Reframing 360-degree Camera Footage Workflow in Davinci Resolve using GoPro Player and Reframe360

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I know others have made videos using Reframe360 and DR17, but in my video, I show the full process, from GoPro Player to Davinci Resolve, the tips & tricks I've learned, the pitfalls, and a fix for an issue I've encountered. Timeline settings, plugin settings, the whole thing - enjoy!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DraKhen99 📅︎︎ May 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey welcome back to the channel i'm john and today we're going to look at this yes the gopro hero max today i'm going to show you all the tips and tricks i know to make it fast and easy to integrate into your davinci resolve workflow as you see behind me when you're involving multiple cameras and you're not exactly sure how you want to frame your video um it doesn't make sense to go through and watch the entire thing reframe it and then export it in gopro player so i'm going to show you the quick way we're going to use the batch exporter so let's dive into that first and then we'll get into davinci resolve so here we are in the gopro player app and i've opened up the batch exporter window that's file batch exporter and you see the output directory here that will default to your username backslash videos if you're on windows and i don't want that so the first thing we do is click on the blue text and it'll bring up a file explorer window and once you've selected a new folder it's right here and i'll add in one file and then we click on it so it's blue like this and go over here now cineform is nice um if you use cineform you're going to end up with files that are 30 gigabytes each and that's just ridiculous but i found that the details to me or the colors the details and colors rather look better in h.264 than cineform now since i have a gopro max it can record it 3k or it can record at 5.6 k resolution the 5.6 only goes to cineform but 4k goes to the h.264 but really the big things to worry about are these icons over here these check boxes world lock now world lock if you're facing this way and you turn the face this way the camera will still face that way so it locks where it it locks the compass heading basically so we don't want that on because typically when you're using 360 camera footage in a motovlog or some other type of setup like that you want the the camera angle is going to be static and you want it to stay where you put it so we're going to go ahead and turn off world lock but we're going to leave horizon lock on and i'll show you why in just a minute and then hardware encoding because maybe that'll help that is all you need to do for the first file and then we'll drag in the rest of our batch because if you record with a 360 camera you know they only record in the gopro max it's eight minutes and two seconds before it hits the four gig file limit and jumps to the next file so in this case i've got i don't know nine or ten files yeah ten files if we spot check these you'll notice that the gopro player app picked up the settings of the first one that we set up when we brought the rest in here and i'm just dragging from a file explorer window into the batch exporter window which is pretty easy so once you have that done then you hit the start icon and it's going to take a while and i'm not going to make you sit through that so we're going to skip over to resolve and show you the finished product so here we are in davinci resolve in the multi-cam clip and you can see i've got them lined up just the same way i do in the multi-cam tutorial you notice there's no effects and if i disable the hero 8 track you can see that this looks kind of funny doesn't it and this is because of the way that the gopro player app exports its files they're flat meaning it's a standard mp4 file but they contain all the 360 degrees of visual data so what we need to do is convert this into something that you can use in a video because nobody wants to watch you do that they want to see the fancy tiny planets go back to our timeline one here and you can see i've got my test footage here we're gonna play through a little bit of it or skip through you know and you can see that i'm riding along yay but what i do have is if i go close my inspector window here this brings up our secondary viewer we'll drop down here select multi-clan multi-clamp well freudian slip we'll select multi-cam and you can see i have max on the left and hero8 on the right and that's one of the things i did here was i changed my angle name these are these are usually angle one and angle two and i change those so that uh they would be more indicative of the camera so it makes it easier on you later that's your pro tip number two so anyway back here we'll reselect multicam because resolve forgets it and here you can see that the 360 stuff looks even worse but this looks like a good time to click over to it and then we'll pick a random point over here to click back and guess what we now have a hero 8 section a max section and a hero 8 section and now this one if i blow it up full screen for you it looks really wonky doesn't it that just just does not look good at all so what we'll do is we will bring in our reframe 360 plugin it's actually over here in effects filters all the way down reframe 360. and i'll leave a link in the description below this one's pretty easy to install you just basically run the installer and follow the directions and resolve picks it right up and if you click this little star icon you can favorite it which brings it over here into your favorites which is pretty nifty so what we'll do is we'll open up the inspector again and the length of this clip is 10 seconds which is perfect for what we want to do what we're going to do now is we're going to go to our inspector window which is open if you don't see it just click on it we're going to go into effects open effects right here and now you're going to see reframe 360. in the reframe 360 you can see i can turn it on and off it goes from wonky to good and we have pitch yaw roll field of view yada yada ignore that we want to actually close this by clicking on the little triangle icon or well the v icon we're going to leave camera animation parameters open camera selection parameters open and aux camera parameters so i'm going to go ahead and explain how some of this works okay and one of the and then we'll get to motion blur afterwards the first thing we want to do is we're going to set our base camera angle and i'm a motive logger so i want the base camera angle to be facing me and instead of doing that the main camera parameters i'm going to do it in the aux one and now edit camera is set to one camera sequence is set to one and i'm gonna hit this triangle icon here and just take up this whole space that'll make it a little easier on you what we're gonna do first is we're gonna change the yaw because pitch is going to affect the camera angle this way yaw is side to side and roll is roll and i'm going to demonstrate those now so first of all we're going to set our yaw because this will give you a better reference and we're going to raise that up to about 80 85 something like that okay and now the pitch there's a little bit too much sky here so i'm going to bring that down and then the roll now here is the tricky part if you have your camera mounted at an angle the horizon level is here but the camera internal horizon level is here this is why we set horizon lock on in the gopro player app so we're going to leave roll alone we've set our pitch and our yaw and now our field of view notice this looks a little goofy kind of blurry and i haven't found a way to get it completely sharp yet but i think that's a distance thing these 360 cameras don't like to be within about two meters or six feet of the subject and they also don't like to be too far away but anyway for field of view we're going to drop it down to about 0.6 and i've done a dozen or so videos of this so i sort of know what works best for me now that looks a lot better doesn't it yeah see that that looks a lot better and then rectilinear projection is going to stretch the image to straighten things out and it looks okay except i have kind of really long rubber arms gumby arms and even the experts say that about .75 looks pretty good and that does look pretty good right there but my helmet looks a little squished and i sort of look like i'm wearing a mushroom hat so we're going to bottom that one back out we're going to go to tiny planet just crank it all the way boop much better effect see that little bit less mushroom effect there on the helmet and the the details in the background look better and we'll do a before and after comparison here we'll we'll bump this up to 0.71 and back that to zero and you can see they look sort of similar but they do opposite things see how the the tiny planet changes how that looks there so i like to have this one all the way at one it just sets things up pretty easy for me and also if you change your field of view if you bottom this one out to 0.15 you'll see we have we have really chrome hubcap look and look at that i just i distinctly remember not setting that so i could remember to show you see the black circle and if i change the pitch you can see that black circle becomes dead center in the picture here so what you need to do is go to your media pool your timeline right click on it select timelines timeline settings we're going to uncheck use project settings and we're going to change mismatched resolution from scale entire image to fit to stretch frame to all corners and we'll click ok and it goes away and that is the clearest way i can tell you how to fix that back to our footage we'll go back into our effects tab and we can continue messing with this so now when we go to tiny planet and we bring that back down and bring our field of vision back up to uh field of view back up to six and we bottom this back down to nine now that looks pretty good so now you can even see that stretching the the frame to all four corners actually fixed even the last bit of uh distortion on my helmet here which is pretty cool so unlike the gopro player app and some of the other apps i've seen you can't just click and drag on screen so we've set it up here you can use these three sliders and the field of vision if you want the tiny planet you just bring that down and then you uh you sort of get the tiny planet but that's not quite right is it so what we would do is you change your pitch and now you're riding on a tiny planet with big trees we can bring this up a little bit and you can play with the roll so the roll here i told you i'd get around to it changes around uh one axis basically you have three axis axes of control um there we go look at that see so you can set up the footage however you like but we'll go ahead and back that all out because that's our main camera so now if i wanted to then show forward facing from this angle first thing we'll do is copy camera and then we're going to go to edit camera and you can either slide the bar over or type in two like i did we'll come down here and say paste camera and we'll get to animating the cameras in a minute but now we have the same settings except i can ramp this up way far oh wait nothing's changing aha show edit camera now you can see exactly what you're changing and there's your forward facing view just a hair more there you go and that looks good now if you change your settings here you can change your field of view your tiny planet all that sort of stuff but we'll go ahead and back that out and this looks pretty good so that's two cameras we want to do another camera angle and for this demonstration i want to show you some animations so we're going to go back to the first camera and we're going to copy it again if you don't it will use the current camera when you paste so it's kind of a glitch but we'll type a 3 in here and it's got nothing going on so we'll hit paste and now you see me and what we'll do is we'll add 360 to this and we'll get 446.2 look at that on the fly don't even have my notes up so now we have this and then we're going to animate it so to animate it what you want to do is i like to have the clip that has the max footage pretty much shown in about half the screen here and we're going to click on the the retime button and then this drop down now you have to be on effects open effects reframe 360. in order to get this to show up this whole section right here the only one you really care about is camera sequence because what we've done is we have set up three cameras and now we can switch between them so you can either use the little keyframe icon here which i'm going to do now and it created a red icon there you can see if i move the time the playhead there you have the keyframe we're going to skip ahead one second that's a shift right by the way we're going to add another keyframe we'll go to the end shift left to go back one second and we'll add another keyframe and now we have three keyframes and we should do a fourth one we'll do it right here and what this does is it sets this camera sequence to one for the whole thing but if you drag this up and we only have the first three but you can go all the way to 19 here or 20. this is the number of cameras you have so reframe 360 gives you up to 20 camera angles digital in each clip which is pretty neat but we only have three so we're gonna change it to two and now come over here uncheck show edit camera and minimize our audio and we'll play this and now you can see that it keeps the same camera the whole way across and then whoop back all right so that was all right but there's a couple things we can fix one of which is motion blur which i mentioned earlier so we're going to take our samples and go to about 10 which looks good to me usually and now oh that looks much better see how it doesn't it's not as linear so it's kind of an ease in ease out situation which is much better so we've played through that clip again but this happened a little fast so what you can do is actually just grab any of these and make sure they're they're white and not red red is selected so we select just the one and we can drag it over you can use your shift key so that it only moves left and right or up and down but anyway we want to keep it at two and anywhere between two and three we'll select two but we're gonna bring it over here and then i'll just play this intro again see how much slower it goes so you kind of have to figure out what works best for the shot you're looking to get but here's the real kicker i'm gonna grab this one and bump it up to three there we go and now i'm going to drag this one back a little bit and then watch this a full 360 degrees and then all the way back how cool is that is that cool i think that's pretty cool so in addition to adding keyframes here in the timeline we can actually do it in the inspector window which may or may not be easier or fit your workflow but you see this is our keyframe icon here and there's keyframes here and keyframes here so well a frame on either side but we want one in the middle right about there and so we'll click on that spot and you can either click this icon which will create another one and this turns red or if i undo that you can just simply type in another number so we can do four and when i tab out of that or click off of it you can see it added the keyframe here little icon turn red there and now if we go to camera four it's obviously default everything's zero zero zero but we'll do tiny planet up to here we'll do our field of view way down low and it goes between 0.15 and five but i find that zooming in doesn't really work real well with the 360 footage you can see it gets kind of grainy there but if i back it all the way out bump this all the way up change our pitch i showed you earlier we got a tiny planet we'll change the yaw a little bit and then if i play this back after unchecking show edit camera so if you're playing it and it doesn't show your changes then uncheck show edit camera and then when i play this clip back the camera moves around quite a bit look at that and if you've got the studio version of davinci resolve it will use your hardware uh your gpu it'll use the hardware acceleration to do all this for you which is pretty neat and makes it a lot smoother for playback there's a lot you can do with the power bins i want to show you that we have our adjustment clips here so what we're going to do is actually go to effects library effects we're going to select adjustment clip drag a new one on here click on it and we're going to go to file we're going to name it 360 adjustment clip oops there we go and then what we can do is we can take all of this and we're going to right click on it and say copy or you can use ctrl c and then over here you can right click and say paste attributes or use alt v and just select all the video attributes hit apply now what we just did was we made this a one second clip so you're going to want to go zoom in on that bad boy and change its duration so you can actually see it a quick tip for that is to press ctrl d or you can do change clip duration you have frames seconds minutes hours so we're going to change it to 5 seconds there we go and when we zoom back out we have a 5 second adjustment clip that has our 360 stuff now you see our viewer window went wonky here it's fine don't worry this is just the adjustment clip doubling the reframe 360. so now all of our refrain 360 settings are set right here so if you have and this is pro tip number three i think if you have your motorcycle mount or whatever and it's a static mount that you use multiple times it would behoove you to name your adjustment clip whatever that mount is whatever you call it and then you can take this and you can drag it into your power pin so if you go to the media pool and we'll just put it here under adjustment clips we'll just drag it up there and now i have this so when i come over here and i've got some footage i did from another video drag it down and then ctrl c and you can you can see that this already has reframe 360 on it but when you copy this you see it's all wonky we go over here it looks fine we can right click remove attributes we'll just select all hit apply and now when i alt v to paste it on with all the attributes you'll see it goes right back to looking like good footage ta-da now it uh now it looks pretty good so we'll back those changes out but i just wanted to show you if you watched my gopro 360 mashup video what you can do with this so this is a little bit we're going to zoom out and then we'll click on our retime icon make sure that the clip itself is selected see we've got reframe 360 here and this one's got a whole bunch of cameras set up on it but we're gonna hit our little drop down guy camera sequence look at that isn't that a thing of beauty that is just and it takes up the whole thing let's close it there you go so now you can see all the camera angle changes that happened throughout that clip how cool is that isn't that neat i just love this so with this plug-in you don't have to go into the fusion tab you don't have to go into the color tab everything happens here on the edit page and you're good to go one of the things i noticed was that there was a black dot in the middle of my footage i mean dead center and it really just drove me nuts so what i actually found was that in the adjustment clip where i have my reframe 360 stored if you go to the color tab and i've done a video on tracking before we're not going to actually track anything but we're going to add a power window and then blur so i went in i created a circle and you see i've got it zoomed in all the way but you can see it's got the handles and everything on it but if you just zoom in all the way on this thing it's as small as it can get which just looks like one pixel and then it's blurred so you can see there's nothing here nothing at all now if we go back and we go over here where i have some 360 stuff yeah so here's a good frame what we'll do is we'll go in and we'll adjust our camera slightly so i can show you this easier and this can be a little difficult but if i zoom in all the way you might be able to see that there's a black dot right in the center so i got it there so now we can go into the color tab there it is see that that black dot because remember earlier we resumed full in on the center of the screen and there's no there's there's no covering for that so what we'll do is we'll fit we'll add a power window it's dead center we'll shrink it down really far and then we'll zoom in pretty good and we'll hide our node and our clips and our timeline and we'll zoom in zoom in and now this black dot here in the middle is covering that black dot so we'll just bring this in further we'll bring this down further and it just jumps in jumps in place okay so now you can see it we'll do that we'll center it come down so it's covering it there we have our window power window we'll go to blur and as i drag this up you can see it disappear you may have to play with it it's still a little blurry so we can go back to our power window we'll zoom in further and we made it too small we'll back out okay so we backed out it's now a little bit bigger we go to blur and you can see that just moving it ever so slightly blurs that out and then there it's gone if i zoom it while show full screen it's now barely barely visible and nobody will ever see it so that's the last trick i want to show you big thing about this is i really didn't want to spend hours editing on top of the hours i already spent editing for me it does not make sense to go through and reframe in gopro's app the full sometimes three hours of footage and then come back and do it again basically this way you only have to reframe just the footage you used i mean how cool is that so if you only use three or four minutes of your 360 camera footage that's all you have to edit everything else is your other camera and so this adds maybe a half an hour to my vlog editing it's not bad well i hope you like this video if you did smash that like button and go ahead and consider subscribing peruse the channel i do a bunch of different things but mostly motovlogs and how to's on davinci resolve and some gear installs so hopefully you'll like some of those too and you'll leave me a subscription and until i see you again keep the shiny side up tada you
Channel: RoadReality
Views: 4,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, reframe360, reframe 360, reframing 360 video, reframe 360 davinci resolve, reframe360 plugin, easy 360 reframe, davinci resolve how to reframe, reframing in davinci resolve, reframing in davinci resolve 17, editing workflow, 360 editing, 360 editing workflow, davinci resolve power bins, davinci resolve adjustment clips, blurring in davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorials for beginners
Id: eNq87gZ2idM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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