How I Hang Sheetrock ( Drywall ) on the Ceiling By Myself or Yourself DIY

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hi everybody this is my Piper I'm going to show you how I hang a sheet of sheetrock in here by myself there's a lot of YouTube videos on how to do it I came up with this little idea based on some other ones that were out there maybe somebody's done one like this but anyway I started out by mounting a 2x4 it doesn't have to be a full eight feet it could be four feet sixty probably six foot would be good anyway screwed it just down about 3/4 of an inch from my rafters up there and then I'll show you what I do next okay the next thing I did was I cut some little spacer blocks out a 3/4 inch some just 3/4 inch particle board I had laying around or wafer board and then I built a 2x4 a small piece just happened to be a scrap laying around drill the hole through the center put a long screw through there with a washer on it and what we're going to do is we're going to measure out four feet and then we're going to put these out just beyond the four foot about a half inch out beyond the four foot then when we get the plywood put up there or the sheetrock rather put up there then you can turn this around to hold the piece up and I'll mount these and show you how they work okay there you go I measured out four feet the blocks are placed sideways just beyond the four-foot mark about an inch or so you can see there I don't know if you can see that the marks I made but anyway let's go ahead and put the sheet up there and see what happens by the way in all the videos that I've watched I've only seen one that led you to believe that you can put the sheetrock up over the electric box up there and then use a Rotozip to to cut that out I'll you can do it and I'll get to that in just a minute and it's worked well on everything else I've done in here so far but let's put up the piece okay here we go you just split it up against your the back wall lay it up against the 2x4 keep pressure on it towards the 2x4 tilt it up have your hopefully you have your ladder and then you just go ahead and push it on up turn your blocks there you are now you can make adjustments to it wherever you want but the next thing we'll do is get it get into how I locate where that electrical is you can see that I didn't mark the panel you're probably wondering how am I gonna find it I'll show you okay guys I was just talking about how to find where my box is up there and use the Rotozip uh what I did before I and I should have included this but what I did before I put any of the sheetrock up was I went to each one of the individual box boxes and I had to have my wife help me but I held the plumb-bob in the center of the box with my thumb and let it hang until I centered it on the floor here from up above and once it was centered I had her draw a dot on the floor and a little X what that does is once the panel's up there I can go up there and I can move this plumb-bob around until I am in line with where the box is and then I just cut a little hole until I can verify exactly where I'm at in the box I stick the Rotozip in there and boot around the metal box and what you wind up with so is something like I'll show you one of the boxes I've already cut okay this is one of the boxes that I've already cut in the other section of the room and I hang the I hung the plumb-bob from the from there down to my reference mark on the floor before the hole was cut then I use the Rotozip and this is what I wound up with a perfect hole in the perfect spot no measuring no muss no fuss obviously that won't work on the walls but it works very good on the ceiling okay I used my plumb bob and I've got the center of the box here now let's use the zip and I'll go over find the edge of the box and go right around the box hopefully me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] perfect by the way set your depth correctly on your Rotozip tool so if you run wire into the side of the box you don't put the wire that's it for the hole another thing that most people didn't explain at least in my eyes with the exception of some special tools I use this system against the wall and you might ask well how do you do the next sheet if you're going across the ceiling what I did is I cut two strips I just happen to have some looks like I don't know what it is half inch plywood and I have these strips just laying out there and I'm there they're about six feet long maybe a little less and what I do is I put one of them up and just screw it into the to the rafters just about a quarter of an inch back from the edge of the sheet okay one of them then I stack the second one on top of it like so so that I have a I have a lip here plus I have a half inch gap here okay and I usually leave the width of a 2x4 gap there and then that gets screwed to the second board it's time-consuming but if you're doing this by yourself it's just something you have to do that goes up there like so okay then when you put your sheet up there and the reason is six feet is that way you can see if you but your pieces up by looking at the ends you can see whether it's run it up to the next sheet then when I go to screw it up here and I want to make sure that is tied up against the board I happen to have some little quarter-inch pieces and you can just slide them in between the between the bottom half inch or you just run them in between the sheetrock like so and slide them in on top of the sheetrock that lifts the sheetrock up against the the rafters and then you can go ahead and screw that and then you use the same block method the other end that I use here obviously when you get to the other wall unless you have a full sheet you're just going to be using a partial sheet anyways and there you can usually get them up by yourself but that's how I do it out here in the middle it's just a matter of stacking up some short pieces and you of course you'll wind up with a couple extra holes to patch but uh to save yourself having to find somebody else to help you do it it's worth the effort okay guys the rest of this just involves putting all the screws in obviously the all the videos I watched recommended five across and I put in putting six across the ends if this had been a house I might have done things a little bit differently it is I'm going to use 5/8 so this is just half and since I'm doing it myself and it's a shed I don't really if it sags and it's a little more P and I'm not a sheetrock guy it doesn't matter to me so anyway but this is just my method of how to get it up there and how to locate holes in the ceiling I hope you enjoyed the video and I hope it helps out somebody [Music]
Channel: Mike Fifer
Views: 1,989,779
Rating: 4.8097205 out of 5
Keywords: How I, Hang, Sheetrock, on the, Ceiling, By, Myself, Drywall, drywall, hanging, Yourself, diy, Do It Yourself (Website Category), by Fifer Hobby Supply
Id: _0UHi62look
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2013
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