Redemption Road Church Live Stream 6pm. 09-05-2021

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[Music] wow [Music] oh i've been running for jesus a long time i've been running for jesus a long time i've been running for jesus for a long time [Music] a long time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say no for a long time [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Music] say no [Applause] [Music] a long i've time dancing to praise in a long time [Music] okay [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i'm running running [Music] [Applause] they know [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hallelujah [Music] let somebody say praise the lord i'll come on say praise the lord it's good to see you on sunday night sunday night's camp meeting service sunday night is when you ladies come let your hair down if you've got enough to let down you know guys loosen up your ties a little bit we just have old-fashioned church good to have brother montgomery with us tonight's going to be preaching for us after a while want to welcome all of our visitors we want you just to feel very welcome and have church with us tonight good to see my good friends the brewsters here tonight glad you all made it over here and whoever you are wherever you're from we welcome you tonight we want to welcome everybody who's watching by the way of the internet right here we want you to have church with us tonight let the lord bless you comment where you're watching from and we hope you are blessed tonight don't forget september the 20th through the 24th that's two weeks from tomorrow night our camp meeting starts our annual camp meeting monday night through friday night so we want all you visitors that's here tonight come back to our camp meeting that's september 20 through the 24th uh seven o'clock each night monday night my friend josh bolman will be preaching he preaches for us every year then tuesday night and wednesday night we're having a minister we've never had here before brother kenny morris from ellisville mississippi you will love him and you know he'll be blessed then thursday and friday as every year brother tommy bates will be with us so we want everybody to come back to our camp meeting amen today is a special day for redemption road church this mark today marks six years in our new sanctuary amen we moved into this facility labor day weekend six years ago time has flown by i don't seem like we've been here six years but the lord has blessed us won't you stand tonight greet somebody you can just wave and smile a smile goes a real long way you don't have to shake hands just wave and smile and show your teeth you paid a lot of money for them some of you a smile can go further than you know just a real big old pretty smile with big pretty teeth [Music] so [Music] [Music] let's hear that boys [Music] [Music] [Music] you every time i give you praise it's because of you every time it's because of you every is [Music] is because of you every time i give you praise is is the name of jesus [Music] christ [Music] is because [Music] every day [Music] one more time name of everybody [Music] [Music] come on one more time put your hands together it's because of you that [Music] [Music] give me praise tonight hallelujah [Music] i'm a going home with jesus in the twinkling of a night i made my reservation for a mansion in the sky i may not know the moment and i may not know the day but i know that i don't believe it when it comes to church away i'm going home with jesus well foreign listening for the trumpet to sound almost any time and a grail of life that's away that thank god will soon be mine i got my invitation to a place called calvary by the precious love of jesus the debt's been paid for me i'm the glory in the home of jesus in the twinkling of an eye i pay my reservation for imagining he's calling get on board in the destinations heaven safe on that crystal shore we'll meet our blessed savior and loved ones who have grown to live for all eternity thank god i'm going home i'm going home to jesus in the treatment of the night i made my restoration in the sky i may not know [Music] and the destinations heaven shape on that crystal shore we'll meet our blessed savior and loved ones who have grown up to live for all eternity thank god i'm going home i'm going home with jesus in the twinkling of an eye [Music] i may not know the moment and i may not know the day [Music] think god will soon be mine i got my invitation at a place called calvary i'm the precious blood of jesus the death been paid for me i'm going home with jesus know we'll meet our blessed savior and loved ones who have gone out we're gonna live for all eternity praise god [Music] away whoa well the captain of the vessel he's calling get on board and the destination is heaven safe home and crystal shark we'll meet our blessed savior and loved ones who have grown up to live for all eternity praise god i'm going home i'mma go in the home with jesus but i know giving praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] tomorrow may bring if shadow or sunshine or rain the lord i know rolls over everything and all of my worries [Music] i'm living by faith in jesus christ [Music] trusting confined [Music] [Music] i'm living by faith oh yes oh i know that he safely will carry me through no matter what evil why should i even care though the tempest may be low if jesus wants those by my side well i'm living [Music] trusting combined [Music] sheltering on i'm living by [Music] you see the lord will return to this earth some glad day and our troubles will then only you [Music] and the master so chilly he's gonna lead us away beyond that blessed heavenly show oh i'm living by faith trusting god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love this verse right here oh i know that he's safely is gonna carry me through no matter what evil's retired why should i even care though the temples may jesus walks close to my side where glory to god oh i'm living [Music] by jesus i'm trusting him [Music] oh [Music] and the storm clouds our eyes obscuring the brightness of the night oh but i'm never alarmed at the open skies the master looks on at the stride oh i'm living by faith [Music] [Applause] i'm trusting in his great love from [Music] i'm living by faith in jesus name [Music] [Music] from [Music] i'm living by faith i'm living by faith [Applause] [Music] and i feel not [Music] glory to the lamb of god [Applause] so [Music] they say this mountain can't be moved they say these chains will never break [Applause] but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name [Music] we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the time will never change they haven't seen what you can do though there is power in your name glory to god so much power in your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the impossible we'll see a miracle that we believe that we believe foreign [Music] [Applause] we know that hope is never lost and this is why for there is still an integrated [Applause] [Music] god we believe lord god we believe from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we god we believe [Music] foreign you are the way when there seems to be no way we trust from [Music] [Music] if you believe a pretty thing then i want to just lift up your hands say lord i believe for tonight hallelujah [Music] there's old song that says only believe oh he believed all things are possible if you'll only believe [Music] [Music] all things are possible if you're lonely [Music] please why don't you let your voiceless sing there together only believe oh [Music] let the lord bless you tonight [Music] all things are possible if you're only [Music] [Music] all please are possible [Music] [Music] with my hands lifted up glory and my mouth filled with praise [Music] with the heart of thanksgiving [Music] [Music] and my mouth filled [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time let's give him a good praise tonight we love you lord thank you lord jesus hallelujah i feel the presence of the lord in his house tonight god's here he's a miracle-working god how do you believe he performs miracles we serve a miracle working god church there's nothing too hard for god there's nothing too big for god hallelujah there's somebody here in this house right here tonight amen that's dealing with a child custody issue now i don't know who it is i know if it's any of our folks or if it's somebody from brother montgomery's church that's dealing with a child custody issue that god's going to give somebody favor with a judge i just felt like saying that oh i feel the holy ghost in here hallelujah i felt the chill go right down my spine thank you jesus and if that's you you need to claim that right now in the name of jesus because god's bigger than any judge any lawyer amen any situation or circumstance god's bigger yes he is amen we serve a miracle-working god there's nothing too hard for god so good to see you in god's house tonight you'll see brother montgomery and brother montgomery hallelujah praise the lord and uh we got montgomery montgomery and joachim and joe come here tonight praise god nothing better than doing ministry with your son brother i've enjoyed that over these years and i know you're proud brother brian i hope you're proud of your dad too hallelujah but uh we're glad to be among god's people tonight see all this good crowd out on sunday night praise the lord on sunday night and uh the lord loves you i preached a message this morning that god has not forgotten you god has not forgotten you hallelujah amen when you feel like you're all alone always remember god hasn't forgotten you amen when your best friends walked off and left you or your families walked off and left you amen remember god has not forgotten you he knows where you're at he knows what's going on in your life your heart may be broken tonight but he's a mender of broken hearts amen he is a mender of broken hearts and broken homes you remember that hallelujah he's always present the bible says he's a prison help in a time of trouble we live in a troubled time folks our nation our world is in trouble we live in a troubled time but god is still god i love that old song i ain't saying it for a long time ain't no saint don't get worried but god is god he always will be god old pentecostal song amen he always will be god no matter who's president or who's not no matter what the economy is or what the common is not amen no matter what's happening around this whole world god is still god and you always will be god just wanna say amen thank you jesus well i tell you what i'm excited tonight we want to ask the ushers to come we're going to receive a lot offering tonight i want you to give to god just give give to god let god bless you there's blessing and giving folks blessing and giving can you cannot out give god god will bless you in great great great great abundance i got one announcement you gotta squeeze this in here don't want to kill the anointing but listen we're getting our parking lot sealed tomorrow and striped on tuesday so we don't need any traffic on the street or the parking lot the next two days so brother barnes you're going to have to walk out brother you mean park maybe park your car out on the right away hope they don't tow it off horse but we just want to give you that little announcement god's blessing us with a parking lot single and praise the lord but right now as you get your offering ready let's ask god to bless it father i thank you lord for this time of rejoicing and praise and worship and i pray father that you bless each one as they give lord and sow into good ground and lord support your ministries lord and i pray god that you will just move in mighty ways in this service tonight and we'll give you praise for it in jesus name amen just give unto the lord tonight let god bless you thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord god [Music] [Music] i've had some heels to climb i've had some weary days [Music] now i've had some sleepless nights [Music] [Music] things [Music] all of my good days outweigh my bad days so i won't complain [Music] sometimes the clouds [Music] and i can hardly see the road and i ask i ask the question lord [Music] but he knows what's best for me although i cannot see god knows what's best for me hallelujah glory to god i won't complain you see god's so good to me he is so good to me more than this [Music] is came to me and he gave me big i'll dreams i'll just say thank you lord i won't complain [Music] you see sometimes the clouds are low [Music] i can't hardly see the road and even though i shouldn't have find myself i find myself asking the question [Music] lord was so much pain but this is what i have to understand that he knows what's best for me [Music] although i cannot see god he knows he knows he knows he knows what's best for me so i won't i won't complain you say god is so good to me he is so good to me more than this whole world could ever be [Music] god you've been you've been so good to me his spirit came to me and gave me victory so on this sunday night i'm just gonna say thank you lord i'll just i'll just say thank you lord [Music] i'll just say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord i won't complain i want you to lift your voice and sing it with me one time god so good to me he is so good to me more than this world could ever be god is so good to me his spirit came to me and he gave me victory [Music] i'll just say thank you lord everybody i'll just say thank you glory i'll just say thank you lord [Music] i won't complain [Music] when i prayed i just want to thank you for always being there [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna lift my hands and say thank you lord [Music] if i had a thousand lives to live glory i would give them all right back to the lord he's been so good he's been so good to me that is the least i could afford he's made the good times i remember have you been the dearest free lord that i've ever had and i just want to thank you [Music] [Music] i might just say thank you lord come on somebody just throw your hand up and say thank you lord you've been good lord you've been good lord lord i thank you lord i thank you that's the easiest thing we can do is say thank you lord thank you lord [Music] glory thank you jesus amen god is so good to us folks amen god's so good what a good spirit i feel in this house tonight it's good to have all this church of god folks from danville church of god and i hope you're being good to your pastor because good pastors are hard to find just ask around out there are y'all taking good care of him y'all really love him would be all if he got him up here let him say something to you brother brian come on up brother if you got somebody wants to sing a song you want to sing come on up greet the crowd we got plenty of time we got plenty time for dad he'll be all right it's so good to be in the house of the lord tonight and uh to be here and worship with you and um i was telling dad a little bit earlier today you see you're celebrating six years today in this building i remember the garage or the block building 35 years ago when dad was preaching he was pastoring in stanford and did a revival then i will never forget that as long as i live so god's been good he's been faithful throughout the years and it's so good to be with you tonight pastor yoakam jeremiah and thankful for relationships in my life and i said this last year when i was here thankful relationships that god's restoring in my life and so i'm thankful that uh after 11 years i told somebody after it took us 11 years to have a joint service we're redemption road in danville church of god but isn't it wonderful isn't it wonderful now let's lift up the name of jesus tonight amen so i'm excited tonight excited to be here with you excited to have my dad in town today and you're right i spent six years on staff with my dad and the best six years of ministry that i had the hardest day i ever had in ministry was the day i told him i was leaving to go pastor a church down in london kentucky but i've seen my dad more this year than i have past probably eight or ten years combined and so it's good to have him with us today looking forward to the word of the lord tonight and i thank you all so much for having us come in god bless you tonight and help me is ready for the word of the lord tonight thank you brother brian it was 1988 that uh we started the first year in the little block building and uh i don't know how i met brother henry he pastored church of god in in stanford anyway we hooked him into coming over and preaching for us hallelujah he has been a long time ago leave man i had hair back then brother you still got yours on what happened to mine and yours is still the same color as it was i can't understand that but i guess god knows hallelujah praise the lord but we're glad to have brother henry brother henry come on tonight let's give him a big hand he'll tell you where he's pastor and where his headquarters is now all that amen bless you brother amen what a privilege it is to be here tonight the lord has sent us to north carolina four years ago this past month and uh after being in workland for 22 years which brother yocum and his family have been with us at workland god really blessed that church for 22 years and uh didn't think i'd ever leave there but god wanted to pick us up and take us to north carolina and uh when they called me they said we got a place uh called gilkey north carolina we want you to come i said where in the world is gilkey never heard it's not even on the map but god's picked sister montgomery and i up and and uh took us to a place of i mean god put us in a honey patch literally has put us in a hunting patch and if you're a pastor you know what i'm talking about um sometimes we still pinch ourselves and wonder if if we still in the right place i can tell you this from the pulpit tonight four years not one glitch of any kind of nothing to deal with not one complaint not one council session not one idiot it is it is amazing what god did and god knew that sister montgomery and i brian can take you and geo can tell you that god has put us in a beautiful place and it'll be the last church i'll ever pastor i know that i know that for certainty but i love god it's good to see all of you acquaintance tonight sister cindy and her family i was with her pastor for a while and she ain't forgive me yet for leaving willisberg and for almost 40 years now that uh we've been pastoring and god is so good there are some pastors out there but not a lot of pastors and we need pastors not pastors i appreciate brother yocum so much in jeremiah they have been connected to our family ever since jeremiah was probably three or four year old and uh i appreciate what legacy they have in this community and what god's did through their ministry and what an honor it is to be here tonight and you come into being part of this community service and what a beautiful edifices that you have built that god has blessed you with and and had such a privilege of preaching that my home church this morning with church of god started there in his 60s 1960 61 62. my father pioneered a church out of danville church of god in 1966 went down in a hollering today i went to bethel bethel was tank pond hauler if you don't know where tank pond holler is he's just down the road man i went to bethel today and reminisced and and uh thank god for a bethel you forget your beth are you in trouble if you get your roots here got a problem i i'm gonna preach but uh thank you for this opportunity and uh brother jeremy i love you bro we just got one in nice oregon's 1960 model in north carolina from jeremiah and it's changed our church yeah we got a guy i can play that thing and we appreciate jeremiah so much for setting us up i feel the presence of the lord tonight i have a word from the lord tonight we preached this morning on four winds of revival and tonight i'm going to share a message tonight a nation in crisis is not our nation in crisis now i want you to turn your bibles to the book of isaiah chapter 59 i may have i got some powerpoint presentation scriptures i may have to turn around and look the scriptures on the walls didn't i don't know if i can read them back there or not okay it'll come in big good but isaiah chapter 59 verses one through five behold the lord's hand is not shortened that he cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear but listen but your iniquities have separated you and your god and your sins have hit his face from you that he will not hear hear me this is america for your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have i feel the holy ghost in this place has spoken lies in your tongue have muttered perverseness none calleth for justice nor any pleaded for truth they trust in vanity and speak lies they can seek mischief and bring forth iniquity they hatch cockatrice eggs and weave the spider's well he that eateth of their eggs dieth and he that which is crushes breaketh out into a viper verses 12-15 for our transgressions are multiplied before thee our sins testify against us for our transgressions are with us in our iniquities we know them in trespassing and lying against the lord and departing away from our god speaking oppressions and revolt conceiving and altering from the heart words of falsehood tonight my whole focus is this altar there's no use having great worship like you have no use having great music and a pastor preaching unless you have an altar service it's all in vain and i'm praying god let the holy ghost move in this place and let our altars be filled tonight with some deliverance father this is your house touch me that preaching will be effective with clarity god those that's watching by the way of live stream in their homes are driving down the road help me gone to preach with effectiveness let my voice be your voice open the ears to hear in jesus name we pray amen may be seated our beloved united states of america is in a crisis one by one the lights of decency and hope are being blown out in america one day calamity will come we will call out to god but there will be no answer for samuel 8 18. reach it this way it talks about you will pray but your prayers will be not answered that's what he says in isaiah 59 1-4 isaiah tells of a sinful nation in his day that god is able to hear your prayers but it's not that god cannot hear your prayers but it will not hear your prayers because sin has created a barrier between you and holy god that's where we are in america isaiah also tells us what the sin of the day was and how it parallels the sin of our day the sins of our nation during isaiah's day but here's what he said in our text look at it in verses two and three your iniquities have separated between you and your god and your sins and his face from you anyone i hear your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken lies your tongue have muttered perverseness first of all isaiah said and i'm bringing this to america today he said there's a problem in america and they want prayers answered but i can't answer their prayers because america is swimming in an ocean of i'm going to just preach the truth tonight since roe versus wade ruling america is now killing pre-born babies at a rate of 4 000 a day some of them babies are preachers to be some of them are missionaries that the devil's killing some of them are school teachers scientists worship leaders pastors and the devil knows if i can kill a generation i'll stop what's going on the greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world you see the violence of our day has surprised has surpassed the days of noah lot and king herod someone once said that we're living in the day when 12 year olds are having babies 15 year olds are killing each other and 18 year olds are graduating high school and with the diploma they can't read i literally know a high school senior who went to a tire store and she went to pay for tires and could not signature sign her she did not know how to sign a check i'm talking about in the years of 2003 and 2004 not only is the hands of america bloody god help us our hands in america is bloody the church must stand up and the church must speak up and the church must proclaim the truth of jesus christ if you believe that same man he said your hands are bloody not only that but in verse 3 he said you have lying lips there is an alarming decline in basic honesty in every arena including the government and and scientific and performance he said not only is the hands bloody in america not only is her lying nobody can tell the truth anymore seem like i mean the truth is is not in america and sadly many times even in the church there's no truth in the church and we wonder why there is no revival god help us god help us he said not only that but in verse four he said none call us for justice nor any pleading for truth other words he said i want to bring revival but there's wicked hearts we live in a day when moral uh is that when the in the day that morality is in it as a blevelands we are told today that adultery is really no big deal today amen god help me preach in this house we live in a day today that in our pentecostal churches adulterers in the pulpit and adultery is in the pew we are living in the day in our pentecostal churches that people living an adult or teaching sunday school amen and allowing to do things in the church nobody seems to have any problem with it anymore it seemed like that that that he said i can't bring revival because nobody will call it to justice amen you preach what i'm preaching tonight and people today even in the pentecostal church says i don't like that preacher because he's being judgmental i want to tell you something you'll know a tree by the fruited bears if you live a life full of sin we must preach the gospel of jesus christ if you're living in adultery it must be preached about we can't powder coat it we can't shudder it over we can let people know that god is god and he always will god and god don't change god is saying i'm looking to church in the hand god help me god help me i'm telling you we've got people have their votes in the way of killing babies and don't think nothing about it we got people that votes in the way of homosexuality and thinks anything about it we got people that folks in our world today are aiming about stuff like that and don't even think about it even in the church it's time to wake up and cry out to god and say god bring revival the kind of revival that will stir the hearts change lives and break truth back in the house of god somebody give him praise he thought someone praised him in this house god i feel the holy ghost you see if someone will not keep a sacred vow before god almighty to the spouse they cannot be trusted to keep the promise anywhere anytime we're told today that the private morality can be disconnected from the public's public service bible says in ecclesiastes 21 amen no flame to br talks about it talks about there was flies in the anointment i could preach there there was flies in the anointment you remember those days growing up brother back in the day when we had the old country grocery stores and and over the meat counter hey man before you the cashier was and the old store clerk and and over the meat counter there was been a big old long tacky things that held hung from the roof and you look up there'd be flight they're fly strips nasty fly strips over the sliced bloney nasty fly strips amen over the ham and cheese ever oh yeah amen god help us amen he tells us in ecclesiastes he said flies has got into the anointing i ain't gonna preach on that tonight but flies has gotten into anointment i mean why because the flame wasn't high enough to keep the flies away the flame wasn't there wasn't enough oil in there to keep the flies away and the flame burning god we need the flies out of the church and i want to tell you i said we need the flies out of the church amen they've got in and caused a stink in the church amen they're in the pulpits and hey man they're on the choir they're teaching sunday schools uh what i want to say god says i want to bring revival i want to clean up the house hello god says we can't have that kind of going on the house again our nation is in a crisis our nation is in a mass oh but we need a church to stand up and cry out against we need a church to stand up and proclaim the truth of god [Applause] [Music] our former president theo ford roosevelt once wrote that honesty is an absolute pre-pre-requested to efficient service to the public if any man is not honest then it's not simply qualified to be in public service i see he said if any man that ain't honest he ain't qualified to be in public service can i tell you we got dishonesty in the church they ain't qualified to preach we got dishonesty in the pulpit they ain't qualified to preach we got dishonesty worshipers they ain't qualified to worship but god says i'm looking for somebody aiming to worship me in spirit and in truth do we have anybody tonight that understands what i'm talking god we need a holy ghost touching our shallow buckets we need a holy ghost in our church got to touch our people god bring revival hallelujah [Music] we're told today that somehow public approval validates wrong behavior we're also told today if someone is approved by society then it's all that matters other words this is what isaiah is saying i mean it's all right to to if society approves us it's okay no it ain't okay god help us it's not okay it's not okay i got a man in my church brown knows who i'm talking about he ain't saved he's in his 70s he's one of the biggest centers in north carolina he'll tell you that he don't miss church he goes to church he picks me up and takes to me to revivals he visits funeral homes like a preacher he goes to the hospitals and visit people like a preacher and he knows amen he ain't saved he'll flat tell you he ain't saved just a few days ago he went to visit a neighbor found out that i don't know the guy but stanley smith amen wasn't saved and stanley smith found out he was sick and don calm he said preacher he said i want to see stanley and he said stanley is sick with cancer and stanley said don do you go to church don says yeah i go to church he says well will you pray for me don says i can't pray for you i'm the biggest sinner he ain't no hypocrite friends hypocrites or some people says in the church and act like he ain't no hypocrite he just a down right center he said i'm just one of the biggest sinners in the county he said stanley i can't pray with you he said i can't get a prayer through to heaven for you for anything he called me i went down and see no stanley i walked in i had never seen stanley i walked in and he seen something in me that he hadn't seen and he looked at me and he said preacher i don't want to die and go to hell they said i don't want to die and go to hell i just a few days later i want old stanley jesus christ i told him god loves him well when i'm about to baptize him here and i just want to tell you we got to tell the truth we got to stand up and tell the truth and when we got to serving god he's a true we're told somehow when public approval validates wrong behavior we're also told today that if someone's approved by society then it's all that matters what causes these conditions in isaiah 59 and 5. look at it in your bible the bible says they hatch cockatrice eggs and we spiders whales he that eateth of their eggs dieth and they that which curseth breaketh out into vipers look at this a diet of deception is what's going on in america when linked with verse 4 we find that the viper's eggs are devilish lies and philosophies they were hats and eyes they in isaiah's day and they're being hatched in our world today we wonder what's wrong with america i'm going to tell you what's wrong with america you see our world and nation are on a snake egg diet that's what they are they're on a snake egg diet the incubators that hats these eggs is materialism and humanism and new ageism and liberal isma the old granddaddy serpent who has spawned and fertilized these eggs as satan himself he's a liar oh god help us and the father all ours i tell you social media it's a good thing but the devil has used social media having to rob and destroy the church that oh god help us hey help me lord jesus you see these little cockatoos eggs and serpent eggs you hear me tonight he's a liar and the father of all ours there's certain philosophy underpinning in america's life today that are poisoning education and religion and economic and political outlook i'm going to preach to you right here our young people going to public schools are being served snake egg omelets every morning and want to tell you we wonder why we ain't got revival i want to tell you so somebody you some of you look at me like a deer staring at headlights time to wake up the devil's arranging uh the devil's on the ward path he ain't gonna give up he knows this day is short we gotta have we gotta have revival we gotta have a holy ghost revival i said we're going to have revival that kind of revival that takes us a kind revival that moves us a kind of revival that changes us a kind of revival that gets us back in the house of god somebody praise him in this house [Music] [Applause] within the span of 20 years the change took place in america in 1962 the united states supreme court that voluntary prayer in school in schools is unconstitutional in 1963 the supreme court dismantled classroom bible reading in 1980 the posting of ten commandments in public schools was declared unconstitutional in 1982 the court prohibited teaching a bible edge creation in the span of 20 years god has god has been expelled from our public schools we wonder why we ain't got revival god help us and the church says back and says well i'm waiting for jesus to come i can preach right here i'm waiting for jesus to come no if you're waiting for jesus come you're fighting hell if you're waiting for jesus come you you're preaching against you're preaching against this stuff if you're waiting for jesus come you're fighting against this stuff you're not god help us we sit back and wait for congress uh maybe to change it it ain't going to change we sit back and wait for that we sit back away for the supreme court to change it honey they ain't gonna change it uh we sit back and wait for this president to change it honey it ain't gonna change it's gonna take the church of jesus christ it's gonna take the church it's gonna take preachers it's gonna take oh somebody help me it's going to take the church standing up one more time and shout truth is right can somebody say man [Applause] now today abortion fantasizing euthanasia all be come possible in a world that believes man is not created an image of god but involved in some pre-abdominal ooze god help me i feel a meddling spirit amen our present president and those associated with him has got our schools in new york preaching or teaching about pornography is okay in the school system this year somebody help me in this house you ain't hearing me hey man they're preaching or teaching hey man that six and seven-year-olds can identify that they're a boy or girl huh i want to tell you you you go to the grave you think you're a whatever they do dna on your body you're still a man they do dna on your body you're still a woman i don't care if you change your name to jack this who said you're still a man how can you change your name from hey man sushi to jack you're still somebody help me you're still a woman come on somebody i want to say god says i'm trying to bring a revival and the church just sits back and says oh it'll be okay it'll be okay i know it's ain't popular but i ain't a popular preacher i don't care i'm not politically correct i don't care we gotta wake up people let them know donations into crisis our nations in the crisis uh the devils are not snake eggs to be our churches and rob rob rob rob our people of victory i want to tell you god wants to bring revival to our churches in america lord help us in america today teenage girl can receive abortion counseling and abortion itself without her parents knowledge school-based clinics dispense birth control devices and counseling without parental notification or approval prayer is out police are in bibles are out values of clarification is in the ten commandments are out rape is in armed robberies in gang warfare is in murder is in cheating is in hear me tonight creation instructs instruction is out evolution and blind hallelujah god help us and blind chase are in can i tell you i didn't come from no monkey [Applause] when i was born i didn't have a long tail like some monkey no no no no when i was born i didn't eat no bananas and swing from a tree praise god you tell that evolution stuff is a junk you see hear me tonight we see tonight that absence is out and condoms is in and abortion is our end we see corporal punishment is out disrespect the rebellion are in we see that learning is out and social engineering is in we see that god help us history is out and rev and revision is in it's any wonder tonight that the teenage suicide rate is soaring as well as promise security and violence and crime it's time for the church to fight it's time for the church to stand up it's time for the church to fight for truth and don't sit back and say it to be okay no my mama fought for me my daddy fought for me for all time or fought for me being like this is fun for the church i'm telling to say i ain't for sale i ain't for sale i ain't for sale i ain't for sale i ain't for sale i ain't for sale praise god i'm by the blood of jesus christ i'm saved by the blood of jesus christ somebody shout hallelujah [Music] oh god [Applause] then he said according isaiah 59 and 5 when we come against these things and try to stamp them out all we do is create more snakes he said to stamp out these snake eggs it's not the answer now my son can tell you i hate snakes if you want to get hurt by a red-headed boy from tank pond holler you bring a green snake a rubber snake i'll knock your socks off your feet i'm i think the four kind i'm scared of it's a big one a little one i didn't like it and isaiah said he said cockatrice eggs snakeheads has gotten into the church or in our nation god help me and he said all we're trying to do the more you stomp on the edge the snakes just go everywhere it's all we're trying to do brother chair my eyes stomp on him ex-nice i'm about to preach in this place hang on with me amen then he said in verse five spider weaves is a sticky web for the purpose of catching unexpected insect that will fly in the web and become entangled by the web he said satan is coming our nation and put a spider web i hate spider webs i hate going hunting in the woods and it's barely daylight you walk into a web that smothers your face and you try to get out of it have you ever watched have you ever watched a big spider web on the corner of your front porch strong grasshopper gets in it and he kicks and he kicks and he kicks and he kicks the spotter don't do nothing he kicks and he kicks and he kicks it can't get out the spider don't do nothing until that grasshopper gets to where he's so weak he can't move then the spider comes down god help then the spot and you see the oh it's looking at the church and they're in a way up and they're moving they're moving but they're getting weaker they're getting weaker and he's going to come down and just god help the holy ghost in this place and he's gonna he's gonna come and and take the life out of you satan is a way above evil it's terrifying and our young people can hardly see the whales the web of pornography it's a multi-million dollar industry the web of drugs and alcohol i preached this on wednesday night and our church estimates show that students spend more money on alcohol than they do non-alcoholic drinks and books combined in our schools i read the other day one of out of every three of the students in elementary school sells drugs god help us i hate drugs i despise drugs i said wednesday night i didn't know who i was talking to brother joachim and i said if you're selling drugs to kids and parents and they die from drug overdose children are drug addicts when they are born from the mother's wombs i said every drug dealer you're as guilty as the one that's taking it but i hate alcohol and i hate drugs the spiders got in god help us the estimate you see the web of morality young people today are being told that there's there are no fixed standards of right and wrong media and entertainment have created the myth that premarital sex and extramarital sex and homosexuality are on the same level as statistics monogamy and heterosexuality sex education classes in public schools teaching morality is individual and that a person's conception of what morality and right wrong is is an individual i'm indecision wrong right it's right and wrong is wrong we can't live that god we wonder why america is in a fix it's in we wonder what's wrong with america it's our constitution is failing our public officials are failing but can i tell you god's got a church god's got a church god's got a church i want to say god's got a church god's got off oh god help me [Music] can i preach right here [Music] there may be failures in the church i like damn the church of god in perfect people for an imperfect church amen there may be failures in the church there may be hypocrites in that your matter of fact just let me tell you i'd rather go to church with a hypocrite than hell with them amen so i'm gonna go to church with all of them amen i'd rather go to church with hell haven't been with hypocrite in hell with them saying oh you say a preacher that ain't oh yes it is amen you go to walmart with them hey man you go to you go everywhere elsewhere through your minds we're going to church with them amen but i'm going to tell you something hear me tonight i mean god let's look in the church and god's trying to bring revival amen we see today amen that the people says hey man i can't make it we got to make it we got to get together and pray and call to bring revival and god to bring revivals our lives you see we look at all this stuff and they say that no no but we got to stand up and preach the gospel of the lord jesus christ then he says in verses 12 through 15 he says not only that but they're trashing the truth when we stand up and speak up we become the bad guy we make ourselves pray then we speak things and call justice the truth now there is a traffic jam today with justice equity truth trying to get through the streets but they cannot justice judgment inequity cannot come through the streets because truth is fallen what caused truth to fall truth is not dead but truth has stumbled truth cannot be knocked down in america by doctors or truth has been knocked down amen in america by doctors of philosophy truth has been tripped up in america by dishonest politicians and liberal preachers the job in america that they hear me tonight is to put truth back on her feet amen to put truth back on her feet preachers and pastors have the responsibility as they stand in the pulpits of america today every sunday to open the book of truth and preach what thus saith the word of god god help us today they want us to preach messages that makes them feel good about what they're doing wrong they want to preach messages to make them feel good about the sin they have but we must stand up preachers we must stand up and preach the gospel of jesus christ oh i'll get to these props here in a moment because god's going to use these props in the altar here in a few moments but i want to tell you something amen hear me tonight the bible says in the word of the lord he says that that america i'm just paraphrasing it it's trying to stomp out these these snake eggs everywhere they mean they come i'm trying to stomp out this the the immorality i'm trying to stop out this and i'm trying to stomp out he said the more that you stomp on him he said the more snakes go everywhere you got to pick up something honey that you don't have to stomp you got to pick up something honey that's going to take care of them snakes hey man i want to tell you when i see a snake i don't care what it is i'm going to have a hole in my hand i'm going to have me a gun i'm going to shoot that thing to death hear me just a f god help me i've never held a snake in my life hey man a couple years ago i've seen more snakes in north carolina than i've ever seen in my life a few years ago a couple years ago i come in from the church and and pulled in his driveway and there was a snake i'm exaggeration it's a black snake it looked like as long as that odds are right there i said oh my aunt was laying right across the door of the house my wife was in the house i said oh my god what am i going to do i didn't have a hole i didn't have a gun i said what am i going to do i said oh lord help me i went in a building i got me a eight foot long two by two i said eight foot long i said i'll take care of that thing i took i took that thing i whacked that thing and sister cindy amen it didn't do anything he just rolled up like that and then all of a sudden it got going up inside the violent sign of the house i said oh my god i want that i want this thing in the house he got to go up and my wife didn't know what was going on he got me going up and i said god i don't want to grab that thing it was never been a six foot long amen i said i got into the longer the more i look at the longer thing got he was going up inside the house i said god i can't sleep if it gets in my house you hear me tonight i want to tell you you're lying snake skin in your house you better do something about it hear me i'm just talking spiritually you allow snakes at god help me you allow snakes around your church you better do something about it every new lion the devil a hot strike hey man i had those snakes in your house god help me and then when that boy right there was a little boy you know what his you know what his mama used to do amen she would i mean if he was home right now at 40-something year old she'd do the same thing if the holy ghost tell her to go in the bedroom and turn up a mattress honey she turned the mattress up if the holy ghost told my wife to go in her closet and clean it out she gonna clean that closet out and she'd go in my bedroom and she'd find junk she'd find snake eggs spiritual snake eggs in his room she'd find spiritual snake eggs in aaron's room she'd go in there honey and she'd clean them out i said oh god what am i going to do brother yo come on i ain't a snake handler if you're a snake handler church get out of here i ain't got one that nothing to do with you and i'll just get your box and get out of here i said what i'm going to do i didn't the only thing i could do brother yokem i said oh god i've never done this before i grabbed that snake by his hands i didn't know whatever i wouldn't i didn't know how snake felt i knew it was gonna be cold i didn't know but i said you ain't getting in my house i grabbed that thing and i pulled in a pool it's like a little woman used to sing it to junction city church of god sister good and i just pulled and pulled i mean we're gonna pull and pull and pull all together amen and i got that old snake and i got the pulling i got to pull i said you ain't getting in my house you ain't getting by that's what we got to do to the church you ain't getting my church i don't like what i'm going through and you ain't getting my church i ain't going to go no god help me brother brian i got hold that thing and i pulled and i pulled i pulled i pulled that thing half in two i literally pulled it half into a amen and i got the other half out i laid it across the yard i got that old stick so i got to beat that thing to death i didn't had him half into i beat him i beat my life open the door she said what you doing honey i said i'm killing snakes she said oh my god she said where'd it come from i said about god in the house i got to beat that thing and beat that thing and beat that thing until i beat it i can't be no more i said i'll fix you i took him out in the middle highway and i said every car it comes across i want you to mash this thing and kill it you can't mess with the devil church you can't mess with the snakes you just can't stop them you gotta kill them i said you kept up the bus sometimes you gotta kill them and today we just wanna walk around and say they're gonna be no we gotta kill those snakes i'm hurrying i'm hurrying you see god calls the bible the word of truth god calls the holy ghost the spirit of truth god describes himself the truth jesus is the way the truth in life the church is called the pillar and the ground of truth there is a difference between facts and truth knowledge may double but truth will never double there is an eternal truth truth is what food is for our body what light is through your eyes what melody is two years most of us want to stamp out snake eggs amen my wife she's a perfectionist house cleaner my son can tell you she's a perfectionist house cleaner i always like bringing this in sister yokin probably did this when my mom cooked the cake this is a little bit of humor my mom cooked the cake virginia montgomery she'd put an oven she'd go over get an old straw broom like he is but strong she'd poke that one in with dirty straws and she pulled that cake out of the oven and she'd take that strong stick it down in that cake if it came out dry it was done food came out moist she had to put it back in the oven you eat it anyhow but my wife is a good cleaner i'm telling you what she clean most people only clean eye level but my wife cleans from top to bottom me and her can go in a restaurant and we can see look at the cobwebs up there my people don't want me to visit him with their house in north carolina look at the cobweb you can go in a funeral home everything from the floor looks good but look up there's cobwebs everywhere amen but my wife she got these dusters and she goes everywhere she starts up here she gets to the corners she goes everywhere because you see spiders build webs and if you don't take care of them you're going to have more spiders hear me now so but when we stamp out snake eggs we get more snakes when we sweep down spider webs we it comes back we need something that will slay the snake and destroy the spider and that's truth only truth can keep the deadly serpent from spawning those eggs only truth can keep the spider from weaving those sticky swabs we need to lift up truth in america today every believer needs to radiate themselves and truth parents need to teach their children truth to love and truth god help us there's a prize that possesses the truth god help us i want to close here just in a moment as they get ready to do some music i want to tell you i'm reminded of a story this is where i'm going to close with tonight i remind them a story of a little lady in the bible she lost a very important piece of a coin it was a it was time to preach that tonight but she lost a very important piece of coin i mean the bible says she diligently swept the house amen she diligent swept the house she she couldn't go on with her life without that coin she couldn't even get married without that coin let me tell you something there's been something lost in the church today and it's truth god help us nobody wants the truth preached they want the shout but they don't want the truth they want to dance but they don't want the truth they want to speak in tongues but they don't want the truth they want prophecy but they don't want the truth can i just tell you you can fake tongue speaking you can fake prophesying you can fake dancing in the spirit i think i know what i'm talking about hey man i've seen i've heard the devil speak in tongues at the church i've pastored before you gotta call it down in the name of jesus christ hear me tonight hey man people want to do all that but when it comes to truth of godly righteous pure holy sanctified living they don't want you to preach it i want to tell you without holiness no man shall see god we gotta preach truth until it gets back into our babies until he gets back into the church we got to preach truth till he gets back in sunday school we got to preach truth that it gets back in our children we got to preach truth until we see revival [Applause] the bible says she swept the house musicians come she swept the house and she found it can you imagine brother yokem what she experienced when she found that lost coin glory to god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hello hallelujah [Music] 14. i'm just being transparent 14 15 years ago me and brian and his mom had no clue but four years ago our youngest son come to me and says dad if you don't help me i want to die be killed or go to prison [Music] i said what i'm talking about boy that singing church like every boy i'm talking about a boy that loves his parents just like any boy i'm talking about a boy that's a spider got him [Music] god i'm a preacher i'm a pastor how can this be now you can say if my boy a girl ever got in a situation they're out you need some prayer because that's when they need their mom and daddy like they ain't never did their mom and daddy hey brother roy me and brian and jill and my wife we picked up the broom [Music] and we pick up the hole and said we're going to kill the snake and we're going to take the spiders out [Music] aaron may be listening to me right now before i came to north carolina cindy he's in his 30s had to take i took away his car his cell phone married man took away all contacts [Music] i said son i'm gonna help you but you gotta go somewhere [Music] to get right fixed god can deliver you but i said you got to go somewhere cindy i took that boy and his wife up a long set of steps at 10 30 at night into a rehab center i said god i'm sweeping and i'm beholding the devil [Music] brian is the longest night of my life and i had to leave it boy there when i walked in there there was drug addicts everywhere and i said son if you're going somewhere i'm just being honest you're gonna go where they don't give you sebastian if you're here tonight in on sebastian you ain't delivered at all you are not delivered it's just something to keep you off stuff you are still hooked i don't care who you are i said you're going to somewhere where you get nothing but cold turkey nothing where are you going to dt out [Music] make a story short one year more than a year [Music] thank god through sweeping [Music] we killed the snake eggs [Applause] and all over the church anywhere you go cockatrice eggs is everywhere we try to stomp them out [Music] but it's not doing any good if i can just bring in some [Music] celebrity my church will have victory no you have a crowd but you won't have victory [Music] if i could just bring in a certain so and so no it takes a mama and a dad with truth and righteousness and purity and prayer and integrity and character and fight within them they ain't given up all over this sanctuary tonight those young people that's been in twice by snake eggs moms and dads you stand tonight i got four or five brooms up here and i got a hole up here you know what god wants there's some of you in this house tonight that needs to symbolically get up here i don't know what's going on in your life but god does and you just need to start sweeping until victory comes or you need to get this hole symbolically you ain't getting my family you're not getting my family you ain't getting my husband you're not getting my wife you're not getting my dad i pray for god i feel the holy ghost i pray too long for my daddy i pray too long for my mama you ain't getting them tonight i'm declaring victory for my daddy i'm declaring victory for my mother i'm declaring victory for my son i'm declaring victory for my daughter [Music] father i've obeyed you i've done what you said to do god god as a pastor i have to sweep out the guilty church of god sometime [Music] god i have to sweep [Music] you know why i got a good son here tonight [Music] because his mom and dad kept sweeping kept sweeping kept sweeping kept sweeping i don't know who you are tonight but some of you tonight just need to get up here grab this old broom he said nations in crisis spider webs that's coming our nation hey we we can't do anything other than preach the truth but we should get the cobwebs out of our own lives we should get the cobwebs our own families [Music] it starts up here oh i feel the holy ghost in this house so as they sing tonight i want you on live stream you you used to alter services [Music] i don't know how brother yoke wants to tonight but he can lead it but there's some people tonight that just need you to come up here grab a broom and in the name of the lord and say god i'm gonna sweep i'm gonna sleep i'm gonna sleep for my husband i'm gonna sleep for my family i'm gonna sweep from a church [Music] have somebody pray i'm gonna sleep first oh i'm gonna sweep what you got what you got what'd you come sing brothers it's yours it's yours come on [Music] come on there will always be the mountains [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on whatever you need come get it [Music] it's hard to see [Music] just be brave and follow where he leads cause crater is the one who's in us [Music] amen anybody here found joy in the middle of peace come on come on [Music] sometimes through the darkness it's hard to see you gotta just be brave and follow where he [Music] is [Music] is [Music] amen [Music] just say [Music] anybody here who knows oh if there's anybody here who's seen his power anybody here go through the fire come on and say amen anybody here found joy in the middle of sorrow peace [Music] this life is a journey we walk by faith there will always be the mountains in our way open [Music] if there's [Music] anybody here who knows [Music] oh anybody here found [Music] seen it time and time again [Music] sometimes through the darkness it's hard to see you're gonna just be brave remember anybody here who knows [Music] come [Music] time say [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh if there's anybody here who's found him faithful anybody [Music] he's in [Music] hey listen i hear the lord telling me there's some young people in this house you need to get a broom and say i'm going to sweep for boyle county high school i'm going to speak for lincoln county high school i'm going to sweep for the danville high school do we have any young people have a good room and say i'm going to sweep for my school i'm going to sleep for my school my christian school where around just get a broom and just say i'm going to sweep i pray god bring revival to my school with at least one right now and just get a broom and just pick it up and say hi i'm sleeping for my kids at my school i'm sleeping for my friends they're safe they're unsafe hear me i feel the holy ghost brother yokan or some people tonight that's in sin in this house you need to come and surrender your heart to jesus right now you know you need to pray now's the time sweep young people sweetheart sweet pornography sweet drugs [Music] anybody here found joy in the middle of peace [Music] [Music] so [Music] if there's anybody [Music] amen if there's anybody [Music] anybody here found joy in the middle of peace [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus just lift your hand all this house let's just love him a little bit here come on this is love holding a little bit oh we love you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord we love you jesus we bless your name jesus blessed is the lamb of god blessed is the lamb of god thank you lord thank you jesus i love you jesus thank you jesus just want to tell you amen lord i love you more than anything [Music] i love you jesus i worship and adore you i just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything just tell him right now i love you jesus i love you jesus i worship and adore you i just want to tell you lord i love you [Music] i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything [Music] [Music] just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything with your hands let's sing one more time i love you jesus [Music] just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything lift your voice now sing i love you jesus i love you jesus i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you more than [Music] we glorify your name jesus we bless your name we praise your name jesus hallelujah [Music] we love you jesus precious lamb of god amen did you feel the presence of the lord in this house what a mighty message brother henry a great hand of applause there [Music] great message we're going to receive brother henry a love offering the ushers of the depends amen [Music] things that brother henry is saying is the truth the state of our nation state of the church people amen it's alarming maybe we can worry about it and we can talk about it or we can do something about it hallelujah amen time for worrying time for talking's over the doing time is at hand the doing times at hand church we can embrace some kind of new age gospel and try to sooth our flesh and please our constituents and you know or we can do what brother henry said preach the truth preach the truth lord we thank you so much lord for the outpouring of your spirit and the mighty word that's come forth and praise each one gives to support our brother and to bless him lord that you would bless those in return in jesus name just let the lord bless you your givingness you support our brother tonight amen as you help him go forth and do the things that god sent him to do hallelujah something got to hold [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] when something gone [Music] my heart wasn't [Music] well jesus got a hold of me oh yeah whatever [Music] [Music] jesus on [Music] [Music] your hands are you glad something got a hold of you glory whoa thank you lord [Music] [Music] oh i said something [Music] [Music] i went to a meet one night and my heart wasn't [Music] where jesus got ahold of me when i went to a meeting one night and my heart wasn't right but jesus got home one more time everybody [Music] [Music] oh it was a [Music] me hallelujah if you have a special need just raise your hand you need god to move in a miracle you need god to perform a miracle answer a prayer all of this you got a knee just raise a hand up right there and we're going to pray on these prayer needs tonight we're going to believe god to meet your needs believe god to meet the needs of this prayer with us everybody pray father i pray tonight see every uplifted hand move in every need father lord rebound the devil the demons of hell and the powers of darkness pray for every lost soul lord represented by this prayer list pray god that you send revival to every lost home we curse sickness disease and inferment and cast it out in jesus name we speak healing god to the sick tonight we cause cancer to lead this corona of ours to flee in all other matters sickness disease amen to vacate the premises and pray god touch every financial need god trust for your people in great abundance lord bless your people wherever they're at tonight we'll give you praise in jesus name amen that's good god prays for andrew pray we serve a prayer answer to god a miracle working god woo glowing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] things will be right just amen hallelujah well i tell you we've had a great service tonight can somebody say amen to that praise god praise the lord brother henry may god give you a safe journey back to your church home brother brian may god bless you in your church may god bless all of god's people tonight hallelujah stand up look around smile at somebody tell them that you love them if you want to shake hands you can hallelujah if you don't want to that's all right we're just sort of in that season right now amen we love you god bless you you
Channel: RedemptionRoadChurch
Views: 797
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: plvC33WBvX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 22sec (7762 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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