Judge the Validity of Evidence Listened to|| GRADE 9|| MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 3| MODULE 3

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe hello there grade 9 learners your english teacher is back today we will be talking about how to judge the validity of an evidence let's begin our target most essential learning competency for this video is judge the validity of the evidence listened to [Music] oxford language dictionary defines validity as the quality or being factually sound the state of being legally or officially binding or acceptable to judge the validity of the evidence listened to you need to employ various skills and understanding of the text your values prior knowledge or schema or experiences may help you arrive with a correct judgment in some cases you will be forced to make decisions or make a stand about an issue or to judge the validity of the evidence you heard from an issue [Music] listening is probably the most important skill you should possess in order to gather information to be an effective listener you must concentrate on hearing and understanding the message analyzing the message and then remembering the message to know if the information presented by the writer is valid or not you need to extract the supporting prose and opposing cons opinions about the issue isa [Music] both sides have their own opinions and evidence to present their stand now the information they present may influence you to believe certain ideas and push you to take some form of action the question is how to determine if valid and evidence that were presented before that let us define first evidence and its types what is evidence evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid sa tagalog ito ebidensia [Music] these are the types of evidence testimonial statistical anecdotal and illogical isa is [Music] testimonial evidence this are statements of truth from a certain person made under oath in a court or testimonies offered to prove the truth of the matter statistical evidence these are the result of researches or surveys that can never be proven because of probability or likelihood which is from random sampling anecdotal evidence this are collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony and a logical or a specific way of thinking it is based on the idea that two or more things are similar in some aspects in that there is a tendency that they are also similar in other aspects now why is it important to determine whether the evidence you listen to is valid or reliable just as the quality of research in student papers varies so does the quality of information in many sources here are some tips you may consider when validating evidence credentials of the source is the person qualified to say something about a certain issue is he an expert in that particular field you may also want to consider his or her educational background or if it is a written text or a news report you may check on the writer or the reporter's credentials publication date it's a good idea to look for books published in the last 10 years on some topics for example shakespeare the middle ages world war ii it's okay to use books 25 or 50 years old for a subject that's current let's say climate change or the internet a 25 year old book would be usable only in certain circumstances like exploring early theories and solutions or studying the ideas leading up to the most recent thoughts on your topic [Music] check four biases is the book an objective source on the subject does it look at both sides of an argument or is it biased in favor of one side only information in a biased source may still be useful but the author may be overstating benefits overlooking negatives or otherwise reflecting only one side of an argument for example if the author thanks people for the ethical treatment of animals or peta in the acknowledgements of a book on veganism the author may be biased toward convincing people to avoid animal products for ethical reasons rather than reasons based on health or environmental damage check the evidence an author may cite specific studies or other evidence to back up his or her assertions authors who list their sources are generally more credible particularly if they reference recent studies or well-known authorities however use your judgment a biased author may have found biased sources and or may have taken information out of context to support a thesis look at the author's evidence does the author cite specific evidence to back up his or her assertions so did you learn something today if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed walk kalimu tang muk subscribe and turn on a notification button updated lessons an english teacher in iwan class dismissed see ya [Music]
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Id: 8kzeR_A22x8
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Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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