Remaking My First Beat Ever!

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what is up homies my name is felix and i'm here back again with another video for you all today and this video this is something that has been requested quite a bit actually a lot of people when i'm live streaming stuff asking me like can you play us your first beat you ever made and then i've gotten a few suggestions of people saying that i should basically do a fix it felix video but for my own old beats so basically that's exactly what i'm gonna be doing here today i'm gonna be doing a little bit of a fix of felix but on my first beat that i ever made so this is gonna be pretty interesting to show you guys my first ever beat uh it's gonna be pretty funny to listen to it and then kind of listen to the ways that i could make it better make it super swag and awesome now so yeah before we get into this video make sure you guys check out my instagram and my soundcloud down in the description below along with the playlist of songs i produced my beat storm my discord all that stuff will be down there if you want to go check that out you may and yeah now let's get into this video alright so first off i gotta find this file it should be this one i think it's this one hot beat one the first the first hot beat ever and i think the reason that i called all of these first like 60 beats hot beat was because um i watched this video i think it was one of the first videos that h3h3 did with post malone and in that video i'm pretty sure post malone shows ethan how to make a beat and he calls it hotbeat so that's why i called it that i'm pretty sure which is pretty funny story but yeah that that's why so yeah essentially here is a project file hopefully it opens up correctly and everything all right so you guys ready for this this is going to be pretty dope pretty epic basically this is what we got going on [Music] here [Music] swag all right so basically this is the first beat that i ever made pretty awesome pretty swag i have no idea why i made the loop this length because this is so weird it's like 16 bars but the drums come in like here at the 12th bar i have no idea but basically what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this and then i'm going to bring it into fl studio because i want to be able to have a little bit more freedom to mess around with it and i'm just going to basically scrap all of these drums because uh i just cannot with these drums these are literally all stock drums but i mean i i was first starting out it was just my first beat so okay can't knock me too hard for that one but yeah basically what i'm gonna do here is solo it and now i'm gonna go to file and export midi and now hopefully this should work all right so i pulled the midi file into fl studio now and i have it inside of a steel drum impurity because the steel drum kind of sound was what i used for the original beat so i'm going to look at this and also i can delete everything after here and all these little midi notes too because these are all like the hi-hats and everything and we don't need that we just need the melody all right so i just deleted all the unnecessary things and now we just have this little 16 bar loop and i'm gonna pitch this down because it sounds really high up right now all right so from here basically like it looks like we have a pretty decent pattern the only really place where it gets messed up is over here in this area i don't really know what was going through my head when i got to these four bars here but where it really gets messed up is right here because it's like chord here and then chord and then another chord but however both of these spots here don't have that so it kind of throws off the rhythm and then also it really throws off the rhythm with this here which is like a weird kind of like out of key like uh descending i don't know what it is but it's something weird and then basically another five bars of the pattern repeats so basically what i'm going to do to start off is just get rid of this because we're not going to have that descending thing because that sounds horrible uh it's not in key or anything so we're just gonna ditch that and now for right here i'm just gonna work on cleaning up this little melody a little bit alright so basically what i'm gonna do here at first is i just move these two little notes so that they're a little bit more on the lines because this is like a weird arrangement for these notes to be in so i have them like this now [Music] and then i also pitched those two notes up and now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to bring this chord down and i'm also going to fix the velocity because i don't know why the velocities are so weird and now what i'm going to do is kind of repeat this similar pattern but with different notes alright so i repeated the pattern a little bit and then i got rid of that other chord that was in there because i didn't really like the sound of it now i'm going to kind of just continue this pattern a little bit all right so i just basically finished the first four bars and now this is kind of how it's sounding so what i'm going to do from here is actually just get rid of this portion as well and i'm just going to copy this over again and now i'm gonna make a little bit of changes to the like little counter melody that's in there and we're gonna see if i can get this to sound good alright so i just finished the last four bars of this melody and it sounds like this now basically it's just a little bit of a variation on what i made at first so yeah that's how it's sounding and now what i'm gonna do is take these bass notes here and i'm gonna copy them down like so and now what i'm gonna do is hit alt s and now alt r to randomize the velocities a little bit so now that we have this pretty much the melody completed i'm gonna mess around with the pitch a little bit to see if i can get the sound a little bit more how i like all right so i just changed the pitch and it sounds like this now i'm liking how this is sounding i'm just going to add a couple more sounds i think i want to add an electric piano of some sort i want to add like a lead or something like that and then maybe like some bells or something i'm not totally sure all right so for the first sound i have this spitfire audio labs electric piano and what i'm going to do is basically get rid of all these and i just want the chords to be playing and now what i'm going to do is add just like a little bit of a counter melody in here with these chords and i'm kind of going to keep this like tucked away in the mix just to give it a little bit more bounce and just hear like a little bit of a little sparkle over the top i guess but yeah so now we have this and i am going to add maybe like a lead or something and i'm also gonna probably layer the steel drums alright so i just added a couple little layers and the first one i added is this little sound from expand it's like a little like bells kind of sound [Music] and then i also added a very very nice touch i think which is the bbc symphony orchestra violins one i think and it sounds like this [Music] and i think that sounds super dope and it gives it a really cool effect so now that we have that i'm going to add like a lead or something probably from hybrid and we're going to see what i can find [Music] there fire okay so i just came up with a pretty fire sounding little melody on the keyboard and i'm gonna try to play it right now okay and now i'm going to quantize a little bit and now add like a second little part to it but click in the second part and honestly i think this beat is sounding pretty good so far i really like the way it's coming together it's a nice little vibe here it is quite different from the original beat but i think that's a good thing considering you know what the original beat was [Music] all right so now it's going to be prime time to add some drums i think and i'm not really sure what kind of drums i want to do on this i kind of want to do like a little bit of a different vibe with this but i'm not totally sure i think i'm just going to mess around a little bit all right so i started on the drums a little bit off camera because i was really feeling them but what i did was i turned the tempo down to 133 instead of 140 and then i also added these little drums here [Music] what i did was i just added a simple two-step hi-hat pattern and then i just added these little triplets right here and now with the snare clap usually what you do is you put it like right here but instead i put it right here and this gives it like a little bit more up-tempo kind of feel and then i think what i'm gonna do is maybe change out the snare sound and then possibly add a couple more sounds too all right so i just added what some might call my signature little sound here i really love this sound a lot it sounds like this and i added it right here and then right here and now i'm going to extend all the drums a little bit because even though i have the snare pushed back a little bit this is still only two bars so i need to make it longer alright so basically i just extended the drum pattern a little bit and then i changed the 808 up a little bit at the end here one other thing i did is changed up the hi-hat pattern a little bit i added a little bit of a roll right before the second snare here and then right before it hits here again and then i added this kind of a long one here so yeah now that i have pretty much everything done with a beat what i'm gonna do is kind of skip through the mixing portion of this because usually i'll add the mixing portion in but it's basically the same every time what i do is pretty much just put an eq on all the melodic components and then i put a reverb on all the melodic components and then i pretty much just level out the drums and i don't add too much effects or anything onto them alright so i just finished a little bit of mixing and stuff and now what i got to do is just lay out the beat and then we'll be done here so i'm going to right click split by channel and now i'm going to drag all these in here just like so and now i'm going to do this ctrl b and now we have our whole thing and now i'm going to drag this to the side and then i'm going to start off with a little intro probably the steel drums are going to be in the beginning and then i'm going to probably bring in the strings like this and then take the take the steel drum out and then i think what i want to do is like a little bit of a band pass or like a low pass filter and then make it fade out and then do like a tape stop or something like that [Music] alright so basically i just put a little low pass filter on this portion here and then i faded it out with the tape stop so then it's going to drop in and then i'm going to have 32 bars of just different variations and stuff and then have a little bit of a break and then have another 32 bars and then kind of close it out a little bit so that's what i'm going to do right now [Music] all right so i just laid out the bead i'm pretty much done now at this point what i did essentially was i just took out some of the little percussions and stuff here and there at the same time i took out some of the other instruments like i took out the lead at certain points and then i took out the strings at certain just to give it a little bit of variety and keep it fresh keep it new so yeah that's pretty much going to do it for me i hope you guys enjoyed this video i know the beat was wildly different from my original first beat that i ever made but i'm sure it was interesting for some of you to hear my first beat that i ever made and then see it compared to what i'm capable of now also i do think this beat turned out pretty fire and i actually like it a lot so yeah make sure you guys follow my instagram and my soundcloud those will be down the description below along with the playlist of songs i've produced my discord beat store all that stuff yada yada yada you already know what the vibes are and i will see you guys next time [Music] so [Music] so [Music] left to spare
Channel: feezo
Views: 4,063
Rating: 4.9696202 out of 5
Keywords: first beat, cohardt, nick mira, feezo, internet money, lmms, fl studio, hot beat, producer
Id: 7ABjQSU-0Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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