How to Refill 1lb Propane Cylinders - SAFE and LEGAL - Flame King

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everybody thanks for joining white dog outdoors as an outdoorsman I like to think that I try to take care of the environment wherever I go but while you're out in the environment you also need certain tools to be able to you know do the things that you're doing so you know when I'm ice fishing I have a nice little heater that I'm not really willing to give up and it runs on a one pound propane cylinder you know this makes ice fishing from me very comfortable and I really like that I don't want to give that up you know and then we do a lot of family camping as well so when we're out camping we need to cook food whatever and these stoves are really easy and it runs again on the one paint the one-pound propane cylinders so I found that I was going through a lot of these one-pound cylinders and I started to see I started to look into well can I recycle these things and what I found out is no you really can't easily recycle them you have to hold on to them and you have to wait for like a hazardous waste disposal kind of thing and so they're not easy to recycle and then I did a little more research and I found out oh my god 40 million of these things are bought every year in the United States that to me is absolutely ridiculous so I kind of wanted to do things a little bit differently I wanted to make sure I was being environmentally conscious being an outdoorsman and so I started to look around and figure out what I could do differently and what I found was basically a flame King refillable set so these are actually specifically made to be refilled the little Coleman one-time-use or any other similar one-time-use it's actually it's not necessarily illegal to refill them but it's illegal to transport them after they've been refilled they're not made to be refilled they don't have this the sturdy construction they don't have a bleeder in them that allows them to be filled to the appropriate level so you can overfill these and there is a safety hazard with that and so it's not recommended that you actually refill these I know people do it I'm not willing to do it so you know I found a different solution basically so I'm using the flame King sat now I found this online I'll leave links in my description to all the stuff that I use in this particular videos you know as well all my videos um you guys can kind of go see where to get these guys but these are specifically made to be refilled they have a bleeder allows it to be refilled to 80% it's a much safer way to fill the construction of these is made specifically to be refilled so they're a little thicker they have a sturdier construction the valve is completely different on these so they're made to be refilled that's one of the issues on the route on the one-time-use is they're not made to be refilled they don't have the right valve for that and they can wear out and they can leak these are much safer and and actually legitimately legal to do okay the other thing with the one-time use is you're actually going to end up spending more money on these one-time use canisters than you will if you refill your own these canisters that cheapest I was able to find them was a 4-pack for 12 bucks so it's three dollars a piece at Walmart and usually they're upwards of five to six dollars mostly around four or five dollars but I found them up to six dollars depending on where you go so anywhere from three to six dollars for every single one of these refillables that you're basically just going to throw out after a day if I'm out in my shanty I can go through two of those on a cold day if I've spent all day and obviously just throw in you know ten bucks out the door whereas with these refillables you know I think this is going for less than thirty five dollars right now this entire kit comes with a canister and then the canisters are somewhere around 11 or 12 bucks using the links down below and so you know over time you really can kind of save yourselves money and what you're gonna do is you're gonna use a 20-pound cylinder that use for like grilling or whatever and you're gonna refill it with that and those 20-pound cylinders you you you refill those every you know however off and those are only about 19 or 20 dollars to refill so you know you can get twenty of the one pounds out of one of those big guys so we're gonna go through and we're going to refill some of these guys I'll show you guys how to do this it's a pretty easy setup with this particular solution so this is basically what comes with the kit the flame cane cat it comes with one one-pound refillable canister it comes with a stand that you put together to hang your your 20 pound pound cylinder on it comes with the refillable nozzle and then it comes with an allen key that you're going to use to open and close the valve on the refillable tanks alright before we get filling these cylinders let's talk a little bit about safety so first of all never do this indoors as you're opening valves and everything like that you are gonna get gas coming out and you're gonna smell it you need to be outdoors let that gas dissipate and disappear right they also recommend that you wear gloves I have have had these fittings not quite a hundred percent tight and I've had propane leak out of my hand it's really cold so anyway you know I'm wearing some sort of protective gloves while I'm doing this and then the final piece is eye protection just you know make sure nothing gets in your eyes with anything that you're doing so I'll just wearing sunglasses today while we do this but let's get going and we'll fill some cylinders all right so I got my three pieces here we're gonna start off at putting the 20-pound cylinder upside down on this and that way all the liquid from the cylinder comes down and it will more easily fill into the actual one-pound canisters all right so we have the canister on upside down the next thing we're gonna do is put on our our valve and so you want this so that it hangs straight down because we're gonna bump the cylinder right on it and so one of the keys is when we actually go to put the cylinder on the actual refillable piece here is that there's a nook and a little cutout on the cylinder itself and there's a little white piece so you want to make sure that those are lined up when you're filling it and when you're attaching it so that'll come in the next step but we're gonna put this on one of the important parts you want to make sure that these go on super tight I don't want anything weakened okay okay so I'm gonna look for that nook again I'm gonna line that nut up all right that one's getting locked in that is nice and tight okay there's room gonna put the allen key in again okay so we've closed this off I'm gonna open it back up make sure there's no leaks all right we're good no leaks insert the allen key I'm gonna open that up all right that is open I'm gonna start refilling just press down this nozzle you can hear that it is refilling this will take just take a few seconds when we start seeing that that stuff coming out of here not when it's just spurting but when you want to start to see a steady stream now you are gonna smell stuff when you're doing this that's natural it's normal this is why you don't do it inside you do it outside there we go starting to see it a little bit all right now we got it I'm gonna release this I'm gonna walk this off that is now closed I'm gonna close my main valve on the 20-pound cylinder and I'm set I'm gonna get a little bit of a release right there and there we go this was an empty cylinder now it's a full cylinder I'm ready to go all right this one's kind of a half cylinder I'm gonna top that one off to make sure I line that notch up all right crank that down again you're hearing that hissing on this one because it's a half-filled cylinder okay I'm gonna open up the valve again on the big 20-pound cylinder I'm gonna open up the valve on my one pound cylinder right we're gonna start filling there goes starting to stir it a little bit I want a full canister I'm gonna wait till it gets a little steadier all right lock it off it's locked off I got a full canister oops that's luck turn this gotta close this guy back off at the main level here all right release you can't have another full canister all right now that I'm done I'm gonna store all my canisters okay all right three full canisters all right now this valve is closed there's gonna be a little bit of gas trapped in here see that so I can either release okay I release the pressure now I can unscrew this it is now apart and make sure that I never store my 20 pound cylinder sat down so we're gonna take it off and again they always say never store any of these indoors all right so I'm all set I got my three full cylinders ready to go for ice fishing camping whatever I need pretty easy to refill and I don't have to worry about throwing out any of those one-time use cylinders or trying to find a way to recycle them so anyway hope you guys enjoyed the video we'll see you guys soon for the next one you
Channel: White Dog Outdoors
Views: 29,649
Rating: 4.8576779 out of 5
Keywords: Refill propane tank, refill propane 1 pound bottles, flame king refill kit, flame king refillable 1 lb empty propane cylinder tank, flame king refillable, coleman propane tank, refill coleman propane bottles, refill coleman propane tank, refill coleman propane cylinder, refill coleman propane canister, 1 pound tank, buddy heater, one pound tank, how to, propane refill, mr heater, white dog outdoors, 1 lb propane tank refill, ice fishing heater, coleman camp stove, propane
Id: 3W-yLgq134w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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