saw anybody that couldn't be stopped playing or a woman we've grabbed up big stick in Texas well these kids jumping state lines wouldn't mean a thing if we had somebody jumping right behind him what we are those two put one man on the case let him stick to it like chewing gum somebody there wouldn't stop day or night until he'd grab yeah don't look at me just happens I am looking at you I don't know why these kids don't figure it sooner or later everybody with a gun winds up behind the eight-ball Tom I want you to get him and in a hurry I make no promises about the hurry but I'll get him lyosha Missouri May 6 1933 hey did you hear me it's water stinks can't you see I'm soaking wet yeah see I'm sick of its farmhouse living here come on here baby give me a long day I'm going in to help Bonnie what no words are matter with you I'm not in the mood for what to be pestered oh is that what you call it yes that's what I call it we're living like a couple of animals don't miss getting on my nerves are you Borla big hotel room down in Dallas yeah that's what I want maybe you'd like the share for a roommate too big man big ideas you're a two-bit operator just like their list I suppose you'd like to go right now Main Street don't touch you night just setting Ariel in hooray Here I am not me plenty money take it easy for another year yet you won't diamonds around your neck well you gonna end up with a rope you are gonna show me the big time remember you were going places pigsty you think you can just sit on your rear and play it safe don't you think someone's gonna start wondering who we are and why you never go to work and don't worry about sharing a hotel room with the sheriff cuz you'll be moving in right here yeah where do you think he'd be your Big Shot brother yeah yeah I shouldn't take you long get up here oh I don't know where is it it's near your place listen we better not talk this way over the phone how about me in the gallon coming on out well okay I'll keep our for you yeah all right I see you broke down and bought me a glass of beer will you let me finish it well come on hurry up will you sit down you're making me nervous well what did god I have to say he told me to tell my idiot girlfriend to keep a big mouth shut oh you think you're so smart no I don't baby because if I was I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago now come on let's go what were you about to know good bets already thank you you're welcome [Music] [Applause] you're smashed in that pals fender well aren't you gonna do anything about it sure find the County Sheriff and report the accident [Applause] [Music] wait check one oh it's got some fool idea for a job well what's a fool about we don't need it we got dough yeah and all the hominy grits we can eat I ain't aiming to get stopped by any County Sheriff now you haven't even heard what the job is yet well I don't care what it is I just ain't interested well I am we've been doing what you want and now we're gonna start doing what I want we're gonna go out and get some kicks some real kicks in big city style guy if you get stopped by some County Sheriff that's your problem cuz nobody's stopping me yeah drive like an old poke step on it sure while we're at it we'll we'll hang a big fan out the back of the car Chuck and his gal on a way to meet gyein Bonnie come one come on I appreciate your moving so fast after I phones you Sheriff move fast is our business you think we'll catch up with him sir I called Dave hildren told him to keep an eye out well supposedly turn off before they get to Dave's place we'll just have to wait Missy said I chuck a short dive into his fender he bashed in wouldn't he yeah well if we get him said mr. steel that was really something you spotting him right there in that bar just lucky I guess what's it to tell you the truth mr. steel I don't know why you people down in Texas ever let that Chuck out on parole see you don't think that he'd be hooking up with Bonnie and guy do you if I didn't he wouldn't be out on parole you know what I've got info whatever it is it cost money oh great big Kansas City State blood or Aaron smothered in fried onions and french fried potatoes maybe a green salad on the side and a great big bottle of good booze sitting right there on the table Oh me ever try a hamburger and coke [Music] [Applause] hey Chuck Obon is on the kitchen she'll be here in a minute yep ahead there that's Dave Hilary [Music] you see him sure did I've got a man trailing I'm gonna pick up how long ago they passed not long about five minutes a fast-moving buck 40 we got some more deputies all the way get in do you know that big crossroads this side of Joplin uh Road house arrow sprawl in place uh this is about five miles the other side there's a filling station and there's a feed store there oh yeah I know it's got a sauna with a big old cow Payne and I said that's the one now Saturday afternoons this place is just gym with everybody loading up on feed and paint off their bill wait a minute how many guys around well let me finish here now it usually closes about suppertime now there ain't nobody around but an old man that runs the place and he don't closed Saturday still about eight o'clock now I figured six maybe seven we can walk in and out of there without even waking up your cat oh well this makes a prior guy for a feed store but I'll make you a bet we could hit for a couple of thousand with no trouble at all put your thing I don't know boy guy the beauty of the whole thing is they ain't nobody between here and there to stop us [Music] if you don't be mean well I might just as well get out of your way yeah oh yeah yeah thanks we better get as close as we can before we start anything right you want to try making over behind Chuck's car see what happens what's next we'll get everybody up as close as we can then we'll throw tear gas at him through the window see what happens if they start up so leave sandwiches time hey we should appreciate your sticking your neck out like this but I mean you ain't no deputy but thanks I just assumed say with you okay boy watch your step this is gonna be some party well do we go or not I'm all set it's up to God all right oh I don't know have to admit it don't sound so bad but still funk holy cow there's somebody out there holding national garden maneuvers in the front yard wait'll the rooster comes out guy I'll think he's on army tank I'm telling you there's some guys out there well you think I'm wrong Chuck I mean it somebody followed you boy they nobody followed us [Music] [Music] Bonnie Parker the blonde tommy-gun girl and her partner in crime guy Darrow continue to terrorize the central and southwestern states in Fort Smith Arkansas sheriff Harry Carter died after a violent battle with a trigger-happy pair and this morning in st. Joseph Missouri they engaged in a wild chase after wounding three police officers throughout the Midwest highways and back roads are swarming with heavily armed State Police and sheriff's deputies all right st. Joe this morning now let's see right there st. Joe buddy hanging around me so long you're getting real smart we got ever cross roads in the state covered if they're in Missouri we'll get him well that's just the problem they're not gonna be hanging around here long now with all your cousins out looking for them it's too hot farm down Oklahoma and Arkansas that too smart to head south I think the go north wouldn't be surprised that case they're not too smart after all that's just where we're gonna be north plastered their picture and every filling station from here to Canada but what if they just hole up and don't buy a gas well that's the way you want it let's see him stop eating and every old guy that sells a can of beans is gonna know what they look like now if they are heading north right about now they should be crossing the Iowa State Line KC Iowa June 28 1933 all right nobody died this isn't a funeral not yet why don't we talk about something nice like I hanging [Music] so we're hot so down on our trail we've been hot before they've been on our trail before we're just free and easy guys we might as well face the facts we can't even stop at a water trough without stirring up a posse now I'm gonna tell you guys something and you listen to me sure we're hot because we've been going at this like a bunch of grammar school kids I wish I had a nickel for every filling station we knocked over we got peanuts general stores freight offices we'll be going after kids piggy banks pretty soon we hit a million penny Andy joints and we got the whole country after us it's just as easy to make a couple of big halls take off for good and that's what we're gonna do from now on we're not hitting any filling stations when there's a bank across the street that's okay by me Bonnie but we got to get a couple of more hands to knock over a bank put an ad in the paper I wanted young men to go into business and share the profits only bring your own tum again hot dog the way things are these days I bet we get a lot of answers too we're not breaking in any new talent we're gonna get guys with experience good boys or in Stern that's right old Chucky and we're gonna get him out oh you've got in mind Duke Jefferson my husband thought you saw through it Duke I was but we need him and we're gonna get it well I might have a little something to say on that subject go ahead I'm listening who do you think's running this outfit guy I know who's running it from now on I am you know bonnet and you get Duke out you're gonna have your hands full trying to take care of him and guide - they're gonna have to take care of themselves we work together on the jobs and that's as far as it goes they can both take it or leave it Oh God may take it but Duke won't he will it's in the deal ari stays right where he is we're gonna be taking some chances trying to spring him it's a little late to be worrying about taking chances what do you mean we don't have to what are we gonna do buy ourselves a little general store and retire we got ourselves a one-way ticket there's nothing you can do what you get on but ride right to the end of the line full or not in a minute you better get Chuck a hand are you planning on getting in touch with Duke I haven't figured it out yet mm-hmm well when you do if you don't mind you let me in on it I might and I might not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] never get out of this oh yes we will [Music] [Music] you're the big boss what we do now give me your jacket well I needed it if you don't give it to him [Music] let's get out here as soon as the Heat's off we're gonna spin up Jefferson clémence state prison Brazoria Texas April 1934 hi Duke glad you could make it okay spelling pack your toothbrush and your teddy bear you gone bye-bye that's it I said it's the next Tuesday what so I said to him that I'd be coming down here to see you and he said to pass along as regards he's feeling much better now okay when you come out in the morning make your way over to the brush pile near the road there'll be a white cloth at the bottom the guns will be there yeah let's see if I remember how to use one we're gonna have to wait till they leave oh we can't the prison gates right down the road well then we'll have to come back oh no he won't well what would you suggest I'll get rid of them how you gonna do that without waking up the whole countryside just watch me where you going and you see those two guys leave you wait a while and then you pull up and dump his stuff and take off I'll meet you on down the road you got a gun I got everything I'll need over in the South pasture we had little irrigate nobody Oh dry yeah hey get a load of that not bad at all hello its palace huh huh where are you going out here all by yourself oh I got bored we're not for a walk you never know what might happen to a pretty girl on dark night though well I'm new around here maybe I need someone to take care of me Paul will be glad to pay good job got a new sticker show enough so that he'd go that's fine what's your name I'm Marvis here's my cousin Alvin hey hi I'm sue what do you do for excitement around here well it's pretty quiet I am most huh nothing much to do except take walks and that's about it the hell that since you're so afraid of me being out alone why didn't you join me let's go hey where you been I said where you been I wanted to make sure you had plenty of time did you dump the stuff yeah I dumped it now what took you so long you take care of your end I'll take care of mine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after three weeks of dodging police traps the Bonnie Parker gang flamed back on the scene with a daring holdup of the Texas National Bank and a debt in Texas two patrolmen were killed when they approached a parked car a third patrolman identified the car's driver as Bonnie Parker and that's the latest news now back to the program in progress you never made this knocking over candy stars I'm going to bed [Music] [Music] I think it's about time we had a little talk talk bonnie is my wife that's your problem well let's make sure you don't have any ideas about solving any of my problems I was away for 175 years you thought okay but now I'm back you'd be my guest [Music] [Music] okay the free show is over out I want in Barney I said get out I'm still your husband til death do us part yes I was just going for a cigarette the next time you go after something don't try it barefoot alright wise guys see for yourself funny if I didn't know you better I'd say you were Jesse James in disguise well what are they doing on a backwoods road like this I wish I'd bet you on it I'd love to take your money hey guy you keep your nose clean it looks like you're gonna have quite a bundle I just wonder why they use in this room they're taking a detour where the highways being repaired this is sweet it's like a million miles from no way and no cops around to get them away well what do you figure they're good for plenty they're picking up from five bags boys in a few days we're gonna have to kidnap ourselves a book yes whoa Baxter right next door what do you want well can I use your phone mine's out of order just a minute I had to straighten up well you didn't have to go to all that trouble it's just as well I hope I'm not bothering you there's the phone four six four please hello Hank yeah yeah gee I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling so hot well I thought I'd call and give you the chapters to study tomorrow yeah it's first part of 71 and all of 73 yeah no he's gonna skip all the rest right right all right now look take care yourself huh and I'll see you then all right Thanks don't tell me you're a schoolteacher no I go to night school night school yeah I'm studying to be an architect oh you put up buildings and all the other well I don't exactly put them up but I design them well I decide how the buildings gonna look for they all look like oh no come here let me show that is if your husband doesn't throw me out what husband well I thought that that one of those fellows that lived here was your husband they're my brothers they went into town well how do you like that your brothers we got to get to know each other [Music] Paul tell me what's it all add up to you get home from night school to live in oh come on you work all day and you don't have a nickel to your name what's the percentage so I want to build something I want to be a part of something that's that's worthwhile something I can see growing to me being an architect is just that when we're perfect ways are than to to sit down with a blank piece of paper why end up with a 10-story building I guess you think I'm crazy huh no don't I well what I mean is I wish I could do something like that you can sue me put up a belly yeah yeah look a woman has kids doesn't she you know that's really something I never knew anyone like you before you do now so what's the problem [Music] what's your little guy move over a move you like will you Barney what are you looking for I can't find the car keys what are you talking about stock car keys I had them right chair just put the guns in the back oh come on get out will you all right Sonny you've been playing around this here car don't move anybody your bank robbers not that bikini or get a car by wait a minute let me have the keys to the car huh put up your hands you guys put up your hands you heard him put up your hands Oh Bonnie I'll put up your hands I know that our serger what you got that box gee copper well it got to stick of chewing-gum what kind she treat her hey wait a minute where are the keys to the car we gotta get going okay I guess you're all right thanks doc watch your step don't worry we will we should take that boy with us we could use it [Applause] come on come on come on cover up that fresh juice who knows if the armored car gone before we catch ourselves a hippopotamus you figured out get out of the car when the front end goes you why not if they go into a hole in a road like this Wow we'll be all right if you don't get out you'll be all right at one that's out take a loot I'm gonna rush it well what if I get some help what are they gonna do send up smoke signals my knife kept me out that we played poker till 6 o'clock in the morning I couldn't do anything but win how much came out 35 bucks a head I'm telling you I'm on the lucky streak all right nobody can take money away from me well that'll keep the hippopotamuses up I'll be up on a hill now you wait for Duke signal then you get this sign off the road now I figure at first the drivers gonna sit tight so you let the other guy get all the way around in front before you blow your nose and he's no good to us dead just keep him from getting back in cuz we ain't gonna get his partner out he is it's about that time hey comes the stagecoach y'all buddy save me a seat right up front [Music] get out and see how bad we're stuck demo I'll catch your boyfriend down don't move scout is brave don't be frightened stay here did you get him nah there's still wide awake and wiggling did you use the armor-piercing stuff yeah big deal they ducked under the window I had a guess where they were well I guess wrong know sometimes I couldn't kill him well if we don't get out of here pretty soon somebody else might your little boyfriend's oh right now fooling them for the chef how we got time we got about 10 minutes to talk those guys out of there I hope you're good at the bait good guy over here got come on over here what do you want me to do fly over that armored car y'all had the wings to do it with a heart thrown in if you don't hurry up give me a 45 how much time we got I don't know maybe 7 8 minutes how about we scram I vote you shut up now those gas tanks are locked but we're gonna get a little gas we're gonna make a nice sweet views here you take that and crawl into the back end and put a slug in the gas tank well I Got News for you what do you thinks gonna happen when I put a slug in that gas tank even money says nothing well I'm gonna be better than that I can tell you there's a 50/50 chance that tanker blow 50/50 for a hundred grand you can't take it with you Duke I'm chicken well I'm not you keep those guys busy now she goes up you can get my share of the old lady's home and you two can move in just in case better put your fingers in your ears hey Duke take off your shirt and get guys and bring them down here what's a idea I don't know just give me a shirt for you throw a few there way planning on it now and you got a match yeah okay go body then deputies are gonna be here in a second all right you just get down the road and you say hello okay you got about one minute to come out of there you're coming out take your choice to the door through the roof you got about 30 seconds don't choke we're coming out kick those right that'll wait I got snappy get the car okay get in there Bonnie [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I told you it's a man it's a deputy you got what you were a man after all why would I want to kill Duke you want to be the big man again you're a punk you could stand on your head and you'd still be a punk you Duke all of you [Music] we're getting out here what's the matter never mind what the matter is I said we're getting out of here you mind my asking where we're going in Louisiana the middle of the night by the time we get there it'll be morning well what's the big hurry the big hurry is I want some action and I want it right now hit the bank in Athens Athens Louisiana June 5th 1934 how do you know guy called my boys mr. steel and he said that he and Bonnie was going to hit the Athens Bank what's my boys to come along when mr. steel I'm taking my life in my hands coming out here are you listen to me your boys did 2 years in the reform school on account of guy you let him hook up with him again they'll wind up in a death house I want to know when they're gonna hit that Bank I don't know for sure they're coming out to my place tomorrow a guy Ambani what for pick up my boy he's the idea where they're coming from boys giving directions tomorrow morning they'll be coming down the Lisbon essence road [Music] 13 hits off threat roughing in the seven innings he lasted it was a bad day for pitchers would you do that for since when are you a baseball fan you don't have to be a baseball fan to listen to him he's talking about baseball I liked his voice it was real nice sounded like a real sweet guy I do know what a real sweet guy sounds like I wouldn't know from anything you ever taught me guy June 6 1938 you're gonna know him for sure don't worry about that no no time do you think I'm full-time I don't know what makes you so sure he better come along here at all little bird told me y'all think that little old bird knows what he's talking about soon find out I hope you can trust those two boys to keep their mouth shut very well ain't no move to go back to junior I don't like the idea of two guys I never worked with I told you Bonnie I know you won't be any good that's for sure Barney the job calls for four hands now you can take it or leave it either you're gonna pick them boys up or you can do it all on y'all all right all right we're looking for trouble with two new guys Barney and don't tell me you lost it no I didn't lose it guys I know right where I left it well we gotta get some guys I'm gonna stop up here people in it man's a driving man I'm the woman older man it's not them bear cars got 34 Arkansas plates it's not them hold your fire this just might be them looks like them deposit not yet it's them Bonnie's driving Arkansas plates it's them boys they're a mighty tricky pair no matter how did they look don't stop firing until I tell you [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I heard her say something's we came up I guess she was calling for guy you're late now we got ourselves a one-way ticket there's nothing you can do once you get on I'd ride right to the end of the line [Music]
Channel: Rob W
Views: 151,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drive-in, B-movie
Id: WlnhFqW2ivg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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