Who Can Gain 1,000,000 Followers in 24 Hours!

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behind us we have 100 viral tick tocks and we're gonna be starting new tick tock accounts whoever can gain the most followers at the end of the day wins loses but Sherman's we can't do this alone oh I know this already we have teammates this time let's go come on so we are the ketchup munchers hey that's so so lame we are the blueberry crew what you cannot use your personal account to promote your new account you can't ask any of your friends to promote your new account there's one last rule each team will pick 10 viral tick tocks off this wall and those are the only tick tocks you can post and hope to go viral with how about you guys start yeah yeah let's see what Tick Tock they're starting with catch money with head oh my God you know what that's a great idea and this Tick Tock got 152 thousand likes on their account should do pretty good for us instead of us doing it we're gonna go to Papa rug's house and make him do it instead so let's go I had to take my hat off first one we did let's go 99. something good slap bracelet life hack eye packs are always good for tick tock so let's see what that is this one right off the bat has 655 000 likes if this has an old tape measure in it I'm gonna run down our street naked no way they're saying that a tape measure is inside of a snap bracelet that's the secret wait is that it no way look so we gotta fact check this one let's go all right guys we got two slap bracelets here and we got scissors we have the tick tock set up here so we're gonna start this don't mess up don't stutter all right oh we got the slap bracelet right here and we're gonna see if there's a tape measure in there do you believe this I do no way just like a tape wait it's real it is guys look at this it's real [Music] real it's real so we got our first official Tick Tock okay yeah that's good right enough okay okay so Stitch with party shirt which they're one of the biggest tick tock accounts ever first post please show us some love hashtag fyp hashtag lifehack oh okay drop a follow for more if you guys don't remember the first time I did a video like this my optic Ranch account has over 400 000 followers so blueberry crew's in trouble ready all right and post now our first official tick tock on ketchup munchers and now it's time to go pull another viral Tick Tock Off the Wall all right guys we just got here at uh Hopper runs humble abode I'm gonna put a dollar here and then you stand here and I'm gonna drop the dollar and you have to catch with ahead thank you Jessica you pick the next number 55. all right let's see what we have basketball shovel shot oh let's see what that is wait you put a basketball at the end of a shovel and you jump on the shovel and you have to make it okay listen I'm obviously not gonna do it from that distance if we can make this this might actually go viral but it looks very hard let's do it do it this is the basketball shovel trick shot let's go okay I don't think it's gonna take that long oh let's go I'm so proud of you it came out so good all right we have the tick tock ready to post and we use the trendiest sound right now which is my video viral yes perfect I freaking love popcorn what are you scrubs looking at we just uploaded our first Tick Tock we've uploaded two and we're on our third right now at how many views you got 150 Euro if you guys need help we're helping everybody out we don't need help from we're doing blueberry crew fam okay ketchup muncher number 100 this better be the most viral Big Talk iPhone charger trick shot please don't tell me that's what I think it is let's watch it well I'll tell you one thing it has 750 000 likes let's go make it so we are going to make it in let's go we got the camera set up you always want to make sure you have a nice angle and we're pretty much just copying the guy that went viral and that's okay to do sometimes so now we hit record if anyone could do it I can never mind maybe I could did you make it yo let's go we're gonna go ahead and use Mandy as the cover because girls get views posts all right let's go do another one dude yo Mandy we're gonna win Andy should I pick a number now please 64. let's do it please be good buying divider from store oh my gosh I've seen this you have to try to buy a divider from like a store when you're at the checkout line and you try to disguise it with some items okay this one has 3.7 million likes all right let's see if we can successfully buy a divider maybe Target because you know we catch up munchers out here let's go baby go all right guys before we do the next Tick Tock I found out that you can do a QR code of your Tick Tock account so we should both print the QR code on our shirts and start promoting it to the public let's go get this printed on a shirt test it out for us I think there's a problem do this for no reason wait you're right it's not working at all okay wait I think we have to do it Word of Mouth anyone wants to make a tick tock with us you have to tag our new tick tock okay oh there it is there it is are you our first follow-up hey let's go what's your name what's your name hey if you guys want to scan The Tick Tock it was supposed to be from the shirt we found out she has the most followers so we're gonna use you for clout today and then after this we gotta do the divider Tick Tock okay all right three two one go now it's me and Jessica oh my gosh okay hey we hit that low key so my signature is gonna be tatted on you most basic signature yeah Draw Something no Wrecking this yeah we're not rugging this one let's go appreciate you I just want to be hard-headed and go for number eight a little high up though catapult teamwork make the Dream Work dance your heart out I love dancing not really what is this oh it's the thing that um bro let's go Brian has a bunch of costumes here too we can make this one lit oh you're in there okay now from the hallway right there huh there now it's first person right wait I want to try the ketchup munchers 33 views and 27 views all right guys we found the item that we're gonna put the divider in okay so this one you're actually gonna do I'll be the one recording one of our tick tocks is actually getting views it has 360 views and 120 views but they're not clicking that follow button we got 22 followers we need to fix that we need to fix that so I'm gonna record the first clip of you right here should I open it yeah yeah okay Ready Set Go there's gonna be nerve-wracking guys we picked up number one soda life hack let's see what that is here's a life hack the McDonald's companies don't want you to know you get whooping for your buck look at all that extra soda that will go into your drink that's a very funny Tick Tock and I think it'll bring some comedy to our page so let's go do that we're at McDonald's right now and we're about to film another viral Tick Tock we had like 700 views on our other one right now after we do this we're gonna call them and just brag a little bit you know what's up is the blueberry crew here and we are going to teach you guys the greatest soda life hack you will ever see when you fill up your soda you're actually missing out on a lot of empty space now you can have more soda in your soda cup make sure you guys hit that follow button please I love you guys that was good right yeah that was good that was good guys we just checked our Tick Tock look at our views well there's 28 followers yo what up loser go to my page please Anthony's hung me to check his Tick Tock page wait what's so special about 39 followers what the hell are you not looking at my views hey look at my views I have over 600 on all my tick tocks all right I'm hanging up now dude homie tried calling me to flex on me I think we have more views than them oh man that kind of sucks dude let's go home and let's do more Hi how are you how are you how are you okay thank you appreciate it also I think this was in the middle of it it's a part of that's a divider right yeah thank you oh yeah of course of course we didn't want to take it of course have a good one okay Jessica ready to see it okay day one of trying to buy the divider but yeah that's a tick tock we're gonna post it we're finally starting to gain traction freaking three tick tocks out of ten we have done four tick tocks so far we're coming up on our fifth right now man do you want to pick one 38 38 what should I say reason equals grape [Music] we have to Parisian until it turns into a grape I just know for a fact that's impossible obviously brother is this real or is this fake there we go we gotta raise another Pump It Up all right let's see it fake coupon break what is that let's find The Tick Tock bring your own chicken get 50 off any item wait we have to get a chicken no where are we gonna get a chicken don't ask us how we got a chicken here is the coupon byoc this is so cute hi guys we're in front of KFC we got a chicken and we got a fake coupon that says bring your own chicken and get 50 off any meal let's see if it works I don't have a good feeling about this I got this coupon in the mail said bring your own chicken if I have a chicken I just want to know if it was real or not I don't think so I've never seen it have a great day have a good day well I guess the coupon was fake for our next Tick Tock what better number 69. oh well dang it exploding basketball this I'm scared of what's up guys it's your boy blueberry crew we're about to take this basketball right here and we're gonna see how much we have to pump it before it blows the heck in up we are going to start the pumping process foreign let me just check if that one's already viral you really have to get a chicken for that fam 1200 views what is this dude doing bro get out of here I'm going for a lucky number seven [Music] shut up get out of here no no hey I'm a helping guy come here can't do that with my cousin Brian see our way out of here okay shave your eyebrow I hope it's not talking about my eyebrow would you shave your eyebrow for a chance to win a thousand dollars I would do it no I value my eyebrows too much honestly I think if we go out in public people would do that will you shave your eyebrow for a thousand dollars would you shave your eyebrow for a thousand dollars oh okay would you shave your eyebrow for a thousand dollars I'm in barber school why not wait for real yeah you'd actually do it yeah okay so here's the catch though you shave your eyebrow and then you spin this wheel it's either a dollar or a thousand hey I mean I've seen this trend why not oh my gosh okay yeah here you go I want you to I can't see what I'm doing so you give me permission to do it go ahead half for all let's do that okay do you mind if I take a picture with you of course yeah do you want to witness this yes wait is she does of course she does yeah well you shaved his eyebrow come on hey okay he's gonna shave his eyebrow for a thousand dollars oh [Music] bro let me see let me see hey it actually looks good on you gotta spin the wheel no come on come on dude thank you for doing this that's crazy oh God it's so pumped more confident more dude three two one did you hear him hit the water Point let me get an update on how many followers we have versus what they have so we have a total of 307 followers the blueberry crew has 1700 followers they have a video that has 83 000. hey they're using something yeah I don't know we're gonna we'll find out okay April 28th is my birthday will this be the one this will be the one that will make us go viral rubber band slap let's click the video no oh I have to put like a harmonica in my mouth really I think I have a harmonica I like that you're volunteering did I say that yeah it's gonna be you and then I did the slap fine fine fine so we got the phone on the tripod now so I'm gonna slide it on now [Music] go yell again again [Music] [Applause] [Music] well hopefully that goes viral ow oh guys one of our videos is at like 60k views right now it was the divider one we're at 1 333 followers one of blueberry cruise videos has a 160 000 views okay but we still got four tick tocks to go so let's bang them out that's it oh my gosh foreign [Music] all there what happened okay good good can we just agree to pick lucky number 21 please wait is 21 a lucky number I'd say so I would say just because of that vine don't anyone 21. there you go blow the candle out sounds easy [Music] Oh wait we're gonna look like cool ways I'm not gonna be able to do it we have to wear pantyhose on our head I'm gonna blow it out all right guys let's do this thing wait what the foreign that's so easy are we doing this wrong okay go wait oh did we do it wrong guys we just finished the pantyhose one and the Pumpkin Tick Tock has a 170k and we're at 2700 followers blueberry crew is at 3 400. their viral Tick Tock seemed to slow down all that talking Anthony does it always comes back to bite him in the ass I am going for 37. Punk right when light turns green let's watch that [Music] crazy yeah okay all right all right well we're probably gonna get a fight with someone here let's go get out of here well guys um that one seemed pretty stupid it has a lot of likes and Views so let's hope that one goes viral all right Kobe be real oh I think I've seen this trend it's something like I don't need to be real I need to be blank I think we could come up with a good one yeah I saw one about like be tall oh I mean both of us should do it we're both short as hell oh my God okay fine [Music] foreign [Music] awkward so where are you gonna come from I guess I'll just walk in through the door one that's seven down good job Ryan Mandy any number you want 81 name five orange things I have no idea what that means I can read orange Mandarin Clementine and I get the gist we're gonna go in public and ask people if they can name five orange things and we'll give them like a hundred bucks let's go for 100 bucks okay name five orange objects traffic cone and orange um there are field comforting sign orange one more thing [Music] yeah I love that dude that's amazing bro 23 4 MJ yeah do you speak English I know this one I was actually gonna do this for my main account let's do it baby another viral one coming your way excuse me excuse me man do you speak English I'm a photographer and I would really like to take some pictures of you please got the first part down now we take like three embarrassing point five ones I have a good location for the first one okay ready oh that's sick you can see you can see uh the bear breaks ew what the this one sure my should be like this no like that okay okay we need one more one more should I sit in his lap bro I almost broke his arm oh that one's a banger okay I think we got everything we need to post this Tick Tock this is our last one that we're gonna do I'm smarter stronger [Music] let's go freaking do this dude [Music] we actually got that one was actually really funny dude that was our last tick tock that was uh number nine and then our tenth one failed well I think we did really good today I think we did really good Jessica we've done nine yes I'm gonna have you pick the last one wait oh okay we'll be taking 77. I don't know why I just want to do that the cupcake life hack sounds good it's the normal way to do it you just take the wrapper off [Music] sandwich that's kind of cool let's make a cupcake sandwich all right these cupcakes look a little Advanced I got mine good job Brian okay hold up I did it and then wait no forgot to make the tick tock oh yeah wait hold up we forgot about that wait I think we have more cupcakes but anyways let's continue Cheers Cheers cupcake sandwich oh no Loki hits differently it's like evenly distributed it actually hits different now we gotta do this again for the tank top what a long day we all posted our tick tocks and now we wait till tomorrow to let it soak overnight you never know what could go viral overnight so to keep it fair we're gonna all meet up tomorrow and that's when the final verdict is chosen so an update after all day we sit at 9 000 followers and our most viewed video has 435 000 views oh my God you were the star of that one yeah so we are at 6634 followers we pretty much have a clear winner but we're just gonna get in time our highest viewed video is 308 000 views on it's pretty good no like take the followers aside like look how easy it is to blow up on Tick Tock no I didn't realize like I'm probably gonna make a new tick tock just how fun this is all right guys get out of here I'll see you tomorrow morning I was gonna sleep in your bed all right let's go come on all right guys it's the moment of truth it's the next day and we haven't checked the tick tock accounts today and we don't need to talk trash ketchup munchers is officially at 24 900 followers so the pumpkin video has 1.1 million views let's go the be real one has 720k the chicken one has 392k we had some viral videos wait can we refresh the page okay hold on we're at 25 000 now [Applause] 25 000 followers I'm sorry thank you thank you it's time to check the blueberry crew yes 21.1 K listen I'm not gonna talk I'm not gonna talk you guys absolutely killed it you have a video with two million views we made the best [Applause] I hope this showed you guys some tips and tricks to blow up on Tick Tock yeah guys we'll see you all with the next video
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 13,850,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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