Redesigning FLAMING KNUCKLES + GAOMON PD1560 Tablet Review

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recently I was contacted by a spokesperson from a company called Galman they offered to send me a free fancy-pantsy tablet in order to review it doing a basic review wasn't really gonna cut it for me so instead I'm going to incorporate this review into an episode of my redesigning series this way I can talk about my experiences with this new tablet while also trying to be entertaining still let's see how this goes a lot of people have asked me to do redesigns of some of my own characters like S&T and flaming knuckles here's the thing though I already redesigned S&T twice this is her modern version which in itself is a redesign of the old version and this is the perfect redesign which I did through fan votes a couple years ago so that means I will be redesigning flaming knuckles today all while using this new ghoul Mon PD 1560 screen tablet this is the first time I've ever used a screen tablet in my life so it's quite the upgrade from my huion h6n pro the gigantic package I got came with the tablet a rechargeable pen all of the necessary wires a stand a drawing glove that makes me feel like a sci-fi character and the screen protector that was already installed on the tablet which I really appreciate because I'm bad at putting on screen protectors and after fixing up the hip detection by messing with the screen display settings in the calibration I think I'm finally ready to start drawing my main inspiration for this redesign was another flaming knuckles redesigned done by a person named rosy pumpkin their design also reminded me of dr. Finn at Eva's from the Archie comics so I wanted to incorporate ideas from both dr. Finity this and this fan redesign into one new redesign the goal is to make flaming knuckles a little more unique first I started by pulling his dreads into a ponytail it made sense because he's working with fire and having long hair near fire is not really a good idea speaking of fire safety I decided to turn his gloves into heat-resistant gloves like how firefighters or fry cooks use I also wanted to keep that long sock look that original flaming knuckles had so I incorporated that also into the gloves adds more protection to his arms as well as for the shoes I really liked what rosy pumpkin did with the shoes so I took most of my inspiration from that I turned the bumps on his shoes into spikes and I gave the base of the shoe a sort of angular pattern then I started incorporating the angular pattern into other parts of the design knuckles as ancestors have these sort of markings on their face and dreads dr. Fannin t-this also has that as well so I decided to incorporate these things onto knuckles all while making the markings more angular here's a character design tip angular shapes on characters usually symbolize danger so it makes sense for flaming knuckles to have more angles on him because he was created to be dangerous voila the sketch is done so far and having a lot of fun with this new tablet it's really convenient to be able to draw on a surface like paper I'm gonna do the line our off-camera and then we'll get to the colorings all right so I want to keep the color palette that original flaming knuckles had cuz I kind of like it still I started with the basics you know red fur a slightly darker tan muzzle I kept the socks and the gloves that same dark gray I colored the shoes in a sort of inverse pattern from the original design then I made the Lego base and the shackles a sort of silvery gray I tried to incorporate the purple from the original design but it didn't really look right so I decided to just scrap it sometimes that's necessary when you have to design a character after coloring the patterns on his body I decided to color the spikes on the shoes different levels of color kind of like fire rosy pumpkins flaming knuckles design has this sort of ombre effect going with the eyes so I played with that idea and I liked it a lot and here's the final product I think this turned out really cool this is definitely a major upgrade from the original design here are my final thoughts on the ghoul Mon P D 1560 it's not bad at all the hit detection was very off when I plugged it in but after I messed with a calibration a bit I was able to actually get it working fairly decently from what I've heard this is actually kind of normal with screen tablets anyway I also really like how this doubles as a second monitor it makes it very easy to stream I actually did stream with this not too long ago and I had no problems with it it worked perfectly all in all I'm definitely going to use this tablet way more often if you're looking for a good screen tablet that isn't too heavy on your wallet I do recommend most screen tablets especially Wacom screen tablets go for thousands of dollars while this one is actually a fraction of that price if you're interested I left links in the description of where you can buy it I hope you guys enjoyed this redesign - if I get another sponsorship like this I probably do another video just like this cuz I had fun with this but don't worry guys I'm not making the redesign series specifically a commercial thing in fact I have another very huge redesign coming up that has nothing to do with any sponsorship some of you might actually already know what it might be I hope you look forward to that and I'll see you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Courtney (ProjectSNT)
Views: 140,010
Rating: 4.9736233 out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, snt, snt vs flaming knuckles, flaming knuckles, knuckles the echidna, redesign, redesigning, reboot, sonic oc, original character, sonic fan character, fan character, snt comics, old sonic comics
Id: EJG-hj9cWXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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