Red Dead Redemption 2 on the Minimum and Recommended System Requirements!

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hello guys crispy here and welcome back to another video it is my friends i'm going to be testing red dead redemption 2 in the minimum and recommended system requirements this is going to be a great one so i got the system requirements here in the screen and you can see that the minimum specs ask for an i5 2500k which i bought specifically for this video actually eight gigabytes of ram and a geforce gtx 770 gpu with two gigabytes of vram and i know for a fact that the amd counterpart the r9280 actually performs a little bit better than 770 by the way and on the recommended side of things i got the i7 4770k 12 gigabytes of ram and the nvidia geforce gtx 1066 gigabyte which is sitting right there at the moment and it's desktop time and over in task manager you can see the i5 2500k which is not overclocked by the way neither will be the i7 i'm running stock speeds in these cpus over on the memory type you can see the 8 gigabytes of dual channel ram 1333 megahertz it's ddr3 obviously it's not unknown i know it and over on the right we got the gtx 770 there integ power ups gpu-z from 2013 and it's the 2 gigabyte gddr5 model of the card as the minimum requirements ask for so let's get into the game now shall we and we're starting this off at 1080p resolution using the lowest settings possible aside from taa which is on high but that's not an intensive setting you'll lose like half a frame per second if you set it to high instead of low and as you can see there we're actually going over the vram limits at these settings i can't really apply anything even if i wanted to turn off taa because this game doesn't let me it thinks that i am stupid there's maybe i am actually but yes that's not the point oh my this is looking pretty bad actually look at those textures like what the hell is that that looks terrible anyways it's minimum settings it's supposed to look terrible after all right and we are getting 30 plus at 1080p resolution the game didn't even allow me to select 1080p res i'm so sorry but yes it didn't allow me to select 1080p res and i had to go into the config files and set it there we got roach right here finally and i hear bob bob is playing the trumpet again guys oh there he is oh my god okay i'm so sorry i didn't mean to do that i am getting 20 fps it massively dropped holy that is insane that's so bad i guess that's because of the vram probably guys because it is maxed out yeah that's that's probably what's happening here but i wasn't expecting a sudden drop like that you know everything was fine and all of a sudden everything was not fine anymore also the power consumption of the gpu is pretty low for a 770 and i've been seeing that that happens whenever you run out of vram because well we are vram bottlenecked inside of this gpu so it doesn't really utilize all of its resources properly so it can't use up to the 230 watts that it's supposed to use and it just crashed guys i think what happened was we ran out of vram so we started getting those very low fps you know and then we ran out of ram and it crashed because whenever you run out of vram it starts utilizing system ram and well whenever you run out of system ram sometimes games crash and other times they just run at like 2 fps something like that now at 720p it should be a heck of a lot better i hope we're still using these same lowest settings with high taa and let's go we're not going over the vram limits finally all right we're back here we got around like what 10 more fps than at 1080p res and hopefully oh my gosh the vram is actually close to maxed out still now the power usage is still around 130 watts there for 770 um but that's because now we are actually cpu bound so the gpu utilization is not fully maxed out so it doesn't need to draw as much power obviously um and yes it's not the vram bottleneck this time around although we're still getting a ton of stutters and that vram is still at two gigabytes which is crazy i'm just gonna ride roach around for a little bit also bobby's not here today that's interesting maybe we killed him previously or maybe he got scared finally you know we scared bob away that's great we got roach right here he's looking beautiful even on the lowest settings yeah kind of let's get out of saint denis and get to the forest area so far so good we're not seeing 20s yet so that's amazing right that i5 is also handling it like a champ this is a very old cpu from 2011 i think and yeah for for a 2011 cpu to be running an open world title right like red dead reaction 2 above 30 frames per second it's actually pretty insane isn't it oh my gosh we're getting 40s around here oh yes of course because we were cpu bound in the city we weren't really fully utilizing the 770 and now in this area we're close to fully utilizing the 770 so it actually gets more fps we're not cpu bound here basically um or not as much the cpu utilization sometimes still goes to like 80 or 90 percent um i guess this combo the i5 2500k and the 770 are actually pretty balanced for this game yeah you can see that sometimes you even get like 90 plus percent cpu and gpu usage and in a perfect world of course you want to max out both unless you are doing something else on your computer and you need headroom on the cpu side of things it started raining it's getting pretty good fps actually i mean it looks pretty bad in my opinion and with the two gigabytes of vram you can't really utilize more than normal textures which sucks a bit but yeah if you are fine with the 720p low settings experience roach please i'm talking here you can do that this this is actually a capable combo and i think that this i'm scared right now oh boy oh boy but i think that this is actually very adequate or accurate for the minimum requirements we get like 30 plus fps basically worst case scenario in the city it dropped maybe from 30 a little bit once or twice but not really a problem you know didn't happen very often and uh yes this is exactly what i'm looking for in a minimum requirement system 30-ish fps or above 30 almost all of the time at 720p low settings and it seems like rockstar nailed it and now we got the recommended requirements looking great inside of a pc case this time around and now you guessed it it's desktop time i7 4770k in task manager right there not overclocked once again 12 gigabytes of ddr3 two dimms at 1600 megahertz and over on the right we got the gtx 1066 gigabyte model and let's go over the settings 1080p resolution very adequate for a 1060 and we're using the balanced preset which was what the game set as default for the gtx 1060. the only thing that i changed was the motion blur i turned it off of course and we're right where we left it gpu intensive area remember that and we're getting 30s which is not too bad actually it's pretty good if you lock the fps to 30 it shouldn't really drop that much if it isn't dropping in this area let's start counting the fps as well so this feels a heck of a lot better than what we saw previously for sure this is super nice and smooth going by that frame time graph you don't see any variation there basically so it's really really solid and oh boy okay the one twin clothes are already at 20 29 28 now but it didn't drop from 30 yet so it might drop actually guys giving it a little bit of an overclock on the gpu will actually put you a little bit more comfortably above 30 fps all of the time let's not go here roach actually there are a ton of crocodiles to get out of here maybe that way i want to go to the saint denis area to see cpu performance now because that's more cpu intensive obviously and i know there is a bigger and more intensive city i guess um in another area but i haven't gotten there yet so this is what i do here in my benchmark run so far so good it didn't really drop from 30 although it it gets uncomfortably close to doing so so i would probably still drop a few settings here and there actually for sure because we can play on like xbox one x settings and have pretty good visuals still while getting almost double the fps that we're seeing right now if not double so that's what we're going to see a little bit later in the video of course balanced settings on the 1060 look amazing how the heck what was just a little scratch you know come on roach those great which is not a car but yes recommended requirements in a game like red dead redemption 2 i think aren't really meant for 60 fps with these good visuals at least or on balanced presets although on balanced preset there are a ton of settings that are set to ultra by default alright bob is not here i mean this is fantastic guys this is the best video ever i am loving it it's running well or as it's supposed to run on recommended and minimum requirements in my opinion and we don't see bob that often i mean we saw him once and then he's been running away from us anyways if you really want to play at these settings you definitely can no cpu bottlenecks in the city although that would be kind of difficult to to get the cpu bottleneck because we're getting 30 to 40 fps and the i7 can do better than that obviously um but yes it doesn't really drop from 30 at least not in the areas that we've been to so far back in the menu after a fresh restart 1080p resolution still using the xbox one x settings found by digital foundry so these provide really good visual still and very good performance as well and also these are the xbox one x settings not the xbox one x's resolution and as you can see we're getting so many more fps it feels much much smoother we're still not in a very intensive area that would be in that direction but i am liking what i'm seeing right now we were getting like what 35 fps 33 around here and now we're getting close to 60. as i told you really good visual still as you can probably tell the youtube video will mess it up a little bit because of compression but it still should look pretty similar to what we saw at the other settings i can't tell much of a difference honestly maybe like some of the detail in the roads and stuff is a little bit worse but it's not to the point where i would choose the other settings over these ones i think this still looks amazing it's fantastic basically and it runs way better like look at that i am curious to see if we oh boy i almost fell there again if we still see a gpu bounce scenario inside of the city and it seems like we we are sort of seeing that the cpu is bottlenecking it a little bit but mostly it's still at 99 and 98 gpu usage percent gpu usage yeah not bad actually the i7 is keeping up pretty well oh bob shut the heck up shut the heck up i i i thought you were smart this time damn it all right i guess police are going to come after us i'm sorry sir feel free to run away as you were doing yes okay there we go he's fine guys we didn't hurt him but bob is dead bob is actually dead okay so uh police are after us now it's gonna be crazy okay it's gonna be more cpu intensive actually because we got more things happening now and people shooting at us and stuff please roach don't stop running all right i really need you to keep running and get to the other intensive area in the woods oh boy yes this is perfect basically guys for a game like this 50 fps on average feels really responsive i love it actually i would play the game all day long like this these are the settings that i would choose with the gtx 1060 no matter what cpu you're running honestly guys it's amazing gtx 1060 can still provide really good experience here in red dead redemption 2. oh boy come on there we go one down we got his oh he has a hat i think we should definitely steal his hat or it's not stealing if he's dead right it's just taking what belongs to me because i killed him there we go beautiful well not very good actually not very good looking but we're fine guys i think that's it even here in a gpu intensive scenario it gets around the same fps as saint knee maybe it drops a little bit more into the 40s as you can see because of the vegetation but it is very strong performance indeed so i'll see you in the next one very soon give this video a like if you enjoyed it maybe consider subscribing and as always i love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 415,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: six, core, intel, i3, i5, i7, i9, 6100, 4170, 7100, 8100, 4590, 4690, 6400, 6500, 6600, 8400, 8500, 8600, 6700, 7700, 8700, 4770, 4790, cpu, pc, budget, gaming, zwz, vram, ram, 1gb, 2gb, 3gb, 4gb, 8gb, 12gb, 16gb, dual, single, channel, low, medium, high, min, all, settings, fps, benchmark, test, can, run, it, game, nvidia, geforce, gtx, 950, 980, ti, radeon, ati, 5770, 5850, 560, 570, hd, 720p, gameplay, ryzen, r3, r5, r7, requirements, gtx 770, gtx 1060, 1060, r9 280, rx 480, rx 580, red dead redemption 2, rdr2, rdr, ii, system requirements, minimum, recommended
Id: DJPJszt2-BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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