Relentless: Overcoming Stress - with Nick Vujicic

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[[RELENTLESS WITH NICK VUJICIC: OVERCOMING STRESS] Hi, there, it’s Nick Vujicic here with the   ministry of Life Without Limbs.  Yes, I was born without limbs,   and it’s not like one day I woke up and looked at  myself in the mirror and said, “What happened!”  I knew as a kid I was born this way. No  doctor knows why I was born this way.   My parents don’t know why, and when kids ask me  what happened to me, I just say, “Cigarettes!”  Look, having limbs is awesome! It’s an  awesome idea that I used to dream and   dream and dream about because I thought if I just  had arms and legs then I would have no stress.  Well, we understand that  many people with arms and   legs still deal with this  thing called stress, and   welcome to this Relentless Series. We have  branded it such as such where I am talking about   some things where we can  either hold onto the good   things that we know we is  true through the Bible,   to hold onto the good things,  hold onto the faithfulness of God,   but then also, some of these series, like  this one, is specific to overcoming things,   overcoming stress, overcoming  despair, overcoming anger.  We’ve just done a couple of those in the past  months, and I hope you’ve been encouraged,   and please, if you’ve been encouraged,  make sure you share it with someone else.  And today’s message, I think is relevant for   everyone. You know when  we’re talking about life,   and we’re talking about the ups and downs,  it’s always about, you know, about stresses   of life—the stress of what people think of me,  the stress of what I think of me, the stress of,   you know, with 2020, and all the ups  and downs, and changes of uncertainty.  You know, a lot of unknowns and the scariest  thing about the unknowns is how long   will the unknowns remain  as unknown. And, you know,   there’s a point where we  need to understand how we   are human. We do have emotions to  process that, not to suppress it,   and not to bottle it all up and  then blaaaaaaaaaaaa! Explode!  But how do we deal with that? You know, God  never said that I’m going to give you a life   with no stress. He’s going to give you a life  of abundance, right? More abundant, which means   higher highs and lower lows, and I don’t know  anyone in the Bible who had a stress-free life.  I mean, literally, we understand that everyone is   human with a soul, spirit,  mind, and body. We all   go through pain and suffering, and especially  when loved ones are going through something, or   you know, things that we depend  on and take for granted, are now gone!  Our job—the way we even do life.  When we go through different changes,   stress highjacks us, and understanding how our  body reacts to a challenge or demand, or even   change. If you don’t understand what stress is,  look, I mean, there is obviously some positive   stress that can help you  to avoid danger or meet a   deadline and all of that,  but seriously, when you   sometimes are just trapped in this merry-go-round  of constant stress, anxiety, frustration,   anger—it’s like your thinly stretched, your  bandwidth can only take you so far.  And I don’t know about you, but I can’t do  my life alone, and I’m not a lone ranger.   For me, even being the person who goes around  the world, you know, trying to encourage people   to never give up, to know that God’s with  us, that no matter what we face that our God   is bigger than our problem, and it’s us, I  think, reminding ourselves how big God really is.  And You know, how many  times we look back and say,   “Well, wait a second! That’s was so unexpected,   and that’s why it was so stressful.” Or maybe  something happened or someone said something,   and it triggers you, and  you realize, “O, my gosh,   the reason I am stressed is because something   happened to me 5 or 10 or 15 years ago that’s  building up that stress of an undealt issue. For   me, I’ll tell you two stories in my personal life. First of all, 2020 was quite difficult.   You know, everything around me,   changed, and the one  thing that I know that always remained was the   faithfulness of God. I knew that God had not  left me. I knew that God hadn’t found 2020   anymore surprising than 2019. He knows exactly  where I’m at. He knows exactly what I’m feeling.  But somehow, it’s almost like but I can’t  connect my faith to my head sometimes.  And it’s like, “Man, my head’s like so thick  sometimes!" You know, it’s like you look at the   people trapped in the desert and the wilderness  for 40 years where they forget about the   faithfulness of God and the presence of God that   He will always provide for  you, so chill out, man!  But it’s still hard! Do you know that, I mean, even in 2020,   this year I had almost like a relapse of  the reality of having no arms and no legs?   Do you know it sucks having no arms and  legs? And I know deep down that really   the issue is my heart, my mind, and my spirit.  You know, just sometimes,  especially with my kids,   I want to pick them up, I want to play with them.   I want to be able, you know,  drive a car, and take   them to school, and there are just some things  that, you know, kind of pricked me, in the last   couple of months, because,  you know, my wheelchair   breaks down, I’m looking for new caregivers.  We’re transplanting our whole family out  of state. I mean there’s a lot of change,   and in that change, it is so like I was crippled  by fear, but, man, it’s been a little hard!  And I’ve been a little angry. And I’ve been a  little stressed. Now how do we, like, "destress."  One of the greatest ways that I’ve destressed  for me is to call a friend, personally.   You know, I have a couple  friends, maybe 2 or 3 that I call   maybe 2 or 3--maybe twice a month, let’s say.  Two or three people I call twice a month to  see how they are doing. They ask I’m doing.  I know they’re praying for me every single day.   Asking people to pray for you, and knowing that  they’re praying for you, and you just sharing   with them in confidence, you know that they are   just going to take it to  the Lord. You know, they   may or may not be able give  me advice, but just to   know that a brother knows what I’m going through.  Sister, if you need another sister, God's  going to provide you another sister to   talk to because that’s why family is there. Brotherhood, sisterhood,   we are here for each other,  and Nick could not do this alone.  And with all the, if you will, the rhythm  of what we’ve been doing, whether it is on the   ministry side, and go and preach the Gospel and  not knowing how we’re going to preach the Gospel   if the stages close up and in  that trust, and in that prayer,   within our ministry, we’ve taken it  before the Lord, and now we’ve seen that   any quarantine regulations or restrictions and  limitations have only actually fast-tracked our   long-term goals to help us reach  another billion souls for Jesus Christ.  7 We are   still seeing people in the prison ministry  are giving their life to Jesus, getting trained   and start another Bible study in another prison.   Like, it’s awesome, man!  Like God’s still moving!   God’s still in control! And  when we’re talking about,   you know, Nick motivationally  speaking, and doing some   other things that actually make a  living, if you will, for most of the   living for my family and provision, we  know that God’s the God of provision.  He always pays for what He orders. There's  always provision for vision, and He’s never   going to change. He’s always going to provide   for my family. He's always going to  direct me. He's not just playing   hide and seek, right? But it  just sometimes takes time.  Time—not just to talk to friends, but to  process things. Maybe you’ve never journaled,   and you need to start journaling.  I love journaling! That   helps me. I love turning on worship music   when I just don’t even know what to say and   I internalize a lot, and I  don’t even sometimes talk to   85 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:01,520  my wife about what I’m feeling. I just turn on that worship music,   and let it play. Let it play in my  office. Let it play in the house.  Sometimes I used to sleep to  worship music because of my anxiety.  We all go through ups and  downs. Yes, this evangelist,   who talks about the power  of God, still is human!   We’re all human. We’re not super human, and  that’s the beauty where I’m not telling you   the exact keys and how I did it, it’s how  God helps us all to overcome all adversity,   all stress, all anxiety, where we can cast  all our cares upon Him because He loves us!  You know, for me, focusing in on the circumstance  sucks. The more you focus on the circumstance,   the bigger it seems, and the smaller you seem.  But it’s not about how big the circumstance is   compared to you. Remember, it’s about comparing  your circumstance to the ALL awesome power and   all-knowing, almighty, most high living God,  the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, so stop   focusing on your circumstance. Focus on God. You know I love it when we feel like God needs   our help and we get the wakeup call,  “God don’t need Nick for nothin’!”   God don’t owe anything to Nick! God doesn’t need   to explain to Nick why 2020  is happening and why this   and this and this is  happening, and if he's losing   money here and this is happening, and this   tragedy happened, and that person dies, and this  closes up, and this stops happening, and that   long-term dream dies, and this  and this and this is changing, and you’re not going to have this. God is saying, “Do you trust me?” That’s a beautiful thing when Peter was focusing   in on the circumstance, right? And he looked  at the waves when he’s walking on the water,   and he sees and feels the wind when he focuses  on the circumstance, he starts sinking!  My brother, my sister, don’t focus on the  circumstance. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ,   and sometimes we’re like, man, “I just gotta  do something to get a different result.”  “I gotta, you know,   do something to change my circumstance."  Now sometimes, God allows us to go to our   circumstances. Sometimes He doesn’t take the thorn  from your side. Sometimes, He allows you   to go through storms and  ups and downs so that you   actually depend on Him the  most to understand His   faithfulness and that His grace and His mercy  covers you, and so that you can adore Him!  You know Martha in Luke 10:39-42, you know,  Mary and Martha, I mean, totally   distracted, right, by   serving in the busyness. Martha was doing this,  doing that, doing this, doing that, doing this,   doing that, trying this,  trying, toiling and just….  Mary was just sitting. Now  can you just fold your   arms and, you know, you lost a job and you’re  stressed and you’re just going to stay in bed   and hope that God gives you a job? No!  But there is this balancing understanding  that there are sometimes when God wants us   to do something, right? Because there  are some things that is our job in   us making the decision to do what God’s called us  to do, and to put our hands and feet in action.   But then we sometimes in stress get so highjacked   by emotions, we're caught in this merry-go-round  of nonstop activity, and we stop   when we’re burnt out, and then it’s too late! Don’t wait till it’s too late.   Stop being a Martha where you’re just doing,   doing, doing, without just  being. You are a human   being, not a human doing, and God don’t need  you doing a thing.   He will tell you to do everything you can,   right? When it’s in your control, if you will, to   do something or make it  right with your enemy, or   pray, or give, or encourage  someone else, you've got to  do, you know, what God’s called  you to do in action because   faith without works is dead,  but when we are talking   about stress, do you know what we need to do?  Sit. Stop. Breathe, and remind yourself,  God’s in control. It’s going to be ok.  You know, sometimes we need visuals.   Sometimes we need like…I think I’m actually  going to buy one of those anklets, you know,   one of those wristbands, you know, like   “Chill out, dude.” Something that’s a  little bit more like "Christian-ease" like, “Dude, I’m in control, says God." Right?  Something like that—just a little   humor, just like, “Nick, relax! I’ve got this!” “Nick, it’s ok. Trust me.” You know, and it’s this catching of yourself.   It’s not saying that you’re never going to have  stress. It’s not the saying that you’re never   going to have those emotions.  It’s catching that thought.  that. It's holding that thought  captive, and then replacing it with an action or a word from the Lord, or a time   of worship, time of silence,  a time of meditating,   a time of remembering what God has done,  remembering what God has given you, remembering   that He will always give you what you need,  and when you don’t get what you think you need,   just go to WWW. Ready? Wait. Word. Worship. WWW Wait. Word. Worship. Wait on the Lord. Cast your cares upon Him.   I Peter 5:7 – “Casting all you anxieties on  Him because He cares for you.   Do you believe that God in Heaven cares for you?   He cares for you, not because  of what you did, not because  of what you’ve done.   He cares for you despite of  the bad things you’ve done.   He loves you right now, and He’s given you all  the promises that you could hold onto in full   confidence, which is the Bible, the Word. Hold on. Hold onto a verse that your spirit leaps in!   Start, you know, maybe memorizing Scriptures.  What’s the Scripture you’re going to memorize   for yourself? I remember that I used to do that  a lot, especially when I am in a lot of stress.  Worship. If you’re tired of the  worship music you've got? Ok, then   find a new song. Don't ever think  that worship itself gets tiring. Remind yourself who He is. He is  the King of kings and Lord of Lords.  You don't have to hide from  upcoming, difficult moments   or being stressed about the  future. Just do what you can today.   Do your best and trust  God in the rest with relationships, deadlines.  Maybe you have to reset your  own expectations on manageable   goals. Help yourself to deal with your stress, psychologically. Maybe you need to talk to a   counselor. Maybe you need some help.  Maybe you need some accountability.   What’s the one thing now that you  can focus on—a short-term, mid-term,   long-term goal. God’s with you. My friend, I’m talking to you,   for those of you who know God. If you really know  God, then you really believe He's in control,   then you take time to pray, you take time  to die daily to yourself, and live for Him.  Remember the cross, remember your salvation,  and remember that God Almighty's watching   over you, and He'll not let you go  through more than you can handle.  My believing friend, let me say an  encouraging prayer right now. Lord Jesus,   we thank You so much for those of us  who know You ,those of us who love You,   who have trusted You, We thank You, Lord, that  You're the same yesterday, today, and forever.  We thank You, Lord, that there is no  problem or circumstance greater than You.   We pray, God, right now, for stress, anxiety,  depression, addiction, affliction, oppression,   Father, all these things to flee, in the mighty  name of Jesus, and we thank You, Lord, that it's   Your relentless pursuit of Your love for us,  Your relentless pursuit of a purpose that You're   building in us, and in these times of storms and   trial, You're only purifying  us, strengthening us,   and helping our dependency on You. We thank you, Lord, that we would   lean upon You more. We thank you, God,   that You're in control. Help us, Lord God, to  catch ourselves in moments of stress. Help us to   wait upon You. Help us to put some worship music  on and hold onto Your word the promises of God.  Help us, Lord God, to find that friend who's  going to encourage us and pray for us when we   cannot even pray for ourselves. We pray, God, to  take away our stress and help us to manage that.   In Jesus’ name, Amen. You know, for all of you   out there who don't know Jesus as your Lord  and Savior, I tell you, if I didn't believe   in the God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac  and Jacob, whose Son Jesus Christ died on the   cross for my sins, I wouldn't be where I am today. You know arms and legs or not, I’m going to have   stress, but man, forget  about the little things of   this world! Forget about  2020 for a second. Forget   about the depression and even the attempted  suicide that I had at age 10 feeling alone,   feeling like there was no hope for me here  on earth because of bullying at school.  No arms and legs was nothing compared to  the biggest disabilities of all which was   sin and death, and Jesus Christ, the living  Son of God, He came down as God in the flesh,   born of a virgin birth, and He came  as a human. He knows what fear is,   stress is, and everything that a human has  ever experienced. He knows our suffering.   He knows, and He took it all  on, and He took all on. He took  all the sin of the world on His shoulders.   It was one sacrifice, the atonement  of all the sin of the world through   the blood of Jesus Christ on a cross. He died for three days and rose again   and in that, He helped me to be free indeed of  the two biggest stresses of life, devastations,   tragedies, disabilities, defining moments of our  soul—it’s sin and death,   and I’d rather have peace   with God in my soul without arms and legs than   have everything that the  world could ever give me.  Peace that I have, and even in the  moments of stress, I know He's with me.   I know He's never left me, and He never will,   and maybe you're walking this walk alone, and you  don't want to walk this long walk alone anymore,   and you don't have to. Jesus is waiting for  you to say, “Trust me! Come walk with Me!" So right now, if that's you, would  you bow your head and close your eyes?  Say, “Lord Jesus, I come to you today, and I'm  so sorry of all of my sin. Please forgive me.   I want to know You! I want to live for You. Help  me to stop what You want me to stop, and help   me to do what You want me to do, but God fill me   right now with Your Holy  Spirit. Give me a hunger   to read the Bible, to seek You and to find You. Teach me, God, how to pray and how to live   day by day. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. Friend, if you just said that prayer, i just   want you to know that God has heard your prayer,  and we'd love to connect with you. In fact,   I've got some really exclusive videos  that could be sent to you over the next   seven days if you simply get your cell phone out.  If you live in the US to  text the word “Jesus” to   the number 66866. or click the link below. If you   said that prayer and you  want to start that faith   journey with Jesus, and you did say that prayer,  and you want to know what God's plan is for your   life, please again text “Jesus” to the number  66866 or click the link below, and for everyone   else, please go to and  sign up to our monthly newsletter to let you    0 know   how the Nick Vujicic Ministry of Life  Without Limbs is continuing to preach the   Gospel to the world. one soul at a time. Thank you for your prayers and your prayer   for consideration to financial supporters to  continue to reach the nations for Jesus Christ.   Please share this with someone else, and I'll  see you next month. Thank you for joining us this month for  Relentless. If you need prayer, you   can send us a prayer request or chat online with   one of our trained coaches through our website. To watch any of our previous Relentless videos,   you can find them on the Life  Without Limbs YouTube Channel.  If you are new to a relationship with Jesus  or you just want to grow on your faith,   check out Life Without  Limbs resources, either the   book Unstoppable or one of  our daily devotionals.   For more information about our ministry,  visit us online at   We're so happy you joined us, and we look  forward to seeing you next month for Relentless!
Channel: Life Without Limbs: Nick Vujicic Ministries
Views: 10,807
Rating: 4.9831462 out of 5
Keywords: overcoming stress anxiety and depression, Nick Vujicic video about how to handle stress, relentless nick vujicic, ovsm, one voice student missions, life without limbs youtube never give up, facing the unknown future, hope for hard times lwl relentless, casting all your cares on him because he cares for you, no arms no legs no worries no stress, trust me says God, how to live a stress free life starting today, 2020 stressful year, facing fears in 2020, worship music sit quietly
Id: 7XMqWQn9P5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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