Reflecting Christ - Matthew 5:17-26 || Pr. Randy Skeete (Part 07 of 21)

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[Music] think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill for verily i say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven for i say unto you that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven god is good and all the time welcome everyone to this wednesday evening presentation we are i believe in day six of our campaign and we thank god for bringing us this far i am personally delighted to see those of you who are present and by faith i see those who are connecting on facebook and youtube and we thank you nightly for your faithful presence and may the lord super abundantly bless your lives thank you very much for joining us and i sincerely hope that the word you've been hearing has been a blessing to you is there anyone with us tonight who is not a seventh adventist merch your hand anyone who is not a seventh-day adventist may i see your hand i am sure that there are guests watching via youtube and facebook wherever you are we are delighted you have joined us and i say that from my heart representing those who have organized this program thank you very much and i hope the spirit of god will move you to join us night after night thank you and god bless you let me also say a blessing to all countries connecting to this program and i am told people are listening from all over the world wherever you are the spirit of god can reach you wherever you are the blessings of god can fall upon you geography is not a problem for god any more than the red sea was a problem for him so thanks again our subject for this evening reflecting christ what did i say what did i say reflecting christ as always if you do not need to use one of these then please use a traditional bible but if you're using one of these then kindly make sure it does not ring favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth and as i stand in god's presence tonight i genuinely and sincerely want god to put his words in my mouth because the words of god are spirit and they are life that is not how god describes my words his words will save you mine cannot and so from time to time simply say in your heart father put your words in that man's mouth and the third favor as always is i invite you to think think very closely think very deeply in the act of applying your minds to what you're hearing the spirit of god will guide that mental activity and you will be led along the path of truth thanks again for coming to those before me and those on the internet let us now bow our heads and pray our father in heaven we thank you again for another day of life we thank you to god for bringing us to this place for the purpose of worshiping you in spirit and also in truth when truth is missing the worship is unacceptable father as we bow in your presence look into our hearts if there's anything unlike you forgive us their god you are a forgiving god forgive us because sin makes it difficult to understand truth forgive me particularly as the one charged with the heavy responsibility of delivering the message i humble myself before you de god and i ask you to take 100 control of my mind speak through me their father do with me as you will as i stand in this holy desk remember all your sons and daughters listening via youtube or facebook wherever they are they god stretch your hand because isaiah 59 verse 1 says the lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save stretch your hand verse father and touch them bless the leaders of the countries let them remember that righteousness exalteth the nation their god bless the host church in a very special way and for our visitors father a special blessing upon them i pray thank you their father for the high honor of speaking for you i offer this prayer from my heart in jesus name amen our subject for this evening reflecting christ go with me to nehemiah chapter two we'll read from verse one nehemiah chapter two reading from verse one find psalms then work your way back to job then esther then nehemiah nehemiah chapter 2 reading from verse 1. do we have that and it came to pass in the month nissan in the 20th year of artaxerxes the king that wine was before him and i took up the wine and gave it unto the king now i had not been before time sat in his presence wherefore the king said unto me why is thy countenance sad seeing thou art not sick this is nothing else but sorrow of heart now this is very interesting interaction between nehemiah and king artaxerxes nehemiah was the cup bearer and were informed of this at the end of verse 11 of chapter one for i was the king's cup bearer it was a very very critical and intimate position the cup better had to taste the wine before the king drank it because poisonings were i suppose rife back in those days and so nehemiah in a certain sense was charged with protecting the life of the king and the king liked him on this day nehemiah said i took up the wine and brought it to the king verse 1 ends this way now i had not been before time said in his presence wherefore the king said unto me why is thy countenance sad the king saw it where did the king see it on his face seeing thou art not sick this is nothing else but sorrow of the heart the king understood that something in the heart of nehemiah was not right and no matter what nehemiah did he could not hide it from his face it was reflected on his face nehemiah was reflecting sadness and the king saw it there's a reason for that whatever is in the heart cannot be completely hidden it eventually comes out in matthew 12 verse 34 jesus told his listeners how can ye be evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh it comes from the heart the next verse a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringing forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringing forth evil things what's in the heart is what comes out this is a biblical principle sadness in the heart of nehemiah shone on his face since our subject is reflecting christ how does christ shine in the face of the believer question again how must christ shine in the face of the believer the bible says they shall see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven something about us should allow the character of christ the goodness of christ the love of christ to somehow be reflected through us let's take a look at christ let's go to john chapter 6. we read verse 51 our subject reflecting christ it is 7 15 we are in good time i'll release you before 8. john 6 reading verse 51 i am the living bread which came down from heaven we'll just stop right there well let's go on if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that i will give is my flesh which i will give for the life of the world jesus says i am the living bread the bread represented jesus christ and he says that several times in uh the john chapter six i am the bread which came down from heaven bread represents jesus christ symbolizes jesus christ to the extent that in the sanctuary in the holy place there was the table of come on tell me shoe bread representing christ the holy spirit as well but christ i am the bread you see the bread what do you see jesus by faith let us go to john chapter 4. remember the story of the woman at the well and jesus asked her for water the woman said i think it's verse 10 how is it that thou being a jew oscars drink of me which i'm a woman of samaria for the jews have no dealings with the sumerians you know what jesus said to that woman if thou knewest the gift of god and who it was that said unto thee give me to drink thou would have asked of him and he would have given thee what living water jesus is symbolized by water also the holy spirit but jesus is symbolized the living water is life that jesus was willing to give that woman the bible says in ephesians 5 from verse 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word the word is referred to as water jesus says i am the way the truth and the life and he told the father the word is truth if jesus is the word and the word is water water also symbolizes jesus now in the sanctuary in the outer court was there water in what the lever that represented christ the shoe bread in the holy place represented christ i am the bread what else was in the holy place the seven branched candelabrum let us go to john chapter 8 we shall read verse 12 our subject reflecting christ john 8 reading verse 12 you read the words of jesus i am the light of the world he that far with me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life let's go to john chapter 1. john 1 verse 9 this was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world that light is jesus jesus declares himself to be the light of the world question for you was there a light in the most holy place yes provided by the seventh branch candelabrum jesus is the light jesus is the bread and i can go on and on with just about everything in the sanctuary was there an entrance through the fence to come into the courtyard yes we call that the door or a veil an entrance jesus says in john chapter 10 verse 7 and verse 9 i am the door of the sheep absolutely there was a door to enter the courtyard there was a door or a veil to enter the holy place there was one to enter the most holy place entrances jesus says i am the door jesus said i am the bread i am the living water let's go to revelation no let's go to first peter chapter one we read from verse 18. first peter chapter 1 reading from verse 18 our subject reflecting christ we're looking at symbols that christ use to refer to himself let me pray again father in heaven be with me tell me what to say and when and with what attitude in jesus name i pray amen what book did i say first peter what chapter one reading from verse 18. for as much as you know that you will not redeem with corruptable things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of whom christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot jesus is represented by the lamb who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world verse 20 but was manifest in these last times for you who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world christ was to be the lamb that taketh away the sins of the world let's go to revelation chapter 13 we'll read verse 8. revelation 13 verse 8 our subject reflecting christ the very last book of the bible written by the youngest of the 12 apostles and the one who lived the longest the scholars believe he lived about 100 years old you have a revelation 38 and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and that is jesus christ now question for you were animals brought to be sacrificed in the tabernacle yes each animal represented jesus christ we have the bread representing jesus christ we have the lever representing jesus christ the living water the cleansing water the altar of sacrifice in the outer court represented jesus christ it represents the sacrifice he made by giving his life it represented jesus christ the white fence surrounding the entire tabernacle represented jesus christ the righteousness of christ the animal that was brought jesus christ the priest that caught the blood and took it into the holy place and sprinkled it on the veil separating the holy from the most holy on other occasions when he did not sprinkle the blood he consumed part of the flesh that way he identified with the sins of the sinner representing christ who would come to identify with our sins without himself ever having committed a sin the priest you see the animal represented christ crucified and buried the priest represents christ resurrected and ministering the merits of his sacrifice in the most holy place right now the bread represented christ the light represented christ the white fence represented christ the veil his flesh hebrews 10 20 represented christ the altar represented christ the priest christ the good shepherd john 10 11 and 14 christ follow me closely now reflecting christ as our subject the sanctuary had two compartments name them the holy place and the most holy place i know we fear a number but you can still talk loudly what was in the holy place the table of shoe bread representing christ what else was in the holy place the candlestick represented christ what else was in the holy place the altar vincent the instance represents the merits of christ's sacrifice christ christ christ let's go outside what was in the outer court the altar of sacrifice christ between the altar of sacrifice and the first entrance stood what the lever representing christ because he's living water also the holy spirit but we're talking about christ so we and the fence i think i mentioned the fence christ the entrance the door christ but follow me closely where was the altar of sacrifice in the outer court was the outer court as holy as the holy place no you must follow me my friends on youtube and facebook follow the altar of sacrifice was in the outer court the leva was in the outer court now we come to the holy place the animal was slain in the outer court we come to the holy place the candlestick represented christ light where was it in the holy place now was the holy place holier than the outer court yes but was it holier than the most holy place no so we have degrees of what holiness the table of shoe bread was in the holy place the order of incense was in the holy place let's go now where to the most holy place let's pray first father as we enter by study into the most holy place let the spirit of truth guide us their god in jesus name i pray amen what was the central article of furniture in the most holy place the ark the ark if you touch that ark you died the most holy place was so holy the high priest aaron can only enter once a year follow me closely if he entered with one sin unconfessed dead now what i'm about to say is not in the bible is in jewish tradition when the high priest went into the most holy place he wore a rope around his waist and the rope extended right out of the tabernacle you can guess why because if he drop dead in the most holy place no one can go get him because everyone who entered would drop dead god is a serious god and so on the on the hem of his garment there were bells so as he moved the people knew what he was he was alive if the bells stopped ringing it was time to pull him up he's dead this is how holy the most holy place was and what was the chief article of furniture the ark but it is not the ark that made the most holy place holy it was the law in the ark it was the law of god in the ark that made the ark a holy item of furniture and led to the death of anyone who touched it because by touching the ark you were putting your hands on the law of god and the penalty for that was instant death now reason with me let's go back to the most to the outer court the alt of instance the alt of sacrifice represented whom christ christ sacrificed the liver christ he told the woman i'll give you water the priest the animal but where were they in the outer court are there degrees of holiness yes could the sinner enter the courtyard yes could he enter the holy place no no let's leave the outer court everything representing jesus we come to the holy place the table of shrew bread christ the seven branch candelabrum christ come on answer me christ the altar of incense christ but where were they in the holy place is there a holier compartment yes now the table represented christ of bread the candlestick of light was christ the incense is christ come to the most holy place now what's in that ark what does the law represent no don't hesitate what does the law represent christ you hesitated you can't hesitate and be reasonable the alt of incense christ the altar of sacrifice christ the liver christ the animal christ the priest christ their shoe bread christ the candlestick christ the alt of incense christ the law christ i'll tell you something else the most effective symbol representing christ was not the shoe bread the incense it was the law the most sacred symbol representing god is his law that's why it is in the most holy place when you put your hands on god's law who can finish my words you've put your hand on god what has the devil succeeded in doing getting preachers to say the law has been done away with you might he might well get a preacher to say the lamb has been done away with the shoe brain has been done away with the lamp stand has been done away with because if the law has been done away with the entire sacrifice the entire sacrificial system was set in motion because the law had been broken listen to me again of everything in that century nothing more sacredly and powerfully represented jesus christ than the law let's look at this law again let me pray father father tell me this is a very critical message tell me what to say to god and how give me your spirit father in jesus name i pray amen you've heard of the old covenant and the new covenant a lot of christians call themselves new covenant christians we're under grace we're not under the law that statement is the statement of someone who honestly does not understand the bible i said honestly let's go to exodus 34. it's 7 30 on the dot i'll let you out in time exodus 34 we read 27 and 28 exodus book number two chapter 34 verses 27 and 28 our subject reflecting christ when you found it say amen lord said unto moses write thou these words for after the tenor or in harmony with these words based on what these words say i have made what a covenant with whom with thee and with israel god said write the words i'm about to give you for after the ten of these words i have made a covenant with thee and with israel and he was there with the lord 40 days in the mount 40 days and 40 nights he denied to eat bread not drink water and he wrote upon the tables what the words of the covenant finish the verse the ten commandments he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant and the bible identify the ten commandments go to exodus 19. exodus 19 we read from verse 4 this is god speaking to moses he comes down among sinai in chapter 20 he is giving moses preparatory information to make sure all the israelites are ready to receive him exodus 19 reading from verse 4 ye have seen what i did unto the egyptians and how i bear you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed keep reading and keep my covenant then it shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine god says if you keep my covenant then so that belonging to god has a condition let me modify my words belonging to god in a special people relationship has a condition that condition is harmony with his covenant which is his law but let me place the law more clearly where it can be seen for what it is in the light of this word called covenant let's go to jeremiah 31 jeremiah 31 we'll read verse 33 this is jeremiah talking of the new covenant with so many christians today like to say they belong to the new covenant so they have nothing to do with the old testament jeremiah 31 reading verse 33 we're about to read about the new covenant and what god does in the new covenant you have jeremiah 31 33 but this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days saith the lord i will put what my law where in the inward parts come on and write it where now inward part and heart the same thing and will be there god come on and there shall be my people now this is the new covenant what does god do in the new which by the way the new covenant is the oh is the everlasting covenant that has always been they just always existed no one can be saved under the old covenant the old covenant simply says all that god says we will do in our own power no one is saved under that the new covenant is the covenant under which abraham was saved let me say it again slowly everyone who's ever been saved has been saved by the new covenant it was simply called new when jesus died and ratified it with his blood but it functioned in the days of abraham and noah and seth and adam everyone who's ever been saved let me repeat has been saved under the new covenant which is allowing god to do something in the life and so jeremiah says this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days saith the lord i will put my law in the inward part and write it in their heart and there i will be their god and they shall be my people now what law does god put in the heart the same law he told moses to write in exodus 34 27 28 when he said these are the words of the covenant so the new covenant is god's promise listen carefully to put his law which is righteousness come on say amen for righteousness his law the bible says thy commandments are righteousness the new covenant is god's promise to put his law not on stone but in the heart go to second corinthians three let's read verse three our subject reflect in christ 23 minutes to eight and at the end of this message i want you to make a decision for those of you watching via youtube and facebook there will be an electronic decision card that should come up on the screen with instructions for what you ought to do but you need to make a decision you can make it before i close this service what book did i say second corinthians chapter 3 reading verse 3 let me pray father as i continue in the last part of this message continue to empower me through your spirit in jesus name i pray amen for as much as your manifestly declared to be the epistles of christ ministered by us now you read with me written come on not within come on but with the the spirit of living god not in tables of stone come on but in fleshy tables of the heart now look at that verse microscopically and what comes to mind the writing of the law the ten commandments on stone paul is saying the new covenant it is written on the heart by the spirit by the way it was the holy spirit that wrote the law on stone uh i may tell you that some of the time because in your salvation father son and holy ghost are all involved the father required it the son died and the spirit operationalizes the benefits of christ sacrifice all three are involved for as much as you're manifestly declared to be the epistles of christ ministered by us we've taken care of you said the apostles written not in ink but with the spirit of the living god not in tables of stone as was on sinai but in fleshy tables of the heart what does a new covenant say i will put my law in the inward parts now go to matthew 12. go to matthew 12. let's read verse 34 matthew 12 34 our subject reflecting christ when you found that amen oh generation of vipers how can ye be evil speak good things you finish the verse for out come on of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking what comes out of the mouth what's in here what comes out on the face what did nehemiah what did artaxerxes see on the face of nehemiah sadness why where was the sadness in his heart nehemiah reflected sadness on his face because the sadness was in his inward parts you see where i'm going when the law of god is written on the heart that law that symbolizes jesus as much as the bread and the water and the light and the lamb and the veil when that law which is the righteousness of christ is in us the character of christ will somehow be reflected in our faces by the way we live there is no other way to reflect christ than to have that reflection originate from within by having christ in the heart as the bible says in the inward parts and we receive christ into our hearts when the spirit of god writes his law on the heart this law that most preachers condemn if there's no law there's no lamb if there's no law there's no living water if there's no law there's no bread if there's no law there's no good shepherd if there's no law there is no priest my friends wherever you are the law of god is a reflection of god himself the faith i live by page 80 paragraph two the faith i live by page 80 paragraph two the law of god existed before the creation of adam or else adam could not have sinned after the transgression of adam the principles of the law were not changed but were definitely arranged and expressed to meet man in his fallen condition the law had to be given to sinners as thou shalt not thou shalt not but prior to that the principles of the lord were understood by sinless beings but because of sin god had to give us the law in a way we can understand but the principles are the same the law expresses the very righteousness of god you got rid of god's law of course that's impossible is attempt to get rid of god my brothers and sisters reflecting christ is no more than reflecting the righteousness of christ in the law that is what was reflected on the face of moses when he came down off that mount with all tables of stones in his hand having been in the presence of sheer and concentrated righteousness he came down shining and the israelites asked him to cover his face the law of god the new covenant i will take that law and put it in your heart that is the new covenant that god is the architect of our salvation with our cooperation and so we invite him to do that my brothers and sisters the bible says whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he's guilty of all if anyone listening to me is in violation of any of god's laws may the spirit convict you now to put that violation away and by the spirit of god by his power to live an obedient life to god for god when jesus said in john 14 6 i am the way the truth and the life romans 10 romans 7 verse 10 says the commandment which was ordained to life i found to be unto death obedience to god is life the commandments are life it is god who gives us life but the commandments express the very righteous life of christ the commandments are life but disobedience is what brings the condemnation the law of god is life take away god's law and there's no life i call upon you in the name of the law giver who's that jesus christ representing his father ask god to write his law in your heart ask him and he will do it it is god that does everything go to ezekiel 36 26 quickly it's uh 16 minutes to 8. ezekiel 36 verse 26 our subject reflecting christ we're coming to the animal ezekiel 36 26. a new heart also will i give you and a new spirit will i put within you and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you a heart of flesh do you see several eyes eyes eyes who is that god a new spirit also will i give you and a new a new heart also will i give you and a new spirit will i put within you and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you a heart of flesh that's the new covenant go to genesis 12 listen to god speaking to abraham genesis 12 we'll read from verse 1 and i'll pray father in heaven as we come to the end truly the end give me a final des outpouring of your spirit i pray in jesus name amen genesis 12 reading from verse 1 you have that now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will bless thee and we can put eye on the other statement and i will make thy name great even though the word i is not physically there but it's understood and i will bless them that bless thee and i will curse him that curse thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed when god called abraham who is the father of the faithful and abraham was saved by the new covenant god said i i i the only condition is obey me i with your cooperation how do we reflect christ when his law is written in our hearts because what's in the heart is what comes out i recommit my life to god and i ask him to re-write his law on my heart in my inward parts how many of you will say in this building youtube uh internet facebook lord write your law in my heart can i see your hand or rewrite it can i see your hand keep your hand up father in heaven we thank you very much for your word when studied honestly that god the word is clear remarkably clear and powerful we thank you thank god that the bread represented christ the water represented christ the instance the righteousness of christ the lamb represented christ the priest represented christ the veil represented christ the the sacrifice represented christ their god then surely the law must represent christ their father thank you for this truth now dear god do what surely delights you write that law in our hearts right now as we recommit our lives to you and if there's a man or a woman father wherever that person may be let the spirit move upon that person who's hesitating their god because hesitation prolonged leads to death move upon that person's heart to open it up that you might write your law of righteousness which is the reflection of the very life of christ in that person's inward parts hear this humble pray god bring us back tomorrow father to listen to your word again i pray for my heart in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen let me say again to my friends on youtube and facebook there's a card you can fill out if you have prayer requests let us know there's a means there for you to contact us whether it's a number or a website use it make that decision as the spirit of god moves your heart it may be to be baptized it may be to be re-baptized it may be to receive bible studies make a choice because choice is power god bless you and god willing we will see you tomorrow night same place same time you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 9,019
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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