Funny Things only UNLUCKY Girls relate to

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put a finger down if whenever you wear lip gloss you get it all over your burger oh everyone okay put a finger down if your boyfriend won't let you take the dog out at night because whenever he does it's perfectly safe and whenever you do you get chased by a crazy man with a knife I'm really unlucky okay so let's see if you can put your finger down put a finger down if your cramps are so bad that you used to cry in class about it and you get so frustrated because you didn't want to cry that you started accidentally like like hyperventilate ugly crying and the teacher and the people around you would be like what is wrong with you and you'd go home and Google ways to fix cramps and fall for all of these different marketing ploys for things that you attach to yourself and apparently it fixes cramps like the thing I'm about to try right now ladies and gentlemen the off switch Focus please okay you're gonna have to come closer the off switch for menstrual pain I'm in pain right now I've been saving this for this video so we'll see what is all of this electrodes so I'm gonna shock myself look at this put it on the front oh I gotta put that kind of low oh you can put it on your back the back is where I have it the worst but we're gonna try it on the front it zaps you so badly that you don't feel cramping you just feel electrocution if it works I'm gonna be so happy I feel like we fall for so many things that promise us like a better life to look better to feel better and we end up just falling for this consumerism then again like I've always wondered like what did the cave woman do when they had cramps like what did they do they didn't have these yeah they just went oh [Applause] okay it says just don't put it close to your heart because it could oh really I wanted to put them like here for the thumbnail so you can actually get my face girl version of an iPod listening to despacito okay I'm scared put on [Music] [Music] see now you don't feel your cramping right yeah I feel two types of mouth okay wait I gotta put it on my back but one of them hurts more that like it up just don't turn it up it really snaps you out of it you know what I mean yeah it's like your problems aren't that bad it could be worse yeah so you could be electrocuted right now okay you want to play with the settings how high is it right now it's pretty high like the next one up is really painful oh my whole back just spasm I should have like done it on day one of my time of the month because I'm on day three right now and I can't tell what pain is what right now but like it is quite nice hey babe yeah babe my cramps hurt really bad so can you just make sure I'm good while I put on some lip gloss oh yeah sorry I'll turn on and then I'll just punch it up wait is it on even oh yeah there we go Crank It Up just crank her up for the Babe right oh [Music] you okay babe it's definitely a distracting bed how I feel like this thing has potential but we're getting off track we gotta get back to how unlucky we are and I gotta take this thing off it's scaring me you know how they say women have higher pain tolerance I'm consistently in pain during my time of the month to the point where I don't know if I'm in less pain or more pain all I know is that it's different and I kind of like different right now put a finger down if your brother got into a new school out of state or out of Province and you went with them to the new town because you're like I'm a good sister you went you check out the canvas you stay in a really nice safe hotel in the middle of town you're sitting there doing your skincare in the middle of the night your brother is passed out in the bed beside you and all of a sudden you hear Boom Boom Boom like Angry knocks police knocks sound complaint knocks and not like how's it going Knox so you're like oh my goodness like who is this you tiptoe to the door you look out the little eye hole and you don't see the police there you don't see a security guard there you see the scariest masked man you've ever seen through that hole because he knows you're looking at him like this like the head tilt right here very important this man was out of his mind so you scream you wake up your brother you say there's a terrified man and he's banging on the door and your brother goes call security for the hotel you call security you say there's a scary crazy man waiting outside of the door and Security's like yeah we'll be right up but they never come up because it's just normal people working security and they're like we are not going up there so you end up having to call the toughest friends you know and go oh do you have any friends in Toronto or whatever City you were in and then you get these scary dudes but you're scary dudes to escort you out of the hotel because the security wouldn't put a finger down if you've been through that that's like a Sunday for me not really it's only happened once but I'll never forget are you still with me put a finger down if you moved into a relatively safe area with a bunch of broke students you're all University students at the time and you hear rustling around outside of the house and you don't really know what that is and every time you look out the rustling stops so you close the door you ask the guys in the house to check the perimeter they take baths and they check the perimeter but they don't find anybody it's really cold the dead of winter and the next morning you wake up after a significant can't wrestling night you look at one of the windows and through the window in Frost there is a face that looks like this that is staring into your window yeah put a finger down if that if you went through the one struggle all girls understand relatable luck funny thing about Frost face man is that I got a Rottweiler specifically for frost face man and he never came back after we got the Rottweiler and I'm telling the story right now because my brother had no idea any of this happened even though he lived in the same house with us because I didn't want to scare him put a finger down if at every single job you've ever had nobody really liked you that much like you had a really hard time making friends and then you finally get the job that's like a sense of community you make a little friend you're friends with the management everything is going great but then they hire a new manager who looks like a Karen I want to say her name but I probably shouldn't but this applies to everybody so they hire a new assistant manager who hates your guts and one day because you're new you go hey like how do I make a Caesar she holds that against you goes to management and goes we have to fire this girl she's useless we hate her but management likes you so they didn't fire her that said though she torments you for the entire time she's there until one day she stops showing up and then we get a phone call to our restaurant of a random guy who goes hey so that woman she has herpes it literally sounds like I'm making this up but I'm sure you've been through it put a finger down put a finger down if your sister's car window got smashed you called the police obviously because you want to feel safe you want the police to know what happened and instead of trying to help you the police start interrogating both you and your sister saying that you probably did something that warranted this to happen that has to happen to you happened to me just relatable girl things and speaking of relatable girl things put a finger down if you started wearing aluminum free deodorant because you've heard that breast tissue absorbs aluminum you kind of want to try to be healthy but you get this deodorant that you're only supposed to put on when your skin is wet after the shower and because it's that way and it has to be done that way you forget to do it all the time and now all of your friends think you stink especially Nora I'm just kidding so what inspired me to make this video is that I was like Nora like if I move I want to move to like a really safe place and Nora's like I live in a really safe place like why don't you move to my area and I was like I have really bad luck though I feel like it needs to be really really safe and when she walked me out of her house in the dawn of the morning it's like 6 a.m we're out there and these two crazy guys on bikes come riding by and start yelling at us and she looks at me and I was like it's my luck I'm unlucky is anybody else unlucky if you're unlucky please leave me a crazy story in the comments make me feel better because I feel significantly unlucky I feel like every time I tell a story people are like okay that just can't be true but it's true it hurts I hope that you guys enjoyed this video I hope you found it especially relatable if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,495,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, animated, animation, gloomy kassie, gloomgames, girl problems, unlucky, story time, storytime, funny, things only girls understand, put your finger down, storytime animation, funny fails, tiktok, awkward moments, funny situations, true stories, funny stories, embarrassing moments
Id: GXNd9ZiEXok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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