FMX Best Trick | Nitro World Games 2022

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welcome back everyone at Nitro World Games 2022 in its new home on Australian soil this year here in beautiful downtown Brisbane just off the banks of the Brisbane River here in Queensland inside the suncorp stadium the sun has finally set the lights are up we've got one more event to cap off the night it's the one everyone's been waiting for it's the fmx best trick final hello everyone I'm Jimmy Coleman now joined in the booth by none other than Travis Pastrana and well Trav let's just talk about it on the rip the Band-Aid off and get the cat out of the bag everyone's been talking about what we're going to see on social media there's been some teasers there's been some hits so I'll let you throw it out there to the fans yeah honestly I'm scared for all these guys everyone's doing something they've never landed before I mean even um you know Top Dog Scott Fitzgerald is Superman seacraft Indie front flip we have seen that um you know a couple years ago but he's but top dogs never landed that I mean you got Adam Jones is the only American he's starting off I mean he had an amazing Paris Hilton I don't know what he is going to do for this one but I you know he might be the only rider that's going to land a trick tonight and I I really hope that everyone lands and I've never been more nervous in my entire life not competing just looking at every single person and I mean the height that they're getting on these ramps and they're so big they're just it's just blowing my mind there is so much build up going into this and so much training in practice and most of you have probably seen some of this stuff going on on Instagram but I'm not going to fully let the cat out of the bag just yet we'll talk about it as we get closer to it but right now we're about to take a look back at some highlights from earlier in the week of what was going on here in training sessions we had to do a bit of dodging in and out with the weather but there were some big things going on here see Harry big and Joe Archer right there talking it over looking at that massive Moon Booter ramp right there what's in store Travis well it's actually Hannah been hitting a ramp that was 40 foot tall and these guys are hitting this Moon Booter and they're going I mean it's huge it's over 20 foot tall takeoff but they're trying to get around a competition set up and I you know I just been telling these guys like I don't think he could do it but they're all built I mean these are the strongest guys you've ever seen in your life you know as a joke um joshihan and um Jacko and uh right there Harry Bank go on to Australian Sparta the Spartan games and they win I think these are some of the strongest human beings in the face because Harry's going for triple back flips in the rain mind you like look at that laid out double that was the Pinnacle of my career and he's just laying it out preparing to hit this vertical ramp seven G's on the takeoff and spinning a triple in the rain that's that's me right there going there's no absolute what did I just watch the look on your face right there said it all yeah but do you see how low they're getting the triple around I'm just watching all the other events today when the guys are you know they're kind of they're crashing the triples on the other events and people are going nuts when people land I mean a scooter best trick a guy lands a triple backflip no-hander and it wins the event they are going 10 times higher on dirt bikes that are 250 pounds doing a triple backflip seven G's on the takeoff bending he came to bars oh they're strapping their feet in they are strapping their feet into the motorcycle they cannot bail off there is no out it is all it is 100 commitment strongest guys you've ever met in your life you're just ripping these 250 pound bikes they are the most modified they're like factory factory Supercross Motors trying to get the speed to get this thing to rotate it's it's blowing my mind Dad if you're watching this at home and you're thinking oh well they're going to an airbag that thing is not a safety net it is far from safe I mean you can look and you can see how high they are in there and then the impact and then on top of that you've got the weight of that bike you got a job number one when it goes south is you got to bail out and get away from that but you can't be allowed because your feet are locked in yeah so JL Archer breaks his femur going to that flat airbag before no one has ever even jumped this new Jump to The Landing because you got to go so high and if you're not flipping it doesn't work and they're gonna send it out here tonight for the fans here inside the suncorp stadium it's our final event of the night out here the weather other threw us a curveball but we're here we're gonna make it happen and possibly break history out here tonight as we move along through our final competition is seven Riders In the Mix here in fmx best trick now looking at the rule book They're gonna get two attempts but you got to take them one right after the other however depending on what we see going on here tonight Travis you and I were talking about that they're probably they're not gonna take that second if you land a triple backflip if you land a front flip dead body if you let any of the tricks that are these guys are going for you you're not getting up to do another one I mean I hope they do but this is nuts okay so we're gonna start it off with Adam Jones you saw him in the freestyle comp earlier tonight and uh you had said this before like what is Adam Jones going to do the guy has an awesome arsenal of right side up tricks and it can also throw those into flip combos USA he always throws surprises at us it's Adam Jones out of Reno Nevada starting us off here in fmx best drink probably one of your best all-around Riders but here we go Adam Jones hitting the ramp I don't even know what he's gonna do oh look at that dead body backflip absolutely awesome great extension he's stoked and to be fair like he is pretty consistent on all of his tricks he knows he's got full extension uh he knows he's got a pretty high score he's going to get all the Perfection scores um you know here he goes warming up on the other jump but basically this was a trick because he's looking down the list going I don't know if anyone else is going to land tonight play the safety card right there and again he's got other variations he can do so again if you're gonna go for two attempts out here you go one and then you go with your second attempt right there so he's lining up for attempt number two here let's see if you get a replay of the first shot this is you got to see this to even believe it this ramp is so tall they're going so high and look at the extension just holding it there um you know for 38 years old I tell you what he gets his knees through there absolutely awesome uh he's definitely playing up the crowd look at look at that extension I mean that is that is beautiful and that is about 55 feet off the ground in Casey reference that's five and a half stories up uh yeah puts that one through textbook right there and he'll also I mean he's so dialed with that trick right there I've actually seen him do that in shows time and time again right there so he starts that off with an 81.66 the judges are working off of a 100 point scale here tonight just like they did in fmx So Adam Jones is under power for attempt number two there we go Cliffhanger backflip and you know Pat Bowden with the dod should I change the format a little bit this year but if you execute a trick that's not quite as difficult to its fullest extension you can still score pretty high you know it's not going to score higher than than anyone riding away doesn't matter how poorly uh with some of the other tricks but his Perfection is there he's going to go as high as I mean he's in the 80s this is a solid score and yeah not trying to underplay this this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen but the other stuff on this list is just it's not even in video games but that's the other thing too is what you were talking about the strategy card right there if people aren't able to land their tricks and you get out there and you do two things to the level of what we just saw Adam do right there so that could be enough to put you on the podium it could be enough to win frankly I'm looking down okay these guys have never been gone to this Landing before so I mean this is awesome I'm so stoked for Adam he's riding the best I've ever seen him ride he's crushed it uh you know he's the only American in the field today which is such a big Power swing he's probably gonna laugh at me I make this reference but he's like a fine one Travis he gets better with age he does the power swing has gone awesome I mean they these guys I don't know what's in the water over here but they're they're all completely crazy and uh it's been awesome so AJ throwing down one heck of a perfect run 82-6-6 so he betters that on jump number two so he jumps up by a full point right there Adam Jones you're having a great night sir he's winning USA U.S that's the best part about being first in the lineup no matter what happens you're still the top scorer but again just joking around there great great job there you got an 81.66 and an 80. 82.66 so again it's the better of your two scores so consistency is the name of the game for that guy he's already thrown the podium what's out here tonight Adam Jones as we get set to take a look at another guy who's already found a Podium success here tonight Joshi and winner of the fmx conference earlier now he's going to uh showcase some skills here in best trick Travis now Josh Sheehan was robbed kind of like I said the dod format uh we had patmouth go out basically do the exact same jump that AJ just did you know it was absolutely perfect it was amazing she handed the world's first double back kiss at death crashed on his first front got on barely wrote it out the second time uh but he was so sketchy that he didn't get him to score I think now the judging has been changed a little bit Chuck Carruthers your overall uh head judge has the the right to change to basically whatever he sees and I think you're going to see a double flip Kiss of Death coming out of Josh Sheehan we'll see if I'm right here okay here we go he's under power for his first attempt oh no sorry double clip no hander okay when you do a double backflip and you take your hands off the centrifugal force is so strong that you actually have to wrap your he's hooking his feet underneath the uh the ship cover right there um I haven't seen anyone do a double back with no hander without the bike going away from him and he gets so much extension uh that is one of the most difficult tricks you'll ever find he threw one of those out in the fmx comp and he was almost like I mean look how long he keeps the hands off the bars and you still have to put it back up and yank for the rest of that rotation my gosh and if your bars go sideways at all you know they almost lock the bars to play straight but if they go sideways uh it ejects you completely off the bike starts spinning it's a typical force or the uh basically the rotation force of the front tire uh if the bars go sideways it's like instantly ejection um so for that to do that well is pretty impressive um and it's a super technical trick for Josh this is he Josh is the only Rider to ever land a triple backflip he had that but this is such a small ramp compared to what he did on a 44 foot tall takeoff 65 foot tall landing and uh he just didn't quite have the strength to get it around but these guys were so Josh is going to check in with that 86.33 right there on the double backflip no hander so again with their two attempts they line up hit one if they want to take a second run they can come back and do that they come consecutively so Josh is lining up to take hit number two do we see another double backflip combo here traffic possibly a 360 combo over here that was I mean it was even better the first time I think what he was thinking is that the double backflip no hand is so much more technical than the double back he's already done that so to do this better than anyone else in the world to hold your hands off longer uh this is a really smart move by Josh and it's actually um yeah there we go got the bill Co in the house it's gonna say the Bilco worm is back he's three for three of those out here tonight but again what a great night he's having and uh I mean the fans absolutely loved him he got out there in the way he was just playing in the crowd there between each one of his seven hits there at the freestyle comp look how long he holds his hands up then you see him jump back on that throttle speed up the rotation again I it's absolutely amazing how controlled he is with a double backflip the amount of force that it's it's he's putting on his toes to basically hold himself to that motorcycle is pretty amazing it's insane to I mean I've seen it do this time and time again for quite a while I haven't seen him do it that big it's just amazing how easy it looks I mean he just makes it look so effortless right there so it's going to be at three tenths of a point higher right there 8633 the first go around he gets it 86.66 on his second attempt so that is going to be the one at that stands so even a single flip uh no hander is is actually a lot more difficult than it looks that's super saiyan Josh oh it's super amazing to see that that he's able to do that in a double I mean we used to do doubles it was everything that we could do to get him around I mean that was the Pinnacle of my career now it's just yeah 2006 I mean you terrified everybody before that happened inside the Staples Center at X Games and then you rode away from that and it was absolutely amazing and the energy in that place I mean you couldn't describe it and then now guys are doing that in practice before freestyle comps I mean you were the pioneer of that that you had cam Sinclair come out a couple years later at X Fighters and do one in a freestyle comp and it just kept building and building from there but they're warming up with double backflips the Rings are so much bigger the Riders it's just you know there was uh you know Olivia Reynolds she's uh 11 years old a girl came over the house and started learning backflips I'm like what dude remember what Kerry Hart I mean he ends up marrying pink because he tried a backflip and now it's like everybody is just the level has gotten so much bigger and so much crazier it's just it's I remember added X Fighters I mean this goes back to 2013 and I watched Cheney crash a double flip and get in qualifying there's no one in the building and he gets up and like just dust it off like it's nothing and then takes his second run I mean that's how far this has evolved from 2006 when you started that double backflip into motion now this is the Big Air of action sports you got Scott Fitzgerald this is Top Dog um just a really good friend of Harry Bank of Jo Archer um you know he's been around from the beginning one of the best dudes you'd ever meet and it's cool it's seeing like our Willy land and where all these guys that used to come to kind of my house uh back in the U.S now everyone's coming here to these Aussies guys houses and they're they're working with these ramps I mean uh you know that Josh right there one of the guys with the mullets um you know has been working with Joe and working with all these guys to try to make sure the ramps are set up perfect and it's amazing how far they're pushing all of their friends so Scott Fitzgerald uh top dog we call them is going to try a front flip sea crab Indy um he's never written about before well we're gonna let these guys work some ramps into play right there the front flip assist ramp getting set up there by the grounds crew we've got Scott Fitzgerald best trick attempts coming up we've got more Nitro World Games here at fmx best trick when we come back to the suncorp stadium here in downtown Brisbane [Music] on most tricks when someone else does it someone else copies it that's not going to happen with this trick with the force the height you know the speed and just so much energy in the air spinning and how are you gonna land that to reach that is absolutely putting your life at risk can't drop from outer space and expect to walk away from it unless you land on the wheels just seeing the footage of the the triple flip to the bag I mean it just looks so violent and so many Panic revs and so tucked up just to get that thing moving around I don't really know what would possess anybody to want to do this [Music] [Music] weekend Here Comes [Music] back in the Nitro World Games we are in the middle of our sixth and final event of the night it's fmx best trick we've got two runs two rounds of runs in the book so I should say Josh Sheehan sitting in that top spot as of right now followed by Adam Jones We've got Scott spitzgerald do up next but before we get to his two attempts we send it down to the field with Caroline Buchanan I'm down here with Adam Jones we're getting to the pointy end of the night what everyone has been waiting for talk about progression tonight we're currently moving the ramps what is going down well everybody needs their own particular ramp for their own special trip that their trick that they're doing but uh yeah this is like the Pinnacle of progression right now I actually came into this weekend and I had no idea what half the guys were getting ready to do so big surprise for me and I'm really excited to see it and let's talk about hype with this crowd yeah you know normally as the night goes on you see the crowd really kind of thin out but that's not happening tonight so I think I know what everybody came here to see tonight and that's ironically that's what I came here to see as well and this is a historical moment give it up for the boys I'm going to send it back to you guys I like the energy there Jonesy he's like ironically I came in here to do that as well he's sitting in the number two spot as of right now but uh you're taking a look at JL Archer right there he is uh one of our last two writers him and Harry are going to close out this party here tonight as uh well you saw some of you saw some teasers in that video package that we ran uh right before we uh came back from brick and well Travis and I were talking about it we are possibly going to see history in the making out here tonight trap J.O Archer has been working uh tirelessly basically to try to figure out how to get a ramp that he could rotate three flips that he could do within a stadium within uh the confines of not building a 65-foot you know Hill and Landing um and he made it happen and he worked with Harry bank that's the coolest part about being over here all the guys are working together they're trying to figure everything out you know but Jay was welding his own ramp he's had you know the guys at Black Rifle have been basically all the military guys have been coming down to me like how can we help you how can we get you stronger how can we get you more fit how can we work on these ramps what can we what technology can we add to your motorcycle and it's been this this progression unlike anything else well there you go they're you're watching at home and you're not too familiar with the cast of characters here in fmx that's jail right there with the orange shoulders there on the Jersey there and Harry pink to the right there they're talking it over with the Josh Sheehan who's sitting in that top spot as of right now here in fmx best trick but now we've got the front flip ramp into place there and we are ready to bring in our next competitor out of Gold Coast it's Scott Fitzgerald Travis as you said earlier they call him Top Dog Nitro World Games rookie competitor no stranger to the Nitro Circus live show here in Australia though and uh one of the oldest in the field out here 36. yeah well top dog he's uh known for taking of like a flyby he's uh you know requesting a flyby just uh to kind of get a feel of it I don't know if you might hit this right now uh he might take well one little pass to kind of figure it out um he's oh he's going for it nope flyby all right there we go he's trying to buzz the tower right there so he's gonna come back and re-rack right there just sizing it up so again they're just they're interchanging that's why we had such a long delay between uh and uh talk talk here because we had to move different ramps into play so that's why we had the hold so this is a front flip ramp mixed reviews it's basically like hitting a curb at the top of the ramp it doesn't naturally do anything it's one of the scariest things you'll ever do it's hard to jump this jump normally he's going to try a Superman seat grab Indian air front flip he has never even jumped this front flip ramp to that Landing but he said you know what I got it dialed into the foam pit I've tried it to the airbag he did it in the rain this is his first really major competition but he's one of those guys that always throws down he's always with the boys he's always helping out he's building his own ramps I would love to see him ride out of this this would I don't think it would be a world's first to be a world's first in competition but I tell you what top dog is ready to rock and he nailed it in the rain if he can do it then I know he can do it right now I mean that's got to be a confidence builder in itself right there to get out there and do this in the rain and make it happen but can he make it happen here when the judges are watching here we go Scott Fitzgerald first attempt super messy always under yeah Top Dog absolutely amazing it's just so cool to see this guy I mean you have no idea how tough it is you could do it to a phone pit you could do it to an airbag you can do it to whatever but when you're out here in front of you know 20 000 people live TV you get no warm-up you can't warm up on that jump but you just got to go for it especially it's the last event of the night and you've been sitting here all day long and these guys haven't had any practice since way earlier in the day and I mean that's I thought that was going to go south yeah it was a little under of a takeoff he does not get the pop he gets great extension pulls it in and Tucks it right there at the end almost goes over the bars now do you think he's gonna go for a second we're gonna try to do it better if you think he's gonna go home and just uh be happy he sees uh he's alive on this one I don't know look at that extension yeah Top Dog watch the chest he gets slammed into the bar pad right there and then just looks around like yeah I'm good I made it they happened to say that was about as good as it could go that was it was an amazing extension oh he wrote out of it oh great great job man that's uh that's amazing to come into an environment like this and be able to pull it off uh you know that's the first time he's hit that ramp to a landing that's really impressive he's going back in the athlete staging right now it looks like I'm gonna block the plank here Chad you might be lining up for another tent yep 8933 that is a solid score uh What uh what did uh she didn't get Cheney again that is awesome so the front flip the ramps yeah Top Dog they call it the cheetah wraps it's a mixed reviews it was built for like a show ramp it's still and so it it basically helps you to do the front flip but it's like doing a one and a half back flip it's one of the most difficult things to land some of the most difficult things to time even to that airbag Landing I broke tip FIB um it is sketchy and he just absolutely nailed it did not uh you know he went full on the extension he went he didn't skip no extension was great and he fought for that every last bit of that to ride that thing out and hang on and uh that's the wrap so everyone comes out to my house they're like I want to hit the automatic front flip and they hit it and they get ejected shot off the motorcycle their bike breaks and after like oh that's not easy I'm like yeah who said it was I hit the curb I've heard people describe that thing plenty of different ways but for you to say it's like hitting a parking curve that's a brand new one on me so he's the he's got the goggles off he's taking the helmet off so I'm gonna go venture to guess it Scott happy with that he's not going to take run at number two here and he's going to say that puts him in the first point three three but look at it again great he even looks over the judges look at this he pulls it around at the end yeah music's perfect on that he he rides it out he is leading top dog is leading Nitro World camps the front flip through mid Seeker have to get here from flip uh first time it's been uh been written down I believe in a competition so this is uh this is pretty cool look at look at that smile it's a little wobbly but rolls out and hangs on right there and uh puts himself so it's Fitzgerald Sheen and Jones your top three as of right now that 89.33 he says I want it done I'm good so he's gonna park it over there and watch the rest of this competition unfold out here tonight three down and four Riders left to go Travis we are set to bring in Jake South another okay these guys are they're all so strong when he steps through this bars he said it's so hard to get through he has to go like he's doing a double front flip or a two and a half front flip off the takeoff and then he stops everything gets his lengthy legs through the basically through the handlebars no speed runs he's gonna go straight into this this he's never landed this he's never ridden away it has never been done it probably will never be done again this could be one of the coolest things this could be your night winner oh he's been coming up a little short of rotation he has to throw this like his life depends on it because it absolutely does stop the rotation full extension get your legs through and then he's got to figure out speed in front of the motorcycle 250 pound motorcycle upside down if he lands short or doesn't get his feet back through it it's it's over I don't I don't care bring it back or nowhere back it's bad we're being told no run up to this one he is just going to go straight for it here on this first attempt right here it's Jaden South Nitro World Games rookie competitor probably the coolest most technical trick that you will ever see using the front flip ramp and just absolutely everything he can has to go into getting this rotation started and then he has to stop it to get his speed through let's see if he can do it nope oh [Applause] that was actually really good the extension was there but just didn't have the rotation on that one that's uh the airbag looks soft that is a it's a hard Landing coming down uh pretty much on that bike I was amazed at how far he was able to get that rotation look how many G-Force is going on that Landing that bike's it's pretty bangled um love to see that again and hopefully share the replay here soon but he totally it's coming he just didn't quite get the snap on that takeoff he was thinking more about getting his feet through um we've seen him come up short but somehow he manhandled that motorcycle round and got it very very close so let's take another look watch the pop right there the extension but just it's in a bad spot right there for that rotation look at him oh man he got that thing really good there at the end that's that's a hard impact he's a strong guy but he just was thinking too much about getting his feet through did not quite get that at all that's such a slam and you're thinking all right airbag but yeah you bounced I mean you've got the full run of the impacts on his entire back yeah and then like I mean you knew as soon as he took off from the limb I mean if you see Josh the track it was helping him just trick belly flapped over the edge but no so you need he goes man it's so hard because it's a three-step trick and I need to take off like I am doing I'm gonna over rotate a double front flip like full Greg Duffy motor Wrecking Crew style and he goes if I don't do that um I'm not getting around but then I have to stop everything and get my feet through if I can't get my feet through then I over rotate the flip like it's a one and a half and I land straight to my head so he needs to do start the rotation for a double stop the rotation get your feet through get your feet back through and then pull the thing around and sorry I didn't mean to call that at the beginning he just he did not get that snap that looked like a double front flip to me still almost pulled it around that's why you're in the booth and that's why you get to call as the analyst for this because you know I mean you're out there in the trenches you do this so I mean you saw it right out of the gate but he still tried with everything that he had to fight to get that I can't believe how close he got on that that is and he didn't skip on the extension These Guys these Aussies they go for it once they're in their full commitment just did not quite get the extension but man I tell you that's it just worries me so much he's got about one-third the height that these guys are going to be going on the triples tonight and it's just the the impact still on this Landing is uh is quite uh it's it's impressive that was that was still that was amazing that was absolutely awesome he got his shoulders through he got his feet through he didn't dislocate his shoulders like the amount of strength that it takes to pull your body through and then pull it back through and then continually rotate that around and it looks like Southie wants another go I was just gonna ask you that like they're over there cranking away in that thing and trying to kick things into place like are they just trying to wheel that thing out of there is he potentially thinking about trying this again no these guys have no quit in them um you know the bike's going to be a little bit mangled but he knows what he did um it's just it's really difficult because think about this as you're going up to take off if you commit to doing basically a double front flip rotation you have to then stop it somehow so if your feet get caught you do it one and a half you drop out of the sky you over rotate you land straight on your head so part of his body saying yes I want to rotate a double front flip off the takeoff so that I get my feet through and I stop it but if he catches his feet on the crossbar path that that rotation does not slow down he can't slow it down with his extension on the trick and I mean it's it's not good it's a it's a really bad situation so he's got to look at that two ways the safer option is to just make sure your feet get through but if he wants to ride this out if he wants a chance to win this competition he's going to have to full commit on all three of the steps get right there trying to kick the right side of the bars in place and Harry beak over there talking to what do you think Harry's telling him right now Travis well Harry did The Rock Solid front flip and his bike was backed up he was banged up but he got out there and went for it the hardest part about this is he knows what he needs to do to land this but the bike's not perfect as you can see he's I mean he's trying to bend everything back it's still going to be bad when he takes off but Southie no matter what this bike is I think he's gonna throw those goggles on and I think he's just going to full set it but that's just the embodiment of that grit and that Spirit right there just wanting to make this happen wanting it so bad right there again you know didn't hit the rotation around but let's talk about the execution and you keep hammering him the point about getting over the bars and getting back over the bars right there pulled that off perfectly the extension was great and still even though we didn't have enough pop and you called it right off the lip right there he uh just still trying to fight that thing around it did not let go and it was trying to just do everything in his power to will that one around yeah it just shows you well it shows you how good he actually is at doing front flips because at the end of the day kind of like our Willy and stuff you know when you see him do the front of the bike flip um you're still stuck in the air really short like where he's gonna land Straight Upside down and then he's able to get himself back on and to restart the rotation of this 250 pound machine this his bars are bent that's going to make it harder for him to get this beat through the bars and back but you know what I think he's got this I really think that adrenaline is going to help do everything he's got the the rear of his bike nothing is is messed everything is sideways but you know what I I got I got a dollar I'm gonna say he's got this all right I'll walk that plank let's put a dollar on he's got the helmet back on the gun Jayden South pull this one off on attempt to number two and you see they got that bookmark kind of there off the side and so all the guys have different spots they kind of start and they'll uh they'll Mark that they'll Walk It Out in practice and kind of say okay how far do I need to get this exactly the same as I have it at my home in practice but you know once he's flipping he doesn't have a lot of those landmarks all you can see when you go up all you can see is these bright lights I mean it looks like everything's bright but you got you're completely blindly black above us uh on the suncorp stadium and you're so blind looking into the light so is this is tough here we go Travis he's under power can he make it happen here in attempt number two let's go stuck oh so close oh my gosh everything went wrong and he's still almost pulled it off gonna say he looked like he got hung up getting the feet over the bars he got it he fought through anyway got him back over to cleanly it's still tried to fight to get that one around look out I mean if you think that's a soft Landing look at that motorcycle it is completely destroyed man good to see him walk away from this good to see him up crowd going nuts I don't even think the crowd understands how technical that trick is especially for someone as tall as Southeast this is a guy that the the hardest trick for him to do is gonna be a bar hop and we'll see it on this replay but he gets a little tangled up I mean you talked about it multiple times and we saw it happen but still either all that fights gets the extension pulls him back he's got it better so the snap was better right here he takes off he's got a better snap but see his heels got hooked up yep if his heels didn't get hung up on the way through and back through he would have written that out man that is heartbreaking she didn't just see that I didn't see him getting caught on the way back at real time speed but no think about this if you're there and you get caught here you're stuck in front of the motorcycle just getting pounded like this is this is a sketchiest trick I've really seen tried it's it's amazing I'm so proud of him for getting this far wow especially trying to do that with bent bars and also you got to give this guy props for the grit determination to try this not once but twice we'll send it down to Caroline who's with Jaden now we're down here with Jaden first of all are you okay yeah I'm all good just a bit disappointed with that win or learn mindset out here what are you going to take away from this and we see you attempted again oh I've definitely got to have another crack at that the second run my block is so banned I couldn't even I felt like I was just riding full bent coming in and I don't know I just should have just got around a little bit more is there anyone that's been a part of this journey you'd love to think yeah I want to shout out to me Mom for I supporting this all these uh fans the management they're just the track crew just everyone that's come out to support us friends family is all absolutely amazing love is all so thank you give it up for Jaden everybody I'm gonna send it back to you guys yeah and you could see that you got torn up pretty good there sliding out you could see the the marks on the back of the Jersey right there but uh it's just so close just getting the heels tap on those bars on the way over on the way back yeah but I mean you know when the bike's perfect it's still tough and when the bars are bent it's just it's so difficult and then the conditions it's everything's so tough but yeah here we go next up so we've got Clinton Moore five X Games medals to his name all of them are bronze he's the 2015 X Fighters World Tour Champion known for his flip Combos and his burials what do you think Clinton Moore is going to bring to the party out here tonight probably the Bundy from Bundaberg Australia this uh you know well maybe not he's been really close to the hip on what he's doing here I expected him to go out and freestyle I think he could have given a run you know Harry bank there's ex jail uh Clinton all of these guys were expected to do freestyle and when you know big best trick got so um so much hype everyone just pulled out of uh the freestyle run and said you know what I'm just gonna go and I'm gonna put in something that no one has ever seen uh you know nice War Games is the Big Air of action sport let's throw it so he's going with a different ramp hey he's going with the Levi ramp the Next Generation ramp it looks like he's coming at it right now he's going right at it for first hit right there yep body burial really really clean that I mean I can't believe he makes that look like that's that's something that we've tried to do for so many years and there's very very few people that are doing it it's another day in the office on the body burial there for Clinton Moore and uh what's up now what now he's still got the bunny so I've seen a bodybuilder I think he might have been looking for a deal clicker after that or another variation of that trick that's what I was gonna ask combo out of that possibly man I have I'm just maybe that's maybe it's warming up okay don't be wrong this is one of the most difficult tricks you'll ever see done but to back out of fmx I know he's got something that he's thinking I haven't no one else in the world does a Bundy I think this could be a warm-up trick for that I think it also could be a warm-up for adding another trick maybe get that Foundation down on the first one I'd be surprised if he doesn't go for another second second run here it was also interesting to me how quickly he went after it like he didn't waste any time he didn't stop and reset he just came around went under the caution tape and just went full power to go into that so we are about to find find out what he's got in store here for attempt number two you know something no one really thinks about but these guys have been there they practiced earlier day six hours ago and now there he goes he's getting hyped up he's got his adrenaline up uh everyone you know the crowds here they don't want us leaving the stands it's uh you know for a Monday just huge thanks to everyone that's out there for uh for sticking around for coming back another day uh to see history go down Nitro World Games yeah Clinton's pump something something is going down here I I would assume it's a Bundy you know his signature trick but this is this is going to be awesome I'm excited okay here we go back under the caution team taking a lap around to greet the fans right there he is under power here for attempts number two here Clinton Moore Monday that is absolutely amazing only one in the world really pulling that off and doesn't just do that was a one-handed Superman basically halfway through the Bundy that burial that he does he is just paying on by like his fingertips uh absolutely amazing a lot of strength uh solid solid run that is a definitely the most technical uh any kind of body Bearer you could do he's known for the burials I'm very very impressive around there we actually did get score for that first attempt so we'll have to see how both of these jump score looks watch this watch this right here he is just up in the air almost doesn't get his hands back there gets his feedback on that is that is the extension on that was bigger than I've ever seen and look at that goon ride really out of it yeah where that left hand is look at this right here he is just oh he even went oh [Music] that was the most stylish body Barrel I have ever seen look he's Indie there he's boot grabbing he's doing the Executioner while he's up there then he misses his hand all the way how does he get back on this just last second with that left hand right there there's the Ronnie Mack out of it oh good good work good work Luke that is awesome 86.33 on his second run uh Top Dog still leading guys in the city top dogs in that top spot followed by Josh he and now Clinton there in that number three spot so that second one was the favorite for the judges so that's the higher of the two so that's got him in Podium contention as of right now and a well now we're down to our final two riders in this event Travis and we've got JL Archer coming up next so here we go these two gentlemen to shine these guys they haven't they've been working on it they're both I mean j.o's just coming back from a broken femur that he got going to an airbag he's never been to the landing I cannot stress how insane this is that they're going to be hitting a jump look at all you got Josh on the track crew down there trying to get this just perfect but it's they can't even hit this ramp to The Landing they're not exactly sure where they're gonna land he's going for a trick where you're so high where you're strapped on to the motorcycle if you miss the pop there's nothing you can do I am I I equally want to walk out and just and just hear about his success as I do we want to watch this we have two Riders left to go Mitchell history in the making out here tonight who is going to walk away with the win and will we have a Nitro World Games first we will find out when we come back to the suncorp stadium here in downtown Brisbane for the conclusion of the 2022 Nitro World games foreign they are setting up a triple back flip ramp and they're actually both these guys so like I had a different shoulder hurt than Josh He Hannah where we're working on a bigger ramp the different stuff um I had to line up one side he lined up the other side because uh you know one of our shoulders one of our arms pulled harder these guys both have equally messed up left shoulders so they both pull to the right now what's interesting is they actually are both lining this ramp up I mean they've never gone to this Landing they know about where they land they know what it's going to take um you know Harry is going to need to land a little deeper he likes to spot his rotations he's going to be a little bit under where Jayo J.O likes to go and get all of his rotations done Jo has a little bit more of a chance to land high on this Landing which is going to give him a softer Landing but he also if he goes long which he's not going to know before he hits it before his first run um you know if he goes along he's probably a higher risk of over rotating I think they can both do it but this is uh this is their journey man well you can see him down there talking it over right now looking it over with Josh Ian and Jackson strong but before we get to it they're getting themselves psyched up right now let's take a look at the journey that these two gentlemen have been on trying to chase the triple backflip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] circus for being crazy and having these crazy ideas and and just for all my sponsors for helping me out for getting me sorted with the gear and product for allowing me to do what I do so awesome thanks hi and massive thanks to the Aussie guys for coming out it just really took the stress away and made me feel more at home so it made everything a lot more fun shiny is a Bogan from Perth that just did the biggest Trick In Action Sports and potentially the craziest stunt that's ever been done and he is just joshing inspiration to the working class man and inspiration to me when Travis set off on this journey he had no idea how it would end [Music] it was far more difficult than he ever imagined the hardest part was finding an athlete that could continue where Travis had to stop Josh Sheehan proved to be the only one in the world with the skill strength and heart to match Pastrana's vision Together Travis and Josh elevated Action Sports to a height never before imagined [Music] [Music] man I I don't know what why anyone want to do this either I was scared to so much go into an airbag but I tell you what these guys and if you're wondering why it's taking so long they're more than seven G's on the takeoff they're bending handlebars on the takeoff so they're basically getting everything out there everyone has a specialized trick for you know for best trips and this is what I've always encouraged I've always thought you know the guys are going home they're welding their own stuff they're building their own stuff but this is the only Landing that we have big enough to sustain what all these guys are doing so they're making sure that ramp is perfect because it's seven G's on the takeoff uh you know with 210 220 pound Riders of solid muscle plus 250 pounds of motorcycle if that lip moves an inch there it's it's over if anything happens if the back of it comes up so you see these guys they're taking a little extra time to make sure that and rightly so yeah I mean this is not the thing that you're going to want to rush no and I think that's what you see all the other Riders see Josh G hand down here uh he's I mean literally every single person is there making sure like that everything is perfect because you know as much as we want to see progression as much as that's what you know Nitro War Games is all about I I have my reservations and these guys you know they're going to do it anyway the landing it's as safe as you can get but these guys been sitting around all day they've been watching amazing stuff go down but the amount of stress and then also this is the first time these guys will be doing it at night so you're pretty blind doing a triple it rotates so hard you got to be so perfect you're hooked in you're strapped they're gonna strap their toes onto these motorcycles and when they take off they go completely black can't see anything in this guy and then they're blinded by the lights and then you know you see the spot The Landing for a millisecond um you know the best part is the jail who's going first doesn't really spot The Landing he rotates as hard as he can and when he finishes the third rotation you know he opens up as hard as he can to try to ride out of it but they still don't know how many G's just doing it double it's the hardest thing to write out of so I mean just that I can't even imagine what's going through their their minds right now because this is this is by far and away the biggest thing that's ever happened in a competition I mean a triple backflip no-hander won scooters a scooter weighs 13 pounds they're going for triple back flips eight stories in the air 80 feet in the air seven G's on the takeoff strapped in to their motorcycle knowing that they both go right a little bit that the landing is fairly wide that it does have a little bit of give but they're coming down from outer space you can see that the concrete weights that they've got strapped to this thing right there to keep it from moving and going back to something you said earlier in the competition before we even got to jail and Harry uh you know they haven't written for hours I mean once we got competition underway uh before we even came on the air out here tonight these guys have not been able to get out there and just even do some Street jumps just to warm up so to sit here all night long and wait for this I mean I'm so so stressed right now the only great part about this is that you use every ounce of power the the motorcycle has to use every ounce of strength that you have you pull as hard as you can you don't check for anything you hold on for what's going to be about a four second ride it's gonna feel like 30 to these guys and I know they can do it they are dialed they are professional j-ho has been chopping at the bit for three years he has done all the research they have gone through so many Renditions of ramps to get it to this point where today is the day that they are going to do something that has never been done in competition should it be done probably not but you know what they're in the crowds in this is absolutely I mean dude my butterflies stomach is butterflies down to the final two Riders you saw the history the evolution of this Josh Sheehan did it in 2015 at your compound Travis and these guys have been chasing this for quite a while and as you said history in the making out here tonight as it's never been done in a competition and you have your final two riders that are chasing history out here tonight look at the sweat going on he just wiped his brow with his gloves I mean some you don't really think about but he's you know there's so much that goes into this the ramp is ready you saw Josh right there with uh the guy with the Mullen right these guys they put their hearts and soul into building these ramps as well I mean everyone is here we go boys ladies and gentlemen boy boys and girls it's time for the Big Show look at everyone down there with our staff on the field the people in the stands most of them are starting to stand up right now as the enormity of this situation is about to set in here we go you're excited to see something you've never seen before ladies and gentlemen oh are we doing speed runs what are we doing I have no idea I just my nerve like the hair on my arms is standing up right now either way I don't think Tail's gonna take a speed run he is uh he is in here we go he is under power nope sizing it up right here but I try to accurately describe the enormity of this moment out here tonight I mean see it's dark near possible hey how high in the earth stories you're dropping eight stories The Landing is three stories tall if he hits the top J.O is going to need to hit close to the top of the ramp he has no he has a good idea of where he's going to land but this is the first time he's going to that Landing this is the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever been a part of it's a one thing to do it in a backyard with your friends with your Good Vibes with all the setup the nerves in this stadium and here we go here we go the lights are rolling the cameras are rolling Here Comes no okay you know what this is one of those things that this is going outside the books this is it's a competition but this is a stunt this is so much gnarly and so much impact and so much rotation everything has to be perfect and if it's not perfect on any one of the steps he's going to the ground now Harry's got to watch this Harry's got even more stress going on thinking of what he's going to do next you can see I mean [Music] I mean he can't even imagine you know they look super calm and they walked up to this thing earlier and they were talking to them where Josh when the Ram Crew were moving this thing over to get a little more left like we're talking about getting the scream on and everything and getting the weights down [Applause] looks good it looks good [Applause] [Music] oh perfect perfect time a wrap he just did the Apostle ladies and gentlemen he's stuck it first time ever off that ramp the rap crew did perfect the setup was perfect he overcame the nerves seven G's of impact that is exactly where he is the land this route is about to come down can't even get up on top of that thing fast enough right now I can't even imagine what was going through their minds priority let's just keep the standing is you drop out of the sky perfectly take the bow down man look at his eyes right now James I can't even imagine what he's doing I'm thinking about this right now what is Carrie going through I'm sorry about to jump ahead but listen I mean like we were talking right before jln I mean he was gearing up and they took Helen up and he was walking around like you can see it on both of their faces when you talk to the jail wiping the sweat from me bro right there no but that your hand's gonna slip off oh and now this feels like the end of the show and Harry is oh man can we see another look at that let's see a replay you're about to get a whole slew of replays my friend and I I can't even imagine the weight that has just come off he did something I mean to a landing stick in it perfect so I'm so jail I'm proud of you buddy Picture Perfect oh that could not have gone better look at this all the nerves fighting off the g-force fighting off everything snaps absolutely perfect doesn't spot the landing doesn't spot The Landing again exactly where he knew it was the ramp set up perfect The Landing was I think he surprised himself on that land he almost forgot how to ride for a second it was like Chad Williams first backflip Jo Archer the perfect snap look at the composure in the rotation there I I I would have never I was so happy for him I'm so proud of him next three years to get those three flips around him everything came together on a perfect night the crowd stayed till Monday and he look at this look at him pulling everything that he has oh he he stopped it perfect it's perfect and look at you I mean you can't look at the drift right there he's drifting from Rider's left to Ryder's right and I mean you can see the reaction you can see it through the goggles right there out of his head this is the coolest part about Action Sports is that everyone's Top Dog right there I mean uh send it down down to Caroline who's with the man of the hour history has been made and we are down here with jail Archer talk us through the emotions is it relieve the journey Your Mind Body there's been so much that's gone into this process he's got to put his teeth in hang on honestly I cannot describe this feeling this is so much more than a competition and a trick to me I've dedicated my whole life for the last three years to doing this this moment right now had a lot of obstacles a lot of broken bones a lot of Knockouts but I'll tell you what I would do it a hundred times over to relive that again thank you Brisbane [Applause] and is there anyone else that you'd like to think that's been a part of this journey and made it a reality I'd like to thank Black Rifle coffee they're um they've been supporting me for over a year now it's been amazing I'd like to thank freeform Action Sports Joshy Glenn the whole track crew all the Nitro teams are not giving up on me this man just here Josh he's been with me since the start of this whole triple flip a lot of people gave up didn't believe me he stuck by me the whole way so a lot of playing with friends and family my family are up here watching me love you guys um my girlfriend Beth everyone all the boys Top Dog Harry selfie everyone thank you congratulations Joe it's now time to watch Harry do it how do you feel about that he can do it he can do it he know he can thank you that is a bed that's very well composed after what we just saw happening I can't believe how well he executed that top to bottom handled the nerves like a season champ but right now Harry big can still win this competition a triple backflip just went down the crowd went nuts everyone's and it's not over here perfect but then he got a little like whiskey throttle out look at just Atlanta triple backflip is absolutely amazing but this competition is I mean I can't believe there's two guys that are trying it what is Harry thinking right now I mean the whole stadium just shut down when Jo did this but shoot Harry can still do this I was gonna say I mean we just witnessed history right here at such an intense moment and we're about to get another one right now and you know what about the judges right now if you know two triple backwards like I mean they're gonna have to like literally look at the minutia between the two to try to differ there's nothing less on the line there's no less risk because someone else was able to pull it off hopefully that Vibe will help Harry to be able to do this uh Harry's approach is completely different though um he's going to take a couple backlips to get warmed up before he does the triple I think that's a really smart move he's got to actually send the doubles so big because when you're in the triple you need every bit of throttle and if he doesn't power through he won't land in the spot that he needs to so this is a really smart attempt you can't even straight jump this jump and get to where you need to so he's warming up with double flips to test the distance that's absolutely insane that we're at that point about it that's just it's a different roach right there and we're going to give him the opportunity to do what he needs to do to shine out here tonight this is a little bit different from Nitro world games compared to like the next games or something else this is about progression and whenever it takes for that progression to be as safe as we could possibly make it so be as successful as we can possibly make it if riders need different ramps different Landings if they build it themselves here we go very big warming up with a double backflip and how he does that and how casually I mean again going back to the history books that we were talking about earlier I mean with you in the double flip in 2006 look at where we're at now that you can just casually send one of those so it's a warm-up so Harry's going to need to go further than that to pull off the triple but it's hard to get wide open that hard on the throttle only I shouldn't say only doing two but when you do a double backflip even a laid out double backflip he has a tendency to probably let off a little bit to not over spin it with a ramp that's that steep unfortunately I'd say if Harry ends up that high on the landing ramp the way he's been doing he's been spotting The Landing slowing down the rotation he's got a better chance of Landing smoothly but he's going to have to get further down the landing he's got to get it deeper down there's Clinton Moore and jail Archer jail there's Pat Bowden multiple time uh World Games Champion I'd be surprised if Harry actually goes for this again um only because if he lands any shorter he's going to bounce to the bottom uh but you never know whatever Harry needs he's going to take it um and crowds back on the feet that's that's too much for me the intensity right now of this building I mean it's Indescribable I mean all the fans out there everybody's on their feet I mean you've literally gotten to everybody that has come out of the production offices all the security staff everybody here at the suncorp stadium I mean they see the Instagram clips and I mean we've kind of told that story a little bit we've been teasing it and to see it happen and come to fruition out here tonight Under The Lights especially after all the weather and everything else that we've gone through and to see that finally happen out here with one more attempt at it by Harry pink I'll say one more here we go look our Willie is up there in the crowd getting everyone fired up he's hooking his feet in I tell you even doing a double flip attempt to a pack you're always thinking like where your feet are like this position here we go Harry Bank line it up double that's where he needs to land all right he got it so he needed he needed to get that a little bit further um so we have Jo basically has spent the better parts of three years after um Josh Sheehan did the triple everyone's like well it's still the same amount of risk I'm not going to do that again we're never going to be able to get that competition and Jo came to all the guys at Black Rifle and said you know what um help me Nitro guys came to came to I mean everyone they went to uh went to Harry bank's house set the ramp up and Harry saw it he goes this is possible and uh you know Harry even coming in right now Harry has a couple broken ribs still not fully healed but when he saw the opportunity to do this and he gave it a shot and it came around he said there's no way I can't he goes this is a moment that I have to be a part of look at our Willie just just revving the crowd up uh the emotions right now are so high but there's such a good vibe if he can get the distance that he did on that last one Harry is going to stick this and ride this thing out he had one bad jump in practice when he just didn't quite get everything that he needed off of it I mean look at these These are these guys are huge they are strong they're bending handlebars on the takeoff and you can see right there his gloves he wants he's sweating through the gloves um yeah and if you you swept through the gloves it's slick and if you pull off the handlebars your feet are stuck to a 250 pound machine and that's that's it so um you know everything trying to get perfect get himself pumped up Harry does good mad he does good when when he's just absolutely on the brink of Berserk the crowd is on their feet out there right now this is what he needs he needs that energy I think he's got this but he's got to get deep he's got to go all out all or nothing and it looks like he's ready that's the key you're saying is the deeper in the landing right there on the on the resi yeah yeah it doesn't feel like a resi from 80 feet in here that's for sure these The Landing is so tall to take off so tall that doesn't look like they're that high but here he goes he's psyched up he's ready he's coming in ladies and gentlemen whole new modification to the bike it is lighter it is better he's hooking his feet in there you go hairy pink keep it straight here put that one down it just pulled that around so so well just got a little bit sideways on that that Landing just a little bit under rotated sucked uh honestly if that was a dirt Landing I think you probably would have ridden out uh just didn't quite have the distance that I feel like he's going to need to get that you'd love to see him move the ramp a couple feet in I know Harry could get on the gas a little harder but as high as you go you go another couple feet up for every you know half foot in distance dropped out of the sky on that and just kind of slid out of that it bounced right back I mean you just watched a person do a triple backflip on a dirt bike and then bounce right back up Fall From Outer Space I'm sorry that I didn't talk at all during that I my heart today I can't I this is something that Harry's gonna go again and that bike is going to be a little bit better if it's bent at all as hard as they're pulling it's really easy to go right it's really easy to go left he knows he needs about two more feet and distance four which is about four more feet of distance up he's going to be going higher um you know I'm just happy he's walking away from this right now and I know he's not walking away he's going to be hitting this again yeah I'm still I'm absolutely Blown Away by how quickly he was able to slide out of that and get right back up so Harry fighting through right now just getting over a couple broken ribs still not 100 um his hand uh it doesn't look like it right there but his hand is broken and he doesn't care he's going for this look did not quite get the greatest snap but pulls it around so tight everything looked really really good on that you look at him pulling that bike in look at the strength it takes they're gonna take two more looks at it right here from that angle right there you can see the snap that he I mean look how high he is in the air on that rotation I mean his snap was just a little stripper watch how small he gets into this Tight Ball gets that thing around it it was so close to perfect but he just didn't have quite enough time to open up on that Landing luckily he got from that height he got all of suspension uh he got landed pretty much exactly like if he just gets another three feet in distance a little further down that Landing he'll have a second to open up the amount of impact the amount of g-forces that he's been taking into this and as beat up as Harry is the fact that he's even riding as absolute Testament to just how much this means you know it's not about doing something first it's about doing it he doesn't care exactly metal no metal Harry wants this for him he wants to be the man that was able to overcome all the fears was able to put it together and was able to land it in competition this is absolutely amazing hell yeah Harry here we go gonna give it attempt number two you see Ryan Williams over there giving a little extra motivation right there all right now so when your bike is bent up at all which I'm sure there's no way that it's not you can't land from that high you know people are like oh why didn't he just ride that out or how did it slide out the amount of inertia that you have from a single backflip compared to a double backflip you say you multiply uh the energy as as well as the difficulty by three for every flip so you know this is nine times more difficult than a backflip which in 2000 we thought was completely impossible and here these guys are warming up with laid out double backflips and this is what concerns me a little bit he's getting his bars straight like he had a hard time getting around when everything was perfect he knows he has to go a couple feet deeper his bars are a little bit bent which means he's probably going to go a little bit brighter a little bit left depending on which side's down all these things are way through any sweating he's got um you know he has sweaty Palms on the first one now he's got all these nerves he's got all this adrenaline and he's got to figure out how to calm that down Harry does a good job when he's not calmed down to be fair he doesn't probably better when he's angry pissed off and right now that's probably where he is yeah how do you control the emotion for something like this trying especially on your second attempt after going through that the first time around but here we go the goggles are back on and you can see that his body language is getting a little more animated right now so he's getting that space that we saw before the first attempt right there he's getting a little mad right there starting to psych himself up so here we go Travis here we go it's a positive note I've never seen Harry over rotate this he's going to need all the anger he's going to need all the energy ladies and gentlemen boys and girls get on your feet this man is about to try his second triple backflip of the night okay here we go line it back up for this one and as you say that you can see everyone at least on from our Viewpoint over there on the far side of the stadium up and out of their seats right here perfect level of full adrenaline and ideal timing uh you see look at this bike he cut all the knobbies off he wanted that whole front he wanted everything to be as light as possible here he comes can he Master his inner demons can he figure out how to forget about all the pain that he's in and can he launch this absolutely perfect on his second attempt here we go looks good looks good [Applause] that was good that Landing was perfect that was did we just see a triple we saw Triple backward was going to lose this event which one is going to win [Music] it doesn't matter even if you did it first does it matter if you crashed on the first one that Landing wasn't perfect his takeoff was perfect he was knocked sideways neither one of these athletes obviously can't really win this competition I thought at all I can't even process the emotion that both of them are going through right now knowing that they've done it and it's over I mean the pressure going into this and going back to what you said earlier I mean they haven't been able to ride at all not even practice jumps at all for about six hours now no amount of money is worth what they just did no amount of fame or Glory these boys did it because they love what they do they push the envelope they figured out a way I've been telling these guys from day one do not come into these triple dude not do it in competition and they both said they could and they proved themselves right and me wrong they are the men I mean and with bent handlebars I mean look how bad that is look how straight he's going perfect could not be anything if that's not a hundred if that is not a perfect Hunter I'm walking out somebody getting a strongly worded letter from Travis if that's not a hundred in the judges booth oh my God I can't believe you've seen it twice tonight I'm I'm so relaxed I'm so proud of these guys I'm so proud look at the track crew look at the Riders look at the fans thank you ladies and gentlemen for all the support look at that like was already overheating when he took off and he took the radiator off the thing just can't believe it either it was perfect it was perfect for him it was perfect execution it was I mean that that he landed that triple like he was letting a single flip on like his first ever try this was absolutely unbelievable look he got the BMX here she got our Willy you got the scooter riders this was the greatest day greatest single half hour in action sports history I I'm just proud to be in some way shape or form just here to be a part of this see where virtual world games has come thank you boys let's send it down to Caroline one more time while the judges sort this one out Caroline what a fairy tale Knight to not just have one but two your friends you've trained together your compound is down the road what has a journey been like to get here oh it's crazy I can't really put it into words I've dreamed of A Moment Like This since I was a little kid I watched 12 I was in year six at school when Chad did the first double backflip and I remember watching that over and over thinking that I'd never live a moment like that and to do that like in front of all my Idols that I never thought I'd meet it is a dream come true and the physicality we have seen it online we know you work hard what has gone into that preparation actually only started riding like I learned this trick last week for the first time so ah my stress levels were just through the roof ah man I just said I was in a really dark place before this just because I I didn't have good Flow State going and I couldn't even work out in the gym properly man it's just uh I'm proud of myself for not giving up then yeah Hey Joe you're a legend you stole that man hold on well you heard him saying he didn't think he would have that moment well guess what Harry being that moment has arrived here in Brisbane in 2022 and it's arrived for both him as well as jail Archer Travis we saw history out here tonight not once but twice every every event but I mean this is I can't even explain the amount of time the amount of effort and yeah so let's compare these jumps so because today we're gonna have to make so I mean the judges are going to have to decide which triple backflip loses is that I I can't imagine I can't believe that sentence just came out of your mouth so now look Jo the forum's perfect everything's perfect he does it as a different form than Harry Harry seemed a little bit more in control but Jo lands exactly where he needs to and he just gets a little loose on that Landing but think about this Harry didn't land the first time if Jo had a second run would it have been as dialed as Harry's but I mean look at this he's got his right bar is bent down he's got a broken hand he's got broken ribs he's got an overheating motorcycle that's smoking because he cut off the radiator and he landed it perfect the amount of g-forces that they have to sustain on that landing and these guys are the strongest human beings on ever to ride a motorcycle oh so now it all comes down to the judge's time it doesn't even matter this is the first competition I've ever been at this they both win can we get out I mean I can't believe that we're saying that someone's gonna do the triple flip yeah they have to settle for second place and Harry big with a 99 knocking on the door Perfection right there he is going to get the win out here in fmx best trick absolutely unbelievable J.O Archer landing at first Harry crashing the first one hitting the second one absolutely flawlessly and uh both walking away honestly this is a win for Action Sports it's a win for fmx it's a win for Harry uh for Jo for everyone that witnessed this thing and for all of the the track crew and those guys that support of these trackers weren't our normal track crew they were these guys buddies that all took off work to make sure that it was dialed in ladies and gentlemen Round of Applause for two super humans up there both Landing triple back flips today here I mean even they're sponsors they're they're friends how many people it took to make this a success and their flat will their jail Archer or sorry a top dog third place these guys all really really good friends all trained together all work together all welded in ramps and building stuff and working at the compound and uh you know kind of like our Willy land these guys are why the sport is progressing so far and I'm just I'm honored to have watched tonight go down I mean it's an epic finish to the night out here I mean we've shown the video pieces all night long we've talked about the journey starting with Josh Ian back in 2015 and with what these two have gone through over the last several years and going back to talk about jao and the amount of injuries it just the grit the determination and that never give up attitude that brings you to that moment and then here inside a stadium packed full of fans not to mention the weather and everything else that we've had to overcome this entire week long to make this happen you know hey shout out to the fans uh you know 2020 was canceled they stuck with us they came back it Reigns Friday Saturday Sunday and they they are back you know over 10 000 people took off another day on Monday thank you all for coming out to watch this I just cannot believe there was a competition in a motorcycle competition that a triple backflip did not win oh look at Kiefer Wilson from skateboard out there hanging out giving Aries some congratulations on yeah this I I my head still can't fully process and comprehend what we've seen out here tonight on multiple levels I mean we've had six amazing competitions but in the end you see two guys come out here and throw down triple back flips Scott Fitzgerald walks out of here with the bronze with that 89.33 JL Archer sends it first with a 98.33 but after a failed first attempts Harry pink comes back with Ben handlebars at all Travis and puts it down picture perfect and walks out of here with a 99 flat to get the win in fmx best trick absolutely amazing then you got I mean Josh Sheehan off the podium I feel like Josh he had an amazing day but Clint Moore Adam Jones American not in the last there we go let's go down to Micah for the awards this is this is amazing speechless that was one of the wildest Things I have ever seen Australia can I get some noise for this incredible event did you believe what happened and let's discuss our best trick podium in third place Make some noise for Scott Fitzgerald Top Dog [Applause] in second place Landing the first triple backflip ever done in public give it up for Jo Archer [Applause] and our winner gaining the highest score of any competitor in Nitro World Games history Make Some Noise [Music] very amazing how about some noise for this unbelievable podium how about some chewies what do you guys think of this Podium are you impressed [Music] and our Lego City Innovation winner our prize goes to the very first ever done triple backflip give it up for Joe Archer [Applause] and now a word from our winner you know what it's been a pretty good night Brizzy but there's something I want to do to make it a little bit better Beth it's a bit [Applause] will you marry me foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and yet another Nitro World Games first our first ever Podium proposal right there so how about that surprise finish right there Jo Archer making history out here tonight alongside Harry bank and then throwing another curveball into the mix with the proposal as well and he walks out of here with our Lego City Innovation award in fmx best trick absolutely lost for words after what we've seen out here tonight and how we finished out here as the boys are preparing to do shoes right there on the podium and a big thank you to all of our competitors making it out here all of the podium finishers thank you to the fans for coming back out here and braming through the rain to come back out here for the contingency night history was made out here and we thank you guys for waiting for three years for the Nitro World Games to return and thank you Brisbane and Queensland for playing host out here inside the iconic suncorp stadium that is a wrap for us don't forget you can check out all the replays at [Music] everybody [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nitro Circus
Views: 1,526,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nitro Circus, Travis Pastrana, Nitro Circus Live, FMX, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Inline, stunt, stunts, action sports, extreme, ramp, ramps, epic, fail, awesome, best videos, top talent, world first, most dangerous, best stunts, crashes, wheelz, triple backflip, motorcycle stunts, BASE jumping, stunt gone wrong, toys, nascar, best stunts ever, crash
Id: oncLFK7zNOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 26sec (4706 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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