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you get some water now you want back in there hang on you know i'm trying to do a video here and work on a tractor there monkey okay oscar's laying underneath the tractor but okay guys i'm gonna drive my point home again about reman stuff okay devin here does a lot of his own maintenance and of course he's busier than hill right now he's out there cutting haying or working ground for obviously a crop rotation of some so i don't know if they're putting alfalfa in here or what but uh anyway he put a reman water pump in this thing about three thousand hours ago three thousand three hundred hours ago not even 300 hours did it make it bought from deer 300 hours now our cam gear is ruined he took a magnet stuck it back in here in this channel where the water comes out and goes into the oil cooler we're gonna pull the oil cooler too but he took a magnet and there's a whole box full of parts i'll have to show you that he dug out of there but here's the water pump at 300 hours and there was no warning he said it wasn't leaking it just went there's no impeller left in the water pump but here's the [Music] that's your reman stuff there for you and now a three hundred remand water pump is is going to cost him a ton of money you know and downtime and everything else because of some junky half-assed put together water pump i'll show you the parts that he dug out where the water passage is going into the oil cooler that's all the parts he dug out of there with a magnet there's the impeller parts of it part of this mechanical seal that was in there there's bearings what a piece of [ __ ] man you know unbelievable he has a brand new water pump sitting there but that's the least of his troubles right now so here we are you know i did one of these last year not an 89 remember that nine liter power tech that the guys put the air compressor on and never put an air governor on you can't really ban that one on deer that was a operator error situation but i want to pull the fan hub late in the shroud let's do that we gotta start tearing it apart and see i know the cam gears it's hammered because that water pump runs right off this gear you know whatever gear it's running off of which is the crank gear is probably it's probably screwed up too i have bad news for him it's probably not good so that's where we're at let me get the fan hub off and i don't remember trying to remember i got the service literature for the engine for the 8.1 power pick but i don't remember how this little gear drive i know there's allens right here that hold that on there but i don't know if you pull these loose i just don't remember how that works i think you take these loose yeah that's right and then this center hub will slide out okay okay so we'll use the old probably not the most uh technical way of doing things but it works let's get on bolt here and pull it now that one actually came loose [Music] now they're all going to come loose by hand most the time they don't do that most the time they turn the whole engine over but of course i'm videoing it now so nothing will work out the way it usually does you guys are working on very many of these older eight thousand series if you ever had to pull this pipe out of there you just realize how much fun that is it's just it's just oh it makes you so happy that boat's not gonna come all the way out of there so let's see if we can get on this other one and see if it'll come out the same time sometimes you can get the uh me go on the other side and push on it yeah they're all gonna come out now okay that's all right i'm actually gonna turn it clockwise a little bit so i'll get this one out okay we got to get this thing apart and figure out what all we're going to need and then i got a i got to get my butt over the merrell or actually on a valley is what they call we'll put it spring in that cab over potato truck that they're actually harvesting garlic with right now and get that done so they can add a truck to the fleet out in the rotation this morning i'll tell you what i've done i started videoing but it's just so chaotic i just couldn't keep up with the video and process i thought this would be a good one the video i started out at the house of the international 9900i heavy hull truck before i left he brought it in the day that i left and i looked at it real quick and i i diagnosed it as a throttle position sensor and he ordered one and it wasn't going to be in the line it didn't show up till friday last friday and i was gone until monday this monday we didn't land at the airport until four o'clock yesterday afternoon anyway uh i can get that bolt all the way out of there so all right so now what we're going to do is take these allens out of here uh timer what size those are those are pretty good-sized allens so anyway uh i did that this morning then i went to uh i got that i got the new throttle pedal position assembly installed and i test drove it i came back and then i went out to donald ranch and looked at a 2015 dodge that had a bunch of codes in it that managers pick up uh wouldn't start had a bad connection going down to the starter it uh and it had a dpf i needed regen i had a force region on it and then it had a code for the you know the blow by filter underneath the valve cover needed to be changed and it said replace fuel filters so tomorrow i got to go back because i didn't have the blow by filter i got to go back tomorrow and we gotta put a new blow by filter and such in it and new fuel filter and that one will be done and then i went out and looked at a kenworth that had don't really know what was wrong with that one it threw a whole bunch of circuit codes but he was joe was telling me it was a kenworth it had the older pack are you know with the individual pumping plungers in it i'm trying to remember what size let's see i need this set here um and he said that the road that he was on and i know what road he was talking about too that is one rough son of a [ __ ] and he said yeah he said he got on that road and he said it was just beating to death and then the code came up and i said it probably was shaking the ecm and shaking all the connections on it so that's one thing about washboarded roads these new these newer these newer engines and things are not made for that kind of stuff that's one thing where a mechanical system kicks electronics ass i must have smudged that or something it doesn't look very good on my hand here that's better yeah somehow i smudged it but then when i went looked at a 7330 premium john deere and found a broke wire on the crankshaft speed sensor and fixed that and it had a rail pressure code and found that the rail pressure relief valve was stuck wide open so i ordered one of those we didn't have one darn it um let me come around this other side maybe can i how am i going to do this i need to get turned over to the next hole there i wonder if i can kind of jerry rig a couple bolts or something in here and put a bar or something in there and pry it around to the next hole or something let's try it huh see if the napa screwdriver holds up see if it'll break i'm not liking the way it's feeling it's flexing let's see if we can do something like this maybe there we go hmm damn i'm not having much luck here huh probably should have took them bolts out when i was turning it over to begin with huh that's probably been the smart thing to do that will get her we'll get her okay let's see here yeah i better not going in threads right there that's probably not such a smart idea let me get to that one i sure like that alaska you know i sure like that place my wife says you she knows me you always hear about all these people that can't handle alaska and they can't handle i she knows me she knows i'd be happy just living out in a deer tent wouldn't bother me my winners would be a little hard on her so she probably wouldn't like it but i don't know i built up such a business here i hate to walk away from this because i mean i've worked hard to get where i'm at here you know so i think that'll just walk away wouldn't really not that easy yeah see that's spinning inside that those that hubs threaded now we pull what's going to be the easiest way to do this i think it'll be lighter if we pull off one piece at a time let's pull this bottom roll bolts off of here these down here we'll pull these if we can wedge that off of there okay i have a bar here somewhere loose damn it damn it damn never been off i'm sure this pipe is always right in the way of everything you're doing on these tractors that pipe is like a real big thorn in your side when you're working on one of these oh she's being real or with me there it goes now it closed back up on me over here there we go tight fit how do you remember it being fairly heavy let's go ahead and get this out of the well just leave it in there for now i don't remember if i got to pull that shroud and all that off or not i don't remember but we got to get this bracket here off so let's get that off i know it's hard to see with that hose right there in the way but it's about the best i can do yeah these guys should have had a rough year dead was telling me one of their wells irrigation wells everything out here this is all this is not dry land farming and all this is irrigated alfalfa uh they lost that what i have to explain myself kind of some the terminology is a little bit different from place to place it seems like some people call it a soft start take that off i'm going to take that bracket off of there for that hose forgot about that some people call them a frequency drive but basically what it does in the old days you had a panel and you had what they call a big circuit breaker that fed the power from the power line into your that you know basically powered your panel up and then you had what they call a starter coil a starter relay and that started a relay is what actually when you turn the switch to on you hit the start button that starter relay would latch and that would send 440 volts to your turbine motor or your booster pump motor which was could be 50 horse 100 horse well anyway i'm looking for i am looking for my allen wrenches and i don't i'm thinking that one that well uh this vintage of deer could be metric or sa east not sure which one it is but uh anyway that being said they lost a freak drive the freak drive the thing the freak drive does instead of you pushing the button button and that booster pump starts starting on full demand and full rpm there's a pressure transducer in a line and that pressure transducer tells the freak drive computer to gradually speed up the motor because the demand charges are so crazy and it saves these farmers a ton of money on power cost i guess i'll leave that out for right now but uh i'm gonna have to this one down here is going to be a real rotten pain in the ass so they lost a freak drive which is very expensive that was 40 grand 40 000 bucks a lot of you guys don't realize that in this kind of game that you've worked for somebody else your whole life or what you don't realize what a lot of this stuff cost and i'm not running you down i'm just telling you you just don't understand the amount of cost that goes into this equipment and making sure that you eat every day there's a ton of cost into this these guys aren't getting rich because there's so much overhead breakdowns like that cost you a fortune i don't know how many you guys have pulled these couplers off the end of these dampers this is like probably i don't know i probably had to cut 50 of these off in my career the bolts won't come loose from the rubber they're stuck to the rubber they'll come out of the damper but they're stuck to the river and they just twist the couplers all they do so you got to cut them and then get them out here and heat them and get the bolts out of them or beat them out or they're painting the ass all right so let's see all right let me get these out of here oh come on hopefully that didn't do what i think it did i rounded it out all right so hopefully i didn't have my head up my ass when i was working on those pumps and i pulled the yolk off and hopefully i put my t-bar puller back in the toolbox where it belongs he just kind of laid down wherever i've already stepped on him once i didn't see him there damn oscar just kind of he don't really give a [ __ ] he just kind of lays down wherever he wants all right so we got the damper broke loose now i think i can get this gear wrench on there maybe make it a little bit easier the only thing that i don't like about deer on their engines is these pressed on crank dampers i mean i wish they'd just bolt them on there like cummins or cat you know or detroit i just never understood why they needed to press them on there i don't know ratchet on there this ain't gonna be as good as i thought i guess i thought i was cutting a fat hog there but that sucks i don't want to get up too far where i can't get this ratchet off well i should she should be coming off it just makes it a real pain in the ass getting these that's what i did no i couldn't remember how i got this bracket off around this pipe i took this off and then i could pull the bracket off it's so you gotta wedge that when you put it back together you get a wedge zips in there and then put your damper on i ain't gonna lie i've cut these pipes in two before and put a hose in between it if you've never taken one of these pipes off before you just don't know what you're you just don't know what you're up against the old glove's not really doing much good anymore oh man is that did that cut me right there we should have kept any glove on uh a little hard enough that your [ __ ] sucks butter milk man and we can get that outer cover off and see what the damage is see what else we got to order i think or can i get that off i don't remember i don't remember i think you can yeah you should be able to get that outer cover off just the whole way i mean that's the way they are they don't they don't get easier those dampers on these john deeres they get they're hard the entire way through the puller i had to go i had an old steering wheel puller from i bought from an oem one i bought from autozone that had some really long 3 8 bolts in it i had some metric bolts that would fit in there but see john deere back in this this vintage of tractor they would mix them up and use metric on part and sae on other parts so kind of a pain you know and they mix them up like that you either just either do one or the other you know i'm a mechanic bitching ain't happy that sucker that's an otc 522 that sucker has made it's worth worth its weight in gold usa made with global parts ah they can't even completely make a t-bar puller that's where we're at in usa we can't even make a chunk cut out a chunk of iron with some threads in it we got to globally source all the pieces and put it together in the united states okay whatever and all this stuff this dependency on other countries is really starting to show now that's why you can't get any parts you're going to have to learn the hard way [Music] all right i got to pull four bottom 10 bolts here actually three huh is there one in the corner what's the deal i don't think there's one in the corner i think there's actually three that we got one no there's four four bolts there and then these here get that cover off of there i'm gonna use this new tool the heavy wrench set me their youtube channel and i think that's what that's for that's what we're gonna use it for but man okay i got home vacation and this was in the mail so yeah very very much appreciated thank you i gotta get i'm gonna have to get it down here too yeah it's really nice turn them apart out in the dirt we'll have to put this back on there and we don't have a choice to try to keep we just got to see what we got to order you know it's kind of where we're at oh cam shaft sensor [Music] let's uh [Music] pop that out of there key right here okay let's see what we got in order here guys what all did it destroy so we definitely know that this cam gear is wrecked i got to get this rag that's wound up in there now but i ain't too worried about it right now i'm going to get that rag out of there when i pull that gear off the cam i don't think i can get that gear there are no puller holes can i ah i gotta get in the service manual can i get that gear off of there without pulling the cam can i get my big three-jaw puller uh i know i can i did that one last year i know i can i can get my big three-jaw puller on there i'll get it on here somehow i might have to heat this gear with the torch i'll get it off of there the inside gear looks okay the question is did it tear the crank gear up because this gear's torn up what does the crankshaft gear look like yeah [ __ ] we have to change this crank gear it's got the corner of the tooth off of it right there son of a gun so much for that does that get a worse leaf that's got a worse sleeve on the crank that'll have to come off so i guess i'll call and order crankshaft gear i'm gonna have to get the hrw number off of the engine so we need a crank gear and a cam gear he's already got the cam here i'm pretty certain i think that's what's in here i think he already went over here for me but he didn't get a crank gear he didn't know because he couldn't see it so that's that's the new water pump i don't think he went got the gear yet maybe he did maybe he didn't i don't know what he got what he didn't get that's the cam gear okay yeah he didn't get the crank here we're gonna have to let me get on the phone and get a crank gear coming i'll have to throw that cover back on there and then come in whenever that's probably going to be a couple days now but i can do everything right here there's not much to this gear train on this engine there's just a you basically got your water pump driving this gear and then the inner gear [Music] i'm trying to remember what that inner gear runs oh the inner gear runs the ejection pump drive gear so okay well well darn it i was kind of hoping we wouldn't see anything there but i know you know you're looking all this [ __ ] here you know that it's not going to be good i'm going to pull the oil cooler off but i don't want to open any more up out in the field here that i have to right now let's get this in done get it resolved i have to come back get this gasket cleaned up all that good stuff let me get on the phone before they close over there get the crank gear coming all right guys that's is what it is i might see if i can put a bolt in there and turn this crank backwards and pull this rag out of here and then put the cover back on it i'll shove a rag in this hole to plug that up we'll shove a rag in this hole and that should pretty well keep most of the [ __ ] out of it well guys i was going to add on to this video just to show you what i just bought and i got a killer deal on it okay i bought all this stuff two grand uh let me turn this around this is a ken moore both of them are kent moore's but this is the one this is a pt 20 50 d and what that does if you look up just google pt 2050 d and you buy these brand new for 7 000 bucks and that i got all this for 2 000 and i'll show you what this does this will actually bore the counter bore out when that when the engine has been counter-bored too many times this actually will put a sleeve in it now you got to put the sleeve in there this will this will cut it and put the sleeve in but you still have to go back with a cutter and and and cut the counter bore let me get this out of here i'll show you yeah this is this is this is pretty neat [Music] some of the spacers with the part numbers get more yeah cool and this is and this is the actual count this is like that i think i'm pretty sure this is a 2050 b i think here's all the you stick these in the cylinder there when you're cutting catches uh catches the shavings i think this is a 2050 b i think yeah let's see here trying to you know trying to find a number on it i think this is a bee cutter cutter cb 300 porta tool have to look that up cb 300 porta tool let's go with uh kent moore what do you want gertie girly what do you want to go to rudy cb 300 i was just going to see 300. that doesn't really tell me what's oh wait a second wait a second here's the model here's the tag right here pt 2250 l huh okay that's an l not really sure about that i'll have to look that one up but i mean let's just look it up over here i'm just kind of curious guys pt 50 l counter bore two there's a b there's a b there's a b i'm not seeing an l what do you want gurley i'll have to look do a little more research on the l i i know i'm kind of familiar with the bees and stuff but not the l i mean you buy a brand new b you're looking at two grand so technically that's about 9 000 worth of stuff there really if you bought it brand new i just really couldn't pass it up and i'll have to figure out how to get that in there but here's all the here's all the cutter heads and different cutter heads some of them are cat i'd have to look this up five and a half inch new head nh i bet you that's cummins 20 flange what's this one here say i'm not sure what's this one say lulu pt 2000-207 don't know what to look up all these numbers and see what i got but there's something there's three cutter heads right there here's some more that's the it's got to be like the sleeve installer or something there huh not sure i have to look up all these numbers and see what they do and not familiar with that stuff there some spacers we'll get it all figured out that way i don't have to have people cut my counter boards anymore i can do it myself now some of the mid stop liners on the newer stuff i don't think this is going to work on i'll have to buy another tool here's i know this this is i was reading something this sets up here this goes with this so does this this whole set up here goes with this pt2250d but there's a zero to six inch start mic right there some measuring device there oh that'll measure the inside diameter almost like a telescoping gauge here's another one right here but that that's just an addition you can add that onto that one i think or yes actually i think that'll go on to that or something i'm not sure huh oh yeah that'll that'll screw onto there here's the cutters there's a bunch of the cutters right here here's some more cutting heads oh okay well these are labeled here so this is a 3300 series driver driver guide cat 3300 series deck sleeve driver this is the 3300 series deck sleeve cutter so the old 3306 is the stuff that i can do though so it's ain't a whole lot of those around there's still quite a few of these around here but this is 3400 series so that could do 346e this one here says cummins on it is there anything below this it says cummins oversized counter board depth cutter here's some more cat 3400 series deck sleeve driver here's the driver guide so yeah pretty cool huh well i gotta go find a place to make a home for it in the shop here i'm glad that i bought it because i got a sweetheart deal from one of my customers got some pretty good guys that live in this area he was gonna sell it for a lot more for that but i work on his truck all the time and he used to do a lot of this stuff himself you know four years ago they used to have a pretty good sized logging operation and he says i'm just getting too old i can't do this stuff anymore so he sold it all to me so anyway thought i'd show you that
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 43,336
Rating: 4.9673619 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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