Misfits and Mismatches | Pr. Randy Skeete (Part 01 of 21)

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[Music] our subject for tonight misfits and mismatches misfits and mismatches before i proceed any further perhaps there's someone in this building who is not a seventh-day adventist if that's the case i'd like to see your hand is there anyone with us in this building tonight you are not a seventh-day adventist mercy your hand anyone you are not a seventh-day adventist where would you kindly tell us your name please john that's a good bible name how are you john it's very good to see you who invited you john okay well thank you so much for accepting the invitation we are honored by your presence and john may the lord bless you through this message and bless your life in everything you do and extend that blessing to your family let us say amen for john say it again one more time god is good and all the time our subject for tonight misfits and mismatches before i go any further i'll ask you please if you do not need one of these things then turn them off and let's just use one of these because these things don't ring can you say amen and you don't need to plug them in they come fully powered at all times that's if it's possible if this is all you have just make sure it does not make a noise the second favorite i ask is that you pray for me while i'm speaking all i want you to say is lord put your words in that man's mouth and whatever i say to this audience in my presence i am saying to god's people watching via facebook and youtube say a prayer for me and just say to god lord put your words in that man's mouth that request is based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 which says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth and i really with all my heart want god to put his words in my mind and in my mouth and the third favor i ask it may sound strange but i'll ask it think as you listen to the words think i 118 come now let us do what reason together saith the lord this tells us immediately that the god of calvary the god of creation the god that you and i serve is a reasonable god and he invites us come now let us reason together and so engage your mind as you listen tonight god has given us minds tremendous gifts to be used of course to understand his truth and to glorify him in that truth let's bow our heads now and pray father in heaven thank you for the gift of life thank you to god that in this country and many countries around the world we still enjoy freedom of worship thank you today god for bringing your sons and your daughters safely to this place and those who may have gathered in different locations around the world to connect to this service father we thank you for their protection as i prepare to deliver this message dear god i ask in the name of jesus to cleanse me from sin forgive me thoroughly father that i may be an instrument in your hands that you may use effectively i humble myself before you day god i really do and i ask you to speak through me let your spirit possess my faculties their god and literally speak through me remember the promise you made to moses in exodus 4 12 when you said to him now therefore go and i will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say do that for me day god i pray in a very special way god bless all our guests who are not adventists wherever they are brother john who's present with us and so many listening via youtube and facebook father we commit this service to your glory may your name be praised by the proclamation of the truth bless this host country of the united states guide the thinking of the leaders their god that the decisions and choices they make may be advantageous to the gospel thank you for the honor of speaking for you i offer this prayer in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen our subject misfits and mismatches genesis 1 reading from verse 1 genesis 1 reading from verse 1 the bible says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth there are about 31 102 verses in the bible and this is my favorite in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth let's find out something about the heaven psalm 19 reading from verse one psalm 19 reading from verse one our subject misfits and mismatches the heavens declare the glory of god and the firmament shrift his handiwork day and today utter a speech a light unto nice with knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard the bible tells us that the heavens and all that is in the heavens silently without the use of words proclaim the glory of god the majesty of god the architectural wizardry of god if i may use the word wizardry the desire the beauty of god as a designer the heavens declare the glory of god genesis 1 1 says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth combine these two verses and we can conclude safely that when god made the heavens he made it for his glory we go now to isaiah chapter six we'll read from verse one isaiah six reading from verse one our subject misfits and mismatches and i hope you're thinking rigorously in the year that king uzziah died i saw also the lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood to serve him each one had six wings with tween he covered his face with twain he covered his feet and with twain he did fly verse 3 and one cried to another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory i repeat the last part of verse 3 of isaiah 6 the whole earth is full of his glory we discovered in psalm 19 verse 1 the heavens declare the glory of god and we learned earlier that in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth what we may conclude correctly is that when god made heaven and earth god made heaven and earth to glorify him when we read in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth we know that part of creation on the earth was the creation of mankind why were they created let's go to isaiah 43 we read verses 6 and 7 our subject misfits and mismatches isaiah 43 6 and seven before we read i will pray again father as i continue to speak for you there god tighten your grip on my mind that truly my words are your words in jesus name i pray amen i will say unto the north give up and to the south keep not back gather my sons unto me and my daughters from the ends of the earth god is telling isaiah the day will come when he will gather all the israelites who were scattered because of captivity even everyone that is called by my name for seven for i have created him for my glory i have formed him i have made him the bible is clear and precise humanity was made for the glory of god the heavens were made for the glory of god the earth was made for the glory of god i am not using verses that speak symbolically i am using verses that express literal truth creation was designed to glorify god in first corinthians 10 31 we have a message to those of us we're now in a land of sin but the message still applies whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of god this was god's will from creation when he said let us make man in our image after our likeness the image of god which is the glory of god has no sin i repeat heaven earth and everything therein were all created including humanity for the glory of god for the service of god let me explain what i mean by for the service of god go to psalm 104 let's read verse 14. psalm 104 verse 14 our subject misfits and mismatches the 104th psalm verse 14. the bible says he causeth the grass to grow for the cattle and herbs for the service of man that he may bring for food out of the earth a casual reading will deprive us of what is being said the bible says he causeth the grass to grow for the cattle it is god that causes grass to grow let's go to exodus 14. let's read verse 21 exodus 14 no let's go to matthew 5. go to matthew 5. we may get back to exodus 14. matthew 5 we read verse 45 this is part of the sermon on the mount you have matthew 5 45 reading that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust the bible says it is god that causes the sun to rise the sun does not rise of its own the rain does not fall of its own i repeat you i am speaking literally god is in control of all of nature nature's function is to glorify god and you're probably wondering why am i making this point over and over and over and why the title misfits and mismatches nature is god's instrument to do his will let me give you a biblical example go to mark chapter 4 we'll read from verse 37 mark 4 reading from verse 37 our subject misfits and mismatches mark is the second gospel of the new testament mark 4 reading from verse 37 we're looking at nature serving god doing god's will and there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and he was in the hindu part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they wake him and say unto him master carest thou not that we perish verse 39 and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm again i am reading literally not symbolically jesus who by the way is the creator he rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm they carried out the will of god let the bible try to convince you because you look distinctly unconvinced first kings 17 first kings 17. first king 17 we read from verse 1 and elisha the tishbite who was of the inhabitants of gilead said unto ahab as the lord god of heaven liveth before whom i stand there shall not be dew nor rain these years but according to my word and the word of the lord came unto him saying get thee hence and turn the eastward and dwell hide thyself by the book careth that is before jordan and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook now read the last part of verse 4 very carefully and i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there i have commanded the ravens now read for six and the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening the ravens carried out the will of god all of nature all of creation is designed to carry out the will of god let's go to second chronicles chapter seven we read verse 14 verse 13. we're all familiar with verse 14 if my people which are called by thy name shall hum themselves and pray and seek my face but we'll read thirteen uh second chronicles chapter seven our subject misfits and mismatches let me pray again dear god continue to be with me i pray that god suppress my carnal nature and let my only purpose be your glory and the enlightenment of your people in jesus name i pray amen if i shut up heaven that there be no rain and if i command the locust to devour the land god is saying i can command the locusts and for those of us from kenya east africa and other places the middle east we know the devastation locusts can do god said look if i shut up heaven and according to isaiah chapter 5 verse 6 god shuts up heaven by commanding the clouds to rain no rain he commands the clouds not to rain that's how he shuts up heaven and so he says if i shut up heaven that there be no rain or if i command the locust to devour the land they will carry out the will of god as verily as the wind did what god said the waves did what god said the ravens did what god said they carried out the will of god this is the purpose for all of creation including humanity to be instruments in the hands of god for the carrying out of god's will and for bringing glory to god now having said that listen again to genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth now what does the bible say about god the bible says god is love first john 4 8 it is repeated in first john 4 16 is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in god and guarded him a god of love whatever he produces is an act of love the bible says in psalm 147 verse 17 god is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works whatever god does is an expression of righteousness and holiness including creation when god made adam and eve he said let us make man in our image now first john 3 verse 5 says and we know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin there is no sin in god somebody say amen there is no sin in god which means when god said let us make man in our image we can conclude god made sinless beings and it was god's intention that they would live that way our subject is mismatched misfits and mismatches god put sinless being in a sinless world they sinned and all of creation was affected by the sin of adam and so the bible says wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world this world carries the curse of sin because mankind made in god's image sinned and by introducing sin into the world something was introduced that made adam and eve misfits word not for the plan of salvation adam and eve because of sin were misfits because sin does not belong in a world god designed to be a sinless world that is why the bible says in second peter chapter 3 verse 13 nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wearing dwelleth righteousness and righteousness is the very opposite of sin what am i saying i am saying this when god made the world and god made mankind it was god's desire that sinless people would live in a sinless world and thereby glorify god sin entered god is not glorified by sin with sin came death with sin came sickness with sin came war with sin came divorce with sin came drought with sin came floods with sin came plagues with sin came all kinds of curses that have bedeviled this world from the fall of adam until now in increasing ferocity why because something happened that disturbed god's arrangement that thing is sin god's arrangement was that mankind would live is so live that their lives would be a constant expression of glory to god and since the world was put under man's dominion so would nature be a constant symphony of glory to god sin interfered with that and so we have all manner of calamities sin disaster and ruin the problem is so serious that god had to send someone equal with himself to fix this problem because sin makes us misfits in god's system god's system is my glory my glory my glory no glory comes to god through sin i repeat no glory comes to god through sin the only person who i hate to use the word benefits but who delights in sin is satan no glory comes to god through sin and so every sin is an opposition to god's system whereby the universe nature mankind would glorify god sin interrupted that from then until now god sent his son jesus christ to die to paid a penalty for sin as i said sin was such a major problem only someone equal with god could come to solve the problem the problem is solved in the life of the believer who accepts jesus christ but even though the problem is solved in the life of the one who accepts and surrenders to christ 100 percent there is still evidence of sin wherever we turn there are still those who reject jesus christ there are still wars good people still die good people die of coronavirus there are still problems plaguing the world despite the fact that christ has come and through his sacrifice anyone who accepts him will have the sin problem solved in his or her life but it does not make this world a sinless world god's original purpose was heaven and earth will glorify him a polluted stream does not glorify god a destroyed forest does not glorify god and the worst form of disgrace to god is not so much a polluted stream and as destroyed forest but a practicing sinner the problem with the world today is the problem with the world in the days of noah that problem is sin god introduced order symphony design sin introduced discord anarchy chaos and ruin and a sinner is a misfit with regard to god's arrangement for this world i repeat a sinner is a misfit and a mismatch in a system which god designed to glorify him and so jesus has to come to fix this problem he came once to fix the problem of sin in the life he has to come back to remove the problem of sin from our surroundings let me say that again the heavens and the earth creation are to glorify god we were made to glorify god when jesus died he provided the power that means whereby the individual can achieve victory over sin and that is done before he comes but he has to come to deliver nature the world from the curse of sin so that his original plan of sinless people in a sinless world might be resurrected go to second peter chapter three let me show you what i mean our subject misfits and mismatches ii peter 3 reading from verse 10. i'll pray again dear god continue to speak through me father help me to listen to the spirit and obey him when he tells me say this or say that in jesus name i pray amen second peter chapter 3 verse 10 but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with the great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat now listen carefully the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up let's read that verse again just before we read it let me refresh your memory the heavens declare the glory of god that was his arrangement the earth is full of the glory of god that was his arrangement because of sin god has to come back and purify the heaven and the earth listen to the verse but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat that's heavens the atmosphere the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up look at verse 13 nevertheless we according to his promise look for what new heaven come on and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness you can conclude because righteousness does not dwell in this earth as a dominant feature of life let me say it again the dominant feature of earthly life is not righteousness if that were the case there would have been no need for christ to come and establish a society of righteousness verse 13 says nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens we're going back to the original and the new earth going back to the original wherein dwelleth righteousness unrighteousness is not something a tree does or a mountain does righteousness is a life expressed by those made in god's image and so there is the restoration of the heavens glorifying god the earth glorifying god and most importantly humanity glorifying god let me repeat the problem with this world is sin let me be more specific we have this problem called coronavirus and i have my mask with me as soon as i get off the pulpit i will put it on not because i have no faith but when i get a cut i put a band-aid on the cut are you with me to keep infections from the cut so i put one here to keep infections from going into my nose and my mouth now we're here we're bothered by coronavirus over 4 million cases united states infections over 150 000 dead many more around the world the mask is good wear it social distance is fine do that wash your hands often do that but this does not solve the problem of sin if corvid is conquered another disease will rise until sin is conquered we go from one sin to the next or one disease to the next one war to the next i believe world war one was designed to end all wars it was a world war two we've had since then the korean war the vietnam war all kinds of wars there are so many wars going on now the the media no longer talks about them because they're not worthy of ratings let me repeat this keeps the coronavirus out of your nose supposedly so does social distancing and washing your hands this does not solve the fundamental problem the fundamental problem is sin and someone who eats a vegan diet and exercises and sleeps at eight o'clock and wakes about four o'clock with the fowls and the or whatever else that person who does not give the life to christ is still contributing to a sinful world this world needs to understand that the problem is sin let me add to that when i say the problem is sin what do i mean here's what i mean the bible says whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law this world is in the condition it is in because the world has largely ignored the law of god this is from adam until now you won't hear this on cnn because this is biblical but the christian does not look at a problem first from a sociological or the epidemiological perspective the christian looks from a biblical perspective this is the foundational perspective that puts everything in his proper place sin christ is coming back to solve the sin problem not the coronavirus problem the sin problem coronavirus is an expression of sin you see if you've got a cold you can blow your nose from now until tomorrow that does not cure the cold blowing your nose does not cure a cold you need to fix what's on the inside that has compromised the immune system causing you to have a cold blood tissues do not cure colds and masks do not cure sin wear them don't misunderstand me they do not cure sin what i'm saying for the umpteenth time to the point of irritation the problem is sin expressed differently the problem is we are living outside of the plan that god originally put in place that his glory would be the reason why we live his glory is the reason for heavens his glory is the reason for the earth anyone living outside with that arrangement is a misfit and a mismatch and so the apostle paul says be not and equally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness they don't fit and what communion hath light with darkness they don't fit and what conquered hath christ with belial they don't fit or what part has a believer he that believeth with an infidel they don't fit or what agreement have the temple of god with idols they don't fit put together they are mismatches when god made light on the first day let me pray again father speak through me please simply directly and powerfully in jesus name amen apply the mind you have sharp minds listen and god said genesis 1 3 let there be light and there was light and god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness god called the light day and the darkness he called night listen again and god saw the light that it was good he did not say that about the darkness god is teaching us through the physical creation of light that light and darkness are misfits mismatches and they must be kept separate of course the spiritual lesson is the believer has to keep himself or herself from the impurities of the world and so paul borrowing from genesis 1 3 and 4 he writes be not an equally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness they do not match what communion have light with darkness they do not match or what concord hath christ with belial a name for the devil they don't match or what part has the heda believeth with an idol with an infidel they don't match and what agreement at the temple of god with idols they do not match let me give you some good news your presence tells me you believe and you believe in the word of god you have some respect for god when someone gives his or her life to christ seriously that person becomes a misfit the person is a misfit listen to what the bible says about abraham and the patriarchs go to hebrews 11 let's read from verse 13. hebrews 11 reading from verse 13 our subject misfits and mismatches hebrews 11 reading from verse 13. these all died in faith not having received the promises not having received them but were persuaded of them and embraced them they saw them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that there were strangers and pilgrims on the earth what's a stranger he doesn't belong when i travel and i have to go outside i try to make sure i'm with someone local because the local people can spot immediately this guy doesn't belong even when you go to downtown detroit close to where i live and that the guys can detect no he doesn't belong he's a misfit abraham isaac jacob sarah rebecca rachel they confess they were strangers and pilgrims why because they were god's children misfits on the earth and what does the bible say of abraham he looked for a city which hath foundation whose builder and maker is god verse 10 of hebrews 11. we my brothers and sisters are living in a world that is in opposite direction from god's original plan which was that everything would glorify god nature and humanity made in the image of god i have told you tonight more than once the problem with the world is sin but let me be even clearer i'm not saying everyone who's contracted covert 19 is because that person committed a sin i'm not saying that at all jesus died because of sin and he never sinned let me say it again jesus died because of sin but he never sinned there may be someone carrying a baby and the doctors have determined something is wrong with the baby in the womb the baby has made no moral choice to sin but the baby is affected by coming into a sinful system which is this world people of god suffer because they live in a world of sin not necessarily because they sin you go to any hospital you'll find genuine christians you go to the morgue you'll find the bodies of genuine christians because we live in a world of sin and the early patriarchs abraham isaac jacob they confessed there were strangers and pilgrims on this earth they realized there were misfits on the earth but they were misfits in the right direction there are misfits in the wrong direction a sinner is a misfit because he or she goes against god's original plan a believer is a misfit because he or she is in a world that is dominated by sin misfits mismatches every one of us is a misfit but we have to decide in which direction when jesus rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still the disciples said what manner of man is this he was a misfit that's why his life was so short they couldn't take it you and i have to be misfits in this world of sin a misfit by allowing jesus christ to direct the life this world will get worse the bible says that ii timothy chapter 3 verse 13 but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse if you think covet 19 is bad it will get worse whether by a disease or natural disasters or wars it will get worse because the bible says so you may solve a problem let's say in spain and a problem pops up in chile you solve a problem in chile a problem pops up in uh croatia you solve a problem in croatia a problem pops up in argentina as long as there is sin in the world there will be problems calamities suffering and ultimately death what's the answer the return of christ but before christ comes how do you and i secure ourselves we give our lives into the hand of the one who originally said let us make man in our own image my brothers and sisters listen to me carefully your only defense your only protection your only insurance against the worsening conditions to come is to connect with jesus christ because he came as one of us conquered sin he suffered because he lived a life of sin he was hungry he was tired he was beaten he bled he was embarrassed he was his grace he suffered from living in the light in a world of sin but he conquered sin and that victorious life is available to you and to me that we might live victoriously and by so doing harmonize with god's original plan let me review in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth why for his glory the earth for his glory human beings for his glory this was god's plan and it remains god's plan sin enter the picture and cause ruin jesus christ came and made it possible for us to conquer sin but he has to come back and deliver us from a sinful environment because originally god place sinless people in a sinless world and he is taking us back to that situation that's setting that arrangement and while christ delays his coming out of mercy the world has two kinds of misfits and mismatches the sinner is the misfit as regards god's system the believer is a misfit in a sinful world and so abraham isaac and jacob they confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth you must be a misfit in your classroom you must be a misfit in your office you may have to be a misfit in your family because you've chosen to walk with christ but an intelligent person lives today but keeps an eye on tomorrow in case i live to see tomorrow i don't want to come to tomorrow i'm prepared and the tomorrow i'm talking about is the return of jesus christ and when that day comes there will be no time for getting ready the getting ready period is now my friends let me close by being repetitious again misfits mismatches a sinner is a misfit for the kingdom of god i give you the verses i read before but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night into which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the element shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein what are the works the gambling the whole houses men marrying men women marrying women people marrying animals all of that the lifestyle of a sinful world the works the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up verse 13 says nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness my brothers and sisters there's a world coming with no sickness somebody say amen there's a world coming with no war there is a world coming with no death no hospitals no policemen killing people or people killing policemen no drones dropping bombs on people no explosions as was in beirut no prisons nothing of the kind wherein dwelleth right unrighteousness is not idleness righteousness simply means everything is done to please god everything is done to please god this was god's arrangement this is god's arrangement and i say again by giving the life to jesus christ christ prepares you to be a misfit in this world that you may fit in the world to come let me say it again christ prepares us to be misfits in this world that we may fit the world to come as your brother as your friend as your speaker wherever you are make a conscious choice to ask god to come into your heart and direct your life and you may ask me how do i do that just tell him father i cannot save myself send me your spirit into my life direct my life take control of my life you just say that with all your heart and god will direct your life and you repeat that every day father come into my life through the spirit and direct me every day renew it it takes five seconds ten seconds as you do that and you study the word of god and pray god will make you fit for his kingdom misfits mismatches let us be misfits in this world because anyone who is a misfit in this world is necessarily fit for the kingdom of god through jesus christ let's borrow heads our father in heaven we thank you for your word we thank you thank god that your standard which you set originally before sin is still the standard you have today father in first john 5 19 the bible says and we know that we are of god and the whole world lies in wickedness in other words the whole world is in darkness and that darkness will not allow people to see that the problem in the world is sin sickness is merely a symptom wars are symptoms calamities are symptoms floods are symptoms the fundamental problem is sin and sin makes all sinners mismatches for your kingdom father in heaven let the words i have spoken reach someone listening whether in person or via the internet facebook or youtube and let that person there god make a decision to give that life to christ that he who died to solve the sin problem in our lives may enter into that person's life and make that person fit for a place in his kingdom until that day comes their god through the power of your spirit through the power of your living creative word make us misfits in this world and thereby making us fit for the kingdom through christ i offer this prayer in jesus name amen let me welcome you to come back tomorrow night those of you watching via youtube and facebook invite someone to join you to listen to god's word god is a strange person i say that words very respectfully god may have arranged this entire series to reach one man or one woman we don't know but invite someone invitations are powerful evangelistic tools just by a simple invitation a person's life may change travel safely keep the speed limit come back tomorrow night with a friend until then may the lord bless you and keep you [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 29,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: 1uEDjg8nN6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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