Red Bull Wololo 3 Qualifiers | slam vs BacT

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we're gonna jump into a new match very shortly where we have slam up against bhakti bhakti beat jordan three two one earlier today in order to make it to the side match hopefully islam can win here though it's infinity legends right how do they spell their name how do they is it like that or is it full capital letters i'm not sure how their infinite letter how it is why am i writing f what the hell uh small i okay cool let me do it like that so in order to make another game decision player into the into the main event we're now crossing our fingers for slam jam in the list i'll show you why because this is the qualifier second qualifier if you go here to the main event the viper we're there well nelly did make it to the main event as well look he made it when will you begin to play this tournament so this happens you see here the dates starting date 16th of january which is in six days so on saturday the coming saturday is when the group stage uh the group phase of this tournament begins that is january 16 16th and then the week and after will be the playoffs so this happens the weekend after and this happens the coming weekend so yeah should be a lot of fun i will play there now you even have a custom rb3 logo on the rb drive oh it's just a bird and he starts stepping towards the bird but as he's pointing at the bird and stepping towards the bird he's walking closer to the gator i joined i hear a bird for like two seconds he was he was about step on it yeah it was hilarious i wish i would have had video of that um oh why is the first thing i hear random bird story as i join i'm i'm sorry about that i didn't know if you'd ever show up so i needed to be prepared you and your birds man every game i watched you cast is about the bird at the corner well to be fair we were talking about a gator right before he joined so a what uh an alligator oh yeah oh yeah true you were wrestling the alligator once man you're so brave i know anyways how you doing bro sorry i was like i was so loud for you probably no no you were actually fine okay um i'm doing very well thank you how about yourself didn't realize not bad survived the gator yesterday um what you fought yesterday as well against gator no no that wasn't a fight it was more so clap an accidental occurrence an accidental occurrence yes i'll bring you up to speed long story short yesterday we were going on a walk with some friends looking for alligators i couldn't find any alligators and then my friend almost stepped on an alligator it was right next to us wait like for real yeah like two feet away it was just sunbathing they don't care about humans you went and sunbathed next to alligators do you listen to how i speak do you hear what i'm saying i hear you i didn't sunbathe with the gator the gator was laying out in the sun but when you go there to sunbathe and the gauges are there you are sunbathing with the gators right we were on a walk viper we were on a walk that's all it was we were on a break relax ross we were on a break yes all right okay all right professional caster mode all right very first well first are they big the gators um it depends your definition of of big no they're not scary they're really interesting um so no they're they're not i don't know i think the game started by the way so i think we have to cast yeah okay sure oh we have two minutes we have two minutes how long is this delay yeah disaster welcome to the life of a caster all the waiting time dude oh i like every time i like build up a little bit of like like maybe it will be fun to cast today i'm casting a while i do this and then like suddenly there's a four to five minute break between a game yeah it's like oh that you're better with that nowadays but you've you've contributed to that in the past by the way i still try my best to contribute to that because i know you guys suffer it's more more fun yeah i think age of empires has taken a step in the right direction regarding that not only like i think most people actually are way faster and way more efficient in that regard now it used to be way worse yeah i remember casting masters of arena 3 and it was between fire and out and we the whole series was delayed for one hour and 45 minutes why did fire's lamp break again or what i think it was they were posting on aoe zone because there was no discord back then so fire was like i'm going to be late because of this and doubt was like oh i'm going to be late too and then since they both said they would be late there was no potential for an admin win so it just it just kept extending and extending and extending so ah nothing beats the picture of the lamp though from fire to prove that he had no electricity yeah that is so predictions here slam vs uh backed obviously you are teamed up with slam uh know him quite well and i guess in the past in the tyrant days you're also teamed up with back so what are your thoughts on the best of seven here well i would expect slam to have a slight edge but back to i mean back to the look short last qualifier right he lost to chris three or four zero i don't remember yeah so and but then he beat jordan now which jordan very well prepared practiced a lot for this so bhakti clearly has something going at the moment but um imagine islam should be a little bit of a different beast for back that one so let's say 4-2 for slam yeah i was well i had said 4-2 for slam as well but what's interesting about these two is i'd say they both struggle with consistency and they have for years they backed at one point top ten player i think in most eyes and then it's the same with slam and they just haven't been able to string consistent results together so um with that in mind i think it's gonna be all down to consistency between these two yeah both of them have even been like sniffing on like top five spots through different uh periods of their career uh but yeah i should be very close i think historically actually bacteria has had liberal edge on islam in their matchups against each other i think it's been like stylistically that bacteria like stonewalling and such has counter slams more open dynamic aggressive play so yep it is different these days though but yeah we'll see back to you also in rated games they're right they play a lot and slam didn't have many options as to who to play but anyways back in the south here uh he's opened up with a range and he's being pressured a little bit by slam's two scouts yeah mixing in the spearman uh initially as well as he's trying to wall up he's obviously gonna be the one with less initiative in the early game because he does play the slower composition with spear eagle archers most likely while slam is doing the active frank approach make some scouts and probably transition into some skirmishers afterwards as the range is already coming up so it's going to be a it's going to be a very meta approach so far from both players yeah i do see a lot of players open up with a range but with frank's it just makes sense to go stable uh back the walling up the backside now uh really worried the scouts are coming through i guess as he places the houses just took a hit there yeah one free hit every free hit on with a spearmint on the scout is so valuable and empires were empire wars because these early engages with social numbers if one of them goes really wrong for you the game almost can be over at that point we've seen that already a few times where an early engagement goes wrong and then it just snowballs out of control from there i saw your hype caster moment man that was a good example of that yeah i may have taken some stuff that i shouldn't talk about on stream but yeah uh back to usual back to style covering up his whole base he has one hole on the front now it should be fully well soon but yeah the skirmisher and scout play looking pretty solid for slam yeah um bax doesn't have fletching yet which is confusing to me but uh is macro oh man underneath his tc it's looking brutal are you supposed to have straggler trees and empire wars i don't see anything yeah there are no there are no stagger trees nonetheless okay gotcha was that changed i it's not a detail i don't remember from the previous one so no i don't think there's ever been because in original empire wars you start with like five or six farms so there's not really space for uh straggler trees gotcha and therefore it's the same in in this game or two well it seems like bact is just going to camp it out now he's invested way less when it comes to food um that said i mean slam he is frank's and his eco looks way better at home uh plenty of farms out more on food currently or slightly more on food yeah i think both players right now are in a comfortable spot where they want to be like baktis for the world he's mayans his archers are cheaper he just wants to transition to castles and play big crossbow numbers probably well slam as well feeling safe he knows backed his fully walled he can't really do much more not making more scouts just simply transitioning the castle which is he's not far away from there so uh he also is trying to finish up his walls and then we'll probably see a typical frankincense mines where you have knights from the franxx player potentially skirms as well and then full crossbow and potentialism eagles mixed in for bacteria i'm starting to laugh because this is such a backy move like just some scars in the bottom right and then loop the whole way around if you can i would be very surprised if he tries to fight the front of slam's base i think he's going to sneak and slam will probably be prepped with walls by the time these units arrive yeah back to even investing into armor upgrades for his infantry right now so those spearmen and one eagle will have a little extra armor but then again there's not enough units there right there's so many skirms so this could really like back they might be able to take a really bad trade here i don't like this because his cast leads time will be delayed now and if he had four or five eagles i'd like it but with two eagles you just delay your castle age time and slam still has an army which could probably fight this anyhow exactly it's just that the extra armor doesn't accomplish anything right now in this fight of course he does survive slightly more but it doesn't change anything in the way this fight is going to play out like a hole right so yeah there's a one minute roughly a one minute advantage here for slam doing the armor upgrade for skirms now slammed it the other way right he did castles and then the important upgrades so these currents are not going to trade really well double the stable up so knight's going to come out as soon as it's castle and if i was slammed i would i would be looking to jump on his arm already honestly with my skirms trade away as many arches as possible and then let my knights clean up the rest yeah i think slam um he can hesitate in these moments we know he has the skill to be able to micro down that army but he sometimes gets uh too cautious or maybe he feels safe enough where he doesn't want to make any mistakes and he doesn't take advantage of situations he should but he's actually adding more scouts now viper so i think he will dive on this yeah and he has the plus one armor now so he has eight scouts with franks and then ten skirms this should be a full cleanup right bacteria has moved to stone though behind this so i wouldn't surprise me back is actually thinking about switching to plumed archers right but he's going to lose the whole army now in futile age and this is going to be a wait actually i think back this is not trading too well all things too bad all things considered yeah considering how many scouts there was it was actually not that bad i absolutely love how you get to experience being confused by a fight yeah because you know you should be able to judge those things quite well but sometimes it's it's tough to know i hate the fact that bacter's gone to stone here this is not a dark age start with mayans where you can slowly transition into plumes and get away with it i think slam is going to have so much in the way of military he could add tc's i mean plumed archers is very weird decision maybe he's expecting to be behind though and he wants to snowball and gain a lead in the middle and then follow that up with a castle drop later obsidian arrows no empire wars why not no but um islam is doing a forward zebra shop here so islam is not dropping town centers anytime soon he dropped the first one now so it's gonna be quite aggressive from slam as well so this is maybe do you agree with this decision do you or do you think you would in this spot just control the map with military and then add town centers nice town bell there back um it's hard to judge right obviously i see everything now so i have an easier way of making a decision has boso by the way in fact he has not invested in any of those yet i think i like it because the ranges are in the front so in theory slam could take out ranges with manganese without being hit okay and that would be a problem for bacteria potentially because there is a hill there as well if slam gets control of that could be rough back this woodland as well as super exposed all these villagers chopping wood are towards the front yeah i do like this slam has to feel very comfortable here as he's adding a second town center as well as long as he doesn't go to the third tc too early i think slam's in a good position here he'll will have military you'll have eco uh backed is soon going to place the castle and he's adding another range so we might see obsidian arrows i think it is it knows he's going to be looking to take one convincing fight and then come out of it with enough crossbow numbers where obscene arrows can actually make a difference yeah of course the question is can you actually pull it off one magnel shot makes the difference for both players in back's case i think if he can trade one for one he'll be happy to push out a little bit but for now he has to abandon the woodlawn that's good patience from slam to not force the fight there camp the woodline force the bills to leave and continue to extend his eco and this is what i mentioned earlier now he's going three tc's so he might i mean he does get that benefit but if you were to lose this army right now or or back to start pushing him back would have uh i guess a good good advantage in that position yeah indeed i think for slam the natural transition here is now to just go skirms right he will see the castle soon he knows there are a lot of crossbows out the worst thing sam can do right now is actually lose his skirmishes because i think they will be a vital part of his uh of his army composition right now because the crossbow numbers are starting to get to the point where knights will be micro down quite effectively as he breaks the archer and he could actually jump on the castle if he wanted to the crossbars are out of position so there is a he doesn't see it he doesn't see it yeah true yeah unlucky doesn't see it now sees it but might be too late start pushing out big eco lead for slime i actually should be feels like it should be bigger to be honest but no he's he's on three tc's so expect him to have 10 15 bills more than bax does and there goes some skirm losses bacteria also has wheelbarrow which slam doesn't it's just about to kick in now so yeah the reference isn't that big i feel like honestly wouldn't surprise me back to just stays with one teaser and goes like just go all out get a million crossbows get i was in arrows and just try to win with pure numbers how much does obsidian errors cost again 400 food 200 gold that is so ridiculous i feel like if that tech continues to exist it should be something like uh like a thousand eight hundred because of the effect it can have in some expensive yeah but do you want do you want crossbows to destroy buildings in castle is that is that a good thing well i like it good it's good content but i'm so happy we did not play you in the world cup thank god we sucked oh god i don't remember who played but they got to experience that was it uh yeah it was draken and yes ah that was fun yeah i'm sure it was well here comes slam uh has the eco lead and backed is just still playing defense but i think if you go obsidian arrows then you're delaying your imp time so it looks like he wants to go for arb first and he's very close to picking up yeah he's looking towards imperial age but actually so islam their resources look very soon but slam is like he's frank's he cannot go input 68 villagers it doesn't feel right because he's making a way more expensive army but yeah i mean sam has to look at the score and feel very comfortable right but yeah he's probably going to go imp himself but yeah the issue is it's going to be our list it's going to be massive numbers yep and slam looks like he wants to even drop a ford castle here so this could be huge if he's able to take a tread board against that castle and and keep back from pushing out across the map but uh the downside is is the eco will be pretty fragile for frank eco if you want to go for cavs out here too fast okay i finally got the stone yeah i mean i don't like that slime is forcing the early empire like slam probably wants to go to imp and be faster to imp and then start trapping right yeah yeah well bhakti i think once upstate neros is in his castle isn't necessarily that important anymore and he's gonna have a way bigger army way more cost effective army and islam might struggle to find the resources to make enough counter units to actually deal with this as the manganese might get some big shots there he dodges them just but he sees the castle now back to this ballistics is on the way he might even try to no whoa honestly i think that was pretty good for backed all things considered the castle is going to go up he's going to be an imp before slam so he knows it's there and can trip it down but a few villas and now could maybe go to the right side and then loop around to slam eco where he has no protection yeah thumb ring coming in ballistics coming in as well so this will be arbless very very shortly slam doesn't have army to fight this right this is what i'm saying he went he rushed the castle now tried to get him before bhakti in order to get the trap out and win the tribe war but now he doesn't have an army to actually deal with these cro like they already won shot knights now and this is going to be arbalest possibly obsidian arrows chemistry all these upgrades and yeah slam who looked like in a fantastic position might have thrown this game a little bit with his decision making here yeah i think i we mentioned it before the series slam kind of known to get massive leads and then and then throw a bit back does the same so it's it's about making the proper decision throughout the entire game uh slam has the lead economically but is it a big enough lead to be able to fight against 40 arbs as he hits him the trebs will come out viper but slam's just hoping for lucky magnel shots at home yeah the the difficulty for slammer is that the military numbers right there's over 50 military units for for back to here well slam has 22 and some of them are two manga magnus don't do anything anymore he has five like few latest skirmishes and then the rest is knights i think the good news for him is that it's not so easy for back to to take out eco without obsidian he doesn't have that yet and slam has the time now to get armor and cavaliers so if he's a bit more patient and maybe gets a big shot which he misses with that was a doubt attack round yes uh maybe slam could do something another thing is slam could dive in to take out the trebs if back doesn't quick wall whereas bax cannot do that to slam honestly slam should probably just dive into the economy as well back here because there's no protection whatsoever there oh well oh oh nice range went down too nice quick house from uh back to there though i still feel like becty has he should be prioritizing obsidian arrows here before the castle goes down i don't think the trebuchet was the right decision obscene arrows first and then maybe some trebuchets because he still has the army in the front which can i mean if those have seen arrows the base of slam is gone right at this point i just hope he does it for you and you know i don't even hope he does it to to get an advantage in the game i hope he doesn't find paper so did i back to now takes out manga nicely done he's also doing the second armor upgrade now instead of ceiling arrows get upset in arrows back there we go yes let's go all right all right now obsidian arrows slam has had some time to mass more calf he's looking at 16 cavalier against 37 arms with good micro the arbs can still take care of that yeah if you look at the upgrades on the slams cavalier as well there's no attacker upgrades whatsoever he does have the most important armor upgrade obviously but still when there's 36 with solid micro i think back teachers still win this this fight also slam with only 200 stone and yeah big fight here there's pretty much one shot in cavalier as well as his target firing and getting into a nice little pocket position here and thinks now we'll get a decent trade but all in all he's going to trade his whole army for that and then he's going to lose the position on the front now as the arborist of bacteria running under the castle of slam yep repair villagers will go down both players will lose their castles though sorry i'm a hype casting though sorry four arms no no no no there was a shot before those four arms ah i see i was paying attention to the castle yeah you gotta cut me i'm like we do i'll let you do the hype moments throughout the series when there's a height moment you i mean you gotta catch the hype moments right that's what casting is all about yeah he he disrespect the casters as new casters as if casters don't talk strategy it's all about the hype moments get out of here it's hype man like i'm saying that i want to hype things here i'm not disrespecting the other carrots all right all right all right yeah cool are they gonna slam and after all is said and done he lost his castle the back lost his castle and slam still has a couple relics in the middle slam still has that eco lead i think the idol farms hurt him but he's still in a position to make more cavs so i'm not liking the position for back now only 28 arbs he needs to get more on the field and he needs to start pushing tc's and stables which he has yet to do bacteria is adding up barracks i think this is not the play here those are 62 wheels but what i would like to see is from back there is like drop another four archery ranges right yeah get that production of arboles going really hard because he has the mayans bonus where arches are cheaper and yeah i mean the eco isn't really there for stem the cav numbers aren't there for islam if bacteria tries to switch to pikemen now what she's doing i think he would have been better off if he actually just stayed with full arbiters here i mean he has two on food right now i think because of the pace of the game he's probably not able to doing the tumble track he did earlier too i think he's missed clicking yeah like that's ugly viper do you still have your town bell uh assigned to a hotkey or have you removed it um i think i removed some time but i don't know if i activated it again i might i don't think i have it anymore at least if i have it i don't ring it anymore by accident so okay was a lot of people at the high level still have b as their bell hotkey and they still have b as their build hotkey this would include myself so occasionally if you if you try and click a bill after you had the tc selected you could accidentally ring it a misclick or two but yes slam's getting paladin now uh 19 cav one's very weak the others on full hp still no attack upgrades i think you should be prioritizing one and it is coming in so um i'm with you the eco just doesn't seem there what is pikeman going to do against paladin when you only have five to ten of them well one thing they will do is actually buy time and tanks and damage and that's not too bad a habadir on the way now as well wow okay i'm starting to not mind this habit switch and it's more because there nothing has been happening the last few minutes right he has had time to get the upgrades and get the numbers out and suddenly they can be an important factor the paladin will counter attack on the left side though and go for the gold mine where becky has roughly 10 11 villagers control oh instant reaction though very nicely done by back then i think slam should just use a few caps to block here it's what he's doing nice play that's well done from slam and he's just waiting anyways so this will draw back back a little bit islam's got to be worried about his forward golds mayans are just insane how on earth has he been able to get this much military on the fields they're cheap man i mean the thing here now is islam has to make a decision now the difficulty of islamists he has to decide when does he fight and it seems to be exactly now as paladin comes in obviously coming in there habbidir's on the left side there's i can't do that this argument i was about to say full what face man that was that was a lot but that was perfect from slam viper i'll take over a little bit perfect from slam the surround on the arms which is the biggest deal and now the halberdiers are trickling in one by one two by two he'll go down slam protects his eco could maybe get the relics again and i think now vipery has to use mobility if he can i i think raiding the left and the right side of backspace while he's trying to mass at home would be the play yeah massive fighter for slam also the halberdiers are back they only have plus one plus one so they even though in theory they are counting the paladin when upgrades are that low they really don't do much and yet slam now with a massive advantage both the military and economy dropping a castle on the face of bhakti that's the last remaining gold backed he has as well trying to counter tower pretty cute but there's another 25 paladin conan so good luck with that yeah it's looking very nice for first time here yeah and i think slam should if he sees this i think since his eco is so fine behind this just take the fight yeah take the fight clear out the house clear out the arms the castle will most likely go up and i think fact has to consider calling the gg after this indeed i don't really see what path can do in the mortus islam has double the population as well i think at this point i mean slam always had felt i think it was comfortable for the most part but when bacteria got imp if bhakti did obsidian arrows slightly earlier and started really putting pressure on the base with taking out stables taking a town centers etc instead of focusing on trebuchets i think this could have been a very very different game yeah i don't know what a zico is like and it does pain me to agree with you so much on this point but you're spot on man like the eco lead for slam when backed was an imp was about 20 maybe 30 villagers but i don't think it was that high and he had 40 arps while slam only had cavaliers so if he was able to even push the town centers without even the hitting the production buildings of the stables and they were on the front too and suddenly slam would have 20 to 30 idols he'd probably take some losses and slam would never get to paladin so obsidian arrows over or just just faster and maybe over the trebuchet could have done it for backed um i am very happy with how this game played out though because it was overall quite close and i think that's one tc play was not the worst idea overall i agree i think considering back to didn't really lose units in the early game archer numbers in particular going for the fast imp arbless play was pretty nice but yeah i mean when you have that arbor's number the main the main snowball you can have there is obsidian arrows so the fact that he did neglect that for so long and rather went for like chemistry armor upgrade etc i think the prioritization was a little bit off there for bacteria i i would but i was just going to say i think the reason he had to do that type of pressure anyways was because of the awkward decision to get armor and move out right before castle age so i i would have loved to see how this played out if back to did upset in arrows as soon as he got him like i want to see how different the game would have been with that really yeah yeah i've had that idea for a while now and it's so much of a headache to make it happen but to save and restore games as various points and then you can replay it out so let's say we save and restore as they're imping and then we get the result and then they try for round two and they you could maybe learn from what did or did not work and make some changes uh i've always wanted to do that but it would be a pain in the ass for players it kind of takes two to two to tenudo right you need the players if you're playing yourself as one of the player the other player also has to agree to that i mean exactly i guess in like within teams it might make sense to train like that and to figure out which what is the right approach right in certain scenarios so it sort of makes sense but yeah it would be a pain but to recreate that all the time okay well um game two is coming up shortly i'm just looking at bach's home maps he has winged eruption and frigid lake i think they at least have the lobby anyways uh any guesses as to what direction backed goes um i mean he has a very interesting pick there in incas in his draft and i'm thinking that could be for wind because we start very close and we saw daniel use incas against chris on that map and he just went super greedy fast castle with upgrades on bills and well chris was going like four stable scouts and once you got to castle that fast eagles are very cheap to produce you have armor on the real villagers so you can actually survive a little bit longer and even though dan lost like 10 wheels in the process he still was able to get eagles out and yeah monsieur plus two armor as well even villagers do really well against fuel age army so it worked out for him and i'm really curious if that's the thoughts for bhakti as well here because i mean incas was his part of his fourth round of choices yeah it was also fairly highly prioritized yeah that's interesting too because the whole maps were already predetermined i guess slam's not the type of person to to pick incas and play them but the fact that incas was left so long in the draft was fascinating to me um but yeah i'm looking at the draft i think that in red bull two we saw a lot of britons on this upcoming map right like three ranges high production when players are pretty close that is uh awkward in some situations against incas well the map is different now compared to them though exactly and uh we actually i played britain's against uh nikkov in the quarterfinals in the last tournament where he was incas i was britain's and i just died to the mobility of eagles pretty much so um i think eagle eagle play in general is pretty good on on those types of maps and we have the game up and it is as we've talked about back to playing as incas and slam playing somalians okay um i'll find it eventually i believe in d e and i assume there's a spec delay right yeah two and a half minutes still okay cool eagles are better at uh games which is already finished in the list uh chat many things for eight months before game i suppose and already in no time yes there are two minutes so it's so good what do you think about malians then do you think we'll see there's water in the middle on this now right well towards the top there's some water yeah yeah i assume that's the thought process here for slam that the because you start so close as well a stable bit cheaper ranges will be cheaper and then you can also drop a dock which will be cheaper so i assume that's i think slam will prioritize everything in this game and that's why he's picking maligns okay and then for bat i mean for the series as a whole i think he needs to win here because picking incas on a map where you can fight with villagers and build towers it's suits backed it it's kind of a counter to how slam likes to play because he hates that style and then you also don't want to go down two games and a best of seven that's this close so back needs to win this i'd say yeah i would momentum will be huge if back they lose this first home up uh no chat it's just too crowded on the screen too crowded and slammed in time where where it's evening or night for me he's one of the few top 10 top 15 players uh i'm able to watch and for years man as you hear him getting towered by back tim getting power by accm him getting huang rush like he has he's felt so much pain from the vietnamese players over the years oh jeez he's coping well though all things considered yeah yeah and mud shark thank you so much for 10 euro donation by the way from svadiya would love the grand slam thank you sort of kinda letting me manual charger thank you for the 462 euros do life in norway or in germany i liked norway so would you prefer viper i know you play more standard and i like germany root but do you think incas is stronger or do you think it's pretty even i i am i've only seen anchors played once on this map so i still have to see kind of more if there's a specific approach where this will be very good like do you just do armor upgrade and send 10 wheels forward to start tower rushing and fighting with wills is that the approach because that could be scary you also start with like the wood is so scarce in this map that you start with like 14 12 wood cutters like random spread and sometimes you start with two or three lumber comes forward and then all the villages are pretty much ready to charge right so i think that could be an interesting approach i'm curious to see if bacteria does that you're you're in the game right yup yup i'm in uh it should be launching for you at the same time we just started now and we have a pulse um well it's back to game it's it's yeah it's backed expected hopefully there's not an issue with hotkeys or something yeah so just like if we look at the map quickly if you look at slam he has berries and woodland two woodlands forward imagine bhakti pulling 10 mils going straight there oh wait wait i'm seeing the wrong uh back test one with two with forward bears in woodland sorry my bad you did you make any changes to your mic over the last 10 seconds uh i did not what's wrong hey well am i fuzzy on your end you sound completely fine to me are staticky okay um let's just let's just wait like 30 seconds worst case you can just uh rejoin and then double worst case we can just do a discord call i guess yeah best case my overlay actually works just sorry about that am i sounding like robotic or what is it yeah a little little robotic a little bit of robo we we don't need more than one robo in the age of community um why don't i i'll just tab out real quick and we can do a call and see if that helps okay wait wait wait are you still here i'm still here i think it's better now oh okay cool kind of i i don't know anyways we'll play it by ear here comes the spearman the eagle and the archer coming forward to hit slam yeah so i just want to like if you imagine the fact it goes for strat i talked about there's a woodland and gold forward of slam imagine 10 wheels with armor upgrade coming here making a tower forcing action sure i think that could be really scary actually all right i'm going to tab out and call you i'm sorry escort being weird i think as well because one second i'm talking to you guys only now there won't be enough army out to defend right this will hit before even like it will hit at the same time as the stable is up pretty much so it could be a lot of potential in that type of plane let me just join here i'm calling viper currently hello hello hello hello is it any better testing testing um maybe just back away from your mic a little bit i don't know man it's it's just came out of the blue my like my stream is saying everything is fine for them yeah i know that's what's weird it's not consistent right yeah but i think well it's it's okay um slam takes a very good fight there that was huge yeah picking up the spearman picking up the archer and now chasing down the eagles uh it is yeah another eagle picked off really nice for slam so far he has to fall back a little bit now waiting for another scout once another scout is in he can probably engage again see if he chooses to do that he does engaging on the spearman picking off not a spirit he's going to pick up another two eagles and then he can jump again on the archers without fetching by the way the archers without touching barely touched i think you do one damage per shot on the scout no two damage so without fletching the scouts are even more valuable as slam is also sending to villager to dock which bhakti already has done so similar approaches is doing that are you surprised to see the inca player is is docking i wouldn't say i'm surprised but maybe about the timing that it's so soon maybe that's a little bit surprising but yeah audio is good by by the way it seems to be coming and going so i don't i don't know the reasoning for it but we'll move on uh backed research armor really early and there was no real payoff and i like how slam is not hesitating now to counter attack because back is trying to he's essentially producing out of three military buildings now islam is only doing two yeah and uh well they're they're both going forward this is gonna be nuts the good thing here for back to though is that he's incas right and the map is very open it's easy to raid and always have holes in the opening but bacteria will have armor upgrades on his villagers right and that's gonna help a lot as he's dealing with these uh scout raids and then he's just gonna have to count on the counter there weird from slammy is two villagers chopping wood like way further away from his number camp and back team might pick those off for free here oh the archers have fletching and the defense from pact was very impressive he didn't lose a single villager and i think slam scout liker could have been better though he has a chance to redeem himself and he's taking that chance one villager down at the same time he's actually on the other side backed it didn't slam didn't lose a single villager got out of there and they traded one villager for two scouts on the other side so both players taking some some decent trades here i would say not really swinging heavily in favor of either player you know slam had a better opening i think what's good about slam's situation is that he has a bit more mobility and what i like about bax situation is that he's going to have more military like the scouts that slam does have are quite weak at this point so they don't contribute too much islam loses another ville should be at least one more if not two more slams gather point from his town center is on the woodland to top left so he has had like three villages running to the woodland there for some reason it has to be a misclick unless he actually wants to set up a woodland there which seems strange yeah maybe he wanted to maybe he wanted a villager to build something out there so he had sent a bill out and then he forgot to change his gather point but for him yeah he lost all the scouts in the front as well to the eagle and the spears so back to sudden looking in a very good position here i think bact should consider since we're not seeing the tower approach and he's going eagles i think he should consider going for a market maybe selling a stone which is risky and buying some food to go up very fast because if he gets to eagles there's not much slam can do uh with only a few late units but i'm getting a little bit ahead of myself here yeah and while they're engaging here in the middle we also see in the water back he has three fission ship and two fire galleries out while slam opened with just a single galley which is a bit strange and then followed up with a fire galley so he probably did not expect slammed uh bacteria to be in water honestly yeah that would be the only reason he would open with a galley in my opinion yeah that or a hotkey issue or miss click he doesn't play a lot of water maps but uh he plays enough to know where gali and fireball hotkey is well you say that but i remember he made a he made two transport ships by accident in hidden cup three qualifiers but he's been out for a year now so i think he's good there and lots of scouts for slam and he's using the thermistors to focus down the spearman and the archers every time so this is going to be a good wave good counselor for him in just a moment very good fight for slamming he does have all the armor upgrade like the armor and the attacker now but the issue with this is if you look at back these resources that's looking like a very soon castle each time and slam just added another stable which means it's going to commit even more hard on the scouts and there might be some potential here for him to do damage but bhakti making a tower on the front he's probably going to buy another 100 stone to make another tower and worst case scenario he buys even 100 more stones he has so much gold and then he can make two or three more towers and he should be in a safe position hitting uh hitting castles very shortly well there there you go viper you called it he's buying another tower but what i don't like is how he decided to go up to castle and he he had his reinforcements sent forward he really shouldn't have reinforced at all he should have let that one army die instead of tossing away equal numbers he will still be okay here as he fights with villagers but villagers are idols yeah crazy how much value they get here even against bloodline scouts with full upgrades actually insane lost three or was it just two you guys lost two villages there geez i went from thinking oh this is horrible but look at all look at how low hp these bills are he's still okay dude in the regular normal against normal villagers there you expect those scouts to get five six villager kills and here i think he lost two wheels it's actually insane and bacte also has the fish he's on the way to castle now he has towers to be safe it means slams has to transition as well slam behind is dropping two barracks so he's gonna have a triple barracks um here yeah but this is like he's in feudal age still many arms are a good counter to eagles but mobility my arms are gonna be running around chasing it feels very awkward it's definitely awkward but at the same time if he waits to go castle i think he's dead well hey i don't know i mean maybe you could wall this way but uh yeah he's he's on his way to castle agent okay you're right maybe waited we'll go for long swordsman we'll see if he actually does die over the next two minutes because the eagles will get plus three attack just by arriving in castlage and then the eagle warrior upgrade will come in as well indeed and not only that his villagers will be even more tanky as well so scouts definitely not going to do more for slam here it's going to be all about long swords now to try and defend and this is the issue with this map right it's so open we have five eagles from back to already entering islam's uh base islam is now going to try to find a magical way to secure his base here i don't know he's giving up on that area so he's just gonna try and run away and secure us he doesn't feel safe look at his map where where is he safe at the moment nowhere is safe no we're safe the gold the gold's not even safe it's all about where back wants the pressure as eagle warrior is in now uh the other thing that slam will struggle with as he abandons the right side of his base is food eco he does have men at arms but he needs those farms to get long sword and to get knights as well yeah even though my arms do counter eagles this is the issue right back to take some pokes runs away pokes again he's gonna the man arms just keep chasing because there's lower three eagles in on the woodland now on the front of slam slam did win water somewhat but he didn't kill the fish and ship so bacte actually saved those and is now making a second dock and reclaiming watermelon very nicely done by bhakti so far yeah it backed will get a small lead in one area and then he'll pressure the next and in this case it was getting a lead on land and also refocusing on water it's exactly what you'd want to do slam has so many idle villagers and finally hits castle age and back they actually pulled the fire ships together with the demo and now it's going to kill the demo they're both fighters one demo oh beautiful yeah i don't think it was on purpose because his demo stopped but it looked very nice even the slinger he can just add slingers this man arms are useless one slinger to counter the man at arms uh slinger's not being microed so that hurts but the only thing i don't like from back as i almost called you dave um the only thing i don't like is how bad his eco looks at home so he's got a lot of gold miners that need to be repositioned he doesn't have that much farming eco but if he he's killing a lot right now but if he doesn't pay a bit more attention to his eco at home and slam ends up with 15 to 20 long swordsman and can force a fight then it could be awkward for back yeah he does have the fish as well though so the food eco isn't as bad as it looks it's enough to produce eagles and consistent villager production he does have a second tc as you can see and now he just sent roughly nine villagers to take stone as well as did slam so we might see some castle drops happening within a couple of minutes yeah if slam had the stone for a castle now making like gibeto and longsword would be really really sick but he's pretty far away from that as backed as being as annoying as possible with these eagles but it's 12th military verse 10. so slam is held on at least yeah actually i think slam has come out of this way better than i anticipated a village account isn't too far apart now he's still it's he's still in this awkward position where he's playing chasing game with long swords and that's not very fun and bacte is getting more and more slingers out as soon as bacteria gets bodkin arrow these slingers will do even more damage and have more range so the issue for slam right now would be that he also needs a secondary unit to be able to deal with these slingers yeah i was just thinking about that he's adding knights now i like that if he has knights knights are very good against slingers and there's only two eagles four slingers on the front so yes slam does have to run away and this is frustrating if he brings in the knights they have decent upgrades and could make he could maybe just patrol in and take this fight and we have a pause yes i think an option to consider will be something like metal arms manganese that would be a fairly good composition maybe even some scorpions because the slingers are super fragile they have 40 hp yeah and against anything else then infantry really they are quite a terrible unit so if slam manages to mix in yeah he could make some more knights the knights also trade okay against eagles and right now we can see he's two knights chasing away four slingers and getting a real good trade yeah it really is there will be some monks for back at some point the monastery creating one now i like the knights because the mobility it offers but truthfully uh if monks are out then it kind of counters the night edition it is really awkward spot to be in if you're slam and actually he goes in for the fight it's only going to get worse if he doesn't this is good yeah this is going to be a great fight for him one thing that bhakti is doing really nicely though is if you look at the one of the main things about this map compared to the lab previous wings map is the gold position there's a massive amount of gold in the center of the in the angel or whatever in the middle of the wings in there but slam with 550 stone in the bank is about to drop a castle and pretty much render that town center useless well he doesn't know the town center's there yet okay now he finds it the hard way but yeah those towers go up he just needs to pull the villagers back a bit further he'll drop the castle it'll still take care of the towers maybe not the tc and there it is that's a perfect castle spot for slam you need and it also has enough military to defend it great positioning of the night well i'm not sure why this engaged he wanted to get the monster on top it's still going to work out well for him and i think slam is going to be encouraged by this because he doesn't have water bacteria has a massive like massive score boost from having the water and sam knows that so considering that the score is so close and slam doesn't have water he's probably still feeling pretty good about his position but back to forcing up the tower he might slow down the castle with the castle should in the end go up i'm really impressed with slam's play here it felt like he was going to be behind because the lack of mobility a lot of different reasons he's even sending more villagers expecting that tower to do something but as you said viper not enough uh back for the first time in five to ten minutes though gets a counter attack in on slams eco the slam sends the long swords over uh but the stone miners are in trouble yeah islam may have overcome it like the castle was going to go up at uh regardless there so maybe should have kept some more units in defense because um yeah this was his only weakness at this point was being the counter attack and he had every single military forward it's not enough it's not getting a lot done though he lost a few bills uh on the stone mind there's three eagles in his base but yeah all in all slam is looking still very good and i have to say as well i'm really impressed with slams decision making throughout this set there's been well not to set this series this match uh game yeah this very game on this map so i'm trying to say it's been very impressive and uh that's something that is very encouraging to see from slam because that has been one of his issues as you talked about earlier viper we we talked about back uh keeping his eco alive with the inca bonus look at the hp on slam's villagers he has so many villagers that have been tickled by eagles and he's been able to keep them alive whether that's on farms or the stone miners as he has to react again or the the forward lumberjacks he's really done a good job there and a moment ago uh he snipes two monks with long swords it's actually back to he's struggling to keep up with the pace of the game and he was the one who was dictating the pace the entirety of castleage so far slam running away with seven wheels for my one hp eagle warrior on this down there looked quite silly but yeah i think slam is looking looking like he wants to jump on a town center back as well back it doesn't even have touching oh no he does have fledging doesn't have bot can arrow oh another castle i honestly don't like that castle because i feel like this area for back here is gonna go down either way so this castle could have been even forward on top of the next like four towards back to his actual base he didn't doesn't need a second castle to this area because i feel like he's already gonna take care of this era without another castle well um i think that if you were in back shoes you probably would have scouted the back of your base planning ahead for more gold but that's something bact has not done he does not see the back of his base and that's the only other area he's going to be able to get gold so if he's out of the middle with incus what on earth can you do pikeman won't work skirmishers aren't gonna work act could just be dead here if he doesn't have uh some scouting in the back of his base and if he doesn't get military soon it's very strange as well right because bacteria is 30 villages ahead it doesn't feel like it when you look at i know situation right so for back to he actually luckily found the gold in the bottom corner now not sure if he's gonna he's probably gonna drop a tc there on a mining camp slam now putting a tc in the middle take control of that and yeah bacteria doesn't really have military to actually deal with slammer islam has almost three times well he has doubled the military and the army has as well is military that can actually go under town centers can actually take out town centers i'm not sure if he has arson on these long swords he's doing it now so these long sets are just better and better arson to take out the tc yeah i was surprised when you mentioned it i wasn't really looking uh despite having it up on the overlay here good snipes from slam on the stone miners but 90 some phil's i mean he doesn't have a lot on food he is more on food than slam does currently and i'm just not sure what he's going to do with it that's going for crosstalk why oh viper in the south oh boy he's leading them to the next town center and that's just going to go down again okay islam is not committing enough long stars but he will send more long stories eventually yeah i really don't understand the crossbow switch here prospers don't do too well either against five pierce armor long swords so it's a very very strange decision here from from back there yeah he's made some decisions under pressure i mean i personally don't hate the crossbow move if you get enough of them but it gets worse and worse long-term against malians so he's made some weird decisions here there and he hasn't been able to make the most of his good situations and slam's just all over the place he sees his goals in the back even though he doesn't necessarily need it he's paying attention to the gold in the south he has the gold in the middle he's playing out of his mind right now slam yeah he's still roughly 20 villagers behind but i mean once slam decides to deal with the bottom town centers town center that equal lead of bhakti is gone yep it's just about slam deciding when he wants to commit enough long swords to actually take that out there is bob canero don't know for the town centers her town centers will deal more damage and there is also ballistics coming for bhakti very soon so his rangers will be starting to deal better and better as there's an engagement in the left woodland back to here the long sword is getting on top of the crossbows and that's when the crossbows suddenly look even worse and oh my god bactus coming to the middle to drop a castle but slam was sending more long swords there just passing slam noticed slam is also on the stone or back in the middle of maps there's action happening everywhere on the map right now and slam could easily buy enough for another oh he's gonna go for the slam gates is he oh i did it wasn't on his point of view i i don't think it was necessary as back villagers say we can't build the castle let's just chop a tree what the where does he go you got to bring the wood home when they run it but yeah slam could easily just buy enough stone for another cast to make a counter against himself if he wanted to also some metal arms down on long swords down on the bottom teeth now again he got some kills on the top side slam is just all over back to right now and he's looking very very good for gamer leeching stuff yeah man he's your uh is is he gonna benched out now or has he already benched out i had like you know doubt is the one who makes the decision there oh when to bench and when tonight is opted out yeah yeah okay all right fair yeah i see long swordsmen underneath tcs denying tc taking out tc's denying castles and now it's 85 eco for slam 77 for backed and still backed has that problem of not having a real answer to what slam is making uh more villes will go down in the south viper and slam could either shift click a bunch of knights and long swordsman to continue the pressure or just go in yeah back to did find a goal now on the top on the left side of his map so that's going to be very helpful for him he also has enough slingers now to the point where there is not going to be a threat for long story to raid this economy anymore but the islam like you said he's banking up he's just mixing 100 gold to go to the imperial age and after that i would expect a cavalier switch of some sorts once he sees the amount of slingers that are in play and yeah back to now going for a forecast in slams space instead since the middle seems quite impossible to get to us there's three castles now from mrs land i i mean i i don't know if this is gonna change his position all that much because he has fallen really far behind but i do like the forward castle idea because it's either that or defensive castle and when you're behind defensive castle just it doesn't get you ahead right yeah um that said slam now has an open avenue to run through so it is going to be awkward for backed yeah bacteria doesn't have like he sent all his military forward as well to allow for his castle to go up and the issue is that slam is two minutes away from imperial age that castle is going to be gone in a couple of minutes anyway and he's again losing a lot of economy villages are running left and right the idle time is off the charts there's been three hours of idle time for back to three and a half hours so more than twice of uh slam yeah slam one hour 50 um and slam had a lot to do as well not saying that back didn't uh slam good example of how quick he's been the stone miners next to his docks as he's taking the water now they were stonewalled in when the eagles showed up there a moment ago and this is while he was doing everything else very impressive you need some eagles on the right side now going to raid slam but slam has a townston in there as well yeah it's just everything is looking from what looked like a was from what looked like it would be a really rough game for slam slam dealt with everything perfectly and yeah the long story switch came at the right time it was a good decision to wait until castle as well and kind of just kept his cool didn't take too much damage from the raids and from that point controlled the game very convincingly and as backed now his turn for gates and quick walls yeah this is the slam that people have seen for years this is the slam that at one point people thought was top five many people might think still has top 10 potential um he he just hasn't brought it consistently and he's brought it consistently so far in this best of seven this is really strong uh two-handed swordsmen on the way with armor so that threat will only get stronger and three castles to make trebs from in the middle so bax castle it's currently shooting at town center it won't do much more after that yeah stanley's reactor there are eight slingers in the back of his equator so he could lose 15 20 bills if it doesn't react he has pulled them away though so i'd like to see two or three nights mixed in uh to defend his base he already has garrison two nights so that's or one night that's good he will be able to deal with that while he's just continuing to pile under pressure with long swords yeah but at the same time back to his on the way to imp village account yeah seven apart and bacteria does have counter units as slam is sending a trebuchet to siege up in front of slam back this army and tower i mean if islam is very stubborn now on the infantry plane this might backfire back to fire sorry i'm not nearly i'm not nearly i swear i will stop i should slam you for saying that that was awful viper you're right 24 slingers and back finally got to that critical mass where you can patrol around and clean up the two-handed swordsman you do see cav armor coming in for slam now but he has 11 on food i can't believe that's that's actually real and fact has 16 so i guess the food eco isn't good all around well slam does have 53 on gold so he should be able to buy some food if he needs do you want to buy it though that's the question because if you buy it and then that doesn't have gold the prices are better if you sell food and wood yeah i'm actually very confused here so slam he wasted the first trebuchet and he has not yet invested oh is he gonna finish that oh he didn't he got a thousand at night on top part of the map as well like he didn't invest any trebuchets to actually take out the castle which would have reclaimed around 20 farmers for slam so suddenly this is also looking like it's falling a little bit apart this is this is one where i know a lot of viewers are very reactionary right and they'll be like throw throw throw while i while i understand that slam had the lead and we've been talking about that this is also an incredible job from backed i don't know where this came from how has he been able to reboom into the back of his base and uh raid is with slingers of all things like he's camping a woodline and a gold with slingers you guys have no remotely good position there as well if he goes even further up that's 10 villagers 11 million will also be like he's denying everything with those slingers and he can go up and snipe even more will suddenly back this looking like he might even take a village lead very shortly this is not as clear-cut as we might have thought and slam forced to build a tower there that's just how bad it is currently now i think bax needs to have the foresight to realize that slam has to make a switch out of two-handed swordsman it's 45 slingers and that is maybe one too many uh could mix an arbalest with the slingers and then arboles would do better against kav good mix and halberdier could even go eagle but bullslinger is going to be rough if slam gets the council units out villager lead okay very close the okay so the interesting very interesting dynamic of the game right now is that islam has full control of gold he's starting to boom in the bottom side now back there whoever has full control of the stone around the lake and he's also gonna take this gold on the top he did to take a gold on the slam side of the base for the sam slam side as well yep so this game is certainly extremely close back to doing armor upgrade pikeman coming in dude this is this is a stick this is possible yeah yeah this is this is a sick game look at back scouting for a second that is amazing scouting he has seen most of the map slam's done the same but act has had to make use of it whereas slam has really just had to pile everything into that one area in the middle uh slinger's behind the wood line slingers uh even a trebor in the middle that i didn't expect to happen so much going on currently yeah uh becky doesn't have villagers in time though to repair the castle the castle will go down which means slam could reclaim that oh batman's drop a castle on the right side where islam has 30 villagers that are gonna be rendered useless that is such a backed castle man walk across the map to drop it but it's beautiful castle if he gets it slam's been sending so much time to get his farm eco right and about half of it is right in this position yeah if you're a slammer do you buy another castle that's the question and try to counter that oh oh he's running he'd wait power oh he bought stone for um oh you could fight with bill's though and he could pull cavalier to come and help that out fax needs a gate there gates cavalier quick walls i'm paying attention to the trebs too viper there's so much to look at right now slinger's eating the cast in the middle as well slam is trying to destroy the castle with a cavalier oh you can go back he has armor on his wheels this tower doesn't do anything wow that castle is just sick he was down two thousand score at one point it will go up right it does wow sick there is not enough army though back there so if slam does the right move now he runs all the way oh way there's some slingers on the bottom so he couldn't actually run man what is going on slam has 105 pop that has 154 uh 39 or 40 of that is slinger which should be counted by cavalier it's just that slam does not have the numbers in most cases to deal with it as he finally clears out the trips and takes out some slingers in the middle sam is running his bills but he's running past slingers with full upgrades he's gonna lose so many wheels here as well like if you look at the equal balance bacti's economy is way more balanced than ah slam is gonna be knocking himself loose in this game i think he just was way too stubborn on the infantry play he did the damage with infantry but he had to make a switch earlier well it it also brings me back to that castle from back that he dropped in that main tc slam was not thinking about his food eco either yeah so he committed to two-handed swordsman which probably wasn't the play and then found himself in a spot where he had 10 farms for a while uh and this is what i've been waiting for from back some type of a a big snowball to take the middle because slam has been hurt elsewhere but slam's still repairing the castle still has the gold to buy stone and actually using his trips defensively and he might get lucky and hold on here with the treb rng yeah i mean the one advantage slam has is that he has unlimited gold for the time being so that's the one thing he has going for him question is just what position does he go for i think honor honestly would have been yeah great raid on top now on the chair from islam would have done a lot here for him because if he can get into a composition of say champion onager long term when bhakti is out of gold he will have no counter to that whatsoever i agree with you but i don't think he if you research oniger that's 800 food you don't have for cavalier and he's already been lacking the cavalier numbers so maybe if he maybe he needs onager in the near future if he's able to afford it yeah it will be a long-term switch uh back to now coming in eating the castle as well just to get those trebuchets islam has defended well for the time being uh population is still starting to look really brutal though almost double the population more farmers than eagles in this game like this is sick man and back to spreading them out from them look at the bottom he wants to do it again what's wrong i don't know there was a villager on top of it okay and look at back to his stone as well he still has 1300 stone in the bank even after dropping like seven castles left and right wow damn so inca's had stone malians had golds both sieves do have bonuses for those resources as slam raids the back but slam needs to kill so much he's 25 villagers behind and he's going to lose more villes and more farm space and a castle one of many maybe that he'll lose in the middle i have reached a point where i don't see how slam ever wins this game anymore it's just it's just out of control at this point hey you can't deal with that big mass in the middle as long as backed uh doesn't take a page out of sam's book and throw away an advantage well bacteria has zero gold income right now so that's the one thing right but slam has been buying a lot of stone so i imagine the price is pretty solid for sell we're selling and bacteria has almost 2 000 stone in the bank and still thousands of stone to mine so i love how bact has been able to pressure with castle drops and repositions this game it has been amazing all around this game has been extremely competitive and fun to watch but also it's such an ai army comp 19 slingers 10 halves five cameos three monks two trips and then one crossbow one fire i mean it's everything you could think of from incas i love how bhakti stole farms from slam on the right side just more insult to injury right yeah oh my god yeah he made a mill there and everything beautiful bomber cans are out though though so like like the the main like the thing i'm thinking is that if if if slam was able to get a composition where he had some defensive units like champions and then these ranged siege units wouldn't have had counters to that but yeah i think yeah slam is just gonna knock himself because he didn't he thought his lead was bigger than it was very likely so he thought he could just finish it off by sticking with infantry but yeah those slingers were just so effective dealing with the raids and everything and slam switch just came too late that actually the ford castle on the farms of slam was actually the game-winning move which is pretty i think so one of many steps that back needed to take to give himself a chance isn't it and ironic if back to dropped the castle in the middle on the gold island would have won this game yeah giving slam the gold ended up giving back the advantage he needed uh hand cannons very very gold costly so i guess he could make more of those also very good against a slingers and helbadiers but slam is still sitting at 77 pop he's maybe sitting here in disbelief that he had all this gold and he's somehow fallen behind and this could also get into his mentality long term in the series hopefully it doesn't but it has in the past for many players if you throw a game that you feel like you should have won or even the long scrappy wants to just get to your energy levels yeah in some ways he should take a lot of like so he did amazing in terms of decision making and so in the early phase of the game early in mid game and then towards the later stages when suddenly he did the wrong decision again so in one way he did incredibly well with the early phase but then it was just the final when you go in for the kill right put the ball in the net he didn't do that he missed a open goal yeah and well again i i think yes you could have gone for cavalier switch but i still am very impressed with how back played this you know this is not for sure a full-on throw in my opinion because 30 bills when he had no military and he had to three position and so many different ways so um i would prefer to be backed going into game three this is assuming that baxter doesn't win this it looks like or does win this it looks like he will um i'd prefer to have that the victory on his home map in this way dude uh getting into slam's head possibly he's dropping castles on top of trebuchets and bomber cannons at this point yeah if you that's a point where you can tell that you're feeling confident bacteria with zero golden compass doing elite eagle warriors that's interesting finally what a freaking game viper i haven't been able to cast too much of the qualifiers but that's one of the best games i've seen so far because it had everything you had various bonuses you had so many different units you had mobility at times and you also had snowballing at times it was exactly what you'd want and so i know caszini the map scripter's probably really happy without that played out red bull if they're watching is really happy with how that played out the only person who's probably not happy would be slam he's probably upset everyone else is impressed i'm upset as well because he's my teammate right so i have to be oh that's true okay respect i guess there's plenty of slam fans out there too yeah who are upset for him but the score is one one we have plenty of games upcoming um and slam just lost on a map that was not his preferred map so i'm sure whatever game plan he has upcoming will be slightly stronger for him in theory yeah it was obviously back this whole map he threw in a curveball there with the inca pick as well and um yeah it's a weird one right we can sit down and analyze this to bits and pieces but yeah i think both players played well in the end and it was just that slight off decision making by slam and spot on decision making by bhakti towards the later stages that secured a win from so very well done to back team definitely the case of i think i'm going to win this game so let's let's just continue to make two-handed swordsmen um and i i thought he was going to win the game anyway so i mean i thought he'd go champion and then cavalier switch and be fine that's sick so as a caster you you wait a lot and there's delays but was that not fun to watch it was very fun to watch indeed but now we're they're both both are probably gonna be like i need a break slam little break because he's uh been shocked that he lost that back t needs to smoke so we're we're stuck here all right well oh they have started okay let me see how much time i have oh they're in the game dude i couldn't find the game forever and then suddenly i find the game and it's like they're already in the game yeah um bad time to take a break i suppose so let's just hop in and we'll speed up and do what we can i think they might be without delay as well now because it's speeding up it's going a long way in okay it's the rare moment where we can do a fast cast viper introduce the players go slam back to you all right thank you viper for that very uh wise introduction magyars and slabs this is this is probably not unexpected and it's a very fun sip matchup yeah manga is very good on this map obviously i mean actually the big thing to point out is the distance is massive usually they spawn a little bit closer so it's actually really really far but yeah both players most likely going to play scouts here stable units maybe spearman as well would be interesting to see if anyone chooses chooses to transition out of this or switch them into archers at the moment looks like not as slam is adding a second stable even i like it do you think that slam meant to pick magyar uh why not okay all right i it's i'm now aware that you don't know what that is no worries viper uh second stable is a good idea you think bring your low evil legends memes in here man man that's not lovely the legends i don't know what it is all right fine sorry this isn't i didn't know it'd be such a big deal i forgive you um what step do you prefer if you had to pick one i know it it depends yada yada yada right and it's really close but do you like slabs okay well eco like as long as you don't die in the first three minutes your eco should kick in and be better okay bloodline's coming in for slam though so it's gonna have a little bit of a power spike here as he has a lot of scouts on the right side here as well with bloodlands he might even choose to engage those uh spearmen back to doing forging now catching up in that regard so bloodlands is going to be quite a way away from while away from him and he also is still in one stable so scout numbers can be getting really scary from slam soon so i'm not sure what's causing the issue but it just started again my guess is it might be you getting a little too close to the mic that's causing the the static especially if you stepped away so um you could try that out is it better that's perfect yeah stay like that yeah yeah no stay like that that's perfect okay anyways moving on he's also the viper he's also docked oh okay yeah he's also docked how far away were you it sounded like you were in the other room far and talking to the wall okay well there was no there was no clipping then so it's hard to cast like okay fair enough lots of scouts out for slam uh he has docked against a sieve which has a farm bonus which might give him a little bit of an extra lead there uh because slavs as you said their eco tends to tends to win out in these situations and it's 14 military versus 13 there's a lot of defensive units though or backed he's got eight spearmen but there is bloodlands in for slams this is the time where slam probably wants to take the fight he still has the numbers he could jump on the spearman and then engage the scouts i'm not sure why he's not doing it two more scouts come in as well as factory just finished his second stable so this is looking really really scary for back to here all right um backed has so many spearmen on the back of his base he's got one lumber camp for 25 villagers he's dropping a tower but a tower's never gonna i mean the only thing that tower does is you can put five villagers inside of it but where are the spearmen backed you're defending the berries yeah apparently and in the end he takes massive military losses slam will have more where that comes from and slam while he didn't kill as many villagers i think will be happy with that situation let me just just state guys if there is issues on my end i'm sorry about that apparently discord's not cooperating today viper but slam will probably uh move in in the south all right uh is it still bad testing testing i it's so weird because we we had it in the voice channel and then we we have it now as well but then it disappeared randomly so yeah i would say we just have to do our best and we won't stress too much on that like everything sounds perfect on my end yeah i don't get it and it's at random so it'll probably go away in two minutes so we'll just cast and everyone can say this is fine and things are perfect right okay cool so slam is adding a third stable here so he's just going to spike up that scout production even more and yeah the the one thing actually slammed added the dock himself so docks for both sides too so very close game it was backed he's getting on the wood line of slam here though not a big fan of that tower because it's like only on one side so you cannot escape like if it's more towards the center both sides can jump into the tower they're losing some villages there but doing a counter-attack at the same time crazy fights here viper uh slam has been able to it seems like he's been able to kill more and yet he is behind by three villagers though here he kills a few more he's fighting underneath the tower amongst a lot of spearmen still has to deal with uh the scouts at his base which he's doing but slam should not hesitate here there's still villagers he's got five scouts yeah but they're very low hp at this point i think honestly i think he overstayed his welcome a little bit under the tower on two occasions now because he could have had way more scouts alive he could have like the threat level this increases so much more the more scouts you have right it's like darth viper over here are you my father like what's that what the hell it's just i don't know what's happening it's honestly getting entertaining at this point uh but i'm looking at the doc situations they both have docs now and i remember hearing you say that you didn't feel as though upon first assessment the docking would be all that important long term so would you assume then there won't be much in the north and south ponds there might be a second dock added at some point but yeah it shouldn't be crucial anymore and who stops production to go to castle age next slam uh bhakti is doing armor upgrade for his experiment as well so he's definitely not gonna stop producing anytime soon this could also lead to a pikeman switching castle age that tower is sick from slam i love it back made a tower which doesn't protect his woodline at all he made it ever since the scout engagement earlier and so one single tower will idle over 15 villagers for him and there always could be more so i like the control that slam has uh bact has played with the exception of one counter attack very defensive yes now clicked up yeah he's been forced into that situation though by the aggression of slam right it's let me listen into so many scouts so many upgrades as well and yeah like factory just has had no time to breathe back there as well now doing bloodlines finally on on the armor upgrade which also will just slow down his castle time even more looks very very good for slam all right well slam he's he's posed a constant threat two-backed so bact is probably feeling as though he's behind and is terrified of some type of an all-in slam is properly used this time and this is where maguire's power spike can pay off you get the extra attack upgrade soon light cav is an upgrade he should definitely think about and then pikeman uh this plays out very similarly to land madness uh atacama i suppose is more about the middlewood line than lance madness because there's no real plump of wood but i do like this map a lot um we mentioned that the water will play a very small role in this and i'm curious now if that is going to be able to buy time because he still hasn't clicked up the castle age yeah still producing as well right and slam is most likely going to do a light calorie upgrade here and he also gets blood furnace no blood furnace there's not a blast furnace for free so the spike is even stronger question is what does he do about the middle now does he want to go for another tower doesn't make a silver shop does he even contest it at all anymore it's uh decision making from not this point forward is going to be very interesting back to the wheelbarrow as well now seeing that slammers hit castle i wonder if you will drop even more barracks's and start spiking up that pikeman production new tower for slam like slam needs to have scouts pressuring backspace and he hasn't been able to do that yet so i'm curious if slam can just apply the finishing blow here it's such a massive castle age difference you would expect that he'd be able to do more than what he's done so far acts did hit his gold also hit his woodline slam abandoning a lot of resources slam now attacking a gate i love the tower move and i love the upgrades coming in but still not finding any kills you know this is where it's forces to handle back to right those bills just cannot stay there anymore they have to leave this area and slam has knights out on the map now he has light cap around there is a chance he's just waiting now back this is taking a really good fight on the left side having the hill making the most out of his scouts she's actually trading quite well against light cav i mean he comes out of it with nothing against like seven units but still it looked nice because he had the hill yeah slam is just in firm control look at all those wheelchairs from back to running now yeah it's gotta feel horrible to have placed three lumber camps in the middle wood and have it denied by two towers who towers two palisades this is ridiculous this is what the power of the magur early initiative gives you right he because he had the map control in the army numbers he is the one who can yeah to the center and place those towers yeah i think this is a fight that slams should take before these become pikemen uh then again that's a lot of spears he takes it anyways full armor full attack he should win that fight and he is also hitting the farms this might be the gg moment if he's able to snowball this with more knights behind yeah like even if it's not an efficient fight in on paper like in a normal game you probably don't want to take that fight most of the times it's still like even if you come out of it with just three four units alive you still get so much value in the current cir current circumstances considering that practice even on the wooden middle very nicely done cool so let's um slam goes up 2-1 taking advantage of his home map um i will restart discord yeah yeah i'll do the same uh if the issues persist it's at the point now where i don't know if we could continue casting um but yeah let's just restart it and go from there hopefully it'll solve the problem all right see you in a bit yep all right apparently t9 is a pleb discord user so he's having some discord issues i will restart discord as well and hopefully it will all work out finally t9 is gone so tired of this guy uh dodge rito thanks for 11 months don't have time to watch but log on once a month to resub with the prime thank you dodgerito for priming it up appreciate everyone giving me those juicy prime subs very kind of you all uh dave wood blue thank you very much for the nine months best casta besta caster in the welt donkey sharon it's not true but thank you shun uh star lord ks with the three months leon 901 with the prime vaccillium with the prime termix with the prime as well prime it up boys thank you so much for all the premises we have a ton of prime steps it actually helps to say prime it up i understand now why is doing that someone argued this is the prime time to be streaming you're right chrome you are right about that uh the viper the viper his neighbor thank you for the sub all right chicken mcfly thanks for priming it up with the two months blast furnace and castles that sounds weird what is the upgrade it's forging what's the second upgrade iron casting ah roger that i'm casting makes sense uh regular things 150 bits nice to see prime subs nice casting by the way vip thank you mark r watney you think about eight months as well how's it going viper it's going very well thank you we're enjoying some good games here between mr slam and becty hopefully that continues this will be the last set i cast today guys i will not uh carry on casting mbl against barrels it will be too much for me so uh yeah this will be less at that cast and i'll probably pass you on to someone else who is casting uh forensic life coach thank you for three months hey viper hello there well viper yes i don't don't have to download a bunch of programs and fiddle with things on stream which is the nightmare i think this is where we part ways man i love fun i love games with you i love to deal with technical difficulties live on stream it's my favorite i've had i've had 25 different i've had people saying that i need a new mic and that you need a new mic and that discord needs to be reinstalled blah blah blah so i don't think anyone really knows well the weird part is that it's perfect for me right everything sounds perfect on my end you sound great i sound fantastic my viewers are enjoying games are good you know logically it would make sense that mayan's the issue but why all of a sudden um i don't know anyways all right um i i will i will be lonely and i will miss you but it was fun casting with you and i'll miss you as well i enjoyed it we'll talk soon yeah enjoy man see you later all right all right so that happened random two babies images there let's see if nelly wants to cast with us you guys if somebody would go to nilla's stream and i'm not sure if he has found the call caster but you can tell now that i'm free now since i'm having issues with t90 so if you guys go there and tell him we're free then that will be nice and you can maybe join nearly has a call caster okay cast alone please we can do a loan it's just it's just this set left side we can go alone hopefully you guys don't mind me all by myself whitney houston style uh poison golem think of the sub gregory i think of the ten dollars i assume wiper you're the best player in the game much love homie thanks to mines if you had to choose for 101 arabia 850 elo for one on arabia would probably go frank's on that elo because you have better eco and you have a power unit that like mayans is very technical to play against um against um frank's yes that's it thank you for the prime as well much appreciate that gregory so we have friedrich late am i live by the way i'm not live so we have a saracens pick against very khmer in this map because the farming is guys please stop riding like oh cats with this guy like you guys are going to suggest different diff different diff and finally adjust the mic 15 different casters t90 is finally gone and we don't have to pretend something is wrong thank you uh musashi appreciate the five it's all good uh yeah a lot of you will have different priority priorities so let's just cast alone and we'll take them there and show casper artists in the future slam a little sloppy here a lot of idle wheels now under the tc as four cows are just standing by slams six idols forever a little bit sloppy there so slam open with a stable and now adding an archer range and also adding a dock but back to with the one range opening with kamur already farming starting to finish up his walls i think slam might be over investing with the fuelage arm here double range even on the shoreline i mean he has a very exposed gold but at the same time practice is going to be fully walled and he is comer i think this is a very big investment here guys can we stop the cat yelling on who to cast with please the reason kumar obviously is good on this map is because you don't need a mill to drop off farms and since you cannot farm around the town center the efficiency of farming is very difficult to pull off because you need to drop multiple meals and food eco thereby suffers as you can see the resources actually islam is not doing between tibetan resources either it means to bring cows under the base stone and he has enough units here to oh we actually trapped the villager there oh he can jump inside jump inside back there okay nice by back to there very nice indeed there is enough army out here to defend against our pressure from [Music] from bacte so that's very nicely done as well castle is time should be better for bacteria eco pulling pulling off there and then we have slam who probably wants to drop a market asap he already has a market he already sold his stone as well still it just shows how solid camera are on this map right where everything is just so smooth because you have that farming bonus right you don't need to invest in those meals slam using the market a little bit here now clicking up as well is going to be 30 seconds slower but it will have more army and more back likes to take risk right with his army he senses these small few litch armies around the map and hopes to hit cast slash and then have a window to do some damage but it's so risky right islam had the vision and see these units coming this army is gone before it even gets castle aged it's a big risks by by back to but actually paying off here because slam wants to wall now he's still open this is only food income right this is the only food equator has for some reason is not using the two cows this is 300 food and this is five archers it does have enough units at home to potentially defend but um yeah second range back to as well here see how fast slam notices oh we sent the army is coming in now i don't think he saw it but he will notice right away now as there's a just passing moment slam did see it now it's gonna have a lot of idle villagers here but he has enough archers at home the scouts are coming as well so this should be cleaned up as well even before it gets crossbow upgrades so i think slam should be happy with this should probably jump on this army right away can you dock the middle lake yes you can you can see islam already has a dock but he hasn't invested into anything there yet this is the moment slam you want to jump on his army and fight just take off the spear and then the archers after very nice now run the arches don't lose any more arches kill the spear slam is wasting so many arches here unnecessarily he gets away with it though so it's it's all good in the end but he didn't have to lose three archers for that hitting castle as well is slam now so they're both playing crossbow here it's weird that kumar player is committing to a crossbow war against saracens i think this is going to leave them in a very comfortable position seven crossed was there for bhakti there's a partner as well and yeah i would love to see some demos here back to the doctor middle as well made a fire ship here which slam could kill with his units here some demo action would be really cool right if the crossbows are moving out and around on the on the middle you can get some sick demo hits is it a good idea to delete tc at the start to relocate it and build a dock in its place to fish boom and no villager coming forward with slam as well so he wants to drop a zero shot and start really applying with the pressure extra tc coming up from back t looks like slam wants to go really aggressive here he did sell his stone obviously so there's it's unlikely that he will be making [Music] economy at the moment not sure why it doesn't engage here those are the scouts to buffer is there them on the way all this them on the way let's go this could get exciting uh he's off the land oh no so he should be fine he has to be careful that he doesn't run reinforcements past fires good reaction there from slam see if you fix this gather point as well then gotta point to still forward here lost a ross pool there ballistics is almost in for slam i think once ballistics is in slam is gonna start being way more active with his crossbows in terms of engaging for now only building two thousands knows he has 500 wood in the bank here islam needs to drop the sea workshop he cannot lose his villager if he wants to apply the pressure this village needs to stay alive hmm not sure why he's not spending his resources here self team oh thanks for one month hope you're a fine neighbor i am self team i hope the same for you thank you so much for the whole year the jayla abigail i think for 11 months are you casting all alone are you all lonely when casting both demo ballistics is in though blisses is in oh nice microphone back to there this is a back t home map obviously so he's probably feeling pretty good about the situation university coming in from him as well it is only oh he just tanked the demo shot with the fire galley so good for back to here for slam also with ballistics so he could pick off a few units on the run here three scorpions now out still no seal workshop for slam slam sitting on 800 wood economy management for slam is a little bit off right now as he's dropping a lot of farms very strange how much wood he's banking he just keeps making houses with this villager there's a seal workshop at last the issue with the situation right now is that bakti is on multiple town centers so economy-wise he should be pulling ahead quite a bit in villagers very soon or does the ice have lily pads i don't know workshop will go up probably back uh mangano production will kick in immediately second dock from back to here this could be a lot about the micro scenario situation right now no both off or back bhakti slam for slam in fact it does have it but slam also without any armor upgrades third tc now for backed it's not a mining camp from slams islam yeah definitely not committing on the economy he's going there i say all in with the saracen market abuse he's gonna lose a lot of villages here now though one of those down two villages down three even the wood line is oh juicy magnus shells here uh crossbow scorpion shots as well here i think that's what one two three four five crossbows died to those scorpion hits it is commerce scorpions as well obviously so they do have one extra range and slam is just patrolling in once again looks like a really rough game for mr slam jam at the moment slam getting slammed indeed how's your hand with the brace it's completely fine yeah after this set is going to be mbl and barrels i will not cast that but that will be the next set after this why do you have a brace it's just uh precaution like precaution like when i don't use it my wrist gets tired sometimes and it's just way more comfortable for me with it i don't have the same precision as i do without which is why i don't use it while playing but i that's why i use it while casting a ton of idle time here for for slam at moment he has three times the idle time to compare slam's idle time to back this oh nice some sneaky archers on the gold on the left side as well slam doesn't have enough units left uh yet to release but he is trapping the army oh magnum shot very important here who decides to take the scorpion trade still no armor upgrade from slam here magna will help defend the pressure here but yeah it's becoming a really tough uphill battle here for islam 13 villagers behind as well trying to micro here the dodge ballistics is doing a good job about it both players are but still two units dead for slam none for backed active with the plus one armor slam still without any armor upgrades and also no ball saw still this is looking it's looking like it's over honestly what slam is counting on now is getting juicy magnus shots but what we can also see here from back t ooh that was a nice shot to be fair suddenly score only 300 apart the issue though is that there is night production kicking in already i would have loved to see this be elephants actually and also interesting to look at is that slam's economy is approaching imperial age but i also do fear that him trying to go to imperial age is simply gonna make him dead in cast leech getting laid to catholics with saracens seems rough it's not only that it's that he's also against khmer right any other civ islam would have been faster but khmer are just so solid on this map with the farming that it's hard to go wrong really new question how's the score on the bottom right calculated uh scouting buildings economy military like everything in the game gets your points pretty much affecting resources give you points advancing researching technologies give you points advancing and age give you points having military on the field gives you points um scouting the map gives you points so everything pretty much gives you points killing units obviously give gives give you points losing units loses points and so forth everything islam is on the way to imperial age here so for him he will be he will want to keep his army alive now but the question is will he be allowed to this gold is very over saturated as he has taken off this gold and um it's also on the front so it's quite exposed bhakti is going to force slam to engage here and bacter does have knights in into play as well now slam a little bit of a slow reaction you're going to lose a lot of hills on the gold three villages down already four wheels down nice moves here by bacte both signing for slam imperial age is still a minute and a half away i feel like even with the imperial age i don't see how how the arvolus will make that much of a difference another stable for back team i still would like to see elephants which i think that would be way more powerful against the army of slam here imp does nothing here with with this amount of army and economy deficit i also feel like imperial is not really going to give you anything why islam do you know what is impossible feels behind it feels like he has to do something against khmer and therefore takes the risk i don't disagree with taking the risk but yeah he just didn't really get himself into a good position where taking this risk even it's gonna pay off right i think he made too many scouts in few late as well if that makes sense islam is now an imperial age still think back to just just make elephants right and islam will need so many arbors to make things happen looks like he even wants to jump on the crossbows here but they have a really nice pocket position here where they're not going to take damage elite skirmisher coming in from bhakti as well so he's going to be looking to just deal with his own castle age while keeping his economy advantage which i do think is the right approach here nice micro by slam dodging some shots there cleaning up the first player that's the first step to getting a snowball going question is just how can you push this i like the back to sneaking some units on the side here adding more ranges and yeah just going to be mass skirmisher production here with possibly knights maybe elephants as well i would have liked elephants but i don't think he's going to do that this is not a good map for sarasons because your enemy is too far away you can easily control middle pawn i think i think it's a good map for saracens because eco is so fragile and when eco is fragile usually you can do a lot with the market abuse the issue for him is that khmer is the only civ with solid economy on this map and that is the sieve that slam has i like this move a lot but back to back this is just sneaking seven crossbow to the side there is some are blessed at home though so slam shouldn't take too many losses from this but he will definitely lose a couple of bills so what slam needs to do right now would be to clean production facilities does have a ramp for that and kind of force he needs to kill 50 villagers to catch up in economy that's the first pickle here but he needs to get in here with the crossbows and our doesn't actually deal damage i want that velcro two three four deadvilles five six seven that will surface lamp not something you can afford slam jam and he's also just it's just taking too long right back he's now on the way to imperialization himself while slam is still just sitting here shooting at houses shooting at his shooting at that right why no archer armor for slam probably felt like he couldn't justify or afford it yet but yeah it just feels super comfortable for back there he has enough units as well to defend and still he just has to wait for imperial age right i think bacter could lose 30 villagers here and still be fine for the villager i think it was 50 villagers and he's still fine here so that tells you all about how difficult this game is for slam right now back to castle where i know he has the stone but he hasn't dropped it yet yeah okay still six cheeky are crossbows to the side knights being active on the map i like that back is also spreading around he's not fighting the army straight up all armies together he's spreading out difficult thing for slam now is when there are armies everywhere across the map and in fact he's doing a really good job with that he gets the mangonel as well and now engaging with the scrums he doesn't have to engage here right because he's one minute away from him he doesn't have to take this fight but still it buys some time and he will trade some of the fish efficiently either way now it's putting pressure still crossbow coming in another wood line of slam looks very very good here for becti looks like we're gonna equalize the series once again like even this just dwindling down the crossbar numbers slightly is great value for for back t i think slam will resign very shortly oh it's even a hole i mean the main bulk of his armor now which was 25 arbalest is now 10r blessed and back to now with bracer himself he's got chemistry on the way he has knights out on the map still has um 60 villagers more proof brutal brutal ball doesn't matter when there's no echo there yep it's just debating drop another tc is back to yep this game there's the castle from back this game is done and dusted there is not anything else left in this game for for slam double the population almost for back t as well when bat goes to imp it will be gg well news flash back to isn't imp but yes it is gg oh the 90 castle oh come back is on it nice to castle deny the town center there if he denies the castle here as well then it gets a little bit more exciting and then we it's gg anyway milton numbers aren't too far apart to be fair and there's a couple of them around water as well this castle might be denied for the time being actually gonna be the knight which means that we're gonna play a little bit longer this game game is still super over but it means we're gonna play a little bit longer so the issue for islam is he has no way to transition into any different unit in the obelisk and yeah he will never be enough or sufficient to um to win the game there comes the knights as well finishing dealing up the cleaning up the last army of slam the castle is up his crossbow numbers are gone and islam is going to call the gg right there and then brings us to a 2-2 score this is game this series is getting as close as we could be expecting back to islam historically have had really close sets as well so good to see that okay do you actually better for slam in the end but yeah economy look at the difference in economy massive massive sebobo thank you for the prime traffic 6 30 thank you for 29 months here i ended my career thank you for the eight appreciate all the subs guys yes i clever okay i wonder if how long they've been in the game i really wonder wouldn't surprise me if this has been going already for like 10 minutes game started okay let's try hey there you want to train a set expectation and no thanks for offering though so we have ethiopians for slam against tatters for bacteria both really good sieves looks like both wants to go for a art oh a token i mean i get the scout opening of the utopians because you start with 100 extra food so that is helpful oh actually but this map is so easy the wall that i'm surprised there is any damage to get with scouts nice gate there from bhakti so slam made two more scouts and he's pretty much picked off one villager forced a lot of idle time picked off the scout it's probably a good value for the scouts actually as long as he doesn't make more now there's a range out now though no no we do i feel like canadian also how about you it's alright eh yo one cynical senpai with the extra tear thank you so much for the four months and the tier two sub that is very kind of you aj gasps printing for six months as well pressure is on here though stan put in some pressure how many arches do we have from back three arches and two one skirm with fletching he could honestly jump on this not sure why slam is so aggressive here with such low numbers and also not sure why bhakti wasted the spear very strange neither released on the inside he doesn't have fetching just finished now no flashing from slam either islam is trying to be aggressive is trying to punish the greed actually looking at the resources looks very good for the slam as well 500 food in the bank 18 on food backed in the other hand 13 on food only 100 food in the bank looks like a very solid start here for for slam the nice thing about tatters obviously is you have the hill bonus so whenever you have control of the center you can pretty much always take good engagements on the hill slam is still open though so if bhakti goes for a greedy move out now well not greedy for a move out now what does slam have slam doesn't have anything to do with this this is very very dangerous slam is gonna have to do some quick walls to the stable in front of the gold he's doing he's rushing up a tower now as he sees the army come in this was very greedy by islam very very greedy he's gonna click up castleage he needs to make some walls he needs to make some walls happen right away the scouts will buy some time and he is on the way to castle age but that was a very very greedy play by slam and he might get punished for it now fortunately he didn't lose a single villager very nicely done and he got away with it so i think slam all know they'll put this fine he is having quite a bit of idle time on the goal sending three more wheels from the berries makes sense without 10 wheels on gold it it did halt his crossbow production a lot as well oh yeah i can fast forward even more sorry it will halt his crossbow production but he did get some skirms out in return we'll try to fast forward all the way until we're in there saving all the wheels here is slam finishing the walls on the right side yeah we're finally caught up live islam is about to hit castle back there's going to be a minute and a half later islam using the three scouts to run around and probably look for weakness on the outskirts if anyone is hunting deer or of the or anything [Music] what that is so sick oh my god they actually escaped three arches on the left side as well here for slam island goes up again here that was so risky actually i'm not even sure why they were down here very very strange big army from back to on the side though and here here is where back to will have the hill advantage right whenever slam engages towards the army now there will be a hill advantage not even sure what those villagers are doing right they're going so far away from his base so the big dif issue for slam right now is that his military numbers aren't messy they picked up one villager here it's gonna force some idle time for sure question is is it getting enough value from the class castle at the moment i would say it's looking fairly good yes university coming as well he doesn't have a stone for extra towns now obviously back tea back to his cell his stone actually must have sold his stone because the stone is gone he cannot gone he cannot make a tower lost another villager here a lot of idle time still pressure on the front as well yeah slam is doing a really good job here applying pressure on both sides he also has enough at home or so i thought he wears one scrum there he has units at home still so he will be able to defend when this army comes in although that army does have thumb ring already this is definitely uncomfortable situation for beckty although he does he's only one villager behind it's still very uncomfortable and over the banana yeah that's sold his stone to up look at all this idol time right if we compare idle time here actually slams had more idle time all together all things considered pulling out the crossbows back he does have three skirms on the hill here just so he should probably come from the left side so back they cannot jump to the hill still so many idols here for for back tea the idle villager time is gonna go heavily in favor of uh objective very soon i think dropping a c workshop is slam three villagers still running around on the bottom side no idea what's their purpose [Music] back to jumping on the armor slam now losing three four crossbows here it's not that he's losing on the left side as well all right back to suddenly looking in the commanding position he just has the military numbers there's a 22 military village military new military unit guys millager i can tell that i've casted too long for my standards 24 military to 14. another one down for free here so islam is suddenly going to start having having to rely on mangano shots to defend himself did pick up three units here and there are nine crossbow coming in on the gold again of mr becht here so back this gold income is heavily reduced here still three villagers idle on the bottom i'm not sure what's what's happening there but yeah i look at slam zika now as well very very idle manga popping out on the wrong side i might say because he probably wants them to be on this side although crossbows on this side might be enough to defend it soon and the magnet on this side a lot of action happening on both sides now so slam sees this now this is a big tell actually islam saw the deletion he saw the deletion of the palace at wall and he saw a villager running down here so slam is probably expecting there to be villagers down on the bottom now so he will probably chase or go down here with the crossbows or not or not he might just completely ignore it did show the mangano now i'm not sure if back he saw it though actually because he was just moving and not changing his direction anywhere still eight crossbows here again slam choosing to go for the counter attack rather than defending it could pay off but at the same time it's also very very risky because the woodland is about to be hit i thought he would use these arms to defend against these crossbows good reaction time though losing only one villager there very nice still an arm on the right side too very interesting game actually because they're just trading so much military here in fact again has the force here but again slam coming oh slam come on in the front it's not over chopped there but one value down two villagers down there's like armies all over the map it's actually a really cool game sneaky university this is gonna be a tell for slam here islam is probably going to expect it to be siege now but islam might actually find this gold income there of the back tea by by actually being chased there going to lose another villager here is he killed all the crossbows here are backed did slam looking very very good on him for him on this side but again he's being pressured losing two three villagers there lost a lot of villager here this arm is basically killing the wall so he's gonna get some very effective trade there it's hard for me to catch everything as well slam didn't catch see this so he doesn't know about that it's getting cleaned up there now as well what the hell is this game they're just trading armies all over the place market coming up for slam now oh losing another two or three villages here bacte is definitely getting more villager kills at the moment 11 village relief for bacteria so it's looking very very good for him the free thumb ring certainly helping out wheelbarrow on the way as well i like that he snuck those five bills out as well actually he's getting good value with it oh seven crossbows against nine slam kill the deer oh that's what why they killed the deer back killed here as well now bacteria is going to get the better trader though good micro from slammary really good micro well it was for once there they both prioritized the deer in the middle of a fight bastards nine villager advantage in the end now if islam finds these obvious that will nullify quite fast second tc finally for bhakti getting that sheep those three sheep help a lot taking a favorable trade here is islam as well what a weird game man actually has killed 16 villagers islam has killed 10 yet there's a nine villager difference pretty pretty massive sneaky army once again mango chasing this finally going to get back to spotted it though and it does have the hill advantage here with tatters as well that is and not able to repair that military count 23 to 19. it's eight against seven here and i got a good trade here is mr bechty then in the middle as well back to us the hill with terrors this looks very very solid for bacteria are they just going to trade homemaps all the time wait the score is wrong oh i haven't updated the score huh wait is it it's 3-2 for slam right arabia [Music] wait no this is slam's home up ah true this is slam home ups yeah it's two two my bad my bad 42-16 village advantage now for back to back test 23 on food slam has four on food slams economy is in complete shambles albacte is developing aesthetic good economies bacteria has cleaned up every single pressure that was happening as well and now the pressure is going to be immense on slam here 21 to 13 military as well it's gonna idle a lot of woodland here gonna kill a couple more villagers mangonel is clumsy it doesn't really get into position back they will also see the gold now i didn't see it yet fact has done a really good job being active with his army slam again moving through to the center but there is still 11 crossbows here for back you will get a few of those three shots with the tatter hill bonus here and he has enough numbers as well to deal with this see workshop coming up in the middle as well b range is for back three range for slam magnet doing work there though but again back to you on the farms here of slam and back to cleaning up here as well there's a 22 village advantage for bacteria it's looking really really good for our vietnamese infinity legends player no sign of a third tc yet oh there's a third tc there's those juicy free sheep lovely stuff military count is nine what could have been a big shot there picking off a few bills is max factor great micro here just taking the value getting out of there 14 to eight considering how much military 69 nice by the way considering how much military they take they've made and how much they've been fighting against each other it's actually really sick that the major villager military count is only 15 to 11. i've been fighting non-stop on like four different angles all the time it's been a quite an interesting game but yeah back there's just slowly pulling at 31 more villages now and islam is just islam is coping but he's not gaining a lead in any any angle here four ranges now the act is looking towards imperial age guys 800 900 foot 650 gold back they will go timp right now steady wins against the open arches well back to keep mine back to has thumb ring so he also has his own bonus i'm pretty sure slam that never did something here i'm not sure if you can see it because it's not one of the attacks there this is a good fight for slam though cleaning up those crossbows as well did a good trade on the front suddenly slam has more military just to make sure he survives the mangano as well but yeah slap back to still with the hill and practice on the way to imperial age slam has a time window now where he has to win the game and i i don't see it anymore i'm afraid viper hype casting now viper is never hype caster looks like another game illusion is going to have the sword at the throat we know jordan got limited to eliminated against black bacte and now backed is about to take a 3-2 lead against our other game legion player here in in slam see how this fight goes is such an interesting mechanic where both of them are trying to use the hill advantage and split and dodge a great shot for back there guys they've been fighting non-stop for 26 minutes in game time and this is what they both have isn't that quite nuts actually isn't this quite nuts this is their whole army pretty much and they've been fighting non-stop for 27 minutes of the game two crossbows on the side here really cool actually what happened to t989 didn't make it yeah no he had sound issues through this chord so yeah i think uh he'll hit imp and slam will call the gg so we're gonna head into the the last home up for slam here which if i remember correctly will be haboob a boob is a super aggressive open map so we're in for some action there like to drop the castle in the center as well yeah solid defense from back day and i thought slam would get a lot more value he did a good job early castle initially but then the the sneaky army that that kept hiding in the right side of the map kept coming in and getting value over and over again and it was able to bring him the win in the end 84 just to 46. quite the difference here well done to mr mr becht we gotta hope slam can pull her back boys yes a clever day okay i wonder if how long they've been in the game i really wonder wouldn't surprise me if this has been going already for like 10 minutes game started okay let's try hey there you want to train a set expectation and no thanks for offering though so we have ethiopians for slam against tatters for bacteria both really good sieves looks like both wants to go for a r oh wait talking i mean i get the scout opening of the utopians because you start with 100 extra food so that is helpful oh actually but this map is so easy to wall that i'm surprised there is any damage to get with scouts nice gate there from bhakti so slam made two more scouts and he's pretty much picked off one villager forced a lot of idle time picked off the scout it's probably a good value for the scouts actually as long as he doesn't make more now there's a range out no though no no though i feel like canadian little something how about you it's all right eh yo one cynical senpai with the extra tear thank you so much for the four months and the tier two sub that is very kind of you aj gasps printing for six months as well pressure is on here though stan put in some pressure how many archers do we have from back three arches and two one skerm with fletching you could honestly jump on this not sure why slam is so aggressive here with such low numbers and also not sure why bacte wasted the spear very strange neither released on the inside he doesn't have fetching just finished now no flashing from slam either islam is trying to be aggressive is trying to punish the greed actually look at the resources looks very good for islam as well 500 food in the bank 18 on food backed on the other hand 13 on food only 100 food in the bank looks like a very solid start here for for slam the nice thing about tatters obviously is you have the hill bonus so whenever you have control of the center you can pretty much always take good engagements on the hill slam is still open though so if bhakti goes for a greedy move out now well not greedy for a move out now what does slam have slam doesn't have anything to do with this this is very very dangerous islam is gonna have to do some quick walls to the stable in front of the gold he's doing he's rushing up a tower now as he sees the army come in this was very greedy by slam very very greedy he's gonna click up castleage he needs to make some walls he needs to make some walls happen right away the scouts will buy some time and he is on the way to castle age but that was a very very greedy play by slam and he might get punished for it now fortunately he didn't lose a single villager very nicely done and he got away with it so i think slam all know they'll put this fine he is having quite a bit of idle time now on the goal sending three more wheels from the berries makes sense without 10 wheels on gold it did halt his crossbow production a lot as well oh yeah i can fast forward even more sorry it will halt his crossbow production but he did get some skirms out in return we'll try the fastboard all the way until we're in there saving all the wheels here is slam finishing the walls on the right side yeah we're finally caught up live islam is about to hit castles back there's gonna be a minute and a half later islam using the three scouts to run around and probably look for weakness on the outskirts if anyone is hunting deer or of the or anything [Music] what that is so sick oh my god they actually escaped three arches on the left side as well here for slam island goes up again here that was so risky actually i'm not even sure why they were down here very very strange big army from back to the side though and here here is where back to will have the hill advantage right whenever islam engages towards the army now there will be a hill advantage not even sure what those villagers are doing right they're going so far away from his base so the big dif issue for slam right now is that his melting numbers aren't messy picked up one villager here it's gonna force some idle time for sure question is he getting enough value from the class castle at the moment i would say it's looking fairly good yes university coming as well he doesn't have a stone for extra towns now obviously back tea back to sell his stone acting must have sold his stone because the stone is gone he cannot gone he cannot make a tower lost another villager here a lot of idle time still pressure on the front as well yeah slam is doing a really good job here applying pressure on both sides he also has enough at home or so i thought he wears one scrum there he has to use at home still so he will be able to defend when this army comes in although that army does have thumb ring already this is definitely uncomfortable situation for beckty although he does he's only one villager behind it's still very uncomfortable and over the banana yeah that's told his stone to up look at all this idol time right if you compare idle time here actually slams had more idle time all together all things considered pulling out the crossbow's back he does have three skirms on the hill here just so he should probably come from the left side so back they cannot jump to the hill still so many idols here for for back to the idle village time is gonna go heavily in favor of a back tee very soon i think dropping a sea workshop is slam three villagers still running around on the bottom side no idea what's their purpose back to jumping on the armor slam now losing three four crossbows here it's not he's losing on the left side as well all right back to suddenly looking in a commanding position it just has the military numbers there's a 22 military village military millager new military unit guys millager i can tell that i've casted too long for my standards 24 military to 14. another one down for free here so islam is suddenly gonna start having having to rely on mangano shots to defend himself they pick up three units here and there are nine crossbows coming in on the gold again of mr backed here so back this gold income is heavily reduced here still three villagers idle on the bottom i'm not sure what's what's happening there but yeah look at slam zika now as well very very idle manga not popping out on the wrong side i might say because he probably wants them to be on this side although crossbows on this side might be enough to defend it soon and the magnet on this side a lot of action happening on both sides now so slam sees this now this is a big tell actually islam saw the deletion he saw the deletion of the palace at wall and he saw a villager running down here so slam is probably expecting there to be villagers down on the bottom now so he will probably chase or go down here with the crossbows or not or not he might just completely ignore it did show the manga now i'm not sure if back to saw it though actually because it was just moving and not changing his direction anyway still eight crossbows here again slam choosing to go for the counter attack rather than defending it could pay off but at the same time it's also very very risky because the woodland is about to be hit i thought they would use these arms to defend against these crossbows good reaction time though losing only one villager there very nice still an arm on the right side too very interesting game actually because they're just trading so much military here in fact again has the force here but again slam coming oh slam come on the front it's not over chop there but one value down two villages down there's like armies all over the map it's actually a really cool game sneaky university this is going to be a tell for slam here islam is probably going to expect it to be siege now but islam might actually find this gold income there of the back tea by by actually being chased there gonna lose another villager here is he killed all the crossbows here are backed did slam looking very very good on him for him on this side but again he's being pressured losing two three villagers there lost another villager here this arm is basically killing the wall so he's gonna get some very effective trade there it's hard for me to catch everything as well slam didn't catch see this so he doesn't know about that it's getting cleaned up there now as well what the hell is this game they're just trading armies all over the place market coming up for slam now losing another two three villages here bacte is definitely getting more villager kills at the moment 11 village lead for bacteria so it's looking very very good for him the free thumb ring certainly helping out wheelbarrow on the way as well i like that he snuck those five bills out as well actually he's getting good value with it seven crossbows against nine slam kill the deer oh that's what why they killed the deer that killed there as well now bacteria is gonna get the better trader though good micro from slammary really good micro well it was for once there they both prioritize the deer in the middle of a fight bastards nine villager advantage in the end now if islam finds these obviously that will nullify quite fast second tc finally for bhakti getting that sheep those free sheep help a lot taking a favorable trade here is islam as well what a weird game man actually has killed 16 villagers islam has killed 10. yet there is a nine villager difference pretty pretty massive sneaky army once again magnel chasing this finally going to get it back to spotted it though and it does have the hill advantage here with tatters as well that is and not able to repair that military count 23 to 19. it's eight against seven here and i got a good trade here is mr bechty then in the middle as well back to us the hill with terrors this looks very very solid for back team are they just going to trade home maps all the time wait the score is wrong oh i am up to the score wait is it it's 3-2 for slam right arabia [Music] wait no this is slam's home up ah true this is slam home ups yeah it's tutu my bad my bad 42 16 village advantage now for back to back test 23 on food slam has four on food slam's economy is in complete shambles obechte is developing a steady good economy as bacteria has cleaned up every single pressure that was happening as well and now the pressure is going to be immense on slam here 21 to 13 military as well it's going to idle a lot of woodland here going to kill a couple more villagers mangonel is clumsy it doesn't really get into position back they will also see the gold now i didn't see it yet fact has done a really good job being active with his army slam again moving through to the center but there is still 11 crossbows here for back you will get a few of those three shots with the tatter hill bonus here and he has enough numbers as well to deal with this see workshop coming up in the middle as well b range is for back three range for slam magnol doing work there though but again back to you on the farms here of slam and back to cleaning up here as well there's a 22 village advantage for back there's looking really really good for for vietnamese infinity legends player no sign of a third tc yet oh there's a third tc there's those juicy free sheep lovely stuff military count is nine what could have been a big shot there picking off a few bills is smack back the great micro hair just taking the value getting out of there to eight considering how much military 69 nice by the way uh considering how much military they take they've made and how much they've been fighting against each other it's actually really sick that the major villager military count is only 15 to 11. they've been fighting non-stop on like four different angles all the time been uh quite an interesting game but yeah back there's just slowly pulling at 31 more villages now and islam is just islam is coping but he's not gaining a lead in any any angle here four ranges now actually is looking towards imperialist guys 800 900 foot 650 gold back table go to imp right now steady wins against the open arches well back to keep my back to has thumb ring so he also has his own bonus i'm pretty sure slam that never did thumbnail i'm not sure if you can see it because it's not one of the attacks there this is a good fight for slam though cleaning up those crossbows as well did a good trade on the front suddenly islam has more military he has to make sure he survives the mangano as well but yeah back to still with the hill impact is on the way to imperial age slam has a time window now where he has to win the game and i i don't see it anymore i'm afraid we're hype casting now vipers never have caster looks like another game illusion is going to have the sword at the throat we know uh jordan got limited eliminated against bacte and now backed is about to take a 3-2 lead against our other game legion player here in in slam see how this fight goes this is such an interesting mechanic where both of them are trying to use the hill advantage and split and dodge a great shot for back there guys they've been fighting non-stop for 26 minutes in game time and this is what they both have isn't that quite nuts actually isn't this quite nuts this is their whole army pretty much and they've been fighting non-stop for 27 minutes of the game two crossbows on the side here really cool actually what happened didn't make it yeah no uh he had sound issues through this chord so yeah i think uh he'll hit imp and slam will call the gg so we're gonna head into the the last home up for slam here which if i remember correctly will be haboob aboob is a super aggressive open map so we're in for some action there back to drop the castle in the center as well yeah solid defense from back day and i thought slam would get a lot more value he did a good job early castle initially but then the the sneaky army that black kept hiding in the right side of the map kept coming in and getting value over and over again and it was able to bring him the win in the end 84 will just do 46 quite the difference here well done to mr mr becht we gotta hope slam can pull her back boys uh let's see if they're already started pressure is on now really hope slam can keep a cool head slam is also gonna be if he loses this set that winged game where he was marlins against incas that one is going to be painful to look back at let's hope hope slam can make a little bit of a comeback here and at least bring it to the seventh game where anything could happen uh let me see what the what the maps are again we're gonna have a boob from slam [Music] and the last home f for bhakti would be eruption that would be a crazy map to end it on slammy jamming we believe in you yes we do i heard jordan once was a top three player along with viper did he stop playing after it [Music] for like a year and a half or two years me and jordan were like considered the top two and then he took some small break and then he came back he was still probably top five player and then he had a long long break until he came back recently well he has had like he's been coming back for a little bit now and then oh yeah why not catch him i don't know i'm gonna go check with debbie if she's hungry so i'm getting very hungry i think we have time anyway yeah back to still hasn't joined the game so i'll be right back quickly prime it up boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] he's busy with a boss fighting zelda feels bad man a red card thing for the prime all right so they're gonna be ready to start anytime soon i presume that's your acid reflux viper it's fine it's under control i'm gonna have a surgery for my hernia this year but i'm current currently on medicine for my acid reflux what is a acid reflux it's like when you get like art is also called heartburn it's also called heartburn and pretty much when you get acid up your throat sort of and it like burns in your throat okay i think they have started the game based on what saw there couldn't find the game anymore like a ring okay they're still here well don't do acid then ah that's how it works ah makes sense yo rest great thank you so much for the prime like pantalok no i am on nexium or next nexum that's the medicine i use what's your favorite music genre i also don't know i don't really have a specific favorite i think i like uh i like i like i like i like good music i can enjoy good rap i can enjoy good rock i can enjoy a good pop yeah it's just i don't have a specific genre uh when i got covert it made my acid reflux hit new heights i don't think my stomach knew what was going on or really so covet made your acid reflux way worse hopefully you're fine now flaming how's the music in germany or was it called that's how it's in germany ever heard of stevie ray vogen sounds familiar actually can be caused by stress are you stressed at the moment i'm not stressed i'm very rarely stressed i have acid reflux like i my acid reflux stems from my hernia which put which pushed my stomach further up than it should be and therefore i have um [Music] that's why i have acid reflux problems and that's come from working out too hard in the past pretty much you're only stressed investor seven against your right i'm not stressed then either so islam is going for britons against tutans for back to here interesting civilization choices you don't see twothan's too often on this map but britain's is fairly popular ready house one for the deer very nice map for back to here back gold back berries very helpful on this map nice wood lines sometimes you spawn with a trapped villager on this which can be quite annoying okay both of them are fine sideways berries but back gold for slam so both of them have decent maps here i think none of them can complain stable opening for backed slams opening with a range already moving out with an archer and a spearman so we're gonna try and be aggressive right off the bat here what this number above idle means idle bills mean this is total workers this is idle bills this is army value how much army value you have rain is coming up for back as well so you'll be mixing in some skirmish a nice pickup here from uh from ah actually never mind there's there's fletching in now so the arches aren't that bad against the scouts anymore rushing up a tower here on the berries is not a bad tower because it somewhat helps protecting the gold and it will also help him protect the farming area around this mill so all in all that's a fairly okay tower here in the end woodline's still completely open here scouts could check that out slam with the stable himself so scout archer production for slam as well now and this scout skirms for backed not really too much has happened so far it's a super aggressive map slam now sneaking around the woodland here back to pulling it to the side accordingly there's not really enough armor to actually deal damage right or be scary so oh this is good though six idle this is idler villagers pretty much so that is some good good value right there we are just in a spear here i think beck might think that the woodland of slam is up here he doesn't know that woodland is actually there for him it's natural that the woodland would be back here based on where they're spawning right you to his surprise the woodland is actually the other side slam actually got output the arm here as well so that is very nice for him we idle is here for slam jam how's the idle time calculated bottom right screen whenever a unit is standing still it increases one second whenever a uh villager is standing still pretty much and not working and obviously when there are more villages idle it will multiply a lot islam has a big army here actually this is a big army three scouts five archers and two spearmen nicely done by slammer pulling the skirms to chase the scouts to chase army and then the scouts engage not really any damage should be done for the scout sir either i mean they have forging now the scouts and there's only one spearmen here this could actually be some some really good damage here it's gonna be intense now on both sides scout's moving over to hit the skirms again both are both the players are having their woodlands uh hit at the same time there is forging scouts though these do so much damage against villagers one villager already down back they pulled every single villager from the woodline so we didn't lose a single village but he obviously not now has zero wood income while slam on the other hand i think he has lost two two bills so far where's so back wait what back to snow wouldn't come he didn't lose any villagers so that's nice but he does not he can't afford a lumber camp oh wait did he cancel something suddenly yeah that would maybe i already placed a lumber camp and then just repositioned it losing more wheels here is slam one more village goes down there's a three village advantage for for backed at the moment this is hurting islam a lot for sure islam only has eight villages and with himself now and i imagine these cows are now coming up there to hit the woodland once again four wheels in the tower here forever though these three scouts are not going to be helpful they're going to jump on the skirms and take care of them letting this army escape another army coming in here as well so they're both being very aggressive here not sure if slam realizes yet that the black tea has switched here back to also using a marker to buy a hundred stones he's gonna make a tower in this woodland securing wooden cam also closer to his production buildings very nice for him islam making a tower here but the issue the issue right now for slam is that he has two woodlines that are quite far apart or two lumber camps and then this tower will only support one so you should probably pull all these wheels to the wood line with that tower soon slam has to realize that there is no woodland here so he needs to try and find out where the next blue line is scream's getting a decent trade still no armor upgrade on the skirms squirms forward as well now and this is dangerous for slam he doesn't have any army to defend here and the skirms the skirms don't do a lot of damage but of course even three skirms can in the end tickle down villagers to their death planning with some nice girls here as well another tower even for back back playing super safe it's been buying a lot of stone here islam opting to chase the spearmen instead of going for the four villagers here that back sorry i have to say i have a bad feeling about this for slam seven wheels behind another couple villagers in on the front in scouts in the front on the gold line of slam looks like that was an idle arm on the right side as well it hasn't been moving for a while looks very very good for slam jam yeah four back sorry very awkward here as well with uh like the worst part is that all this could have been prevented if the woodlines were walled in because the woodlands the only threat they ever had in this game were scouts so if the woodlands were actually walled in islam wouldn't have taken the oh these villagers have are re on garrisoning and going straight for the scouts market coming up for slammer i think slam wants to try and use the mark a little bit slam does have stone to make another tower here so maybe another tower in this area would be an option maybe even on this wood line sam definitely has the better army here 23 to 7 but backed is on the way the castle age is doing bloodlines he is doing the gold upgrade and he has towers everywhere he wants to slam will have to spike up [Music] crossfit production is about to hit castle himself question is what's the what's going to be the favorable army here at the moment if there was 20 crossbows arches alive hitting castleage the crossbars are probably better but there's only 10 cross archers it's gonna be 10 crossbows against plus two knights from tewtons and this tower is everywhere so i must say i really like uh back this position here never seen there though britain's you can never rule them out their their range is incredible obviously third stable even coming up for backed because he's gonna need some big crossbow numbers i don't think he can even stay here yeah he has to go back once it's like three four nights with plus two the um arches won't look it won't be scary anymore so seven village advantage slam did make a second tower here he's exposed again there are low hp scouts only but still they can be very annoying to deal with for sure another range for slam so this is the second archer range actually slams switching sorted towards the defensive approach now defensive mindset rather there's a knight from slam all the way in the back here see workshop siege workshop up for back as well that still doesn't have plus two no signs of an extra town center for either player yet until now maybe now that's the mining camp i'm gonna get stone in order to make townsends probably university coming up for slam i think slam also needs to do like a third range even for slam to win this game i think he needs numbers still no plus two from back though if slam can get up to like say 30 crossbows to the point where you can micro and start one hitting knights i think he has a good chance but yeah he's 11 villagers behind and he has no mobility here he's constantly chasing the army of effect in fact on the other side like has a manganese he has three tooth and towers you can hide 10 wheels in a tower instead of five this tower is even awkward right it's walled out so these knights could just honestly just attack the tower because he cannot garrison villagers there two more villages down for stan while only losing night one night in return tc is up for slam though so he will of course have um it will start catching up a little bit in village account but that's only until back starts with his own uh town center i mean this feels so nice though right for back right this woodland seems so much better than this because there is no line where you cannot build on the bottom side we also don't know on the road that is next to the wood on the outside you cannot actually build anything which is why this is so awkward with the woodlands well here you can just build a tc right there and it will be completely fine right so we have how many crossbows we have 17 crossbows coming from islam still no plus two for back back one for the counter attack actually slam is trying to attack himself three nights on the lumber camp here standard stormwater everything but he has to pay attention there that can be very scary if he doesn't notice he does notice and repairs but yeah the issue here for islam right now is that there are towers everywhere so there is not any guaranteed damage here for slam picking off some nice crossbar good microwave from back i mean he's not out repairing the three nights so down the road this can get very scary imagine if beck brings his mangano to the woodland here that'll be an absolute disaster did i say that slam is attacking himself if i did it was a mistake oh you guys remember this slam had one scout and five arches sitting on the right side that had been idle for a long time all of a sudden they got some value suddenly they killed one two three four bills five wills and suddenly the villager count is only four apart slam accidentally left an idle army and it gave him a return into this game suddenly the village difference is way closer and this became a very close game from looking like it was very very in favor of backed suddenly not impossible here this is of course very annoying a lot of idle time here with the villagers on the wood line but he does have a big army now in the middle here looks like he took some damage from the scorpions as he was migrating against them and he has an army here so army is now 30 to 20. starting to not mind the situation for slam baek's eco is looking way way better his farm equals set up very nicely he doesn't have extra town centers though slams equals a little bit less stable i would say but he's now dropping another town center and the longer this game goes as well i would prefer britain's in late game over two news starting to look very possible here for sam your optimist hr is thinking much for the two months by the way rs alfie with the four months joseph phelan with the prime thank you very much guys i think slam cannot be aggressive though finally our tc4 back there's so many nights on the side here is this open wait there's a hole is there not a hole between the lumber camp and the house it's a hole one knight is inside still that one night is also a ton of damage he will lose a couple of villagers here kills one villager in return managed to get the tc up there oh he's gonna lose the house this is falling apart sam's going to start losing a lot of hills this was a rough minute now for slam he is doing some counter damage for sure there's a manual here though slam has to mic for that but yeah islam is using a lot of villagers on the woodland is in on that part as well southern islam has four villages on wood he's suddenly down 15 villagers that was maybe the moment that was maybe the game-changing moment here he lost two-thirds of his william come i think slam might should consider to go with the town center on the middle woodland there as well this these 31 crossbows here is slam's lifeline now he has to make these count he doesn't make these 31 crossbow count he is in big trouble eight knights with plus two coming in now one manga on eight nights i will still probably favor the crossbows but there's also 12 knights on the left side here ready to do some damage slam those are three teases though let's not forget that against only two pieces of bhakti did kill the mangonel here lost two crossbows in return but it's not over not by far it's only nine villager difference so islam caught up and villager counts real really fast he's still alive he needs to sort out the wood income though i think he needs to stop farming and start making a stable wouldn't come for himself that needs to go back here the knights are engaging cannot stay their slam he will jump on you okay good back pulling back on the right time knights are trying to get on top i think slam will get into a comfortable position here where they won't take that much damage this is a good fight for for slam even if you lose all his crossbow here it should kill and deal enough damage to the knights to the point where it's good but this is the scary part now there's 29 crossbow against 13 knights back he was considering engaging but he decided to not go for it in the end [Music] also throwing away all his knight well i say throwing away he's obviously costing a ton of idle time and um killing some villagers so it's not that bad oh the mangano right at woodlawn slams wouldn't come where islam suddenly come he needs to get wouldn't come he's trying to escape with this even mixed in pikeman now 65 to 48 pacty has a massive village advantage now but i would say islam has a better composition overall there's a tc close to the woodland so i tease it there and then lumber camp could be the way here he does have markets we can also buy wood two more wheels down for back t here and score still looking super close 43 military to 220. i think the point has come where islam might have to consider and just go defensive back to with 14 nights just going there to eat the town center here that's the issue slam doesn't have a unit that can go and kill town centers while uh well back to us right so townsend is going to go down even a tc here for back day this is looking like the beginning of the end potentially for slam it does escape with almost every villager though so all things considered not the underworld does take a little bit of magnet hit here though four crossbows down such an intense game here for the definitely a worthy last game of the set a random manganese strolling on the left side slam did make a knight for it but the knight hasn't really gotten to to get there eight pikemen now chase the knights crossbow you have to pay attention here micro slam good split there should be able to kill the manual without taking more damage indeed yeah still so many nights here from from back to roaming the fields 18 villages more currently it looks really rough for slam economy wise right but he still has a super scary army where this crossbow mass and the pikeman can definitely do a lot does that make some walls here please a wallet no he's gonna lose another five villagers never mind he's gonna lose another four villagers three bill two villagers just passing all right still idling here i mean slam back this eco isn't looking fantastic either 17 difference a lot of idols 15 idol villagers for back right now is cheekily taking the gold of slam and that's something that slam can't really justify losing trying to remake the town center but another wave of seven knights are coming in for back there this is what's quite painful here is that the mobility of back is just so much better compared to slam slam running around with slow crossbow slow pikeman even trying to move to the wood now but knights are coming in on every angle it does have pikeman like we said but yeah this is going to be painful it's going to lose a lot of villages here is slam and yeah i'm afraid that crossbows aren't doing enough for him here still manganese and defense even mixing in a ram here is back he's feeling confident about this that can also just run in under here make sure he kids kills villagers there's now a 28 26 village difference tc might even go down tonight if this army could do anything here it will be different right but there's a tower there's town centers there's manganese there's knights you just feel like this crossbow army here is also what bacte could do here if bacteria wants to play super safe now he pulls every knight back all the knights he has he pulls them back and he cleans up the crossbow arm in his base score is also i think score is a bit deceiving it's not as close as the score indicates as there's a third division difference right now two magnets coming in it's building up a solid amount of knights six here plus seven there yeah getting a little bit more damage in two more villagers down still back there has a lot of idols again 34 idol villages were backed efficiently now they have the same village account as long as there's so many idols for back here pie's getting a somewhat decent trade against the knights here i'm just looking at the food food income here there's 13 on food for islam well there's 30 on food versus 4 backed and that's where this is uh really scary right oh boy he's going for it guys game is about to end do you know why it's because the lord has spoken he has asked these 14 villagers to go forward and run into the mangonels and die and place a castle in his face while losing half of the villagers in the process and the worst part is nice micro there by slam no question about that the worst part is that bhakti has enough stone himself to drop his own castle let's see when he sees the castle back he might already start building this is a disaster he doesn't see it he doesn't see it the cast is already up for back man oh feels bad man game is over this was slam's attempt aslam's pulling back he's 50 villagers behind 50. castle went up score got super close all of a sudden he's being raided in the back at the same time score is so close okay castle this is oh he lost it no that's it target fire right back oh what a masterpiece he target fired just in the moment no slam that was a sick move sick move by back to there i think you know what i loved about that we saw that only from slam's point of view i was in slam's point of view so we couldn't see the manganese and then insta dead foundation oh that's so painful behind this back to comfortably comfortable on 110 110 villagers to 70. islam lost a complete castle for nothing islam backed us even eaten one of the goals of slam for a long time now 13 villagers on food for slam three only on wood dropping a desperate market here he lost his i'm market sure what he's trying to use that probably gonna buy some resources oh man in the shot could have been a sick one again so many nights though for her back like that can't engage yet but it doesn't matter because he's just so far ahead and there's no damage wait islam did slam slam just bought another oh no no not again slam no slam bought stone he bought stone there's another manganese out is that oh this is it is gonna take the fight he has the hill he's gonna clean all the pikemen and he's gonna make a jump on the crossbows this was it this is the end of the game slam tried to buy another castle to drop a forward castle but unfortunately the knight numbers are just too big now and slam is realizing that this game is over he's not fighting back anymore he's probably writing to back this saying gg well played good luck in the main event and unfortunately for all the game legion fans and slam fans back t is victorious but that was a really nice game though i think this whole set actually was really really good there's been constant fighting non-stop pretty much the first game was a bit slow but besides that it's been constant fighting non-stop actually the first game arabia and frigid lake frigid lake was a bit slow besides that constant fighting all the time in every single map was a really worthy set so to say in both players showing very high level of of skill and on a different day this could have easily gone slam's way you think back to that winged game right win game where islam had such a big lead but back they was able to come back that's uh something islam is going to be knocking his head against the wall thinking about uh and yeah in the end this game as well was really close i think some unfortunate unfortunate stuff here with the woodland on slam's end that he was punishing this not being walled and not secured well enough over and over again and yeah the obviously the highlight the highlight here is the mangonel on the castle there shooting the castle there i think the game was over at that point so it didn't really matter but either way it was really cool shortly again let's let's look at this did you guys clip it score is so close okay castle this is oh he lost it no feels bad man look how close it is as well one villager one villager gets one swing at the castle okay castle look okay i'm gonna lower the speed wait what's happening here what what do i why is the overlay in in the way okay sorry so let's put this to point 25 and we're going to see how freaking close this was close okay i sound high but that's fine yes look look look okay look there's the magnet shot you see the magnus shot coming in here right there's the boulders and the the villager hasn't started started building yet the villager hasn't started building yet still hasn't still hasn't built oh my god it's so unfortunate it's like the tiniest it couldn't be closer it could not have been closer that is so like one frame later literally one frame later insane damn what the hell that was a six series though guys i hope you enjoyed that i certainly did that was sick jesus
Channel: TheViper
Views: 38,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: Jg57_g9CHDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 5sec (10325 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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