Relentless: Overcoming Addictions - with Nick Vujicic

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Hello and welcome to our Relentless Series.  My name is Nick Vujicic, and today from the   ministry of Life Without Limbs, we are so  thankful you're joining us today. In this   Relentless Series, I’m talking about how we can  overcome various difficulties and obstacles.   Today we're going to tackle the  topic of overcoming addiction.  I want you to know that I love you, and  what you see is what you get with me,   and I know that 2020 has absolutely thrown nothing  but curveballs in my life this year, and I know   it's happened in yours. Something that you used  to continue to have rhythmically—work, school,   friends, going out, life itself—has completely  changed, the true north work of our compass,   mentally, emotionally, spiritually. We are, I’m going to say, humans that love   habits: rhythm. But then there's the other things  that we continue to repeat, that we also know,   though, that is not good for us, and when  you look at the definition of an addiction,   it's simply “a repeated activity or  choice that provides a rewarding effect   even though it results in harmful consequences.” It's a way of escaping present circumstances,   so a lot of us, especially when we have those good  habits and that life that we used to have from day   to day, week to week, from social things, family,  friends, business, it feels like a void is there,   and how do we fill up that void? How do we  deal with these, I don't know, emotions that   hijack us in such a way that we start to  do—maybe something we've never done before.  You know there's always something that that  happens chemically in our brain every time we go   to something that we know can be obvious—you know,  circumstances down the road, but let me tell you,   when you talk about addiction, sure it  could be something that's obvious, like   drugs or alcohol addiction or as subtle as a  compulsion to shop, or over, you know, overeat,   I mean seriously there are so many things that we  sometimes just do and do and do, and in the end,   we look at, and if we're really honest, we know  it's not good, especially when we're isolated   with all this quarantine. You know, all these addictions,   I actually have heard that it's at least  at least 50 percent up in addictions,   and as we've consulted someone who's a counselor  in this space, I’m not the counselor, and this is   not a counseling little session with Nick, but I  just want to be real with you. I want to ask you   a couple questions today. It's going to be raw.  You're going to have to be honest with yourself,   but before you're honest with  yourself, I want to be honest with you.  I look back at my 37 years of life, and I’ll tell  you right now, I’ve had some addictions, and when   it's really bad sometimes, you're like, “Oh  no, I’m just going to do it!” you know, because   someone else is doing it. Someone peer-pressures  you to do it or social pressure. Sometimes you just feel like you need that escape. Sometimes  you feel like, “Well I can't control anything in   my life. I’ve got no arms no legs, and everyone's  making decisions for me, so I’m going to take   control of my own life and my own destiny, and  this is going to be me. This is going to be my   time. This is my little time for me, myself,  and I, and at first, it it's sometimes seemingly   harmless. You know, sometimes it's stuff that that  grows slowly, slowly, and then grows, and moves,   and morphs, and evolves into something  like, “Oh, my gosh, how did I get here!”  It's like, you know, back in Australia when  you—how can I say—we had a saying back there   where, you know, if you're saying something  about, I don't know, boiling frog—sorry for   all the vegans—but boiling frogs, right? You sit  and the frogs don't understand how hot it gets,   as long as they were in there when it wasn't  hot. It slowly boils them, and I even forgot   what exactly the word, but I’ll never forget  that because that's exactly how addictions that   ruin our lives come sneakily into our life, and  we become comfortable, and then we justify it,   and we have our own way of saying, “No this  is what I’m going to do, even if someone   tells me it's no good, I’m going to do it.” In fact, if someone tells me that I shouldn't   be doing it, what is it with our flesh that,  oh, my gosh, now it's even more attractive to   do it because I’m told not to do it! I mean it's  a battle of the mind, so I’ll be real with you,   I’m not going to talk to you about you looking  at you, until I share with you what I’ve gone   through. You know, when I was a teenager that was  the very first time I had ever seen pornography,   and I tell you, it's dangerous, and my friends  they would even have magazines at high school, and   I had never seen that stuff, and for a while it  was really, really hard to stop thinking about it.  It was like at a certain time of day, it  would be like, “Oh yeah, evening's coming,   and it's like I don't know.” It's this chemical  reaction in my brain having that satisfaction,   and we all understand that money, drugs, sex,  alcohol, pornography, fame, and fortune. If you   put your happiness in temporary things, your  happiness will be temporary. We know that,   and then there are times around my life  where I’ve actually witnessed people who   drink a little bit, and then they drink a little  bit more, and then they don't know when to stop.   There's been times—sure, you know—where I’m like,  “Oh man, I can't feel my legs,” but I never became   an alcoholic, and I see how alcohol can sneakily  get up to you and say, “Wow, back in the day,   you know as a young twenty-something, I’m like,  “Hey, yeah I know that I’m only going to have,   you know, a beer or two, right?” Everything in  moderation, as long as you can have self-control,   as long as you know that in everything in life,  anything in life, too much of it can kill you.   Too much of water can kill you right? Too much  of air, keep breathing in, and let's force   some more air in your lungs your lungs will pop! Like that's the incredible thing about this world!   Too much of anything, except for God, right?  It could be bad and we had to go through that.   How did I overcome that? Well, first of all I  had to reflect and become honest with myself,   and I don't know about you, but I love it  when someone gets a microphone in front of the   audience who says, “You want me to be real? You  want me to be fake?” and everyone says, “Real!”  I had to become real with me, with  myself, my mind, my feelings, and admit,   “Nick, I don't think you've got this.” In fact,  this has overcome you. In fact, your subconscious   self-esteem is drifting away and  how you used to love yourself,   and how you used to see how God sees you, and  the joy of God, and what He wants to bring you.”  You're limiting what God really wants to  give you, what the world can give you,   what the feelings of all these things can give  you is nothing compared to what God can give you!   God's got the best of the best of the best for  you. When He says no sex before marriage, okay?   Sex before marriage is the counterfeit sex before  marriage is the devil's way to twist what God   made beautiful. Jesus turned water  into wine. I don't want to get known   to doctrinal issues and who drinks and who  doesn't, but let me just say this, okay?  We must understand the point of  being honest and saying, “Yes, God,   this is of my flesh, and I can't do this, and I  shouldn't do, and I need to listen to my guilt.   That's your conscious speaking. It's the Holy  Spirit, and You can make an excuse. You can   justify it anyway you like, but in the end, if  it's wrong, it's wrong. If it's overtaking you   and changing what true foundation you have  of your value and purpose in Jesus Christ,   and you're going to the world for  a peace and a joy and happiness,   you're never going to find it, because  the world can't give you God's peace.  God's purpose and God's best sex out of  marriage is never better than in marriage   because He designed it that way, so when you  look at lust, when you look at substances,   be careful. Listen to the Holy Spirit's conviction  of your sin. Don't suppress it. Don't bury it.  I had a friend that got, you  know, addicted to cocaine.   He didn't start doing cocaine. He started,  you know, cigarettes, a little marijuana,   and then a little bit of this, and then a  little bit of that, and he grew. Then he went   to crystal meth and this and that. It just got  so bad, and if you become numb, here's the hope:   You're going to be okay. If you ask Jesus for help, He can break   any addiction. I want to read to you 1 Corinthians  10:13 because God delights in setting you free   from an addiction. You might be feeling, “Oh man,  I got to confess my sin, and it's such a burden.”  I don't know like, you know, if I ask God for  forgiveness then I do it again tomorrow, I’m   really bad. That's why a lot of people actually  don't become Christians, because they actually   think that they have to stop an addiction before  they become a Christian, right? What we can   understand is Jesus delights in rescuing us from  our sins, and in our sins they're our addictions   as well. He doesn't come and point the finger and  say, “See, you can't do it. No, that's the devil.  Jesus says, You know you can't do this without Me.  With man it's impossible, but with Me, all things   are possible, right? And I just want to read right  now that scripture again 1 Corinthians 10:13,   “No temptation has overtaken  you that is not common to man.   God is faithful. and He will not let  you be tempted beyond your ability.”  I’m going to stop there. The addictions that you  have, right, I think the devil isn't that creative   when you look at the world history, and how  he's designed the temptations that he's created   false in. I think he's just pretty persistent  more than creative pornography, lust, drugs,   alcohol. It's been here for thousands of years.  It's the same thing. It's been common to man.   Addictions didn't just happen in 2000 or 1950  or 1800s. We're talking thousands of years,   so #1 - What you're going through is not a  surprise to any man, any counselor, okay?   And it's definitely not a surprise to God.  God is faithful, and He will not let you   be tempted beyond your ability. Well, God is  faithful, and He knows how much we can bear,   and we know that when we're relying on our own  strength, we might fail, but beyond our ability,   He can give us the power. It's His strength,  not yours that's the supernatural delight in   knowing Jesus as my Lord and Savior that  anything can be broken in Jesus name.  I’m going to continue reading, so let's go. “…and  He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability   but with the temptation He will also provide the  way of escape that you may be able to endure it.”   What does that mean? God's not going to help us  be void of temptation. Temptation comes to us all.   No one's immune to sin. We all sin daily. We  know that, but we also die to ourselves daily.  Lord God, help me today to do what  You want me to do. Help me today   to not do what You don't want me to do,   but what I hope is that God knows the temptations.  He's not surprised. He loves you just the same,   okay? And His love will never change. God is  faithful. He will never change His love for you.   You can scream at Him. You can swear in Him,  you can run a million miles away from Him,   but He's going to pursue you because you're  His. Your’re His only you, if that makes sense.  There's only one Nick. I’m the only Nick  Vujicic of God’s, right? Does that make sense?  When you're a parent, it'll make a little bit  more sense of how much He loves you as a father,   and He gives us a way to get out of those  temptations. He gives us that strength, and I’m   going to give you now a couple technical things,  though, that you can do with practical measures   to understand that, yes, God promises not  to tempt us beyond our ability to resist,   and He promises to provide  us strength in our weakness.  Let me just read quickly 2 Timothy  2:22, “Flee also from youthful lusts,   but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with  those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”   I want to tell you that, yes, God's there,  and He's waiting and He will do His part,   but you need to instigate and ask. You  need to have a posture of the heart today   to say, “Yes, Lord, I admit that this is what's  going on, and I can't do this on my own. I know   You love me just the way that I am, but I want to  be free of this. I know that every time I do that,   and then I want more, and I want money, but  then I want more money, and then I get this,   and it's not enough, there is this void in  our soul that can only be filled with the   King of kings, the Lord of Lords, so here's some  five practical steps for you to walk with Jesus   and have Him unchain you from your addictions. #1 is pray before you're tempted.   So there were times in my life I would  actually—don't tell your parents that I’m telling   you this—if you're a teenager, “Nick told me to do  it.” I got a Sharpie, and I put on my wall in my   bedroom some words, and I first said to  myself, “You stupid idiot” to myself.   “Don't you dare leave this room without prayer and  that's how I did it.” Some of us have a wristband.   Some of us have a routine of prayer. I’m  telling you right now if you don't, you need it.   It's when you put on the armor that before  that temptation comes you're already armed up.   You're on the defense, knowing there's an  attack coming sometime today, but by God's   grace you're going to trust Him. He's going  to protect you when we go through addiction.  #2 is we need to remind ourselves of not  just the beauty and power of Jesus, but also,   I’m going to say, the results of sin. It's not  just the implications of your addiction. “Oh,   you're going to do this? All your body?  This no in your spirit, in your soul,   the consequences of sin are real. We can ignore  them. We can bury them, and some people have done   that where they don't feel that what they're doing  is wrong at all because they've justified it,   but we need to go back to, “What does God feel  and say?” and know when we go through that   so we must remind ourselves of the consequences  and not just us but the people around us. You're   a leader. People see what you do. People see what  you don't do, People see what you say. People see   what you don't say. You're also influencing other  people around you. God's created you and put you   in that sphere of influence for a reason, but  not to be a megaphone of sin or an encourager of   people to continue their addictions either. We are  here as a light in the dark place, and my friend,   you will not be continually addicted in  where you're at if you ask Jesus to help you.  So when you pray and you remind yourself of the  raw consequences of sin when you are tempted, #3   Run! If it's something is on the  computer, don't go to the computer.   Fast from the computer. Do prayer and fasting  in other ways if you're really serious   about your dream to become free of addiction.  Then it's time to get real and serious.   God's ready, and He can help you, but  sometimes it's you helping yourself   in. If there is some situation and some atmosphere  or some people that you continually go into just   like a trap, don't go there. Don't talk to them.  Be proactive. That way, change your situation.  #4 Rehearse Scripture. Focusing on God  is everything. Sometimes you need a verse   just to get through this. Find the verse that  God wants you to repeat over and over and over   say that even out loud as you repeat a verse of  Scripture. I love Philippians 4:13, “For I can   do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Amen! Sometimes I had to find myself in struggles   just saying it out loud, and when you hear it,  your spirit awakens. You're allowing the Holy   Spirit to dwell in you and empower you. Lastly (#5), you can phone a friend.   Call someone. Confide in someone. It's okay if you  need to go through a program, a 12-step program.   It's good. It's awesome! Hey, God uses  dentists for my teeth, doesn't He? Do   I just pray that my teeth are clean? No, you  brush your teeth, and when I have a root canal,   does He expect me to do it on my own or me  wake up and my root canals good? No, I go to a   dentist. Psychologists and counselors have helped  me along the way, and I’ve never done this alone.  Yes, God's with me, but sometimes He also delights  in using His children to also help His other kids   to get through their problems. So would you use  those five steps? Would you give your broken   pieces a chance? Right now maybe there's something  that has happened in your life that's caused this.   Maybe someone did something to you, said something  to you, and you can't shake it off. Maybe   it's stuff that's all in your head, and you're  beating yourself up and you're digging yourself   a hole. You can't get out of. There is no  soul that's too far gone for Jesus to rescue.   Let me say it again, there's no soul gone too  far, too far away from the reach of Jesus. No,   all things are possible because of His power  and His love, and He powerfully loves you   if you have an addiction. I would like to say a   prayer for you right now. Let's pray. Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you so much that   You sit on the throne, that there is nothing that  you cannot do. There is no sin that You cannot   forgive, and Lord, you love us no matter what.  We thank you, Lord, that You have a plan for us,   and You've got the best things in store. The  best is yet to come. The better days are ahead,   and, Lord God, for those of us who've  maybe got struck down in 2020 emotionally,   spiritually, mentally, physically, well  God, we thank You that You're the Rescuer.  We thank you, Lord, that You have given us the  truth in the word that nothing of this world   can ever satisfy our soul, and no one can ever  experience the greatest peace of all without You.   God, we pray right now against every  power and principality of darkness.   We say, “Be gone in Jesus name!” and we ask God  that You break the yokes of these addictions.  Give us courage to do those five steps.  Give us courage to call a friend. Give us   the Scriptures to hold onto. Help us, Lord  God. Awaken our soul to a new rawness of   the reality and the consequences of  sin. Help us, Lord God, to be a light,   but Lord, right now, we thank you. Break  those addictions right now and help us   to be who you want us to be, more like You so that  others would know you, too. In Jesus name. Amen.  You know, if you're watching me right now  or listening, and you don't know what a   personal relationship is with Jesus, then I  can guarantee, you don't have what I have.   I’m not scared to death of death because I’m  already living forever! I know that when Jesus   went on the cross, He died for all of my sins, and  all of my addictions, and when I gave my life to   Jesus Christ, it didn't mean that Nick didn't  get depressed sometimes, or anxious, or fear,   or struggling. Some sinners, sometimes, you grow,  you mature, you go on the journey with Jesus, and   I just want you to know that some of you haven't  said, “Yes” to Jesus because you feel that, “Well,   I need to be a better Christian. I need to stop  saying the F word. I need to stop smoking. I need   to blah…blah…blah before I come to Jesus.” No, He says, “Come as you are,   and I will give you life. I will give you  peace. Joy. and strength beyond measure.   Are you tired? Are you quite done yet trying  to put trust and faith in your own intellect,   and your own discipline, in your own  positive attitude? Don't surrender.”  Let Him take over. If you'd like to do  that, let's say your prayer right now.  Dear Lord Jesus, You know who I am. You  know what I’ve done, and you still love me.   Thank you for your love. I ask God for you  to come into my life. Forgive me of my sins.   I give you my heart, my brokenness,  my depression. Take over my mind,   take my addictions, take my burdens, and cares. Help me Lord to know You're with me that You have   a plan. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross.  I believe You rose again and You died for my sins.   I believe, Jesus, You are the Son of God, and  You love me. God, I want to know Your plan,   Your peace, and Your strength. Fill me with  your Holy Spirit that I may live the life   that You want for me. Thank you, God,  that I’m not alone, and You're with me   forever. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Friend, I’m so glad that if you did say   that prayer, that we can hear from you. As  a team, we would love to actually give you,   right now, some resources to help you over the  next seven days. I want to tell you that you   can get your phone out right now, and I’m going  to give you a number to text because we want to   continue to encourage you in your faith journey  with Jesus Christ. The number to text is 66866,   and if you text the word Jesus or click the  link below, you'll get some encouragement along   the way to boost your strength in knowing  more about God and how much He loves you.  Also, if you would like to give towards the  ministry of Life Without Limbs, we can't do   what we do without supporters to learn more about  us. Thank you for prayerfully considering becoming   a supporter and a partner at  Please join us next month for our Relentless   Series, and I ask you to actually invite someone  else to join you because if you got something   out of today, I can guarantee that in the  sphere of influence that God's given you.   You might be able to see  and witness a seed of faith   planted in a loved one's life as well.  Love you so much! I’ll see you next time.  Thank you for joining us this month for  Relentless. If you need prayer, you can send   us a prayer request or chat online with one of our  trained coaches through our website. To watch any   of our previous Relentless videos, you can find  them on the Life Without Limbs YouTube Channel.   If you are new to a relationship with Jesus  or you just want to grow on your faith,   check out Life Without Limbs resources, either the  book Unstoppable or one of our daily devotionals.   For more information about our ministry  visit us online at   We're so happy you joined us, and we look  forward to seeing you next month for Relentless!
Channel: Life Without Limbs: Nick Vujicic Ministries
Views: 6,284
Rating: 4.9813085 out of 5
Keywords: overcoming addiction, frog in the water, addiction to drugs and alcohol, i feel helpless and hopeless, nick vujicic relentless series, help for hopelessness, help for porn addiction, lonely depressed and suicidal, life without limbs youtube, frog in the water story, help for shopaholics, no arms no legs no problem, how do i stop being a narcissist, my testimony jesus saved me from addiction and lust, i can do all things through christ who strengthens me, Holy Spirit surrender
Id: tgr1ovbcxmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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