How to edit Insta360 footage in Davinci Resolve | MotoVlog | #FastyRides #Chooselife

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yo guys i'm faster rides and welcome along today to this tutorial if you're new to the channel and welcome welcome welcome and if you're a returning subscriber then it's nice to have you along for the tutorial today so i'm going to show you how to edit insta 360 footage in davinci resolve so the only thing that you need insta studio for is to do the renders and that's it you don't have to do keyframes or anything like that you can do it all in davinci and it's going to be a much more manageable and you have a lot more control as well so stick around and i'll show you how that's done so the first bit of software that we've got to open is the insta 360 studio and then as you can see i've already got my project loaded in here and all i've done is got a file that i took off the foot off my 360 which is there i know that's the render i took it off another project i think it was when i went out to north yorkshire and dumped it in there and then i've just cut this little section here it's it's nothing and you know it's just a little uh run out right then so what we need to do is export that now which is kind of simple you just press this button down here and then you wait for the window to come up right then so the first setting that we do need to do is this is put it on 360 video that's the first thing you've got to do then you've got to rename it to whatever you want it to be so we're just going to go call it test test 360. then put it in a place insta360 into the differentiate yep that's what we're doing so that's there and then we want to crank the bitrate right up to the top for this i've recorded it in 4k i always record at 4k at 50 frames per second so i'm going to leave it at that because i want the picture to be as big as possible for when i get it into the other software where i'm going to edit it i always leave the end code in it 264 and then you just go ahead on it and press start and export now you'll notice down here there's a timer or a countdown or whatever percentage now just a note here i have actually got flow state stabilizer stabilization clicked on here because my software doesn't do a great job of it when it's bouncing all over because basically what happened with this video is i had the in fact you can see it down the bottom there that means it's finished that noise uh i had the handheld pull that you get with the 360 and it just it just flops all over when it's on the motorbike so right we've got that now so we need to come out of here not bother with that and then we need to open davinci resolve all right so the next thing we need to do guys is we need to install the uh the plugin for this so i'll leave the links in the description but you need to go on to this site site here called reframe360 and download it and it's davinci resolve that we're going to be using because it's free software and it's brilliant so we're going to get that you're going to download it and i'm going to show you where the file location for it is to place right guys so this is the location that you need to put the uh downloaded file in and it is c program files common files ofx plugins right so if you haven't got any plugins installed already you probably will have ofx and plugins there already as a structure but that's no problem because you can create them folders and just and just name them exactly that ofx and then plugins and then dump the file in there once you've done that you can just go and open davinci resolve up right so now what we're going to do is we're just going to create a new a new project and we'll just call this insta360 in davinci and this is going to create the pro the project and open it up now don't worry if this looks really complex and everything i'm going to take you through it step by step of everything that you need to do here so the first thing that we need to do is set up the project now it's important that you do this at the very first stage so you go up to file and then down to project settings and then you'll be faced with this window here now what you need to make sure is your frame rate is correct now i know that i that i record the insta 360 at 50 frames per second so you have to make sure that them two match up the vid the the timeline format here is what you're going to be um exporting the video out so when you render it out to upload to youtube that's the format that you need it to be in so we're doing a 2.7 k by 50 frames per second or 1440p and then the next thing you need to do now this is the most important bit for when you're doing 360 work is if you click on image scaling down the side there is the presets and then change this one to stretch frame to all corners and then the same with the one below stretch frame to all corners basically what that's going to do is because the video that you're dropping in on the timeline is much bigger than what you're exporting we want the full image to actually overlay that window if you know what i mean so we have we have a smaller area that we're looking in that's like a window which we can say is our monitor but the image of the 4k is much bigger because what happens is reframe is wrapped it or should i say inside a sphere and then what it does is you can all go around and well i'm going to show you now so press save and then this is your project set up so now what we need to do is get some media in here now i know already that we've got these files here and then what we're going to do is we're going to dump all these in because i am going to use them for this uh tutorial apart from that one don't need that one but i do need these so we'll get all them in there so we've got the test 360 and then we've got the gopro ones that match up with that so these are the files in your we'll call this a bin bin because that's what davinci calls it so this is the master bin and then you have the media cut and edit we're just going to go straight into the edit page here because all i'm going to do is show you how to edit the uh the 360. i might show you some other tricks as well while we're on the way there so at the minute if your screen is basically like this that's fine you need to see these up here so that will be a media pool you can if it's not there you can just click media pool up at the top and it'll show it there that's no problem the effects library is there we'll need that open as well we don't need the sound libra library or the index neither but on this side we need the mixer uh an inspector so those are the four buttons that you um make things visible so the first thing that we need to do this is the timeline down here now remember we're on the edit page here what we want to do is just drag and drop in the 360 to start off with we'll pull that to the front there somewhere around there and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to turn the volume down on this a little bit and then i'm just going to play it so it'll it'll show you what it's like and there's my synchronized beeps but that's no good is it having it like that so then what we need to do is now because that's like in 360 mode we want to make it so that we can edit it like you can in the insta 360 studio so what you need to do is if you go down here to the tool box and click on open effects and if you scroll right down to the bottom you'll see reframe 360 and this is it here and look when you hover over it you can see what it's doing here but also what i want you to do before you drag and drop that onto the video there you shouldn't notice up here next to the video audio the effects will be highlighted so you can actually access it and that's what this will do reframe will give it that access to the effect so there we go we're already dropped it in and it's changed it now so now we need to go into the effects tab and then you're going to be faced with all these options here and i'm going to run through some of them for you so let's just make this bigger so it's easier to see for you guys that will drag that down a little bit i'll make it as big as possible now a good starting place for me is the on the field of view i always do this straight away and i change that to 0.5 just so that it zooms out and i get a good look at where i am now also what you can do here is say for instance we want to look around to the front you can drag this yaw bar and there you go you can play it from here you can actually see it moving backwards and forwards so then what else we can do now is you have lots of other control as well so for instance you have pitch you can move it up and down let's just reset that reset that one and that's the little buttons next to uh these at the top of the picture in your you can just reset them by clicking them buttons and then you have roll as well so if you want a like a tmf style video then you'd have it like that wouldn't you because that's how he records his videos at 45 degrees for some reason but anyway let's get back to it so instead of just moving them sliders you can actually go on to the numbers and have a little bit more sensitivity with it so you can actually move it around like that really slowly and you have a lot more control by doing it that way let's just say for instance we're going to start off here oh we're actually facing backwards we don't want a backwards camera we want a forwards-facing camera so let's go around here somewhere like that but what you notice is the buildings are looking a bit rounded and uh yeah they look a bit warped don't the trees coming in and that's because of the shape of the lens on the 360. well what you can do is you can actually come down to this one here tiny planet and rectilinear projection i don't know it's weird but you can actually stretch it out a bit or you could turn the tiny planet up a little bit there's lots of things that you can do here and play about with it to make it look a little bit more realistic because that just looks like it's all scrunched up that might look a little better actually a little better but as you can see at the edges there if you watch round here it actually stretches the pixels out in fact let's turn them up and then you can see how it's going a little bit blurry look at that window there now so then what we can do for this is we can take them back down the tiny planet and the projection one and then what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna increase this zoom a little bit let's take it up to six and see what it looks like then it's actually chopped some of it out and it doesn't actually look that bad maybe just add a little bit of that in just a little bit because what you're doing is what you're actually stretching this image around the sphere so you just need to be careful that you aren't doing anything freaky with the pixels now that that is just the very basics of this you what you can do as well is you can set up preset cameras so like this edit camera you can have 20 different cameras here all on this line and they'll have different settings up here and things i never use it i just do it one by one so right let's just say for instance here we're just going to go back and we're going to when that when we're going up to that car there we're going to change the camera back to the other side we're going to spin round so we're going to move it to this point here oh should we just actually like track it so when it starts moving off to the side what i'm going to do here is i'm going to be altering the yaw so i want to click this as a key a key point i think you have key points in insta360 studio but we're doing it all in here so that we're all we're doing everything in one bit bit of software so then what i'm going to do now is i'm going to use the arrow keys and i'm going to go forward and i'm going to move the yaw round to the point where you can see me still in it but you can see the car and if you notice that's turned red that means it should recorded it so then i'm going to go forward a little bit more like that and then i'm gonna move the yaw around again maybe more to the point where i'm looking dead central on the taxi and i'm gonna do it again and again but then what we're gonna do this time is we're gonna take that round to a rear view like that now i don't know how this is going to look but there's a way that you can smooth it all out so let's just take that back a little bit and we'll watch that in its entirety you can make it a lot smoother than that by spending more time doing it yes so that's all there is to this tutorial guys that's it it's simple so if you did like this video then please hit me up with a like subscribe if you're not already subscribed and i will speak to you next time peace out
Channel: Fasty Rides
Views: 725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #FastyRides, Fasty-Rides, Fasty Rides, S1000XR, motorbike, #Chooselife, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Isnta 360, Davinci Resolve edit insta360, Insta360 into Davinci Resolve, Editing Isnta 360 in Davinci Resolve, Insta360 Studio, Inst360 one x2, davinci resolve plugins, Davinci Resolve plugins free, How to edit Insta360 footage in Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve editing, Davinci Resolve Tutorial, isnta360 tutorial, Refeame plugin, install plugin reframe, install reframe plugin
Id: 87AjTyb9ZXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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