Oddly relatable in a good way... I think

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happy day i'm not even i'm just a gloomy girl who wants to feel good all the time so we're gonna look at some stuff that's relatable but also funny relatable in a good way we all have that grandma who's just kind of out of it but this is like a whole new level yeah i think you forgot a toe oh my god it's flicking us off how do you forget a toe flicking off the world with your toe isn't that uncomfortable and that's my hammer tone your hammer tonight it comes over by big toe oh see you yeah we learned the most interesting and amazing things from old people she has a hammer toe get with the program get into it here is the classic trying to take a beautiful stunning video when there's a guy struggling to get across in the background oh my goodness what are they even doing and why she's trying to put out the vibe okay she's trying to not that but yeah why not just get in the pool and then come up the ladder or like go around the pool guys and their shortcuts i swear this one's happened to the best of us the waiter gives you your food and says enjoy your meal and you accidentally say you too it was me too oh they're both eating the meal now oh waiter enjoy my he's getting a little salt on there he knows the chef he knows they do chins out on the salt there oh the uncovered just bare naked noodles all right i gotta go back to work you have a good rest of your shift you too oh oh no oh no he didn't even have to get food safe or anything he's just instantly a waiter now so in the past year or so i think i've said gg instead of good night because i was saying it so much online because i hadn't left my house i say youtube all the time to uber drivers and you just gotta hope that it's not something awkward like what would it be i know i've had an awkward exchange with a waiter but i just don't remember what it was somebody said i love you to me recently like like not i love you it's just like i love you and then we were both like oh it's a classic going to lay on my girl's stomach after a long day it doesn't matter if your stomach is upset or not your stomach is always making these kinds of noises it always is like listen to somebody's stomach right now i will bet you any amount that it's also i just remembered the guy who said i love you to me was the passport guy like i was like thank you so much and he was like all right i love you and i was like does that mean you're gonna renew my passport faster or what when you get that random sharp pain and it hurts when you breathe what the oh my god this happens to me but sometimes i get like a really sharp pain in my heart maybe this is what that is but sometimes i'm just like oh and the people around me are like whoa are you okay and i'm like and then it just like lasts and it doesn't go away for like a solid few minutes i feel like it's been happening more lately since i've gotten older which probably isn't a good thing but it even happened to me when i was like 17 i'd just be sitting there like your heart will just like seize up i know the feeling dying my hair red oh i think we all know where this is going girl i think you dyed your arm hair oh and you dyed your arm but why why would you do that why would you do any of that that is a lot of red but that color of red i feel is like really trendy lately and i'm scared to dye my hair in general just because it costs so much money for upkeep i get like a centimeter of new growth every single month like look how long my hair is people are like is that extensions i'm like no it's just my hair oh i love when guys have like secret handshakes it's so yeah so cool wow okay okay sure i'm gonna be honest i'm a little speechless i was not expecting this one that's cute i guess ooh doing your makeup bad to see what he says [Music] don't say that she does it for herself what have you done oh i tried a new makeup look do you not think he's cute oh no he's trying to be nice okay silence is not how you react you're supposed to be like okay i can i can smell the passive aggression it's it's killing me yeah go home a whole body today but just walk about three meters in front of me i will be finding you okay okay at least they can be honest with each other it's better when someone notices that you change something then someone doesn't notice at all i imagine if you did your makeup really bad and then your significant other got in the car it was just like yeah you look fine and just like kept going oh i don't know what it is but it's always the low quality memes it really is perfect perfect execution let's do it again okay fastest fingers in the world and then this is when you try it [Laughter] oh it's the low quality ones i don't know why is it because they were taken from vine like why like we all have like pretty decent camera phones now but it's always a low quality memes that bang the hardest here we have a relatable reenactment of a mother sweetheart i scheduled you a dentist appointment you need to be ready in 20 minutes do you want to keep this or should i sell it in the next garage sale i've never seen you wear it and it's a shame because it cost a pretty peony stop stop stop you're like you're hurt like i can feel i like i'm getting flashbacks i'm getting flashbacks i'm on the phone with your insurance can you just tell them you give me permission to speak on your behalf oh i wish i had that i had to speak on my behalf my whole life i remember when i was younger and my mom got me these like really cute pair of pajama pants that i didn't wear i didn't wear them once and then i was like going to donate them and my mom was like oh you don't want those pink pants and i was like i want those pen pants i felt so bad and then i wore them a lot and they became my favorite pink pants but i don't know where they went snobby all night you barely even danced with me please don't make me laugh i've been drawing all night you've been shaking real nice there's some there's something about the people that are just like me about it and not trying too hard that i really like like i've seen a lot of different iterations of this whereas like two really like good singers and they're just like you don't even dance with me this is a lot better this is the much better version this is the relatable version are you doing to that chocolate mousse what on earth that's what i'm saying it's literally whipped for a reason it has nice bubbles in it like you're getting the bubbles out of it you're just making chocolate sludge it's not gonna be moose anymore oh i've always wanted a dog that does this my dog only does this to like coco melon and like weird alarms and stuff like he does it to the weirdest things i wish he did it just like all the time to like anything like music things that came on and just had their way in here and he would be like mine's more of like it's very annoying and unsettling here's a little trick to turn your woman on anytime you want oh perfect all you gotta do is come back here and put your hand here got it you got to reach up oh it's a little high a little cord okay it comes out and you just pull it out just like this now what you're going to do is you're going to take the cord you're going to plug it in like so oh it's bulletproof it's bulletproof i know this pain i know it too well not coming to this girl crib no more no you're not the snore like that kind of snore i don't know why it's impossible to sleep too you're gonna have to like turn up the music in your headphones but even somehow it like it it cuts oh my the best way to deal with that i found is to poke the person really hard so they kind of get mad at you and wakes them up a bit that's a little bit mean another thing you can do is you can just kind of plug their nose that helps a lot or just kind of like push them over so like their neck and their nose isn't in the position that makes them snore i'm an expert i'm worried the animals have been sedated for this shot i always worry about that whenever i watch tick-tock but i think they seem fine no not yet not yet you're ruining the video please like she's walking in calmly but she probably walked in so fast and like the husband was probably like go just to get this perfect shot because yeah you can just never count on an animal to stay still get on my knees but no man cool video are you my biological father these guys actually look so related i think we need an answer for max taylor lifts because i think that you are his biological father like this this is a copy and paste this isn't like oh you look kind of like this is a copy paste oh here we go this is a video that my dog hates the audio of he hates it so bad so essentially this duck was separated from his little duck friends lifting it up and getting him back to his friends the engine's already coming here you can already hear it through my little headphone oh say oh listen to this like he he will come here he comes he's here you're just acting all uppity because the camera's on but he did get a little reaction out of it oh sharing a burrito with your cats this guy is tucking in i've never really seen a cat tuck in like this usually they're such classy eaters but he's like he's like barely getting any though don't headbutt him he didn't even ask first that's a bad can so i know this too well where they drop the scooter you're welcome thank you so so much this little thing has gotten me so many times where they're like dropping something and then you just get hit in the face with a baseball and i jump i've dropped my phone this this is what we needed we needed this man like he's actually doing god's work he really is when your sandwich meat doesn't fit your bread honestly i would keep it in the middle no you don't put it on the side and then just eat the bread that's not what you do you put it in the middle then you just have to make sure that each bite catches a little bit of meat i can't relate to it who doesn't love physical comedy about a bad day we've all had oh i it still hurts to watch oh for some reason the finger on the door just really got me bad oh aren't bad monday's just so relatable and he became harry potter halfway through the mix oh is this the final straw that's the final straw that's why i cut off if you didn't know this you know it now how to 100 tell that you're losing a street fight if you see a guy with an ear that looks like this or that anything in that likeness that my friend is cauliflower ear and that means that this man has fought a lot or he's played physical sports so this is actually really good advice that i feel like the average person should learn from if he's got cauliflower ear you're gonna lose in case you forgot what day it is i can't even laugh it's taco tuesday why not it's funny mom you are not wearing that for lunch oh i am something that i realized when you get older is that you say a lot of stuff and it makes young people go oh my goodness they are so out of touch like they're so stupid but a lot of adults they do this on purpose because they don't care anymore they know how cringy they are but they don't care anymore the dad jokes they come out and the dad knows how bad they are like he's not legitimately like this is like top tier comedy like he knows that you're gonna cringe and he likes it well guys that is all i have for you today please make sure you check out the creators who are featured in this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,317,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, tiktok compilation, tiktok reaction, everybody laughed but you, relatable tiktoks, tiktok compilation funniest, tiktok compilation popular, funny tiktok, compilation, popular 2021, best, relatable in a bad way, gone wrong, relatable in a good way, relatable, funny, best tiktoks
Id: dhcg01EE8pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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