Reinforcing the Ceiling for Drywall ⚡️ Home Renovation #3

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welcome back to our life out in the country we are in the bedroom remodel once again and if you haven't been following along go check out our previous videos where we go to this room and got it to the state that it's in now so now that it's in this state we have to fix it I'm going to be working on the ceiling that's my number one priority right now is to reinforce this ceiling to be able to hang drywall on it so my plan is to sister up some two by sixes 11 feet long spanning the room from the center wall to the outside wall along each truss and the drywall will be screwed into the two by sixes and not the knot of the roof trusses that's a pretty straightforward and easy job but I'll show you one thing that makes it a little tricky now up here I'm gonna have the two by six go in here but you can see obviously we're not gonna have enough room for it I'm gonna have to cut an angle so I have to get my measurements to cut the two by six to fit into here so I measured that back part it's two and a half inches from the top of this clay to the roof that's pretty easy but then I'm going to make an angle so I wanted to figure out what angle this was now there's probably a lot of ways to do this this is just what I did is let's just say we put a mark here it doesn't matter where you put your mark and then we're gonna make another mark 12 inches out so there's my other mark 12 inches now I'm going to measure right here you can see that's about four and a half inches and now this mark is 7 1/2 inches so that's a 3 inch difference over 12 inches so that means our roof pitch is 3 and 12 it goes up 3 inches for every foot so all I did was go online looked up 3 12 pitch and found the angle and they say it's a 14 degree angle so now I know that my cut will be a 14 degree angle coming down to a 2 and 1/2 thing so that's a just an easy way to find out your roof pitch it's just to measure from the 12 inches apart and do subtraction now this is gonna be my first ceiling joist it's very straight but I'm gonna look for the crown and the crown is which way the board bow is a boat would be this way a crown is this way you know with the board facing like this so this one will must be dead straight but I'd say this side has the crown so the crown would go up and what that means is now the wood would be arching upwards in this position the crown facing up and what that does is is help resist the sag of gravity over time it's already curved slightly upward so with the weight of drywall on a and gravity if anything it'll just even out so now that I know which way is up I'm gonna mark my two-and-a-half inches right here and now I just got to make my 14 degree angle from that this is what I ended up doing was taking this square because that's all I got a little framing square and you see I couldn't figure out the angle down here anyway so I put it on here and I did the opposite of 14 to make a right angle 90 degrees 990 minus 14 is 76 I put the square on the edge of the wood I'm using my level two where and what I did was I found 76 I'm sorry right there and then I slid this until it hit my mark you see that keeping that at 76 then I just stat drew my line so that should be the proper angle I know that's confusing but it's easy when you get what I'm saying now that I have that figured out I have something I can copy so I can just mimic this same exact cut and all my boards so I better start cutting before I lose my light and I'll catch you guys tomorrow I am back it's a new day and last night I got a lot of work done I got all the wood caught for the ceiling well almost all and I got this plywood screwed onto the floor I want to get right into the ceiling work but let's talk about the plywood I keep avoiding this topic but let's talk about it so here's the story the wood floors in here were actually in really excellent condition but the floors and the rest of the house vary in condition as part of this remodel I'm trying to keep in mind the whole house the big picture is more than this bedroom so when I was buying supplies I picked up plywood to lay down on the floor now I knew this floor was in good condition but because I have plans in the rest of the house and makes sense to raise this floor up a little bit let me explain we plan on tiling the kitchen the bathroom the entryways the laundry area a number of places in the house we'll have tile on the floor I could layout now while I could tile on the floor with a cut uncoupling membrane like Detra or something I just don't feel stable with it our sub floors are about 5/8 inch plywood and that is the minimum I am of the mindset of thickening up the floor making it more sturdy before tiling but the problem with doing that is that if I only put plywood an extra layer of plywood down in the kitchen in the bathroom then there's gonna be different floor heights you're gonna have the kitchen will raise up because the floor would be thicker the living room will go down you know it'll be up and down and I hate that I want the floors to be as uniform throughout the house as I can what I'm doing is I'm gonna be putting plywood throughout the house to thicken up the floor throughout the house this is good actually even in rooms like this that'll just be a laminate or hardwood floor because it'll make the floor more rigid it'll really firm it up and you'll lose a lot of that bounce that you have in some of these older mobile homes and we do have pretty good support under this house but it doesn't hurt to thicken up the floor make it stronger I guess now I'm ready to start working on the ceiling let me show you the wood I cut so here they are all cut to length all cut with the angle to fit in here where the roof is and you can see there's our test piece that we were experimenting with I ended up cutting them back another little eighth of an inch just to give me a little more room Milan ceiling and that's gonna make it easier to install these rafters and I'll be showing you those but this is all just test fit these right here are rafter vents and it's basically a piece of plastic that you put up here I'll show you and you put it right between your rafters right up against the roof and you staple the sides and what it does is it creates an air gap can you see that it'll create an air gap so that when we blow oh so that when we blow our insulation up here into the attic the insulation is not touching the roof so you want air flow from your soffits up your roof and now out the peak usually is where most vents are nowadays we have gable vents that's another day another story but we're going to be installing these rafter events across the whole ceiling and then putting the joists up [Applause] put a few staples in it that looks good let me secure this one so it looks like this is kind of like a makeshift raft your vent let's get it out of here this also gives me a chance to look where I'm going to be putting my joists and make sure there's nothing sticking out of the roof that's going to prevent it from sliding in perfect we're all done with this like I said so these rafter vents will just create that airflow along the roof to keep the insulation dryer and keep the heat moving you always want to keep that air flowing in your attic so that's done I'm gonna put you guys here and hopefully you can see what I'm doing basically we're just putting one end up there sliding it in setting it in it's gonna be quick and easy in the way done all the joists are in and you can see these are gonna be much better for hanging drywall from but if you notice if you look closely the original trusses hang a little bit lower in the middle you see it on this one - you know what you're gonna consider is that these trusses have 45 years of snow loads and gravity working against them and these new two by sixes you remember we put them crown up so they a little bit an arch to them some of them do now what we're gonna do is clamp them together like this see that we're gonna bring them dead flush with each other and I'm gonna screw them through put some 3-inch screws right through both of them and then they're gonna help balance each other out we got this one wanted to go down this one wanted to go up they're going to work together and be super strong there it is guys the ceiling is almost done it looks so good it's straight it's strong we can we can get right up here and hang on it and it's like solid doesn't bounce we're gonna definitely be able to hang drywall on that now there is a couple more jobs that we have to do here tonight we have to finish off this end Bay I left this one because it's a little bit different you can see let's get these uh can you see well it's got some braces going across and that's holding up the overhang on the end of the house I'm still gonna add this plastic piece but what I'm gonna do is just kind of staple it right over those so it's give me a little bit lower but it also makes it more difficult to put a joist in there because that's in the way the plastic things gonna be in the way so I'm gonna keep this one super simple since we have the wall here and I'm just gonna lay a 2x6 right up there flat let me show you what I'm gonna do I have my 2 by 6 and just cut straight I didn't have to angle cut it this way then also I don't know if you could see it but this one is pretty heavily crowned so I didn't use it on the main joists because it's just humped too much but it's gonna work perfect for this envy so now instead of laying this one upright we're gonna keep it flat it's gonna go just like that and that gives me the same nailer for the drywall actually gives me really good Network but I'm just gonna screw it in from the top straight down into this I'm leaving this because it's a good spacer to line me up to where the other ones are they have a gap too so let me get my drill I'll drill it in from the top we'll get this nice and solid it got a little bit difficult getting toward the end because I can't fit my drill up above to screw these down luckily I have some lag screws sitting around from another project and these are five inches long heavy-duty I'm gonna just use those right through the bottom of the plate up into the board it'll go right in there perfectly it's all put one over here one over here we're gonna nice clean straight ceiling solid too I'm gonna be doing the same thing on this end a little bit different though this wall has been bugging me since I opened it up because you can see that a lot of these boards are one by fours very skinny I cannot hook drywall to these comfortably it's a very hard target to hit and they're just not super sturdy but I cannot take this wall down because because that opens up the living room and the living room is where we're staying that's our beds are in there that's where we live we can't have this mess in there and we can't lose all of our heat what I've decided to do and I know I can just reinforce this wall if I wanted to but I'm going to build a new wall right on the outside of this so a whole new wall right here I'm gonna lose three and a half inches from our bedroom but it's not a big deal because we had really deep closet space so we'll just have shall our closets it won't be a big deal by building a wall right here I can build it the way I want it not worry about these and when I drywall this it'll be solid and then when I do the next room I can take this wall down and give that bedroom a little more room so it's gonna be build a new wall take this one down later once I built this wall I'm going to attach a nailer to the top of it just like I did over there but that whole project is for another day I just wanted to share with you what my plans were to finish off that last section of the ceiling I'm glad we finally got these trusses reinforced and now you guys can see my plan of how I'm gonna hang drywall on the ceiling these two by sixes will not only give me really strong supports to hook the drywall up but they also reinforce the trusses to make sure that roof can hold a little more weight if needed well guys that's it so I hope you enjoyed the video there's another check off the list on the home remodel this is just one bedroom out of the whole house but it's a good starting point to see what the project is going to be like and also to get our systems in place that we know what to do when we hit the next rooms it's going to get easier and easier as we go because we're just gonna repeat what we're learning and doing here well thanks for watching and until next time take care you
Channel: DIYfferent
Views: 93,236
Rating: 4.9548917 out of 5
Keywords: homesteading, diy, home improvement, trailer, trusses, how to, remodel, renovation, oitc, out in the country, construction, repair, roof, sheetrock, fix, support
Id: 2D63dh7AYVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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